Werde Sortierer für Briefe in Hamburg-Altona
Was wir bieten
* 15,63 € Tarif-Stundenlohn
* + 25% Nachtzulage steuerfrei
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Du kannst sofort als Abrufkraft starten
* Kostenlose Bereitstellung von hochwertiger Arbeitskleidung
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt)
* Unbefristete Übernahme und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten (bspw.
Standortleiter) bei guten Leistungen und offenen Positionen möglich
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote wie z.B.
arbeitgeberfinanzierte betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Fahrradleasing, Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, etc
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns
* Sortieren der Briefsendungen nach verschiedenen Kriterien
* Bedienen der Sortieranlagen
* Heranholen der zugeführten Briefbehälter
* Leeren der Fächer und Abtransport der Briefbehälter
Was du als Briefsortierer bietest
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig und bist engagiert
* Du kannst anpacken und hast Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Werde Sortierer bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Briefsortierer sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Briefe pünktlich ankommen.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Sortierer, am besten online.
Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Hamburg, DE-HH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:09:39
Werde Sortierer für Briefe in Hamburg-Altona in der Spätschicht
Was wir bieten
* 16,28 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld
* + 25% Nachtzulage steuerfrei schon ab 20:00 Uhr (bis 6:00 Uhr, entspricht 17,57 € Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld)
* Weitere 50% Weihnachtsgeld im November
* Bis zu 332 € Urlaubsgeld im Juli ab dem 2.
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, bezahlte Einarbeitung, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Du kannst sofort in Teilzeit starten, 15 Stunden/Woche
* Kostenlose Ausstattung, wie z.B.
Sicherheitsschuhe und Schutzhandschuhe
* Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten (bspw.
Teamleiter) bei guten Leistungen und offenen Positionen möglich
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote, wie z.B.
Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, Fitnessstudios, Modemarken etc.
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns
* Sortieren der Briefsendungen nach verschiedenen Kriterien
* Bedienen der Sortieranlagen
* Heranholen der zugeführten Briefbehälter
* Leeren der Fächer und Abtransport der Briefbehälter
* Unsere Schicht:
+ Spätschicht Mo -Fr in der Zeitlage von 18:45 bis 21:45 Uhr, jeden 6.
Samstag von 14:00 -17:00 Uhr und jeden 6.
Sonntag von 12:30 - 16:00 Uhr
Was du als Briefsortierer bietest
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig und bist engagiert
* Du kannst anpacken und hast Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Werde Sortierer bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Briefsortierer sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Briefe pünktlich ankommen.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Sortierer, am besten online.
Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Hamburg Altona, DE-HH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:09:37
Werde Sortierer für Briefe in Hamburg-Altona in der Spätschicht
Was wir bieten
* 16,28 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld
* + 25% Nachtzulage steuerfrei schon ab 20:00 Uhr bis 6:00 Uhr
* + weitere 50% Weihnachtsgeld im November
* Bis zu 332 € Urlaubsgeld im Juli ab dem 2.
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, bezahlte Einarbeitung, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Du kannst sofort in Teilzeit starten, 13 Stunden/Woche (kein Minijob!)
* Kostenlose Ausstattung, wie z.B.
Sicherheitsschuhe und Schutzhandschuhe
* Übernahme und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten (bspw.
Teamleiter) bei guten Leistungen und offenen Positionen möglich
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote, wie z.B.
Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, Fitnessstudios, Modemarken etc.
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns
* Sortieren der Briefsendungen nach verschiedenen Kriterien
* Bedienen der Sortieranlagen
* Heranholen der zugeführten Briefbehälter
* Leeren der Fächer und Abtransport der Briefbehälter
* Unsere Schicht:
+ Spätschicht Mo - Fr in der Zeitlage von 18:10 bis 20:40 Uhr und jeden 3.
Sonntag von 08:50 - 14:30 Uhr
Was du als Aushilfe bietest
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig und bist engagiert
* Du kannst anpacken und hast Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Werde Sortierer bei Deutsche Post DHL
In deinem Nebenjob (kein Minijob!) als Briefsortierer sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Briefe pünktlich ankommen.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Sortierer, am besten online.
Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Hamburg, DE-HH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:09:35
Werde Lagermitarbeiter / Sortierer für Briefe in Hamburg Altona
Was wir bieten
* 16,28 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld
* + 25% Nachtzulage steuerfrei schon ab 20:00 Uhr bis 6:00 Uhr
* + weitere 50% Weihnachtsgeld im November
* Bis zu 332 € Urlaubsgeld im Juli ab dem 2.
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, bezahlte Einarbeitung, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Du kannst sofort befristet in Teilzeit starten, 15 Stunden/Woche
* Kostenlose Ausstattung, wie z.B.
Sicherheitsschuhe und Schutzhandschuhe
* Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten (bspw.
Teamleiter) bei guten Leistungen und offenen Positionen möglich
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote, wie z.B.
Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, Fitnessstudios, Modemarken etc.
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns
* Sortieren der Briefsendungen nach verschiedenen Kriterien
* Bedienen der Sortieranlagen
* Heranholen der zugeführten Briefbehälter
* Leeren der Fächer und Abtransport der Briefbehälter
* Unsere Arbeitszeiten:
Dienstzeit von Di.-Sa.
Was du als Briefsortierer bietest
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig und bist engagiert
* Du kannst anpacken und hast Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Werde Sortierer bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Briefsortierer sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Briefe pünktlich ankommen.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Sortierer, am besten online.
Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Hamburg, DE-HH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:09:35
Werde Lagermitarbeiter / Sortierer für Briefe in Hamburg Altona in der Spätschicht
Was wir bieten
* 16,28 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld
* + 25% Nachtzulage steuerfrei schon ab 20:00 Uhr (bis 6:00 Uhr)
* Weitere 50% Weihnachtsgeld im November
* Bis zu 332 € Urlaubsgeld
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, bezahlte Einarbeitung, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Du kannst sofort befristet in Teilzeit starten, 15 Stunden/Woche
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt)
* Kostenlose Ausstattung, wie z.B.
Sicherheitsschuhe und Schutzhandschuhe
* Unbefristete Übernahme und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten (bspw.
Teamleiter) bei guten Leistungen und offenen Positionen möglich
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote, wie z.B.
Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, Fitnessstudios, Modemarken etc.
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns
* Sortieren der Briefsendungen nach verschiedenen Kriterien
* Bedienen der Sortieranlagen
* Heranholen der zugeführten Briefbehälter
* Leeren der Fächer und Abtransport der Briefbehälter
* Unsere Schicht:
+ Spätschicht montags bis freitags von 18:20-21:10 Uhr und jeden 3.
Sonntag von 09:55- 15:15 Uhr
Was du als Briefsortierer bietest
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig und bist engagiert
* Du kannst anpacken und hast Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Werde Sortierer bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Briefsortierer sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Briefe pünktlich ankommen.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Lagerhelfer, am besten online.
Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Hamburg, DE-HH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:09:34
Werde Lagermitarbeiter / Kommissionierer für Briefe in Hamburg Altona
Was wir bieten
* 16,28 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld
* + 25% Nachtzulage steuerfrei schon ab 20:00 Uhr (bis 6:00 Uhr, entspricht 17,57 € Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld)
* Weitere 50% Weihnachtsgeld im November
* Bis zu 332 € Urlaubsgeld im Juli ab dem 2.
* Du kannst sofort in Teilzeit starten, 15 Stunden/Woche
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, bezahlte Einarbeitung, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Kostenlose Ausstattung, wie z.B.
Sicherheitsschuhe und Schutzhandschuhe
* Unbefristete Übernahme und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten (bspw.
Teamleiter) bei guten Leistungen und offenen Positionen möglich
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote, wie z.B.
Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, Fitnessstudios, Modemarken etc.
Deine Aufgaben als Kommissionierer bei uns
* Bedienen der Kommissionieranlagen
* Heranholen und Zuführen der Briefbehälter
* Abnahme und Abtransport der Briefbehälter
* Unsere Schicht:
+ Verlässlicher Dienstplan von Montag bis Freitag 16:00 - 19:00 Uhr
+ im Wechsel Dienstag bis Samstag 16:00 - 19:00 Uhr
Was du als Lagermitarbeiter bietest
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig und bist engagiert
* Du kannst anpacken und hast Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Werde Kommissionierer bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Kommissionierer in unserem Lager sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Briefe pünktlich ankommen! Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Lagerhelfer, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Hamburg Altona, DE-HH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:09:34
Ardurra is seeking a Construction Manager to join our Public Works / Project and Construction Management Group in Miami, FL.
Primary Function
Ideal candidates will have previous experience in public capital projects particularly in the water/wastewater pipeline and facility fields, assisting project / construction management professionals to oversee construction contractors and to collaborate with project delivery teams for the successful completion of public infrastructure and facilities.
Strong written and verbal communications skills and Knowledge of, and ability to interpret, engineered construction plans and details, technical specifications, contract requirements, engineering drawings, are critical requirements of the position.
Competency in cost estimating and scheduling is desirable.
Primary Duties
* Responsibilities will include assisting to observe that the work is completed in general accordance with the drawings and specifications, daily field reporting, tracking contractor's installed quantities, witnessing tests, documenting test results and serving as liaison between engineer and contractor
* Review, logging and processing of Requests for Information (RFIs), submittals, change order proposals, Critical Path Method Schedules, general correspondence, payment applications, and other related construction administration activities
* Typical projects involve the construction of public infrastructure and facilities using various construction methods
* Qualified candidates may work on one or more projects simultaneously.
Education and Experience Requirements
* Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering and/or Construction Management related coursework / certifications, EIT and/or CMIT preferred.
Other related degrees and/or educational achievements may be considered with relevant experience
* 5 plus years in the Construction field or Project / Construction Management and Inspection Services
* Familiarization with local municipalities
* Working knowledge of Microsoft Office Word, Excel and Outlook
* CPM scheduling and cost estimating desirable
Why Ardurra?
While Ardurra offers competitive compensation and rich benefits programs, it is our culture that truly sets us apart from our peers.
We nurture a family-like culture, striving to create a work environment that is enjoyable, challenging and rewarding but also fun.
We are acutely focused on developing our staff, whether through our internal Ardurra Academy or through our industry-leading Leadership program.
We have made a deliberate and focused commitment to nurture a people-centric culture where people are: valued as individuals; supported in their professional and career development with multiple, varied career paths; provided the tools and resources to be successful, engaged, and satisfied in their work; and positive benefits, time-off programs, and flexibility to help maintain a healthy balance between work and home.
Ardurra is an ...
Type: Permanent Location: Miami, US-FL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:09:31
Ardurra seeks a Water/Wastewater / Recycled Water Master Planning - Senior Project Manager looking for the opportunity to join a growing organization in a leadership role for an organization that values its people and has exciting clients. We are looking for experienced professionals who want the opportunity to help grow an organization with the support and resources of a national firm.
Prefer someone local to California or open to relocating to California and could be located out of any of our CA offices
Primary Function:
The Senior Project Manager will assist with planning, directing, and overseeing projects within Ardurra’s Southwest Practice.
Working closely with the Group Leader will be responsible for technical oversight, supporting business development, proposal development, project management, and oversight of group personnel and resources.
You will help to build our local group and provide exceptional client service.
You will provide management expertise to ensure that projects are delivered on budget and on schedule.
You will provide technical expertise to help develop effective solutions and to ensure the technical and quality aspects meet all client expectations and industry standards.
In addition to your project responsibilities, you will provide advice, mentoring and development to other engineers.
Excellent leadership, project and people management and written/verbal communication skills are all critical to success.
The ideal candidate will have a well-rounded background or proven skills in master planning and hydraulic analyses and will support highly technical staff on water / wastewater / recycled water planning projects.
The candidate will also have strong communication and interpersonal skills.
Primary Duties:
* Plan, schedule, and track milestones, tasks, and activities
* Support development and run hydraulic models and document results in reports or technical memoranda.
* Perform research and analytical tasks related for water, recycled water, and wastewater masterplans, urban water management plans, asset management plans, water supply assessments, risk assessments, flow monitoring reports, etc.
* Attend meetings to discuss project progress and results.
* Actively managing assigned projects.
* Assist with business development activities.
* Archive final deliverable documents – reports, models, and associated tools.
Technical Expertise
* Experienced with all aspects of public water project delivery including water/wastewater treatment and advanced water treatment plants.
* Experienced in water pumping stations and sewer lift stations.
* Experience in all types of conveyance design (pipelines, flow control facilities, turnouts, pressure reducing stations, metering stations, and related facilities).
Project Delivery
* Serve as Project Manager for water/wastewater/recycled water master planning projects.
* Oversee staff for various and ongoing project as...
Type: Permanent Location: San Diego, US-CA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:09:31
Your Job
Flint Hills Resources is looking for an Operations Technician to join our team at our terminal in Rosemount, MN.
Our Team
Our team is in charge of receiving finished products leaving the refinery and the subsequent distribution.
At Flint Hills Resources Pipelines and Terminals, we are a team of pipeline and industry professionals that are committed to safety and compliance while delivering quality products and working with our community partners.
* Pay based on skills and experience
* Bonus eligible
* 9/80 schedule for work-life balance (every other Friday off)
* Immediate Vacation Available - 120 hours annual allotment
* Medical/Dental/Vision plus 401k matching and additional 401k vesting plan
What You Will Do
* Ongoing responsibilities may include, but are not limited to:
* Product transfers, periodic inspections of tanks, valves, or piping, and testing of system safety devices, and product quality control or technically oriented tasks related to a terminal
* Basic mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation troubleshooting and pump and valve maintenance as trained
* Coordinate with schedulers for the successful delivery and receipt of a range of products including asphalt, refined fuels, liquid fertilizer and propane via truck and/or pipeline.
* Input computer data in various programs and are assigned duties through a work management system including lab testing, inspection and record keeping requirements
* Support the team while managing small projects.
* Be available for an on-call rotation during selected nights and weekends as required by the number of personnel in rotation or the in the event of an unplanned event.
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* A valid driver's license
* Willing and able to respond within an approximate 30-minute drive of the terminal in Rosemount, MN
* Willing and able to meet physical requirements.
Physical requirements:
* Willing and able to stand, sit, kneel, crouch, crawl, walk, push, pull, reach, handle, bend, twist, climb and balance for up to 9 hours a day
* Willing and able to utilize Personal Protective Equipment (for example: hard hat, safety glasses, fire retardant clothing, respirator, safety work boots, etc.
as required)
* Willingness to adhere to facial hair policy
* Ability to lift up to 50 pounds (with frequent carrying of up to 25 pounds)
* Is able to respond to audio alarms, or other loud noises that would indicate a safety concern
* Able to communicate hazardous conditions and other dangers
* Willing and able to work near moving mechanical parts, work in wet or humid conditions (non-weather) and outdoor weather conditions, work in high, precarious places and work around fumes or airborne particles and toxic or caustic chemicals with a respirator
What Will Put You Ahead
* Mechanical and/or electrical work experience
* At least two (2) years of cons...
Type: Permanent Location: Rosemount, US-MN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:09:25
Purpose: Provide leadership within the Plating Department
Reports : Plating Supervisor
Shift: C
Main Responsibilities:
* Maintain a safe working environment, adhere to safety principles, and maintain accepted housekeeping standards.
* Direct and supervise production employees and establish work priorities
* Coordinate efforts with other shifts and initiate and direct continuous improvement programs
* Assure prescribed operations, processes, and operational sequences are followed
* Motivate and train employees toward higher efficiency and skill levels
* Carry out weekly and monthly plating tanks' maintenance, including the dumping, cleaning and preparation of the process baths as required
* Assure all the auxiliary plating equipment is in operating condition
* Maintain the preventative maintenance schedule for all the auxiliary plating equipment such as filters, regeneration stations and evaporation units
* Perform daily and weekly plating line equipment inspection
* Assist in the start-up and shut down of the plating line
Required Qualifications:
* Basic chemical knowledge and willing and able to work with chemicals
* Strong communication skills
* Demonstrated leadership ability and ability to work with little direction and function in a team-oriented environment
* Ability to trouble-shoot production related problems and ability to visually identify defective parts
* Ability to recognize problems and react quickly and be able to work independently
Preferred Qualifications:
• Forklift experience
Physical Requirements:
• Ability to stand or walk on concrete floor for 8+ hours and lift and/or move up to 50 lbs.
• Requires hand, arm back, and leg strength; also, bending and squatting ability
• Must have eye, foot, and hand coordination, and be able to do repetitive grasping, pushing, pulling, and fine motor manipulation
* Ability to work in fluctuating temperatures and perform work indoors/outdoors as needed
This job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities, duties or responsibilities that are required of the employee.
Other duties, responsibilities and activities may change or be assigned at any time with or without notice.
Job Posting Dates: 08/12/2020 - 08/14/2020
Type: Permanent Location: Portageville, US-MO
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:09:13
Templeton, CA - Seeking Hospital Medicine Practice Administrator
Everybody Has A Role to Play in Transforming Healthcare
As a Practice Administrator, you play a vital role in our mission to improve lives.
Provide direct, business operations support to our medical directors, site physician partners, advanced providers and scribe (when applicable) employees.
At Vituity we know the impact you can have.
Join the Vituity Team.
At Vituity we've cultivated an environment where passion thrives, and success comes through shared purpose.
We were founded in a culture that values team accomplishments more than individual achievements, an approach we call "culture of brilliance." Together, we leverage our strengths and experiences to make a positive impact in our local communities.
We foster this through shared goals and helping our colleagues succeed, and we also understand the importance of recognition, taking the time to show appreciation and gratitude for a job well done.
Vituity Locations: Vituity has opportunities at 475 sites across the country, serving 9 million patients a year.
With Vituity, if you ever need to move, you can take your job with you.
The Opportunity
* Act as the operational administrator for the site Vituity leadership and as the interface for the practice to the hospital and community.
* Act as the front-line liaison for the provider team with hospital C-Suite, nursing leadership, nursing staff, and Vituity support team.
* Provide executive support to the site medical director and site management team to meet contract expectations.
* Provide support for all site financials to include, but not limited to, contract stipends, expense reimbursements, and site payroll timecards.
* Act as the super user for all Vituity software applications and as a point person for hospital software and hardware systems.
* As appropriate to site practice, provide support to Vituity providers acting as a percipient witness in criminal or civil disputes including, but not limited to, receiving and routing subpoenas, scheduling depositions and trial testimony as applicable, development of a provider fee schedule, and including malpractice carrier as appropriate.
* Provide office management to include, but not limited to, all aspects of meeting management, office systems, supplies, site events, and customer service.
* As applicable to the practice line, facilitate all aspects of the daily patient census and attend daily multi-disciplinary rounds.
* As applicable to the site practice, responsible for all aspects of the site clinical schedules to ensure adequate coverage with no disruption to patient care.
* Collect, track, and analyze all site financial and operational data.
* Project management as needed of the site operational programs to include, but not limited to, Operations Meetings, Patient Experience Program, Quality/Performance Improvement Program, Advanced Provider and/or Scribe Programs, ...
Type: Permanent Location: Templeton, US-CA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-07 07:33:14
We are seeking a 2nd Shift EVS Manager at Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara Medical Center, in Santa Clara CA.
As an EVS Manager you will be responsible for managing the associates in the Environmental Services department with the oversight of the Unit Director. You will serve as a liaison between hospital departments and the Environmental Services department to provide the highest possible level of service.
What we look for in an Environmental Services Manager:
* Strong leadership skills and experience leading and managing a team
* Customer service minded individuals
* Strong communication skills
* EVS Manager or Project Manager experience is preferred
* SEIU Union knowledge and/or experience
* Participate in staff selection process. Interview candidates as needed. Schedule days off, holidays and vacations, ensuring that the account’s needs are met in accordance with hours and position control.
* Assign personnel to established work areas or project duties.
* Conducts quality assurance checks and manages materials inventory as well as general use of equipment.
* Ensure that staff receives proper orientation, initial training, and ongoing education.
* Provide individual guidance and motivation to staff to enable each one to perform to his/her fullest potential.
* Discipline associates when necessary according to progressive disciplinary guidelines.
* Prepare associate disciplinary and variance reports and conduct follow-up investigation as needed, reporting findings to the Department Director. Prepare disciplinary action notices and conduct follow-up as required. Conduct disciplinary meetings with associates with guidance from the Department Director.
* Maintain an environment that is in sanitary, attractive and orderly condition.
* Demonstrate and promote Xanitos’ culture, values, and management philosophy.
* Demonstrate quality leadership in meeting performance plans.
* Employees in Healthcare are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as a term and condition of employment at Xanitos, absent a legally required Medical or Religious exception, and are required to report their vaccination status and upload proof of vaccination via a secure online portal.
* High School diploma required.
College degree or equivalent work experience preferred.
* Flexibility to work some differing shifts
* Strong service/quality attitude
* Strong communication skills
* Strong leadership skills
* Proficient in the use of Windows based office software
Xanitos understands the importance of you and your family’s health and wellbeing, as well as your financial future.
With that in mind, we take pride in the variety of benefit plans that are available for our employees.
Please note, plans vary by location and are subject to eligibility and work hour requirements in accordance ...
Type: Permanent Location: santa clara, US-CA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-07 07:31:58
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
We are dedicated to serving the public by promoting a strong financial system and a healthy economy for all.
These efforts take a team of dedicated individuals doing many different jobs.
Together we’re creating a workplace where talented people can thrive, and we welcome your unique background and perspective to help present the best possible solutions for our partners.
Location: #LI-Hybrid
Job Description
At the Dallas Fed we serve the public by partnering with communities and businesses, promoting jobs and stable prices, and keeping your money safe and available.
We welcome different perspectives, ideas, and experiences, and are committed to maintaining an inclusive and diverse culture.
As part of the nation’s central bank, we are committed to improving the economy and our communities.
Are you ready to make a difference?
Learn more about the Dallas Fed: www.dallasfed.org/fed.
We offer paid, full-time summer internships for many majors, with fulfilling work and opportunities to grow.
To help launch your career, we provide dedicated staff mentors.
You’ll also learn from senior leaders and industry experts.
As part of the Federal Reserve System, you’ll be connected to a professional network that spans the nation.
You will begin in early June 2025 and will be based in the Dallas office.
Learn more about our internship program: www.dallasfed.org/internships.
The Research department undertakes research and analysis to add to the frontier of knowledge and to inform monetary policy.
The department produces and publishes relevant, timely and innovative research and prepares briefings to support the Bank President’s participation at FOMC meetings.
* Assist economist(s) in one of Research’s groups (macroeconomics, international, regional, energy, or banking and finance) in their academic research and/or policy analysis.
* The specific tasks will do will depend on the project(s) you work on, and will include some or all of:
+ Learning and summarizing recent and relevant research and analysis
+ Locating, obtaining, and compiling statistical data
+ Constructing files and producing charts and other graphics
+ Replicating previous research on a relevant topic
+ Performing statistical and econometric analysis under the direction of economists
+ Learning and solving (on the computer) theoretical models of the macroeconomy, international trade, or banking
+ Contributing ideas and suggestions for project improvement
+ Sharing knowledge and providing advice to research assistants (RAs) and other interns on economic issues and assignments
* Completed your Senior year with coursework in economics, statistics, econometrics, mathematics, and computer science and with a GPA of 3.5 or higher
* A cop...
Type: Permanent Location: Dallas, US-TX
Salary / Rate: 22.5
Posted: 2024-11-07 07:28:52
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
We are dedicated to serving the public by promoting a strong financial system and a healthy economy for all.
These efforts take a team of dedicated individuals doing many different jobs.
Together we’re creating a workplace where talented people can thrive, and we welcome your unique background and perspective to help present the best possible solutions for our partners.
Location: #LI-Hybrid
About the Role:
The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (Bank) is looking for a versatile and highly motivated Assistant Vice President (AVP) who will provide leadership and direct oversight of first-line management for the risk-focused supervision of state member banks and bank/financial hold companies with assets up to $100 billion in the Eleventh District.
The AVP will help foster an inclusive and high-performing culture and ensure alignment to the Bank’s and Federal Reserve System’s (System) vision and priorities. The AVP will be a thought leader who contributes to the System, Bank, and departmental initiatives by leading and participating on committees and projects.
You Will:
* Provide direct oversight of the safety and soundness supervision for banking organizations within the Eleventh Federal Reserve District. This responsibility requires a current knowledge of broad financial trends and perspectives, and the active identification, analysis, and resolution of emerging and ongoing risks affecting supervised institutions. Technical expertise associated with the operations of community and regionally sized financial organizations is preferred as well as an understanding of related regulations and supervisory expectations.
* Demonstrate balanced judgment and well-reasoned decision making in situations that may involve complex issues, public scrutiny, market reactions, and potentially adversarial circumstances.
* Engage with senior officials of regulated institutions, especially when dealing with risks, enforcement actions, and supervisory issues.
* Ensure supervisory program deliverables are of high quality and completed in a timely manner.
* Be a leader within the Bank in vision, presence, and citizenship.
* Actively seek, secure, and develop the best talent available.
* Mentor and support staff to develop the next generation of Bank leaders.
* Have an enterprise mindset. Ensure solutions are focused on the overall success of the Bank and Federal Reserve System.
* Build connections with other Reserve Banks and the Federal Reserve Board to increase the Bank’s thought leadership within the Federal Reserve System.
* Lead and participate in Federal Reserve System committees. Encourage and foster extensive communication with the Federal Reserve Board of Governors to influence System policy and strategic direction.
* Participate in the prioritization of resources considering Eleventh Federal Reserve District needs as well as Federal Reserve S...
Type: Permanent Location: Dallas, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-07 07:28:48
We Are Access
Access is the largest privately-held records and information management (RIM) services
provider worldwide, with operations across the United States, Canada, Central and South
Access helps companies manage and activate their critical business information to
make them more efficient and more compliant through offsite storage and information
governance services, scanning and digital transformation solutions, document management
software including CartaHR, and secure destruction services.
Visit https://www.accesscorp.com/ for more details.
We are Access! We are committed to exceeding the expectations or our clients, company and
We focus on protecting and managing the information for millions of people.
our mission is to advance how the world manages information with the very best service.
The Impact You Could Make
Do you enjoy working in an environment where you day to day activities change? Do you like having variety in your work day to
make it go faster? Do you enjoy preparing orders in a warehouse, but also enjoy getting out of the branch to make some deliveries? Can you imagine yourself doing so while getting a daily workout? If you answered yes to all these questions, Access has a great opportunity for you! As a Hybrid Driver/Warehouse Specialist (Transportation/Record Center Specialist) for Access, you will be a key part of our fast growing company in delivering the very best customer experience to our clients.
Your Daily Responsibilities
• You will prepare all materials, tapes and boxes full of confidential documents to be delivered.
• You will assist the Transportation Specialists in loading and unloading the company vehicles.
• You will process all incoming orders in using wireless scanning technology.
• You will investigate and resolve any order discrepancy for incoming or outgoing orders.
• You will prepare the necessary paperwork for the day’s deliveries.
• You will somedays start your day in the records center, loading your company vehicle of materials, recycling bins and/or
boxes full of confidential documents, and preparing the necessary paperwork for your deliveries.
• You will somedays spend part of your day on the road, going from client locations to client locations, delivering and/or
picking up client documents and materials in using wireless scanning technology, interacting with the clients and making
sure they are satisfied and well served.
More About You
• A valid Driver’s License with a good driving record.
• The physical ability to lift boxes, recycling bins and materials weighing up to 60 pounds and carry boxes weighing up to
50 pounds regularly throughout the day.
• At least 1 to 2 years of experience in a warehouse/physical atmosphere
• At least 1 to 2 years of driving experience.
• High School Diploma or equivalent required.
• Must be able to pass a pre-employment substance abuse screening, a background check, and a DOT physical
Why Access?
• C...
Type: Permanent Location: Omaha, US-NE
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-07 07:28:10
The Transportation/Record Center Specialist (TS/RCS) is a hybrid role at Access that is responsible for the safe and legal driving of Access vehicles and coordinating the delivery and pick up of critical client documents & media in a timely, courteous, and professional manner.
When not driving to and from client sites, the TS/RCS also serves customers by maintaining and processing physical assets stored in our Records Center.
Primary Functions:
* Responsible for driving responsibilities on all routes, by providing effective and timely delivery and pick-up of client materials in accordance with company policy and customer requirements.
* Responsible for loading, unloading material and media as required, at both company and client locations with the use of flatbeds and hand trucks.
* Utilize all equipment in a safe and practical manner following company policies and standards.
* Ensure that all driver paperwork is submitted accurately, legibly and on-time each day.
* Ensure that PDT Communicate & Process steps are completed daily for all Assigned Work Orders.
* Handle all physical requirements for loading, unloading, transporting & driving without assistance.
* Maintain a clean and organized vehicle, pursuant to company standards.
* Process all types of daily incoming work orders and rush orders from Client Services; scan carton barcodes and locations.
* Investigate and resolve any order discrepancy for incoming or outgoing orders; manifest all orders, bundle and prepare for shipment.
* Process client onsite record reviews.
* Retrieve files, containers, and tapes on a daily basis.
* Put up files (within 48 hours of receipt), containers (within 24 hours of receipt), and tapes (within 24 hours of receipt) in a timely basis, and in accordance with company operating procedures.
* Assist in loading and unloading company trucks and vans.
* Interact professionally with all clients.
* Communicate regularly with your direct supervisor to notify him or her of any potential issues, including but not limited to those relating to your job, or those relating to the client.
Secondary Functions:
* Advise the appropriate manager of any issues requiring immediate attention, including but not limited to customer complaints or vehicle issues.
* Participate in safety and security drills and advise the appropriate manager of any violations.
* Know and understand defined role in the Company Disaster Recovery Plan.
* Ensure all accidents and injuries are reported immediately to your supervisor.
* Travel between facilities when necessary.
* Work Overtime as necessary.
* Comply with all company policies and procedures.
* Other duties as assigned by supervisor.
Other Responsibilities:
* None
Education and Years of Experience:
* High School Diploma or equivalent required.
* 1+ years of route transportation experience preferr...
Type: Permanent Location: Homewood, US-AL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-07 07:28:09
At Elanco (NYSE: ELAN) – it all starts with animals!
As a global leader in animal health, we are dedicated to innovation and delivering products and services to prevent and treat disease in farm animals and pets.
We’re driven by our vision of ‘Food and Companionship Enriching Life’ and our approach to sustainability – the Elanco Healthy Purpose™ – to advance the health of animals, people, the planet and our enterprise.
At Elanco, we pride ourselves on fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment.
We believe that diversity is the driving force behind innovation, creativity, and overall business success.
Here, you’ll be part of a company that values and champions new ways of thinking, work with dynamic individuals, and acquire new skills and experiences that will propel your career to new heights.
Making animals’ lives better makes life better – join our team today!
This role is critical to the successful execution of multiple intercompany (manufacturing to affiliate warehouse) areas of responsibility including arrangement of domestic and international shipments, internal customer service for product shipments, ensuring that Export/Import requirements are met, and performing specific replenishment transactions.
The Intercompany Services team is also responsible for monitoring affiliate inventory levels for their respective products and proactively providing recommendations to key stakeholders to ensure healthy inventory levels.
Success factors for this role include strong communication skills, attention to detail, the ability to prioritize, exposure to logistics and manufacturing planning processes at Elanco, and the ability to work in fast-paced environment.
Key Objectives/ Responsibilities:
* Responsible for exceptional customer service and trade compliance accuracy to internal and external partners for all shipments from manufacturing sites to affiliate warehouses
* Transport planning, transport ordering, creation of shipping documentation, monitoring of operational progress and associated exception handling.
* Verify and prepare export documents for compliance with local and international regulation.
* Monitoring freight payment and associated extra cost management (control of invoices which do not match system based freight and extra costs invoice accruals).
* Responsible for day-to-day communication with transport and logistics service providers, in particular when making provisions for peaks in transport demand and managing through capacity bottlenecks.
* Resolution of customer service issues (product damage in transit, temperature variances, reports of missing product or documentation, delayed shipments, etc).
* Arrange export orders with additional attention because of the inherent complexity of these orders and different requirements by country.
* Returns orders processing in coordination with cross-functional teams.
* Communicate clearly to key stakeholders ...
Type: Permanent Location: Warszawa, PL-MZ
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-07 07:20:18
At Elanco (NYSE: ELAN) – it all starts with animals!
As a global leader in animal health, we are dedicated to innovation and delivering products and services to prevent and treat disease in farm animals and pets.
We’re driven by our vision of ‘Food and Companionship Enriching Life’ and our approach to sustainability – the Elanco Healthy Purpose™ – to advance the health of animals, people, the planet and our enterprise.
At Elanco, we pride ourselves on fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment.
We believe that diversity is the driving force behind innovation, creativity, and overall business success.
Here, you’ll be part of a company that values and champions new ways of thinking, work with dynamic individuals, and acquire new skills and experiences that will propel your career to new heights.
Making animals’ lives better makes life better – join our team today!
Elanco ist ein globales Tiergesundheitsunternehmen, welches in über 90 Ländern Produkte entwickelt und Wissen vermittelt, um Nutztiere und Haustiere zu behandeln und diese am Erkranken zu hindern. Mit einer über 64-jährigen Tradition und durch unsere hohe Innovationsbereitschaft verbessern wir die Gesundheit der Tiere stetig, damit unsere Kunden davon profitieren, während wir gleichzeitig die Kultur von über 5800 Mitarbeitern fördern und miteinbeziehen.
Bei Elanco sind wir stets von unserer Vision geleitet und wollen somit unsere Gesellschaft bereichern – alles für den Fortschritt in der Gesundheit bei Tieren, Menschen und unserem Planeten.
Lohmann Animal Health GmbH – weltweit führender Spezialist für die Herstellung von Geflügelimpfstoffen – gehört seit 2014 zu Elanco.
Mit unseren innovativen Produkten und Dienstleistungen wollen wir Verantwortung für die Gemeinschaft übernehmen und das Leben von Menschen und Tieren bereichern.
Wir suchen zum nächstmöglichen Termin Senior Technician-Maintenance (m/w/d).
Die Stelle ist zunächst auf 2 Jahre befristet.
* Ausführung der Instandhaltung (Wartung, Fehlersuche und Reparaturen) aller technischen Einrichtungen (Anlagen der Dampferzeugung, Lüftungs-, Kälte- und Klimatechnik, Anlagen zur Drucklufterzeugung, Abwasserbehandlung, Erzeugung und Verteilung von Wasser mit pharmazeutischer Qualität, LAF-Einheiten sowie Prozessanlagen (Abfüll- und Verschließmaschinen, Autoklaven, Etikettieranlagen, Fermentations- und Mirkofiltrationsanlagen, Gefriertrocknungsanlagen, usw.) unter Einhaltung der GMP-Richtlinien und aller anwendbaren Sicherheitsvorgaben
* Betreuung und Kontrolle von Dienstleistern in allen durchzuführenden Tätigkeiten aus Arbeitsaufträgen und Betriebsanweisungen
* Einsatz zur Aufrechterhaltung der Produktion im Schichtdienst/ Rufbereitschaft nach Dienstschluss und am Wochenende
* Einhaltung und Kontrolle von Sauberkeit und Ordnung im technischen Bereich
* Fachliche Qualifikation und persönliche Voraussetzungen:
Type: Permanent Location: Cuxhaven, DE-NI
Salary / Rate: 4034
Posted: 2024-11-07 07:20:12
At Elanco (NYSE: ELAN) – it all starts with animals!
As a global leader in animal health, we are dedicated to innovation and delivering products and services to prevent and treat disease in farm animals and pets.
We’re driven by our vision of ‘Food and Companionship Enriching Life’ and our approach to sustainability – the Elanco Healthy Purpose™ – to advance the health of animals, people, the planet and our enterprise.
At Elanco, we pride ourselves on fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment.
We believe that diversity is the driving force behind innovation, creativity, and overall business success.
Here, you’ll be part of a company that values and champions new ways of thinking, work with dynamic individuals, and acquire new skills and experiences that will propel your career to new heights.
Making animals’ lives better makes life better – join our team today!
Descripción del cargo: Esta posición es responsable de realizar los procesos analiticos, documentales y de inspección (cuando se requiera) con la finalidad de garantizar que los materiales (materias primas y materiales de empaque) utilizados en los procesos productivos del sitio cumplan con los requerimientos de calidad establecidos y que los productos liberados para su comercialización cumplan con las especificaciones de calidad establecidas ademas de apoyar en diferentes procesos administrativos relacionados con el cumplimiento regulatorio (ejem.
programas de estabilidades, validación de procesos y auditorias) y proyectos especiales del sitio.
Funciones, obligaciones, actividades:
* Ejecutar los procesos (análisis fisicoquimicos, aplicaciones SAP y manejo de muestras) aplicables a materias primas, producto (granel, estudios de estabilidad, desarrollo de producto y validación de métodos analíticos con la finalidad de garantizar la calidad de los materiales y productos evaluados y mantener el nivel de servicio del laboratorio hacia nuestros clientes internos y externos.
* Gestionar los procesos analiticos relacionadas con la validación y desarrollo de métodos analíticos con la finalidad de garantizar que estos cumplan con los requerimientos normativos locales y los estandares de Calidad de Elanco.
* Generar y mantener actualizada la información técnica (PNOs, Instructivos, metodologia analitica etc.) relevante utilizada en los procesos analiticos y documentales del laboratorio (fisico-quimico) con la finalidad de dar cumplimiento a las normas regulatorias locales y a los estandares de Calidad de Elanco.
* Brindar soporte en los procesos de gestión del seguimiento al cumplimiento de los indicadores de Calidad del Laboratorio mediante los huddles de nivel 1 y gestionar la información correspondiente a los Indicadores de Calidad del laboratorio para la conformación del reporte mensual del sitio de forma oportuna.
* Brindar soporte en los procesos de evaluación de los eventos de Calidad (ejem.
OoS, OoT y De...
Type: Permanent Location: Ecatepec de Morelos, MX-MEX
Salary / Rate: 282000
Posted: 2024-11-07 07:20:06
Harris Ambulatory Care Enterprise is seeking a highly motivated and detail-oriented Sr.
Analyst to join our Business Analytics team.
This role will report to the Sr.
Manager of Business Analytics and work closely with the Finance & Leadership teams.
The successful candidate will be responsible for providing accurate and timely reports & analysis over financial metrics, streamlining processes, supporting business decisions, and tracking of progress towards KPIs.
Position Responsibilities:
Financial Analysis & Forecasting:
* Collaborate with leadership to develop & provide recommendations to improve accuracy of monthly forecasts for revenue, costs, & other financial metrics.
* Perform in depth financial analysis in Excel, including variance analysis, cost analysis, identifying forecast risks and opportunities, trend analysis, etc.
* Maintain & develop rolling forecast reports.
* Perform audits on vendor and customer invoicing accuracy.
* Perform customer price increase analysis & conduct post implementation review analysis.
* Prepare monthly management reports and dashboards.
* Track & analyze KPI metrics.
* Ensure accuracy and timeliness of financial reporting.
* Collaborate with cross-functional teams to gather data and insights for financial analysis.
* Identify reporting needs, develop, enhance, and maintain financial models to provide insightful and meaningful information to leadership teams.
* Assist with acquisition due diligence process regarding review of contracts and financial models.
* Maintain process documents.
* Perform ad hoc business case analysis as needed.
Minimum Qualifications:
* Post-secondary education in Accounting, Finance, or Business-related field.
* CPA designation (or in process of obtaining) preferred but not required.
* 3-5 years of progressive experience working in a financial analysis role.
* Advanced experience with Microsoft Excel - including pivots and moderate to complex formulas.
* Advanced understanding of financial statements and accounting principles.
* Demonstrated ability to develop and enhance financial models & reports.
* Excellent English written & verbal skills.
* Strong critical thinking & problem-solving skills
* Strong analytical skills and attention to detail
* Willingness to learn and take on new challenges
* Good communication & collaboration skills
Type: Permanent Location: Ottawa, CA-ON
Salary / Rate: 80000
Posted: 2024-11-07 07:19:44
Your Job
Georgia-Pacific has an immediate opening for a Haul Truck Operator at our Fort Dodge, IA location.
Our Team
Quarry Operators create value by assisting a team in exceeding production and quality goals.
This is accomplished through continuous improvement, innovation, positive team building, and collaboration to exceed short and long-term goals.
If your passion is assisting a team in attaining the highest standards in safety, compliance, and process excellence, we are interested in learning more about you!
This position starts at $23.50 per hour.
The shift is Monday -Friday from 6am-4pm.
What You Will Do In Your Role
* Drive haul trucks to move overburden
* Embrace Georgia-Pacific's management philosophy known as Market-Based Management (MBM®) to work with the team to meet and exceed production goals
* Demonstrate troubleshooting, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills
* Adhere and assisting with Georgia-Pacific and Mine Safety & Health Administration (MSHA) safety standards
* Work in all weather conditions (hot, cold, dry, wet)
* Adhere to MSHA and plant safety rules and regulations
* Work different shifts, variable start times, including overtime, weekends and holidays as required
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experience performing routine inspection and preventative maintenance on assigned equipment
* Experience working with various types of heavy equipment
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience operating a Haul Truck, Front-End Loader, Excavator & Dozer
* Five years or more of mining and quarrying experience
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
At Koch, employees are empowered to do what they do best to make life better.
Learn how our business philosophy helps employees unleash their potential while creating value for themselves and the company.
Our Benefits
Our goal is for each employee, and their families, to live fulfilling and healthy lives.
We provide essential resources and support to build and maintain physical, financial, and emotional strength - focusing on overall wellbeing so you can focus on what matters most.
Our benefits plan includes - medical, dental, vision, flexible spending and health savings accounts, life insurance, ADD, disability, retirement, paid vacation/time off, educational assistance, and may also include infertility assistance, paid parental leave and adoption assistance.
Specific eligibility criteria is set by the applicable Summary Plan Description, policy or guideline and benefits may vary by geographic region.
If you have questions on what benefits apply to you, please speak to your recruiter.
Additionally, everyone has individual work and personal needs.
We seek to enable the best work environment that helps you and the business wor...
Type: Permanent Location: Fort Dodge, US-IA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-07 07:19:33
Your Job
Georgia-Pacific's Consumer Products Division is currently recruiting a Facility Maintenance Manager to support the Maintenance team at thePlattsburgh tissue manufacturing site inPlattsburgh, New York.
This position will be part of the Mill Leadership Team and will report directly to the Mill Director.
The scope of responsibility will include leading Maintenance personnel in the paper manufacturing and converting areas to develop and execute maintenance and reliability improvement strategies for the facility.
The Maintenance Manager is responsible for improving all aspects of the maintenance and reliability efforts for the facility resulting in improving the facility's manufacturing performance and competitive position.
Our Team
Plattsburgh is located on Lake Champlain in the northeast part of New York State about 20 miles south of the Canadian Border.
To the west of Plattsburgh sits 6.1 million acres of land called the Adirondack Park which contains the famous Adirondack Mountains.
There are over one hundred summits, ranging from under 1,200 to over 5,000 feet in altitude.
Hiking the 46 Adirondack High Peaks is recognized as one of the greatest challenges in the Adirondack Park.
Plattsburgh is also located adjacent to a major North/South Interstate 87 highway that runs north on a direct route to Montreal, Canada and south to New York City (where over 50M people live within 400 miles of the Plattsburgh facility).
What You Will Do
* Fully supporting the vision of creating an environment where there are no significant incidents
* Providing leadership and direction around all company rules, policies, and procedures
* Coaching, mentoring, and removing barriers for those working to perform preventive, predictive, and corrective maintenance functions
* Interacting closely with Operations leadership and other groups to build and maintain effective customer relationships
* Driving precision maintenance and root cause analysis
* Working to achieve excellence in all accepted metrics & best practices regarding reliability improvement
* Identifying and driving execution of opportunities to improve the plant, equipment availability, and property to eliminate unplanned events
* Assisting with recruiting, hiring, and retaining maintenance technicians
* Assisting with training & development of Operating Technicians who need to learn basic Maintenance tasks to support Operator Basic Care
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Five (5) or more years of experience working with reliability systems in a manufacturing environment
* Experience facilitating root cause analysis activities
* Leadership experience
What Will Put You Ahead
* Performance management experience i.e.
coaching, managing, teaching
* Bachelor's Degree or higher in Engineering
* Experience with computerized maintenance management systems
For this role, we anticipate paying $XXXXX - $XXXXX per year.
This ro...
Type: Permanent Location: Plattsburgh, US-NY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-07 07:19:32
Your Job
Guardian Glass is looking for a motivated Logistics Operator to join our team in Geneva, NY! Logistic Operators perform a variety of coordinated activities that work to build on our safety, quality, and shipping goals.
This individual will need to be comfortable operating a forklift and overhead crane.
The selected individual will work with co-workers, team leads, and supervisors to develop their skills and improve our culture.
Shift: Monday - Friday; 2pm-10pm
Starting hourly wage is $20 an hour and commensurate with experience.
Our Team
At Guardian Glass, a Guardian Industries company, we make high- performance, energy efficient glass for homes and buildings.
To learn more about Guardian Glass, visit www.guardianglass.com .
What You Will Do
* Handle and move materials using forklifts and overhead cranes on and off trailers
* Operate equipment and mechanized devices utilized in our daily production
* Inspect equipment, materials, and products to identify the cause of errors, problems, or defects
* Communicate and escalate problems, concerns, or improvements to the supervisors, leads, and co-workers
* Perform other functions in warehouse and shipping as needed
* Communicate information to supervisors, leads and peers in a professional manner
* Strive to improve in a continuous operation and a fast-paced changing production environment
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experience loading and unloading trailers
* Experience operating a forklift
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience operating an overhead crane
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
As a Koch company, Guardian Glass is one of the world's largest manufacturers of float, value-added and fabricated glass products, and solutions.
We produce high-performance glass for architectural, residential, interior, transportation, and technical glass applications.
You'll find our glass in homes, offices, and cars and in some of the world's most iconic projects.
At Koch, employees are empowered to do what they do best to make life better.
Learn how our business philosophy helps employees unleash their potential while creating value for themselves and the company.
Our Benefits
Our goal is for each employee, and thei...
Type: Permanent Location: Geneva, US-NY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-07 07:19:21
Your Job
Guardian Glass is looking for motivated Material Handlers with a passion for safety to join our team in Geneva, NY! The selected individual will partner with the Materials team to perform a variety of coordinated activities that will work to build on our safety, quality, and goals for the Materials team.
This individual will need to be comfortable operating a forklift.
The selected individual will work with co-workers, team leads, and supervisors to develop their skills and improve our MBM culture.
Competitive pay starting at $20 per hour.
Shift: Monday - Friday; 6am-2pm.
Hours subject to change due to business needs.
Our Team
Guardian is a leading worldwide manufacturer of float glass and fabricated glass products for the commercial and residential construction industries.
The company is also one of the top 100 global automotive suppliers.
The company and its subsidiaries operate facilities throughout North America, Europe, South America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.
At Guardian Glass, a Guardian Industries company, we make high- performance, energy efficient glass for homes and buildings.
To learn more about Guardian Glass, visit www.guardianglass.com .
What You Will Do
* Must maintain safe work environment by consistently wearing proper PPE, performing safe work behaviors and by communicating all safety concerns to supervisor
* Understands and executes job per the given work instructions or JES
* May be required to lift to 50 pounds.
* Operates equipment and mechanized devices, running, maneuvering, navigating, or driving forklifts
* Communicate effectively between departments and or internal customers
* Operate, monitor, and troubleshoot equipment utilized during daily manufacturing
* Remove and dispose of previously used materials from racks/containers
* Prepare containers needed for work stations
* Understand and execute daily run schedules, resolve quality issues, report/escalate unresolved issues immediately
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experience using a computer and familiarity with technology
What Will Put You Ahead
* One (1) or more years of experience working in a farming, manufacturing, industrial, or military environment
* Experience using a tape measure, air nailer, hammer, bander, micrometers, and glass cutters
* Experience operating a fork truck and or motorized pallet jack
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch compa...
Type: Permanent Location: Geneva, US-NY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-07 07:19:19
INVISTA is looking for a Product Coordinator (MRP Controller) to join the Production Planning and Logistics team at their Victoria, TX site.
This role is responsible for materials requirements planning from the vendor to final consumption and from the customer order to final fulfillment in the site process.
Furthermore, this role will sometimes respond to operational issues during off hours, including nights and weekends.
Our Team
The Victoria Production Planning and Logistics team is a well-seasoned team.
This is a great opportunity to boost your career as you will have plenty of experienced team members to help guide you! This group creates value by managing the procurement and movement of raw materials/supplies to support the production plans of this facility.
The group also manages work-in-process (wip) inventory levels to stay ahead of ever-changing business needs.
We also communicate heavily with Operations (onsite) along with Supply Chain and Vendors (offsite).
Therefore, automation and work process efficiency are key to our sustained long-term success.
What You Will Do
* Ensure that all required materials are available to support your area of responsibility while maintaining thorough communication with the assigned production area and key business raw material team personnel.
* Use ERP Systems (primarily SAP) and work with production planning to determine demand; establish orders based on demand.
* Develop and maintain strong working relationships with vendors and internal stakeholders.
* Create and maintain site supply chain master data.
* Maintain Bill of Materials (BOM) and resolve issues between BOMs and actual material consumptions.
* Maintain accurate inventory, including cycle counts, adjustments and inventory reconciliation.
* Manage intra-site inventory movements.
* Proactively resolve consumption errors through root cause analysis.
* Be a heavy participant in the month-end close process.
Work with the accounting team to reconcile consumed raw materials vs purchased raws to balance our monthly accounting - as it pertains to the site's variable costs.
* Communicate alternatives and recommendations clearly to operations and business leaders.
* Manage varying daily responsibilities using solid organization / prioritization skills.
* Apply and transfer knowledge, troubleshoot and seek assistance where needed.
* Adapts and respond to unexpected / urgent changes, accordingly, including nights/weekends when necessary.
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Two years' experience in a chemical manufacturing facility or refinery
* One of the following:
* Inventory planning experience (MRP or MRO)
* Logistics experience
* Procurement experience
* Two years of experience in a refinery, chemical manufacturing, or similar industry setting PLUS familiarity with inventory management techniques
Proficient in any MRP/ERP systems such as SAP
Type: Permanent Location: Victoria, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-07 07:19:17