Teamleiter Umschlagslager (M/W/D)
Wie kann man voraussehen, was sich alles in der Welt verändern wird? Diese Frage zu beantworten â das ist die Herausforderung, aber gleichzeitig auch das Schöne an unserer Aufgabe.
Als Logistikexperte bieten wir unseren Kunden ausgezeichneten Service und Qualität.
Wir suchen stetig nach neuen Geschäftsmöglichkeiten, lösen potenzielle Probleme vorausschauend und erkennen rechtzeitig künftige globale Trends.
Denn bei âDHL Freightâ geht es nicht einfach nur um die reine Logistikdienstleistung.
Es geht vielmehr um zukünftige Wege, Menschen miteinander zu verbinden und ihr Leben zu verbessern.
Ihre Aufgaben
* Personaleinsatzplanung und Leistungsbeurteilungen im jeweiligen Verantwortungsbereich
* Koordinierung der Arbeitsabläufe und der Verwendung diverser Arbeitshilfsmittel (Stapler etc.) sowie Sicherstellung der hausinternen Prozessablaufe
* Zuständig für Instandhaltung und dementsprechende Offert-Einholung
* Verantwortlich für die Arbeitssicherheit im Lager, die Ladungssicherung und Sicherstellung der Einhaltung von gesetzlichen und internen Vorschriften
* Durchführung von ADR-Prüfungen
* Administrative Tätigkeiten
Ihr Profil
* Speditions- oder Logistikerfahrung und/oder eine erfolgreich abgeschlossene Lehre bzw.
gleichwertige/höhere vergleichbare Ausbildung, vorzugsweise mit einschlägiger Berufspraxis
* Berufserfahrung in Mitarbeiterführung und Lagerwirtschaft
* Staplerausbildung (Staplerschein)
* Gefahrgutausbildung von Vorteil (kann auch bei DHL gemacht werden)
* Kommunikative, belastbare Persönlichkeit mit hoher Ausdauer und Eigeninitiative.
Sicherer Auftritt im Umgang mit Kolleglnnen und Mitarbeiterlnnen
* Sicherer Umgang mit den üblichen MS Office Anwendungen und gutes allgemeines IT-Verständnis
* Gute Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift (Fremdsprachen von Vorteil)
* Selbstständige Entscheidungsfreudigkeit nach wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten
* Kontaktfreudigkeit, rasche Auffassungsgabe, hohe Belastbarkeit, Genauigkeit, Teamfähigkeit, hohe Kundenorientierung
Freuen Sie sich auf
* Die Möglichkeit, sich in einem weltweit agierenden Konzern aktiv einzubringen, den digitalen Wandel von DHL Freight und DPDHL Group mitzugestalten
* Ein forderndes und förderndes Umfeld, welches Ihnen die Aufgaben gibt, an denen Sie wachsen und Ihre Potenziale entfalten können
* Die Vorzüge, Teil eines umfangreichen, internationalen Netzwerks aus hochmotivierten Mitarbeitenden zu sein
* Hervorragende Sozialleistungen und diverse Vergünstigungen
* Kostenfreie Sozialberatung in allen Lebenslagen Â
* Fachliche Weiterbildung, umfangreiches E-Learning und persönliche EntwicklungsmÃ...
Type: Permanent Location: Wels, AT-4
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-29 07:08:20
Schichtleiter (M/W/D) im Speditionsbereich (Nachmittagsschicht)
Wie kann man voraussehen, was sich alles in der Welt verändern wird? Diese Frage zu beantworten – das ist die Herausforderung, aber gleichzeitig auch das Schöne an unserer Aufgabe.
Als Logistikexperte bieten wir unseren Kunden ausgezeichneten Service und Qualität.
Wir suchen stetig nach neuen Geschäftsmöglichkeiten, lösen potenzielle Probleme vorausschauend und erkennen rechtzeitig künftige globale Trends.
Denn bei „DHL Freight“ geht es nicht einfach nur um die reine Logistikdienstleistung.
Es geht vielmehr um zukünftige Wege, Menschen miteinander zu verbinden und ihr Leben zu verbessern.
Was sind Ihre Aufgaben:
* Be-/Entladung von ein- und ausgehenden LKW´s sowie Kontrolle und Überwachung der Kapazitäten im Sinne der angestrebten Qualität
* Einhaltung der Rahmenzeiten für einen optimalen Netzwerkablauf
* Überwachung des Lademittelflusses im Umschlagslager
* Permanente Reduktion von Beschädigungen
* Personaleinsatz- und Urlaubsplanung
* Sicherstellung der Arbeitssicherheit und der allgemeinen Sauberkeit sowie Ordnung
Was Sie mitbringen:
* Speditions- oder Logistikerfahrung und/oder eine erfolgreich abgeschlossene Ausbildung mit einschlägiger Berufspraxis
* Berufserfahrung in Mitarbeiterführung
* Staplerausbildung (Staplerschein)
* Gefahrgutausbildung von Vorteil
* Kommunikative, belastbare Persönlichkeit mit hoher Ausdauer und Eigeninitiative
* Sicherer Auftritt im Umgang mit KollegenInnen und MitarbeiterInnen
* Sicherer Umgang mit den üblichen MS Office Anwendungen
* Gute Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift (weitere Fremdsprachen von Vorteil)
Damit überzeugen wir Sie:
* Abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben und spannende Herausforderungen in einem tollen Team
* Umfangreiche fachliche und persönliche Weiterbildung.
Individuelle Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten basierend auf jährlichen Mitarbeitergesprächen
* Kostenfreie Sozialberatung in allen Lebenslagen
* Hervorragende Sozialleistungen und diverse Vergünstigungen
* Kostenfreie Nutzung von getAbstract
* Kostenlose Parkplätze
* Mitarbeiterveranstaltungen
* Ehestmöglicher Eintritt
Für diese Position bieten wir ein attraktives, marktkonformes Gehalt, das Ihrer Qualifikation und Erfahrung sowie Ihrer individuellen Leistung entspricht.
Davon unabhängig beträgt das kollektivvertragliche Mindestgehalt für diese Position Euro 2.522,35 brutto auf Basis einer Vollzeitbeschäftigung.
DHL Freight ist ein Arbeitgeber, der Chancengleichheit ernst nimmt und daher auch lebt und praktiziert.
Wir beurteilen qualifizierte Bewerbungen ohne Rücksicht auf Rasse, Hautf...
Type: Permanent Location: Fischamend, AT-3
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-29 07:08:20
Lagermitarbeiter (M/W/D) in der Spedition
Wie kann man voraussehen, was sich alles in der Welt verändern wird? Diese Frage zu beantworten – das ist die Herausforderung, aber gleichzeitig auch das Schöne an unserer Aufgabe.
Als Logistikexperte bieten wir unseren Kunden ausgezeichneten Service und Qualität.
Wir suchen stetig nach neuen Geschäftsmöglichkeiten, lösen potenzielle Probleme vorausschauend und erkennen rechtzeitig künftige globale Trends.
Denn bei „DHL Freight“ geht es nicht einfach nur um die reine Logistikdienstleistung.
Es geht vielmehr um zukünftige Wege, Menschen miteinander zu verbinden und ihr Leben zu verbessern.
Ihre Aufgaben – vielseitig und spannend
* Verladung der Ware auf die LKW´s damit sie pünktlich auf die Straße kommen
* Staplerfahren und sauber halten
* Ware scannen mit unseren Handscannern
Ihr Profil
* Staplerführerschein erforderlich
* Gute Kenntnisse im Bereich Gefahrgut und Ladungssicherung sind von Vorteil
* Praktische Erfahrungen in der Verladung von Sammelgütern
* Teamfähigkeit sowie eine selbständige, strukturierte und sorgfältige Arbeitsweise
* Verantwortungsbewusstsein, Flexibilität und Zuverlässigkeit
DHL Freight ist ein Arbeitgeber, der Chancengleichheit ernst nimmt und daher auch lebt und praktiziert.
Wir beurteilen qualifizierte Bewerbungen ohne Rücksicht auf Rasse, Hautfarbe, Religion, Geschlecht, sexuelle Orientierung, Geschlechtsidentität, nationale Herkunft, Behinderung, Veteranenstatus oder andere geschützte Charakteristiken.
Freuen Sie sich auf
* Die Möglichkeit, sich in einem weltweit agierenden Konzern aktiv einzubringen, den digitalen Wandel von DHL Freight und DPDHL Group mitzugestalten
* Ein forderndes und förderndes Umfeld, welches Ihnen die Aufgaben gibt, an denen Sie wachsen und Ihre Potenziale entfalten können
* Die Vorzüge, Teil eines umfangreichen, internationalen Netzwerks aus hochmotivierten Mitarbeitenden zu sein
* Hervorragende Sozialleistungen und diverse Vergünstigungen
* Kostenfreie Sozialberatung in allen Lebenslagen
* Fachliche Weiterbildung, umfangreiches E-Learning und persönliche Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
* Mitarbeiter in gewerblichen Bereichen erhalten Arbeits- und Sicherheitskleidung
Für diese Position bieten wir ein attraktives, marktkonformes Gehalt, das Ihrer Qualifikation und Erfahrung sowie Ihrer individuellen Leistung entspricht.
Davon unabhängig beträgt das kollektivvertragliche Mindestgehalt für diese Position Euro 2.522,35 brutto auf Basis einer Vollzeitbeschäftigung.
Je nach beruflicher Qualifikation besteht die Bereitschaft zu einer freiwilligen Überzahlung.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!
Type: Permanent Location: Fischamend, AT-3
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-29 07:08:20
Verkürzte Lehrzeit über die Duale Akademie
Ausbildung zum Speditionskaufmann/zur Speditionskauffrau
AHS-Absolventen (m/w/d) gesucht in Wels!
Du möchtest gleich nach deiner Matura Geld verdienen?
Du hast gemerkt, dass dein Studium doch nichts für dich ist?
Du willst einen Job mit Zukunft, der jeden Tag neue Herausforderung mit sich bringt?
Du interessierst dich für andere Kulturen und willst mit Leuten in der ganzen Welt zu tun haben?
Du willst nicht bei irgendeinem Unternehmen arbeiten sondern beim globalen Marktführer deine Karriere starten?
Die Duale Akademie macht es nun möglich:
Speziell AHS-AbsolventInnen mit praxisorientiertem Zahlenverständnis sowie Kombinations- und Koordinationsfähigkeiten, liebe zu Fremdsprachen und internationalen Beziehungen, bringen beste Voraussetzungen für diesen anspruchsvollen Job mit.
Durch Flexibilität, Entscheidungsfähigkeit und Selbstvertrauen, entwickelst du dich dabei ständig weiter – egal, ob als Traffic Manager, Sales Manager oder Controller die Tür zur Welt von DHL steht dir offen.
Deine Ausbildungsschwerpunkte:
* Betriebliches Trainee-Programm in unserem Unternehmen – in Form einer Vollzeitanstellung mit einem attraktivem Einstiegsgehalt von brutto € 2.285,10
* Vermittlung der Fachtheorie durch das Kompetenzzentrum Berufsschule – ergänzt durch weitere Bildungsanbieter
* Vermittlung von Zukunftskompetenzen auf sozialer, digitaler und internationaler Ebene
Diese Herausforderungen und Aufgaben erwarten dich in deinem Trainee-Programm:
* Du steuerst den Transportablauf! Du hilfst proaktiv bei der Disposition der Transporte deines Einsatzbereiches mit und sorgst für eine optimale Abwicklung.
* Du bist ein Organisationstalent! Du überwachst vorausschauend deine Sendungen, Transporte und Termine und bearbeitest Aufträge im Dispositionstool.
* Du behältst den Überblick! Zu deinen täglichen Aufgaben gehört die Abfertigung der ausgehenden Verkehre und Sonderfahrten.
Dabei achtest du auf Qualität, Kosten und die Einhaltung wichtiger Gesetze und Regeln.
* Du bist ein Beziehungspfleger! Unsere Kunden finden bei dir nicht nur ein offenes Ohr sondern auch die besten Lösungen für ihre Anliegen.
Die nächsten Schritte:
* Im Internet findest du zahlreiche Infos zum Ausbildungskonzept der Dualen Akademie – informiere dich am besten gleich vorab zum Ausbildungsberuf Speditionskaufmann bzw.
Speditionskauffrau um herauszufinden, ob dieser Karriereweg der richtige für dich ist.
* Voraussetzung für eine Anstellung sind fundierte Deutschkenntnisse und ein Wohnsitz in Österreich
Bewirb dich jetzt und entwickle dich in nur zwei Jahren zum Logistikprofi!
Type: Contract Location: Wels, AT-4
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-29 07:08:19
Willst du was bewegen?
Dann sei mit dabei, werde ein wertvoller Teil unseres Erfolges, indem du dich für eine
Lehre zum/ zur Speditionskaufmann/ frau
bei DHL Freight am Standort WELS bewirbst .
Als weltmarktführendes Logistikunternehmen bieten wir dir eine erstklassige Ausbildung
in einer stetig wachsenden und herausfordernden Branche.
Wir bringen dir innerhalb von 3 Lehrjahren (Lehrzeitverkürzung bei entsprechender Schulausbildung möglich)
die wichtigsten Instrumente, Werkzeuge und das entscheidende Speditions und Logistik Know How bei.
Es erwartet dich eine abwechslungsreiche und spannende Lehrzeit, ein international agierendes Unternehmen
mit modernen Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten und langfristigen Karriereperspektiven nach der Lehrzeit.
Die Lehrlingsentschädigung für das erste Lehrjahr beträgt monatlich € 914,00 brutto,
Kollektivvertrag für Spedition & Logistik
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung.
Type: Contract Location: Wels, AT-4
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-29 07:08:18
Wir sind DHL Freight - ein buntes Team von 13.000 Straßenfrachtexpert:innen und zertifizierten Frachtspezialist:innen aus allen Kulturen.
Wir sind in mehr als 40 Ländern tätig und stolz darauf, unseren Kund:innen die besten Lösungen für den Landtransport bieten zu können.
Dabei sind wir immer auf der Suche nach der nächsten Geschäftsmöglichkeit und erkennen potenzielle Herausforderungen frühzeitig.
Denn uns geht es nicht nur um Frachttransport - uns geht es um nachhaltige und zukunftsweisende Wege, Menschen zu verbinden und ihr Leben zu verbessern und damit unseren Beitrag zu leisten.
Für unser Team suchen wir ab sofort neue motivierte Mitglieder als
Sachbearbeiter (M/W/D) in der Spedition (Nachmittagsschicht)
am Standort FISCHAMEND der DHL Freight in Österreich!
Was Sie bei uns tun:
* Verantwortlich für die korrekte Abwicklung von Kundenanfragen und Koordination mit den operativen Bereichen
* Tägliche Terminvereinbarungen per Telefon, Mail oder über externe Buchungsprogramme
* Bearbeitung von Kundenanfragen sowie Reklamationsbearbeitung
* Kommunikation mit den operativen Abteilungen
* Preisabgaben für Spezialtransporte zum Kunden, in enger Abstimmung mit der Rollfuhrdisposition
* Korrespondenz mit DHL Terminals in ganz Europa über unser firmeninternes Tool
Was Sie mitbringen:
* Erfahrung: Sie verfügen über eine abgeschlossene Berufs- oder Schulausbildung.
Gerne auch Quereinsteiger erwünscht
* Persönlichkeit: Sie haben Spaß an der Arbeit und lieben den Kontakt zu Kunden, sind gut im Improvisieren, flexibel und sind ein engagierte Teamplayer
* Kenntnisse: Sie sind geübt im Umgang mit MS Office Programmen sowie IT Systemen
Damit überzeugen wir Sie
* Ein forderndes und förderndes Umfeld, welches Ihnen die Aufgaben gibt, an denen Sie wachsen und Ihre Potenziale entfalten können
* Hervorragende Sozialleistungen und diverse Vergünstigungen
* Kostenfreie Sozialberatung in allen Lebenslagen
* Fachliche Weiterbildung, umfangreiches E-Learning und persönliche Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
* Für diese Position bieten wir ein attraktives, marktkonformes Gehalt, das Ihrer Qualifikation und Erfahrung sowie Ihrer individuellen Leistung entspricht.
Davon unabhängig beträgt das kollektivvertragliche Mindestgehalt für diese Position Euro 2.663,50 brutto auf Basis einer Vollzeitbeschäftigung.
DHL Freight ist ein Arbeitgeber, der Chancengleichheit erst nimmt und daher auch lebt und praktiziert.
Wir beurteilen qualifizierte Bewerbungen ohne Rücksicht auf Rasse, Hautfarbe, Religion, Geschlecht, sexuelle Orientierung, Geschlechtsidentität, nationale Herkunft, Behinderung, Veteranenstatus oder andere geschützte Charakteristiken.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!
Type: Permanent Location: Fischamend, AT-3
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-29 07:08:18
*Remote Candidates Welcome to Apply
Job Summary
Supports the business solutions within the Revenue Cycle solutions portfolio including Scheduling, Registration, Charge Services/Revenue Integrity, Health Information Management, Patient Accounting, and Finance/General Ledger.
Assesses, plans, develops, designs, implements, enhances, maintains, and supports these solutions using a variety of technologies.
Job Specific Duties
* Assists users and IT personnel with training and development of user documentation.
* Develops system design, including functional specifications, and implements strategies based upon the analysis of specific operational needs.
* Evaluates, designs, builds, tests, and implements custom or vendor supplied software and develops system-wide reports to support information management needs.
* Maintains production systems to ensure reliable performance.
* Prepares complete unit, system, and integrated test plans and test methodologies.
* Provides day-to-day operations support to customers as required.
* Coordinates efforts between stakeholders from multiple areas in order to gather requirements, develop technical specifications, and test enhancements and other changes to these systems.
* Identifies data integrity issues and analyzes data and process flows for process improvement opportunities.
* Performs data analysis in order to extract requirements, identify data inaccuracies, and ensure accurate processing and reporting.
* Identifies policies and requirements that drive a specific solution.
* Works effectively on project teams and meets deadlines in accordance to project manager's expectations .
* Works with stakeholders to build, test and maintain integration points with revenue cycle and clinical solutions .
* Provides ongoing 24x7 application support and troubleshoot problems when they arise .
* Work with all stakeholders to evaluate, approve and deliver requested system changes .
* Implements and follows internal Information Technology break/fix and change management processes .
* Follows MCHS policy and procedures regarding confidentiality and privacy of all related work activity, and in compliance with IT standards and regulatory practice (i.e., HIPAA).
Minimum Job Requirements
* Bachelor's Degree Computer Sciences/Information Systems/Business major or equivalent experience with 3+ years’ direct experience working with large scale enterprise information systems
* 3-5 years experience designing, implementing, and supporting solutions within at least one or multiple areas of the revenue cycle including patient access, health information management, revenue integrity, patient accounting/billing, and/or finance
* 3-5 years Experience working in a healthcare related field
* Practical experience with project delivery and systems development life cycles
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
* Master’s degree in Business Administration, Computer Science, or Project Management with experience implementing and maintaining complex systems in a healthcare environment is desirable
* 3+ years of Cerner Millenium experience desired
* Prior experience with patient financial services, patient access, and/or health information systems preferred
* Ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing
* Ability to manage large scale projects and software deliveries
* Ability to work effectively on team projects
* Strong analytical, interpersonal, customer service, communication, and problem solving skills
* Possess meticulous eye for detail and accuracy
* Working knowledge of one or more programming languages/reporting systems, including RPG, COBOL, Java, XML, SQL, Crystal Reports, Hyperion, SAS, Cerner CCL
* Knowledge of SQL databases and general knowledge of data structures
* General knowledge of HL7 ADT Transactions
* Solid skills working with PC and multiple software applications including Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and Visio
Type: Permanent Location: Miami, US-FL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-28 07:15:07
Job Summary
Provides support services, including equipment tracking, maintenance, and installation for the digital patient initiatives, including virtual reality (VR), mixed reality (MR), and bedside gaming.
Job Specific Duties
* Installs, configures, implements and maintains Digital Patient team hardware and software, e.g.
Oculus Quest 2, VR Motion, Oculus Go, immersive projectors, and games for bedside gaming consoles.
* Installs, relocates, and supports PCs, servers, printers and other computer-related equipment.
* Tracks NCHS' assets by updating information as equipment is replaced, moved or changed.
* Under supervision, tests network connectivity and access to ensure security, integrity and accuracy of data transmitted throughout NCHS.
Ensures that physical connections are standard, orderly and clearly identified.
Minimum Job Requirements
* Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science/ Information Systems/related major (OR) at least 3-4 years of equivalent work experience.
* 1-3 years of extensive experience with setup, repair and modification of Windows PC desktops and laptops, printers and other peripherals.
* 3 years of troubleshooting experience in a Windows-based environment(s) and/or 2 years experience with Macs.
* 1-3 years of experience with setup, repair, and tracking of virtual reality, mixed reality, or augmented reality technologies.
* 1-3 years of experience with setup, repair, and installation of gaming consoles, including PlayStation and Xbox.
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
* Action-oriented and self- motivated with the ability to improve the effectiveness, performance and efficiency of the Digital Patient team.
* Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
* Ability to work well with patients and their families.
* Ability to prioritize tasks and complete assignments within an estimated time frame.
* Excellent documentation skills.
* Knowledge and experience of desktop and network management, deployment and tracking tools such as SMS, Ghost, Citrix or comparable applications.
* Advanced knowledge of Windows 2007 or higher, Microsoft Office, and other business applications.
Type: Permanent Location: Miami, US-FL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-28 07:12:03
SBA Communications is a leading independent owner and operator of wireless communications infrastructure, including towers, buildings, rooftops, DAS and small cells.
We offer a competitive benefits and compensation package and are looking for team members who will thrive in our dynamic environment.
We welcome your interest in SBA.
Let us know a little about you by checking all that apply:
* You are a self-starter.
* You are resourceful and thrive in a fast-paced environment.
* You have a strong work ethic.
* You are passionate and driven to achieve results.
* You are a team player who enjoys working in a collaborative environment.
* You continuously challenge yourself to find innovative ways to improve.
You may be a perfect fit.
At SBA, we operate with the highest sense of integrity and commitment to quality.
We focus on achievement and operate with responsiveness, timeliness and accountability.
Our culture of excellence incorporates working collegially, where every team member can contribute meaningfully and make a difference.
If you are ready to make an impact, join our team!
Your Next Career Opportunity – Help Desk Support I
Provide first and second-tier technical support for all standard PC applications, client workstation software, and various operating system software.
This includes specification, installation, and testing computer systems and peripherals within established standards and guidelines.
Activities require interaction with application software and operating systems to diagnose and resolve unique, non-recurring problems.
This position utilizes one-on-one consultancy for end users.
What You Will Do – Primary Responsibilities
* Provide first-tier and second-tier technical support for employees via telephone, e-mail, instant messenger, and remote control.
* Experience using helpdesk ticketing systems to accurately and successfully log and manage requests and issues to resolution.
* Process inbound requests to the Help Desk received via telephone, e-mail, and the self-service ticketing system.
Escalate as needed.
* Reimage desktop and laptop systems to the company’s standard configuration.
* Perform computer remedial and preventative maintenance.
* Maintain accurate and complete records of calls received and update records as problems are resolved and users are notified.
* Acquire and maintain current technical knowledge of relevant product offer
* ings and support policies to provide technically accurate solutions to customers.
* Adhere to established policies and procedures governed by the company and Sarbanes-Oxley rules.
* Complete virus cleanups.
* Installation and configuration of peripherals ( mouse, keyboards, video cards, printer cables, hard disk drives, memory..
What You’ll Need – Qualifications & Requirements
* H.S.
+ 1+ years experience working in an enterprise IT environment diagnos...
Type: Permanent Location: Boca Raton, US-FL
Salary / Rate: 22.89
Posted: 2025-01-28 07:10:30
Title: Specialist ISC (OCM)
Location: GSC BOG
Regional Booking desk for OCM Customer – Ensure the management of the Customer contracts with the different carriers since the booking request until the shipment arrives to destination including invoice auditing and billing.
Establish good communication with the customers being proactive and detailed oriented.
Key Responsibilities:
* Analyze, process booking instruction/requirements and manage the export OFR operations for OCM Customer within agreed timelines.
* Frequent contact with stakeholders to be aware of shipment status and Keep customers timely informed about export processes of their shipments through emails, Calls and Status Reports.
* Proactive monitoring of shipment status in internal Tools (CW1, DHLi) but also on Carrier’s websites.
* Detail review of documentation (Shipping instructions, Bill of Lading) ensuring approvals from customer are in place and that documentation is sent on time.
* Add value to our customers through continuous improvement initiatives.
* Cross-training within the team.
Who can apply:
* Professionals in industrial engineering, international business, or related fields.
* Minimum of 2 years of experience in international commerce, logistics or transportation.
OFR Knowledge is a plus.
* Experience managing and coordinating outbound and/or inbound operations.
* Customer service and communication skills.
* Proactive and Detailed oriented
* Teamwork and autonomy
* Employees who have been in the organization for 12 months or in their current role
* Employees that are not in transition projects
* Good communication in English B2 (verbal and written).
Relevant information:
· Salary: $3,198,000
· Type of Contract: Indefinite - Directly with DHL Colombia.
· Performance bonus up to 13% of salary
· Food Allowance: $95.564
Type: Permanent Location: Bogotá, CO-DC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-28 07:08:40
The Clinical Case Management Intern will work to provide clinical case management services to youth, young adults, adults and their families receiving services out of Trilogy’s Child & Adolescent Services department, primarily within its specialty programs.
The two major programs that this intern will provide case management, assessment, and/or short-term therapy support will be the Mental Health Juvenile Justice Program and the Hope First Program, First Episode Psychosis.
This position will be based out of the Albany Park office, although will have capacity to work with clients in-person offsite (e.g., school, client home, court) and remotely.
Mental Health Juvenile Justice Program (MHJJ): The intern will support program goals of reducing recidivism, improving wellbeing, and addressing risk to at-risk youth and youth in the juvenile justice system (8-18 years of age). This individual will partner with youth, families, and other natural supports to complete preliminary and comprehensive assessment measures and to develop goals and action plans. This individual will provide strengths-based, client-centered, and trauma-informed services to clients with mental health diagnoses and co-occurring substance abuse disorders using a youth development approach.
Hope First Program, First Episode Psychosis (FEP): The intern will work with individuals 14-40 years of age, who are having their first experience with psychosis.
This intern will collaborate with other treatment team members to provide a combination of case management and counseling supports.
* Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work, Psychology, or Counseling required.
* Daily access to a well-maintained vehicle.
* Experience working with youth, young adults, and their families.
* Availability to work evenings.
* Availability to attend weekly team meetings/consultation on Tuesday mornings
* Availability to begin August 2025 until the end of May 2026
* Must pass IM+CANS exam within one month of start date.
* Bilingual in Spanish preferred, not required.
See job description
Type: Permanent Location: CHICAGO, US-IL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-28 07:08:24
Job title: Senior Director of Business Units - US Customs Brokerage
Job location: Columbia, South Carolina
DHL Global Forwarding manages the flow of goods and information across a customer’s global supply chain utilizing air/ocean/ground transportation, customs brokerage services, and dedicated warehousing/distribution centers.
We are part of Deutsche Post DHL, the world’s leading logistics provider with operations in over 220 countries.
Visit our career site on the web at http://www.dhl-usa.com/en/careers/jobs.html
We have an outstanding career opportunity for a Business Unit Director for our US Customs Brokerage team.
This role is part of senior leadership responsible for overseeing 4 operational units and managing all aspects of customs brokerage operations.
This position requires extensive knowledge and strong leadership skills, as well as the ability to drive operational excellence, and work within a matrix organization. The Director of Business Units will ensure compliance with all US customs laws and regulations, optimize operational processes, and lead a team of customs brokerage professionals to deliver high-quality service to clients, and ensure execution of standard as outlined by Product leadership.
Key Responsibilities:
Leadership and Management
* Team Leadership: Lead, mentor, and manage a team of customs brokerage professionals, including managers, supervisors, and staff.
* Performance Management: Set performance goals, conduct regular performance evaluations, and provide feedback and coaching to team members.
* Talent Development: Identify training and development needs and implement programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of the team.
2. Operational Excellence
* Process Optimization: Develop and implement efficient operational processes to ensure timely and accurate customs clearance.
* Compliance: Ensure compliance with all US customs laws, regulations, and policies.
Stay updated on changes in customs regulations and implement necessary adjustments.
* Quality Control: Establish and maintain quality control standards to ensure high levels of accuracy and efficiency in customs brokerage operations.
3. Client Relations
* Client Management: Build and maintain strong relationships with clients, ensuring their customs brokerage needs are met effectively.
* Customer Service: Address client inquiries and concerns promptly and professionally.
Implement strategies to enhance customer satisfaction.
* Client Reporting: Provide regular updates and reports to clients on the status of their shipments and customs clearance processes.
4. Strategic Planning
* Business Development: Identify opportunities for business growth and expansion within the customs brokerage sector.
Develop and implement strategies to attract new clients and retain existing ones.
* Market Analysis: Conduct market analysis to stay informed about industry trends, competitor activi...
Type: Contract Location: Columbia, US-SC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-28 07:05:10
Your Job
A Full-Stack Engineer at KGS plays a pivotal role in ensuring the scalability and maintainability of both front-end and back-end applications.
A successful candidate will drive innovation on new applications while maintaining the integrity and stability of legacy applications.
This role demands a deep understanding of various technologies and the ability to transition seamlessly between them.
Collaboration with cross-functional teams, including designers, product managers, and other engineers, is essential to ensure smooth project progression.
Additionally, mentoring junior engineers is a key responsibility, helping them develop their skills and grow within the team.
Our Team
KGS provides transformational global business solutions, leveraged capabilities, and advisory services for Koch businesses.
We create value by helping businesses close their strategic and operational gaps by profitably applying the following capabilities: IT, Human Resources, Finance, Data & Analytics, and Facilities & Real Estate.
Our team within KGS is dedicated to delivering high-quality software products and fostering a culture of innovation and improvement to various teams at Koch.
We work closely with various departments to ensure the success of our projects.
What You Will Do
* Drive the development of scalable and robust applications, including legacy apps, from concept to deployment.
Your expertise will guide the team in creating high-quality, maintainable code.
* Design and implement both front-end and back-end components, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance.
Utilize your deep understanding of modern frameworks and technologies to build high-quality applications.
* Work closely with cross-functional teams, including designers, product managers, and other engineers, to deliver exceptional products.
Mentor junior engineers and foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement.
* Keep up to date with the latest industry trends and technologies and proactively suggest improvements to our tech stack and development processes.
* Lead the team through the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process, ensuring that all phases from planning and design to testing and deployment are executed efficiently.
Implement and advocate for best practices in SDLC to enhance the quality and delivery of software products.
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experience in full-stack software development, with a strong portfolio of successful projects
* Proficiency in front-end technologies (e.g., CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular) and back-end technologies (e.g., Node.js, Python, Ruby, Java)
* Experience with cloud services (AWS, Azure, GCP)
* Proficiency in Infrastructure as Code (IAC), serverless computing, and AWS Lambda
* Experience with Infrastructure as Code (e.g., Serverless, CDK) and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines is critical for application deployments
Type: Permanent Location: Atlanta, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-28 07:01:42
Your Job
A Full-Stack Engineer at KGS plays a pivotal role in ensuring the scalability and maintainability of both front-end and back-end applications.
A successful candidate will drive innovation on new applications while maintaining the integrity and stability of legacy applications.
This role demands a deep understanding of various technologies and the ability to transition seamlessly between them.
Collaboration with cross-functional teams, including designers, product managers, and other engineers, is essential to ensure smooth project progression.
Additionally, mentoring junior engineers is a key responsibility, helping them develop their skills and grow within the team.
Our Team
KGS provides transformational global business solutions, leveraged capabilities, and advisory services for Koch businesses.
We create value by helping businesses close their strategic and operational gaps by profitably applying the following capabilities: IT, Human Resources, Finance, Data & Analytics, and Facilities & Real Estate.
Our team within KGS is dedicated to delivering high-quality software products and fostering a culture of innovation and improvement to various teams at Koch.
We work closely with various departments to ensure the success of our projects.
What You Will Do
* Drive the development of scalable and robust applications, including legacy apps, from concept to deployment.
Your expertise will guide the team in creating high-quality, maintainable code.
* Design and implement both front-end and back-end components, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance.
Utilize your deep understanding of modern frameworks and technologies to build high-quality applications.
* Work closely with cross-functional teams, including designers, product managers, and other engineers, to deliver exceptional products.
Mentor junior engineers and foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement.
* Keep up to date with the latest industry trends and technologies and proactively suggest improvements to our tech stack and development processes.
* Lead the team through the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process, ensuring that all phases from planning and design to testing and deployment are executed efficiently.
Implement and advocate for best practices in SDLC to enhance the quality and delivery of software products.
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experience in full-stack software development, with a strong portfolio of successful projects
* Proficiency in front-end technologies (e.g., CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular) and back-end technologies (e.g., Node.js, Python, Ruby, Java)
* Experience with cloud services (AWS, Azure, GCP)
* Proficiency in Infrastructure as Code (IAC), serverless computing, and AWS Lambda
* Experience with Infrastructure as Code (e.g., Serverless, CDK) and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines is critical for application deployments
Type: Permanent Location: Dallas, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-28 07:01:42
Your Job
A Full-Stack Engineer at KGS plays a pivotal role in ensuring the scalability and maintainability of both front-end and back-end applications.
A successful candidate will drive innovation on new applications while maintaining the integrity and stability of legacy applications.
This role demands a deep understanding of various technologies and the ability to transition seamlessly between them.
Collaboration with cross-functional teams, including designers, product managers, and other engineers, is essential to ensure smooth project progression.
Additionally, mentoring junior engineers is a key responsibility, helping them develop their skills and grow within the team.
Our Team
KGS provides transformational global business solutions, leveraged capabilities, and advisory services for Koch businesses.
We create value by helping businesses close their strategic and operational gaps by profitably applying the following capabilities: IT, Human Resources, Finance, Data & Analytics, and Facilities & Real Estate.
Our team within KGS is dedicated to delivering high-quality software products and fostering a culture of innovation and improvement to various teams at Koch.
We work closely with various departments to ensure the success of our projects.
What You Will Do
* Drive the development of scalable and robust applications, including legacy apps, from concept to deployment.
Your expertise will guide the team in creating high-quality, maintainable code.
* Design and implement both front-end and back-end components, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance.
Utilize your deep understanding of modern frameworks and technologies to build high-quality applications.
* Work closely with cross-functional teams, including designers, product managers, and other engineers, to deliver exceptional products.
Mentor junior engineers and foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement.
* Keep up to date with the latest industry trends and technologies and proactively suggest improvements to our tech stack and development processes.
* Lead the team through the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process, ensuring that all phases from planning and design to testing and deployment are executed efficiently.
Implement and advocate for best practices in SDLC to enhance the quality and delivery of software products.
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experience in full-stack software development, with a strong portfolio of successful projects
* Proficiency in front-end technologies (e.g., CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular) and back-end technologies (e.g., Node.js, Python, Ruby, Java)
* Experience with cloud services (AWS, Azure, GCP)
* Proficiency in Infrastructure as Code (IAC), serverless computing, and AWS Lambda
* Experience with Infrastructure as Code (e.g., Serverless, CDK) and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines is critical for application deployments
Type: Permanent Location: Wichita, US-KS
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-28 07:01:41
The IT Group Functions department at DHL Group is pivotal in addressing the information and technology needs of the Corporate Center, Global Business Service Lines, and CSI.
We drive digital transformation by delivering integrated, innovative, and cost-efficient IT solutions.
Our security management organization, directly overseen by the CISO, ensures robust information security through comprehensive controls and incident response.
Key Responsibilities:
* IT Security Architecture: Develop and implement IT security guidelines, ensuring compliance with standards and regulations.
* Consulting & Training: Advise on security architecture, policies, and best practices, including threat modeling.
* Security Audits & Assessments: Lead security audits, identify and manage security risks, and conduct risk assessments and vulnerability analyses.
* Tool & Technology Evaluation: Recommend new security tools, monitor security trends, and pilot new solutions.
Professional Qualifications:
* University degree in IT (Information Security or IT Service Management preferred).
* Several years of strategic IT experience, ideally with IT architect certification.
* Expertise in information security (CISSP, CISM, or similar certification).
* Strong knowledge of security principles and technologies.
* Proficiency in German and English.
Personal Qualifications:
* Excellent analytical and conceptual skills.
* Strong communication and presentation abilities.
* Team leadership and stakeholder management skills.
* High flexibility and adaptability.
Join DHL Group as a Senior Manager Security Architect and lead our efforts in securing our digital transformation initiatives.
Type: Permanent Location: Bonn, DE-NW
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-28 07:00:47
As a Project Planner, based out of plan and manage material requirements and collaborate with several different groups our Houston headquarters, your mission will be to to support an effective and efficient production operation.
Prior work experience, preferably in a manufacturing environment, will give you a leg up in adapting to our culture.
We are seeking an analytical, data-driven, and process-minded individual who is willing to jump in and help out wherever it is needed. If you're ready to join an organization where you can have a career, and not just a job, apply to Bray International today.
What We Offer:
* Competitive Pay Plans
* Comprehensive Benefits: Enjoy industry-leading benefits effective the first of the month after you have worked 30 days, including:
* Medical, dental, vision, and life insurance
* Paid holidays and vacation
* 401(k) plan with matching contributions
Healthy Work Environment: We provide a smoke-free, drug-free workplace to ensure a safe and productive atmosphere for all employees.
Career Growth: We are committed to your professional development, offering numerous opportunities for advancement within the organization.
An Exceptional Company Culture: Bray is a Family-owned and operated business with over 30 Years of Engineered Excellence
Join Bray International and be part of a dynamic team dedicated to shaping the future of flow control solutions!
Position Responsibilities:
* Plan and manage material requirements for major projects using ERP/MRP systems.
* Works on more complex products that may require some new engineering and design and may be larger in scope.
* Regularly interfaces with Materials Planning department, Engineering, and Manufacturing teams when making decisions requiring judgment or resolving issues requiring creative solutions.
* May be required to participate in teams of planners and other functions in specific planning and problem-solving activities and Process Improvement efforts.
* Identifies improvement opportunities and suggests solutions to issues related to or including Material Planning and execution.
Schedule Project sales orders and provide production schedules.
Assesses or validate actual progress.
Monitors schedule changes and trends.
* corrective actions and/or develops recovery plans when delays are anticipated or occur.
* Ensure a consistent, effective line of communication with manufacturing, assembly, and sales departments
* Demonstrate continuous effort to improve operations, decrease turnaround times, streamline work processes, and work cooperatively and jointly with all departments to provide seamless quality customer service.
* Use time-management and multi-tasking skills to handle a variety of requests and functions demanded by the job
Ideal Experience/Qualifications:
* Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Industrial Engineering, Supply Chain or a technical degr...
Type: Permanent Location: Houston, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-27 07:23:06
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Job Description:
While the SF Fed is a Reserve Bank, we’re not what you might expect.
We’re unreserved here.
That means we seek new and diverse perspectives.
We spark conversations and encourage debate.
We build opportunity.
We pursue careers that are true to ourselves.
We are looking for people who want to help our country reach its full economic potential.
When you join the SF Fed, you join a team of people working together to foster an inclusive economy that works for everyone.
From data-driven insights to cloud transformation, the information technology team moves the SF Fed forward.
We use innovative technologies and Agile methods to positively impact every American across the communities we serve.
Come and be a part of the National Integration Services (NIS) dynamic team! If you have a passion for building the Bank of tomorrow on the best technology available, then this role is for you.
NIS is responsible for a portfolio of both established and emerging application integration products architected to support our mission-critical systems.
We are looking for a Senior Site Reliability Engineer to join our team.
To be successful in this role, you must be an organized self-starter with stellar leadership and communication skills who can work independently building relationships and driving technical solutions from inception to completion.
* Maintains and improves existing build and deployment processes across all products.
* Collaborates with Integration engineers, to create automation best practices.
* Designs and deploys new application components and infrastructures
* Implements and maintains a continuous integration environment.
* Supports and troubleshoots product and infrastructure issues.
* Writes configuration scripts for automation tools and automates recurring tasks.
* Actively monitors and administers cloud-hosted applications and builds integrations.
* Participates in engineering design and deployment planning
* Defines and documents continuous integration/continuous deployment best practices.
* Solves difficult problems with scripting language across multiple environments.
* Implements and maintains security in accordance with Bank security policies.
* Drive improvement opportunities in infrastructure, tooling, and workflows using a continuous feedback loop
* Ensure uptime and reliability of Cloud based infrastructure and systems, monitoring system performance, and maintaining high availability of cloud-based assets.
* Participate in incident Response and Troubleshooting by conducting root cause analysis and implementing solutions to prevent recurrence.
* Provide on call production support
* Bachelor’s degree in computer science, Information Systems, Computer Engineering, Systems Analysis or a related field or equivalent work experience
* Typically requires ...
Type: Permanent Location: San Francisco, US-CA
Salary / Rate: 147600
Posted: 2025-01-27 07:22:06
Combination Technician
$25.43 - $ 29.12
Arvig: Committed to Service, Dedicated to You
Join one of the nation’s largest independent broadband service providers! At Arvig, we deliver leading-edge broadband and telecommunications solutions—including high-speed internet, TV, phone, and security—to residential and business customers across Minnesota and beyond.
Our success is driven by a team of nearly 900 talented employees who embody our core values: ownership, engagement, efficiency, and knowledge.
We believe our people are the driving force behind everything we achieve, and we foster a culture built on courage, humility, open-mindedness, integrity, respect, and safety.
At Arvig, our goal is clear: to provide exceptional service and reliable solutions, backed by the latest technology, in an environment where employees can thrive in growth and opportunity.
Discover the Arvig Advantage—a workplace where you can bring your whole self, feel a true sense of belonging, and see your skills, ideas, and ambitions make a meaningful difference.
What You’ll Do
As a Telecom Field Technician you execute service orders for commercial systems, repairs, and facilities maintenance, ensuring efficient and professional customer interaction.
Troubleshoot and resolve advanced technical issues, perform installations and upgrades, and maintain optimal system performance.
Uphold safety standards, maintain vehicle readiness, and complete documentation accurately
You are required to have:
* Minimum of 5 years of experience with installation, repair, and disconnection of telecommunications services, such as high-speed internet, wired, wireless and telephone services.
* 5 or more years of experience operating test equipment
* Valid Class D Driver's License with acceptable driving record
* Power Limited Technician License
* Good analytical skills, troubleshooting, and problem solving skills
* Good communication and excellent customer service skills
* Ability to adapt and embrace new technology and products; work effectively with a wide variety of personalities
Bonus points if you have:
* AAS degree in Telecommunications or related
Your Schedule
Monday-Friday, 8:00AM-4:30PM, plus on-call rotation which includes weekends -work days may vary with workload, and overtime as needed.
Wabasso, MN
What You'll Bring
* Commitment to Safety: A strong dedication to maintaining a safe environment -both physically and mentally -for yourself, your colleagues, and customers
* Education: High School Diploma Bachelor's or equivalent
* Experience: Five or more years of experience in installation, repairs, and disconnection telecommunications services, such as high speed internet, wired, wireless and telephone services.
* Knowledge of Operations:
+ Advanced understanding of telephone equipment, wiring, color code, test gear, installation and troubleshooting
+ Pr...
Type: Permanent Location: Wabasso, US-MN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-27 07:03:47
The Part Time Warehouse Associate position exists to ensure effective movement and management of inventory between the dock, sales floor, product repair, customer pickup and delivery.
This role ensures the proper evaluation and shipping of merchandise and managing inventory flow.
The Warehouse Associate is also responsible to unload trailers (Receiving).
Individual contributor within a designated unit.
Job Duties:
* Fills order requests, stage merchandise and load for timely shipments (Shipping).
* Evaluates products and moves to designated zones for processing (Receiving)
* Moves merchandise between dock, stockroom staging area, sales floor, customer pick-up or delivery, and removal of 'sold' merchandise from sales floor
* Audits and maintains accuracy of HFM (Hold for Merchandise) staging area
* Responsible for the assembly merchandise
* Assembles and disassembles fixtures for seasonal flexes or floor plan changes
* Processes receipts and ensures inventories are controlled, monitored, and logged
* Creates required documentation to log all shipments and deliveries to customers
* Ensures customer service through timely, attentive and friendly service during all customer pick-ups and inquiries
* Reports and responds to Store Management about unsafe and/or unethical conditions
* Develops "team" environment with the sales floor, providing timely movement of merchandise setting floor to presentation standards
* Protects Company assets by following company policies and direction for customer pick-up procedures
* Performs daily housekeeping, including cleaning and straightening, etc.
* Miscellaneous duties as required, including as extra sales help as needed once cross trained
* Moves merchandise between dock, sales floor, customer pick-up or delivery and removal of 'sold' merchandise from sales floor in a timely manner
* Maintains safe/clean receiving area
* Assists customers by delivering items to their car, assisting them in loading and securing of merchandise
* Must be able to lift and move at least fifty (50) pounds in weight to maintain flow and replenishment of merchandise.
American Freight is an equal opportunity employer.
We respect diversity and accordingly are an equal opportunity employer that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, sex, gender, gender identity or expression (including transgender status), sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status, physical or mental disability, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws.
Our management is dedicated to ensuring the fulfillment of this policy with respect to hiring, placement, promotion, transfer, demotion, layoff, separation, recruitment, pay and other forms of compensation, access to facilities and programs, training and general t...
Type: Permanent Location: Elizabethtown, US-KY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-27 07:03:42
What We Offer:
* Competitive Pay Plans
* Comprehensive Benefits: Enjoy industry-leading benefits effective the first of the month after you have worked 30 days, including:
* Medical, dental, vision, and life insurance
* Paid holidays and vacation
* 401(k) plan with matching contributions
Healthy Work Environment: We provide a smoke-free, drug-free workplace to ensure a safe and productive atmosphere for all employees.
Career Growth: We are committed to your professional development, offering numerous opportunities for advancement within the organization.
An Exceptional Company Culture: Bray is a Family-owned and operated business with over 30 Years of Engineered Excellence
Join Bray International and be part of a dynamic team dedicated to shaping the future of flow control solutions!
Job Responsibilities:
* Advanced knowledge of ISO 9001-2015 and product certification dictated quality management systems with regards to implementation, maintenance, and improvement
* Leads and / or supports the maintenance of site quality management system(s).
* Use statistical methods to analyze data collected from enterprise systems to determine target areas of improvement
* Initiate, lead investigation, verify effectives of corrective actions (CAR) as required.
* Evaluate opportunities for improvement and develop action plans, preferably with cross functional teams, to address these opportunities.
* Investigate quality issues, determining root cause, and proposing remedial actions using root cause analysis tools.
* Works directly with vendors to resolve any product quality issues
* Works directly with the engineering team members to conduct Design Failure Modes Effects Analysis (DFMEA), Process Failure Mode Effects Analysis (PFMEA), development of quality control plans, and other support functions for product quality
* Works directly with operations team to improve process using tools such as Process Failure Mode Effects Analysis (PFMEA)
* Conduct audits – internal, vendor
* Act as an ambassador for the quality organization
* Develops, maintains, deploys, and trains team members on documented procedures and standards.
* Mentors junior team members within the quality organization to raise the level of awareness, training, skills, and competencies related to quality assurance, quality control, supplier development, and company products.
* Technically adept at dealing with complex product and process problems in a timely
* Intermediate to advanced user of Microsoft Office
* Able to evaluate PowerBI reports and dashboards
* Able to read and interpret standard English documentation such as work orders and work instructions, engineering drawings and dimensions, and measurement requirements.
* Interpreting geometric dimensions & tolerance (GD&T)
* Quality Management System maintenance
* Continual improvement process...
Type: Permanent Location: Houston, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-25 07:43:54
Federal Reserve Bank of St.
The St Louis Fed is one of 12 Reserve Banks serving all or parts of Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas with branches in Little Rock, Louisville and Memphis.
The St.
Louis Fed’s most essential responsibilities include: promoting stable prices and economic growth, fostering a sound financial system, providing payment services to financial institutions, supporting the U.S.
Treasury's financial operations, and advancing economic education, community development and fair access to credit.
We are looking for a Senior Cloud Data Engineer || to design and build capabilities for a cutting-edge, cloud-based big data analytics platform.
You will report to an engineering leader and be a part of an agile engineering team responsible for developing complex cloud-native data processing capabilities as part of an AWS-based data analytics platform.
You also will work with data scientists, as users of the platform, to analyze and visualize data and develop machine learning/AI models.
* Develop, enhance, and troubleshoot complex data engineering, data Visualization and data integration capabilities using python, R, lambda, Glue, Redshift, EMR, QuickSight, SageMaker and related AWS data processing, Visualization services.
* Provide technical thought leadership and collaborate with software developers, data engineers, database architects, data analysts, and data scientists on projects to ensure data delivery and align data processing architecture and services across multiple ongoing projects.
* Perform other team contributions such as peer code reviews, database defect support, Security enhancement support, Vulnerability management, and occasional backup production support.
* Leverage DevOps skills to build and release Infrastructure as Code, Configuration as Code, software, and cloud-native capabilities, ensuring the process follows appropriate change management guidelines.
* In partnership with the product owner and engineering leader, ensure team has a clear understanding of the business vision and goals and how that connects with technology solutions.
* Bachelor's degree with a major or specialized courses in Information Technology or commensurate experience.
* 7+ years proven experience with a combination of the following:
+ Designing and building complex data processing pipelines and streaming.
+ Design of big data solutions and use of common tools (Hadoop, Spark, etc.)
+ Relational SQL databases, especially Redshift
+ IaC tools like Terraform, Ansible, AWS CDK.
+ Containerization services like EKS, ECR.
+ AWS cloud services: EC2, S3, RDS, Redshift, Glue, Lambda, Step Functions, SageMaker, QuickSight, Config, Security Hub, Inspector
+ Designing, building and implementing high-performance API and programs using architectural frameworks a...
Type: Permanent Location: St. Louis, US-MO
Salary / Rate: 170000
Posted: 2025-01-25 07:43:36
Internship Dates:
6/16/2025 – 8/29/2025
Monday – Friday
8:00am – 4:00pm
Deadline to Apply:
March 22nd, 2025
Detailed Description
Job Duties:
* Assist in EndPoint Support for the organization
* Help organize current file/directory structure.
* Work on laptop and computer issues and replacements.
* Update Samanage Knowledgebase articles.
Job Skills
Microsoft Office Suite (Work, Excel, PowerPoint) knowledge.
Computer and software troubleshooting skills (entry level).
Good written and verbal communication skills.
Basic understanding of windows file and directory structure.
Information Technology
Type: Permanent Location: Beaverton, US-OR
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-25 07:39:54
Internship Dates:
6/16/2025 – 8/29/2025
Monday – Friday
8:00am – 4:00pm
Deadline to Apply:
March 22nd, 2025
Detailed Description
Job Duties:
* Help develop SOP for all areas in IS.
* Help organize current file/directory structure.
* Work on laptop and computer issues and replacements.
* Update Samanage Knowledgebase articles.
Job Skills
Microsoft Office Suite (Work, Excel, PowerPoint) knowledge.
Computer and software troubleshooting skills (entry level).
Good written and verbal communication skills.
Basic understanding of windows file and directory structure.
Information Technology
Type: Permanent Location: Beaverton, US-OR
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-25 07:39:52
Must currently be enrolled in school
Wage is $16.28 - $20.93 per hour
Internship Dates:
Start Date – June 16th, 2025
End Date – August 29th, 2025
Monday – Friday
7:00am – 3:30pm
Deadline to Apply:
March 28^th, 2025
Principal Duties and Responsibilities
Performs process verification checks at critical food safety and quality points according to the facility’s Food Safety Plan and Quality Plan.
Responsible for maintaining records, completing documentation, following proper documentation protocols as assigned.
Verifies the facility’s environment including items such as temperature throughout the production facility, sanitizer concentrations and other Food Safety related conditions.
Completes Hold/Cooling tags, if appropriate, to isolation conforming ingredients or finished products.
Job Skills
Basic knowledge of GMP’s, Food Safety and Safety requirements preferred.
Intermediate knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel) and Apple products preferred.
Knowledge of HACCP and CCP’s preferred.
Working Conditions
Refrigerated food manufacturing plant.
The environment may be wet or dry and temperatures may range from 25°F to 110°F.
Lifting, kneeling, and bending with packages in excess of 50 lbs.
Production demands may require evening or weekend scheduling.
Recipe for Success
Reser’s is the leading provider of fresh refrigerated deli salads, side dishes, and prepared foods for the supermarket, club store, and food service industries.
Family owned and operated, Reser’s has been a proud sponsor of good times at racetracks, picnics, BBQs, music festivals, and affordable family meals since 1950.
Reser’s family of brands include Reser’s American Classics, Main St Bistro, Stonemill Kitchens, and more.
With more than 4,500 employees, Reser’s operates 14 facilities in the US, Mexico, and Canada and actively supports the communities it serves.
Food Safety, Quality & Regulatory
Type: Permanent Location: Pasco, US-WA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-25 07:39:50