Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
Em anexo
About the Location
The Alumar Consortium, managed by Alcoa, located 25 kilometers from the center of São Luís - MA, began its operations in 1984.
It is made up of companies with a tradition in the areas of alumina and aluminum production, with different participations in the two factories that make up the Complex.
At Alcoa, we are committed to generating value in our relationships with all stakeholders in our business, communities and environment.
We build inclusive and secure environments so that our people can live and express themselves as they please.
With the aim of attracting and retaining diverse talent, the company maintains the inclusion groups that promote internal and external activities to value human diversity and plurality as a way of enriching one's own values.
We are values led, vision driven and united by our purpose of transforming raw potential into real progress. Our commitments to Inclusion, Diversity & Equity include providing trusting workplaces that are safe, respectful and inclusive of all individuals, free from discrimination, bullying and harassment and that our workplaces reflect the diversity of the communities in which we operate.
This is a place where you are empowered to do your best work, be your authentic self, and feel a true sense of belonging.
Come join us and shape your career!
Your work.
Your world.
Shape them for the better.
Type: Permanent Location: Sao Luis, BR-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:31:32
Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
Esta é a sua oportunidade de ajudar a compartilhar o futuro da sustentabilidade com inovações que mudam o mundo e tecnologiasdebaixo carbono.
Torne-se uma parte importante da equipe que está moldando o futuro do alumínio, revolucionando a maneira como o mundo vive, constrói, se move e progride.
Faça parte disso e molde seu mundo.
Sobre a função:
Atuar no time de Planejamento Marítimo do Porto da Alumar promovendo a interação de toda cadeia logística das principais matérias primas da Refinaria, Redução e Alumina, buscando atender a demanda de aprovação e análises financeiras dando suporte à equipe e aos stakeholders.
Outras responsabilidades importantes incluem:
* Acompanhamento na Programação de Navios;
* Elaborar mapeamento de ocorrências para Análise Crítica de Demurrage (diária e mensal);
* Validar e submeter pagamento de Laytimes – Demurrage (Portos de carregamento e Porto da Alumar);
* Conferir e validar os CTE’s e NF’s de bauxita (matéria-prima, ajuste de qualidade e correção monetária, ajuste de preço e despesas portuárias);
* Atualizar, manter e acompanhar KPI’s de demurrage e frete dos navios;
* Fazer interface com Armadores e Agentes;
* Fazer interface com Fornecedores de Bauxita;
* Elaborar provisão mensal de Demurrage;
* Elaborar fluxo de caixa semanal;
* Auxiliar no processo de elaboração do forecast de demurrage;
* Emitir documentação necessária para os acertos de pagamento de Demurrage;
* Analisar e checar cláusulas contratuais de transporte marítimo nos laytimes;
* Auxiliar no controle de documentação dos navios;
* Auxiliar no acompanhamento semanal e mensal dos relatórios de batimetria - contrato de dragagem.
O que você pode oferecer para a função:
* Formação superior em Administração, Contabilidade e áreas afins;
* Desejável: conhecimentos dos sistemas EBS;
* Habilidade no uso do software Power BI será um diferencial;
* Desejável Inglês Intermediário;
* Desejavel conhecimento na área portuária.
O que está sendo oferecido:
* Pacotes de Remuneração e Benefícios competitivos;
* Bônus anual relacionado ao desempenho (variável);
* Academia Alcoa com treinamentos e planos de desenvolvimento robustos;
* Programa Conte Comigo – assistência financeira, jurídica e psicológica
* Reconhecida como uma das melhores empresas para se trabalhar pelo programa Great Place to Work;
* Reconhecida pelo Guia Exame de Diversidade como uma das empresas com as melhores práticas relacionadas à inclusão, equidade, gênero, etnia, raça, pessoas com deficiências (PCDs) e pessoas LGBTQIA+
* Destaque no Índice de Igualdade Corporativa d...
Type: Permanent Location: Sao Luis, BR-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:31:31
Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
Esta é a sua oportunidade de ajudar a compartilhar o futuro da sustentabilidade com inovações que mudam o mundo e tecnologiasdebaixo carbono.
Torne-se uma parte importante da equipe que está moldando o futuro do alumínio, revolucionando a maneira como o mundo vive, constrói, se move e progride.
Faça parte disso e molde seu mundo.
Sobre a função:
Atuar no time de Planejamento Marítimo do Porto da Alumar promovendo a interação de toda cadeia logística das principais matérias primas da Refinaria, Redução e Alumina, buscando atender a demanda de controles da dando suporte à equipe e aos stakeholders.
Outras responsabilidades importantes incluem:
* Acompanhamento na Programação de Navios;
* Preparar suporte para validações dos serviços de apoio portuário;
* Conferir e organizar as documentações dos navios;
* Atualizar relatório de Controle Marítimo com dados das viagens;
* Suportar as atividades de presença de carga e acompanhamento das anuências no Sistema do Porto sem Papel;
* Emitir certificados dos navios de Alumina;
* Incluir dados para fechamento ANTAQ – relatório mensal de movimentação;
* Entregar carga – controle dos CE’s e liberações no Siscarga;
* Incluir informações de programação dos navios na base API Recintos;
* Acompanhar base de dados API Recintos;
* Emitir requisições no sistema EBS para suportar processos da área de Planejamento Marítimo.
O que você pode oferecer para a função:
* Formação superior em Administração, Contabilidade e áreas afins;
* Desejável: conhecimentos dos sistemas EBS, habilidade no uso do software Power BI; inglês Intermediário e conhecimento na área portuária.
O que está sendo oferecido:
* Pacotes de Remuneração e Benefícios competitivos;
* Bônus anual relacionado ao desempenho (variável);
* Academia Alcoa com treinamentos e planos de desenvolvimento robustos;
* Programa Conte Comigo – assistência financeira, jurídica e psicológica
* Reconhecida como uma das melhores empresas para se trabalhar pelo programa Great Place to Work;
* Reconhecida pelo Guia Exame de Diversidade como uma das empresas com as melhores práticas relacionadas à inclusão, equidade, gênero, etnia, raça, pessoas com deficiências (PCDs) e pessoas LGBTQIA+
* Destaque no Índice de Igualdade Corporativa de 2022 da Campanha de Direitos Humanos como uma das melhores empresas do Brasil para profissionais LGBTQIA+ com uma pontuação perfeita!
About the Location
The Alumar Consortium, managed by Alcoa, located 25 kilometers from the center of São Luís - MA, began its operations in 1984.
It is made up of companies with a tradition in the areas of alumina and ...
Type: Permanent Location: Sao Luis, BR-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:31:30
Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
Na Alcoa, você é uma parte essencial do nosso propósito: transformar potencial em progresso real.
Esta é uma oportunidade para você trazer sua riqueza de experiência para a equipe e ajudar a moldar o futuro da sustentabilidade com inovações que mudam o mundo e tecnologias de baixo carbono.
Você tem o poder de moldar as coisas para torná-las melhores.
Faça parte disso.
E molde seu mundo.
Alcoa está buscando Engenheira Mecânica Pleno para integrar nosso time na unidade da Alcoa em São Luis/MA sendo responsável por obter melhorias contínuas no processo produtivo para atender ou superar as necessidades da área, dentro de menores custos e prazo e de acordo com os padrões de qualidade, desenvolver estratégias de manutenção para garantir a confiabilidade e disponibilidade dos equipamentos atendendo aos requisitos e necessidades do setor de atuação.
As principais responsabilidades da função incluem:
* Fornecer soluções técnicas, consultoria, treinamentos e assistência aos mantenedores e operadores para continuidade da produção;
* Desenvolver/monitorar indicadores de manutenção e promover melhoria contínua dos processos, planos e estratégias, focados na segurança, disponibilidade de equipamentos e nos custos de manutenção.
Realizar avaliação de riscos para ativos e acompanhamento de elaboração e execução de projetos referentes a áreas de integridade estrutural;
* Elaborar análises de falhas e de custos não planejados através de análises de causa raiz, modo de falha e de efeitos; acompanhar feedback de ordens de manutenção e identificar melhorias;
* Suportar os pilares do ABS (Alcoa Business System) utilizando sistemas de gestão de informação para otimizar a produtividade geral e garantir o cumprimento da governança corporativa;
* Desenvolvimento de melhorias, definição de especificações/escopo de serviços ou equipamentos necessários; atender as reuniões da área cliente, avaliar as prioridades de curto prazo e priorizar diante das metas de médio e longo prazo da engenharia;
* Garantir que o funcionamento dos ativos se dê em conformidade com as normas ambientais e de segurança pertinentes.
O que você pode oferecer para a função:
* Formação Superior em: Engenharia Mecânica – CREA ativo;
* Nível de Inglês Intermediário (escrita, leitura e conversação);
* Vivência de Manutenção Mecânica em Indústria de grande porte (desejável Refinaria, Papel e Celulose, Química);
* Conhecimento técnico sobre infraestrutura civil, estruturas metálicas, tanques e tubulações, pontes rolantes, sistema de combate a incêndios, gestão de ativos e integridade estrutural, análises de ciclo de vida de ativos;...
Type: Permanent Location: Sao Luis, BR-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:31:28
Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
Na Alcoa, você é uma parte essencial do nosso propósito: transformar potencial em progresso real.
Esta é uma oportunidade para você trazer sua riqueza de experiência para a equipe e ajudar a moldar o futuro da sustentabilidade com inovações que mudam o mundo e tecnologias de baixo carbono.
Você tem o poder de moldar as coisas para torná-las melhores.
Sobre a Oportunidade:
A Alcoa está buscando por Técnica(o) de Manutenção Elétrica Especializada(o) (Afirmativa para Pessoas com Deficiência) para integrar nosso time na unidade Alumar na área da Redução em São Luís do Maranhão sendo o responsável por:
* Assegurar a disponibilidade de informações técnicas dos equipamentos e instrumentos de sua área, através de conservação, atualização de desenhos, elaboração e revisão de diagramas e folhas de controle;
* Fornecer suporte técnico visando assegurar a disponibilidade de funcionamento dos equipamentos de sua área de atuação,
bem como, identificar oportunidades de melhorias de sistemas ou processos;
* Controlar o orçamento anual, garantindo que os gastos com materiais de manutenção estejam dentro do planejado;
* Garantir o cumprimento dos planos de manutenção da equipe de contratada de manutenção mecânica;
* Acompanhar a performance dos equipamentos e instrumentos, determinando as necessidades de intervenção de manutenção
que garantam a perfeita operação dos equipamentos em sua plena capacidade;
* Elaborar e rever o plano de manutenção mecânica de sua área de atuação;
* Realizar inspeções de segurança, auditorias de atos inseguros, DDS, revisões de APT'S, investigações de acidentes e incidentes.
O que você pode oferecer para a função:
* Formação: Curso Técnico em Eletrotécnica ou áreas correlatas;
* Desejável experiência prévia na função;
* Desejável Inglês Básico (Leitura, Escrita e Conversação);
* Conhecimento de Manutenção Preditiva, Preventiva e Corretiva.
O que está sendo oferecido:
* Pacotes competitivos de remuneração e benefícios.
* Construção de uma carreira de longo prazo em nossas operações locais e globais.
* Como uma empresa baseada em valores, agimos com integridade, operamos com excelência, cuidamos das pessoas e lideramos com coragem.
* Reconhecida como uma das melhores empresas para se trabalhar pelo programa Great Place to Work.
* Reconhecida pelo Guia Exame de Diversidade como uma das empresas com as melhores práticas relacionadas à inclusão, equidade, gênero, etnia, raça, pessoas com deficiências (PCDs) e pessoas LGBTQIA+.
Data de encerramento das aplicações
Type: Permanent Location: Sao Luis, BR-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:31:26
Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
Esta é a sua oportunidade de ajudar a compartilhar o futuro da sustentabilidade com inovações que mudam o mundo e tecnologias de baixo carbono.
Torne-se uma parte importante da equipe que está moldando o futuro do alumínio, revolucionando a maneira como o mundo vive, constrói, se move e progride.
Faça parte disso e molde seu mundo.
Sobre a Oportunidade:
A Alcoa está buscando por Planejadora de Manutenção Sênior (Afirmativa para mulhere para integrar nosso time na unidade Alumar na área da Redução em São Luís do Maranhão sendo o responsável por:
* Planejar a execução de serviços considerados como de maior importância, a fim de determinar melhor eficiência;
* Planejar e acompanhar, exercendo controle e coordenação dos serviços a serem executados pelas áreas de apoio. Ex.:
Oficina Central, Manutenção Civil, etc.;
* Participar da elaboração de orçamentos e previsões de gastos dando apoio ao Supervisor;
* Desenvolver e atualizar relatórios gerenciais e de controle;
* Garantir o cumprimento dos planos de manutenção da equipe de contratada;
* Realizar inspeções de segurança, auditorias de atos inseguros, DDS, revisões de APT'S, investigações de acidentes e
O que você pode oferecer para a função:
* Formação: Ensino Superior Incompleto;
* Desejável experiência prévia na função;
* Desejável Inglês Básico (Leitura, Escrita e Conversação);
* Conhecimento de Manutenção Preventiva e Corretiva.
O que está sendo oferecido:
* Pacotes competitivos de remuneração e benefícios.
* Construção de uma carreira de longo prazo em nossas operações locais e globais.
* Como uma empresa baseada em valores, agimos com integridade, operamos com excelência, cuidamos das pessoas e lideramos com coragem.
* Reconhecida como uma das melhores empresas para se trabalhar pelo programa Great Place to Work.
* Reconhecida pelo Guia Exame de Diversidade como uma das empresas com as melhores práticas relacionadas à inclusão, equidade, gênero, etnia, raça, pessoas com deficiências (PCDs) e pessoas LGBTQIA+.
Data de encerramento das aplicações
About the Location
The Alumar Consortium, managed by Alcoa, located 25 kilometers from the center of São Luís - MA, began its operations in 1984.
It is made up of companies with a tradition in the areas of alumina and aluminum production, with different participations in the two factories that make up the Complex.
At Alcoa, we are committed to generating value in our relationships with all stakeholders in our business, communities and environment.
We build inclusive and secure environmen...
Type: Permanent Location: Sao Luis, BR-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:31:23
Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
Esta é a sua oportunidade de ajudar a compartilhar o futuro da sustentabilidade com inovações que mudam o mundo e tecnologias de baixo carbono.
Torne-se uma parte importante da equipe que está moldando o futuro do alumínio, revolucionando a maneira como o mundo vive, constrói, se move e progride.
Faça parte disso e molde seu mundo.
Sobre a Oportunidade:
A Alcoa está buscando por Engenheira Civil Pleno (Afirmativa para mulheres) para integrar nosso time na unidade Alumar na área da Redução em São Luís do Maranhão sendo o responsável por:
* Gerenciar processos voltados para a área de refratários;
* Conduzir os projetos civis de gasto capital do departamento de engenharia: elaboração de Blitz, avaliação de Solution
Analysis, apoio na elaboração de RFA’s de Engenharia, análise técnica de propostas, avaliação de desenhos e documentos
de engenharia básica e detalhada, acompanhamento da execução e entrega da obra;
* Fazer follow-up das requisições de cotação e compra de materiais, equipamentos e serviços;
* Analisar propostas técnicas e suportar às análises comerciais;
* Realizar inspeções de EHS na área, participar de DDS e outros.
O que você pode oferecer para a função:
* Formação Superior em Engenharia Civil ou Construção Civil;
* Registro Órgão de Classe: CREA;
* Sólida experiência na área de refratários (especificação de material, análise técnica, aplicações, validações);
* Desejável: Inglês Intermediário (Leitura, Escrita e Conversação).
O que está sendo oferecido:
* Pacotes competitivos de remuneração e benefícios.
* Construção de uma carreira de longo prazo em nossas operações locais e globais.
* Como uma empresa baseada em valores, agimos com integridade, operamos com excelência, cuidamos das pessoas e lideramos com coragem.
* Reconhecida como uma das melhores empresas para se trabalhar pelo programa Great Place to Work.
* Reconhecida pelo Guia Exame de Diversidade como uma das empresas com as melhores práticas relacionadas à inclusão, equidade, gênero, etnia, raça, pessoas com deficiências (PCDs) e pessoas LGBTQIA+.
Data de encerramento das aplicações
About the Location
The Alumar Consortium, managed by Alcoa, located 25 kilometers from the center of São Luís - MA, began its operations in 1984.
It is made up of companies with a tradition in the areas of alumina and aluminum production, with different participations in the two factories that make up the Complex.
At Alcoa, we are committed to generating value in our relationships with all stakeholders in our business, communities and environment.
We build inclusiv...
Type: Permanent Location: Sao Luis, BR-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:31:21
Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
Na Alcoa, você é uma parte essencial do nosso propósito: transformar potencial em progresso real.
Esta é uma oportunidade para você trazer sua riqueza de experiência para a equipe e ajudar a moldar o futuro da sustentabilidade com inovações que mudam o mundo e tecnologias de baixo carbono.
Você tem o poder de moldar as coisas para torná-las melhores.
Faça parte disso.
E molde seu mundo.
Alcoa está buscando Planejadora de Campo para integrar nosso time na unidade da Alcoa em São Luis/MA sendo responsável por executar o planejamento de manutenção tradicional em um dos centros operacionais da Refinaria da Alumar (Retroporto / Digestão / Clarificação/ Utilidades / Power / Precipitação ou Calcinação) nas disciplinas de mecânica, elétrica e instrumentação em conformidade com as melhores práticas de planejamento na metodologia REX (ferramenta de planejamento de manutenção) de manutenção.
As principais responsabilidades da função incluem:
* Gerenciar o backlog de solicitações de trabalho, ordens de serviços, recursos e materiais de sua responsabilidade, garantindo um excelente atendimento aos clientes internos e externos e garantir atingimento de seus indicadores de performance (KPI's) em nível de excelência;
* Solicitações de itens de manutenção via Almoxarifado e requisições de cargas diretas;
* Acompanhamento das atividades de manutenção a fim de otimizar/ minimizar tempo e custos melhorando a qualidade destas;
* Identificar oportunidades nas programações de manutenção com visão de Saúde, Segurança e Meio Ambiente (EHS).
O que você pode oferecer para a função:
* Formação: Técnico Mecânica/Elétrica ou áreas afins – CFT Ativo;
* Desejável: Conhecimento do software de planejamento da Alcoa (Eam);
* Conhecimento de materiais de manutenção, bem como suas especialidades no que diz respeito a: Requisição / Recebimento na área / movimentações e devoluções para o Almoxarifado;
* Experiência na área de manutenção e ser capaz de identificar sobressalentes de inventário,
* Habilidade com manipulação de dados e conhecimento do pacote office;
* Habilidade no uso do software Power BI;
* Habilidade para conduzir reuniões e negociações, a fim de mitigar possíveis conflitos nos recursos de planejamento dentro da Refinaria;
* Saber trabalhar com grandes demandas da manutenção, raciocínio analítico para detectar problemas nas programações e analisar possíveis falhas nos KPI's da manutenção;
* Ter visão de controle e gerenciamento de custos/orçamentos;
* Disponibilidade para residir em São Luis/MA.
O que está sendo oferecido:
Type: Permanent Location: Sao Luis, BR-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:31:21
Predictive Maintenance Technician (PDM)
Location: Cleveland, TN
Summary: The Predictive Maintenance Technician is responsible for utilizing predictive maintenance tools and practices to optimize the life and performance of production assets while adhering to Georgia Pacific's safety standards and business objectives.
The role involves driving a culture of reliability and maintenance excellence through proactive decision-making and hands-on technical work.
* Pay is $35.60/hr plus quarterly performance bonuses!
* We are currently hiring for 1 st shift 7am-3pm; including holidays, weekends and overtime as needed
Key Responsibilities:
* Safety and Compliance:
* Participate in daily safety meetings, complete required safety training, and review job hazard analyses (JHA) and safe work procedures.
* Ensure compliance with environmental and safety regulations, maintaining a clean and safe working environment.
Reliability and Maintenance:
* Learn and apply the 8 Principles and Potentials, Human Action Model, and PBM® Framework in maintenance tasks.
* Serve as a liaison between maintenance and production teams to enhance the lubrication and mechanical precision of rotating machinery.
* Conduct regular inspection and lubrication of plant machinery, managing lubrication inventory, and handling disposal of used lubricants.
Predictive Maintenance Practices:
* Utilize predictive tools such as infrared thermography and ultrasound to monitor equipment condition and identify maintenance needs.
* Implement and optimize lubrication systems and standards for improved equipment reliability and sustainability.
* Complete preventive and corrective maintenance tasks on schedule, documenting all work performed.
Continuous Improvement:
* Collaborate with department leadership to discuss and prioritize maintenance tasks and improvements.
* Support lube audits and complete action plans to address identified gaps.
* Innovate and integrate new lubrication technologies, such as automation, to improve maintenance practices.
Documentation and Reporting:
* Use the Maintenance Online Electronic (MOE) system for work requests and tracking maintenance activities.
* Document operating conditions such as temperature, fluid levels, pressures, and lubrication routes.
Training and Certification:
* Acquire MLT Level I Certification within one year of employment.
* Participate in ongoing training and development, ensuring knowledge of current best practices in lubrication and predictive maintenance.
Facility-Specific Duties:
* Assist with internal and external lubrication audits, ensuring standards are met.
* Operate and monitor process equipment, maintaining records of operating parameters.
* Manage lubricant storage to prevent contamination and maintain environmental controls.
Quality and Process Improvement:
* Implement inventory rotation and proper s...
Type: Permanent Location: Cleveland, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:31:09
Your Job
Georgia-Pacific, LLC is seeking a talented Electrical and Instrumentation Technician to join the Big Island, Virginia team
Our Team
Georgia-Pacific is one of the nation's leading corrugated box manufacturers.
We manufacture standard corrugated containers, as well as many specialty packaging products for various industries.
To learn more about Georgia-Pacific and our corrugated facilities please visit: www.gppackaging.com/
This is a full-time role with competitive starting pay of $38.69 per hour, benefits, 401k and quarterly performance bonuses.
Qualified candidates will be required to complete a written test and hands on test prior to interviewing.
What You Will Do
* Troubleshoot, repair, and replace electrical equipment and circuits
* Apply knowledge of various electrical and instrumentation principles
* Troubleshoot and maintain DCS, PLC, and HMI systems
* Troubleshoot and work with AC and DC voltages ranging from 480 volts to 12,470 volts
* Apply knowledge of induction, synchronous, wound rotor, DC motors, and differences between them in industrial environments
* Work any shift including weekends, holidays, and overtime
* Work at heights and in confined spaces as required
* Perform tasks requiring physical exertion for extended periods
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Journeyman Electrician certification or 10 years of electrical experience or an Associate/Technical degree or higher in an Electrical or Instrumentation field
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience working in a lumber, wood products, or paper mill facility
* Experience utilizing computers for documentation and record-keeping
* Experience troubleshooting, diagnosing and repairing PLCs and VFDs
* Experience troubleshooting Rockwell AC drives
* Experience with Industrial Motor Controls (PLCs, Motor Controls, Control Valves, etc.)
* Experience with plant floor automation and network wiring
* Experience installing, troubleshooting, repairing, and calibrating electrical/mechanical instrumentation
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
As a Koch company and a leading manufacturer of bath tissue, paper towels, paper-based packaging, cellulose, specialty fibers, building products and much more, Georgia-Pacific works to meet evolving needs of customers worldwide with quality products.
In addition to the products we make, we operate one of the largest recycling businesses.
Our more than 30,000 employees in over 150 locations are empowered to innovate every day -to make everyday products even better.
At Koch, employees are empowered to do what they do best to make life better.
Learn how our business philosophy helps employees unleash their potential while creating value for themselves and the company....
Type: Permanent Location: Big Island, US-VA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:31:06
Your Job
Georgia-Pacific, LLC is seeking a talented Electrical and Instrumentation Technician to join the Big Island, Virginia team.
Our Team
Georgia-Pacific is one of the nation's leading corrugated box manufacturers.
We manufacture standard corrugated containers, as well as many specialty packaging products for various industries.
To learn more about Georgia-Pacific and our corrugated facilities please visit: www.gppackaging.com/
This is a full-time role with competitive starting pay of $32.58 per hour, benefits, 401k and quarterly performance bonuses.
E&I Technicians will work 6:30am to 4:30pm, Monday through Thursday, and may be required to work overtime, weekends, and holidays as needed.
As part of the selection process, qualified candidates will be required to complete both computer based and hands on testing.
Successful candidates will also take part in the interview selection process.
What You Will Do
* Maintain and troubleshoot electrical issues; apply knowledge around wiring schematics
* Apply knowledge of instrumentation principles such as Pressure, level, Flow, and Temperature
* Support projects in mill as Journeyman E&I technician
* Apply knowledge of PLC platforms for Rockwell PLC 5 and Control Logix.
Edit programs and search programs to find equipment and understand ladder logic
* Apply knowledge of Switchgear and the hazards involved in racking in and out of breakers from 480 Volts-12,470 Volts
* Apply knowledge of Induction, Synchronous, Wound Rotor, DC, and difference between how these motors work in the industrial environment
* Complete the NCCER electrical program at CVCC.
* Work any shift, including holidays, weekends, and overtime as needed
* Work at heights, and in a hot, humid, cold, and noisy industrial environment
* Perform tasks such as lifting, walking, climbing, stooping, standing, pushing, and/or pulling for at least 10 hours a day
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experience using a computer for email, internet, and other computer applications
* Qualified applicants must have at least one of the following:
* Journeyman Electrician card; or
* Associate degree or higher in Industrial Electricity, Instrumentation, Electrical & Control Technology, Electrical Engineering, or a closely related field; or
* At least three (3) years that demonstrates technical knowledge with PLCs, voltage, wiring schematics, and other related electrical and instrumentation areas (obtained through military experience in a related field, apprenticeship in a related field, or recent college coursework in related field such as Principles of Technology, Electrical Control Systems, Control Theory, etc.)
What Will Put You Ahead
* Paper Mill experience
* At least one (1) year of training or experience in areas such as PLCs, voltage, wiring schematics, etc.
* At least one (1) year of training or experience 753/755 Rockwell VFD troubleshooting
Type: Permanent Location: Big Island, US-VA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:31:05
Your Job
Georgia-Pacific is now hiring a Maintenance Planner/Scheduler at their Fort Dodge, Iowa site.
The Maintenance Scheduler is responsible for developing and helping execute maintenance plans to enable the efficient and reliable operation of the site.
The Maintenance Scheduler works closely with Manufacturing, Engineering, Reliability, Supervisors, Operating Technicians, and Maintenance resources in troubleshooting and planning upgrades/repairs to equipment.
Our Team
The Fort Dodge Plant is part of the Gypsum Wallboard products manufacturing operation.
We are proud to safely manufacture quality products that have a competitive advantage and solid growth within the marketplace.
We create a work environment that attracts, engages, and retains the best people.
Our employees help others and the business reaches their full potential, promoting our Principle-Based Management culture to the work they do every day.
Our technology is state of the art, and we will bring the best team together to deliver for our customers, Georgia-Pacific, and the Fort Dodge community.
What You Will Do
* Ensure maintenance work is planned in a proactive method by ensuring all activities are appropriately scoped, estimated, resourced, and ready prior to start of work.
* Support the execution of maintenance work by receiving, planning, estimating, and coordinating maintenance work orders.
* Ensure daily and weekly maintenance schedules are available and communicated.
* Maintain an active running list of opportunity maintenance items for break-in work and down days.
* Effectively use the CMMS to develop and maintain the maintenance schedule, manage equipment data, update Bill of Materials (BOM) for assets, and develop standard maintenance procedures (SMP)
* Drive development of preventive and predictive maintenance programs.
* Identify/recommend opportunities for improvements.
* Maintains essential maintenance records and files.
* Scope work and assess the requirements for routine and planned down day activities.
* Work with Material Coordinator and Storeroom to maintain equipment bill of materials, remove obsolete/inaccurate parts and populate incomplete bills of material.
* Utilizes company's purchasing system to process purchase orders from requisitions.
* Issues requests for quotations, analyzes and evaluates quotes, negotiates price and terms, and exercises independent judgment to select suppliers based on lowest total cost of ownership.
* Ensures the contractual document accurately reflects the terms and conditions of purchase, including payment terms, freight terms, incoterms, and other key commercial terms.
* Ensures adherence to all safety, environmental and purchasing policies, guidelines, and procedures.
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experience working as a planner/scheduler/material coordinator within a manufacturing, industrial, or military environment.
* Experien...
Type: Permanent Location: Fort Dodge, US-IA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:31:01
Your Job
The Georgia Pacific facility in Rincon, GA currently recruiting for a Converting Advanced Technician.
Our Team
Our Advanced Technicians in Converting play a key role in the continued operations and reliability improvements of Converting lines.
They work closely with Manufacturing Engineers, other Advanced Technicians, Reliability Technicians, Technicians, and various members of the product system team.
Our Advanced Technicians work in a high energy, dynamic organization established on the principles of an adaptive work system focused on the execution of reliability strategies.
The Advanced Technician will learn, apply and teach the equipment theory of operation and the operational processes.
This position will require a fixed or rotating 12 hour shift schedule that may include nights, weekends and holidays.
The schedule may include overtime as well.
In this role, compensation will be commensurate with experience.
What You Will Do
• Proactively identify hazards and mitigate risk
• Adhere to high standards for quality and product safety
• Troubleshoot assets and processes across various converting assets
• Apply knowledge and expertise while building and improving asset strategies by evaluating and developing operating limits, operator basic core (OBC) and lube routes, planned work, preventative maintenance job plans, and vendor-recommended parts strategies, providing feedback and recommendations when needed
• Support and develop the capabilities of build technicians, other reliability technicians and zone owners and serve as a mentor/field assessor for the PSQ authorization process
• Assist in shutdown planning and lead execution of that work
• Execute equipment changeovers and optimize changeover procedures
• Actively lead problem solving efforts and drive to the root cause
• Apply knowledge of GP mechanical reliability standards
• Manage on the floor construction tasks such as: SWP issuer and task coordinator
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
• Two or more years of experience as a reliability technician in converting operations or two or more years of general mechanical maintenance experience in a manufacturing environment
What Will Put You Ahead
• PSQ Authorized on Converting Assets
• Experience using work order systems to initiate repairs and document reliability opportunities (SAP)
• Demonstrated experience mentoring and coaching team members
• Experience troubleshooting and repairing pneumatic and hydraulic systems
• Demonstrated experience in mechanical and/or electrical troubleshooting and repairing
• Experience with Microsoft Office Suite in: Excel, Word, Outlook and PowerPoint
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
As a Koch company and a leading manufacturer of bath tissue, pap...
Type: Permanent Location: Rincon, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:31:00
Your Job
Guardian Glass is seeking their next Maintenance Technician in Galax, VA!
Maintenance Technicians will work on either First Shift 7:00am - 3:00pm, Second Shift 3:00pm- 11:00pm or Third Shift 11:00pm - 7:00am, holidays, weekends, and overtime as needed.
Starting hourly wage is $21-23 per hour.
Our Team
Who are Guardian Industries? When you are looking at a city's skyline or any of the latest cars and trucks, chances are you're seeing our products.
Through Guardian Glass, a Guardian Industries company, we make high- performance, energy efficient glass for homes and buildings.
What You Will Do
* Perform highly diversified maintenance to production machines and plant facility's equipment, on mechanical, electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic for both troubleshooting and repairs
* Perform basic fabrication duties and responsibilities (welding, cutting, forming,)
* Diagnose problems, replace, or repair parts, test and adjust with limited operational experience
* Perform regular preventive maintenance on machines, equipment, and plant facilities
* Use a variety of hand and power tools, electric meters, and material handling equipment
* Troubleshoot and diagnose problems in PLC controllers and process automation systems
* Comply with all safety & environmental regulations and maintain clean and orderly work
* Able to read and interpret a wide range of electrical schematics and mechanical system drawings
* Perform tasks such as lifting (up to 50lbs), walking, climbing, stooping, standing, pushing and/or pulling for up to 12 hours/day in a loud/noisy, hot, cold, humid, dusty, and high-volume environment
* Maintain a strict adherence to safety rules and regulations, including wearing safety equipment
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Previous experience working in an industrial manufacturing environment; strong hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical, and industrial electrical skills
* Experience troubleshooting issues with bearings, chains, sprockets, gearboxes, motors & conveyors
What Will Put You Ahead
* Minimum of 3 years of industrial manufacturing experience
* PLC, troubleshooting, and fabrication experience
* An Industrial Maintenance degree or similar education
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more a...
Type: Permanent Location: Galax, US-VA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:30:59
Your Job
Our Savannah River Mill located in Rincon, Georgia is looking for a Towel Reliability Technician assigned to the Towel converting lines.
Our technicians must be willing to work 12-hour shifts including days, nights, holidays and weekends.
Our Team
This role is part of the continued operation and reliability improvements of the production line.
The position works closely with Manufacturing Engineers, other Advanced Technicians, Reliability Technicians, Technicians, and other members of the product system team.
This Reliability Technician role works in a high energy, dynamic organization established on the principles of an adaptive work system focused on the execution of reliability strategies and is expected to exemplify and advance our company culture.
Compensation in this role will be commensurate with experience.
What You Will Do
* Proactively identify hazards and mitigate risk
* Adhere to high standards for quality and product safety
* Operate, maintain, and repair equipment to the desired competitive state
* Flow to the highest value work and continuously build upon one's own capabilities
* Apply expertise to develop and improve asset strategies, including evaluating operating targets, maintenance plans, spare parts strategy, and technician capabilities, while actively engaging in equipment diagnostics and repairs
* Act as a subject matter expert in relation to risk assessments, quality standards, product safety, equipment functions, and operational theory
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* One (1) or more years of experience in troubleshooting, adjusting, and repairing production equipment
* Operations experience in converting or a related manufacturing area
* Experience with Microsoft Excel, Outlook, Word, and PowerPoint- able to open or create documents, edit, and save files
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience in work order management systems to initiate repairs and document reliability opportunities (current system is SAP)
* Experience working with pneumatic and hydraulic systems
* Two (2) or more years of operations experience on converting equipment or mill mechanical maintenance experience
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
As a Koch compa...
Type: Permanent Location: Rincon, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:30:56
Your Job
Job Specific intro paragraph
Our Team
1-3 sentences to describe the team/division this role will be working in
What You Will Do
Bulleted list of engaging responsibilities
Not a task list
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
4-5 bulleted, objective, non-comparable requirements are recommended
What Will Put You Ahead
Bulleted list of preferred qualifications; Optional section
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Who We Are
{Insert company language from Company Boilerplate Language Guide }
At Koch, employees are empowered to do what they do best to make life better.
Learn how our business philosophy helps employees unleash their potential while creating value for themselves and the company.
Additionally, everyone has individual work and personal needs.
We seek to enable the best work environment that helps you and the business work together to produce superior results.
Type: Permanent Location: Talladega, US-AL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:30:45
Your Job
Georgia-Pacific is now hiring Fluid Power/Hydraulic Technician to join our Lumber facility in Talladega, AL!
* Our starting pay is at $27.00/hour depending on experience.
* $ 5.00/hour shift premium for any hours worked Friday - Sunday (overtime rules apply).
* You will have the ability to increase your compensation based on skills and contribution to the overall performance of the mill.
* Only candidates who are flexible and available to work any shift will be considered.
This will include overtime, holidays, and weekends as needed.
* 10 hours rotating shift (Rotating shift every month)
* The week of orientation will be 8:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday, and you will be assigned your regular shift after your orientation.
Shift Hours:
• Day Shift, 6:00 a.m.
- 4:30 p.m., rotates every other weekend
Physical Location:
400 Ironaton Cutoff Road, Talladega, AL 35160
Our Team
Our team creates value by safely assisting with the production of lumber for our valued customers.
Click https://youtu.be/GWuiSnWUiLs to see how we make lumber.
What You Will Do
• Serves as the plant fluid power specialist, overseeing the reliable operations of all Hydraulic Power Units and Air Compressor Systems.
• Serves as a liaison to maintenance crafts and supervision to drive best practices of fluid power reliability.
• Administer the Oil analysis predictive maintenance program by developing predictive
• work order routes, executing routes, obtaining sampling results, interpreting those results, and generating work orders to eliminate deficiencies involving fluid power systems.
• Oversee contractor service of compressed air equipment to ensure they are meeting GP expectations for service.
• Assist Reliability Engineer in optimizing PM route effectiveness.
• Identify and correct mechanical defects before they fail.
• Maintaining operations equipment to achieve optimal performance levels.
• Adhering to all plant safety and environmental guidelines, policies, and procedures and actively participating in the safety program.
• Willing and able to operate equipment and rigging devices, set-up, and repair of machinery, adjust machinery and repair and/or replace defective parts.
• Prepares work orders after finishing each job for any follow-up or corrective actions requiring maintenance assistance.
• Other duties as assigned by Supervisor or Reliability Clerk as required.
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
• Minimum of two (2) years of experience in an industrial or manufacturing facility performing Hydraulic Maintenance and/or Reliability Lubrication related experience.
What Will Put You Ahead
• Two (2) years or more of mechanical and technical experience and/or training.
• Experience with Fire Suppression and Lubrication systems.
• Experience with hydraulics, pneumatics, reading schematics, and precision measurements.
• Experience with metal fabrica...
Type: Permanent Location: Talladega, US-AL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:30:41
Goodwill of Colorado
Job Description
External Application Deadline: Jan 3rd, 2024
Pay Rate: $16.65/hr.
Goodwill is now a Proud Partner with DailyPay! Work Today. Get Paid Today!
Interviews will begin in January 2025.
Goodwill of Colorado is seeking adaptable and experienced candidates to join our team for our new Montrose Retail store, set to open in March 2025.
You will complete training at our Grand Junction Retail location and play a vital role in the store's initial operations.
This position is instrumental in ensuring a successful launch.
Full Time employees in Retail Operations are eligible for Medical, Dental, Vision, Short Term Disability, Life/Accidental Death and Dismemberment, Flexible Spending Accounts, Long Term Disability, and several voluntary supplemental benefit offerings. In addition, these positions are eligible for paid time off in the form of vacation, sick, holiday, floating holiday, jury duty and bereavement leave.
All employees may also make pre-tax or post-tax (Roth) contributions to our retirement plan – must be 18 years of age to participate.
Goodwill of Colorado is a Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF) eligible employer.
The Material Handler, Retail will primarily work in a production environment moving, storing, and retrieving donated products following Goodwill’s warehousing and material handling procedures and guidelines.
* Meets or exceeds minimum productivity standards and expectations/Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for assigned duties.
* Uses and becomes certified on pallet jack, walkie stacker, forklift, hand dolly or other equipment or tools to effectively move and store donated product.
* Ensures that all areas of production have sufficient materials to work with so that there is no lapse of work to minimize down time.
* Be proactive in preparing materials or storage containers to anticipate the needs of the production team.
* Ensures that the warehouse and trailers are well organized, stocked, and clean to ensure items are stored in an efficient manner.
* Prepares items for shipment and track products that are both shipped as well as received by the Retail Center docks.
* Ensures work areas are clear and organized and adhere to continuous improvement and safety requirements.
* Duties are completed accurately, safely, and timely to ensure that items are handled appropriately and not damaged throughout the product flow process.
* Promotes and demonstrates positive teamwork and cooperation.
* Adapts and uses technology as it becomes available to operate efficiently.
This includes but is not limited to process automation.
* Maintains a clean and organized work area to provide a safe and efficient workflow for employees and customers.
* Follows all company and department policies and procedures.
* Cross-trains and works in other areas as ass...
Type: Permanent Location: Montrose, US-CO
Salary / Rate: 16.65
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:30:36
Your Job
Georgia-Pacific's Dixie® Consumer Products division is seeking qualified safety-oriented individuals to join our team at the Lexington, KY manufacturing operation as a Level II Systems & Electronic Technician.
This is a highly skilled Level II position requiring a thorough understanding of electrical controls, troubleshooting, installations, maintenance, electrical safe work practices, and computer skills.
Electricians work a rotating 12-hr shift to include weekends, holidays, and overtime as needed.
There is a $1500 Sign-On Bonus and the pay for this position starts at $33.49 per hour.
Georgia-Pacific's Lexington, KY facility utilizes state of the art innovation and technology to manufacture Dixie products, a brand of choice and is widely used in homes and businesses across the country.
Our skilled tradespeople provide specialized knowledge and troubleshooting expertise to keep our assets reliable.
Our Team
Georgia-Pacific's Lexington, KY facility utilizes state of the art innovation and technology to manufacture Dixie products, a brand of choice and is widely used in homes and businesses across the country.
Our skilled tradespeople provide specialized knowledge and troubleshooting expertise to keep our assets reliable.
What You Will Do
* Install, maintain, troubleshoot and repair PLC hardware
* Install, maintain, troubleshoot and repair motor starter circuits
* Install, maintain, troubleshoot and repair relay logic circuits
* Install, maintain, troubleshoot and repair AC/DC drive systems
* Maintain plant wide electrical system
* Troubleshoot and maintain control systems on various production equipment using schematics, meters, PLC logic and experience
* Seek to improve skill and knowledge assets, accept training as needed or required
* Train other System and Electronic Technicians
* Obtain and apply knowledge of Electrical Safe Work Practices (ESWP) and LOTO
* Identify work-place hazards and apply safe work practices, at all times
* Work in and promote a team environment - provide support to fellow employees as needed
* Maintain strict adherence to safety rules and regulations, including wearing PPE (personal protective equipment)
* Demonstrate motivation and ability to take on project work
* Work in a hot, humid, cold, and noisy industrial environment
* Work from lifts and ladders required as needed along with becoming qualified in the operation of scissors lift, articulating boom lift, fork truck and other mobile equipment
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* One (1) year or more experience with troubleshooting PLC's and PLC systems, including Basic PLC logic
* Three (3) years or more experience with plan installations from schematics, blueprints, sketches, specifications, and installation of electrical and electronic hardware
* Experience in the use of multi-meters, amp meters and other electrical troubleshooting tools
* Three (3...
Type: Permanent Location: Lexington, US-KY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:30:29
Your Job
Phillips-Medisize, a Molex Company is an end-to-end provider of innovation, development, and manufacturing solutions to the pharmaceutical, diagnostics and medical device industries.
Out Clinton, MA location is seeking a Tool Room Supervisor to lead and develop the Tool Build team at our Clinton, MA
What You Will Do
* Provide direction and leadership to the Tool Build team including people management as follows: managing performance; addressing disciplinary issues; hiring; assisting people with career development; communicating information to direct reports, passing information up the management chain and fostering open communication; ensuring team is aligned with and accomplishing goals/objectives; administrative processing; and, maintaining trust and confidentiality while fostering a team environment
* Implement a culture of continuous improvement with the priority to optimize safety
* Work with direct reports to help them maximize their value creation by optimizing their individual role, responsibilities, and expectations
* Coordinate, mold builds, repairs, and revisions of molds and secondary tooling
* Coordinate work with outside vendors
* Responsible for project management and scheduling
* Provide technical guidance and decision making
* Quote new tools, spares, revisions, and repairs
* Develop mold manufacturing plans
* Review and refine internal tool designs for manufacturability
* Communicate tooling solutions with customers, providing technical support and tooling alternatives
* Prioritize workflow to meet or exceed customer expectations
* Manage supplies and equipment
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experience leading projects
* At least (5) or more years of tool manufacturing experience
What Will Put You Ahead
* Associates Degree or higher in a manufacturing related discipline
* Previous experience leading a team
* Previous experience working with the customer
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
As a Molex company, Phillips-Medisize mobilizes and deploys specialized capabilities and services across highly regulated industries, including health care, regulated consumer, automotive and defense.
We design, deve...
Type: Permanent Location: Clinton, US-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:30:27
SBA Communications is a leading independent owner and operator of wireless communications infrastructure, including towers, buildings, rooftops, DAS and small cells.
We offer a competitive benefits and compensation package and are looking for team members who will thrive in our dynamic environment.
We welcome your interest in SBA.
Let us know a little about you by checking all that apply:
* You are a self-starter.
* You are resourceful and thrive in a fast-paced environment.
* You have a strong work ethic.
* You are passionate and driven to achieve results.
* You are a team player who enjoys working in a collaborative environment.
* You continuously challenge yourself to find innovative ways to improve.
You may be a perfect fit.
At SBA, we operate with the highest sense of integrity and commitment to quality.
We focus on achievement and operate with responsiveness, timeliness and accountability.
Our culture of excellence incorporates working collegially, where every team member can contribute meaningfully and make a difference.
If you are ready to make an impact, join our team!
Your Next Career Opportunity – Apprentice, Tower
Perform construction duties on a daily basis ensuring quality construction for expedited commercial deployment of services as directed by Superintendent and/or Foreman.
What You Will Do – Primary Responsibilities
* Support tower construction and antenna and line installation activities as directed.
* Ability to read site plans and tower drawings.
* Distribute, pick up and organize tools and materials.
* Work with Construction Supervisors and Foreman to analyze job requirements such as labor and materials.
* Complete work in a timely and efficient manner as delegated by Construction Supervisor and Foreman.
* Perform construction activities as directed.
* Work with Construction Supervisors and Foreman to maintain a safe job site.
* Keep safety barriers correctly installed.
* Must be able to work overtime to include Saturdays, Sundays and evening hours.
* Must be able to satisfactorily complete all aspects of SBA’s Tower U training classes.
* Other projects and duties as assigned.
What You’ll Need – Qualifications & Requirements
* H.S.
Diploma/GED preferred;
+ and ....
Type: Permanent Location: Biddeford, US-ME
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:30:20
SBA Communications is a leading independent owner and operator of wireless communications infrastructure, including towers, buildings, rooftops, DAS and small cells.
We offer a competitive benefits and compensation package and are looking for team members who will thrive in our dynamic environment.
We welcome your interest in SBA.
Let us know a little about you by checking all that apply:
* You are a self-starter.
* You are resourceful and thrive in a fast-paced environment.
* You have a strong work ethic.
* You are passionate and driven to achieve results.
* You are a team player who enjoys working in a collaborative environment.
* You continuously challenge yourself to find innovative ways to improve.
You may be a perfect fit.
At SBA, we operate with the highest sense of integrity and commitment to quality.
We focus on achievement and operate with responsiveness, timeliness and accountability.
Our culture of excellence incorporates working collegially, where every team member can contribute meaningfully and make a difference.
If you are ready to make an impact, join our team!
Your Next Career Opportunity – Tower Crew Lead
Supervise and perform construction duties on a daily basis ensuring quality construction for expedited commercial deployment of services.
Supervise subcontractors and job site personnel to complete scope of work assigned.
What You Will Do – Primary Responsibilities
* Inspect and approve all sub-contractor's work.
* Schedule and coordinate with all local authorities for required inspections.
* Complete work in a timely and efficient manner by planning, prioritizing and mobilizing staff, materials and subcontractors to meet progression schedule.
* Ensure Construction Supervisor is apprised of construction progress, concerns and deviations from plans or established schedule.
* Identify all materials and other resources needed to complete project.
* Coordinate resources to meet construction schedules.
* Coordinate delivery and off-loading of towers, materials, generators and shelters.
* Identify construction "punch list" of items to be remedied and ensure they are completed prior to customer’s inspection.
* Finalize all inspections to close project.
* Assign tasks to fellow crew members and perform civil or tower construction activities such as (These preceding items are civil construction activities), stacking towers, testing, positioning antennas, installing antennas, running coax, etc.
* Ensure tasks assigned to crew are completed in timely, quality manner.
* Train and assist employees in completing tasks.
Professionally interact with client’s representatives.
* May maintain and enforce all SBA and OSHA safety practices, perform daily jobsite safety inspections on equipment prior to operation.
Immediately stops work when unsafe work practices or conditions exist.
* Must be able to work overtime to include Saturda...
Type: Permanent Location: Biddeford, US-ME
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:30:19
Harnish Group Inc.
is the Caterpillar Dealer in Central and Western Washington, Central and Eastern Montana, Northwestern Wyoming, Northwestern North Dakota and the state of Alaska.
Our Member Companies are N C Machinery, N C The Cat Rental Store, N C Power Systems, Tractor & Equipment Co., T & E The Cat Rental Store, T&E Power Systems, SITECH Northwest Inc., representing Caterpillar and other manufacturers. A family owned and managed company since 1929, our Mission is to help our customers succeed by providing premier business solutions delivered by engaged employees through teamwork and excellence.
About the Position: This is a key role in our company in which our technicians are responsible for:
* Diagnosing and repairing Caterpillar equipment, including removing, repairing, assembling, and installing
* Diagnosing and troubleshooting engines, powertrains, electrical, and hydraulic systems
* Using CAT diagnostic equipment, CAT repair tooling, rigging, and blocking equipment
* Planning and organizing multiple projects with an emphasis on controlling job costs
* Investigating, analyzing, and identifying problems to make recommendations
* Communicating effectively with a variety of people, using strong interpersonal and writing skills for utilizing internal software and other software programs
Qualifications & Experience Needed:
* High school diploma or equivalent, or a graduate of a 2-4 year vocational technical school training institution or equivalent experience
* Valid driver's license (used for potential forklift driving and operation of equipment such as hydraulic and mechanical presses, hoists, cranes, pressure washers, etc.)
* Proficiency in Microsoft Office Products and Outlook
* Ability to stand up to eight hours per day, including twisting, bending, squatting, sitting, stooping, and kneeling
* Flexibility to travel for extended periods to work with customers
* Experience working at a Caterpillar (CAT) dealership or with CAT products is ideal
We offer a competitive benefits package that includes salary at $49.55 up to $53.55, health benefits, vacation, sick leave, life insurance, 401(k) with profit sharing and company match.
Due to the operating of machinery and tools, this position is safety sensitive and pre-employment drug testing is a step in the job offer process.
To apply for this unique position, please go to our web site at www.ncmachinery.com
Equal Opportunity Employer/Protected Veterans/Individuals with Disabilities
The contractor will not discharge or in any other manner discriminate against employees or applicants because they have inquired about, discussed, or disclosed their own pay or the pay of another employee or applicant.
However, employees who have access to the compensation information of other employees or applicants as a part of their essential job functions cannot disclose the pay of other employees or applicants to individuals who do no...
Type: Permanent Location: Mt Vernon, US-WA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:29:52
Your Job
The jobsite located in Vidor, TX has an opening for a Rodbuster.
Our Team
Optimized Process Designs, LLC (OPD) is an engineering/construction company headquartered in Katy, TX with an expertise in the natural gas, natural gas liquids, and petrochemical industries.
OPD is part of the larger Koch Engineered Solutions (KES) organization which provides a variety of capabilities across many industries.
Originally incorporated in 1980, OPD has developed a strong reputation for honesty, integrity, and ability to successfully execute projects.
OPD has a key advantage in being able to supply construction services as well as engineering/procurement.
This enables clients to have a ''one stop shop'' for the overall project, providing increased efficiency and avoiding potential interface problems.
OPD's industry experience, flexibility, and personal attention have made us a preferred partner to our customers and our tight knit, highly productive, team atmosphere makes OPD a great place to work.
What You Will Do
Some core responsibilities for a Rodbuster include:
* Space and fasten together rods in forms according to blueprints using wire and pliers.
* Position and secure steel bars, rods, cables or mesh in concrete forms using fasteners and hand tools.
* Place blocks under rebar to hold the bards off the deck.
* Bend steel rods with hand tools and rodbending machines.
* Cut and fit wire mesh or fabric using hooked rods and position fabric or mesh in concrete to reinforce concrete.
* Cut rods to required lengths using metal shears, hacksaws or bar cutters.
* Determines number, size, shape and locations of reinforcing rods from blueprints, sketches or oral instructions.
* Positions and secures steel bars in concrete forms to reinforce concrete.
* Selects and places rod in forms; spacing and fastening them together using wire and pliers.
* Cuts bars to required lengths, using hacksaw, bar cutters or acetylene torch.
* Bend steel rods with hand tools or rod bending machine.
* Reinforces concrete with wire mesh.
* May reinforce concrete with wire mesh.
May weld reinforcing bar together, using arc-welding equipment.
* Insures that all reinforcing material is in its proper position, so it receives its intended structural load.
* Loads, transports, unloads material, tools, equipment and supplies.
* May assist in lifting, positioning and securing of material and work pieces during installation.
* May perform minor maintenance or cleaning activities of tools and equipment.
We expect all field employees to:
* Actively participate in a strong safety culture
* Recognize safety hazards and risks
* Participate in onsite safety meetings
* Follow OPD and client safety policies and procedures
* Be aware of changing conditions on an active jobsite
* Be on time to the jobsite each day ready for work
* Display a positive attitude and be able to...
Type: Permanent Location: Vidor, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:29:49
Your Job
The jobsite located in Vidor, TX has an opening for a Ironworker Foreman.
Our Team
Optimized Process Designs, LLC (OPD) is an engineering/construction company headquartered in Katy, TX with an expertise in the natural gas, natural gas liquids, and petrochemical industries.
OPD is part of the larger Koch Engineered Solutions (KES) organization which provides a variety of capabilities across many industries.
Originally incorporated in 1980, OPD has developed a strong reputation for honesty, integrity, and ability to successfully execute projects.
OPD has a key advantage in being able to supply construction services as well as engineering/procurement.
This enables clients to have a ''one stop shop'' for the overall project, providing increased efficiency and avoiding potential interface problems.
OPD's industry experience, flexibility, and personal attention have made us a preferred partner to our customers and our tight knit, highly productive, team atmosphere makes OPD a great place to work.
What You Will Do
Some core responsibilities for an ironworker foreman include:
* Strong knowledge of structural iron, rigging, tools, procedures, safe lifting, and best practices.
* Practical knowledge of structural steel assembly and installation
* Able to effectively communicate with the rigging team (other riggers and crane operator)
* Must be familiar with the standard crane hand signals
* Must be able to assess weights of loads and equipment needed to lift safely
* Ability to lead small teams
* Assign job duties of the crew and ensure that each employee is properly trained
* Being a safety role model for the team
* Enforcing OPD and client specific safety policies and procedures on the jobsite
* Anticipate and recognize potential safety and environmental concerns and report them to the OPD Superintendent.
* Providing records of work completed to the OPD Superintendent
We expect all field employees to:
* Actively participate in a strong safety culture
* Recognize safety hazards and risks
* Participate in onsite safety meetings
* Follow OPD and client safety policies and procedures
* Be aware of changing conditions on an active jobsite
* Be on time to the jobsite each day ready for work
* Display a positive attitude and be able to work in a team environment
Some physical demands of being an ironworker include:
* Capable of working in outdoor weather and environmental conditions including extreme heat and humidity, extreme cold, and high elevations.
* Must be able to work on elevated platforms and maintain balance when stepping on narrow platforms such as beams and pipes.
Must be able to perform these activities while wearing an approved full-body harness and lanyard.
* Lifting and carrying awkward objects up to 60 lbs
* Standing for extended periods of time up to 11 hours per day.
Breaks are given in 2.5 hour intervals
* M...
Type: Permanent Location: Vidor, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-21 07:29:49