Der Regionale Geschäftsbereich Ost gehört zum Unternehmensbereich Post & Paket Deutschland.
Er umfasst die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette der Produktion Post und Paket Deutschland.
Höchste Qualität für unsere Kunden, die Sicherung unserer Qualitätsführerschaft und eine kosteneffiziente Leistungserbringung ist das gemeinsame Ziel aller Mitarbeitenden des Betriebs.
Ein durchgängiges professionelles Kosten- und Qualitätsmanagement unterstützt diesen Anspruch.
Wir steuern im Regionalen Geschäftsbereich Ost die 9 Niederlassungen in der Region Ost.
Diese Steuerung umfasst u.a.
die Kontrolle der Kennzahlen der Qualität, Produktivität und Kosten entlang der betrieblichen Wertschöpfungskette (Transport, Sortierung und Zustellung von Sendungen).
Deine Aufgaben
* Kennenlernen des Geschäftsbereichs sowie der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette im Regionalen Geschäftsbereich und in den Niederlassungen
* Bearbeiten einzelner Aufgaben, Projekte zu ausgewählten Kennzahlen
* Unterstützung der Referenten in deren Aufgabengebieten
Dein Profil als Trainee Operations
* Mindestens erfolgreicher Bachelorabschluss vor dem 1.
April 2025 im Bereich Logistik, Mathematik, Technik & Ingenieurwesen, (Wirtschafts-)Recht, Sprachen- und Kulturwissenschaften, Supply Chain Management, Wirtschaft
* Erste Praxiserfahrung (bis zu 3 Jahre) in der Logistikbranche, im Accounting, Arbeitsrecht, volkswirtschaftlicher Bereich, sehr gute MS Office Kenntnisse,
* Fließende Deutschkenntnisse, gute Englischkenntnisse,
* Teamfähigkeit, Flexibilität, analytische Fähigkeiten, Durchsetzungsfähigkeiten, gute Kommunikationsfähigkeiten
Deine Vorteile
Nach einer zentralen Einführungswoche lernst Du die Welt der Logistik in drei individuellen Programmphasen im Inland kennen und das beim weltweit führenden Post- und Logistikdienstleister.
Durch integrierte Trainings, persönliche Betreuung und regelmäßiges Feedback unterstützen wir Dich in Deiner individuellen Karriereentwicklung.
Dein Kontakt
Fragen beantwortet Dir gerne Frau Steffi Koch, GROW Recruiting, grow@dhl.com.
Du siehst in diesen vielseitigen und spannenden Aufgaben eine persönliche Herausforderung? Dann bewirb Dich jetzt online unter careers.dhl.com/eu/de/grow für den Fachbereich Operations national mit Deinen vollständigen Unterlagen (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Abschlusszeugnis von Schule und Studium sowie relevante Arbeitszeugnisse).
Dort findest Du zudem weitere Detailinformationen zum Bewerbungs- und Programmablauf sowie zu den aktuellen Einsatzbereichen.
Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung!
#trainee #growprogramm #growops
Type: Contract Location: Berlin, DE-BE
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-12 07:20:48
Die Abteilung Projekt Services hat maßgeblichen Anteil daran, für unsere Kund:innen und Kolleg:innen Lösungen zu schaffen, die ihresgleichen suchen.
Wenn Du diesen Weg mitgestalten möchtet und damit mithilfst, Menschen zu verbinden und Leben zu verbessen, dann bist Du genau richtig bei uns! Du wirst dann Teil eines interdisziplinären, kreativen und manchmal etwas verrückten Teams.
Bei uns findest Du Digital Nerds, Product Owner, Testmanager/-Engineer und UX-Experten, Projektleiter, SCRUM-Master und viele andere beeindruckende Persönlichkeiten mit viel Expertise in ihren Disziplinen.
Sie bringen umfassende Erfahrungen und Kenntnisse der aktuellen Technologien, Werkzeuge und Methoden in die IT-Projekte ein und agieren dabei selbstverantwortlich.
Unsere Abteilung investiert kontinuierlich in die Fähigkeiten seiner Mitarbeitenden.
Dazu bietet Projekt Services vielfältige Trainings- und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten an und fördert den Austausch in Communities.
Du wirst eine Umgebung vorfinden, in der Du Deine Begeisterung ausleben kannst, in dem Du Deine Ärmel hochkrempelst und Dinge direkt in Angriff nimmst.
Du wirst viel lernen, wenn Du Dich traust.
Du wirst viel Spaß haben, wenn Du mitmachst.
Und Du wirst durch offenes Feedback und Coaching wachsen, wenn Du danach suchst.
Und sicher nicht zuletzt wirst Du Teil einer Initiative sein, die positive Veränderungen für alle unsere rund 190.000 Kolleg:innen bei Post & Paket Deutschland bewirkt.
Deine Aufgaben
* Im Bereich UX/Product Owner: Requirements Engineering, Usability Engineering, Product Owner
* Im Bereich Test: Testmanagement, Testautomatisierung, Testdurchführung
* Im Bereich Security- und Systemarchitektur: Sicherheitskonzeption, Systemdesign, DevOps-Engineering
* Im Bereich Scrum Master und Projektleiter: Teams unterstützen, Projekte auf- und umsetzen, Prozesse durchschreiten
Dein Profil als Trainee IT - abhängig von Deinem Interessenschwerpunkt
* Mindestens erfolgreicher Masterabschluss vor dem 1.
April 2025 in Technik, Ingenieurwesen, (Wirtschafts-) Informatik, Mathematik mit Schwerpunkten in Requirements Engineering, Software-Ergonomie, Software-Qualitätsmanagement, IT-Sicherheit oder Softwaredesign
* Fließende/sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse, sehr gute/fließende Englischkenntnisse
* Verlässlichkeit, kommunikativ, analytisch, Team Player, Selbstverantwortung
* Erste Erfahrungen (bis zu 3 Jahren) in Softwareprojekten
Deine Vorteile
Nach einer zentralen Einführungswoche lernst Du die Welt der Logistik in drei individuellen Programmphasen im Inland kennen und das beim weltweit führenden Post- und Logistikdienstleister.
Durch integrierte Trainings, persönliche Betreuung und regelmäßiges Feedback unterstützen wir Dich in Deiner individuellen Karriereentwicklung.
Unser Programm beginn...
Type: Contract Location: Bonn, DE-NW
Salary / Rate: 53000
Posted: 2024-11-12 07:20:44
Der Geschäftsbereich Betrieb gehört zum Unternehmensbereich Post & Paket Deutschland umfasst die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette der Produktion Post und Paket Deutschland.
Unser Kerngeschäft ist das Transportieren, Sortieren und Zustellen von Dokumenten und warentragenden Sendungen.
Höchste Qualität für unsere Kunden, die Sicherung unserer Qualitätsführerschaft und eine kosteneffiziente Leistungserbringung ist das gemeinsame Ziel aller Mitarbeitenden des Betriebs.
Ein durchgängiges professionelles Kosten- und Qualitätsmanagement unterstützt diesen Anspruch.
Die Abteilung Go Green & Fuhrparkmanagement als Teil des Geschäftsbereichs Infrastruktur Betrieb verantwortet die Themen des GoGreen Programms sowie die Spezifikation und Weiterentwicklung des Fahrzeugprogramms des Betriebs.
Das Fahrzeugprogramm umfasst alle Segmente von PKWs bis zu LKWs.
Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf nachhaltigen Fahrzeugkonzepten.
Dazu gehört unsere elektrische Zustellflotte inkl.
der Ladeinfrastruktur sowie die Pedelecs und Fahrrad-Akkus.
Darüber hinaus konzeptionieren wir die innovativen Projekte für eine emissionsarme Flotte stets weiter.
Deine Aufgaben
* RollOut-Planung Immobilien, Fuhrpark und Ladeinfrastruktur
* Integration Einfluss perspektivische betriebliche Änderungen in RollOut-Planungen
* Anpassung Zukunftsfähigkeit IT-Tool für RollOut Ladeinfrastruktur auf alle zukünftigen E-Kfz-Segmente
Dein Profil als Trainee Operations
* Mind.
erfolgreicher Bachelorabschluss vor dem 1.
April 2025 im Bereich Logistik, Informatik, Mathematik, Naturwissenschaft, Technik & Ingenieurwesen, Supply Chain Management, Wirtschaft, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
* Erste Praxiserfahrung (bis zu 3 Jahre) mit Nachhaltigkeitsthemen oder im Bereich von Innovationen von Vorteil, sehr gute MS Office Kenntnisse
* Fließende Deutschkenntnisse, gute Englischkenntnisse
* Aufgeschlossenheit, Teamfähigkeit, gute Kommunikationsfähigkeiten, zukunftsgerichtetes Planungsdenken- und handeln, Offenheit für Change-Management
Deine Vorteile
Nach einer zentralen Einführungswoche lernst Du die Welt der Logistik in drei individuellen Programmphasen im Inland kennen und das beim weltweit führenden Post- und Logistikdienstleister.
Durch integrierte Trainings, persönliche Betreuung und regelmäßiges Feedback unterstützen wir Dich in Deiner individuellen Karriereentwicklung.
Dein Kontakt
Fragen beantwortet Dir gerne Frau Steffi Koch, GROW Recruiting, grow@dhl.com.
Du siehst in diesen vielseitigen und spannenden Aufgaben eine persönliche Herausforderung? Dann bewirb Dich jetzt online unter careers.dhl.com/eu/de/grow für den Fachbereich Operations national mit Deinen vollständigen Unterlagen (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Abschlusszeugnis von Schule und Studium sowie relevante Arbeitszeug...
Type: Contract Location: Bonn, DE-NW
Salary / Rate: 53000
Posted: 2024-11-12 07:20:33
Die Abteilung Stabsaufgaben Vertrieb unterstützt den Chief Sales Officer (CSO) Post & Paket Deutschland (P&P) sowie sein engstes Führungsteam bei der Steuerung des Vertriebs von P&P.
Dazu gehören die Festlegung und Kommunikation strategischer Prioritäten im Vertrieb, die Organisation und inhaltliche Vorbereitung von Top Management Gremien und auch die Durchführung eigener, strategischer Projekte.
Wir sind im engen Austausch mit den Stabsabteilungen der anderen Geschäftsbereiche, sowie vertriebsintern mit sowohl dem operativen Vertrieb als auch der Vertriebssteuerung.
Zudem liegt in der Abteilung die Verantwortung für Budgetplanung und -steuerung im Vertrieb, sowie die Puls Check- und NPA- Befragungen.
Des Weiteren verantwortet die Abteilung die Themen Compliance, interne Kontrollsysteme, rechtliche Belange und Datenschutz.
Deine Aufgaben
* Steuerung der Inhalte der Führungskreise CSO & SME (Small and Medium Enterprise)
* Unterstützung bei Entwicklung der strategischen Ausrichtung des Vertriebs
* Unterstützung bei CSO Kommunikation; Erstellung von Präsentationen, Keynotes etc.
* Unterstützung der Budgetprozesse
* Vorbereitung von Tagungen, z.
Vertriebstagung, Führungskräftetagung
* Eigene Projekte nach aktuellen Erfordernissen
Dein Profil als Trainee
* Mindestens erfolgreicher Masterabschluss in Logistik, Supply Chain oder Wirtschaft vor dem 1.
April 2025
* Erste Praxiserfahrung (bis zu 3 Jahren) in der Unternehmensberatung oder in einem strategischen/steuernden Bereich, bspw.
durch Praktika
* Fließende Deutschkenntnisse
* Teamplayer mit hohem Maß an Motivation, Einsatzbereitschaft und Zuverlässigkeit
* Starke analytische und konzeptionelle Fähigkeiten
* Professionelles und sicheres Auftreten
* Ausgeprägte Kommunikationsfähigkeiten
* Sicherer Umgang mit MS Office Anwendungen
Deine Vorteile
Nach einer zentralen Einführungswoche lernst Du die Welt der Logistik in drei individuellen Programmphasen im Inland kennen und das beim weltweit führenden Post- und Logistikdienstleister.
Durch integrierte Trainings, persönliche Betreuung und regelmäßiges Feedback unterstützen wir Dich in Deiner individuellen Karriereentwicklung.
Dein Kontakt
Fragen beantwortet Dir gerne Frau Steffi Koch, GROW Recruiting, grow@dhl.com.
Du siehst in diesen vielseitigen und spannenden Aufgaben eine persönliche Herausforderung? Dann bewirb Dich jetzt online unter careers.dhl.com/eu/de/grow für den Fachbereich Sales national mit Deinen vollständigen Unterlagen (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Abschlusszeugnis von Schule und Studium sowie relevante Arbeitszeugnisse).
Dort findest Du zudem weitere Detailinformationen zum Bewerbungs- und Programmablauf sowie zu den aktuellen Einsatzbereichen.
Wir freuen uns auf D...
Type: Contract Location: Bonn, DE-NW
Salary / Rate: 53000
Posted: 2024-11-12 07:20:31
Sei pronto ad entrare a far parte di un’organizzazione in crescita, globale, specializzata nella produzione e sviluppo farmaceutico, che mette le persone al primo posto? Unisciti ad Adare! Noi lavoriamo a stretto contatto con i nostri partner nell’industria farmaceutica durante tutte le fasi di sviluppo e produzione dei farmaci destinati alla commercializzazione, con l‘intento di migliorare le vite dei pazienti e dei farmaci essenziali per le persone di tutto il mondo.
Ogni ruolo all’interno di Adare ti offrirà un’esperienza unica e personalizzata nonché l’opportunità di avere un grande impatto, fondamentale per il successo della nostra azienda.
Con l’aiuto di persone come te che si dedicano alla nostra missione, Adare migliora vite migliorando la somministrazione dei farmaci !
Unisciti alla nostra missione, unisciti ad Adare!
La nostra proposta:
* Assicurazione sanitaria
* Piano pensionistico
* Benefit previsti da accordo interno
* Crescita professionale e opportunità di avanzamento all’interno dell’azienda
* Premio di partecipazione e/o bonus individuali
* Programma di riconoscimento dei dipendenti
Siamo alla ricerca di un QUALITY ASSURANCE SPECIALIST che si unisca al nostro QUALITY TEAM
Se ti identifichi in questa descrizione, saremo davvero lieti di conoscerti!
Risponde direttamente al QA Manager del sito (San Giuliano M.se) e assicura la corretta applicazione del Sistema Qualità, supportando il responsabile nelle attività principali applicative e di controllo.
Le attività e le responsabilità principali includono quanto segue:
* Assicura la corretta applicazione del Sistema Qualità e ne garantisce il monitoraggio
* Assiste alle ispezioni degli enti di controllo (FDA, AIFA, ecc.) e dei clienti e si occupa di gestire le risposte a tutte le ispezioni seguite ed esegue, in modo autonomo, le ispezioni interne
* Gestisce, in modo autonomo, le deviazioni e le non conformità riscontrate, assicurando la qualità del prodotto in uscita e verificando l’efficacia delle azioni correttive intraprese
* Gestisce, in modo autonomo, le CAPA (Corrective And Preventive Actions) derivanti da deviazioni, reclami, change, ecc.
* Verifica e approva specifiche analitiche, formule e modelli di produzione attraverso i sistemi in uso in azienda
* Controlla la conformità di tutti i documenti di produzione ed i risultati analitici, per il rilascio del prodotto
* Gestisce e coordina, in modo autonomo, le attività relative al sistema di “Change Control”
* Gestisce, in maniera autonoma, i reclami dei clienti con relativa investigazione, attività correttive, risposta e chiusura del reclamo
* Gestisce, in maniera autonoma, i reclami ai fornitori
* Segue, in modo autonomo, le attività inerenti alla gestione dei fornitori alternativi per la parte di competenza QA
* È responsab...
Type: Permanent Location: San Giuliano Milanese, IT-MI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-12 07:19:59
Sei pronto ad entrare a far parte di un’organizzazione in crescita, globale, specializzata nella produzione e sviluppo farmaceutico, che mette le persone al primo posto? Unisciti ad Adare! Noi lavoriamo a stretto contatto con i nostri partner nell’industria farmaceutica durante tutte le fasi di sviluppo e produzione dei farmaci destinati alla commercializzazione, con l‘intento di migliorare le vite dei pazienti e dei farmaci essenziali per le persone di tutto il mondo.
Ogni ruolo all’interno di Adare ti offrirà un’esperienza unica e personalizzata nonché l’opportunità di avere un grande impatto, fondamentale per il successo della nostra azienda.
Con l’aiuto di persone come te che si dedicano alla nostra missione, Adare migliora vite migliorando la somministrazione dei farmaci !
Unisciti alla nostra missione, unisciti ad Adare!
La nostra proposta:
* Assicurazione sanitaria
* Piano pensionistico
* Benefit previsti da accordo interno
* Crescita professionale e opportunità di avanzamento all’interno dell’azienda
* Premio di partecipazione e/o bonus individuali
* Programma di riconoscimento dei dipendenti
Siamo alla ricerca di un QUALITY ASSURANCE SPECIALIST (Contratto a tempo determinato) che si unisca al nostro QUALITY TEAM.
Se ti identifichi in questa descrizione, saremo davvero lieti di conoscerti!
Risponde direttamente al QA Senior Manager del sito (Pessano con Bornago) e assicura la corretta applicazione del Sistema Qualità, supportando il responsabile nelle attività principali applicative e di controllo.
Le attività e le responsabilità principali includono quanto segue:
* Assicura la corretta applicazione del Sistema Qualità e ne garantisce il monitoraggio
* Assiste alle ispezioni degli enti di controllo (FDA, AIFA, ecc.) e dei clienti e si occupa di gestire le risposte a tutte le ispezioni seguite ed esegue, in modo autonomo, le ispezioni interne
* Gestisce, in modo autonomo, le deviazioni e le non conformità riscontrate, assicurando la qualità del prodotto in uscita e verificando l’efficacia delle azioni correttive intraprese
* Gestisce, in modo autonomo, le CAPA (Corrective And Preventive Actions) derivanti da deviazioni, reclami, change, ecc.
* Verifica e approva specifiche analitiche, formule e modelli di produzione attraverso i sistemi in uso in azienda
* Controlla la conformità di tutti i documenti di produzione ed i risultati analitici, per il rilascio del prodotto
* Gestisce e coordina, in modo autonomo, le attività relative al sistema di “Change Control”
* Gestisce, in maniera autonoma, i reclami dei clienti con relativa investigazione, attività correttive, risposta e chiusura del reclamo
* Gestisce, in maniera autonoma, i reclami ai fornitori
* Segue, in modo autonomo, le attività inerenti alla gestione dei fornitori alternativi per la ...
Type: Permanent Location: Pessano con Bornago, IT-MI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-12 07:19:56
As a Project Planner, based out of our Houston headquarters, your mission will be to plan and manage material requirements and collaborate with several different groups to support an effective and efficient production operation.
Prior work experience, preferably in a manufacturing environment, will give you a leg up in adapting to our culture.
We are seeking an analytical, data-driven, and process-minded individual who is willing to jump in and help out wherever it is needed. If you're ready to join an organization where you can have a career, and not just a job, apply to Bray International today.
What We Offer:
* Competitive Pay Plans
* Comprehensive Benefits: Enjoy industry-leading benefits effective the first of the month after you have worked 30 days, including:
* Medical, dental, vision, and life insurance
* Paid holidays and vacation
* 401(k) plan with matching contributions
Healthy Work Environment: We provide a smoke-free, drug-free workplace to ensure a safe and productive atmosphere for all employees.
Career Growth: We are committed to your professional development, offering numerous opportunities for advancement within the organization.
An Exceptional Company Culture: Bray is a Family-owned and operated business with over 30 Years of Engineered Excellence
Join Bray International and be part of a dynamic team dedicated to shaping the future of flow control solutions!
Position Responsibilities:
* Plan and manage material requirements for major projects using ERP/MRP systems.
* Works on more complex products that may require some new engineering and design and may be larger in scope.
* Regularly interfaces with Materials Planning department, Purchasing, Engineering, and Manufacturing teams when making decisions requiring judgment or resolving issues requiring creative solutions.
* May be required to participate in teams of planners and other functions in specific planning and problem-solving activities and Process Improvement efforts.
* Identifies improvement opportunities and suggests solutions to issues related to or including Material Planning and execution.
* Schedule Project sales orders and provide production schedules.
Assesses or validate actual progress.
Monitors schedule changes and trends.
Suggests corrective actions and/or develops recovery plans when delays are anticipated or occur.
* Ensure a consistent, effective line of communication with manufacturing, assembly, and sales departments
* Demonstrate continuous effort to improve operations, decrease turnaround times, streamline work processes, and work cooperatively and jointly with all departments to provide seamless quality customer service.
* Use time-management and multi-tasking skills to handle a variety of requests and functions demanded by the job.
Ideal Experience/Qualifications:
* Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Industrial Engineering, Supply Chain or a technica...
Type: Permanent Location: Houston, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-11 07:22:41
Your Job
Koch Engineered Solutions is seeking an Infrastructure Technician-Field, to join our team based out of Katy, TX.
As a member of the Infrastructure and Operations team, you will work with stakeholders and technology partners to deliver IT to remote construction sites.
This position does require travel and lengthy periods embedded in the field.
Our Team
As a member of the Information Technology team, you will need to thrive in a fast pace and innovative environment.
You will collaborate to develop solutions and prove their value through experimentation and scalable deployment in our business.
Leading in a collaborative environment, displaying creativity, and focusing on attaining positive business results will be necessary skills.
Like an employee of a startup, you will need to be resourceful and capable of partnering with key stakeholder's, building relationships, and interacting with market solution providers that can accelerate progress of our business objectives.
What You Will Do
* Actively coordinate and execute light-level project management duties, including task-oriented responsibilities, efficient scheduling and other items as needed
* Deploy field networks - travel is required
* Routing, Switching, printing, cell boosters, inside wiring, etc.
* Set up workstations with computers and necessary peripheral devices (docking stations, monitors, etc.)
* Provide orientation and guidance to users on how to operate new software and computer equipment.
* Work with support team to troubleshoot issues and ensure issues are being routed to proper functional teams.
* Work with various technologies such as Windows Servers, End User Workstations, Wireless networks, Virtualized environments, Cloud Computing, DevOps, printing, scanning, LTE, Fixed Wireless, Satellite, and more.
* Providing timely follow-up and completion of internal customer requests utilizing a central help desk ticketing system.
* Provide day to day operational support for system troubleshooting, service delivery/recovery, root cause analysis and resolution/remediation of technical issues demonstrating a high level of initiative.
* Will require travel at times up to 30%
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Strong knowledge and hands-on experience with various network technologies (VLAN, routing, DHCP, etc,), internet services (LTE, Satellite, Fixed wireless/wireline), and structured cabling.
* Proven experience with in-depth troubleshooting, root cause identification and problem resolution.
* Experience providing technical support in an Enterprise environment.
* Ability to lift 35 pounds, work in various manufacturing, field construction and office environments, climbing stairs / ladders.
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is...
Type: Permanent Location: Katy, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-11 07:16:46
At Elanco (NYSE: ELAN) – it all starts with animals!
As a global leader in animal health, we are dedicated to innovation and delivering products and services to prevent and treat disease in farm animals and pets.
We’re driven by our vision of ‘Food and Companionship Enriching Life’ and our approach to sustainability – the Elanco Healthy Purpose™ – to advance the health of animals, people, the planet and our enterprise.
At Elanco, we pride ourselves on fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment.
We believe that diversity is the driving force behind innovation, creativity, and overall business success.
Here, you’ll be part of a company that values and champions new ways of thinking, work with dynamic individuals, and acquire new skills and experiences that will propel your career to new heights.
Making animals’ lives better makes life better – join our team today!
Your Role: Principal Scientist - Analytical Development (SMOL)
As the Principal Scientist - Analytical Development, you will support Elanco’s Technical Development (TD) organization and report to the Head of Analytical Development SMTD (Small Molecule Technical Development).
This position is broadly responsible for analytical development activities of animal health products with a concentrated expertise in dissolution control strategy and small molecule analytical development.
As part of technical development teams, the role is expected to support drug development with a diverse range of responsibilities.
Your Responsibilities:
* Develop and deliver relevant analytical and dissolution methods and specifications, ensuring compliance with industrial (GxP) and regulatory requirements (VICH/ICH).
* Interpret results, evaluate data, and draw relevant conclusions.
* Report and present scientific/technical results internally, create external publications, and present at scientific conferences.
* Write or support the generation of international registration documents and interact with global health authorities.
* Partner with manufacturing and regulatory representatives to drive drug product commercialization activities and technical submissions to global health authorities.
* Drive the evaluation and implementation of new technologies in dissolution and analytical development, applying the latest scientific thinking to help bring new drug products to market.
* Mentor and coach emerging technical talent within the function.
* Ensure compliance with external and internal guidelines/quality standards (e.g., SOPs, GxP, HSE, and AW).
What You Need to Succeed (minimum qualifications):
* Education: PhD in Analytical Chemistry, Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, or a related field, with a minimum of 7 years of experience in pharmaceutical development (preferably analytics), ideally with experience in various dosage forms.
in related field with a minimum of 12 years of experience in th...
Type: Permanent Location: Greenfield, US-IN
Salary / Rate: 162300
Posted: 2024-11-10 07:00:45
Your Job
DEPCOM Power, a Koch Engineered Solutions company, is looking for a SCADA Technical Lead to support the design, installation, and maintenance of PV and BESS controls systems.
This position can be based in Scottsdale, AZ or remotely within the U.S.
and will require approximately 40% travel.
This role does not provide VISA sponsorship.
Our Team
DEPCOM's SCADA team is composed of individuals with a diverse background in engineering, construction, operations, and project management.
We are focused on designing and developing HMI/SCADA systems that allow our partners to leverage the full capabilities of their renewable generation site.
The SCADA team collaborates with other business units through the full lifecycle of the project to develop creative solutions, utilizing new and existing technology, that meet customer requirements.
What You Will Do
* Function as the SCADA team representative in engineering and technical design updates and discussions
* Coordinate technical reviews with SCADA suppliers, customers, and the Commissioning team ensuring that the design meets the EPC contract
* Verify software and equipment installation, support the Commissioning team, and support the site acceptance testing
* Lead the SCADA Factory Acceptance Testing and follow through identified punch list items
* Identify technical risks and communicate to the SCADA PM any impacts to the project schedule and cost
* Review EPC requirements and specifications for the SCADA portion of the EPC contract
* Communicate to and coordinate with the SCADA PM in defining SCADA budgets and schedules that reflect compliance with EPC specifications
* Develop subject matter expertise on the SCADA architecture for the substation, PV, BESS and associate connected sensors and devices (i.e.
* Co-author the sites control narrative with the SCADA supplier
* Collaborate with commissioning to troubleshoot SCADA equipment that is not performing as required
* Provide programming and troubleshooting for the substation SCADA devices (Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories relays and various voltage and current metering devices)
* Travel to the job site as required to provide support
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Basic understanding of PV and BESS control systems and their associate instrumentation
* Previous experience with the startup and commissioning of instrumentation and control of equipment
* Experience reviewing technical documents and presenting their requirements to stakeholders and peers
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience in the design and startup of PV and/or BESS control systems
* Advanced use of engineering design tools, such as Bluebeam Review and ViewPoint for Projects, to communicate design changes and as-builds
* Strong presentation skills and the ability to explain complex issues to stakeholders that do not have a technical background
For this role, w...
Type: Permanent Location: Scottsdale, US-AZ
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-10 07:00:39
Job Description
Job Description & Qualification
The School of Business at Stevens Institute of Technology invites applications for a full-time tenure-track faculty position in Innovation and/or Entrepreneurship at the Assistant or Associate Professor level to begin in September 2025.
This position is contingent upon final budget approval.
Candidates must have earned (or completed all requirements for) a Ph.D.
(or foreign equivalent) in Management or a closely related field before September 2025.
We are interested in candidates with research and teaching interests that relate to creativity and innovation, technology innovation management, and/ or entrepreneurship.
The appointment level will be commensurate with the individual's record and experience.
Members of our faculty are expected to conduct original research of high quality, teach effectively, and contribute to the academic environment.
Regarding research, candidates must have a commitment to research leading to top scholarly publications (FT50).
Regarding teaching, candidates are expected to teach courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
The School offers excellent support for faculty research and a reasonable teaching load.
Application Procedure
Candidates should express their interest in being considered by emailing Yadilsa Gomez (ygomez1@stevens.edu) with the subject “TT Management Application”.
Please include in your email a letter of application, CV, research statement, teaching statement that includes a) teaching interests, b) teaching philosophy, and c) a plan on how to create an inclusive environment for students of all backgrounds in terms of classroom teaching, student advising, and graduate student mentoring, and a job market paper.
Applications without these documents will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed.
If available, please also include teaching evaluations in your email.
In a later stage, teaching evaluations will be encouraged and three letters of recommendation will be required.
About the Organization
The School of Business is AACSB accredited and offers three PhD programs, two MBAs, eleven Master’s degrees, and eight undergraduate majors.
These offerings, many of which have been ranked among the best in the country, are across a wide range of business disciplines and share a common emphasis on leveraging innovation, technology, analytics, and leadership for business success.
For more information, visit www.stevens.edu/business.
Stevens Institute of Technology is a private institution serving over eight thousand students.
It is the home of NJFAST, a new public-private-academic partnership that will be an accelerator for startups in finance and insurance.
The School of Business will play a central role in NJFAST and provide faculty with rich research and executive education opportunities.
Stevens is located directly across the Hudson River from New York City, in Hoboken, NJ.
Hoboken is a vibrant, walkable community and...
Type: Permanent Location: Hoboken, US-NJ
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-10 06:59:03
Your Job
The Divisional Quality Manager is responsible for supporting contract manufacturing sites and quality teams through assessing quality systems, validating product performance to quality expectations, and providing guidance in support of CAPA /RCA development.
This role supports the Skincare Business and is a key role that enables Divisional Quality to be the preferred partner of the Operations and Brand teams.
This role is a remote opportunity.
The candidate can work from home or work at a site nearby if preferred.
This role requires up to 50% travel, both domestic and international.
Our Team
The Quality Team is responsible for leading and influencing quality to meet production expectations, drive quality improvements and develop quality talent through the use of project management and statistical tools.
The group's combined talents complement each other to optimize and ensure operational, brand and commercialization support that enables virtuous cycles of mutual benefit with partners, manufacturing and commercial.
What You Will Do
* Lead an effective quality system and divisional quality support by proactively monitoring product and process performance with alarms based on statistical trends before nonconforming product is produced
* Enable the performance of products to be integrated into operational discipline, resulting in reduced losses, by using process tools that identify losses, uncover root cause and lead operations to effective corrective action which prevents reoccurrence
* Lead quality in such a way that products are delivered to our customers at the right quality, right time and in the right condition to provide excellent customer experience by having measures and metrics in place that are indicators of progress at various levels of the process
* Lead quality processes that ensure the products and changes to our products are brought to market efficiently and effectively
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experience working with Statistical Process Controls, such as Six-Sigma Certification (Green Belt): examples such as %stability, Tz, Cv, CpK, PpK, measurement control and calculation of defect rates
* Experience with quality information systems for managing product specifications, formulations and packaging information
* Knowledge of FDA's cGMPs (CFR 210/211) developed through experience in Quality at an OTC or RX drug manufacturer to include change management, stability programs, complaint management, and deviations
* Able to travel 30% to 50% of the time, both domestic and international
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience in managing quality for contract manufacturers
* Experience working with cross-functional teams to identify root causes of issues, suggest possible solutions and drive change
* Experience with computer validation and CFR 21 Part 11 compliance
* Experience conducting or leading quality system audits
* Experience with quality and ...
Type: Permanent Location: Atlanta, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-10 06:56:52
Greif offers a great working environment and the opportunity to make an immediate impact at a company where your ideas are always welcome.
Job Requisition #:
029322 Ecommerce Data Analyst (Open)
Job Description:
As a Data Analyst for the Greif, you will play a crucial role in using data to help optimize the external and internal user experience by getting a better understanding behavior and characteristics of our users by measuring overall adoption and business impact.
The analytics will assist in enabling global rollouts, mergers and acquisitions, and support company initiatives.
Your analytical insights will drive strategic decision-making, improve employee and customer engagement, and help us refine our product offerings.
By leveraging these data-driven insights, you will contribute to the growth and success of our company.
•Data Collection and Management: Collaborate with cross-functional teams to gather, clean, and maintain datasets relevant to the Data and Analytics and Digital eCommerce teams – including customer characteristics data, customer behavioral data, operations transactional data, product data, CRM, and more.
•Data Quality: Develop and maintain data transformation and quality checks to ensure collected data is accurate and can be trusted.
•Data Analysis: Utilize statistical analysis and data visualization techniques to identify trends, patterns, and insights from the collected data.
Translate complex data into actionable insights that support business decisions.
•Customer Behavior Analysis: Analyze user interaction with the company`s e-commerce platform and other systems and user behavior data to uncover opportunities for improving internal user and external customer adoption rates, user engagement, and customer satisfaction.
•Reporting and Dashboarding: Develop and maintain dashboards & regular reports that provide stakeholders with key performance metrics and insights related to the performance (e.g., customer adoption & business impact).
•A/B Testing: Collaborate with the marketing and product team members to design and implement A/B tests to optimize website features, user flows, and promotional strategies.
•Closely works with the Digital eCommerce Team to advise, develop, and execute deliverables relating portal performance and user behavior analytics within project sprints
•Education: Bachelor's degree in a relevant field such as Data Science, Statistics, Business Analytics, or a related quantitative discipline.
Master's degree is a plus
•Experience: 3+ years of experience in data analysis, preferably in the ecommerce and/or industrial sector.
Required marketing tool experience in Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Manager, Hotjar, and Semrush, and other marketing tools a bonus.
•Analytical Skills: Proficient in using tools for data manipulation & analysis (e.g., Excel, SQL).
Experience with data visualization tools (e.g., Power BI, Tableau) and market...
Type: Permanent Location: Delaware, US-OH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:42:35
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
When you join the Federal Reserve—the nation's central bank—you’ll play a key role, collaborating with leading tech professionals to strengthen and protect our economic, financial and payments systems.
We dedicate more than $1 billion to technology each year to support the Federal Reserve and our economy, and we’re building a dynamic and diverse team for our future.
Bring your passion and expertise, and we’ll provide the opportunities that will challenge you and propel your growth—along with a wide range of benefits and perks that support your health, wealth, and life.
Federal Reserve Financial Services (FRFS) delivers a suite of payments services to financial institutions via FedLine® Solutions, Fedwire®, National Settlement Service (NSS), FedCash®, FedACH® (Automated Clearing House), Check Services, and the FedNow® Service.
In 2020, we undertook a strategic effort to transform FRFS from a product and support office framework to a national, enterprise-focused organization.
The enterprise structure integrated the prior retail, wholesale, cash, and customer relations product and support offices into a new organization, which was further joined by the FedNow team in early 2024.
Our North Star strategy, with the new structure, is to offer a fully integrated product suite that provides speed, resilience, and choice in meeting the payments needs of financial institutions across the United States.
Through our evolved structure, we will meet the needs of the marketplace for new products and services more quickly, seek to provide a more robust and unified customer experience across our financial service offerings, and create new career growth opportunities for FRFS staff.
We are seeking leaders to set the vision, strategy, values, and priorities that enable FRFS to achieve its mission.
Our leaders must demonstrate a strategic, action-oriented mindset focused on intellectual curiosity, agility, accountability, and the ability to drive innovation through experimentation.
To achieve our vision for a people-focused organization with a strong collaborative and innovative culture, we expect our leaders to champion an inclusive environment and demonstrate our values in how we work and interact with each other and our broader community.
FRFS Technology Operations (TechOps) advances the integrity, stability, and resiliency of the FRFS by enabling the delivery of high quality, secure technology solutions.
We are seeking a SaaS Technology Automation Engineer to join our team.
As a SaaS Technology Automation Engineer, you will provide technical support for both internal and external facing SaaS tools as well as the supporting infrastructure.
This includes ensuring our suite of applications are highly available, reliable, scalable and maintainable.
Success in this fast-paced, ever-evolving environment requires both strong technical aptitude and interpersonal skills.
District Employment:
As a Federa...
Type: Permanent Location: Kansas City, US-MO
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:38:25
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Do you enjoy working with people, identifying network issues, providing technical support and learning new solutions.
Do you get engrossed in challenges and build solutions.
To provide support to all FRFS customers, analysts for Connectivity Testing and Integration will operate within two shifts, with a preferred Tuesday to Saturday availability.
First shift begins at 8:00 am central time, and later shift begins at 11:00 am central time each with 8-hour shift assignments.
Team members will work in different shifts in rotation as needed.
Team members can expect to work up approximately 2-3 Saturdays a month based on project demands and customer requirements
This position qualifies for a hybrid working arrangement that supports remote work but requires regular on-site attendance based on specific district policies.
Your specific requirements will be based upon your district at time of application.
Application deadline: November 24, 2024.
Please note: We have more than 1 vacancy for this position.
The position may be filled at either Technical Analyst I or II based on the qualifications of the candidates and the needs of the department.
The position may be filled in either one of the Federal Reserve Banks: Minneapolis, Richmond Virgina, New York
* Maintain detailed awareness of end-to-end customer experience
* Provide network testing support and facilitation to the Federal Reserve’s customers including Banks and Credit Unions.
* Promptly identify, troubleshoot, and resolve basic to intermediate support requests including applications, software, hardware, browser configuration, network connectivity and/or other issues related to firewalls, and VPN/router installation and configuration.
* Develop expertise on the FedNow service and provide business application support.
* Fulfill FedNow Test message requests from customers.
* Provide support for Federal Reserve customer use of middleware and file transfer technologies, including IBM Connect: Direct®, IBM® MQ and MQ Client, and Axway Secure Client.
* Facilitate network and application integration validations by generating and delivering test messages and files for payment applications.
* Troubleshoot and support basic to intermediate customer inquiries using a variety of tools and resources.
* Analyze customer requests, coordinate and schedule tests
* Participate in and support simple and moderately complex Federal Reserve System-level projects, such as implementation/upgrades of end-user hardware and software.
* Actively participate in other activities and workgroups as instructed.
* Utilize available site-specific on-site lab to emulate customer environment for product troubleshooting purposes.
* Utilize available site-specific on-site lab to test new products and service offerings, including cloud-based services.
* Create and ma...
Type: Permanent Location: Minneapolis, US-MN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:38:19
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Job Description Summary
Federal Reserve Financial Services (FRFS) delivers a suite of payments services to financial institutions via FedLine® Solutions, FedNowSM, Fedwire®, National Settlement Service (NSS), FedCash®, FedACH® (Automated Clearing House), and Check Services.
We are currently leading a strategic effort to transform FRFS to a national, enterprise-focused organization.
Through our evolved structure, we will meet the needs of the marketplace for new products and services more quickly, seek to provide a more robust and unified customer experience across our financial service offerings, and create new career growth opportunities for FRFS staff.
The Federal Reserve has developed a new interbank 24x7x365 real-time gross settlement (RTGS) service with integrated clearing functionality, called the FedNow Service.
This service enables financial institutions to provide their customers with the ability to send and receive payments any time, any day, and have full access to those funds within seconds.
This position is a unique opportunity to be part of this mission-critical Federal Reserve initiative that is transforming the payments landscape in the United States.
Candidates that live near one of our Reserve Bank locations will be provided some work from home flexibility.
Rules for hybrid work arrangements differs from Bank to Bank and should be discussed during the interview process.
· Build Salesforce applications using LWC, Apex and Visualforce etc.
and leverage the full capabilities of the Salesforce platform to support the company's programs
· Create/modify existing controllers, controller extensions, triggers etc across all platforms.
· Experience with Salesforce Communities
· Develop customer-centric applications and products with a highly interactive UI using JavaScript, css , angular.
· Develop custom applications using Salesforce.com and integrating salesforce.com with other systems
· Apply best practices and design patterns for the Salesforce.com platform
· Create and execute test plans, including use cases and test data
· Gather, analyze and document functional and technical requirements for new projects, enhancements to existing solutions and production issues reported by end users
· Perform configuration and customization of the Salesforce.com platform.
· Participate in efforts to develop and execute testing, training and documentation
· Utilize best practices to perform operational support, enhancements, bug fixes as needed to the platform
· Help design and follow all standard operating procedures for events, incidents, requests, changes, problems, etc.
· Partner with System-wide Salesforce Centers of Excellence
· Provide technical assistance and troubleshooting for bug fixes, enhancements, etc.
· Act as a point of escalation for Service Desk for advanced issue resolution
· Ensure service level availability of the Force.com platform and integration...
Type: Permanent Location: Boston, US-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:37:02
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Working at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York positions you at the center of the financial world with a unique perspective on national and international markets and economies.
You will work in an environment with a diverse group of experienced professionals to foster and support the safety, soundness, and vitality of our economic and financial systems.
The Bank believes in work flexibility to balance the demands of work and life while also connecting and collaborating with our colleagues in person.
Employees can expect to be in the office a couple of days per week as needed for meetings and team collaboration and should live within a commutable distance.
What we do:
Enterprise Support (ES) Consolidates accountability for all technology support services across the Bank.
Coordinate with National IT on matters of shared infrastructure, system processes and end-user technologies across the System to ensure seamless delivery and support.
Collaborate with Enterprise Platforms and Capabilities (EPC) and Enterprise Architect (EA) to achieve standard infrastructure capabilities/products, infrastructure engineering, provision and deployment of infrastructure components.
Oversee infrastructure and operations support processes to ensure stability and continuous improvement of the production environments.
Manage full life cycle of End-User technology.
Cultivate and maintain excellent relationships with service providers and vendors.
Outcomes will include modified support model for agile delivery and cloud adoption.
On-demand infrastructure provisioning to support rapid application change and infrastructure scaling using agile and programmable infrastructure.
Improved speed and flexibility by becoming more nimble and better leveraging vendors.
Scalable, flexible workplace technologies and efficient change practices adapt to the nature of work being performed, driving greater asset use and productivity.
Your role as Cloud Support Engineer:
You will be supporting production data systems and products in an operational role including review, deploy, and maintain new products including compliance and go-live activities and report directly to IT Product Support Manager.
* Maintain, implement, and deploy mission critical production data collection series.
* Respond and resolve incidents for the L1/L2 on-prem and AWS cloud solutions.
* Facilitate development of the new cloud solutions for tasks such as data migration, production readiness, and collaboration as part of an Agile squad.
* Create and maintain pipelines to deploy data analytical solutions (e.g.
used by Squad/team to deploy to DataBricks)
* Administrate application security reviews, access, audits, and quarterly attestations and recertifications.
What we are looking for:
* Demonstrate knowledge in AWS Cloud and Internet technologies, including Linux, WebSphere, Java, and AWS S3, LAMBDA, cloud networking, and web...
Type: Permanent Location: New York, US-NY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:36:55
Your Job
Flint Hills Resources is looking for a Laboratory Technician to join our Asphalt Group in Dubuque IA.
Our Team
This is a team-based environment that collaborates with operations and technical team members and participates in various meetings with business partners.
Effectively communicating between teams, promoting collaboration, and setting a tone of partnership ensures good stewardship and compliance as we make quality products to consistently meet customer expectations.
* Pay based on skills and experience
* Bonus eligible
* 9/80 schedule for work-life balance (every other Friday off)
* Immediate Vacation Available - 3 week annual allotment
* Medical/Dental/Vision plus 401k matching and additional 401k vesting plan
What You Will Do
* Performing a variety of laboratory test methods in an efficient and accurate manner in accordance with regulatory agency standards
* Maintaining laboratory equipment health by performing calibration, maintenance, troubleshooting and repair tasks
* Participating in a defined QA/QC program to determine precision and accuracy of test measurement systems
* Maintaining laboratory data within a LIMS database
* Analyzing laboratory data for trends and recommending action accordingly
* Providing training, daily direction and oversight to seasonal laboratory technicians
* Maintaining a clean and organized laboratory space and monitoring laboratory consumable materials and supplies levels to ensure adequately stock
* Serving as a liaison between operations and technical team members
* Driving improvements by profitably applying innovation
* Periodic travel to support network of laboratories, participate in team meetings and attend development events
Physical Considerations:
* Physical ability to frequently stand and balance.
* Physical ability to occasionally sit, walk, lift, carry, push, pull, reach, bend, and twist.
* Ability to lift up to 50 pounds (with frequent carrying of up to 25 pounds)
* Is able to respond to audio alarms, or other loud noises that would indicate a safety concern
* Must be able to communicate hazardous conditions and other dangers
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* A valid driver's license
* 2+ years laboratory experience (academic or industry)
* Willing and able to meet physical requirements
What Will Put You Ahead
* Bachelor's degree in a science-related field such as Chemistry or Engineering, etc.
* Experience testing asphaltic material or similar materials
* Experience maintaining laboratory equipment health (calibration, preventative maintenance, troubleshoot, repair)
This role is not eligible for Visa Sponsorship
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an es...
Type: Permanent Location: Dubuque, US-IA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:20:18
Your Job
Guardian Glass is seeking a Quality Manager to join our team in Galax, Virginia!
In this role you will be responsible for quality assurance for products, projects, and processes within the plant.
You will lead company quality initiatives that proactively identify/ head off customer dissatisfaction, reduce defects or cycle time risks through advanced planning, and use quality management principles and continual improvement.
If you're an experienced Quality Engineer looking for your next growth opportunity, this could be the perfect role for you!
Our Team
We are a principled based company that relies heavily on teamwork and ingenuity.
We pride ourselves on being the partner of choice for our internal and external customers.
What You Will Do
* Improve customer satisfaction and reduce the cost of poor quality through increased customer responsiveness, reduced defects and claims, and reduced variability
* Interface with internal and external customers to assure quality expectations are met
* Coach others on the use of quality processes, tools, metrics, etc.
* Lead facility with root cause and corrective action process, provide timely resolutions to customer inquiries, feedback investigations, and corrective actions
* Track, monitor and report quality performance using statistical techniques
* Cooperate with the Project Manager to ensure preventative/ corrective actions are implemented
* Develop and implement advanced quality principles
* Assist department owners with supplier quality issues within the plant
* Ensure all employees are properly trained in quality procedures and SOPs
* Maintain current certification to ISO 9001:2015 Quality Standard
* Communicate effectively across business levels
* Lead a robust layered process audit (LPA) process to drive cultural change
* Ensure that all changes to process are documented, communicated, and implemented in a timely manner
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experience working in a leadership role within a manufacturing environment
* Experience using statistical tools for data analysis
* Experience in Problem Solving using Root Cause Analysis methodologies: 5-Why, Cause Mapping, etc.
* Experience with continuous improvement process
* Excel experience including spreadsheet creation/editing, pivot tables, data entry and manipulation for the purpose of analysis
What Will Put You Ahead
* Bachelor's Degree in Engineering
* Six Sigma or SPC certification
This role is not open to sponsorship
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic loc...
Type: Permanent Location: Galax, US-VA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:20:02
In Office Requirements:
* Required in-office presence at least 4 days per week.
Job Summary:
Data Engineer - In this role, the engineer will be responsible for Acquire and integrate new data sources into the larger Enterprise Data program at Allegis Group.
Implementing, and maintaining robust machine learning pipelines that support our data-driven initiatives.
Data Engineer will work closely with data scientists, software engineers, and IT operations to ensure seamless integration and deployment of machine learning models into production environments.
ML-Ops pipelines will include automating the end-to-end ML lifecycle, optimizing model performance, and ensuring compliance with data governance and security policies.
Essential Functions:
* Design and develop scalable machine learning pipelines to automate the end-to-end ML lifecycle
* Collaborate with data scientists to understand model requirements and translate them into efficient pipeline architectures.
* Implement CI/CD practices for ML models, ensuring reliable and repeatable deployment processes.
* Monitor and optimize the performance of ML models in production, addressing issues related to scalability, latency, and collaborate with data scientists on accuracy of model in production.
* Maintain and improve the infrastructure for data collection, storage, and processing, utilizing the Snowflake Cloud Data Platform.
* Ensure compliance with data governance and security policies.
* Provide support and troubleshooting for ML pipeline-related issues.Bachelor's or master's degree in computer science, Engineering, or a related field.
* 2+ years' experience in designing and implementing machine learning pipelines.
* 2+ years programming skills in languages such as Python, Java, or other applicable programming languages.
* 2+ years' experience with the Snowflake AI Data Cloud and SQL based database technologies (Oracle, mySQL, PostgreSQL).
* Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work collaboratively in a team environment.
* Experience with ML frameworks and libraries (e.g., TensorFlow, Scikit-learn, or equivalent machine and deep learning libraries.).
* Experience with experience natural language processing models, using NLP toolkits such as NLTK, OpenNLP, Stanford CoreNLP etc.
* Experience with statistical analysis with an understanding of a variety of ML algorithms.
* Knowledge of cloud platforms (e.g., GCP, Snowflake) and their ML services.
* Familiarity with Agile processes and practices.
* Familiarity or ability to quickly learn data engineering GUI tools like Matillion
* Familiarity with CI/CD tools (e.g., Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD) and containerization technologies (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes).
* Programming Languages: Python, Java, or other applicable programming languages
* ML Frameworks: TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-lea...
Type: Permanent Location: Hanover, US-MD
Salary / Rate: 73900
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:18:21
“PBS is the fastest growing “All Inclusive Business Platform” vendor in North America and we’ve only just begun!”
The Opportunity:
We are changing the way people buy and service cars one dealership at a time.
In business for over 30 years, PBS is the third largest DMS (Dealership Management System) provider to the North American retail automotive industry.
Each month we welcome hundreds of new users to our software platform, and we need your help.
We are unique in the industry because we view our customers as business partners, technology innovators, and friends.
Our software can run all aspects of an automotive dealership with sales, service, inventory management, and accounting modules.
And that's where you come into the picture.
While specific roles are posted, PBS is always open to pivoting with quality people and adding to the team based on your skills and the needs of our customers.
After you join the team, we will continue the process of moving you into new roles based on your talents, growth, and interests.
The Role:
The Project Manager is responsible for overseeing the software conversion of new PBS customers, helping them transition from their current DMS provider to PBS.
This position is based out of our Arlington office.
50% of your time will be spent in the office and 50% of your time will be spent traveling to customer sites throughout North America as part of the pre-installation and installation team.
This is not a remote work opportunity.
Job Responsibilities:
Project Coordination:
* Lead and manage software conversion projects, including planning, organizing, and implementing project activities
* Collaborate with customers and other stakeholders to define project goals, scope, timeline, and resources
Training Management:
* Coordinate and oversee training programs for customers on the use of PBS’s software
* Ensure that training materials are up-to-date, effective, and aligned with the project objectives
* Provide ongoing support and assistance to address any training-related issues
Data Conversion:
* Develop and implement data conversion plans to transfer data from the customer’s existing software to PBS’s software
* Ensure data integrity, accuracy, and security throughout the conversion process
* Troubleshoot and resolve any data-related issues
Integration Management:
* Establish and maintain integration with other third-party companies, such as CRM systems, DMS providers, and other software vendors
* Coordinate with internal and external stakeholders to ensure seamless integration and functionality of PBS’s software with other systems
Other Duties:
* Maintain regular communication with customers, internal teams, and other stakeholders to provide updates on project status, risks, and issues
* Prepare and present project progress reports, metrics, and other documentation
* Ability to organi...
Type: Permanent Location: Arlington, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:16:43
Position: IT Help Desk Engineer
Department: MIT Help Desk
Reports To: IT Service Delivery Manager
Salary grade: DOE
FLSA Status: Full Time / Exempt
Location: DFW
The IT Help Desk Engineer will assist in the day-to-day tasks and operations of the Managed IT Services Department.
This individual will be involved with basic service ticket response, remote support, and project work for clients.
* Service calls for current customer base – server, workstation, switch, router, end-user and other basic troubleshooting, while effectively communicating issues and alternative solutions.
Takes initiative to achieve valued-added results and improve upon solutions offered.
* Assist with Project Work for New or Current Customers – install, modify, and repair computer hardware and software, router/switch networking, installing agents and antivirus, patch and update management.
* Customer Service – the ability to interface with end-users, listen to concerns/problems and see them through to resolution, while developing / fostering collaborative working relationships with the customer.
* Time Management – identify / implement solutions to broad, complex, and critical customer enhancement challenges in a fast paced environment; while using a high degree of insight, research, analytical skills, to develop new or enhanced methods and techniques to resolve problem through multiple project deployment daily.
Experience & Required Skills
* Provide a timely, polite, efficient service and a positive Company image.
* Able to prioritize in order to meet goals and deadlines
* Highly experienced working both alone and as a team member
* Experience implementing and supporting wide ranging technologies
Education & Certification
* Minimum: Associates or Technical Degree or equivalent experience (5+ years or more) Preferred
* CompTIA A+, Network+, Security+ required to varying degrees
* CCNA (Cisco) Routing and Switching (recommended)
Physical Requirements
* Lifting and / or exerting of force up to 50 pounds occasionally and 10 pounds of
lifting /force frequently
Special Requirements
* Applicants for this position must pass a Criminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS) fingerprint-based background check and maintain CJIS eligibility
Note: This job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities, duties or responsibilities that are required of the employee for this job.
Duties, responsibilities and activities may change at any time with or without notice to meet the needs of the organization.
* 5 year(s): IT Help Desk experience
Licenses & Certifications
* Security+
* Network+
* CompTIA A+
* Cisco CCNA
* Team Player: Works well as a member of a group
* Detail Oriented: Capabl...
Type: Permanent Location: Arlington, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:16:19
Voyant Beauty believes our people are more than just employees; they’re the driving force behind everything we achieve.
Our culture fosters teamwork, respect, and camaraderie, ensuring that every individual’s contribution is valued and celebrated.
We invest in their growth, providing opportunities for development and advancement within our dynamic team.
Voyant Beauty is a company that specializes in the development and manufacturing, of beauty, personal and home care products.
We work with various brands, retailers, and businesses to create customer formulations and products tailored to their needs.
This can include skincare, haircare, bath and body products, fragrances, and more.
Essentially, Voyant Beauty serves as a one-stop-shop for companies looking to bring their beauty and personal care product ideas to life.
Safety is a core value at Voyant Beauty.
We prioritize the well-being of our team members, ensuring a safe and secure environment where everyone can thrive and excel.
If you’re seeking to be part of a team where your talents are valued, your safety is paramount, and your efforts contribute to meaningful change, then Voyant Beauty is the place for you.
Come join us and be a part of our journey.
A Brief Overview
We are seeking a skilled and detail-oriented Epicor Business Analyst to join our Information Technology team.
The ideal candidate will have extensive experience with Epicor ERP systems and a strong understanding of manufacturing processes.
This role involves analyzing business needs, designing solutions, and implementing Epicor ERP modules to optimize our manufacturing operations.
What you will do
* ERP System Management: Participate in the implementation, configuration, and maintenance of Epicor to support manufacturing operations.
* Business Process Analysis: Collaborate with stakeholders to understand business requirements and translate them into effective ERP solutions.
* Training and Support: Provide training and support to end-users, ensuring they are proficient in using the Epicor system.
* System Optimization: Identify opportunities for process improvements and system enhancements to increase efficiency and productivity.
* Documentation: Maintain comprehensive documentation of system configurations, processes, and procedures
* Data Analysis: Conduct data analysis to support decision-making and provide actionable insights to management.
* Project Management: Lead and manage ERP-related projects, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to budget and quality standards.
* Compliance: Ensure that all ERP processes comply with industry standards and regulatory requirements.
* Duties may vary slightly by location.
Education Qualifications
* Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology, Business Administration, or a related field.
Experience Qualifications
* 4-6 years Business Analyst, preferably with Epicor ERP in a manufacturing environment.
Type: Permanent Location: Hodgkins, US-IL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:16:01
Lynden International Logistics ULC is looking for an energetic and motivated individual to join our Quality Control Team! Our business continues to grow, and we are seeking an Quality Assurance Coordinator/AQPIC.
We encourage our employees to grow and develop within the company and believe our diverse workforce contributes tremendously to our success.
Lynden offers many benefits for full-time employees including: Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance; an Employee Assistance Program; and Retirement Plans.
WORKING SCHEDULE: Monday to Friday, 8am to 430pm
To provide support to the controlled substance QPIC/AQPIC as required.
* Offload inbound receipts and fill out necessary receiving paperwork with QPIC assistance where required.
* Unpack and re-palletize inbound shipments as required
* Receiving incoming product in an accurate and timely manner; either directly into the WMS system or through the RF gun following standard receiving processes after receiving Lead QPIC authorization.
* Providing information to the Lead QPIC regarding any unique situations e.g.
damaged stock.
* Following Client receiving procedures.
* Select products using Radio Frequency Units (RF’s) form the proper locations based on written criteria and procedures or from a Pick/Pack list if working in a non RF environment
* Identify the released status of products and notify Lead QPIC if a problem is found
* Handle products according to client procedures and cGMP’s.
* Carry out unique order selection requirements based on Lead QPIC’s instructions
* Load trailers with pallet orders and palletized courier orders after receiving QPIC authorization.
* Unload trailers of incoming product
* Inspect both incoming and outbound trailers according to standard operating procedures e.g.
* Palletize, wrap and label pallet orders with necessary labels ensuring shipping accuracy and product safety during shipping.
* Securely pack loose products into corrugated boxes and label appropriately.
* Generate shipping labels and ASN labels for orders ensuring COS requirements are met.
* Assisting the Dispatch Clerk in ensuring that carriers are provided with the proper shipping manifests and/or shipping documentation
* Ensure that outbound and incoming CPC and/or CHEP pallets are documented accordingly
* Receiving, sorting and counting quantities of returned products and writing these on the appropriate return form
* Segregating returns based on Client procedures and requirements
* Ensuring returns are stored in the proper areas and under proper conditions.
temperature control
* Providing information to the Lead QPIC regarding any unique returns.
lot recall returns
Other duties
* Assist QPIC/AQPIC with filing of any C...
Type: Permanent Location: Calgary, CA-AB
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:15:37
Position: Data Center Engineer II
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Salary Range: $76,000 - $86,000 per year
Clearance: Clearable to Q
KeyLogic is seeking a skilled and motivated Data Center Engineer II to join our team on a major National Department of Energy Laboratory in Albuquerque.
The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of data center operations and maintenance, ensuring optimal performance and reliability of our infrastructure.
This role involves monitoring systems, troubleshooting issues, and implementing best practices to maintain a secure and efficient data center environment.
On occasion will require to work flexible hours and support on-call duties and shift work.
* Day-to-Day Operations: Oversee daily operations of the data center, including monitoring system performance, capacity management, and ensuring uptime of critical infrastructure.
* Maintenance and Support: Perform routine maintenance on servers, storage, and networking equipment.
Conduct regular inspections and preventive maintenance to ensure optimal performance.
* Troubleshooting: Identify and resolve hardware and software issues in a timely manner.
Collaborate with other teams to address complex problems and implement effective solutions.
* Documentation: Maintain accurate documentation of data center configurations, procedures, and incidents.
Update knowledge base articles and operational manuals as needed.
* Monitoring and Reporting: Utilize monitoring tools to track system performance and generate reports on key metrics.
Analyze data to identify trends and recommend improvements.
* Security Compliance: Ensure compliance with security policies and procedures.
Assist in implementing security measures to protect data center assets.
* Collaboration: Work closely with cross-functional teams, including network engineers, system administrators, and IT support staff, to ensure seamless operations and project execution.
* Project Involvement: Participate in data center projects, including hardware upgrades, migrations, and capacity planning.
Provide technical expertise and support during project implementation.
* Must be a U.S.
* Must be able to obtain and maintain a security clearance
* Must have a BS/BA and at least 2 years of relevant experience.
In lieu of degree must have 8 years of job-related experience.
* Must have a valid driver’s license
Required Skills:
* Strong knowledge of server hardware, storage systems, and networking equipment.
* Familiarity with data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tools and monitoring solutions.
* Experience with virtualization technologies (e.g., VMware, Hyper-V) and cloud services (e.g., AWS, Azure) is a plus.
* Excellent troubleshooting skills and the ability to work under pressure.
* Strong communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to work effectively in a te...
Type: Permanent Location: Albuquerque, US-NM
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:14:05