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Supervisory Senior Technologist


Supervisory Senior Technologists serve as principal technical experts within their agency and work to hold companies accountable for the misuse of technology.

This is a position at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

However, once the CFPB completes their selections, the remaining list of qualified candidates may be shared with additional federal agencies that share a variety of consumer protection, competition, and civil rights authorities.


As a Supervisory Senior Technologist, you will:

* Develop both short- and long-term technical strategies related to one or more of the following areas to further consumer protection: data-driven opportunities, eliminating algorithmic bias, machine learning, privacy enhancing technologies, improving our technical services, emerging technologies, and delivery-driven and human-centered policymaking.

* Serve as a senior internal expert responsible for guidance and explanations about technical strategies to management, attorneys, economists, and examiners to help them understand key aspects of products or services at issue in an investigation, litigation, or exam.

* Proactively build relationships across the agency to facilitate mutual understandings of emerging issues, as well as increase technical capacity, and identify opportunities or constraints related to investigative and policy efforts to improve fairness and equity in consumer financial markets and affect the overall well-being of consumers.

* Lead, coordinate, and/or facilitate work and projects with subordinate technologists or cross-functional teams related to the incumbent's area of technical expertise.

Travel Required

* Not required

Promotion Potential

* 72

Supervisory status

* Yes

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