• Du bist für die Fertigstellung von Speisen in unserer Systemgastronomieküche verantwortlich.
• Du hältst deinen Arbeitsplatz hygienisch sauber.
• Du kümmerst dich um die richtige Handhabung /Aufbewahrung/ Kühlung der Lebensmittel.
SMÅRT für dein Konto:
Das Mindestentgelt für diese Position beträgt auf Basis einer Vollzeitbeschäftigung (40 Wochenstunden) € 2.300,- brutto pro Monat.
Diese Stelle wird in Teilzeit mit XX Wochenstunden besetzt, das entspricht einem monatlichen Bruttoentgelt von € 1.150.
Deine Arbeitszeiten: Laut Dienstplan von Montag bis Samstag an 4-5 Tagen pro Woche - jeden zweiten Samstag.
Deine Benefits:
• Ein sicherer Arbeitsplatz mit einem Einstiegsgehalt über dem Kollektivvertrag in einem inklusiven und werteorientierten Unternehmen
• ONE IKEA Bonus (jährlich bei Zielerreichung für alle Mitarbeiter:innen)
• Ein Dienstplan, abgestimmt auf deine Bedürfnisse, 4 Wochen im Vorhinein
• Weiterbildungs- und Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten im In- und Ausland
• Lebens- und private Unfallversicherung
• 15% Einkaufsrabatt und vergünstigtes Essen
weitere Vorteile findest du auf IKEA.at/Jobs
• Du hast Spaß in der Küche oder bringst sogar erste Erfahrung in der Arbeit in einem Gastronomiebetrieb mit.
• Du verfügst über Kenntnisse in der Lebensmittelproduktion.
• Für dich ist wichtig, dass unsere Speisen von hoher Qualität sind.
• Du hast gute Deutschkenntnisse.
• Auch in stressigen Situationen bewahrst du in deinem Team die Ruhe.
In Schubladen denken wir nur, wenn es um Kommoden geht.
Deshalb setzen wir auf die Förderung von Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, einen bunten Mix aus Generationen, die Inklusion von Personen mit Behinderungen und einen offenen Umgang mit Religion, Glaube und Weltanschauung.
Mehr zu Inklusion, Vielfalt und Gleichheit bei IKEA findest du unter:Inklusion, Vielfalt & Gleichheit am Arbeitsplatz - IKEA Österreich
Type: Permanent Location: Wien, AT-9
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-22 07:09:11
En tant que Manager à la Relation Clients tu fais partie du comité de direction du magasin et ton rôle est de mener, inspirer et encourager ton département à la satisfaction client,
* Tu contribues à la création du business plan du magasin et tu t'assures que les stratégies nationale et celle de ton unité sont alignées.
* Tu analyses les facteurs d’insatisfaction des clients et mets en place toutes les actions visant à les corriger.
Tu cherches en permanence à améliorer l'expérience d'achat en intégrant les enjeux financiers pour IKEA.
* Tu t'assures que les priorités nationales et locales, ainsi que le calendrier des activités sont bien connues des membres de ton équipe afin qu'ils tiennent leur rôle.
Dans notre unité ton équipe se compose d'environ XX collaborateurs.
* Tu veilles à ce que les services aux clients soient bien communiqués afin de lever des freins à l'achat, et tu suis les performances.
Tu es l'interlocuteur des prestataires de services externes.
* Tu incites ton équipe et tes collègues à chercher des méthodes de travail toujours plus efficaces afin de réduire les coûts.
* Tu appliques et fais appliquer les procédures afin d’en garantir la fiabilité en toute sécurité.
Tu contrôles les écarts et anomalies.
* Tu étudies le marché local, la concurrence, le positionnement du magasin et les attentes des clients et tu mets en œuvre des actions en connaissance de cause.
* Tu recrutes, tu développes et mènes ton équipe et tu contribues à identifier et développer les talents.
Chez IKEA, en plus de ton salaire de base, tu bénéficies de nombreux avantages
* tels que :
* Une prime de 13e mois.
* Jusqu'à 18 jours de RTT
* Un Bonus IKEA et une prime de participation qui récompensent la performance collective
* Un plan d'épargne entreprise et un plan d'épargne retraite
* Une retraite supplémentaire financée par IKEA
* Une mutuelle d'entreprise avantageuse dès ton arrivée
* La possibilité de prendre un déjeuner sain et varié à moins de 3€.
* Une remise de 15% sur tes achats chez IKEA
*certains de ces avantages sont soumis à des conditions d'ancienneté.
Youtube Video
IKEA, leader international de solutions d’aménagement de la maison, poursuit depuis plus de 40 ans son développement en France avec toujours la même vision : « améliorer le quotidien du plus grand nombre ».
Animés par notre culture et nos valeurs, nous sommes passionnés par la vie à la maison.
Chez IKEA, nous vivons la culture suédoise au quotidien.
Et, comme le font les Suédois, nous nous tutoyons tous, peu importe notre poste ou notre unité.
C'est pourquoi nous le faisons aussi dès cette annonce et pendant tout le processus de recrutement !
* Tu es un leader orienté clients et résultats, et tu aimes travailler dans un environnement dynamique.
* Tu as un intérêt fort pour le développement des personnes et aider ton équipe à atteindre ses objectifs te motive autant que d’atteindre tes propres performances.
* Tu es à l'écoute des besoins clients et tu as envie de faire bouger les choses avec flexibilité, rapidité et simplicité.
* Tu es rigoureux et apte à piloter plusieurs activités en parallèle et à mobiliser et convaincre tes partenaires.
* Tu as une solide expérience dans la définition et la mise en œuvre de plans d'action pluriannuels, l’élaboration de budgets et la poursuite des objectifs.
* Tu es à l'aise pour communiquer en anglais (écrit et oral).
Type: Permanent Location: Ardon, FR-CVL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-22 07:09:09
- Tu accueilles les clients et les mets à l'aise.
Vous leur faites visiter le magasin.
- Tu cherches à connaître les besoins de ton client et tu l'aides à prendre sa décision.
Ce faisant, tu fais bon usage de tous les outils numériques disponibles.
- Tu t'occupes de l'ensemble du processus de vente des cuisines, par le biais d'un entretien approfondi, de la conception à la commande.
- Tu mets en place et maintiens toute la communication nécessaire sur les produits (prix, emplacement, etc.) afin que le client puisse faire ses achats en toute tranquillité.
A ce titre, vous serez rattaché au Teamleader Sales - Showroom.
- Tu es le principal interlocuteur de nos clients.
parce que tu aimes lire des plans techniques et les traduire avec le client dans la cuisine de ses rêves.
- Tu es une personne créative et tu as un œil pour la décoration d'intérieur
- Tu comprends aussi l'impact d'un sourire et tu en fais toujours un peu plus,
- Tu fais en sorte que les clients se sentent bien en choisissant le bon produit et en dépassant leurs attentes.
- Tu te concentres sur l'expérience du client pendant l'entretien de vente.
- Tu gardes ton rayon en ordre et tu veilles à ce que tous les produits soient toujours sont présentés de manière attractive
Chez IKEA, nous aimons te donner l'espace nécessaire pour prendre en main ton développement.
Nous croyons en l'esprit d'entreprise et d'initiative et nous voulons te faciliter la tâche.
Au cours des premières semaines/mois, tu pourras compter sur une offre d'apprentissage dans le cadre d'un plan de développement en 5 étapes pour t'aider à démarrer, avec suffisamment d'espace personnel pour créer les moments d'apprentissage dont tu as besoin.
Nous offrons cette structure et un réseau de soutien composé de collègues qui sont là pour te mettre à l'aise dans cette situation et pour te donner le temps d'apprendre, de faire des erreurs et de te développer.
En plus d'une rémunération compétitive, nous offrons:
- Eco-chèques
- Prime de fin d'année, pécule de vacances et primes de secteur
- Une indemnité de trajet avec une indemnité supplémentaire si vous venez en vélo
- Location privé d'un vélo électrique, nous sommes heureux de vous donner un coup de pouce
- Une assurance hospitalisation complète
- Une assurance accidents privés
- Épargne-pension
- Un plan d'épargne congé : choisissez comment vous voulez que vos heures tardives/précoces (avant 7h et à partir de 18h) soient payées : un supplément sur votre salaire ou en heures de vacances
- Nous offrons également des vacances extralégales, des vacances d'ancienneté et, pour les collègues à temps plein, 6 jours de congé supplémentaires
- Une cantine où tu pourras manger de délicieux plats à prix démocratiques
- IKEA Tack ! Prime de fidélité, un versement supplémentaire sur votre épargne-retraite en fonction de nos résultats globaux et de votre fidélité à IKEA
- Bonus ONE IKEA : une prime supplémentaire en fonction des résultats de votre magasin
- IKEA Benefits at work : un portail qui vous offre des réductions sur des magasins et des marques réputés
- Réduction pour le personnel IKEA : 15% sur tous vos achats
- Sorties d'équipe et fêtes du personnel, parce que la solidarité est très importante pour nous.
- Un petit plus en cas de cohabitation légale/mariage/naissance/retraite pour célébrer ces beaux moments
Nous vous proposons un planning 6 semaines à l'avance pour mieux planifier votre vie professionnelle.
Nos magasins ferment à 20h (vendredi 21h)
Type: Permanent Location: Arlon, BE-WLX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-22 07:09:08
- Tu accueilles les clients et les mets à l'aise.
Vous leur faites visiter le magasin.
- Tu cherches à connaître les besoins de ton client et tu l'aides à prendre sa décision.
Ce faisant, tu fais bon usage de tous les outils numériques disponibles.
- Tu t'occupes de l'ensemble du processus de vente des cuisines, par le biais d'un entretien approfondi, de la conception à la commande.
- Tu mets en place et maintiens toute la communication nécessaire sur les produits (prix, emplacement, etc.) afin que le client puisse faire ses achats en toute tranquillité.
A ce titre, vous serez rattaché au Teamleader Sales - Showroom.
- Tu es le principal interlocuteur de nos clients.
parce que tu aimes lire des plans techniques et les traduire avec le client dans la cuisine de ses rêves.
- Tu es une personne créative et tu as un œil pour la décoration d'intérieur
- Tu comprends aussi l'impact d'un sourire et tu en fais toujours un peu plus,
- Tu fais en sorte que les clients se sentent bien en choisissant le bon produit et en dépassant leurs attentes.
- Tu te concentres sur l'expérience du client pendant l'entretien de vente.
- Tu gardes ton rayon en ordre et tu veilles à ce que tous les produits soient toujours sont présentés de manière attractive
Chez IKEA, nous aimons te donner l'espace nécessaire pour prendre en main ton développement.
Nous croyons en l'esprit d'entreprise et d'initiative et nous voulons te faciliter la tâche.
Au cours des premières semaines/mois, tu pourras compter sur une offre d'apprentissage dans le cadre d'un plan de développement en 5 étapes pour t'aider à démarrer, avec suffisamment d'espace personnel pour créer les moments d'apprentissage dont tu as besoin.
Nous offrons cette structure et un réseau de soutien composé de collègues qui sont là pour te mettre à l'aise dans cette situation et pour te donner le temps d'apprendre, de faire des erreurs et de te développer.
En plus d'une rémunération compétitive, nous offrons:
- Eco-chèques
- Prime de fin d'année, pécule de vacances et primes de secteur
- Une indemnité de trajet avec une indemnité supplémentaire si vous venez en vélo
- Location privé d'un vélo électrique, nous sommes heureux de vous donner un coup de pouce
- Une assurance hospitalisation complète
- Une assurance accidents privés
- Épargne-pension
- Un plan d'épargne congé : choisissez comment vous voulez que vos heures tardives/précoces (avant 7h et à partir de 18h) soient payées : un supplément sur votre salaire ou en heures de vacances
- Nous offrons également des vacances extralégales, des vacances d'ancienneté et, pour les collègues à temps plein, 6 jours de congé supplémentaires
- Une cantine où tu pourras manger de délicieux plats à prix démocratiques
- IKEA Tack ! Prime de fidélité, un versement supplémentaire sur votre épargne-retraite en fonction de nos résultats globaux et de votre fidélité à IKEA
- Bonus ONE IKEA : une prime supplémentaire en fonction des résultats de votre magasin
- IKEA Benefits at work : un portail qui vous offre des réductions sur des magasins et des marques réputés
- Réduction pour le personnel IKEA : 15% sur tous vos achats
- Sorties d'équipe et fêtes du personnel, parce que la solidarité est très importante pour nous.
- Un petit plus en cas de cohabitation légale/mariage/naissance/retraite pour célébrer ces beaux moments
Nous vous proposons un planning 6 semaines à l'avance pour mieux planifier votre vie professionnelle.
Nos magasins ferment à 20h (vendredi 21h)
Type: Permanent Location: Liège, BE-WLG
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-22 07:08:43
- Je begroet de klanten en zorgt dat ze zich welkom voelen.
- Je benadert klanten proactief en maakt hen wegwijs in de winkel.
- Je beantwoordt de noden van je klant en helpt hen bij hun beslissing.
Hierbij maak je vlot gebruik van alle beschikbare (digitale) tools
- Je bent verantwoordelijk voor het volledige verkoopproces, inclusief de productcommunicatie en services, met het oog op een aangename winkelervaring.
In deze rol rapporteer je aan de teamleader sales - showroom.
- Je bent de belangrijkste contactpersoon voor onze klanten.
- De klant staat voor jou centraal.
- Je bent klantvriendelijk, je informeert en inspireert onze klanten over onze producten
- Je gepersonaliseerd advies draagt bij aan onze commerciële groei
- Je begrijpt de impact van een glimlach en je zet een stapje extra om hun verwachtingen te overtreffen.
- Je bent commercieel en ordelijk ingesteld, met oog voor detail.
- Je bent bereid om de handen uit de mouwen te steken.
Bij IKEA geven we je graag de ruimte om je eigen ontwikkeling en groei in handen te nemen.
Wij geloven in ondernemerschap en initiatief en willen het je gemakkelijk maken.
In de eerste paar weken/maanden krijg je een ontwikkelingsplan in 5 stappen aangeboden om je op weg te helpen, met voldoende persoonlijke ruimte om de leermomenten te creëren die je nodig hebt.
Wij bieden deze structuur en een ondersteunend netwerk van collega's die ervoor zorgen dat je je in deze situatie op je gemak voelt en je de tijd krijgt om te leren, fouten te maken en je te ontwikkelen.
Naast een competitieve verloning bieden wij je:
- Eco-vouchers
- Eindejaarspremie, vakantiegeld en sector premies
- Een toeslag woon-werk verkeer met een bijkomende toeslag indien je met de fiets komt
- Private leasing van een elektrische fiets, we geven je graag een duwtje in de rug
- Een uitgebreide hospitalisatieverzekering
- Een private ongevallen verzekering
- Pensioensparen
- Een verlof spaarplan: kies zelf hoe jij je late/vroege uren (tot 7u en vanaf 18u) laat uitbetalen: een toeslag op je salaris of in vakantie uren
- We bieden je extra – legale vakantiedagen, senioriteitsverlof en een voor onze voltijdse collega’s 6 bijkomende verlofdagen
- Een kantine waar je aan zeer democratische prijzen lekker kan eten
- IKEA Tack! Loyaliteits premie, een bijkomende storting in je pensioensparen op basis van onze wereldwijde resultaten en jouw loyaliteit aan IKEA
- ONE IKEA Bonus: een bijkomende bonus op basis van de resultaten van jouw winkel
- IKEA Benefits at work: een mooie korting bij verschillende welbekende merken en winkels
- IKEA personeelskorting 15% op al je aankopen
- Teamuitjes & personeelsfeesten, omdat samenzijn voor ons heel belangrijk is
- Een leuke extra bij wettelijk samenwonen/trouwen/geboorte/pensionering om deze mooie momenten te vieren
Wij bieden je een een uurrooster 6 weken op voorhand aan, dit om je werk-privé beter te plannen.
Onze winkels sluiten om 20u (vrijdag 21u)
Type: Permanent Location: Sint-Denijs-Westrem, BE-VOV
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-22 07:08:40
Au côté du Manager du département Restauration tu es responsable de l'activité du Restaurant dans lequel tu proposes les produits goûteux, sains, durables et abordables de la carte IKEA.
• Tu veilles à ce que le Restaurant soit toujours en parfait état et tu assures la mise en place des produits dans le respect des mesures de base, des priorités commerciales, et de l’identité suédoise afin de maximiser les ventes.
• Tu es force de proposition pour intégrer le Restaurant dans les activités du calendrier commercial afin de créer de la vitalité et de développer les ventes.
• Tu veilles à l'optimisation des commandes et les niveaux d'inventaires pour maximiser la rentabilité.
• Tu encourages une culture de la sécurité alimentaire.
Tu veilles à ce que tes collaborateurs connaissent les routines et les respectent dans leur travail quotidien.
• Tu recueilles les commentaires des clients en vue de toujours améliorer nos pratiques et l'expérience client.
• Tu mets en application la stratégie Groupe et France en matière de développement durable.
Avec le soutien du Manager du département Restauration, tu recrutes, mènes et développes ton équipe.
Outre ton salaire de base qui rémunère ton travail, tes compétences et tes responsabilités, tu bénéficieras notamment de :
• Une prime de 13e mois.
• Une part de rémunération variable liée à la performance économique globale.
• Une mutuelle santé offrant des prestations de qualité, dès ton arrivée.
• Une prime d'ancienneté (au-delà de 2 ans).
• Des congés supplémentaires pour ancienneté (au-delà de 3 ans).
• La possibilité de prendre un déjeuner sain et varié pour moins de 3€.
• Une remise personnelle de 15% sur tes achats chez IKEA.
IKEA, leader international de solutions d’aménagement de la maison, poursuit depuis plus de 40 ans son développement en France avec toujours la même vision : « améliorer le quotidien du plus grand nombre ».
Animés par notre culture et nos valeurs, nous sommes passionnés par la vie à la maison.
Chez IKEA, nous vivons la culture suédoise au quotidien.
Et, comme le font les Suédois, nous nous tutoyons tous, peu importe notre poste ou notre unité.
C'est pourquoi nous le faisons aussi dès cette annonce et pendant tout le processus de recrutement !
• Tu sais être un leader inspirant et motivant pour ton équipe et la satisfaction client est au cœur de tes préoccupations.
• Tu as envie de transmettre ton goût pour la cuisine et ton sens du commerce et du service aux clients.
• Tu es capable de planifier et d'organiser le travail dans un univers très dynamique et tes capacités analytiques te permettent d'identifier toutes opportunités commerciales visant à développer le business.
• Tu es reconnu pour ta capacité à gérer des problématiques multiples et à coacher une équipe.
• Tu as une expérience professionnelle préalable dans un métier de service, de préférence dans le secteur de la restauration pour le plus grand nombre.
• Pouvoir communiquer en anglais est un plus.
Type: Permanent Location: Plaisir, FR-IDF
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-22 07:07:03
Milwaukee, WI - Seeking Practice Administrator
Everybody Has A Role to Play in Transforming Healthcare
As a Practice Administrator, you play a vital role in our mission to improve lives.
Provide direct, business operations support to our medical directors, site physician partners, advanced providers, and scribe (when applicable) employees.
At Vituity we know the impact you can have.
Join the Vituity Team.
At Vituity we've cultivated an environment where passion thrives, and success comes through shared purpose.
We were founded in a culture that values team accomplishments more than individual achievements, an approach we call "culture of brilliance." Together, we leverage our strengths and experiences to make a positive impact in our local communities.
We foster this through shared goals and helping our colleagues succeed, and we also understand the importance of recognition, taking the time to show appreciation and gratitude for a job well done.
Vituity Locations: Vituity has opportunities at 475 sites across the country, serving 9 million patients a year.
With Vituity, if you ever need to move, you can take your job with you.
The Opportunity
* Act as the operational administrator for the site Vituity leadership and as the interface for the practice to the hospital and community.
* Act as the front-line liaison for the provider team with hospital C-Suite, nursing leadership, nursing staff, and Vituity support team.
* Provide executive support to the site medical director and site management team to meet contract expectations.
* Provide support for all site financials to include, but not limited to, contract stipends, expense reimbursements, and site payroll timecards.
* Act as the super user for all Vituity software applications and as a point person for hospital software and hardware systems.
* As appropriate to site practice, provide support to Vituity providers acting as a percipient witness in criminal or civil disputes including, but not limited to, receiving and routing subpoenas, scheduling depositions and trial testimony as applicable, development of a provider fee schedule, and including malpractice carrier as appropriate.
* Provide office management to include, but not limited to, all aspects of meeting management, office systems, supplies, site events, and customer service.
* As applicable to the practice line, facilitate all aspects of the daily patient census and attend daily multi-disciplinary rounds.
* As applicable to the site practice, responsible for all aspects of the site clinical schedules to ensure adequate coverage with no disruption to patient care.
* Collect, track, and analyze all site financial and operational data.
* Project management as needed of the site operational programs to include, but not limited to, Operations Meetings, Patient Experience Program, Quality/Performance Improvement Program, Advanced Provider and/or Scribe Programs, and Student or Re...
Type: Permanent Location: Milwaukee, US-WI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-22 07:06:59
ERM is seeking a Senior Planner, Impact Assessment and Permitting in our Richmond, VA office to support and assist with environmental impact assessment and permitting for electric transmission projects, renewable energy facilities and other major capital development projects across the United States.
ERM is the largest global pure play sustainability consultancy.
We partner with the world’s leading organizations, creating innovative solutions to sustainability challenges and unlocking commercial opportunities that meet the needs of today while preserving opportunity for future generations.
As part of ERM’s planning team you will be leading on securing permits and providing technical leadership and advice across a wide range of industries and market sectors.
You will be responsible for working with the world’s leading organizations on the delivery of large complex projects and initiatives.
This position will focus primarily on environmental impact assessment and federal, state and local permitting to facilitate the development, construction, and operation new energy infrastructure in the Mid-Atlantic and across North America.
Our portfolio of projects are often fast-paced, multi-faceted, and geographically diverse with clients developing facilities ranging from new transmission lines to utility-scale renewable energy projects.
The position will require a candidate to work both independently and with teams of subject matter experts, so successful candidate must have the ability to manage varying priorities and multiple tasks while forging a cohesive delivery team to meet concurrent deadlines on multiple projects.
This is an excellent opportunity for an environmental professional looking to advance their career with a global environmental leader and be part of ERM’s continuing growth in the renewable energy sector.
* Manage and perform complex permitting and compliance associated with electric transmission and renewable energy development projects with an emphasis on local, state, and federal permitting, including but not limited to compliance associated with the National Environmental Policy Act, and regulations of federal agencies such as U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers and U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service and state-level agencies.
* Manage and lead the preparation of permitting documents for infrastructure/energy/industrial facility development, expansion, maintenance, or decommissioning, with a focus on local permitting.
Overseeing project delivery activities such as report writing, data collection, data and literature review, and developing recommendations for clients.
* Manage preparation of discipline-specific reports, permitting documents, NEPA documents, and state-level environmental reviews consistent with applicable federal, state and local regulatory requirements.
Serve in roles ranging from project manager, task manager, technical expert, and QA/QC of deliverables.
* Contribute technical, s...
Type: Permanent Location: Richmond, US-VA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-22 07:06:40
En tant que collaborateur Relation client, ton rôle est d'accueillir, renseigner, orienter et proposer aux clients des services en fonction de leurs besoins en veillant à ce que ta zone de travail soit toujours opérationnelle.
En fonction des missions qui te sont confiéesÂ
* Accueillir les enfants dans notre aire de jeux et animer dans le respect des règles de sécurité.
* En ligne de caisses, enregistrer les articles en caisse avec fiabilité, assister et accompagner les clients en caisses rapides.
* Tu t'assures que le client dispose toujours des outils d'aide à l'achat dans le magasin (chariots, sacs par ex)Â
* Au retrait des marchandises/transport, tâassurer du bon contrôle de la marchandise préparée avant la remise au client ou au transporteur dans le respect des procédures.
* Au comptoir du service après-vente, accueillir avec bienveillance les clients dans le cadre de la politique de retours et échanges et gérer les réclamations.
Rémunération : à partir de 1840 ⬠brut mensuel (salaire de référence pour un temps plein).
Outre ton salaire de base qui rémunère ton travail, tes compétences et tes responsabilités, tu bénéficieras notamment de :
⢠Une prime de 13e mois.
⢠Une part de rémunération variable liée à la performance économique globale.
⢠Une mutuelle santé offrant des prestations de qualité, dès ton arrivée.
⢠Une prime d'ancienneté (au-delà de 2 ans).
⢠Des congés supplémentaires pour ancienneté (au-delà de 3 ans).
⢠La possibilité de prendre un déjeuner sain et varié pour moins de 3â¬.
⢠Une remise personnelle de 15% sur tes achats chez IKEA.
Youtube Video
IKEA, leader international de solutions dâaménagement de la maison, poursuit depuis plus de 40 ans son développement en France avec toujours la même vision : « améliorer le quotidien du plus grand nombre ».
Animés par notre culture et nos valeurs, nous sommes passionnés par la vie à la maison.Â
Chez IKEA, nous vivons la culture suédoise au quotidien.
Et, comme le font les Suédois, nous nous tutoyons tous, peu importe notre poste ou notre unité.
C'est pourquoi nous le faisons aussi dès cette annonce et pendant tout le processus de recrutement !
* Tu aimes le contact avec les clients et tu es à l'aise pour les approcher de manière amicale et polie.
* Tu es curieux et souple et tu sauras t'adapter aux tâches diverses et variées qui relèvent de la Relation clients (accueil, caisses, chariots, service après-vente, sortie marchandises).
* Tu apprécies le travail en équipe.
* Tu es l'interlocuteur des clients sur l'ensemble des services.
* Tu as déjà travaillé dans la Vente ou la Relation clients, idéalement dans un environnement très dynamique.
Type: Permanent Location: La Maxe, FR-GES
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-22 07:06:35
- Je begroet de klanten en zorgt dat ze zich welkom voelen.
Je maakt hen wegwijs in de hele winkel.
- Je onderzoekt de noden van je klant en helpt hen bij hun beslissing.
Hierbij maak je vlot gebruik van alle beschikbare digitale tools.
- Je verzorgt het volledige verkoopproces van keukens, door middel van een uitgebreid gesprek vanaf het ontwerp tot de bestelling
- Je plaatst en onderhoudt alle nodige productcommunicatie (prijs, locatie,…) zodat de klant vlot kan winkelen.
In deze rol rapporteer je aan de Teamleader Sales - Showroom.
- Je bent de belangrijkste contactpersoon voor onze klanten.
Omdat je graag technische plannen leest en deze samen met de klant vertaalt naar zijn droomkeuken.
- Je bent een creatieveling en hebt een oog voor interieurontwerp
- Je snapt bovendien de impact van een glimlach en doet altijd net een stapje extra, waardoor klanten met een goed gevoel voor het juiste product kiezen en je hun verwachtingen overtreft.
- Je stelt de beleving van de klant centraal tijdens het verkoopgesprek
- Je houdt jouw afdeling netjes en zorgt ervoor dat alle producten steeds aantrekkelijk gepresenteerd zijn
Type: Permanent Location: Zaventem, BE-VBR
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-22 07:06:29
Georgia-Pacific is seeking a Production Supervisor at our Plywood facility in Dudley, NC.
The Production Supervisor will lead a production team to work injury-free/incident free in a continuous manufacturing environment.
What You Will Do
* Supervise/coordinate production efforts that drive improvement in all associated work processes affecting EHS, compliance, reliability, quality, production and costs.
* Support the MPO (Machine Paced Operation) Process System to align and optimize the manufacturing enterprise in delivering value to the business.
* Facilitate team development and growth, employee skill development, problem-solving and resolution, building employee commitment and ownership and holding employees accountable.
* Drive safety excellence through promoting employee involvement, ownership, and accountability to proactively eliminate hazards.
* Monitor product quality and provide direction to crew members to maximize efficiency.
* Assist with troubleshooting production issues.
* Provide safety training to crew members.
* Provide coaching; team development/performance management.
* Complete data entry responsibilities and generate reports.
* Team size may range from 15 - 40 members.
Must be flexible with shift and/or departmental assignment.
Shift schedules could change during employment.
* The Experience You Will Bring
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Two (2) or more years of supervisory experience in industrial manufacturing or military environment.
* Must have a solid working knowledge of MS Office Suite (Word, Excel, Outlook) and ability to learn various PC-based production reporting systems applications.
* Must be able and willing to work flexible work schedules and department changes
What Will Put You Ahead
* Bachelor's Degree or higher with a preference in a technical or business discipline.
* Three (3) or more years of supervisory experience in an industrial manufacturing or military environment.
* Two (2) or more years of supervisory experience in the plywood industry.
* Experience using a Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS).
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
At Koch, employees are empowered to do wh...
Type: Permanent Location: Dudley, US-NC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-21 08:40:50
Production Supervisor- Emporia VA
Georgia-Pacific is seeking Shift Supervisors in our plywood mill in Emporia, VA.
Each Shift Supervisor is responsible for leading a wood products production team to work injury-free/incident free in a continuous manufacturing environment consistent with management philosophy and framework.
As a Shift Supervisor, you must be open and flexible to work any shift.
You will lead a team of 20 to 30 members.
What You Will Do
* Supervise/coordinate production efforts that drive improvement in all associated work processes affected EHS, compliance, reliability, quality, production, and costs
* Facilitate team development and growth, employee skill development, problem-solving and resolution
* Drive safety excellence through promoting employee involvement, ownership, and accountability to proactively eliminate hazards
* Monitor product quality and provide direction to crew members to maximize efficiency
* Assist with troubleshooting and solving production issues
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Two (2) or more years of supervisory experience in an industrial, manufacturing or military environment, OR three (3) or more years of Plywood or Lumber manufacturing experience
* Willing and able to work in a manufacturing plant environment, including extended periods of time in noisy areas without climate control
* Willing and able to work any assigned shift schedule, which may include day, night, weekend and holiday work hours
* Experience with Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Outlook) and PC-based production reporting systems applications
What Will Put You Ahead
* Bachelor's Degree or higher with a preference in a technical or business discipline.
* Three (3) or more years of supervisory experience in an industrial manufacturing or military environment.
* Two (2) or more years of supervisory experience in the wood products industry.
* Experience using a Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS).
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
At Koch, employees are empowered to do what they do best to make life better.
Learn how our business philosophy helps employees unleash their potential while creating value for themselves and the co...
Type: Permanent Location: Emporia, US-VA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-21 08:40:49
Your Job
Koch Glitsch is now hiring for a Machine Operator for the 2nd shift (4:30pm - 3am Tuesday - Friday) to participate in our manufacturing operations and activities.
The goal is to increase efficiency, profitability, and customer satisfaction.
This role will be responsible for ensuring safety, quality, and production requirements.
Our Team
Koch-Glitsch is a global leader in developing, engineering, designing, and manufacturing a complete line of mass transfer and phase separation technology equipment and associated services for the chemical, petrochemical, refining, and gas processing industries.
What You Will Do
* Setting up, interpret drawings, and operating a variety of machines including but not limited to: punch presses, secondary equipment, shears, brake presses, plasmas, NCPP, lasers/laser punch combo, saws, coil-fed machinery
* Ensure proper communication with team members to attain all safety, quality, and production requirements
* Work in a non-climate-controlled working environment performing physical tasks such as bending, standing, squatting and lifting materials up to 50 lbs
* Understand all Personal Protective Equipment assessments, Job Hazard Analysis and Preventive Maintenance requirements for the machine and department
* Actively participate in safety program
* Work overtime hours on an as needed basis
* Analyzing specifications and determining tooling, applying knowledge of metal properties, machining required and planned sequence of operations
* Ensuring products meet or exceed specifications as part of our Quality program
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Working knowledge of standard and metric tape measures
* Must have legal authorization to work permanently in the United States for any employer without requiring a visa transfer or visa sponsorship
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience reading, interpreting and understanding blueprints
* Previous machine operator experience
* Experience working in manufacturing environment
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
As a Koch Engineered Solutions company, Koch-Glitsch keeps our customers' operations running with a wide range of innovative products and solutions serving the refining, che...
Type: Permanent Location: Wichita, US-KS
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-21 08:40:48
Your Job
The GP Wauna Mill is looking for a Performance Leader for the Woodyard.
The Performance Leader will develop and implement deliberate improvement opportunities within the Woodyard and MSG Department.
This will include improving and coordinating operator training, implementing asset strategies with the hourly staff to impact mill performance, and coaching hourly staff to continuously improve their knowledge and skill to create long-term value for the department.
Our Team
This position is a leadership role within the Woodyard Department that requires daily interactions with operators and other staff members (maintenance planners, shift technicians, vibration technicians, etc.).
This position reports to the Water and Woodyard Area Leader.
What You Will Do
* Provide timely and relevant information to supervisors, co-workers, and hourly staff to aide in knowledge shares and decision-making.
* Provide leadership during operational upset conditions by applying technical knowledge (both mechanical and process-related).
* Develop specific goals and plans to prioritize, organize, and accomplish operator training.
* Assist Area Process Owners in compiling data from continuous process monitoring equipment to optimize unit operations with the hourly staff.
* Engage Corporate/Industry SMEs to implement best practices.
* Adhere to all corporate required Operational Maintenance (OM) standards.
* Ensure the hourly staff is monitoring and optimizing key process indicators for equipment runnability.
* Support the department with safely planning and executing unit outages and annual outages on equipment.
* Participate in department-led RCAs.
* Improve the performance of the department's work efficiency by clearly defining department goals and KPIs to operators.
* Encourage operators to engage in their process and develop ownership of equipment.
* Create SOPs, escalation protocols, and troubleshooting guides to ensure reliable equipment operations and assist operators during upset conditions.
* Coach, lead, and mentor hourly staff team members with a heavy focus on developing employees to continuously improve their knowledge and skills.
* Manage individual performance and holding individuals accountable for their results through vision setting and performance feedback.
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Bachelor of Science (BS) degree or higher in mechanical/electrical engineering OR at least 2-3 years' experience working within an industrial manufacturing environment
* Experience in identifying, leading, and executing daily and weekly goals within a small team (i.e., meeting KPI metrics, performing operator basic care routes, etc.
* Experience using Microsoft Office programs such Project, Excel, and Word
What Will Put You Ahead
* Leadership experience in a manufacturing environment
* Experience in the Pulp and Paper industry
* SAP CMMS experience
Type: Permanent Location: Clatskanie, US-OR
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-21 08:40:33
Your Job
Georgia Pacific is hiring a Fiberline Operator for our Perdue Hill, AL (ARC) facility.
The Fiberline Operator position creates value by safely operating pulping and bleaching process equipment to meet or exceed the mill's production and quality goals.
The Fiberline Operator will work twelve (12) hour rotating shifts and required overtime as needed which may include weekends and holidays.
This position pays $23.89 per hour.
Our Team
Alabama River Cellulose (ARC) mill has been a major part of the economic lifeblood of the region.
Recognized as one of the largest pulp operations in North America, the mill is also considered the largest manufacturer in Monroe County and one of the largest employers in the area.
ARC, part of Georgia-Pacific's Cellulose group.
What You Will Do
* Monitor process variables to maintain efficient process operations and meet department quality, cost, and production goals
* Progress through the appropriate skills level checklist in a timely manner with the goal to advance to the Daily Operating Center Position
* Perform equipment cleanup and operator basic care including minor maintenance tasks and troubleshooting
* Perform railcar and tanker truck loading and unloading operations for hazardous materials produced or consumed in the process
* Maintain strict adherence to safety rules & regulations to include wearing required safety equipment
* Required to attend and complete mandatory and ongoing trainings
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* High School Diploma or GED
* Two (2) years of experience in an industrial/manufacturing environment OR Associates Degree in Process Operations or Electrical/Instrumentation
* Experience with Microsoft Word, Outlook and Excel for data entry and document creation
What Will Put You Ahead
* Operational experience in a Kraft pulping, screening or bleaching operation
* Experience working with local, remote, and/or distributed process control systems
* Experience lining up equipment for chemical transfer operation
* Experience with safe work permitting (hot work, line breaking) and executing lockout activities (isolation, draining, deenergizing)
* Experience operating pumps, control valves, agitators, or reactor equipment
* Chemical Process Safety (CPS) or Process Safety Management (PSM) experience
* Familiarity with lab equipment & procedures; pH measurement, conductivity measurement and titration
* Bachelor's Degree in Process Operations or Engineering
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please spe...
Type: Permanent Location: Perdue Hill, US-AL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-21 08:40:30
Your Job
The Green Bay Broadway Mill is searching for a ConvertingReliability Coachfor the upcoming Through-Air Dryed (TAD) Converting Area.The Reliability Coach will have broad responsibility for environmental compliance, safety, reliability, and technician development within an ownership-based work system.This role will be part of the commissioning and start-up team for the TAD Product system.
Reliability Coacheswork a rotating 12-hour shift that includes days, nights, weekends, holidays, and overtime hours.
This is an on-shift leadership position.
Benefits Offered:
* Full benefits package that begins the first of the month following the start date
* Vacation prorated for the first year
* 11 Paid Holidays each calendar year
* Retention Bonus
* Quarterly bonus potential
* Opportunities to advance based on capability, not seniority
* Work in a progressive, safety-conscious work environment
* Overtime opportunities
* And so much more!
All candidates for this position are required to submit a resume and/or detailed work history demonstrating their skills relating to the Basic Qualifications listed below to be eligible for this position.
Our Team
The Green Bay Broadway Mill manufactures and distributes leading commercial and retail brands of paper products (bath tissue, napkins, and towels).
Every day, GP employees and products help maintain a strong, stable economy in Northeastern Wisconsin.
We do more than just make paper.
Check out this video to see for yourself: Come Inside a GP Paper Mill |Georgia-Pacific - YouTube
What You Will Do
* Creating an environment where the team identifies and mitigates safety risk.
* Developing and implementing higher-level safety controls to operational and maintenance tasks
* Transferring technical knowledge and skills to operating technicians through Standard Procedures, Equipment Centerlines, and Troubleshooting Guides.
* Lead the execution of an ownership-based work system by building the capabilities of technicians to operate, maintain, and improve their asset.
* Facilitate and help implement operational improvements through improved processes, procedures, and engineering controls.
* Working with support personnel to resolve short-term reliability issues while assisting with developing long-term reliability solutions.
* Fostering a culture that drives ownership and continuous improvement.
* Supporting the execution of asset and reliability strategies by teaching operating technicians how to execute to world-class standards.
* Facilitating, teaching, and participating in root cause analysis problem-solving.
* Assisting in the development of standard operating and maintenance procedures.
* Coordinating contractor and maintenance resources.
* Provide on-shift leadership filling for Team Coach vacations.
New TAD Converting Responsibilities
* Developing and role-modeling PPR and OBC Work Process...
Type: Permanent Location: Green Bay, US-WI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-21 08:40:21
Your Job
Molex LLC is seeking an Analyst for Trade and Customs Operations for our Bolingbrook, IL location.
This position interacts regularly with internal and external individuals at many levels of the organization.
Individuals in this role will maintain compliance with all applicable AME trade regulations and laws and ensure compliance in day-to-day import/export activities.
Our Team
Molex LLC is a manufacturer of electronic, electrical, and fiber optic connectivity systems.
Molex offers over 100,000 products across a variety of industries, including data communications, medical, industrial, automotive and consumer electronics.
What You Will Do
* Serve as a Trades and Customs Operations stakeholder for Molex Imports and exports by advising Customs brokers and consulting with transportation and logistics providers to resolve queries and ensure compliant daily processing.
* Review products as requested and provide Customs brokers with timely import clearance instructions related to HTS classification, COO, PGA applicability (primarily FDA), ADD/CVD, Section 301 and 232 applicability, etc.
* Collaborate with Customs brokers p roactively on process improvement opportunities and KPIs.
* Monitor post-entry import audit processing performed by Molex Center of Excellence and assist with resolution of Customs broker entry update requests.
Support review and resolution of post-entry Customs notifications (CF-28, CF-28, Liquidated Damages notices).
* Maintain compliance with all AME trade regulations and laws and ensure compliance in day-to-day import/export activities.
* Collaborate and provide guidance to Molex internal stakeholders regarding Customs transactional import requirements and troubleshoot ad-hoc Trade and Customs issues to support both internal and external customers.
* Interact regularly with multifunctional groups in distribution, legal, external service providers, management, procurement, engineering, transfer teams, and others to provide Trade and Customs viewpoint and operational objectives.
* Support various trade compliance projects, developing dashboards, metrics, reports, and other initiatives.
Provide training to key stakeholders when required.
* Collaborate on the implementation, update, and monitoring of Trade and Customs policies, SOPs, and guidelines.
* Support various Trade and Customs projects including developing internal dashboards, metrics reporting, as well as assist with compilation of import and export documentation and reports for multiple duty drawback programs and annual reconciliation filing.
* Proficiently work with Microsoft Office products including Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Word
* Travel up to 20%
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Bachelor's degree or 5+ years of trade compliance experience with multinational companies.
* Customs broker management experience.
* Experience in HTS, Schedule B and ECCN classification, COO, V...
Type: Permanent Location: Bolingbrook, US-IL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-21 08:40:17
Your Job
Have you heard? Georgia-Pacific is opening a new $285 million state-of-the art gypsum mill in Sweetwater, TX with an anticipated start date of Fall, 2022.
Once in operation, this location combined with the existing plant will produce more than 1 billion square feet of gypsum products each year! This is an exciting opportunity to work in a technologically advanced facility in a world class Market Based Management culture.
Our facility in Sweetwater, TX is currently seeking a Shipping Supervisor to join our team! Shipping Supervisors are responsible for safe and efficient operations, making sure our product is up to the highest possible standards for the end user, and development of their direct reports through the application of our business philosophy of Market Based Management.
This could be a great opportunity for you!
Our Team
Our Sweetwater facility has a rich history producing gypsum wallboard for a wide variety of customers.
Georgia-Pacific's Building Products business is consistently among the nation's top suppliers of building products to large warehouse retailers and building materials dealers.
To learn more about our Building Products division, visit www.buildgp.com .
And, to learn more about our gypsum products, visit www.gpgypsum.com.
What You Will Do
* Manage individual performance and hold individuals accountable for their results through vision setting, one-on-one conversations, and performance feedback.
* Effectively manage daily truck and rail load planning.
* Utilize strong communication (written and verbal), organizational, planning, scheduling, and execution skills.
* Provide weekly work schedule.
* Available for on-call needs - after hours, weekend and holidays as necessary.
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* High School diploma or GED.
* Three (3) or more years of supervisory experience (with direct reports) in an industrial, warehouse, manufacturing/production or military environment.
* Experience and knowledge of inventory control processes.
* Experience with logistics or scheduling/receiving deliveries in a warehouse, manufacturing/production, or military environment.
* Experience using Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Outlook, Power Point and Teams.
What Will Put You Ahead
* Associate degree or higher
* Experience with AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) Warehouse
* Two (2) or more years of experience in logistics, shipping, drop yard or warehouse management experience
* Experience in shipping software programs
* Knowledge of Drop Yard and Rail operations
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilitie...
Type: Permanent Location: Sweetwater, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-21 08:40:15
Your Job
Do you enjoy working with your hands? Are you motivated to meet production and quality goals? If this sounds like you and you possess a strong work ethic and a willingness to learn, then we are interested in learning more about you!
Georgia-Pacific is now hiring for General Production roles at our mill in Gurdon, Arkansas.
As a General Production (Utility) worker, you will learn multiple operator functions and perform various manual tasks that require repetitive motions.
Additionally, you will provide coverage for operators who are absent or on vacation.
Our General Production team members also perform basic care duties such as preventative maintenance on machinery or repairing minor issues.
You will also be responsible for operating small equipment and tools (i.e.
blowers, brooms, shovels) to clean up debris in and around machines to ensure a safe work environment and maximize uptime for facility equipment.
This position is an entry-level role with opportunities for growth and career advancement.
This is an entry level position starting at $20.00 per hour, plus $1.50 shift differential for night shift.
Our Team
Georgia-Pacific employees strive for safety and health excellence while achieving an injury free workplace.
To learn more about our Building Products division, visit http://www.buildgp.com .
What You Will Do
* Adhere to all plant safety and environmental guidelines, policies, and procedures
* Learn to operate machinery to expected performance levels
* Act as a relief operator to cover other employees' breaks and vacations
* Keep the work area clean throughout the shift to ensure a safe and orderly work environment.
* Assist team members throughout the mill during production
* Maintain strict adherence to safety rules and regulations, to include wearing safety equipment
* Work any shift, overtime, weekends, and holidays as required, in a hot, humid, cold and noisy industrial environment
* Perform tasks such as lifting, walking, climbing, stooping, standing, pushing, and/or pulling for up to twelve (12) hours a day
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* At least six (6) months of work experience in a manufacturing or production environment -or - one (1) year of work experience in a farming, landscaping, carpentry, mechanical, construction, warehouse, military, environment
* Experience using a smartphone, computer, or tablet
What Will Put You Ahead
* High School Diploma or GED equivalent
* One (1) year of experience working in a lumber, plywood, or timber industry
* Experience operating mobile equipment (i.e.
forklifts, bobcats, cranes, etc.)
* One (1) year of leadership experience in a manufacturing environment
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by av...
Type: Permanent Location: Gurdon, US-AR
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-21 08:40:11
Your Job
Do you enjoy working with your hands? Are you motivated to meet production and quality goals? If this sounds like you and you possess a strong work ethic and a willingness to learn, then we are interested in learning more about you!
Georgia-Pacific is now hiring for General Production roles at our mill in Gurdon, Arkansas.
As a General Production (Utility) worker, you will learn multiple operator functions and perform various manual tasks that require repetitive motions.
Additionally, you will provide coverage for operators who are absent or on vacation.
Our General Production team members also perform basic care duties such as preventative maintenance on machinery or repairing minor issues.
You will also be responsible for operating small equipment and tools (i.e.
blowers, brooms, shovels) to clean up debris in and around machines to ensure a safe work environment and maximize uptime for facility equipment.
This position is an entry-level role with opportunities for growth and career advancement.
This is an entry level position starting at $18.00 per hour, plus $1.50 shift differential for night shift.
Our Team
Georgia-Pacific employees strive for safety and health excellence while achieving an injury free workplace.
To learn more about our Building Products division, visit http://www.buildgp.com .
What You Will Do
* Adhere to all plant safety and environmental guidelines, policies, and procedures
* Learn to operate machinery to expected performance levels
* Act as a relief operator to cover other employees' breaks and vacations
* Keep the work area clean throughout the shift to ensure a safe and orderly work environment.
* Assist team members throughout the mill during production
* Maintain strict adherence to safety rules and regulations, to include wearing safety equipment
* Work any shift, overtime, weekends, and holidays as required, in a hot, humid, cold and noisy industrial environment
* Perform tasks such as lifting, walking, climbing, stooping, standing, pushing, and/or pulling for up to twelve (12) hours a day
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Six (6) months of previous work experience
What Will Put You Ahead
* Work experience in a manufacturing or production environment, farming, landscaping, carpentry, mechanical, construction, warehouse, or military setting
* High School Diploma or GED equivalent
* Experience working in a lumber, plywood, or timber industry
* Experience operating mobile equipment (i.e.
forklifts, bobcats, cranes, etc.)
* Experience using a computer for record-keeping and documentation functions
* One (1) year of leadership experience in a manufacturing environment
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available marke...
Type: Permanent Location: Gurdon, US-AR
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-21 08:40:08
Your Job
DEPCOM Power is looking to hire a Site Technician to support our Pearl Solar site located in Fort Stockton, Texas.
This role will require the Technician to report to the site daily to perform inspections and maintenance of the equipment on the solar field.
Our Team
At Koch Industries, our Principle Based Management philosophy is at the center of how we do business, and as an employee, you will begin your journey of understanding and applying the way we do business in your everyday work.
What You Will Do
* Perform routine inspections of the site equipment to include inverters, transformers, modules, trackers, weather stations and soil monitoring solutions
* Maintain records and documentation of site activities, visitors, substation work, battery logs, and generator operation
* Coordinate with component manufacturers for troubleshooting, repairs and maintenance
* Perform daily field sweeps to verify tracker systems are functioning properly and replace faulty components
* Ensure site safety for all personnel and equipment
* Perform testing and troubleshooting for electrical and mechanical systems
* Inverter inspections and cleaning, filter, and fuse replacement, basic troubleshooting and repair
* Perform scheduled array inspections of the home runs, modules and tracker system
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Electrical knowledge gained through working experience, military or post high school education
What Will Put You Ahead
* 1+ years of experience with PV systems or related power generation equipment
* Knowledge of DC systems, wiring and applications
* Experience using Maintenance Tracking Computer Programs
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
As a Koch Engineered Solutions company, DEPCOM Power is a leading energy solutions partner for the utility solar and broader energy industries, providing project development support, engineering, procurement and construction, energy storage, repowering and operations and maintenance services.
Our highly skilled team of conventional and renewable power industry experts work to deliver the lowest cost of energy and the highest rate of return.
At Koch, employees are empowered to do what they do best to make life bet...
Type: Permanent Location: Fort Stockton, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-21 08:40:02
Your Job
Our Guardian Glass facility in DeWitt, IA is seeking their next Production Operator! We have openings in a few different departments.
We are seeking driven individuals who are willing to learn.
Experience is not necessary, we will train you!
For this role, we will pay 19/hr to start, 19.50/hr at six months, and 20/hr at the 1 year of service.
You have the ability to get paid daily!
Open Position:
* 12 Hour Night Shift (5:45pm to 6:00am)
* 12 Hour Rotating Day/Night Shift
Our Team
At Guardian Glass in DeWitt our team prioritizes safety and creating an environment for growth and innovation.
We will give you the tools you need to succeed and grow! If you are a safety-oriented person with a commitment to attendance excellence, we look forward to hearing from you.
Step into a career with Guardian Industries and come see what we have to offer!
What You Will Do
* Support site safety goals and procedures to minimize hazards
* Embrace and manage change to drive process improvements
* Operate and troubleshoot equipment utilized during daily manufacturing
* Prepare final products for shipping and distribution
* Understand and execute daily run schedules, resolve quality issues, and report/escalate unresolved issues immediately
* Actively contribute to setting team goals and manage assignments effectively
* Ensure high quality of products, and housekeeping standards are maintained
* Perform tasks such as lifting/pushing/pulling up to 75 pounds, walking, climbing, stooping, and standing, up to 12 hours/day, in a non-climate-controlled environment
What Will Put You Ahead
* One or more years of experience working in a manufacturing or industrial environment
* Six months or more of machine operator experience
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
W ho We Are
As a Koch company, Guardian Glass is one of the world's largest manufacturers of float, value-added and fabricated glass products and solutions.
We produce high-performance glass for architectural, residential, interior, transportation and technical glass applications.
You'll find our glass in homes, offices and cars and in some of the world's most iconic projects.
Our Benefits
Our goal is for each employee, and their families...
Type: Permanent Location: DeWitt, US-IA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-21 08:40:00
Your Job
Do you want to work for a company that will give you the tools you need to succeed and grow? If so, then we have the opportunity for you! Start your career as a Forklift Operator for Georgia-Pacific at our Packerland facility.
This is a swing-shift opportunities on a 2-2-3 schedule, meaning you only work half of the month, have a three-day weekend every other weekend, and will have days off during the week to attend appointments, save on childcare, or simply relax.
In this role, a Forklift Operator will work two weeks on the day shift and then two weeks on nights, rotating back and forth biweekly.
The starting rate for his opportunity is $20/HR with the potential for a higher hourly rate based on experience.
A $3.00/hour shift premium will be paid out for all night-shift hours worked (6:30 PM - 6:30 AM).
Additional Benefits to consider:
* Full benefits package that begins the first of the month following the start date
* 80 hours of vacation prorated for the first year
* 11 Paid Holidays each calendar year
* Retention Bonus
* Quarterly bonus potential
* Opportunities to advance based on capability, not seniority
* Work in a progressive, safety-conscious work environment
* Overtime opportunities
* And so much more!
Our Team
The Packerland team is a close-knit group of manufacturing employees who work as one team, striving to achieve our vision of safely delivering high-quality products, on on-time, and at a competitive cost.
What You Will Do
* Operating mobile equipment with various attachments; clamps, fork, prong, etc., to move material throughout the mill to ensure a smooth flow for production
* Using a warehouse management system to manage the various jobs that need to be completed each day
* Performing general housekeeping duties to keep work areas clean and free of safety hazards
* Conducting minor and preventative maintenance repairs and tasks on fork truck
* Adhering to strict safety rules and regulations, including wearing safety Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
* Attend your regular scheduled shift without violations including tardiness which at times will include participating in meetings and training sessions as required.
* Perform tasks such as lifting, walking, climbing, stooping, standing, pushing, and/or pulling for up to twelve (12) hours a day, in a loud/noisy, industrial, non-temperature controlled, high-volume environment.
* We follow SQF standards, so jewelry is not allowed to be worn on the production floor.
Anyone in this role must be willing to remove all jewelry during their scheduled shift.
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experience using a computer OR tablet OR smartphone.
* Speak, read and write English.
What Will Put You Ahead
* Forklift experience
* Experience working a rotating shift
* Experience using a warehouse management system
* Experience working with a team
At Koch co...
Type: Permanent Location: Green Bay, US-WI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-21 08:39:52
We are Alsco Uniforms.
We’ve been working hard for our customers since 1889 when we invented the uniform and linen rental industry.
Alsco Uniforms has grown into a worldwide leader serving over 350,000 customers in 13 countries.
It’s our job every day to make every aspect of the customer experience better.
Whatever our customers need, Alsco Uniforms finds the answers that work for them.
Our employees are the heart and soul of Alsco Uniforms.
As a result, we have a long history of strong financial performance, continuous improvement, and customer service.
We’re seeking driven professionals with the ambition to grow within our company.
We’d love to talk to you about how you can fit into our team of diverse individuals and how your hard work will be rewarded with competitive pay benefits and ongoing career development.
Join our team and build your career with Alsco Uniforms!
Job Summary:
Alsco is currently seeking qualified applicants to join our sales team as a Regional Sales Manager.
This is a demanding job that requires extensive travel and a proven record of skills and success as a sales team builder and leader.
General Responsibilities:
Responsible to the Regional Sales Manager with a strong dotted line to the National Sales Manager for new business acquisition.
The Regional Sales Manager must have the ability to work independently to achieve the company’s A-Map goals.
Our full-time employees enjoy:
* 401K Plan with Company Match.
* Medical, Dental, Vision, FSA/HSA.
* Life Insurance, Disability Insurance.
* Vacation, Sick Time, Holidays.
* Choice of Global Cash Card or Direct Deposit.
* Career Advancement.
* Learning & Development Opportunities.
* Inclusive and Diverse Team Environment.
Essential Functions:
* Recruiting, developing and maintaining a high productive sales team
* Developing achievable and realistic sales goals
* Implementation and compliance with SOP and Corporate Policies
* Managing all activities within Alsco’s Human Resource policies and ethical guidelines
* Sales Team productivity according to company guidelines
* Assure the quality of sales through conformance with the Service Agreement Approval Process
* Assist in the organization of sales territories
* Conduct weekly and monthly sales meetings
* Monitor the Sales funnel for individual sales consultants
* Monitor the sales activity for individual Account Sales Consultants
Requirements Qualifications:
* 5 years Industrial Uniform Sales experience
* 5 years Healthcare Sales experience
* 5 years managing successful outside sales team within the industrial laundry business
* Industrial, healthcare, linen operations/GM experience preferred
* Pre-employment drug screen and background check.
Applicants must be willing to relocate at their expense.
* The RSM must have excellent math, writing and reading s...
Type: Permanent Location: Denver, US-CO
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-21 08:38:10
We are Alsco Uniforms.
We’ve been working hard for our customers since 1889 when we invented the uniform and linen rental industry.
Alsco Uniforms has grown into a worldwide leader serving over 350,000 customers in 13 countries.
It’s our job every day to make every aspect of the customer experience better.
Whatever our customers need, Alsco Uniforms finds the answers that work for them.
Our employees are the heart and soul of Alsco Uniforms.
As a result, we have a long history of strong financial performance, continuous improvement, and customer service.
We’re seeking driven professionals with ambition to grow within our company.
We’d love to talk to you about how you can fit into our team of diverse individuals and how your hard work will be rewarded with competitive pay and benefits and ongoing career development.
Join our team and build your career with Alsco Uniforms!
Job Summary:
The Inventory Maintenance Clerk is responsible to the Office Manager for daily processing of company business transactions.
This position may be assigned one or more clerical tasks as needed.
Some of those tasks may include keypunching for routes, filing, some customer service or a variety of like tasks.
Performs other tasks as needed. THIS IS A VERY DETAIL ORIENTATED JOB! It required someone who is superb in organization, prioritization and multitasking.
Our full-time employees enjoy:
401K Plan with Company Match
Medical, Dental, Vision, FSA/HSA
Life Insurance, Disability Insurance
Vacation, Sick Time, Holidays
Choice of Global Cash Card or Direct Deposit
Career Advancement
Learning & Development Opportunities
Inclusive and Diverse Team Environment
Essential Functions:
- Accurate and timely computer data entry.
- Excellent communication skills whether in person or through phone calls.
- Participate in office training, cross train in office functions.
- Microsoft Excel spreadsheets for reporting
- Perform tasks such as reconciliations, Customer inventory maintenance (increasing and decreasing inventory levels in client accounts) , Branch item maintenance, New account set up, Commissions and issuing our orders to be billed for clients, Ensuring billing by the item is set up appropriately to function in the system and more.- Printing and organizing daily paperwork for routes, use postage meter, computer back-ups, customer billing.
- We are fairly paperliess so most filing is a thing of the past but we do scan and attach all documents to each transition and client account.
Additional Functions:
- Perform other office functions as needed.
- Demonstrated good computer experience or ability to learn quickly is necessary
- Experience with data entry and adding machine
- Proficient in Excel and Microsoft Word
- Good verbal and written communication skills in English, ability to comprehend and follow direction.
- High school graduation or similar experi...
Type: Permanent Location: Anchorage, US-AK
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-21 08:38:03