* Wo? Bensheim
* Wann? ab 01.09.2025
* Wie lange? 2 Jahre
Deine Aufgaben als Fachkraft Kurier-, Express- und Postdienstleistungen
* Zustellung von Briefen und Paketen mit unseren Geschäftsfahrzeugen
* Pünktliche Auslieferung von Einschreiben oder Nachnahmesendungen
* Verantwortung für wertvolle Sendungen und wichtige Dokumente
* Heben von Sendungen bis maximal 31,5 kg
Deine Vorteile bei der Ausbildung zur Fachkraft Kurier-, Express- und Postdienstleistungen
* Jährlich steigende Ausbildungsvergütung beginnend mit 1.270,- Euro monatlich
* Sehr gute Übernahmechancen nach deiner Ausbildung
* 26 Tage bezahlter Urlaub pro Jahr
* Top-Azubi Programm mit spezieller Förderung für unsere besten Auszubildenden
* Möglichkeit zur Ausbildung als Kaufmann/-frau für Kurier-, Express- und Postdienstleistungen (m/w/d) im 3.
Du passt besonders gut zu uns, wenn du...
* körperlich fit, zuverlässig und „nicht aus Zucker“ bist
* ohne Probleme früh aufstehen kannst
* gern mit Menschen sprichst, stets gut gelaunt und hilfsbereit bist
* zu Beginn der Ausbildung einen PKW-Führerschein besitzt oder bereit bist, ihn zu erlangen
Du hast Fragen zur Ausbildung als Postbote für Pakete und Briefe?
Wir antworten dir gerne über die Bewerber-Hotline: 0800 8010333 (kostenfrei aus dem deutschen Fest- und Mobilfunknetz).
Oder besuche uns auf Facebook www.facebook.com/DeutschePostDHLKarriere.
Weitere Informationen findest du unter https://careers.dhl.com/eu/de/ausbildung.
Starte mit uns deine Ausbildung zur Fachkraft Kurier-, Express- und Postdienstleistungen!
Die Ausbildung findet wohnortnah in Wiesbaden, Limburg, Frankfurt-Höchst, Darmstadt, Bensheim oder Erbach statt.
Die Berufsschule befindet sich in Darmstadt.
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse), am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den Button 'Jetzt Bewerben'.
Sollte das nicht möglich sein, sende deine Bewerbung bitte an:
Deutsche Post AG, Service Center Bewerbermanagement, 53251 Bonn.
#Ausbildung2025 #AusbildungZusteller #anpackausbildung #ausbildungzustellerwest #ausbildungnlwiesbaden
Type: Contract Location: Bensheim, DE-HE
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-11 07:05:24
* Wo? Erbach
* Wann? ab 01.09.2025
* Wie lange? 2 Jahre
Deine Aufgaben als Fachkraft Kurier-, Express- und Postdienstleistungen
* Zustellung von Briefen und Paketen mit unseren Geschäftsfahrzeugen
* Pünktliche Auslieferung von Einschreiben oder Nachnahmesendungen
* Verantwortung für wertvolle Sendungen und wichtige Dokumente
* Heben von Sendungen bis maximal 31,5 kg
Deine Vorteile bei der Ausbildung zur Fachkraft Kurier-, Express- und Postdienstleistungen
* Jährlich steigende Ausbildungsvergütung beginnend mit 1.270,- Euro monatlich
* Sehr gute Übernahmechancen nach deiner Ausbildung
* 26 Tage bezahlter Urlaub pro Jahr
* Top-Azubi Programm mit spezieller Förderung für unsere besten Auszubildenden
* Möglichkeit zur Ausbildung als Kaufmann/-frau für Kurier-, Express- und Postdienstleistungen (m/w/d) im 3.
Du passt besonders gut zu uns, wenn du...
* körperlich fit, zuverlässig und „nicht aus Zucker“ bist
* ohne Probleme früh aufstehen kannst
* gern mit Menschen sprichst, stets gut gelaunt und hilfsbereit bist
* zu Beginn der Ausbildung einen PKW-Führerschein besitzt oder bereit bist, ihn zu erlangen
Du hast Fragen zur Ausbildung als Postbote für Pakete und Briefe?
Wir antworten dir gerne über die Bewerber-Hotline: 0800 8010333 (kostenfrei aus dem deutschen Fest- und Mobilfunknetz).
Oder besuche uns auf Facebook www.facebook.com/DeutschePostDHLKarriere.
Weitere Informationen findest du unter https://careers.dhl.com/eu/de/ausbildung.
Starte mit uns deine Ausbildung zur Fachkraft Kurier-, Express- und Postdienstleistungen!
Die Ausbildung findet wohnortnah in Wiesbaden, Limburg, Frankfurt-Höchst, Darmstadt, Bensheim oder Erbach statt.
Die Berufsschule befindet sich in Darmstadt.
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse), am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den Button 'Jetzt Bewerben'.
Sollte das nicht möglich sein, sende deine Bewerbung bitte an:
Deutsche Post AG, Service Center Bewerbermanagement, 53251 Bonn.
#Ausbildung2025 #AusbildungZusteller #anpackausbildung #ausbildungzustellerwest #ausbildungnlwiesbaden
Type: Contract Location: Erbach, DE-HE
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-11 07:05:24
* Wo? Mainz-Kastel/Wiesbaden
* Wann? 01.09.2025
* Wie lange? 3,5 Jahre
* Du bist Technik-Fan? Und du kannst dich nicht zwischen Mechanik und Elektronik entscheiden? Dann bist du hier genau richtig.
* Als Mechatroniker/in bist du auf das Zusammenspiel von Mechanik, Elektronik und IT spezialisiert.
* Du kümmerst dich zum Beispiel um die großen Anlagen in unseren Sortierzentren und Hochregallagern.
* Damit es nicht zu Störungen kommt, bist du bereits beim Aufbau mit dabei, installierst und programmierst die Software und wartest regelmäßig die gesamte Technik.
* Den PC setzt du dabei genauso geschickt ein wie Stromprüfer, Bohrmaschine und Schweißgerät.
* Jährlich steigende Ausbildungsvergütung beginnend mit 1.270 Euro monatlich
* 26 Tage bezahlter Urlaub pro Jahr
* Gute Übernahmechancen nach deiner Ausbildung
* Erfahrene Technik- und Elektronik-Experten als Ausbilder
* Top-Azubi Programm mit spezieller Förderung für unsere besten Auszubildenden
Die Niederlassung Betrieb verantwortet den Transport, die Sortierung und die Auslieferung von Sendungen und Paketen mit Beachtung höchster Qualitätsstandards und nachhaltigem Personalmanagement.
* einen guten Realschulabschluss oder Fachabitur mitbringst; gerne auch die Hauptschule sehr gut abgeschlossen hast
* gute Noten in Mathe, Deutsch und Physik hast
* handwerklich geschickt und verantwortungsbewusst bist
* gekonnt kommunizierst und gerne im Team arbeitest
* pünktlich, zuverlässig und ausdauernd bist
Fragen zur Ausbildung beantwortet dir gern die Bewerber-Hotline: 0800 8010333 (kostenfrei aus dem deutschen Fest- und Mobilfunknetz).
Oder besuche uns auf Facebook www.facebook.com/DeutschePostDHLKarriere.
Weitere Informationen findest du unter https://careers.dhl.com/eu/de/ausbildung.
Wir freuen uns auf deine vollständige Online-Bewerbung (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse)! Bitte klicke direkt hier http://www.perls-testing.de/dpwn/azubi/cv-aa.html.
#Anpackausbildung #AusbildungMechatroniker #Ausbildung2025 #ausbildungmechatronikerwest #ausbildungnlwiesbaden
Type: Contract Location: Wiesbaden, DE-HE
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-11 07:05:23
* Wo? Rodgau
* Wann? 01.09.2025
* Wie lange? 3,5 Jahre
* Du bist Technik-Fan? Und du kannst dich nicht zwischen Mechanik und Elektronik entscheiden? Dann bist du hier genau richtig.
* Als Mechatroniker/in bist du auf das Zusammenspiel von Mechanik, Elektronik und IT spezialisiert.
* Du kümmerst dich zum Beispiel um die großen Anlagen in unseren Sortierzentren und Hochregallagern.
* Damit es nicht zu Störungen kommt, bist du bereits beim Aufbau mit dabei, installierst und programmierst die Software und wartest regelmäßig die gesamte Technik.
* Den PC setzt du dabei genauso geschickt ein wie Stromprüfer, Bohrmaschine und Schweißgerät.
* Jährlich steigende Ausbildungsvergütung beginnend mit 1.270 Euro monatlich
* 26 Tage bezahlter Urlaub pro Jahr
* Gute Übernahmechancen nach deiner Ausbildung
* Erfahrene Technik- und Elektronik-Experten als Ausbilder
* Top-Azubi Programm mit spezieller Förderung für unsere besten Auszubildenden
Die Niederlassung Betrieb verantwortet den Transport, die Sortierung und die Auslieferung von Sendungen und Paketen mit Beachtung höchster Qualitätsstandards und nachhaltigem Personalmanagement.
* einen guten Realschulabschluss oder Fachabitur mitbringst; gerne auch die Hauptschule sehr gut abgeschlossen hast
* gute Noten in Mathe, Deutsch und Physik hast
* handwerklich geschickt und verantwortungsbewusst bist
* gekonnt kommunizierst und gerne im Team arbeitest
* pünktlich, zuverlässig und ausdauernd bist
Fragen zur Ausbildung beantwortet dir gern die Bewerber-Hotline: 0800 8010333 (kostenfrei aus dem deutschen Fest- und Mobilfunknetz).
Oder besuche uns auf Facebook www.facebook.com/DeutschePostDHLKarriere.
Weitere Informationen findest du unter https://careers.dhl.com/eu/de/ausbildung.
Wir freuen uns auf deine vollständige Online-Bewerbung (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse)! Bitte klicke direkt hier http://www.perls-testing.de/dpwn/azubi/cv-aa.html.
#Anpackausbildung #AusbildungMechatroniker #Ausbildung2025 #ausbildungmechatronikerwest #ausbildungnlwiesbaden
Type: Contract Location: Rodgau, DE-HE
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-11 07:05:23
* Wo? Bonn-Ost (rechtsrheinisch)
* Wann? ab 01.08.2025
* Wie lange? 2 Jahre
Deine Aufgaben als Fachkraft Kurier-, Express- und Postdienstleistungen
* Zustellung von Briefen und Paketen mit unseren Geschäftsfahrzeugen
* Pünktliche Auslieferung von Einschreiben oder Nachnahmesendungen
* Verantwortung für wertvolle Sendungen und wichtige Dokumente
* Heben von Sendungen bis maximal 31,5 kg
Deine Vorteile bei der Ausbildung zur Fachkraft Kurier-, Express- und Postdienstleistungen
* Jährlich steigende Ausbildungsvergütung beginnend mit 1.270,- Euro monatlich
* Sehr gute Übernahmechancen nach deiner Ausbildung
* 26 Tage bezahlter Urlaub pro Jahr
* Top-Azubi Programm mit spezieller Förderung für unsere besten Auszubildenden
* Möglichkeit zur Ausbildung als Kaufmann/-frau für Kurier-, Express- und Postdienstleistungen (m/w/d) im 3.
Du passt besonders gut zu uns, wenn du...
* körperlich fit, zuverlässig und „nicht aus Zucker“ bist
* ohne Probleme früh aufstehen kannst
* gern mit Menschen sprichst, stets gut gelaunt und hilfsbereit bist
* zu Beginn der Ausbildung einen PKW-Führerschein besitzt oder bereit bist, ihn zu erlangen
Du hast Fragen zur Ausbildung als Postbote für Pakete und Briefe?
Wir antworten dir gerne über die Bewerber-Hotline: 0800 8010333 (kostenfrei aus dem deutschen Fest- und Mobilfunknetz).
Oder besuche uns auf Facebook www.facebook.com/DeutschePostDHLKarriere.
Weitere Informationen findest du unter https://careers.dhl.com/eu/de/ausbildung.
Starte mit uns deine Ausbildung zur Fachkraft Kurier-, Express- und Postdienstleistungen!
Die Ausbildung findet wohnortnah in Bonn, Bad Honnef, Euskirchen, Köln, Leverkusen, Gummersbach oder Waldbröl statt.
Die Berufsschule befindet sich in 50969 Köln.
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse), am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den Button 'Jetzt Bewerben'.
Sollte das nicht möglich sein, sende deine Bewerbung bitte an:
Deutsche Post AG, Service Center Bewerbermanagement, 53251 Bonn.
#Ausbildung2025 #AusbildungZusteller #anpackausbildung #ausbildungzustellerwest #ausbildungnlbonn
Type: Contract Location: Bonn, DE-NW
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-11 07:05:22
* Wo? Bad Honnef
* Wann? ab 01.08.2025
* Wie lange? 2 Jahre
Deine Aufgaben als Fachkraft Kurier-, Express- und Postdienstleistungen
* Zustellung von Briefen und Paketen mit unseren Geschäftsfahrzeugen
* Pünktliche Auslieferung von Einschreiben oder Nachnahmesendungen
* Verantwortung für wertvolle Sendungen und wichtige Dokumente
* Heben von Sendungen bis maximal 31,5 kg
Deine Vorteile bei der Ausbildung zur Fachkraft Kurier-, Express- und Postdienstleistungen
* Jährlich steigende Ausbildungsvergütung beginnend mit 1.270,- Euro monatlich
* Sehr gute Übernahmechancen nach deiner Ausbildung
* 26 Tage bezahlter Urlaub pro Jahr
* Top-Azubi Programm mit spezieller Förderung für unsere besten Auszubildenden
* Möglichkeit zur Ausbildung als Kaufmann/-frau für Kurier-, Express- und Postdienstleistungen (m/w/d) im 3.
Du passt besonders gut zu uns, wenn du...
* körperlich fit, zuverlässig und „nicht aus Zucker“ bist
* ohne Probleme früh aufstehen kannst
* gern mit Menschen sprichst, stets gut gelaunt und hilfsbereit bist
* zu Beginn der Ausbildung einen PKW-Führerschein besitzt oder bereit bist, ihn zu erlangen
Du hast Fragen zur Ausbildung als Postbote für Pakete und Briefe?
Wir antworten dir gerne über die Bewerber-Hotline: 0800 8010333 (kostenfrei aus dem deutschen Fest- und Mobilfunknetz).
Oder besuche uns auf Facebook www.facebook.com/DeutschePostDHLKarriere.
Weitere Informationen findest du unter https://careers.dhl.com/eu/de/ausbildung.
Starte mit uns deine Ausbildung zur Fachkraft Kurier-, Express- und Postdienstleistungen!
Die Ausbildung findet wohnortnah in Bonn, Bad Honnef, Euskirchen, Köln, Leverkusen, Gummersbach oder Waldbröl statt.
Die Berufsschule befindet sich in 50969 Köln.
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse), am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den Button 'Jetzt Bewerben'.
Sollte das nicht möglich sein, sende deine Bewerbung bitte an:
Deutsche Post AG, Service Center Bewerbermanagement, 53251 Bonn.
#Ausbildung2025 #AusbildungZusteller #anpackausbildung #ausbildungzustellerwest #ausbildungnlbonn
Type: Contract Location: Bad Honnef, DE-NW
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-11 07:05:22
* Wo? Euskirchen
* Wann? ab 01.08.2025
* Wie lange? 2 Jahre
Deine Aufgaben als Fachkraft Kurier-, Express- und Postdienstleistungen
* Zustellung von Briefen und Paketen mit unseren Geschäftsfahrzeugen
* Pünktliche Auslieferung von Einschreiben oder Nachnahmesendungen
* Verantwortung für wertvolle Sendungen und wichtige Dokumente
* Heben von Sendungen bis maximal 31,5 kg
Deine Vorteile bei der Ausbildung zur Fachkraft Kurier-, Express- und Postdienstleistungen
* Jährlich steigende Ausbildungsvergütung beginnend mit 1.270,- Euro monatlich
* Sehr gute Übernahmechancen nach deiner Ausbildung
* 26 Tage bezahlter Urlaub pro Jahr
* Top-Azubi Programm mit spezieller Förderung für unsere besten Auszubildenden
* Möglichkeit zur Ausbildung als Kaufmann/-frau für Kurier-, Express- und Postdienstleistungen (m/w/d) im 3.
Du passt besonders gut zu uns, wenn du...
* körperlich fit, zuverlässig und „nicht aus Zucker“ bist
* ohne Probleme früh aufstehen kannst
* gern mit Menschen sprichst, stets gut gelaunt und hilfsbereit bist
* zu Beginn der Ausbildung einen PKW-Führerschein besitzt oder bereit bist, ihn zu erlangen
Du hast Fragen zur Ausbildung als Postbote für Pakete und Briefe?
Wir antworten dir gerne über die Bewerber-Hotline: 0800 8010333 (kostenfrei aus dem deutschen Fest- und Mobilfunknetz).
Oder besuche uns auf Facebook www.facebook.com/DeutschePostDHLKarriere.
Weitere Informationen findest du unter https://careers.dhl.com/eu/de/ausbildung.
Starte mit uns deine Ausbildung zur Fachkraft Kurier-, Express- und Postdienstleistungen!
Die Ausbildung findet wohnortnah in Bonn, Bad Honnef, Euskirchen, Köln, Leverkusen, Gummersbach oder Waldbröl statt.
Die Berufsschule befindet sich in 50969 Köln.
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse), am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den Button 'Jetzt Bewerben'.
Sollte das nicht möglich sein, sende deine Bewerbung bitte an:
Deutsche Post AG, Service Center Bewerbermanagement, 53251 Bonn.
#Ausbildung2025 #AusbildungZusteller #anpackausbildung #ausbildungzustellerwest #ausbildungnlbonn
Type: Contract Location: Euskirchen, DE-NW
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-11 07:05:21
En tant que collaborateur Relation client, ton rôle est d'accueillir, renseigner, orienter et proposer aux clients des services en fonction de leurs besoins en veillant à ce que ta zone de travail soit toujours opérationnelle.
En fonction des missions qui te sont confiéesÂ
* Accueillir les enfants dans notre aire de jeux et animer dans le respect des règles de sécurité.
* En ligne de caisses, enregistrer les articles en caisse avec fiabilité, assister et accompagner les clients en caisses rapides.
* Tu t'assures que le client dispose toujours des outils d'aide à l'achat dans le magasin (chariots, sacs par ex)Â
* Au retrait des marchandises/transport, tâassurer du bon contrôle de la marchandise préparée avant la remise au client ou au transporteur dans le respect des procédures.
* Au comptoir du service après-vente, accueillir avec bienveillance les clients dans le cadre de la politique de retours et échanges et gérer les réclamations.
Rémunération : à partir de 1840 ⬠brut mensuel (salaire de référence pour un temps plein).
Outre ton salaire de base qui rémunère ton travail, tes compétences et tes responsabilités, tu bénéficieras notamment de :
⢠Une prime de 13e mois.
⢠Une part de rémunération variable liée à la performance économique globale.
⢠Une mutuelle santé offrant des prestations de qualité, dès ton arrivée.
⢠Une prime d'ancienneté (au-delà de 2 ans).
⢠Des congés supplémentaires pour ancienneté (au-delà de 3 ans).
⢠La possibilité de prendre un déjeuner pour moins de 3â¬.
⢠Une remise personnelle de 15% sur tes achats chez IKEA.
Youtube Video
IKEA, leader international de solutions dâaménagement de la maison, poursuit depuis plus de 40 ans son développement en France avec toujours la même vision : « améliorer le quotidien du plus grand nombre ».
Animés par notre culture et nos valeurs, nous sommes passionnés par la vie à la maison.Â
Chez IKEA, nous vivons la culture suédoise au quotidien.
Et, comme le font les Suédois, nous nous tutoyons tous, peu importe notre poste ou notre unité.
C'est pourquoi nous le faisons aussi dès cette annonce et pendant tout le processus de recrutement !
* Tu aimes le contact avec les clients et tu es à l'aise pour les approcher de manière amicale et polie.
* Tu es curieux et souple et tu sauras t'adapter aux tâches diverses et variées qui relèvent de la Relation clients (accueil, caisses, chariots, service après-vente, sortie marchandises).
* Tu apprécies le travail en équipe.
* Tu es l'interlocuteur des clients sur l'ensemble des services.
* Tu as déjà travaillé dans la Vente ou la Relation clients, idéalement dans un environnement très dynamique.
Pour en savoir plus sur notre processus de recrutement c'est par ici
Type: Permanent Location: La Maxe, FR-GES
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-11 07:05:21
Det er vi også, og nå søker vi medarbeidere som er like opptatt av bærekraft som oss.
Gjenbruksbutikken er varehusets knutepunkt for et mer bærekraftig IKEA og
avdelingen har 8 medarbeidere som jobber med høyt tempo i et fysisk krevende miljø.
Avdelingen er mottak for kundenes returer, skadede varer og avdelingen er ansvarlig for produktkvalitet.
Varene pakkes om, monteres eller repareres for å gis et nytt liv i Gjenbruksbutikken som er en del av avdelingen.
Sammen skaper vi tusenvis av gode bærekraftige handleopplevelser hver dag.
2 stk 20% stillinger
Arbeidstid: kveld og annenhver lørdag
Oppstart: 01.04.25
I denne stillingen vil du ha ansvar for:
* Salg av varer både gjennom gjenbruksbutikken og online-handling
* Motta returnerte eller skadede varer og vurdere videre håndtering av disse
* Sørge for at produktene våre får et så langt liv som mulig ved å skaffe reservedeler der det trengs
* Bidra til mer bærekraftig drift gjennom å sørge for at produkter som ikke kan selges på annen måte får et nytt liv i vår gjenbruksbutikk
* Gi ny forpakning til produkter som trenger det
* Rapportere på kvaliteten til produktene våre slik at vi alltid leverer varer med så høy standard som mulig
For å bli en av oss må du være deg selv.
Også må du like å ta i et tak og jobbe sammen med andre.
I tillegg ser vi i denne stillingen spesifikt etter deg som har:
* Har engasjement for gjenbruk og bærekraftig drift
* Har kundefokus med et øye for salg.
* Har gode praktiske evner
* Er selvgående og med evne til å prioritere egne arbeidsoppgaver
* Er en problemløser som liker å fordype seg i temaer og kan ta ansvar for egen læring
* Har gode kommunikasjonsevner på norsk
Som medarbeider på IKEA får du en sikker og ansvarlig arbeidsgiver med konkurransedyktige lønnsbetingelser gjennom lønn over tariffavtale.
Vi har gode pensjons- og forsikringsordninger og vi tilbyr personalrabatt.
Hvis du går videre i prosessen vil du få en e-post fra oss med mulighet for å spille inn et videointervju.
I dette videointervjuet vil du få et sett med spørsmål som vi ønsker at du skal spille inn svar på.
Du kan enkelt spille inn dine svar med mobilen din og du får så mange forsøk du trenger, så ta deg god tid.
Husk at vi bare vil bli litt bedre kjent med deg.
Spill gjerne inn ditt intervju så snart du har mulighet da vi rekrutterer fortløpende.
Dersom du går videre til et neste intervju vil dette være et møte med rekrutterende leder på varehuset.
Alle som har søkt på en jobb hos oss vil få svar.
Dersom du ikke går videre etter søknad eller videointervju vil du få svar fra oss på e-post.
Hvis du ikke går videre etter intervju på varehuset vil du få ...
Type: Permanent Location: Nyborg, NO-12
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-11 07:05:20
We have an exciting opportunity for a Logistics Coordinator that has recently become available.
This role is in our Inventory and Distribution Team in our Sydney (Matraville) office.
About us
DHL is the leading global brand in the logistics industry.
Our DHL divisions offer an unrivalled portfolio of logistics services ranging from national and international parcel delivery, e-commerce shipping and fulfilment solutions, international express, road, air, and ocean transport to industrial supply chain management.
With about 395,000 employees in more than 220 countries and territories worldwide, DHL connects people and businesses securely and reliably, enabling global sustainable trade flows.
With specialised solutions for growth markets and industries, including technology, life sciences, and healthcare, engineering, manufacturing & energy, auto-mobility, and retail, DHL is decisively positioned as “The logistics company for the world.”
DHL is part of the DHL Group.
The Group generated revenues of more than ninety-four billion euros in 2022.
With sustainable business practices and a commitment to society and the environment, the Group positively contributes to the world.
DHL Group aims to achieve net-zero emissions logistics by 2050.
Overall Role Purpose
· The Logistics Coordinator will work in house at our customer and liaise with multiple third party suppliers in Australia and New Zealand to ensure all import, export and local activity is met with a high standard from all providers.
· They will work closely with our customer to coordinate segments of the supply chain both internally and externally to ensure all inventory and consignments are shipped, transported and handled so as not to accrue any unnecessary costs or so as not to compromise the integrity of the product.
· Warehousing and transport operations
· PC skills (MS office intermediate level)
· Exposure to SAP would be advantageous
· Managing Stock rec interfacing
· Import/ Export and customs clearance operations
Why DHL Global Forwarding?
Apart from competitive remuneration with an incentive scheme; flexibility with our ‘Work from Home’ policy, an opportunity to join a small positive & friendly team, the ability to cross-train and offer ongoing career progression, we also have some impressive Employee Benefits.
Not only do you get discounts on everything from Health Insurance, Flights, Car Hire, & Hotel Accommodation, etc.
– but you also get to collaborate with a talented team of enthusiastic people all working towards a common goal – delivering the best, initiative-taking service for our clients!
Simply Delivered.
So, if you are reading this thinking, this is ME!
DHL Global Forwarding has a Great opportunity to join our Syd...
Type: Permanent Location: Matraville, AU-NSW
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-10 07:21:12
Werde Aushilfe / Minijobber als Paketzusteller in Düsseldorf Süd
Als Aushilfe / Minijobber bist du an einzelnen Tagen oder auch stundenweise für uns tätig.
Nach einer bezahlten Einarbeitung kannst du sofort in deinem neuen Nebenjob starten.
Was wir bieten
* 17,42 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl.
regionale Arbeitsmarktzulage
* Du kannst sofort starten – Aushilfe / Minijob / Studentenjob
* Flexible Arbeitszeiten an vereinbarten Arbeitstagen (mindestens 4 Stunden/Tag)
* Kostenlose Bereitstellung von hochwertiger Arbeitskleidung
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt) – wir machen dich fit für die Zustellung
Deine Aufgaben als Paketzusteller bei uns
* Auslieferung von Paketsendungen mit zur Verfügung gestellten Hilfsmitteln
* Sendungen im Durchschnitt unter 10 kg
* Zustellung mit unseren Geschäftsfahrzeugen, bspw.
vollelektrische Fahrzeuge
Was du als Aushilfe / Minijobber bietest
* Du darfst einen Pkw fahren
* Du bist zuverlässig und hängst dich rein
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du bist wetterfest und kannst gut anpacken
Aushilfe / Minijob bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Paketzusteller begegnest du netten Menschen und bist mit unseren modernen Fahrzeugen unterwegs.
Jede Lieferung kommt dank dir sicher zum Kunden, vom Sneaker bis zum Gasgrill.
Auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten sind bei uns herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Fahrer, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Düsseldorf, DE-NW
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-10 07:21:11
The Agent will perform a variety of assignments including concierge-level, residential, or event security, response services, basic driving, and investigations.
Essential Functions:
Represent Pinkerton's core values of integrity, vigilance, and excellence.
Provide the client with concierge-level security at the company location and/or events;
+ Deescalate tense situations or individuals that may arise.
+ Write detailed incident reports following any incident, occurrence, or variance that warrants documentation.
Conduct quality investigations and complete investigative reports.
Provide response services related to emergency and crisis planning, high risk terminations, workforce disruptions, natural disaster, civil unrest, and threat monitoring.
Transport the client to and from company location and/or events.
Secure the client's residential perimeter;
+ Review CCTV, manage access controls, and respond to alarms, as needed.
Identify and escalate equipment deficiencies/failures.
All other duties, as assigned.
Education, Experience, and Certifications:
High School Diploma or GED with law enforcement, military, and/or security experience.
Armed or unarmed OR guard card required.
CCW required for some positions.
Pinkerton is an inclusive employer who seeks candidates with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.
* Concierge-level customer service experience.
* Able to complete thorough and accurate investigations and reports.
* Access control systems, CCTV, and alarm monitoring experience.
* Strong problem resolution skills.
* Able to interact effectively at all levels and across diverse cultures.
* Solid verbal and written communication skills.
* Computer knowledge; Microsoft Office.
Working Conditions:
With or without reasonable accommodation, requires the physical and mental capacity to effectively perform all essential functions;
* Exposure to sensitive and confidential information.
* Regular computer usage.
* Exposure to stressful situations, such as challenging individuals who are in or approaching an unauthorized area.
* Rapid and effective decision-making during unusual or emergency situations.
* Frequent sitting, standing and/or walking for long periods of time and may involve climbing stairs and walking up inclines and on uneven terrain.
* Ability to adjust focus between close and distance vision.
* Travel, as required.
Pinkerton is an equal opportunity employer to all applicants and positions without regard to race/ethnicity, color, national origin, ancestry, sex/gender, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, marital/prenatal status, pregnancy/childbirth or related conditions, religion, creed, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, or any protected status by local, state, federal or country-specific law.
Type: Permanent Location: Portland, US-OR
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-10 07:21:11
The Government & Education (G&E) Advisor is responsible for taking actions that result in public sector membership growth & success.
This role will serve as a key partner to local market sales teams to develop and evolve the government and education sales and retention strategy within specific aligned market areas.
As a subject matter in the public sector, this role requires significant external relationship building.
This role will report to the G&E Senior Advisor with a dotted line to the applicable Market Growth Leader(s) to which they are aligned.
Key Responsibilities:
* Activates our public sector sales distribution strategy within aligned markets.
* Builds and maintains the necessary partnerships and relationships to grow and retain our public sector business within specific market alignments.
* Contributes to pipeline/prospect development in conjunction with the local market sales leadership - with keen focus on targeting prospects that are viable candidates to win.
* Reports/advises on pipeline development and activities that are advancing the sales process - with a focus on conveying key needs of the segment to support the sales process.
* Engagement with segment underwriting, legal, and product leadership where appropriate.
* Consistent engagement with RFP Proposal Response Team to ensure superior RFP product.
* Involvement with market strategic planning/business development meetings within specific market alignments.
* Serve as a liaison between local market leadership and G&E leadership to help inform and balance the priorities and focus of the local market and the segment.
* Maintains a deep understanding of the unique government dynamics and competitive landscape of each geographic market and applicable changes.
* Builds the long-term pipeline within specific market alignments in pursuit of:
+ New medical and dental public sector accounts >3,000 employees.
+ First time medical adds to assigned large/existing dental only accounts > 3,000 ees.
+ Retention of assigned large existing accounts > 3,000 employees out to bid
* Articulate the value proposition of Cigna healthcare to current & prospective public sector clients.
* Point of contact for all matters related to procurement with new and existing customers.
* Engagement with broker/consultants as needed (pre/post RFP) in partnership with local market sales leadership.
Development of diverse supplier relationships where applicable.
* All direct to client pre-RFP work that will influence Cigna's position and understanding of government and education prospects, including but not limited to:
+ Meetings with HR, Finance, Senior Management officials.
+ Engagement with union employee leadership.
+ Meetings with influential elected officials; meetings with influential community partners if appropriate; development of minority vendor strategies if appropriat...
Type: Permanent Location: Tampa, US-FL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-10 07:21:08
This role is worksite dependent and is located onsite at our Honolulu, Hawaii location.
This is a per diem staff pharmacist position up to 24/hrs.
per week .
The shift hours will fall within the hours of operation Monday through Friday 6 am - 6 pm.
The Staff Pharmacist interprets physicians' prescriptions, contacts doctors or other prescribers and/or patients to verify information on prescriptions and expedite processing of order.
This position is responsible for compounding and dispensing medications within corporate and regulatory guidelines.
The Staff Pharmacist will track order status and outstanding issues as well as consult with patients regarding the use of medications and potential drug interactions.
This individual may take calls from customers regarding lost orders or dispensing errors, maintain daily production, quality and service levels, vary work priorities and activities to accommodate business needs.
The Staff Pharmacist may also train less experienced pharmacists.
• Provide oversight and quality assurance to pharmacy technicians.
• Interpret physicians' or prescribers' prescriptions.
• Contact doctors and/or patients to verify information on prescriptions such as drug strength, prescription sig., and drug name in order to expedite processing of orders.
• Verify and confirm validity of controlled substances.
• Verify prescription information entered in the system by data entry or order entry.
• Contact physicians for new and/or transfer authorization.
• Work with physicians to convert prescriptions to generic or preferred drugs whenever possible.
• Consult with patients regarding the use of medications and potential drug interactions.
• Back up other pharmacists as needed, perform additional duties as assigned by management, or train less experienced pharmacists.
• Current resident pharmacist license in good standing.
• Advanced problem solving skills and the ability to work collaboratively with other departments to resolve issues.
• Good oral and written communication skills.
• Ability to read and interpret prescriptions.
• Strong focus on customer service, quality and accuracy.
• Ability to manage timelines and meet tight client deadlines.
• Ability to adapt in a changing environment.
• Ability to work a flexible schedule for peak volume times.
If you will be working at home occasionally or permanently, the internet connection must be obtained through a cable broadband or fiber optic internet service provider with speeds of at least 10Mbps download/5Mbps upload.
For this position, we anticipate offering an hourly rate of 51 - 86 USD / hourly, depending on relevant factors, including experience and geographic location.
About Evernorth Health Services
Evernorth Health Services, a division of The Cigna Group, creates pharmacy, care and benefit solutions to improve health and increase vitality.
We relentlessly innovate t...
Type: Permanent Location: Honolulu, US-HI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-10 07:21:07
Registered Nurse - Occupational Health - Evernorth - Franklin Lakes NJ
Major Duties:
Oversees and manages the following administrative, clinical & operational nursing duties:
Care Coordination:
* Support & Coordination of care for Onsite Model
* Connect Patients to virtual provider as needed
* Coordinator for Community Resources:Collaborates for program development, including but not limited to onsite preventative services, primary care/specialist referrals for Employees
Worker's Compensation:
* Case Management to facilitate Worker's Comp process, facilitate referrals, assuring appropriate care, prescriptions, facilitate scheduling studies and return to work assessments
* Attend Plant Safety Meetings, review injuries
* Resource for Work Comp guidelines to injured employees
* Assists in documentation of Work Comp Injury for personnel
* Coordinates Work Comp Modified Duty with Client's Supervisors & Safety
Occupational Medicine:
* Evaluation of all work injury Return to Works
* Responsibility for all Influenza Flu Events for respective facility
* Serve as Subject Matter Expert for development of programs and services as determined need by Collaborate with Environmental Health and Safety, Operations and Human Resources
* Educate employees Safe Work Environment and Prevention
* Coordinates Hearing Preservation Program with referrals to ENT as appropriate
* Coordinates Onsite Health Events, Mammography, Blood Drives and Monthly Health topics
Medical Management:
* Evaluation and treat all injuries, illnesses and medical conditions in an efficient and professional manner within nursing scope of practice and guidelines
* Assisting in medical emergencies
* Taking vital signs, such as blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and weight
* Basic wound care including cleaning and bandaging injured areas
* Giving Immunizations under Physician Orders
* Support and Encourage Medical Management Plans of Patients-blood pressure checks, blood glucose checks
* Assist in coordinating Onsite EAP Counseling after an event and ongoing education
* Wellness Campaigns (every month) that covers every shift and breakroom
* Identification of Prevention and Health Opportunities
* Promotion of Immunizations
* CPR Training
* Attends monthly safety meetings
* Assists with Coaching programs, as needed
Health Coaching
* Education of Prevention, Chronic Disease and Health Opportunities
* Initial Goal Setting to achieve improvement in health outcomes
* Steerage into Health & Wellness programs, including but not limited to pilots
* Responsible for all medical supplies for occupational office
* Assures compliance with regulatory requirements, CLIA & OSHA
* Charting within Electronic Health Record system
* RN license with active license in NJ, in good standing
* ...
Type: Permanent Location: Franklin Lakes, US-NJ
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-10 07:21:05
Express Scripts seeks an experienced attorney to join the team supporting its PBM Sales and Account Management organization.
Duties will consist primarily of counseling the organization on legal matters relating to the PBM industry and operations, and negotiating PBM agreements between Express Scripts and external clients (health plans, employer groups and coalitions).
The position requires the listening and interpersonal skills necessary to foster collaboration and drive results for business colleagues, and the ability to draft and negotiate complex contracts.
* Provide legal support to the Sales and Account Management organization and other internal business partners supporting PBM clients (finance, audit, etc.).
* Negotiate complex legal documents, including PBM client agreements, non-disclosure agreements, and data protection agreements directly with external clients and their counsel.
* Collaborate strategically with partners from other areas of the business to advise on new business offerings, identify legal or regulatory challenges and present effective solutions.
* Work with other internal legal counsel to identify legal issues with potential cross-functional impact.
* Provide day-to-day legal counseling on miscellaneous regulatory issues affecting the PBM industry.
* J.D.
from accredited law school.
* At least 5 years of contracting experience; health law experience is needed.
* Strong critical thinking and analytical skills.
* Ability to think strategically.
* Superior drafting and negotiation skills a must.
* Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate and collaborate effectively with clients and internal business partners, both verbally and in writing.
* Must produce top-quality work product, have a strong work ethic and have the ability to work quickly and efficiently.
* Must be able to manage competing priorities and to meet demanding deadlines in a fast-paced environment.
* Ability to identify legal and business issues and propose actionable legal and business solutions.
* Demonstrate good judgment and attention to detail.
* Ability and desire to learn new subject areas and willingness take on new responsibilities.
Location: Remote.
If you will be working at home occasionally or permanently, the internet connection must be obtained through a cable broadband or fiber optic internet service provider with speeds of at least 10Mbps download/5Mbps upload.
For this position, we anticipate offering an annual salary of 132,700 - 221,100 USD / yearly, depending on relevant factors, including experience and geographic location.
This role is also anticipated to be eligible to participate in an annual bonus plan.
We want you to be healthy, balanced, and feel secure.
That's why you'll enjoy a comprehensive range of benefits, with a focus on supporting your whole health.
Starting on day one of your...
Type: Permanent Location: Bloomfield, US-CT
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-10 07:21:04
Portfolio Management is a way to bridge the gap between strategy and implementation.
The U.S.
Employer Portfolio Strategic Planning Lead role will be responsible for supporting leadership with the planning and organization of business strategy, priorities, and goals.
The role will be engaging with multiple stakeholders to plan and deliver strategic cross-functional initiatives.
Working closely with leadership, this role serves as the voice of program/project for U.S.
Employer project feasibility, impact assessments and estimation, ensuring all impacts are captured and accounted for in the timeframes needed.
They will align on cross function assessment status, addresses risk/issues, project estimate, and value alignment.
The ideal candidate will not only manage business processes, but also actively influence strategic intent.
The successful candidate for this role will be a self-starter, intellectually curious and bring the ability to transform various developments and actions into a synthesized set of business updates and strategies for a senior executive-level audience.
In addition, they may support the Change Management process and will work with the project team and organizational leaders to ensure adoption, utilization and proficiency of the changes that impact employees in the organization to increase benefit realization, value creation, ROI and the achievement of results and outcomes.
This includes oversight and leadership of all process change management and impacted team activities.
This person will focus on the people side of change.
The primary responsibility will be creating and implementing change management strategies and plans that maximize stakeholder adoption and usage while minimizing resistance.
Portfolio Management - U.S.
* Serves as a critical business partner and advisor to the Senior Leadership teams for our U.S.
Employer initiatives working in close partnership with Technology and Finance.
* Once portfolio decisions are made, supports resource planning, and ensures execution readiness.
* Acts as a connector to ensure business initiatives are prioritized, addressed, and escalated appropriately, provide strategic guidance, align with the leadership team, and drive the appropriate flow of decisions and information in furtherance of strategy execution.
* Aligning first with leadership, the Portfolio role represents U.S.
Employer business in portfolio and prioritization activity where appropriate.
* Drives and is accountable for the execution of annual portfolio strategic Kick off and roadmap activities.
* Supports the development of portfolio business strategy, priorities, and goals.
* Supports prioritization of the strategic initiatives within the portfolio and the associated capacity planning requirements for the business by providing the necessary information to leadership to make the right decisions.
* Point of escalation if risks/iss...
Type: Permanent Location: Bloomfield, US-CT
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-10 07:21:03
As a Project Planner, based out of our Houston headquarters, your mission will be to plan and manage material requirements and collaborate with several different groups to support an effective and efficient production operation.
Prior work experience, preferably in a manufacturing environment, will give you a leg up in adapting to our culture.
We are seeking an analytical, data-driven, and process-minded individual who is willing to jump in and help out wherever it is needed. If you're ready to join an organization where you can have a career, and not just a job, apply to Bray International today.
What We Offer:
* Competitive Pay Plans
* Comprehensive Benefits: Enjoy industry-leading benefits effective the first of the month after you have worked 30 days, including:
* Medical, dental, vision, and life insurance
* Paid holidays and vacation
* 401(k) plan with matching contributions
Healthy Work Environment: We provide a smoke-free, drug-free workplace to ensure a safe and productive atmosphere for all employees.
Career Growth: We are committed to your professional development, offering numerous opportunities for advancement within the organization.
An Exceptional Company Culture: Bray is a Family-owned and operated business with over 30 Years of Engineered Excellence
Join Bray International and be part of a dynamic team dedicated to shaping the future of flow control solutions!
Position Responsibilities:
* Plan and manage material requirements for major projects using ERP/MRP systems.
* Works on more complex products that may require some new engineering and design and may be larger in scope.
* Regularly interfaces with Materials Planning department, Purchasing, Engineering, and Manufacturing teams when making decisions requiring judgment or resolving issues requiring creative solutions.
* May be required to participate in teams of planners and other functions in specific planning and problem-solving activities and Process Improvement efforts.
* Identifies improvement opportunities and suggests solutions to issues related to or including Material Planning and execution.
* Schedule Project sales orders and provide production schedules.
Assesses or validate actual progress.
Monitors schedule changes and trends.
Suggests corrective actions and/or develops recovery plans when delays are anticipated or occur.
* Ensure a consistent, effective line of communication with manufacturing, assembly, and sales departments
* Demonstrate continuous effort to improve operations, decrease turnaround times, streamline work processes, and work cooperatively and jointly with all departments to provide seamless quality customer service.
* Use time-management and multi-tasking skills to handle a variety of requests and functions demanded by the job.
Ideal Experience/Qualifications:
* Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Industrial Engineering, Supply Chain or a technica...
Type: Permanent Location: Houston, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-10 07:21:02
The Regional Sales Manager is responsible for forecasting sales for upcoming year, managing sales Representatives and Distributors along with promoting all products, programs, and policies.
Essential Job Functions and Responsibilities
Should independently schedule time in the field, averaging around 50% of their time in locations such as Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Kansas.
Establish sales forecast on an annual basis for the upcoming year for each rep and distributor.
Promote seminars with key customers on a regular basis and encourage plant tours in Houston for key customers, especially those with upcoming projects.
Discuss strategies to penetrate new and existing markets with Representatives and Distributor owners.
RSM should monitor Distributor's inventory when visiting the territory to make sure it is adequate to supply the market.
The RSM must act as a clearing house for all sales leads received from other Distributors, other RSM's, and Amresist management.
Must coordinate all leads and follow-up on each item with the appropriate parties.
The RSM can make on-the-spot pricing decisions within factory guidelines when required to close an order.
The RSM will use his/her best judgment to determine pricing.
In all cases, an RSM must notify Houston, in writing, of any pricing decisions made in the field.
Since the RSM is not always equipped with information required to make decisions on factory lead times, custom designed products, or pricing on non-standard products, they should recommend to our Representatives and Distributors that they deal directly with the factory on these issues.
RSM's should be involved with the revision of blanket quote pricing and project pricing when they have firsthand knowledge of the account and information on what is required to capture an account.
When dealing with field service problems, the RSM should let the factory handle the evaluations unless the problem is obviously application related (i.e., Chemical attack, water hammer, etc.) and can be resolved conclusively in the field.
Follow-up on all significant outstanding quotes within territory.
Coordinate any plan of action with the Distributor and Inside Sales to help close an order.
Be completely knowledgeable with and promote all products, programs, and policies.
RSM should coordinate with the owner/manager of the Distributor to set up calls on selected accounts in advance.
Become active in scheduling the calls if necessary.
Select only customers with the greatest potential.
A list of items, by you and your Distributor, that require follow-up after a trip should be noted in the CRM D365 and sent in writing to your Distributor immediately after your trip.
Each month you should submit a summary of the Top 5 wins, loses and monthly focused targets for closure, for submittal to senior management by the VP of Sales for the Monthly Report.
Submit, as necessary, information concerning any account,...
Type: Permanent Location: Houston, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-10 07:21:01
Warehouse Personnel
Location: Bray Southern California
Position Type: Full-Time, Day Shift
Company Overview: Bray Southern California is a rapidly growing and fast-paced warehouse environment.
We pride ourselves on maintaining a strong focus on safety and efficiency while providing a supportive workplace for our employees.
We are currently seeking an experienced Warehouse Personnel to join our dynamic team.
Job Description: We are looking for a highly motivated and experienced individual to join our warehouse team.
The ideal candidate will have a background in warehouse operations and forklift experience.
This full-time position involves a variety of responsibilities that ensure the timely and safe handling of materials, fulfilling customer orders, and maintaining a safe work environment.
Key Responsibilities:
* Package orders to ensure products reach customers without damage, as scheduled.
* Label and identify packages for accurate tracking and delivery.
* Pick, pack, and process customer orders efficiently.
* Conduct quality checks to verify that customer orders are correct and fully documented.
* Coordinate the receiving, stocking, and movement of materials, including performing physical inventory counts.
* Maintain a clean, organized, and safe warehouse and storage area.
* Operate forklifts and other required equipment safely and responsibly.
* Assist with valve assembly operations.
* Perform other warehouse duties as assigned.
* Forklift Operator certification is required.
* Permanent work authorization in the USA.
* High School Diploma or equivalent.
* A minimum of 2 years of warehouse and materials handling experience, including forklift and power equipment operation, as well as shipping duties.
* Valid driver’s license with a clean driving record.
* Ability to lift up to 50 lbs, bend, and stand for extended periods.
* Strong work ethic and a desire to succeed in a fast-paced environment.
* Ability to work overtime as needed.
* Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
* High-energy, self-starter with the ability to work independently with minimal supervision.
* Detail-oriented with the ability to perform basic math calculations as needed.
Why Work for Us?
At Bray International, we are the leading provider of industrial valves, actuators, and related control products, renowned for our innovative flow control solutions worldwide.
Joining our team means becoming part of a company that values excellence, integrity, and collaboration.
What We Offer:
* Competitive Pay Plans
* Comprehensive Benefits: Enjoy industry-leading benefits effective the first of the month after you have worked 30 days, including:
* Medical, dental, vision, and life insurance
* Paid holidays and vacation
* 401(k) plan with matching contributions
Healthy Work Environment: We provide a smoke-free, drug-free w...
Type: Permanent Location: Ontario, US-CA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-10 07:21:01
US work authorization.
Must be certified in accordance with the Commission for Case Manager Certification requirements or be willing to obtain the certification within 6 months as a condition of maintaining employment.
Required work experience in a field that promotes the physical, psychosocial or vocational wellbeing of the persons being served.
The best qualified candidate would have completed supervised field experience in Case Management, health or behavioral health.
Job Summary:
The Certified Case Manager is responsible for direct services to clients (employees) in a transitional employment program setting.
This employment program (AbilityOne Program) is monitored through a national 501 (C) 3 Central Non-Profit Organization and the US AbilityOne Commission.
The Case Manager's work focuses on assessment and AbilityOne Program requirements.
The Case Manager develops job or work assessments of TRDI disabled employees (clients) measuring skills, performance improvements and job performance accommodations.
Evaluation of the Case Manager's quality of delivery of the client case management service is reviewed and measured by both representatives of TRDI's corporate management, SourceAmerica and the AbilityOne Program.
The Clients perform services for TRDI under a government contract designated by the US AbilityOne Commission.
These services include typical tasks associated with janitorial, grounds maintenance, postal services, and dining facility work including cooks, cashiers, dish washers and numerous other job classifications.
A substantial majority of the direct labor work hours on a typical contract must be attributable to 75% of the total direct labor hours produced on an AbilityOne Contract.
The Case Manager will be responsible for establishing a reporting program to monitor the ratio of total disabled employee work hours as compared to the total direct labor work hours of the contract and the non-profit organization as a whole.
* Maintain a therapeutic relationship with clients.
* Provide work assessment and program planning.
* Refer clients to other agencies for services or upward job mobility as appropriate.
* With the client, evaluate progress in achieving program and personal goals.
* Ensure that each client has acceptable training and support prior to moving to competitive employment within the community.
* Consult with appropriate TRDI staff on client needs, plans and progress.
* Maintain client files (including medical reports and physician notes) and other records as required.
* Provide crisis intervention and de-escalation of incidents as needed.
* This position aligns with the HR team.
Support for the HR team will be assigned on a periodic basis.
* Other duties as assigned.
Education & Experience:
Degree if you have earned a baccalaureate or graduate degree in a health or human services field that promotes the physical, psychosocial, and/or ...
Type: Permanent Location: San Antonio, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-10 07:21:00
Hourly Rate: $17.75
Schedule: TBD, Must be able to work a flexible schedule to include weekends, evenings and holidays as needed.
The Food Service Worker may work anywhere on property where food is prepared.
This person will assist in setup and serving of food from counters and steamtables.
Duties will include cleaning and sanitizing equipment and work stations.
The general responsibilities of the position include those listed below, but the organization may identify other responsibilities of the position.
These responsibilities may differ among accounts, depending on business necessities and client requirements.
• Washes dishes by hand or places them in a dishwashing machine.
• Washes work tables, walls, refrigerators and meat blocks.
• Operates a variety of kitchen utensils to weigh, measure, mix, wash, peel, cut, grind, stir, strain, and season and knead foodstuffs for cooking, serving and storing.
• Assists in the preparation of hot and/or cold foods, and properly stores food, utilizing knowledge of temperature requirements and spoilage.
• Inspects workstations for compliance with service standards.
• Keeps records and requisition for supplies/equipment as needed.
• Cleans and sanitizes workstations and equipment following all Aramark, client and regulatory rules and procedures.
• Sets up stations with entrée, soups, salads, breads, condiments, other food products and utensils.
• Provides general stocking duties in service area.
• Brews coffee and tea.
• May be required to restock other beverage areas.
• May work on a tray line to distribute food.
• Interacts with customers in the serving, retail and dining areas.
• Assists customers with opening containers and cutting food when requested.
• Sweeps, mops, cleans and vacuums floors.
• Removes trash and garbage to designated areas.
• Transfers supplies and equipment within and between storage and work areas such as pantry and dish room.
• Cleans equipment using specific chemicals to ensure sanitary standards.
• Polishes silver.
• Attends all allergy and foodborne illness in-service training.
• Complies with all company safety and risk management policies and procedures.
• Reports all accidents and injuries in a timely manner.
• Participates in regular safety meetings, safety training and hazard assessments.
• Attends training programs (classroom and virtual) as designated.
• Adheres to Operations Security (OPSEC) standard operations procedures.
• Adheres to Property Control Plan for management of Government Furnished Property (GFP).
• Adheres to the safety and health program that complies with EM 385-1-1 and applicable OSHA, DOD, Armed Forces Branch(s), Federal, state, and local safety, environmental and health requirements.
• Maintain a site-specific Accident Prevention Plan (APP) in accordance with Appendix A, EM 385-1-1.
• Oth...
Type: Permanent Location: Holloman AFB, US-NM
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-10 07:21:00
Hourly Rate: TBD
Schedule: Flexible
Must be able to work a flexible schedule to include weekends, evenings and holidays as needed.
Benefits include: Medical, Vision, Dental, Paid Time Off, and Uniforms.
Must be able to obtain and maintain security clearance.
The Supervisor provides oversight at the direction of management on site to coordinate routine work activities of workers and/or service employees engaged in food operations or services at military dining facilities.
This individual will provide support to management in the daily oversight of key functions and employees during the normal course of business.
Essential Functions:
· Supervises the day to day operations effectively and efficiently to ensure the work is performed in accordance with the contract.
· Responsible and will ensure TRDI employees, subcontractors, and vendors comply with all contractual requirements and all government regulations.
· Is point of contact with the Government and shall have the authority to act or make decisions for the organization on all matters pertaining to the contract; except for amending or modifying material aspects (i.e.
price, scope of work, etc.).
· Supervises and maintain Quality Control and Safety Program in accordance with contract requirements and Federal, State, and Local regulations.
· Accountable for managing and maintaining a contract budget and reviewing processes for efficiency.
· Responsible for scheduling of personnel, reviewing and approving time cards, inventory management of supplies, equipment, and vehicles.
· Sets and guides employee expectations, reviews and counsels, and establish and implement process improvement plans, and ensures adherence of the company policies and procedures.
· Execute Employee Performance Evaluations through the payroll system within appropriate time frames.
· Ensures standard work practices are followed for safety and provides training for operating equipment and vehicles, use of supplies, and the requirements of the performance work statement.
· Responsible for analyzing and maintaining the contract AbilityOne Ratio requirements through the proper work scheduling of direct disabled employee hours vs non-disabled employee hours.
· Responsible for completion of Limitation & Accommodation Quarterly Reports for each AbilityOne employee.
· Serve as facilitator for the AbilityOne interview process and obtain medical documentation in coordination with the AbilityOne department.
· Execute reports, inspections and logs as required by the contract.
· Provide field information and specifications to prepare estimates for new work added or deleted to the contract.
· Other tasks a maybe directed by the Project Manager/Supervisor
Equal Opportunity Employ...
Type: Permanent Location: Holloman AFB, US-NM
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-10 07:20:59
Hourly Rate: Determined by Experience
Schedule: TBD
Must be able to work a flexible schedule to include weekends, evenings and holidays as needed.
Benefits include: Medical, Vision, Dental, Paid Time Off, and Uniforms.
Must be able to obtain and maintain security clearance.
The Project Manager (PM) is responsible for overall management and coordination of the contract and shall act as the official point of contact with the Government. The PM is authorized to commit the organization’s resources as necessary to perform the requirements of the contract. The PM must have the skills, knowledge and experience to manage all aspects of the contract.
Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions, especially those that are transitioning out of the Armed Services.
Essential Functions:
· Manages the day to day operations effectively and efficiently to ensure the work is performed in accordance with the contract.
· Responsible and will ensure TRDI employees, subcontractors, and vendors comply with all contractual requirements and all government regulations.
· Is point of contact with the Government and shall have the authority to act or make decisions for the organization on all matters pertaining to the contract; except for amending or modifying material aspects (i.e.
price, scope of work, etc.).
· Manage and maintain Quality Control and Safety Program in accordance with contract requirements and Federal, State, and Local regulations.
· Accountable for managing and maintaining a contract budget and reviewing processes for efficiency.
· Responsible for scheduling of personnel, reviewing and approving time cards, inventory management of supplies, equipment, and vehicles.
· Sets and guides employee expectations, reviews and counsels, and establish and implement process improvement plans, and ensures adherence of the company policies and procedures.
· Execute Employee Performance Evaluations through the payroll system within appropriate time frames.
· Ensures standard work practices are followed for safety and provides training for operating equipment and vehicles, use of supplies, and the requirements of the performance work statement.
· Responsible for analyzing and maintaining the contract AbilityOne Ratio requirements through the proper work scheduling of direct disabled employee hours vs non-disabled employee hours.
· Responsible for completion of Limitation & Accommodation Quarterly Reports for each AbilityOne employee.
· Serve as facilitator for the AbilityOne interview process and obtain medical documentation in coordination with the AbilityOne department.
· Execute reports, inspections and logs...
Type: Permanent Location: Holloman AFB, US-NM
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-10 07:20:59
Legal Operations - Sr.
Advisor - eDiscovery
The Legal Operations and Shared Services Team is a growing organization within Legal and Corporate Affairs.
The focus of the Legal Operations - Sr.
Advisor - eDiscovery role is to energize existing data collection processes for large litigation matters and lead cross functional initiatives to continually improve the quality and efficiency of the eDiscovery process.
This role will also manage relationships with external vendors supporting the eDiscovery.
This role will report to the Senior Director of Legal Operations.
Problem solving, project and process management are key competencies that will drive success in this role.
Essential Functions:
* Regularly review and refine existing eDiscovery processes to enhance efficiency, reliability, and continued alignment to best practices.
* Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory standards.
* Cultivate and maintain strong relationships with eDiscovery vendors and law firms.
* Monitor vendor and law firm performance to ensure high-quality delivery of services.
* Develop strategies to manage and reduce eDiscovery-related costs without compromising quality.
* Evaluate and implement technologies that enhance cost efficiencies.
* Utilize advanced data analytics to support eDiscovery efforts.
* Analyze complex data sets to identify patterns and insights that support legal and business objectives.
* Lead and manage the implementation of Relativity solutions.
* Provide expert guidance and support to ensure seamless integration.
* Work closely with cross-functional teams including Legal, IT, and Compliance.
* Mentor and provide guidance to team members, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.
* Identify potential risks related to eDiscovery processes and develop mitigation strategies.
* Ensure data confidentiality and integrity at all stages of the eDiscovery lifecycle.
* Bachelors' Degree in relevant field required; M.B.A., preferred.
* 8+ years of eDiscovery operations and litigation support in large law firm or in-house environments required.
* Expertise to implement and manage Cigna's Relativity instance.
* Demonstrated experience working in eDiscovery platforms such as Exterro, Relativity, RelativityOne, and others.
* Experience working with leading eDiscovery vendors such as Consilio, Epiq, or others.
* Detailed understanding of litigation life cycle and best practices related to the identification, preservation, collection, processing and production of data.
* Hybrid - this role requires someone to be in office 3 days a week.
If you will be working at home occasionally or permanently, the internet connection must be obtained through a cable broadband or fiber optic internet service provider with speeds of at least 10Mbps download/5Mbps upload.
About The Cigna Group
Doing something meaningful starts with a ...
Type: Permanent Location: Philadelphia, US-PA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-10 07:20:58