Roche fosters diversity, equity and inclusion, representing the communities we serve.
When dealing with healthcare on a global scale, diversity is an essential ingredient to success.
We believe that inclusion is key to understanding people’s varied healthcare needs.
Together, we embrace individuality and share a passion for exceptional care.
Join Roche, where every voice matters.
The Position
Roche in 50 Worten
Eine gesündere Zukunft.
Das treibt uns an, innovativ zu sein. Wir bringen die Wissenschaft voran, damit alle die Gesundheitsversorgung erhalten, die benötigt wird.
Wir schaffen eine Welt, in der wir alle mehr Zeit mit den Menschen verbringen können, die wir lieben.
Das macht uns zu Roche.
Was Dich erwartet:
Du startest bei uns im Bereich Pharma Biotech in Penzberg.
Wir stellen Arzneimittelwirkstoffe in den Indikationsgebieten Onkologie (z.
zur Behandlung von Brustkrebs) und Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen her.
In der Funktionseinheit Qualitätskontrolle werden die biotechnologisch produzierten Wirkstoffe auf Einhaltung der hohen GMP Qualitätsstandards geprüft.
Aufgabe der Einheit “Quality Control Products Analytics“ ist u.
die Durchführung analytischer Testungen zur Überprüfung der Wirkstoffe.
In der Funktion als Laborangestellter Quality Control Bioassay führst Du folgende Tätigkeiten durch:
* Arbeiten im GMP-regulierten Analytiklabor
* Selbständige GMP-konforme Dokumentation der durchgeführten Arbeiten und Eingaben in den Labor-IT-Systemen
* Durchführung von zellbasierten Bioassays zur Bestimmung der biologischen Aktivität für Wirkstofffreigabe und Stabilitätsstudien
* Unterstützung bei Vorbereitungsarbeiten für Audits und Inspektionen
Unser Wunschprofil:
* Du verfügst über eine abgeschlossene naturwissenschaftliche Berufsausbildung (CTA, BTA, PTA, Chemielaborant) oder vergleichbar
* Idealerweise verfügst du über praktische Erfahrung im Bereich Zellkulturtechnik
* Das Arbeiten in einem GMP-Umfeld ist dir vertraut und macht dir Freude
* Du bist sicher im Umgang mit den gängigen EDV-Systemen, beherrschst MS-Office und hast gute Englischkenntnisse
* Du hast Freude an der Zusammenarbeit im Team, bist motiviert und gehst an deine Aufgaben selbständig, verantwortungsbewusst und gewissenhaft heran
Die Stelle ist auf 2 Jahre befristet (Elternzeitvertretung).
Deine Bewerbung
Wir machen es einfach.
Bitte lade nur Ihren Lebenslauf online hoch.
Zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt benötigen wir kein Motivationsschreiben, Zeugnisse oder Ähnliches.
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung!
Your contact to us! With people.
For people.
Do you need further support?
Please have a look at our FAQs, you will find them via https://careers.roche.com/global/en/faq.
Who we are
At Roche, more than 100,000 people across 100 countries are pushing back the frontiers of healthcare.
Working together, we’ve become one of the world’s leading research-focused healthcare groups.
Our ...
Type: Permanent Location: Penzberg, DE-BY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-18 07:21:54
Roche fosters diversity, equity and inclusion, representing the communities we serve.
When dealing with healthcare on a global scale, diversity is an essential ingredient to success.
We believe that inclusion is key to understanding people’s varied healthcare needs.
Together, we embrace individuality and share a passion for exceptional care.
Join Roche, where every voice matters.
The Position
Roche in 50 Worten
Eine gesündere Zukunft.
Das treibt uns an, innovativ zu sein. Wir bringen die Wissenschaft voran, damit alle die Gesundheitsversorgung erhalten, die benötigt wird.
Wir schaffen eine Welt, in der wir alle mehr Zeit mit den Menschen verbringen können, die wir lieben.
Das macht uns zu Roche.
Deine Abteilung
Willkommen im People & Culture (P&C) Team! Bei uns erwartet dich ein dynamisches und agiles Arbeitsumfeld, in dem unsere vielfältigen Ressourcen, Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse in einem weltweiten Netzwerk von P&C-Expert:innen vernetzt sind.
Unsere Mission? Wir möchten nicht nur Mitarbeiter:innen anziehen, sondern sie auch inspirieren, fördern und unterstützen.
In der Rolle des P&C Enabling Support Specialist (m/w/d) bist du ein leidenschaftliches, agil denkendes und agierendes Teammitglied, das sowohl lokal als auch global vernetzt ist.
Du bildest das Fundament unserer Organisation und trägst maßgeblich zu ihrem Erfolg bei.
Dein Fokus liegt dabei auf der Unterstützung der lokalen und globalen P&C-Strukturen.
Verantwortlichkeiten | Das erwartet Dich
* Du leitest und implementierst eigenständig P&C Projekte und unterstützt Teilprojekte.
* Du entlastest und unterstützt Führungskräfte und Teams bei organisatorischen Aufgaben im Bereich People & Culture (P&C) sowohl lokal als auch konzernweit.
* Du organisierst, führst durch und bereitest Meetings, Workshops sowie Events nach.
Hierzu gehört auch die Moderation.
* Du erstellst Präsentationen zu verschiedenen P&C Themen.
* Du bist Berater:in, Impulsgeber:in und Vorreiter:in für neue Tools und Methoden.
* Du optimierst regionale und lokale Prozesse für die P&C Organisation.
* Du leistest Support bei Fragen zu gSuite-Tools (wie gSites, gDrive, Lucidspark etc.) und spezifischen P&C Tools (wie Workday, People Portal etc.).
Administrativer Support:
* Du bist Ansprechpartner:in für administrative Anliegen der P&C Community in Grenzach.
* Du übernimmst die Rechnungsabwicklung und das Bestellwesen für verschiedene deutsche Standorte.
* Du buchst Räume und organisierst die Bewirtung.
Qualifikationen | Das bringst Du mit
* Du hast eine abgeschlossene kaufmännische Ausbildung oder vergleichbare Qualifikationen und mehrjährige Berufserfahrung im Bereich Assistenz
* Die Neugierde und das Interesse, über den Tellerrand hinauszuschauen und persönlich zu wachsen, zeichnen dich aus
* Du besitzt die Fähigkeit, mit einer kreativen Denkweise, hoher Flexibilität und Anpassungs...
Type: Permanent Location: Grenzach, DE-BW
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-18 07:20:50
Roche fosters diversity, equity and inclusion, representing the communities we serve.
When dealing with healthcare on a global scale, diversity is an essential ingredient to success.
We believe that inclusion is key to understanding people’s varied healthcare needs.
Together, we embrace individuality and share a passion for exceptional care.
Join Roche, where every voice matters.
The Position
Über die Abteilung:
Innerhalb des Unternehmensbereichs „Supply Chain“ verantwortet die Abteilung „Logistics“ die Versorgung der Standorte im Netzwerk und Kunden mit Gütern und logistischen Dienstleistungen.
Kompetenz, Zuverlässigkeit, Flexibilität, kontinuierliche Qualitätsverbesserung und Kostenoptimierung sind die Werte, an denen wir unser Handeln ausrichten.
Der Logistikbereich 551/552 im Werk Penzberg verwaltet bestandsgeführte Materialien (Wareneingang / Bevorratung / Versand) und versorgt die Produktion und Kunden im Netzwerk oder Außerhalb.
Unsere Mission:
Angetrieben durch unsere Vision „Home for your success“ tragen wir tagtäglich dazu bei, dass am Roche-Standort Penzberg die Anliegen unserer Partner nachhaltig umgesetzt werden.
Dafür ergreifen wir erfolgreich die Initiative und handeln leidenschaftlich und eigenverantwortlich.
Um diese Mission bestmöglich zu erfüllen, brauchen wir nun einen Mitarbeiter/in (m/w/d), der es versteht, durch Teamgeist, Respekt und Vertrauen unseren Leistungen ein Gesicht zu geben.
Ihr Aufgabengebiet:
In der Logistik Penzberg umfasst Ihr Aufgabengebiet jegliche Art von Warenflüssen und die Verwaltung derer.
Gemeinsam mit Ihrem Team stellen Sie die Versorgung der Produktionsbetriebe und Kundenbelieferungen sicher.
Darüber hinaus erwarten Sie weitere verantwortungsvolle Aufgaben:
* Sie sind zuständig für die Warenvereinnahmung eingehender Lieferungen von Rohstoffen, Gefahrstoffen, Zukaufs- & Handelswaren, sowie Ablieferungen aus den internen Produktionsbetrieben
* Wichtig bei Ihrer Tätigkeit ist die Feststellung der Chargen, die Kennzeichnung und Etikettierung der Waren und Einlagerung der Paletten unter Berücksichtigung der gültigen Arbeitsvorschriften, insbesondere von Temperatur- und Raumbedingungen, sowie den Umgang mit Gefahrstoffe/ Gefahrgut
* Sie führen in verschiedenen SAP- Logistiksystemen Tätigkeiten durch und bearbeiten Aufträge für die Einlagerung und Kundenbelieferung.
* Sie führen die Bedienung und Handhabung der logistischen Anlagen und deren Fehlerbehebung durch, auch der Transport mit Flurförderzeugen gehört zu Ihren Aufgaben
* Sie sind verantwortlich für die termingerechte Bereitstellung bestellter Waren aus den Logistikbereichen sowie die korrekte Verpackung und Auslieferung.
Die Tätigkeiten erfordern zeitweises Heben und Tragen von Lasten über 25 kg
* Vorbereiten und Verpacken der Waren unter Berücksichtigung der Roche Verpackungsvorschriften und der gesetzlichen Vorschriften für das In- und Ausland.
Type: Permanent Location: Penzberg, DE-BY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-18 07:16:25
Roche fosters diversity, equity and inclusion, representing the communities we serve.
When dealing with healthcare on a global scale, diversity is an essential ingredient to success.
We believe that inclusion is key to understanding people’s varied healthcare needs.
Together, we embrace individuality and share a passion for exceptional care.
Join Roche, where every voice matters.
The Position
Roche in 50 Worten
Eine gesündere Zukunft.
Das treibt uns an, innovativ zu sein. Wir bringen die Wissenschaft voran, damit alle die Gesundheitsversorgung erhalten, die benötigt wird.
Wir schaffen eine Welt, in der wir alle mehr Zeit mit den Menschen verbringen können, die wir lieben.
Das macht uns zu Roche.
Was macht unseren Bereich aus:
Diagnostics Operations Penzberg ist als Teil der Diagnostics Global Operations der wichtigste Produzent von qualitativ hochwertigen Einsatzstoffen bis hin zu speziellen Kits für die Diagnostik-Division von Roche.
Es erwartet Sie eine vielseitige, interessante und verantwortungsvolle Aufgabe im Bereich Manufacturing.
Hier werden biochemische und chemische Reagenzien und Einsatzstoffe für alle Geschäftsbereiche und vor allem die In-vitro-Diagnostik mehrerer Roche Geschäftseinheiten hergestellt.
Das Team:
Unser Team ist Teil des Themenclusters Festphasenchemie und stellt modifizierte Oligonucleotide, Peptide sowie Konjugate in kleinem Scale unter GMP Bedingungen her.
Mit diesen Produkten unterstützen wir eine Vielzahl diagnostischer Assays im Bereich der PCR, Immundiagnostik und im Sequencing-Umfeld.
Unser Antrieb gilt der Produktion dieser qualitativ hochwertigen Produkte, der Einführung neuer Produkte und der ständigen Verbesserung unserer Produktionsprozesse in einem stark wachsenden Umfeld.
Gestalten Sie unseren Bereich für die Zukunft mit und unterstützen Sie uns mit Ihrem Know-how:
* Als Techniker/in in der Peptid- und Oligonucleotidproduktion stellen Sie Peptide und Oligonucleotide in kleinem Scale her.
Die Tätigkeiten finden in einem GMP Bereich statt.
* Weiterhin unterstüzen Sie unsere Gruppe bei folgenden Themen:
* Mitarbeit bei Übernahme neuer Verfahren und Implementierung neuer Produkte
* Mitarbeit bei Verfahrensoptimierung und ScaleUp
* Durchführung von Troubleshooting
* Erstellung und Überarbeitung von Vorgabedokumenten
* Mitarbeit bei Validierungen und Qualifizierungen
* Mitarbeit bei Inbetriebnahme und Qualifizierung von Geräten und Anlagen
Für diese verantwortungsvolle und spannende Position suchen wir genau SIE:
* Sie haben eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung als Chemikant, Chemielaborant (oder Ähnliches) sowie Weiterqualifizierung z.
Techniker oder Bachelorabschluss
* Sie haben theoretische und praktische Erfahrung im Bereich der organischen Chemie und/oder der HPLC Chromatographie.
* Sie verfügen über theoretische und praktische Erfahrungen im hochregulierten Produktionsumfeld.
* Auf Ihre guten Englisch- und sehr ...
Type: Permanent Location: Penzberg, DE-BY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-18 07:16:00
Your Job
The Claims, Demos & Videography Team creates value by developing impactful tools for our sales teams which help generate sales and create new business opportunities for GP.
We work across all categories on projects that often have relatively quick turnaround times.
We are looking for an energetic and creative individual who enjoys being challenged and embraces PBM culture to join our team.
What You Will Do
* Use your creative talents to develop impactful product demonstrations that showcase the benefits of GP products
* Film, edit and produce high quality videos for our sales teams to use with customers
* Work with product developers and Atlanta business partners to develop impactful claims and provide support throughout the claims substantiation process
* Uncover product benefits through our unique Product Exploration process using non-standard methods
* Use your knowledge of the scientific method to create new test methods
* Manage repeatability studies for new product demonstrations
* Prepare and present demonstrations for in house customer visits
* Prepare product demonstrations for external customer visits and provide training for product developers on the methods
* Collaborate with our prototyping lab to develop fixtures for demonstrations to be used in shoots for social media, television, etc.
* Manage our internal claims database
* 10% Travel
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experimental design experience
* Ability to interpret and analyze physical testing results and knowledge of various PTL test methods
* Strong problem solving and troubleshooting skills
* Previous experience in at least one of the following:
* Project management
* Claims development
* Product development
* Test method development
What Will Put You Ahead
* Product demonstration development experience
* Videography/editing skills
* Science Degree
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
At Koch, employees are empowered to do what they do best to make life better.
Learn how our business philosophy helps employees unleash their potential while creating value for themselves and the company.
Our Benefits
Our goal is for each employee,...
Type: Permanent Location: Neenah, US-WI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-18 07:14:09
Roche fosters diversity, equity and inclusion, representing the communities we serve.
When dealing with healthcare on a global scale, diversity is an essential ingredient to success.
We believe that inclusion is key to understanding people’s varied healthcare needs.
Together, we embrace individuality and share a passion for exceptional care.
Join Roche, where every voice matters.
The Position
Roche in 50 Worten
Eine gesündere Zukunft.
Das treibt uns an, innovativ zu sein. Wir bringen die Wissenschaft voran, damit alle die Gesundheitsversorgung erhalten, die benötigt wird.
Wir schaffen eine Welt, in der wir alle mehr Zeit mit den Menschen verbringen können, die wir lieben.
Das macht uns zu Roche.
Hinter jeder Diagnose steht ein Mensch und seine Geschichte.
Deshalb ist es unser Ziel bei Roche, Patienten und deren Angehörige auf ihrem Weg ideal zu begleiten.
Werde Teil eines unserer Lifecycle Teams in Near Patient Care! Die herausragende Vielfalt der angewandten Technologien bietet dir großartige Lernmöglichkeiten.
Gemeinsam mit dir wollen wir jetzt schon tun, was Patienten als nächstes benötigen!
In deiner Funktion als Produktionsmitarbeiter/Operator im Bereich NPC Internal Manufacturing Mannheim bist du primär für das Bedienen komplexer Produktionseinrichtungen zuständig.
Was Dich erwartet:
In Deiner Position als Shift Lead (m/w/d) hast Du folgende Verantwortlichkeiten und Aufgaben:
Produktionssteuerung und GMP
* Du stellst einen reibungslos funktionierenden Produktionsablauf unter Einhaltung von Prozessanweisungen/SOPs sicher.
* Die geplante Schichtausbringung wird von Dir durch optimalen Einsatz von Personal sowie Material realisiert.
* Weiterhin überwachst Du Arbeitsergebnisse in Bezug auf Menge, Qualität und Termintreue.
* Dokumentation und Kommunikation von erzielten Arbeitsergebnissen der Schichtgruppe an die Betriebs-/Process Unit-Leitung realisierst Du.
* Du stellst eine optimale Schichtübergabe sicher und bereitest Produktionsaufträge vor und nach.
* Zudem überwachst Du GMP- und die Vorgabe-gerechte Dokumentation der Fertigungsdaten und Arbeitsergebnisse durch das Schichtteam.
* Du fühlst Dich wohl unter Reinraumbedingungen zu arbeiten und überwachst die Einhaltung der dort vorgesehenen Regeln.
* Du pflegst Kennzahlen und arbeitest mit diesen, um die Ausbringung zu überwachen und Maßnahmen zu ergreifen.
Operative Personalverantwortung
* Du bist für die operative Führung, Betreuung und die Beratung der Schichtteammitglieder aus Maschinenbedienern und Service-Mitarbeitern zuständig.
* Die Verantwortung der Formung und Förderung eines Teams zur gemeinsamen Zielerreichung liegt in Deinen Händen, wobei Du den “One-Team”-Gedanken unter Roche Führungsgrundsätzen förderst.
* Zusätzlich unterstützt Du Team Lead/Technical Unit Lead bei der Erstellung der Ziele für das Schichtteam, vereinbarst Ziele mit Schichtteammitgliedern und hältst dies...
Type: Permanent Location: Mannheim, DE-BW
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-18 07:11:20
ERM is seeking a Consultant, Environmental Air Quality Compliance to join our team in Irvine, Walnut Creek or Sacramento California (location flexible).
The successful candidate will work on a variety of interesting technical projects and programs for clients in the Technology, Media and Telecom (TMT), Manufacturing, Power and other sectors throughout California and nationally.
This role will involve supporting ERM’s commercial initiatives including multi-disciplinary environmental permitting and compliance assessments that require working knowledge of state and Federal requirements.
This role will engage ERM's international team of experts in sharing and developing best practices across the industry and ongoing learning opportunities.
This is an excellent career opportunity to work with a global consulting firm in assisting a diverse set of clients with challenging business needs.
* Participate as a team member on a range of projects; specific areas of focus will be air quality but may include multi-disciplinary environmental compliance plans including air permits and compliance assurance programs for a variety of industrial clients.
* Interact with local regulators and clients to steward permit application review and issuance.
* Prepare emission inventory reports; quantify air pollutant emissions impacts; and prepare permit applications and permit modifications.
* Assess regulatory compliance, perform regulatory applicability evaluations and implement environmental compliance management systems and processes.
* Individual will also help prepare Material Business Plans (HMBPs), Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Emergency Planning Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) reporting, Wastewater Permitting and Compliance reports, Spill Prevention Control Countermeasure (SPCC), and others.
* Interact with local regulators and clients to steward permit application review and issuance.
* Fieldwork may include data collection, conducting air compliance assessments, and field work for other media including storm water sampling, media inspections, hazardous waste audits, compilation of waste and chemical inventories, on-site environmental compliance support, and other field-based assignments to support compliance-based documents and plans.
* Collaborate, interact and maintain successful relationships with clients, ERM employees, and subcontractors.
* To develop successful relationships, the candidate must have strong communication skills. These relationships will not only be in California but also nationwide and globally.
* Shows potential for serving as a project manager and involvement in business development.
* Promote a culture of safety, collaboration and excellence.
* BS in engineering (chemical, environmental, civil engineering) or related discipline; MS degree preferred.
* 2-3 years of air quality and environmental permitting an...
Type: Permanent Location: Irvine, US-CA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-18 07:11:12
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Working at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York positions you at the center of the financial world with a unique perspective on national and international markets and economies.
You will work in an environment with a diverse group of experienced professionals to foster and support the safety, soundness, and vitality of our economic and financial systems.
The Bank’s flexible work model supports balancing the demands of work and life, while prioritizing the value of connecting and collaborating with our colleagues in person.
Employees are expected to live within a commutable distance of their primary work location to support team collaboration.
What we do:
Provides leadership in data management and analytics (supported by data) to define and solve important business problems in collaboration with business leaders.
Partners with management and delivers viable solutions and operations to support data initiatives.
Defines business data requirements and works with Technology service providers to define and deliver the appropriate solutions.
Supports creation of data standards, ongoing data quality support, and exception management as it relates to projects and support of ongoing production applications while working closely with the Data Management teams to aid in the procurement of data services.
More specifically:
o Create data products in Databricks
o Leverage best design practices for modeling a data lakehouse architecture to convert current (RDBMS) data models to best represent data in Databricks
o Re-architect legacy data (from existing applications and/or databases) to migrate to Databricks while optimizing for query performance, compute and storage costs.
Your role as a Data Modeler:
* Create data products in Databricks
* Leverage best design practices for modeling a data lakehouse architecture to convert current (RDBMS) data models to best represent data in Databricks
* Re-architect legacy data (from existing applications and/or databases) to migrate to Databricks while optimizing for query performance, compute and storage costs
Top Skills
* Financial industry experience, strong knowledge of business domains including fixed income products, trades, positions, and reference data
* Data modeling experience (conceptual, logical, and physical), relational and dimensional data model design
* ETL experience with Databricks and Spark
* Data processing and analytics in Databricks
* Strong analytical skills
What we are looking for:
Core Responsibilities
* Leverage financial industry expertise to define conceptual, logical and physical data models in Databricks to support new and existing business domains
* Work with product owners, system architects, data engineers, and vendors to create data models optimized for query performance, compute and storage costs
* Define best practices for the implementation of the Bronze/Si...
Type: Permanent Location: New York, US-NY
Salary / Rate: 195000
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:46:46
Are you looking to help transform a company and an industry? As a Stewart employee, you’ll be joining a company that is committed to helping you own, develop, and nurture your career while growing our company.
We invest in your career journey because we understand that as you grow so does our company.
You will be part of a diverse and equitable work environment that reflects the customers we serve.
You’ll be empowered to use your unique experiences, passion and skills to help our company constantly evolve and improve.
Together, we can achieve our vision of becoming the premier title services company.
More information can be found at https://www.stewart.com, subscribe to the Stewart blog at https://www.stewart.com/insights or follow Stewart on Twitter® @stewarttitleco.
Job Description
Job Summary
As an Organizational Development Specialist, you will be at the forefront of driving the growth and excellence of our workforce.
Collaborating closely across our business units, you will report to the Organizational Development Manager, helping to lead the charge in enhancing our talent capabilities.
Job Responsibilities
* Provides partnership and support for goals & performance, coaching, mentoring, and other development programs
* Provides support and partnership for all programs and activities associated with Talent Strategy, included but not limited to talent reviews, talent calibrations, and workforce planning
* Assists in the development and delivery of global employee engagement surveys and delivery of results across business units
* Provides support for the optimization and upkeep of the Workday Talent & Performance modules, aligned with organization priorities
* Supports execution of the organization’s early career development strategy, including university relations, intern program, and various early career development related programs and partnerships
* Partners closely with HR Business Partners, Talent Acquisition, Learning & Development, HRIS, and other internal partners to deliver on HR priorities
* Serves as a key contact for employees related to talent management programs; assists in answering employee inquiries and supporting employee engagement and experience
* Assists with data reporting and analysis related to talent programs
* Typically follows existing procedures to perform routine assignments and to solve standard problems
* Analyzes basic information and standard practices to make decisions impacting work performed
* Individual contributor working with direct oversight
* Performs all other duties as assigned by management
* Bachelor’s degree or relevant talent management/organizational development experience preferred
* Typically requires 2+ years of related work experience
* Workday experience preferred
Equal Employment Opportunity Employer
Stewart is committed to ensuring that its online application process provide...
Type: Permanent Location: Houston, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:31:41
At EVRAZ, our strength starts with our people! As a team we collaborate to solve problems, contribute ideas and challenge each other to ensure growth and ultimately success for the business and our employees.
Job Description and Responsibilities
We are currently seeking a Safety Supervisor to join our Pueblo, Colorado team. As a Safety Supervisor you will ensure employee safety, OSHA compliance and EVRAZ Pueblo Safety Program Compliance.
EVRAZ is committed to maintaining and promoting a safe, healthy and injury-free environment. It is required for all jobs.
* Employee engagement regarding safety programs, concerns, and compliance
* Audit and inspect various safety programs and processes including fire extinguishers, fall protection, eye wash stations, incident investigation, and safety permits
* Provide technical safety support to assigned mill and work in conjunction with entire safety department to ensure proper application of and compliance with regulatory, plant, and mill requirements
* Participate in the tracking and communication of mill safety statistics
* Conduct safety training
* Participate in the safety improvement and risk assessment processes related to the EVRAZ Business System continuous improvement program.
* Other duties as assigned
* High school diploma or equivalent, 2- or 4-year college degree with an emphasis in occupational health and safety preferred
* Valid Driver’s License
* 2 years of occupational health and safety experience and training, with experience in a manufacturing facility preferred
* Safety program management experience and training, with experience in a manufacturing facility preferred
* Experience supervising in a union environment preferred
* Knowledgeable of OSHA regulations
* Must be available to be on call and assist personnel in times of emergency and business needs
* Ability to professionally communicate, in written and verbal forms, with all levels of our organization
* Strong leadership skills
* Functional knowledge in Microsoft Excel, Access, Word, PowerPoint
* Proven ability to professionally organize, engage, and motivate teams for safe, high-quality results and maximum productivity
* Ability to effectively manage change
* $75,000 – $80,000
Open & Closing Dates: 1/16/25 - 3/10/25
Our total compensation package includes amazing benefits!
* Competitive wages and bonus opportunities
* Family medical, dental, and prescription coverage at minimal employee cost
* Short and long term disability programs
* Competitive retirement plans
* Flexible Spending and Health Savings Accounts
* Employer-provided and Voluntary Life Insurance options
* Paid vacation and recognized statutory holidays
* Apprenticeship and career advancement within the company
* Tuition reimbursement
* Wellness program
All applicants must be elig...
Type: Permanent Location: Pueblo, US-CO
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:30:30
Application Consultant
This remote role welcomes candidates anywhere in Canada and the US.
Our Implementation Team is looking for an Application Consultant who is passionate about providing segregated IT transformation for our clients.
It is important for the candidate to act as a conduit between Operations, R&D, and our clients, working cross-functionally to become a product expert and a client process advisor.
The Application Consultant role is project driven and will support a wide array of services for our customers.
What your impact will be:
* Work with colleagues and managers to implement and proactively manage a superior technology solution for our clients.
* Provide implementation support to new clients by leading customers through the implementation process, communicating with those involved to ensure that implementation is completed and any issues are resolved so the client can be successfully utilizing the product.
Train users in system set up, administration and maintenance
* Provide Business analysis, through gap analysis, root cause analysis, facilitation of business process reviews & documentation, requirements elicitation, allowing the project team to gain a comprehensive understanding of the client's needs in order to overcome barriers and achieve the organizational goals of the client.
* Understand clients' business processes and configure applications based on business needs and accepted best practices.
* Own the user acceptance testing and change management process by ensuring stakeholder satisfaction with the outcome of the project through client testing and training
* Create user documentation when required and complete hand over documentation to assist support staff in providing quality customer care.
* Build our clients’ capabilities; encouraging them to achieve success beyond their expectations by identifying opportunities for recommending additional product and services that fit the needs of our clients.
* Support Project Managers in managing engagement contracts, identifying & escalating bottlenecks, and project progress updates.
* Efficient delivery of implementation services that ensure key project milestones are met on a timely manner, in addition to exceptional utilization of assigned resources.
* Be a leader in providing subject matter expertise to R&D and other operational groups, by understanding market trends of client needs and business practices to ensure the success of our product, incorporating industry best practices in order to maintain strengthen our position within the market.
What we are looking for:
* Problem solving, critical thinking and analytical skills
* Excellent communication (both written and verbal) skills across all levels of an organization, plus a passion for seeing others succeed
* Entrepreneurial Spirit, with a willingness to ‘roll up sleeves’ and work at all levels of client organization
* Experienc...
Type: Permanent Location: Camrose, CA-AB
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:29:17
Harris is adding a Senior M&A professional to our Onyx Group as Vice President of M&A.
This role is directly responsible for managing acquisition opportunities – this includes valuation, negotiation, due diligence and investment rationale and approvals.
The Vice President of M&A (or Director, depending on experience) will report to the Group President and work with the executive teams in the Onyx Group to meet our capital deployment goals.
The role will lead a team of investment professionals and is also the key interface with our business development organization which is responsible for identifying acquisition opportunities.
This opportunity is a full-time, remote position.
We will consider qualified candidates from anywhere in Canada or the United States.
What your impact will be:
M&A Execution
● After learning our business model and processes you will manage acquisition transactions from initial evaluation through to integration hand-off
● You will be responsible for financial modeling, due diligence (including project managing our functional and business unit teams), negotiation, investment approval and post-close monitoring for multiple M&A transactions per year
● You will manage the acquisition team including other M&A professionals and cross functional experts (IT, technology, HR, Legal, Finance) on each transaction
M&A Business Development
● Work with our M&A business development specialists to ensure acquisition opportunities are being effectively nurtured and appropriately escalated to the M&A team
● Maintain relationships with our existing network of acquisition targets and intermediaries through telephone calls, emails and from time to time in-person visits
● Internal reporting on pre-close acquisition activity and pipeline and post-close acquisition performance
● Up to 25% travel required
What We Are Looking For:
● 5+ years of M&A or related experience
● Exceptional organizational, written and verbal communication skills
● Business acumen, leadership skills, and high integrity
About us:
Harris is one of the largest operating groups of Constellation Software Inc.
Based in Ottawa, Canada, Harris acquires vertical market software businesses, manages them using industry best practices and builds them for the future.
Through acquisitions, Harris has grown extensively from its roots in the utilities, local government, education, and healthcare sectors.
We have completed over 170 software acquisitions in dozens industries, have nearly 200 offices globally and employ over 15,000 team members.
Type: Permanent Location: Richmond, US-VA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:29:12
Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
At Alcoa, you’re an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
This is an opportunity for you to bring your wealth of experience to the team and help shape the future of sustainability with world-changing innovations and low-carbon technologies.
You have the power to shape things to make them better.
About the role:
We are seeking a dedicated and experienced Occupational Health Nurse to join our team.
The ideal candidate will coordinate the treatment of work-related injuries, evaluate their effectiveness, and supervise the health status of workers
Major activities/Key challenges
* Coordinates treatment of work-related injuries and evaluates and details its effectiveness.
* Supervise and assess the health status of workers, worker populations, and community groups and stay up to date on regulations and legislation
* Provides client education in areas related to safety, first aid, emergency care, CPR, heat stress, and others as needed.
* Direct patient care skills to include, but not limited to assisting with wound cleansing, dressing and suturing; suture removal; splint application/removal; range of motion treatment; heat and cold therapy; medication administration; emergency care; and respiratory treatment as needed.
* Develop innovative health and safety programs
* Lead all aspects of and implement disaster and emergency preparedness planning
* Perform drug and alcohol screenings as well as vision, respiratory, hearing tests, etc.
* Environmental and ergonomic health planning
* Perform physical examinations
* Observe workers on the job to assess health status and determine risks
* Carry out research on the effects of workplace exposures
* Document and tend to employee injuries and illnesses that occur in the workplace
* Work alongside executives to lower costs of disability claims and other related expenses
* Act as a gatekeeper for different healthcare services like disability and rehabilitation
* Assures accurate maintenance and documentation of patients' records.
* Performs client services related to Occupational Health and Safety protocols.
* Work in a fast-paced, interruption prone environment.
* Other duties as needed
What you can bring to the role:
Our values – act with integrity, operate with excellence, care for people, lead with courage – are at the foundation of everything we do.
To be successful in this role and to play a part in our ongoing success we desire the following background:
Minimum Qualifications:
* Associates Degree in Nursing
* License to practice as an RN or LPN in the State of Indiana
* Must be available to work overtime and be on call on an as-needed basis
* ...
Type: Permanent Location: Newburgh, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:25
Your Job
Georgia-Pacific is seeking a Product Developer - Retail Towel for our Technical Center in Neenah, WI.
This is a position within the Retail Towel team where you will drive product design and new product innovation.
This opportunity will allow you to combine your technical expertise, leadership skills, creativity, and entrepreneurship to have a direct impact on business performance.
If you have a passion for connecting technical solutions with business and consumer needs, this could be the right opportunity for you!
What You Will Do
* Designing, experimenting, evaluating, and executing alternative solutions based on understanding of technical capabilities, consumer/customer unmet needs and market trends.
* Connecting market and consumer needs to product design, performance, alternatives, and setting technical specifications/limits on final product design.
* Work with business stakeholders, consumer research and technology platform to collaborate on successful execution of experimental development or commercialization projects.
* Mitigating technical risk by designing and analyzing experiments, coordinating, and conducting mill trials, and collecting consumer/market feedback on product designs.
* Developing Intellectual Property through the creation of invention disclosures, patent applications and trade secrets by partnering with the Legal team.
* Solving complex problems, by exercising critical thought and approaching data analysis and potential recommended paths forward with a creative and open-minded approach.
* Providing technical advice on claims, data substantiation, and overall product points of view to our business leaders, operations, manufacturing, sales, and marketing teams.
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Bachelor's Degree or higher in Paper Science, Engineering or at least 3 years of product development experience in paper products
* Willing and able to travel an average of 25%
* Experience working in an R&D environment with demonstrated results independently leading projects or experiment, product development activities, and scaling up to commercial feasibility.
* Technical knowledge of papermaking and converting.
What Will Put You Ahead
* Advanced Engineering Degree (M.S.) in Engineering, Paper Science, or business
* Experience in Project Management
* Experience in towel/napkin product development or converting
* Experience with SAP (PLM/MDG)
* 5 plus years of experience in product development
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak...
Type: Permanent Location: Neenah, US-WI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:27:31
At Guardian Industries, we create products that shape the very landscape of our cities and towns.
From commercial to residential, Guardian helps the world see what is possible through coated glass products.
At Guardian R&D, we create products that shape the very landscape of our cities and towns.
Guardian is searching for the newest member of our Research & Development group as a Senior Development Scientist/ Group Leader.
This position is located at our Glass Technology & Development Center in Carleton, MI (greater Detroit, MI area).
The selected individual is responsible for developing products and technologies that reduce energy consumption, improve comfort to offices and homes, and help make buildings beautiful.
The ideal candidate is an organized professional with excellent analytical and communication skills.
Join our team and apply your technical skills and passion to balance a complex array of opportunities in Guardian's global portfolio.
Come grow with us!
What You Will Do
* Developing and launching new thin film process technologies and products globally
* Creating, maintaining, and communicating Development Plans to ensure a shared understanding between facilities, capabilities, and the Innovation team
* Serving as a leader in change management when new thin film technologies/ products are launched or transferred globally
* Ensure the best knowledge is understood and shared to build skills and understanding in our teams
* Serving as a Technical SME to Guardian's production Coating teams to troubleshoot process or product issues in facilities with regards to new or transferred technologies/ products
* Seek opportunities to learn from the market and bring outside perceptions, best practices and opportunities that will improve Guardian's process technology capability
* Understanding and applying a structured review of our process technologies/ product launches through the utilization of Stage Gate methodology
Advancing/deepening the underlying knowledge of our products and production processes technologies
Clearly presenting and communicating ideas, concepts, and plans across multiple levels
Working in multi-cultural and functional teams globally
* Collaborating in a matrixed organization working with Global Operations on new thin film process technology, product launches and product transfers
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Bachelor's degree or higher in Materials Science, Engineering, Physics or related disciplines
* Experience in thin film science and technology using vacuum sputtering techniques
* Experience with experimental design and statistics
* Previous leadership experience in leading group of scientists/ technicians
What Will Put You Ahead
* Master's Degree or PhD in Materials Science, Engineering, or Physics
* Two (2) or more years' experience in thin film and vacuum related technologies focusing on magnetron sputtering process: techno...
Type: Permanent Location: Carleton, US-MI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:26:16
Associate Director, Global E&S Risk & Compliance
Job Description
You’re not the person who will settle for just any role.
Neither are we.
Because we’re out to create Better Care for a Better World, and that takes a certain kind of person and teams who care about making a difference.
Here, you’ll bring your professional expertise, talent, and drive to building and managing our portfolio of iconic, ground-breaking brands.
In this role, you’ll help us deliver better care for billions of people around the world.
It starts with YOU.
Kimberly-Clark Professional®.
You already know our legendary brands—and so does the rest of the world.
In fact, millions of people use Kimberly-Clark products every day.
We know these amazing Kimberly-Clark products wouldn’t exist without talented professionals, like you.
At Kimberly-Clark, you’ll be part of the best team committed to driving innovation, growth and impact.
We’re founded on more than 150 years of market leadership, and we’re always looking for new and better ways to perform – so there’s your open door of opportunity.
It’s all here for you at Kimberly-Clark.
Led by Purpose.
Driven by You.
You perform at the highest level possible, and you appreciate a performance culture fueled by authentic caring. You want to be part of a company actively dedicated to sustainability, inclusion, wellbeing, and career development.
You love what you do, especially when the work you do makes a difference.
At Kimberly-Clark, we’re constantly exploring new ideas on how, when, and where we can best achieve results.
When you join our team, you’ll experience Flex That Works: flexible (hybrid) work arrangements that empower you to have purposeful time in the office and partner with your leader to make flexibility work for both you and the business.
The Global Environment & Sustainability Risk and Compliance Associate Director will be responsible for environmental and sustainability compliance and risk management.
This role involves assessing compliance requirements and risks from both financial and impact perspectives, while developing capabilities, processes, and controls within North America.
This role will plan and execute environmental and sustainability audits and risk management processes, collaborating with Sustainability, Supply Chain, Legal, R&D, Marketing and Finance leadership to drive compliance improvements and implement risk reduction programs and initiatives.
The Global Environment & Sustainability Risk and Compliance Associate Director will be managing a global team of Risk & Compliance Leaders to ensure pragmatic alignment of global efforts in achieving objectives.
Location of role:
US – Remote, US – Dallas (TX) or US – Roswell (GA) preferred.
Key Responsibilities:
* Collaborate with Sustainability, Supply Chain, Legal, R&D, Marketing and Finance teams, works to ensure compliance with env...
Type: Permanent Location: Austin, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:26:00
The Patient Account Representative - Collections provides administrative support to the collections operations within the assigned function(s). Through ongoing database maintenance, the Patient Account Representative - Collections ensures the timely receipt of claim payments and minimizes bad debt accrual. In this capacity, the Patient Account Representative - Collections provides outstanding customer service to customers and vendors through effective and timely communication.
* Under general supervision, identify and resolve routine outstanding claims.
* Generate and analyze diverse reports and work lists in the identification and resolution of general patient account issues.
* Assist in the resolution of outstanding payments from past due accounts.
* Ensure timely receipt of claim payments; processing payments accordingly and reconciling all necessary data.
* Perform all responsibilities in compliance with company policies and procedures; ensuring timely and complete documentation of activities performed.
* May serve as a point of contact for customers and/or external vendors in response to inquiries and unresolved issues.
* May mentor other staff as applicable.
* Assist with various projects as assigned by direct supervisor.
Additional responsibilities may include focus on one or more departments or locations. See applicable addendum for department or location specific functions.
The physical demands and work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
Occasionally lift and/or move up to 50 pounds.
* High School Diploma required
* 1 - 2 years' related experience.
* General computer skills with working knowledge of word processing, spreadsheet, and email applications.
* Detail oriented with good analytical and organizational skills.
* Good interpersonal skills with the ability to work cohesively within a team environment.
* Excellent oral and written communication skills to effectively communicate with customers and all levels of management.
EO/AA Employer: Minorities/Females/Veterans/Disability/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity
Fresenius Medical Care North America maintains a drug-free workplace in accordance with applicable federal and state laws.
EO/AA Employer: Minorities/Females/Veterans/Disability/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity
Fresenius Medical Care North America maintains a drug-free workplace in accordance with applicable federal and state laws.
Type: Permanent Location: Chandler, US-AZ
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:25:31
DAP is looking for Health & Safety Intern to join our Dallas Plant in TX for summer 2025.
* Lead environmental, health and safety training.
* Provide support with Environmental, Health, Safety and Security programs to ensure regulatory compliance and continuously improve performance.
* Health & Safety Intern will be spending time performing and learning the work Health, Safety, and Environmental that coordinators do.
* Develop working knowledge of local, state, and federal environmental, health and safety regulations.
* Provides support for the Health, Safety and Environment Team to ensure a safe working environment in compliance with government regulations and company procedures.
* Schedules and prepares various internal and external Health, Safety and Environment meetings, including preparing reports and presentations.
* Standardize Spill Response Equipment.
* Conduct Safety Perception Survey and perform related follow-up actions.
* Conduct EHS Assessments (PPE, Hazard/Risk for new equipment/process, Safety Walks)
* Manage functions of the Contractor Safety Program
* Major: Associate degree
* College classification (freshman, sophomore, junior or senior): Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or Senior.
* Interested in operational manufacturing environments.
* Excellent computation skills and communication skills.
* $17 / hour
About DAP
DAP is a market leading manufacturer, innovator and marketer of home repair and construction products including caulks, sealants, spray foam insulation, adhesives, and patch and repair products.
DAP is part of RPM International Inc., a $6.1 billion, multinational company with subsidiaries that are world leaders in specialty coatings, sealants, building materials and related services.
You will find DAP products in the hands of professional painters, remodelers, builders, and do-it-yourselfers, and in 60,000 retail outlets, ranging from home centers and mass merchandisers to your local hardware, pro contractor channels and paint stores.
DAP's eight manufacturing and distribution facilities in the United States of America and Canada service North America and the world.
At DAP, we hire the best people and give them a collaborative and rewarding work environment that empowers them to succeed! We support associates in continuous professional growth and collaborate on the steps it takes to get to the next level in their careers.
Our associates enjoy a comprehensive benefits package including 401(k) with company match, pension, paid parental leave, competitive health insurance rates, employee stock purchase plan, tuition reimbursement, free wellness programs and more! Learn more about DAP’s history, culture and benefits at www.dap.com/careers/
DAP - On the job since 1865.
Type: Contract Location: Dallas, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:22:02
The Missions, Concepts and Capabilities (MCC) division of Applied Research Associates, Inc.
(ARA) is seeking an energetic and experienced Program Control Analyst to support the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering (OUSD (R&E)).
The Program Control Analyst will perform analyses of programs and projects and support services such as planning, programming, budgeting, executing (PPBE), and tracking data.
This position requires a candidate with experience performing a variety of financial analysis, tracking, and administrative functions including:
* Support all services found in a programming, financial management, or comptroller shop to include planning, programming, budgeting, executing (PPBE), and tracking data
* Support funding, forecasting, programming, budget information, and execution status, following the PPBE process, using financial management tools and systems
* Support preparation and execution of finance and budget materials
* Maintain cognizance of various program funds, and provide financial information and obligation/expenditure information for review of financial performance
* Support the identification of financial discrepancies and coordinate corrective actions
* Contribute to the review of program and budget submissions (i.e.
Issue Papers, Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Documents (R-DOCs), Research and Development Descriptive Summaries (R-2s), and Program Office Memorandum (POMs) inputs)
Required Qualifications:
* Bachelor’s degree in finance, accounting, business administration, or related field
* 8-10+ years of relevant experience
* Minimum DoD Secret clearance
* Experience with planning, programming, budgeting, executing (PPBE), and tracking data
* Experience using OUSD-specific financial databases (e.g., DAI, G-invoicing, etc.)
* Proficient in Microsoft Excel
* Experience in MS SharePoint or similar file-sharing applications
* Have strong written and verbal communications skills
* Have excellent time management skills
Desired Qualifications:
* Master’s Degree in relevant field
* DoD Financial Management Certification
Applied Research Associates, Inc.
is an employee-owned international research and engineering company recognized for providing technically superior solutions to complex and challenging problems in the physical sciences.
The company, founded in Albuquerque, NM, in 1979, currently employs over 2000 professionals.
ARA offices throughout the United States and Canada provide a broad range of technical expertise in defense technologies, civil technologies, computer software and simulation, systems analysis, environmental technologies, and testing and measurement.
The corporation also provides sophisticated technical products for environmental site characterization, pavement analysis, and robotics.
At ARA, employees are our greatest assets.
The corporation real...
Type: Permanent Location: Washington, US-DC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:17:32
Pay Range: $133,347 - $214,689 Job Code: 51000 Salary Grade: 31 FLSA: Exempt
Essential Functions:
The following duties are normal for this position.
The omission of specific statements of the duties does not exclude them from the classification if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this classification.
Other duties may be required and assigned.
Manages, directs, and evaluates assigned staff, processing employee concerns and problems, directing work, counseling, disciplining, and completing employee performance appraisals.
Organizes, prioritizes, and assigns work regarding planning, zoning, permitting, plan review, and code enforcement activities; prioritizes and schedules work activities in order to meet objectives; ensures that subordinates have the proper resources needed to complete the assigned work; monitors status of work in progress and inspects completed work; consults with assigned staff to assist with complex/problem situations and provide technical expertise; and provides progress and activity reports to County administrators and elected officials.
Ensures departmental compliance with all applicable codes, laws, rules, regulations, standards, policies and procedures; ensures adherence to established procedures; and initiates any actions necessary to correct deviations or violations.
Develops and implements long- and short-term plans, goals, and objectives for the department; collects and analyzes multiple sources of data; evaluates effectiveness and efficiency of department activities; reviews and revises policies, procedures, plans and programs; and researches, assesses, and develops strategies to meet current and future planning and sustainability needs.
Develops, implements and monitors all department policies, procedures and protocols; interprets, explains and implements local, state, and federal laws and regulations; conducts staff meetings; and provides information, updates, coordination of work activities.
Administers comprehensive community planning program to ensure orderly community development and growth; oversees administration and enforcement of technical building codes for the County; resolves public complaints related to inspections, code interpretation or applications; and oversees preparation and presents oral and written reports to Board of Commissioners and related zoning and planning boards and commissions.
Directs redevelopment and business retention efforts within the County; collaborates with outside agencies and other local jurisdictions in developing and implementing community development programs and projects; and establishes and maintains viable business relationships.
Develops and implements departmental budget; recommends staffing levels, equipment, materials and other budget allocations; monitors expenditures to ensure compliance with approved budget; and prepares and submits budget documentation and reports.
Minimum Qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in U...
Type: Permanent Location: Decatur, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:17:18
Roche fosters diversity, equity and inclusion, representing the communities we serve.
When dealing with healthcare on a global scale, diversity is an essential ingredient to success.
We believe that inclusion is key to understanding people’s varied healthcare needs.
Together, we embrace individuality and share a passion for exceptional care.
Join Roche, where every voice matters.
The Position
Suchst Du ein spannendes Thema für Deine Masterarbeit im Umfeld der Entwicklung medizinischer Geräte, bei dem Du Deine Kenntnisse in FEM Simulationen anwenden kannst? Dann bist Du bei uns genau richtig!
In der Abteilung Mechanical Engineering bei Roche Diabetes Care werden Insulinpumpen, Blutzuckermessgeräte und Stechhilfen sowie die dazugehörigen Applikationssysteme (z.B.
Teststände) serienreif entwickelt.
Was Dich erwartet:
Für eine Insulinpumpe sollen Konzepte entwickelt werden, um diese wasserdicht zu gestalten.
Folgende Themen stellen die Schwerpunkte der Arbeit dar:
* Durchführung von FEM Simulationen mit der Software Abaqus, um ein Dichtungskonzept für eine wasserdichte Insulinpumpe zu entwickeln
* Durchführung von Dichtigkeitstests mit der Insulinpumpe
* Erstellung von Dichtungskonzepten in CAD mit Creo Parametrics durch geometrische Anpassungen von bestehenden Komponenten und Baugruppen
* Erstellung eines Anforderungskatalogs an eine Dichtung, in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Projektteam und weiteren Stakeholdern
Wer Du bist:
* Du studierst Maschinenbau / Medizintechnik / Kunststofftechnik im Masterstudium und suchst ein spannendes Thema für Deine Masterarbeit
* Du weist ein fundiertes Wissen und Erfahrung in der Durchführung von FEM Simulationen auf, im Idealfall hast Du bereits mit der Software Abaqus gearbeitet
* Zusätzlich hast Du eine hohe Hands-On Mentalität und Erfahrung in der Durchführung von Tests an mechanischen Komponenten.
Dazu gehört das Erstellen von Testplänen, die Auswertung und Interpretation der Ergebnisse sowie die technische Dokumentation in englischer Sprache
* Kenntnisse in CAD Design mit Creo Parametrics sind von Vorteil
* Du bist hoch motiviert und willst technische Fragestellungen pragmatisch und selbstständig lösen
* Du zeigst die Offenheit, Dich in bestehende Teamstrukturen zu integrieren und aktiv mit dem Team vor Ort in Mannheim zusammenzuarbeiten.
In Rücksprache können einzelne Tätigkeiten auch im Home Office durchgeführt werden
* Darüber hinaus überzeugst Du durch Deine sehr guten Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
* Es kann vor der Masterarbeit gerne ein Praktikum durchgeführt werden
Deine Vorteile
* Flexible Zeiteinteilung
* 1000 € Vergütung im Monat für ein Vollzeitpraktikum > 3 Monate
* Vergünstigte Essenspreise (-50 %) in unserer Mitarbeiterkantine
* Fitnesszentrum auf dem Roche-Campus
* Vernetzung mit anderen Studierenden
Deine Bewerbung
Bitte lade nur Deinen Lebenslauf on...
Type: Permanent Location: Mannheim, DE-BW
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:16:29
ERM is hiring Field Biologists to conduct nesting bird surveys and surveys for special status species for a large vegetation management compliance program in Shaver Lake, Tulare, Porterville, Kernville (San Joaquin Area); Monrovia, Covina, Ontario (LA County); and Riverside, Temecula, and Murrieta (Riverside County), CA.
Successful candidates must be flexible and responsive to a changing work environment where schedules, site locations, and tasks fluctuate according to the needs of the project. The role of a field biologist requires technical skills, as well as strong organizational and communication skills.
This is a full-time (40+ hours/week, depending on the season), limited-term role with a duration of 12 months and the possibility of renewal.
* Field biologist position to conduct pre-construction nesting bird and other special status species surveys and construction monitoring across the client’s territory.
* Work locations are often remote and require Biologist to work independently.
* Monitoring involves coordination with construction crews and providing advice for maintaining compliance with client requirements.
* Electronic data collection.
* Handheld and sub-meter accurate GPS data collection.
* Daily reporting and survey report compilation.
* Other duties as assigned or required.
* Compliance with ERM’s rigorous safety program.
* Bachelor's Degree in Science or related environmental field, 2 years of Avian Biology + Other Special Status Species Experience preferred.
In addition to nesting birds, expertise should include more than one of the following species: Southwestern Willow Fly Catcher, Burrowing Owl, Spotted Owl, Eagles/raptors, Least Bell’s Vireo, California Gnatcatcher, Yosemite toad, CA Red-Legged Frog, Yellow Legged Frog subspecies, Pacific Fisher, San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat, Stephen’s Kangaroo Rat, Western Pond Turtle or Desert Tortoise.
* Familiarity with nesting bird survey protocols and/or general bird identification skills required.
* Ability to work safely outdoors in variable weather conditions and on challenging terrain.
* Working knowledge of sub-meter accuracy GPS technologies and map interpretation skills (e.g., NWI, USGS, aerial photography).
* Must have a strong attention to detail in documentation of work.
* Must have strong organizational and communication skills.
* Desire to work in the field for an extended period and maintain a positive attitude.
* Willingness and ability to travel with overnight stays possible.
* Demonstrated independent and effective problem solving and decision-making skills.
* Driver's License Required: This position requires a valid driver's license and/or the ability to operate a company vehicle due to the nature of job duties, which include frequent travel to various client locations across a large geographical area.
* Fluency in English and S...
Type: Permanent Location: Irvine, US-CA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:12:15
ERM is hiring Field Biologists to conduct nesting bird surveys and surveys for special status species for a large vegetation management compliance program in Shaver Lake, Tulare, Porterville, Kernville (San Joaquin Area); Monrovia, Covina, Ontario (LA County); and Riverside, Temecula, and Murrieta (Riverside County), CA.
Successful candidates must be flexible and responsive to a changing work environment where schedules, site locations, and tasks fluctuate according to the needs of the project. The role of a field biologist requires technical skills, as well as strong organizational and communication skills.
This is a part-time (15+ hours/week, depending on the season), limited-term role with a duration of 12 months and the possibility of renewal.
* Field biologist position to conduct pre-construction nesting bird and other special status species surveys and construction monitoring across the client’s territory.
* Work locations are often remote and require Biologist to work independently.
* Monitoring involves coordination with construction crews and providing advice for maintaining compliance with client requirements.
* Electronic data collection.
* Handheld and sub-meter accurate GPS data collection.
* Daily reporting and survey report compilation.
* Other duties as assigned or required.
* Compliance with ERM’s rigorous safety program.
* Bachelor's Degree in Science or related environmental field, 2 years of Avian Biology + Other Special Status Species Experience preferred.
In addition to nesting birds, expertise should include more than one of the following species: Southwestern Willow Fly Catcher, Burrowing Owl, Spotted Owl, Eagles/raptors, Least Bell’s Vireo, California Gnatcatcher, Yosemite toad, CA Red-Legged Frog, Yellow Legged Frog subspecies, Pacific Fisher, San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat, Stephen’s Kangaroo Rat, Western Pond Turtle or Desert Tortoise.
* Familiarity with nesting bird survey protocols and/or general bird identification skills required.
* Ability to work safely outdoors in variable weather conditions and on challenging terrain.
* Working knowledge of sub-meter accuracy GPS technologies and map interpretation skills (e.g., NWI, USGS, aerial photography).
* Must have a strong attention to detail in documentation of work.
* Must have strong organizational and communication skills.
* Desire to work in the field for an extended period and maintain a positive attitude.
* Willingness and ability to travel with overnight stays possible.
* Demonstrated independent and effective problem solving and decision-making skills.
* Driver's License Required: This position requires a valid driver's license and/or the ability to operate a company vehicle due to the nature of job duties, which include frequent travel to various client locations across a large geographical area.
* Fluency in English and S...
Type: Contract Location: Irvine, US-CA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:12:14
ERM’s Climate Risk and Nature Positive team, within our broader Corporate Sustainability Practice, is growing quickly.
We are looking for consultants to support us in helping our clients shape and deliver on their climate and nature strategies.
There is a significant opportunity for individuals with strong technical and quantitative skills to work closely with clients and develop market-leading offerings to meet our clients’ needs.
This position will focus on quantifying the financial and environmental impacts of climate change and nature positive strategies, especially within the agricultural sector.
As a senior manager, you will contribute your leadership, client relationship, and technical consulting skills to support the growth of ERM’s business and client base in the U.S., while networking with ERM's global team to share multi-disciplinary resources and best practices.
You will also develop opportunities to present at leading conferences and write peer-reviewed papers on issues that are important to our clients.
Recent projects have involved risk and opportunity assessments of biodiversity and habitat changes, air quality and water quality, and climate risks.
The work has focused on a variety of sectors, including agriculture; tech; retail; oil & gas; pharma & chemicals.
This is an excellent opportunity for a senior professional looking to advance their career level with a global environmental leader.
Key Responsibilities
As a key member of the Climate and Nature Positive, you will:
* Apply quantitative methodologies to climate risk and opportunity assessments, including financial statement analysis, discounted cash flow modelling, cost-benefit analysis, and uncertainty analysis such as Monte Carlo simulations.
* Engage directly with corporate clients, including senior leadership, to provide education on climate and nature related topics, and present your own analytical work and defend quantitative results.
* Build economic and quantitative models for measuring and valuing corporate financial risks and opportunities that can support both climate and nature related impacts.
Incorporate a wide range of data sources into your analyses including corporate financial data, geospatial climate data, academic research and industry-specific reports.
* Support the development of junior staff to drive project execution, upskill staff, and lead by example.
* Facilitate client workshops and meetings with corporate senior management.
* Develop internal business strategies to achieve client-related sales activities, including helping draft client proposals and develop new service offerings;
* Masters or PhD and 8+ years of relevant environmental/agricultural economic experience, including consulting for private-sector clients.
* High degree of technical competence in statistics, econometrics, and financial analysis.
* Experience working on multi-disciplinary teams and desi...
Type: Permanent Location: Washington, US-DC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:12:12
Ardurra is seeking a motivated Civil EIT to join our Land Development Group in Utah!
Required Qualifications
* Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering (or working to complete within the next year)
* Utah EIT certification (upon completing degree)
* 0-3 years’ minimum experience in the civil engineering field
* Strong computer skills a plus including experience with AutoCAD Civil 3D and/or MicroStation
* Proven writing and design skills
* Excellent communication skills
* Self-motivated, team-oriented individual with the ability to work on challenging projects in a team environment
Key Responsibilities
* Preparation of utility plan and profiles
* Preparation of grading plans
* Preparation of roadway plan and profiles
* Storm drainage calculations
* Preliminary Plat preparation
* Other design opportunities related to civil engineering projects
Physical Requirements
* Prolonged periods sitting at a desk and working on a computer
* Ability to navigate various locations and settings of the company
* Occasionally lift and/or move up to 25 pounds
* Must possess a valid driver’s license and be able to safely operate a vehicle
Why Ardurra?
While Ardurra offers competitive compensation and rich benefits programs, it is our culture that truly sets us apart from our peers.
We nurture a family-like culture, striving to create a work environment that is enjoyable, challenging and rewarding but also fun.
We are acutely focused on developing our staff, whether through our internal Ardurra Academy or through our industry-leading Leadership program.
We have made a deliberate and focused commitment to nurture a people-centric culture where people are: valued as individuals; supported in their professional and career development with multiple, varied career paths; provided the tools and resources to be successful, engaged, and satisfied in their work; and positive benefits, time-off programs, and flexibility to help maintain a healthy balance between work and home.
Ardurra is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer.
All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, gender identity or sexual orientation.
Ardurra does not accept unsolicited resumes from recruiters or employment agencies.
In the absence of a signed Agency Agreement, Ardurra will not consider or agree to payment of any referral compensation or recruiter fee.
If a resume or candidate is submitted to any hiring manager without a previously signed agreement, Ardurra reserves the right to pursue and hire those candidate(s) without any financial obligation to the recruiter or agency.
These candidates will be considered property of Ardurra.
We’re not currently looking to add any more agencies to our list of approved vendors, so please do not con...
Type: Permanent Location: Draper, US-UT
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:12:03