L'Expert en Processus Métier (BPE) gère la relation avec toutes les unités commerciales (BUs) concernées en France pour les fonctions financières en tant que représentant de Schneider Digital.
Le BPE assure la gestion opérationnelle des TI à travers la France en gérant l'écosystème des fournisseurs externes et des équipes internes.
Vos principales responsabilités en tant que BPE pour les applications assignées dans votre périmètre (SAP et autres) :
* Conduire un processus de support efficace et efficient en étroite collaboration avec nos fournisseurs au bénéfice de nos parties prenantes commerciales.
* Gérer les demandes IT conformément à la stratégie globale IT de Schneider Digital.
* Participer à des projets globaux à travers la région Europe.
Assurer l'implication locale ainsi que l'adoption locale de la solution.
* Fournir des spécifications fonctionnelles pour des demandes de changement mineures.
Être le pont entre le métier et nos partenaires/fournisseurs.
* Établir de bonnes relations avec les parties prenantes et les utilisateurs clés dans votre périmètre.
Vos missions :
* Assurer la stabilité opérationnelle ainsi que l'efficacité opérationnelle à travers le modèle de support.
* Conduire un processus de support efficace.
* Être responsable de la gestion des incidents critiques.
* Gérer le cycle de vie opérationnel et fonctionnel des sujets IT dans une perspective de processus métiers de bout en bout.
* Suivre et gérer la réalisation de projets locaux ou d'améliorations.
Clarifier les besoins exprimés par les utilisateurs, faire une première validation de la demande (chercher des alternatives sur des solutions standards, vérifier la compatibilité avec le processus et la solution de base).
* Transformer la demande de l'utilisateur en une demande compréhensible par le partenaire de solution (c'est-à-dire une spécification fonctionnelle).
* Suivre la qualité et les tests de la solution finale tant avec le fournisseur/solution qu'avec le partenaire commercial.
Projets Locaux et Globaux
* Livrer des projets locaux et globaux dans le cadre de DevOps (Finance et Contrôle).
* Prioriser les projets et les activités pour s'adapter aux priorités de Schneider Digital, en tenant compte des retours des différentes zones.
* Gérer et challenger les demandes de projet des affaires, s'assurer qu'elles avancent soit par l'utilisation de fournisseurs soit par d'autres équipes de Schneider Digital.
* Travailler en étroite collaboration avec les propriétaires de capacités globales.
* Suivre et comprendre les nouvelles évolutions dans le périmètre pour promouvoir la réutilisation des fonctionnalités disponibles, communiquer sur les informations de changement.
Gestion des Fournisseurs
* Être le point de contact pour le fournisseur (équipe DTC) dans les activités FICO.
Type: Permanent Location: GRENOBLE, FR-38
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:20
The Business Process Expert (BPE) manages relationship with all related Business Units (BUs) in France for Finance Functions as the representative from Schneider Digital.
The BPE ensures operational management for IT across France by managing the ecosystem of external vendors and internal teams.
Your key responsibilities as a BPE for the assigned applications in your perimeter (SAP and others) :
* Drive an effective and efficient support process in close collaboration with our vendors to the benefit of our business stakeholders
* Manage the IT demands in accordance with the overall IT Schneider Digital Strategy
* Participate in global projects across Region Europe.
Ensure local involvement as well as local adoption of the solution
* Provide functional specification of smaller change request.
Be the bridge between Business and our partners/vendors.
* Establish good relation with Stakeholders and Key Users within own perimeter
Your missions :
* Operations
+ Ensure operational stability as well as operational efficiency across the support model
+ Drive an effective support process
+ Accountable for critical incidents management
+ Manage operational and functional lifecycle of IT subject in a perspective of end to end business processes
* Enhancements
+ Follow and manage local project or enhancement realization.
Clarifies needs expressed by users, do a first validation of request (looks for alternative on standard solution, verify compatibility with core process and solution).
+ Transforms the user request into a demand understandable by solution partner (i.e.
functional specification)
+ Follow up on quality and test of final solution both with vendor/solution and business partner
* Local and Global Projects
+ Deliver local and global projects within the DevOps scope (Finance and Controlling)
+ Prioritisation of projects and activities to fit Schneider Digital priorities, taking input from the various Zones
+ Manage and challenge project demands from business, ensure they are driven forward either by use of suppliers or other Schneider Digital teams
+ Work closely with global capabilities owners
+ Follows up and understand new evolutions within perimeter to be promote re-use of functionality available, communicate on change information's
* Supplier management
+ Be the contact person for supplier (DTC team) within FICO activities
* Stakeholder management
+ Be an integral part of the business, establishes sound relationship to functional key users and other key stakeholders (e.g.
senior management, site mgt.)
+ Ensures that business needs are correctly taken into account by others teams/vendors, follow up realization, provide regular report on demand
+ Setup regular Service Follow up meeting with Business
+ Provide informati...
Type: Permanent Location: GRENOBLE, FR-38
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:20
Czy marzysz o pracy w firmie, której działalności przyświeca szczytny cel? W firmie, która ceni różnorodność i motywuje swoich pracowników do innowacji i dawania z siebie tego, co najlepsze?
Obecnie poszukujemy Młodszego Kierownika Projektu!
Lokalizacja i ogólne warunki:
* Umowa o pracę (pełny etat)
* Manager: Bartosz Soswa
* Codzienne zarządzanie operacyjnymi aspektami realizacji projektów
* Budowa i prowadzenie zespołu projektowego w celu realizacji złożeń projektowych i wymagań kontraktowych
* Analiza ryzyka związanego z projektami i bieżące podejmowanie działań mających na celu ich minimalizację
* Raportowanie postępu zarządzanych przez siebie projektów
* Przestrzeganie procedur Schneider Electric Polska związanych z realizacją projektów
* Zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw związanym z realizowanymi projektami
* Egzekwowanie zapisów kontraktowych (protokoły itp.) ze strony klientów
* Nadzorowanie strony ekonomicznej projektów - koszty, marża, fakturacja, spływ należności
* Analiza, śledzenie i skuteczne zarządzanie krytycznymi działaniami (kamieniami milowymi), w celu zapewnienia płynnej i terminowej realizacji, zg.
z harmonogramem
* Udział w naradach/koordynacjach itp.
u klienta oraz zebraniach zespołu projektowego
* w Schneider Electric Polska
* Koordynacja prac obiektowych i zarzadzanie podwykonawcami w realizowanym zadaniu
* Rozszerzanie zakresu projektów w trakcie ich realizacji i szukanie możliwości sprzedażowych
* Budowanie i utrzymywanie silnych relacji z klientem wewnętrznym i zewnętrznym
* Współpraca z Serwisem Schneider Electric Polska w celu identyfikacji bazy zainstalowanej oraz oferowania usług w całym cyklu życia projektów
Twój Profil:
* Wykształcenie wyższe techniczne w branży: klimatyzacja i chłodnictwo, elektrotechnika, energetyka, mechanika, automatyka lub pokrewnej
* Umiejętność zarządzania projektami (mile widziane certyfikaty)
* Co najmniej 2 lata doświadczenia w realizacji projektów w branży klimatyzacja, chłodnictwo, mechanicznej lub elektro-energetycznej na podobnym stanowisku
* Doświadczenie na stanowisku Kierownika Projektu w sektorze DATA CENTRE będzie dodatkowym atutem
* Rozumienie potrzeb klienta i umiejętność podejmowania dyskusji na temat proponowanych rozwiązań
* Biegła znajomość języka angielskiego, niemiecki mile widziany
* Znajomość środowiska Windows i pakietu Office; mile widziana znajomość SAP
* Rozumienie zagadnień ekonomicznych projektów
* Wysokie zdolności organizacyjne, wielozadaniowość i ukierunkowanie na cele
* Znakomite zdolności komunikacyjne
* Umiejętność pracy pod presją, samodyscyplina, elastyczność i mobilność
* Czynne prawo jazdy kat.
Nasza oferta:• EKSCYTUJĄCĄ PRACĘ w międzynarodowej firmie, która jest liderem w cyfrow...
Type: Permanent Location: Pozna, PL-WP
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:20
Working at Schneider Electric:
IMPACT starts with us: We offer our customers around the world digital energy and automation solutions so that energy and resources can be optimally utilized.
This is real teamwork and only possible thanks to the commitment of all our great employees.
At Schneider Electric, we work together every day to build a more sustainable future - maybe soon with you? Apply today and become an IMPACT Maker at Schneider Electric!
Anexciting opportunity has arisen for an Application Engineer (f/m/d)withintheIndustrial Automation Business.
With good technical knowledge and understanding of a specific applicaton domain you understand needs & technical requirements, system/solution architectures, best practices und standards.
Your mission will also be to support new business opportunities in specific segments by collaborating with the sales organization and Application Design Engineers.
Join our team and significantly be involved in the success of SchneiderElectric!
* In this position you will confirm machine architectures and solutions for specific applications & segments.
* You validate the proof of concept in new solutions for specific applications with the support of hardware and software engineers.
* As an expert in your field, you will support the technical and commercial organization of the countries to deploy new offers.
* You will visit customers to promote our offer and understand the challenges of the market.
* Beside the programming and configuration of automation components you will also test the applications.
Would you like to learn more about the Location Marktheidenfeld? Then take a lookhere!
Our offer
* You will be part of agrowing companywith a positive industry reputation, who is arecognized leaderin a market where energy services are in demand.
* You will be joining an entrepreneurial company with a positivecorporate cultureand strong team culture.
* We offer acompetitive salary and bonus opportunities with excellent benefits.
* You may develop different interests in the future? With Schneider Electric, you have all thedevelopment opportunitiesan international group can provide.
Your Profile:
* You have a Bachelor/Master's degree in a relevant field (e.g.
electromechanical engineering).
* 1 - 3 years of relevant work experience with Machine / Motion / Applications / Drive & PLC technology is required.
* Solid knowledge in specific industrial automation applications and segments is an advantage.
* As an expert, you are able to interact in a multicultural environment and to present the UVPs at the customer side within the area of responsibility.
* You enjoy working in aninternational team and value ideas and opinions of other team members.
* You arefluent in Englishwith excellent verbal and written skills.
Good German language skills are advantageous.
Curiosity, Inclusion, Teamwork:
Nobody is flawless and not all ...
Type: Permanent Location: Marktheidenfeld, DE-BY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:18
Arbeitsort Linz-Leonding / Region Wien mit österreichweiten Einsätze
IMPACT starts with us: Du lebst den Beruf des Anlagenmonteurs w/m/d vollkommen und hast Spaß am Umgang mit Kunden? Dazu reist Du gerne innerhalb von Österreich? Dann haben wir die perfekte Stelle für Dich! Derzeit sind wir auf der Suche nach Unterstützung im Bereich der Mittelspannung.
Als Monteur:in (w/m/d) bist Du dafür zuständig, dass die Mittelspannungsschaltanlagen unserer Kunden fachgerecht aufgebaut und sicher in Betrieb genommen werden.
Klingt spannend? Dann möchten wir Dich gerne kennenlernen!
* Primär- und sekundärseitige Errichtung und auch Adaptierung von Mittelspannungsschaltanlagen inkl.
Nebenanlagen beim Kunden vor Ort.
* Selbständige Überprüfung der Anlagen sowie Inbetriebnahme beim Kunden vor Ort
* Verantwortung der Montagestelle und Baustellenleitung
* Sicherstellung sowie Überwachung der Sicherheit: ordnungsgemäßen Ablauf der Montagearbeiten, korrekte Anwendung und Einhaltung der 5-Sicherheitsregeln, sowie der Unfallverhütungs- und ÖVE-Vorschriften
Unser Angebot:
* Dich erwarten ein abwechslungsreicher Arbeitsplatz und ein großartiges Team.
* Dank eines eigenen Einsatzfahrzeuges und vorausschauender Einsatzplanung arbeitest Du unter besten Bedingungen (und dies in der Regel nur von Montag bis Donnerstag!).
* Du erhältst ein attraktives Gehalt und Sozialleistungen eines internationalen Konzerns (z.B.
betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Mitarbeiterangebote & Aktienpakete).
* Als Teil eines internationalen Konzerns profitierst Du von attraktiven Entwicklungsperspektiven.
* Unsere Technologien sind modern und vielfältig - tauche in eine Welt voller Möglichkeiten ein.
* Arbeiten in einer Green Company- wir setzen uns für Nachhaltigkeit und Energieeffizienz ein.
Dein Profil:
* Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung im Bereich Elektrotechnik
* Erfahrung in der Montage und Inbetriebnahme von Anlagen der Mittel- oder Hochspannung
* Idealerweise erste Erfahrung in der Sekundärtechnik (Verdrahtung)
* 100% Reisebereitschaft (überwiegend innerhalb von Österreich) sowie einen PKW-Führerschein der Klasse B
* Fliessende Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift, Englisch ist von Vorteil
Meaningful, Inclusive, Empowered:
Kein Mensch ist makellos und nicht alle Karrierewege verlaufen gleich.
Wichtig ist, dass wir den Willen haben zu lernen und uns weiterzuentwickeln.
Denn wir wissen, dass Karriere auch bedeutet, seine Stärken erst mal finden zu müssen.
Bewirb Dich jetzt, selbst wenn Du (noch) nicht alle Voraussetzungen erfüllst.
Wir freuen uns darauf, Dich kennen zu lernen!
Dein nächster Schritt - bewerben natürlich!
Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung über unsere Online-Jobbörse.
Bitte lade Deinen Lebenslauf unter Angabe der Job-ID 83546 hoch.
Ansprechpartnerin für diese Position ist Larissa Niederberger.
Für diese Position liegt der Gehaltsrahmen über dem Kol...
Type: Permanent Location: Leonding, AT-4
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:17
Was? Werkstudentin / Werkstudent im Bereich Offer Management für 20h/Woche.
Wo? Berlin
Wann? Ab Oktober 2025 für 18 Monate
Zum Wintersemester 2025 geht unser Stipendienprogramm in die nächste Runde.
Mit einem Stipendium von Schneider Electric studierst du im internationalen Studiengang Energy Management (MBA).
Parallel zum Studium arbeitest du als Werkstudent:in im Offer Management Team und unterstützt uns bei der Planung und Umsetzung von Strategien von der Konzeptionsphase bis zum Abschluss.
Dein Profil:
* Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium in Gebäudeautomation, Elektrotechnik oder Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Fachrichtung E-Technik
* Mindestens einjährige Berufserfahrung, idealerweise im Bereich Gebäudeautomation oder Projektsteuerung
* Technische Affinität, gepaart mit großem Interesse für das Thema Software und Bauwerksdatenmodellierung (BIM / Daten / Schnittstellen)
* Fließend Deutsch (für die Kundenkommunikation) und Englisch (für das englische Studium)
* Selbstständige und organisierte Arbeitsweise, aufgeschlossene & proaktive Persönlichkeit
Deine Aufgaben:
* Intensive Einarbeitung in unsere Building Information Modeling (BIM) Software für den Bereich Energietechnik
* Steuerung von Projekten im Bereich Energietechnik für die Gebäudeautomation, in enger Abstimmung mit dem Vertrieb und Marketing
* Mitgestaltung und Umsetzung von Strategien von A (Planungsbeginn) bis Z (Planungsende)
Darum solltest Du Dich bei uns bewerben:
* Stipendium: Ein Vollstipendium für 3 Semester, das die Kosten des Studiums vollständig abdeckt
* Finanzielle Sicherheit: Einen Werkstudentenjob, in dem du 20h/Woche praktische Erfahrung sammelst
* Mentoring: Lass dich von erfahrenen Kolleg:innen unterstützen und begleiten
* Dein Leben, Dein Job: Wir arbeiten gerne flexibel und auch remote von zuhause aus
* Stark in die Karriere starten: Bei uns erwartet dich exklusive Trainings und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten mit hervorragenden Chancen auf spätere Übernahme in Festanstellung.
Dein nächster Schritt? Online bewerben!
Schritt 1: Informiere dich über unser Stipendienprogramm und die grundlegenden Zulassungsvoraussetzungen hier.
Schritt 2: Du bewirbst dich direkt über das Bewerbungsportal der TU Berlin für einen Studienplatz.
Zusätzlich zu deiner regulären Bewerbung reichst du ein Motivationsschreiben und einen Lebenslauf ein, adressiert an Schneider Electric.
Hier findest du Informationen zum MBA Energy Management.
Bewerbungsschluss ist der 31.
März 2025.
Schritt 3: Nach Zulassungsprüfung durch die TU Berlin startet unser mehrstufiger Auswahlprozess für die Stipendienvergabe.
Erfolgreichen Bewerbenden bieten ein Stipendium in Verbindung mit einem Werkstudentenjob im Angebotmanagement.
Du hast noch offene Fragen? Dann schreib gerne Deiner Ansprechpartnerin Isabel Blumrich auf LinkedIn!
#LI-IB01 #studisDACH #scholarship
Möchtest auch Du mit Deiner Karriere ...
Type: Permanent Location: Berlin, DE-BE
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:16
Was? Werkstudentin / Werkstudent im Bereich Offer Management Software für 20h/Woche.
Wo? Berlin
Wann? Ab Oktober 2025 für 18 Monate
Zum Wintersemester 2025 geht unser Stipendienprogramm in die nächste Runde.
Mit einem Stipendium von Schneider Electric studierst du im internationalen Studiengang "Building Sustainability - Management Methods for Energy Efficiency (MBA).
Parallel zum Studium arbeitest du als Werkstudent:in im Offer Management Team und unterstützt uns bei der Planung und Umsetzung von Strategien von der Konzeptionsphase bis zum Abschluss.
Dein Profil:
* Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium in Gebäudeautomation, Elektrotechnik oder Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Fachrichtung E-Technik
* Mindestens einjährige Berufserfahrung, idealerweise im Bereich Gebäudeautomation oder Projektsteuerung
* Technische Affinität, gepaart mit großem Interesse für das Thema Software (BIM / Daten / Schnittstellen) & Consulting
* Fließend Deutsch (für die Kundenkommunikation) und Englisch (für das englische Studium)
* Selbstständige und organisierte Arbeitsweise, aufgeschlossene & proaktive Persönlichkeit
Deine Aufgaben:
* Intensive Einarbeitung in unsere Produkte, Software und Schnittstellen
* Eigenständige Steuerung von Projekten im Bereich Software für Gebäudeplaner, in enger Abstimmung mit dem Offer Management
* Koordination von Vertriebsaktivitäten und Channel-Management sowie Vorbereitung von Messen
* Erstellung von Marketingmaterialien in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Offer Management
* Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung von Softwarekomponenten oder Strategien für spezifische Kundenpersonas
Darum solltest Du Dich bei uns bewerben:
* Stipendium: Ein Vollstipendium für 3 Semester, das die Kosten des Studiums vollständig abdeckt
* Finanzielle Sicherheit: Einen Werkstudentenjob, in dem du 20/Woche praktische Erfahrung sammelst
* Mentoring: Lass dich von erfahrenen Kolleg:innen unterstützen und begleiten
* Dein Leben, Dein Job: Wir arbeiten gerne flexibel und auch remote von zuhause aus
* Stark in die Karriere starten: Bei uns erwartet dich exklusive Trainings und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten mit hervorragenden Chancen auf spätere Übernahme in Festanstellung.
Dein nächster Schritt? Online bewerben!
Schritt 1: Informiere dich über unser Stipendienprogramm und die grundlegenden Zulassungsvoraussetzungen hier.
Schritt 2: Du bewirbst dich direkt über das Bewerbungsportal der TU Berlin für einen Studienplatz.
Zusätzlich zu deiner regulären Bewerbung reichst du ein Motivationsschreiben und einen Lebenslauf ein, adressiert an Schneider Electric.
Hier findest du Informationen zum MBA Building Sustainability.
Bewerbungsschluss ist der 31.
März 2025.
Schritt 3: Nach Zulassungsprüfung durch die TU Berlin startet unser mehrstufiger Auswahlprozess für die Stipendienvergabe.
Erfolgreichen Bewerbenden bieten ein Stipendium in Verbindung mit einem Werkst...
Type: Permanent Location: Berlin, DE-BE
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:16
In Schneider Electric everything we do promotes progress and sustainability for all - our colleagues, customers, partners, and the communities and societies where we live and work.
From the products, software, and services driving the digital transformation of energy management and automation to corporate citizenship and volunteer activities, we make an impact by helping people and organizations become more resilient and efficient, more electric and digital.
Which is where you come in.
Working at Schneider Electric means working toward a cleaner, better world.
You're part of a global team built on inclusion, mastery, purpose, action, curiosity, and teamwork, turning sustainability ambitions into actions.
The Role:
We are a looking for a Field Service Engineer to be base in Johor to make an impact!
What will you do?
* Support serviceable Schneider equipment including but not limited to: electrical switchgear, protection relays, PLCs, HMIs, Gateway, Servers, Communication, Networking in ENMCS & IMCS environment.
* Properly document, label, and return all defective parts utilized in the repair of equipment to the designated disposal/repair location.
* Develop innovative solutions to more complex technical problems that arise during start-up.
* Research, evaluate, and recommend new products or equipment upgrades that will meet customer needs.
* Assist Schneider Electric Service Partners in site visits, evaluating technical and professional performance.
* When at customer site, look for other business opportunities outside current scope of work and lead them to the sales team
* As Technical support level 2, solve technical issues arise by other field service rep
* Escalate to other technical support level within the company when needed
* Can investigate remotely the origin of the breakdown and submit fixes (in a service bureau for example)
* Support Consulting Expert, Project Engineer and IOT Integration Digital Execution in all business and operational issues to ensure perfect Business Delivery and Performance.
What qualifications will make you successful?
* Degree in Electrical & Communication Engineering with at least 5 years in services onsite environment.
* Possess experience to troubleshoot protection relays, switchgears and power system products like low and medium voltage, transformers 33kV
* Possess project implementation, testing & commissioning experience is a must
* ENMCS & IMCS system knowledge is an added advantage
* Knowledge in PLC,HMI & SCADA knowledge is an added advantage.
* Strong communication & writing skills
* Able to work 90% time onsite.
* Open to be base in Johor.
What's in it for me?
* Global Family Leave
* Comprehensive medical coverage for employee and dependents
* Worldwide Employee Stock Ownership
* ...and more!
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
You must submit an online application to be considered...
Type: Permanent Location: Johor Bahru, MY-01
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:15
What will you do?
* Enhances, maintains & evolves our physical Lab, and grows our people, process & technology capability as applied to testing across the Cyber Solutions offer lifecycle.
Acts as important audit to ensure offer quality and fit for purpose as a fundamental customer satisfaction principle.
* Expands the physical lab infrastructure to support a variety of real-life Cyber Solutions technical activities that can include commercial demo capability, innovation sandbox, investigation, design, verification, validation, and support test cases.
* Acts as resource owner to staff and supports the development project roadmap in collaboration with the Project Manager, Development Manager etc.
* Develops test strategies that rely on an efficient mix of real and simulated devices representative of real-world OT architectures.
* Establishes robust integration, verification, validation processes and requisite documentation.
Forecasts & tracks budget.
* Effectively leads team and fosters a continuous learning environment and continuous improvement process for skill enrichment.
* Mentors/Coaches team on Cyber Solutions offer portfolio and tools ideation / innovation.
What qualifications will make you successful for this role?
* 15+ years' experience developing or applying Industrial / Critical Infrastructure controls systems.
* Bachelor's / master's degree in a computer science or engineering field
* Prior experience as a test manager
* Hands on experience with Industrial Software, Applications, Workstations, virtualization tools
* Strong experience with industrial communications and networking components
* Working knowledge of OT Cybersecurity principles and best practices, familiarity with Industrial Cyber standards [e.g.
IEC 62443]
* Familiarity with or participation in new offer development processes - PMP, Waterfall, Agile
* Demonstrates robust and disciplined approach.
* Excellent attention to detail and strong communication skills, both written and oral
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you are thinking about joining a new team, culture matters.
At Schneider Electric, our values and behaviors are the foundation for creating a great culture to support business success.
We believe that our IMPACT values - Inclusion, Mastery, Purpose, Action, Curiosity, Teamwork - starts with us.
IMPACT is also your invitation to join Schneider Electric where you can contribute to turning sustainability ambition into actions, no matter what role you play.
It is a call to connect your career with the ambition of achieving a more resilient, efficient, and sustainable world.
We are looking for IMPACT Makers; exceptional people who turn sustainability ambitions into actions at the intersecti...
Type: Permanent Location: Montréal, CA-QC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:14
Was? Werkstudentin / Werkstudent im Bereich Projektmanagement für 20h/Woche.
Wo? Berlin
Wann? Ab Oktober 2025 für 18 Monate
Zum Wintersemester 2025 geht unser Stipendienprogramm in die nächste Runde.
Mit einem Stipendium von Schneider Electric studierst du im internationalen MBA-Studiengang Energy Management.
Parallel zum Studium arbeitest du als Werkstudent:in in unserer Projektabwicklung.
Unsere Project Execution Center sind für Kunden - vorwiegend aus dem Bereich Datencenter - der Single Point of Contact bei allen Fragen rund um die Projekte.
Datacenter versuchen wir mit unseren Technologien umweltfreundlicher zu gestalten und deren Betriebskosten zu senken, beispielsweise mit Softwarelösungen oder modernen Kühlsystemen.
Dein Profil:
* Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium in Elektrotechnik, Energietechnik oder Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen oder vergleichbar
* Mindestens einjährige Berufserfahrung, idealerweise in einer technischen Position oder im Projektmanagement
* Sehr gute bis fließende Deutschkenntnisse (für die Kundenkommunikation) und fließendes Englisch (für das englische Studium)
* Starkes technisches Interesse, gutes Zeitmanagement und Präsentationsfähigkeit
* Selbstständige und organisierte Arbeitsweise, aufgeschlossene & proaktive Persönlichkeit mit Teamplayer-Mentalität
Deine Aufgaben:
* Erstellung und Pflege von Projektdokumentationen sowie Unterstützung der Kalkulation
* Durchführung und Protokollierung von Kundengesprächen
* Bearbeitung und Verwaltung von Tools wie SAP, SGV und Office 365
* Erstellung von Zeitplänen, Prüfung von Reports und Tätigkeitsnachweisen
* Koordination von Serviceeinsätzen und Bearbeitung von EHS (Environment Health and Safety) Strukturen
Darum solltest Du Dich bei uns bewerben:
* Stipendium: Ein Vollstipendium für 3 Semester, das die Kosten des Studiums vollständig abdeckt
* Finanzielle Sicherheit: Einen Werkstudentenjob, in dem du 20h/Woche praktische Erfahrung sammelst
* Mentoring: Lass dich von erfahrenen Kolleg:innen unterstützen und begleiten
* Dein Leben, Dein Job: Wir arbeiten gerne flexibel und auch remote von zuhause aus
* Stark in die Karriere starten: Bei uns erwartet dich exklusive Trainings und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten mit hervorragenden Chancen auf spätere Übernahme in Festanstellung.
Wir bei Schneider Electric glauben, dass niemand perfekt ist und nicht alle Karrierewege gleich sind.
Bewirb Dich deshalb jetzt in nur fünf Minuten - auch wenn Du nicht alle Anforderungen erfüllst!
Dein nächster Schritt? Online bewerben!
Schritt 1: Informiere dich über unser Stipendienprogramm und die grundlegenden Zulassungsvoraussetzungen hier.
Schritt 2: Du bewirbst dich direkt über das Bewerbungsportal der TU Berlin für einen Studienplatz.
Zusätzlich zu deiner regulären Bewerbung reichst du ein Motivationsschreiben und einen Lebenslauf ein, adressiert an Schneider Electric.
Hier fi...
Type: Permanent Location: Berlin, DE-BE
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:14
In Schneider Electric everything we do promotes progress and sustainability for all - our colleagues, customers, partners, and the communities and societies where we live and work.
From the products, software, and services driving the digital transformation of energy management and automation to corporate citizenship and volunteer activities, we make an impact by helping people and organizations become more resilient and efficient, more electric and digital.
Which is where you come in.
Working at Schneider Electric means working toward a cleaner, better world.
You're part of a global team built on inclusion, mastery, purpose, action, curiosity, and teamwork, turning sustainability ambitions into actions.
The Role:
We are a looking for a Senior Project Engineer to make an impact! In this role, your main mission is to manage execution of Field Services customers projects following company policies and processes, lead project team (Design, Planning, Purchasing, Contract, On-site implementation...
) and ensure customer satisfaction, safety compliance and financial performance, and to manage Customer relationship and third parties within project scope.
Accountable for project execution according to contract & specifications.
What will you do?
* Lead the project launch
* Lead and manage the budget confirmation and project profitability.
* Lead the Project hand over with tendering team and Project file analysis.
* Ensure Order Manager book project are properly within ERP including invoicing plan.
* Validation payment mechanisms (letter of credit, bank guarantee, insurance, payment method, etc...)
* Schedule validation and preparation of project planning and clear milestones.
* Risks analysis and potential change order identification.
* Send PO Acknowledgement receipt to customer and confirm the "Coming into Force".
* Lead the project team through task planning
* Responsible to define the project workload plan, follow progress in line with scope of work and deliverables till completion.
* Animate the communication within the team.
* Ensure site activity scope & schedule is communicated to FSR manager/planner.
* WO creation in BFS for site jobs and scheduled in line with project schedule.
* WO to be created at project booking stage.
* Manage project contract ensuring fulfillment of Schneider Electric contractual obligations and application of its contractual rights.
* Systematic review of deviations against specifications.
* Ensure operational Project management success
* Accountable to ensure full safety for involved parties all along the project execution.
* Understand project's contractual scope or additional requirements, be pro-active to generate change order to improve GM.
* Time Management: Ensure project schedule is made/reviewed/updated and monitor to ensure timely completion of project.
* Quality Management: Continuously monitor c...
Type: Permanent Location: Petaling Jaya, MY-10
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:14
In Schneider Electric everything we do promotes progress and sustainability for all - our colleagues, customers, partners, and the communities and societies where we live and work.
From the products, software, and services driving the digital transformation of energy management and automation to corporate citizenship and volunteer activities, we make an impact by helping people and organizations become more resilient and efficient, more electric and digital.
Which is where you come in.
Working at Schneider Electric means working toward a cleaner, better world.
You're part of a global team built on inclusion, mastery, purpose, action, curiosity, and teamwork, turning sustainability ambitions into actions.
The Role:
We are a looking for a Field Service Engineer specialize in Variable Speed Drives to make an impact!
What will you do?
* Provide on-site or remote technical supporting during installation, testing, commissioning, maintenance, repairs, upgrades and retrofits mainly focusing on Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Variable Speed Drives and Soft-Starters.
* Preform installation works and hands-on testing, pre-commissioning and commissioning activities inclusive of troubleshooting support during commissioning stages and spare part replacement during repair stages.
* Advise customers on issues related to warranty, spare part management, technical training and maintenance activities throughout the lifecycle for optimum productivity of the equipment.
* Work collaboratively with the Customer Care Centre to handle warranty claims and defects which includes monitoring field complaints, coordinating, investigation, RAC and others.
* Properly document, label, and return all defective parts utilized in the repair of equipment to the designated disposal/repair location.
* Develop innovative solutions to more complex technical problems that arise during start-up.
* Research, evaluate, and recommend new products or equipment upgrades that will meet customer needs.
* Assist Schneider Electric Service Partners in site visits, evaluating technical and professional performance.
* When at customer site, look for other business opportunities outside current scope of work and lead them to the sales team
* As Technical support level 2, solve technical issues arise by other field service rep.
Escalate to other technical support level within the company when needed
* Investigate remotely the origin of the breakdown and submit fixes (in a service bureau for example)
* Support Consulting Expert, Project Engineer and IOT Integration Digital Execution in all business and operational issues to ensure perfect Business Delivery and Performance.
What qualifications will make you successful?
* Degree in Electrical & Communication Engineering with at least 5 years in services onsite environment.
* Have experience and knowledge with Schneider Altivar products will be preferred.
* Possess experienc...
Type: Permanent Location: Petaling Jaya, MY-10
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:13
Are you interested in sustainability? Would you like to study again but lack the financial means?
Then a sustainability scholarship from Schneider Electric might be just right for you!
Together with TU Berlin and the University Alliance Düsseldorf, we have developed sustainable study programs for which we award several scholarships annually.
These study programs are available:
* MBA Energy Management (Berlin)
* MBA Building Sustainability - Management Methods for Energy Efficiency (Berlin)
* MBA Sustainable Mobility Management (Berlin)
* MSc Sustainable Energy and Hydrogen Infrastructure (Düsseldorf)
* MSc Management of Smart and Sustainable Energy Systems (Düsseldorf)
As a scholarship holder, you will work as a student trainee in one of our teams parallel to your studies.
Here you can ideally apply what you have learned from your studies and your previous experiences.
These student trainee jobs are offered in connection with a scholarship:
In Berlin:
* Student Trainee Project Management (f/m/d) & MBA Energy Management
* Student Trainee Tendering Management (f/m/d) & MBA Energy Management
* Student Trainee Virtual Sales (f/m/d) & MBA Energy Management
* Student Trainee Planning Processes with Building Information Modelling BIM (f/m/d) & MBA Energy Management
* Student Trainee Consulting Building Software (f/m/d) & MBA Building Sustainability
* Student Trainee Offer Management Sustainable Energy Distribution Solutions (f/m/d) & MBA Building Sustainability
In Düsseldorf:
* Student Trainee Business Development & Hydrogen Technology (f/m/d) & M.Sc.
Sustainable Energy and Hydrogen Infrastructures
* Student Trainee Business Development Power Systems (f/m/d) & M.Sc.
Management of Smart and Sustainable Energy Systems
Your benefits as a scholarship holder:
* Scholarship: A full scholarship for 3 semesters that fully covers the cost of the studies
* Financial security: A student trainee job where you gain 20 hours/week of practical experience
* Mentoring: Get support and guidance from experienced colleagues
* Your life, your job: We enjoy working flexibly and also remotely from home
* Strong career start: Exclusive training and development opportunities with excellent chances for later permanent employment await you
The application deadlines for the study programs are March 31, 2025 (TU Berlin) and May 15 / July 15, 2025 (UA Düsseldorf).
You can find more information about the international study programs of TU Berlin and University Alliance Düsseldorf on their websites.
Information about the application process:
First, you apply for a study place via the university's website.
The university checks whether you meet the admission requirements.
After a positive review, our multi-stage selection process for the scholarship begins.
Do you have questions about the scholarship? Then contact Isabel Blumrich via LinkedIn.
#LI-IB01 #scholarship #stipendiu...
Type: Permanent Location: Berlin, DE-BE
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:12
Do you dream of working in a company that is driven by a meaningful purpose? An inclusive company that empowers you to do your best and be innovative?
We are looking for Corporate Communications Specialist to make an impact!
At Schneider Electric, we believe access to energy and digital is a basic human right.
We empower all to do more with less, ensuring Life Is On everywhere, for everyone, at every moment.
We provide energy and automation digital solutions for efficiency and sustainability.
The role will deliver and perform high-value internal and external communication across the country which include supporting the Country President/Country General Manager to define and implement the internal and external communication strategy and support Human Resource/Employer Branding to drive a culture of dialogue, reinforce people engagement and promote company's employer value proposition and supporting Country Global Marketing team to deploy and drive comprehensive Integrated Marketing Plan (PR, Media Events, Governmental Relationship, Social Media etc) to drive brand awareness, thought leadership and share of voice.
What will you do?
Internal Communications:
* Align with the Global and Regional Internal Communication team to define and roll out Country internal communication strategy and plan
* Leverage on company's communication tools (Spice+ employee portal, Yammer, MS Teams, Webex etc) to drive appropriate communication plan and actions efficiency.
* Design and implement the Country President/Country General Manager's communication towards employees in scope.
* Design and manage country leadership and employee events (e.g.
Townhall, Comms Session) to drive the country priorities and people engagement.
* Design and implement, in special cases, the crisis communication plan, aligned with the corporate process and guidelines.
* Support country HR initiatives/programs relating to drive a culture of dialogue, reinforce people engagement, and promote company's employer value proposition
External Communications:
* The external communications portion of the work includes aspects of one or more of the following: - public relations, Government Relations, Community Relations/Corporate Social Responsibility, Investor Relations in some organizations, incumbents may also develop materials for marketing/advertising communications.
* Plan and manage corporate level external communications plan across all channels including reputation management, thought leadership, media relations, content creation, social media.
* Support and partner business units as communications expert to support sales campaigns, hero offers, product launches.
* Support and partner Employer Branding to communicate externally about our Employee Value Proposition and position SE as an employer of choice.
* Maintain (and grow where appropriate) media share of voice for SE in country.
Drive plans to meet c-suite and tier one media e...
Type: Permanent Location: Petaling Jaya, MY-10
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:12
For this U.S.
based position, the expected compensation range is $66,000 - $99,000 per year, which includes base pay and short-term incentive.
The compensation range for this full-time position applies to candidates located within the United States.
Our salary ranges are determined by reviewing roles of similar responsibility and level.
Within the salary range, individual pay is determined by several factors including performance, knowledge, job-related skills, experience, and relevant education or training.
Schneider Electric also offers a comprehensive benefits package to support our employees, inclusive of medical (with member reward points), dental, vision, and basic life insurance, Benefit Bucks (credits to apply towards your benefits) flexible work arrangements, paid family leaves, 401(k) + match, well-being and recognition (including service anniversary) programs, 12 holidays per year, 15 days of paid time off per year (pro-rated in the first year of employment based on start date), opportunity to purchase company stock (eligibility depends on start date), and military leave benefits.
You must submit an online application to be considered for the position.
The Company will accept applications on an ongoing basis until the position is filled.
Great people make Schneider Electric a great company.
Schneider's Field Service Representatives play an impactful role within the organization - collaborating with customers, team members and third-party partners to perform assembly, startup, diagnostic, repair and preventive maintenance on both Company and third-party manufactured equipment in a variety of dynamic environments.
They are problem solvers.
They are customer focused.
They are passionate about the work they do.
They are the future of Schneider Electric! Is this you?
We are proud to offer all Field Service Representatives with direct product training and training on all digital and physical tools associated with their work.
Schneider Electric provides service vehicles, tools, uniforms, mobile devices, and laptops for daily professional use.
This opportunity is a home-based flexible work schedule with 40-hour guarantee (+Overtime).
This Field Service Representative position will be within our U.S.
Services business, specifically our Secure Power team.
Our Secure Power team focuses on servicing critical data center equipment.
We are the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) service provider for APC (American Power Conversion)/MGE/Schneider Electric equipment.
As a Field Service Representative, a typical day for you might include:
* Pre-site, startup, repair, preventive maintenance, and field modification of equipment
* Problem solving with customers, electricians, sales partners, technical support, District Service
* Completion of field service reports, expense reports, preventive maintenance, and startup data sheets
* Manager and/or Regional Service Director to resolve complex escalated issues
* Continuous...
Type: Permanent Location: Ashburn, US-VA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:12
Join our Cybersecurity Solutions organization, where we support our customers at every stage of their cybersecurity journey, from proactive threat management to risk reduction and vulnerability management.
If you're passionate about building solutions, enjoy tackling challenges, and thrive in an innovative environment, this could be the ideal opportunity for you to be part of an organization that's making a great IMPACT!
As a Cybersecurity Channel Manager a typical day for you may include:
* Establishing and developing relationships with key channel partner
* Developing and implementing comprehensive channel sales strategies to drive revenue growth and expand market reach
* Collaborating with internal teams to develop partner enablement programs, marketing materials, and sales tools
* Providing training, coaching support and joint planning to drive Channel partner sales performance
* Monitoring and analyzing sales performance, market trends, and competitive activities to identify opportunities and threats
* Leading negotiations and contract discussions with partners, ensuring mutually beneficial agreements
* Providing regular reporting and insights to senior management on channel sales performance and market dynamics
This may be the next step in your career journey if you have:
* Proven track record in channel sales management or related sales role
* Strong understanding of channel sales principles, partner relationship management, and go-to-market strategies
* Experience in digital sales/solution environment including understanding of SaaS and recurring service business models
* Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Marketing, or related field
* Excellent communication, negotiation, and presentation skills
* The ability to travel as needed to meet with partners and attend industry events
* Proficiency in CRM software and sales analytics tools
* Knowledge of partner program development and execution
* Demonstrated success in building and managing a high-performing channel sales team
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you are thinking about joining a new team, culture matters.
At Schneider Electric, our values and behaviors are the foundation for creating a great culture to support business success.
We believe that our IMPACT values - Inclusion, Mastery, Purpose, Action, Curiosity, Teamwork - starts with us.
IMPACT is also your invitation to join Schneider Electric where you can contribute to turning sustainability ambition into actions, no matter what role you play.
It is a call to connect your career with the ambition of achieving a more resilient, efficient, and sustainable world.
We are looking for IMPACT Makers; exceptional people who turn sustainability ambitions in...
Type: Permanent Location: Andover, US-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:11
#ZR-CTRecognized by Newsweek in 2024 and 2025 as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for DiversityBrookdale Clarksville is searching for a seasoned sales leader to join their team and help increase census at this beautiful, 42-unit memory care community.All areas of our community are dedicated to our unique and supportive approaches to memory care.
Residents who love to walk will not run into walls or locked doors that make them feel confined or trapped.
Theyhave freedom to explore their home!Our location is close to everything in town, but is still in a quiet and well established neighborhood! When our residents look out of the windows, they see peaceful settings and critters, not cars and businesses.
It feels like home!About the Sales Manager PositionAs a Sales Manager at Brookdale, you will be a:Guide for families and older adults - Youll be the boots on the ground both inside and outside our community, helping older adults navigate the sales journey from interest to move-in.Team player - Youll work with local professionals and volunteers to generate professional referral leads from medical, financial, and legal professionals; religious leaders; and other local businesses and organizations.Partner - Youll partner with leadership to develop and execute sales and marketing plans to meet or exceed community revenue and occupancy goals.Brookdale supports our Sales associates through:3-week on-boarding & orientation program featuring in-depth instruction in Brookdales unique approach to sales, the systems to help you be successful, one-on-one coaching with your District Director, ongoing monthly continuing education for knowledge growth, and customized tools designed to help you best market your community for your unique geographic area.Opportunity to apply for tuition reimbursement to support your professional sales and leadership skills developmentNetwork of almost 675 communities in 41 statesThis is a great opportunity for a strong sales leader looking to take the next step in their professional career or for an experienced Sales Manager looking to join a reputable mission and purpose-driven organization where you can make a contribution.Qualifications & Skills Wed love to talk if you have the following:Bachelors Degree in Marketing, Business, or related field preferred or equivalent combination of experience and education requiredValid drivers licenseMinimum of 2 years relevant and recent sales experience.
Senior Living experience preferredStrong working knowledge of technology, proficiency in Microsoft office suite, and electronic documentationEnriching lives...Together.At Brookdale, relationships and integrity are the heart of our culture.
Do you want to be a part of a welcoming and inclusive community where residents and associates thrive? Our cornerstones of passion, courage, partnership and trust drive everything we do and come to life every day.
If this speaks to you, come join our award winning teamHow to ApplyApply online here or on...
Type: Permanent Location: Clarksville, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:11
#ZR-CTRecognized by Newsweek in 2024 and 2025 as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for DiversityHungry for a sales role where your work will make a meaningful difference? Join our team! At Brookdale, you will find opportunities that recognize your success and help advance your career.Our most successful sales managers can earn membership and bonus opportunities in our high-performance clubs: Presidents Club, Chairmans Club, and Chairmans Club Elite.About the Sales Manager PositionAs a Sales Manager at Brookdale, you will be a:Guide for families and older adults - Youll be the boots on the ground both inside and outside our community, helping older adults navigate the sales journey from interest to move-in.Team player - Youll work with local professionals and volunteers to generate professional referral leads from medical, financial, and legal professionals; religious leaders; and other local businesses and organizations.Partner - Youll partner with leadership to develop and execute sales and marketing plans to meet or exceed community revenue and occupancy goals.Brookdale supports our Sales associates through:3-week on-boarding & orientation program featuring in-depth instruction in Brookdales unique approach to sales, the systems to help you be successful, one-on-one coaching with your District Director, ongoing monthly continuing education for knowledge growth, and customized tools designed to help you best market your community for your unique geographic area.Opportunity to apply for tuition reimbursement to support your professional sales and leadership skills developmentNetwork of almost 675 communities in 41 statesThis is a great opportunity for a strong sales leader looking to take the next step in their professional career or for an experienced Sales Manager looking to join a reputable mission and purpose-driven organization where you can make a contribution.Qualifications & Skills Wed love to talk if you have the following:Bachelors Degree in Marketing, Business, or related field preferred or equivalent combination of experience and education requiredValid drivers licenseMinimum of 2 years relevant and recent sales experience.
Senior Living experience preferredStrong working knowledge of technology, proficiency in Microsoft office suite, and electronic documentationEnriching lives...Together.At Brookdale, relationships and integrity are the heart of our culture.
Do you want to be a part of a welcoming and inclusive community where residents and associates thrive? Our cornerstones of passion, courage, partnership and trust drive everything we do and come to life every day.
If this speaks to you, come join our award winning teamHow to ApplyApply online here or on our Career site, https://careers.brookdale.com/en.htmlMake Lives Better Including Your Own.If you want to work in an environment where you can become your best possible self, join us! Youll earn more than a paycheck; you can find opportunities to grow your career through pro...
Type: Permanent Location: Gallatin, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:10
Manages the day-to-day healthcare operations of the community to ensure residents healthcare needs are met.
Ensures residents are treated with respect and dignity and ensures quality care as residents healthcare needs change.
Ensures consistent quality resident care and service delivery throughout all shifts; this may require assuming the role and responsibilities of a Caregiver or Med Tech/Aide in order to meet the residents needs and staffing requirements.Assists in the supervision of community-based licensed nursing staff, medication technicians/CMA's, and Caregivers and provides training and education to Caregivers on an ongoing basis to include classroom in-services and situation-specific training.
In addition, they will also manage the associates schedules.Oversees and manages the continuity and consistency of medication training, pharmacy management and medication supervision and/or administration in the community.
Conducts periodic Care Associate medication skills inventory checks, and periodic medication audits per Brookdale Guidelines.Shares on call duties as required.Education as required to obtain state nursing license (LPN/LVN or RN) and a minimum of 1-2 years relevant experience.LPN or LVN license.
Brookdale is an equal opportunity employer and a drug-free workplace.#ZR-CNWHY Brookdale-Our culture of compassionate and caring extends to everyone, our associates, our residents and their families.
Our cornerstones of passion courage, partnership and trust drive everything we do and come to life every day in our communitiesNot sure if Brookdale is for you? Come see the Brookdale difference for yourself!Recognized by Newsweek in 2024 and 2025 as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for DiversityMake Lives Better Including Your Own.
If you want to work in an environment where you can become your best possible self, join us! Youll earn more than a paycheck; you can find opportunities to grow your career through professional development, as well as ongoing programs catered to your overall health and wellness.
Full suite of health insurance, life insurance and retirement plans are available and vary by employment status.Part and Full Time Benefits EligibilityMedical, Dental, Vision insurance401(k)Associate assistance programEmployee discountsReferral programEarly access to earned wages for hourly associates (outside of CA)Optional voluntary benefits including ID theft protection and pet insuranceFull Time Only Benefits EligibilityPaid Time OffPaid holidaysCompany provided life insuranceAdoption benefitDisability (short and long term)Flexible Spending AccountsHealth Savings AccountOptional life and dependent life insuranceOptional voluntary benefits including accident, critical illness and hospital indemnity Insurance, and legal planTuition reimbursementBase pay in range will be determined by applicants skills and experience.
Role is also eligible for team based bonus opportunities.
Temporary associates are not benefits eligible but may pa...
Type: Permanent Location: Ocala, US-FL
Salary / Rate: 28.65
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:09
Manages the day-to-day healthcare operations of the community to ensure residents healthcare needs are met.
Ensures residents are treated with respect and dignity and ensures quality care as residents healthcare needs change.
Ensures consistent quality resident care and service delivery throughout all shifts; this may require assuming the role and responsibilities of a Caregiver or Med Tech/Aide in order to meet the residents needs and staffing requirements.Assists in the supervision of community-based licensed nursing staff, medication technicians/CMA's, and Caregivers and provides training and education to Caregivers on an ongoing basis to include classroom in-services and situation-specific training.
In addition, they will also manage the associates schedules.Oversees and manages the continuity and consistency of medication training, pharmacy management and medication supervision and/or administration in the community.
Conducts periodic Care Associate medication skills inventory checks, and periodic medication audits per Brookdale Guidelines.Shares on call duties as required.Education as required to obtain state nursing license (LPN/LVN or RN) and a minimum of 1-2 years relevant experience.LPN or LVN license.
Brookdale is an equal opportunity employer and a drug-free workplace.#ZR-CNWHY Brookdale-Our culture of compassionate and caring extends to everyone, our associates, our residents and their families.
Our cornerstones of passion courage, partnership and trust drive everything we do and come to life every day in our communitiesNot sure if Brookdale is for you? Come see the Brookdale difference for yourself!Recognized by Newsweek in 2024 and 2025 as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for DiversityMake Lives Better Including Your Own.
If you want to work in an environment where you can become your best possible self, join us! Youll earn more than a paycheck; you can find opportunities to grow your career through professional development, as well as ongoing programs catered to your overall health and wellness.
Full suite of health insurance, life insurance and retirement plans are available and vary by employment status.Part and Full Time Benefits EligibilityMedical, Dental, Vision insurance401(k)Associate assistance programEmployee discountsReferral programEarly access to earned wages for hourly associates (outside of CA)Optional voluntary benefits including ID theft protection and pet insuranceFull Time Only Benefits EligibilityPaid Time OffPaid holidaysCompany provided life insuranceAdoption benefitDisability (short and long term)Flexible Spending AccountsHealth Savings AccountOptional life and dependent life insuranceOptional voluntary benefits including accident, critical illness and hospital indemnity Insurance, and legal planTuition reimbursementBase pay in range will be determined by applicants skills and experience.
Role is also eligible for team based bonus opportunities.
Temporary associates are not benefits eligible but may pa...
Type: Permanent Location: Reidsville, US-NC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:09
Manages the associates responsible for the general operating maintenance and repair of the buildings and grounds to maintain proper care of the assigned community(s) in accordance with current federal, state, and local standards/regulations and company policies.Supervises the community maintenance, housekeeping and laundry (if applicable) staff, to include hiring, training, evaluating performance, resolving disciplinary issues and firing.Directs workers engaged in the maintenance and upkeep of the interior and exterior of the community.
Inspects completed work for conformance to standards and policies.Oversees scheduled maintenance on: H.V.A.C., elevator, fire and sprinkler equipment, generator, landscape, kitchen equipment, and emergency pull cord equipment.Coordinates maintenance requests by residents for items needing repair in their rooms, including repairing plumbing, electrical, heating and replacing light bulbs.Oversees repairs and maintenance of buildings including vacated rooms in a timely manner.
This includes painting walls and cleaning carpets.Ensures walls, floor coverings, doors, and woodwork in the common areas of the community are properly maintained.Maintains positive communication with local fire Marshall, building inspector, state elevator inspector, and any other jurisdictions governing the community.Assesses all plumbing and electrical problems within the community and determines the best course of action to correct the problem.
Works within the legal scope of local and state codes.Reviews safety data sheets (SDS) as requested for potential exposure to hazardous chemicals used and take necessary precautions.Assess property damage and file property damage claims in accordance with company policy.Responds appropriately to resident or community emergencies by assisting as needed.This job description represents an overview of the responsibilities for the above referenced position.
It is not intended to represent a comprehensive list of responsibilities.
An associate should perform all duties as assigned by his/her supervisor.Recognized by Newsweek in 2024 and 2025 as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for DiversityMake Lives Better Including Your Own.
If you want to work in an environment where you can become your best possible self, join us! Youll earn more than a paycheck; you can find opportunities to grow your career through professional development, as well as ongoing programs catered to your overall health and wellness.
Full suite of health insurance, life insurance and retirement plans are available and vary by employment status.Part and Full Time Benefits EligibilityMedical, Dental, Vision insurance401(k)Associate assistance programEmployee discountsReferral programEarly access to earned wages for hourly associates (outside of CA)Optional voluntary benefits including ID theft protection and pet insuranceFull Time Only Benefits EligibilityPaid Time OffPaid holidaysCompany provided life insuranceAdoption benefitDisabil...
Type: Permanent Location: Birmingham, US-AL
Salary / Rate: 24.11
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:08
Manages the day-to-day healthcare operations of the community to ensure residents healthcare needs are met.
Ensures residents are treated with respect and dignity and ensures quality care as residents healthcare needs change.
Ensures consistent quality resident care and service delivery throughout all shifts; this may require assuming the role and responsibilities of a Caregiver or Med Tech/Aide in order to meet the residents needs and staffing requirements.Assists in the supervision of community-based licensed nursing staff, medication technicians/CMA's, and Caregivers and provides training and education to Caregivers on an ongoing basis to include classroom in-services and situation-specific training.
In addition, they will also manage the associates schedules.Oversees and manages the continuity and consistency of medication training, pharmacy management and medication supervision and/or administration in the community.
Conducts periodic Care Associate medication skills inventory checks, and periodic medication audits per Brookdale Guidelines.Shares on call duties as required.Education as required to obtain state nursing license (LPN/LVN or RN) and a minimum of 1-2 years relevant experience.LPN or LVN license.
Brookdale is an equal opportunity employer and a drug-free workplace.#ZR-CNRecognized by Newsweek in 2024 and 2025 as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for DiversityBrookdale Oakwood is hiring an ADON/ Wellness Coordinator to join their teamA Senior Living Community specializing in Assisted Living and Memory CareAs Wellness Coordinator at Brookdale, you will utilize your leadership qualities to inspire, lead and assist with managing the clinical team to provide the highest quality of care and services for our residents.
You will proactively build relationships with residents, families, physicians and other healthcare providers for the coordination of exceptional personalized care.
You will consistently collaborate with community leadership, mentor and engage your associates and build resident and family satisfaction.Brookdale supports our Nurse Leaders through:Structured orientation, a wealth of online resources, local nurse mentors, and ongoing collaborative support.Tuition reimbursement to support your clinical expertise and leadership skills development.Network of almost 700 communities in 40 states to support you should relocation be in your future.This is a great opportunity for a strong nurse leader looking to take the next step in their professional career or for an experienced Assistant Director of Nursing looking to join a reputable mission and purpose-driven organization where you can make a contribution.Top Perks & Benefits We believe in order to best serve our residents, we need to first serve our associates.
We offer a full suite of health insurance, life insurance and retirement plans with company match.
Additional benefits offered include, but are not limited to:Generous Paid Time Off (PTO)Tuition Reimbursement401kAdo...
Type: Permanent Location: Dayton, US-OH
Salary / Rate: 31.83
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:08
Have a passion for food and serving seniors? Then being a dining services coordinator at Brookdale is for you! As a serving coordinator, you will provide superior customer service by directing and coordinating the dining experience of residents and guests in an upscale atmosphere.
Here you will have work-life balance with defined schedules and be a valued member of the team.
You are not just serving, you are enriching lives.
Become part of our family, grow your skills and career, and have the satisfaction of helping make seniors lives brighter every day.Recognized by Newsweek in 2024 and 2025 as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for DiversityMake Lives Better Including Your Own.
If you want to work in an environment where you can become your best possible self, join us! Youll earn more than a paycheck; you can find opportunities to grow your career through professional development, as well as ongoing programs catered to your overall health and wellness.
Full suite of health insurance, life insurance and retirement plans are available and vary by employment status.Part and Full Time Benefits EligibilityMedical, Dental, Vision insurance401(k)Associate assistance programEmployee discountsReferral programEarly access to earned wages for hourly associates (outside of CA)Optional voluntary benefits including ID theft protection and pet insuranceFull Time Only Benefits EligibilityPaid Time OffPaid holidaysCompany provided life insuranceAdoption benefitDisability (short and long term)Flexible Spending AccountsHealth Savings AccountOptional life and dependent life insuranceOptional voluntary benefits including accident, critical illness and hospital indemnity Insurance, and legal planTuition reimbursementBase pay in range will be determined by applicants skills and experience.
Role is also eligible for team based bonus opportunities.
Temporary associates are not benefits eligible but may participate in the companys 401(k) program.Veterans, transitioning active duty military personnel, and military spouses are encouraged to apply.
To support our associates in their journey to become a U.S.
citizen, Brookdale offers to advance fees for naturalization (Form N-400) application costs, up to $725, less applicable taxes and withholding, for qualified associates who have been with us for at least a year.The application window is anticipated to close within 30 days of the date of the posting.
Type: Permanent Location: Salina, US-KS
Salary / Rate: 18.605
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:07
Responsible for providing a quality dining experience by greeting and seating residents and guests, overseeing dining services staff in the absence of the Manager and maintaining a pleasant and clean dining environment.
May be required to supervise other staff positions.Assists Manager with daily supervision of dining services associates.Ensures smooth and timely opening and closing of the dining room.
Ensures room service orders are delivered timely and properly.
Ensures meals are palatable and appetizing in appearance.
Maintains a pleasant and clean environment.
Inspects work to ensure completion.Adheres to all safety and sanitation standards.Plans daily menu for residents in accordance with company standards and procedures.Assists in ensuring proper staffing coverage for each shift including making changes due to absences.Works with Dining Room Manager to produce weekly schedules with budgetary guidelines for service staff.Assists service staff during mealtime as needed.
Assists in greeting and seating residents and guests.
Assists in resident billing of food services charges.Oversees staff in absence of Manager.
Provides supervision for special events.In consultation with the Director, Dining Services, hires, trains, disciplines and terminates departmental employees in accordance with company policy.Develops and maintains good working rapport with inter-department personnel, as well as with other departments within facility to assure that food service is properly maintained and meets the needs of the residents.This job description represents an overview of the responsibilities for the above referenced position.
It is not intended to represent a comprehensive list of responsibilities.
An associate should perform all duties as assigned by his/her supervisor.Recognized by Newsweek in 2024 and 2025 as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for DiversityMake Lives Better Including Your Own.
If you want to work in an environment where you can become your best possible self, join us! Youll earn more than a paycheck; you can find opportunities to grow your career through professional development, as well as ongoing programs catered to your overall health and wellness.
Full suite of health insurance, life insurance and retirement plans are available and vary by employment status.Part and Full Time Benefits EligibilityMedical, Dental, Vision insurance401(k)Associate assistance programEmployee discountsReferral programEarly access to earned wages for hourly associates (outside of CA)Optional voluntary benefits including ID theft protection and pet insuranceFull Time Only Benefits EligibilityPaid Time OffPaid holidaysCompany provided life insuranceAdoption benefitDisability (short and long term)Flexible Spending AccountsHealth Savings AccountOptional life and dependent life insuranceOptional voluntary benefits including accident, critical illness and hospital indemnity Insurance, and legal planTuition ReimbursementPet InsuranceAdoption Reimbursement Ben...
Type: Permanent Location: Corpus Christi, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:06
Manages the day-to-day clinical services of the community to ensure residents healthcare needs are met.
Ensures residents are treated with respect and dignity and ensures quality care as residents healthcare needs change.
Supervises and provides leadership, as well as coaching, to licensed nurses and other direct care staff within the community.
The HWD level for each community is determined based on the total complexity of the role.
Complexity criteria include, but are not limited to, factors such as size, type of product lines, medication management regulations, 90-day assessment requirements, multiple licensure requirements, state regulatory complexity, and skilled services requiring an RN.#ZR-CNRecognized by Newsweek in 2024 and 2025 as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for DiversityAbout the Director of Nursing PositionAs Director of Nursing at Brookdale, you will utilize your leadership qualities to inspire, lead and manage the overall operation of the clinical team to provide the highest quality of care and services for our residents.
You will proactively build relationships with residents, families, physicians and other healthcare providers for the coordination of exceptional personalized care.
You will consistently collaborate with community leadership, mentor and engage your associates and build resident and family satisfaction.Brookdale supports our Nurse Leaders through:Structured six-week orientation, a wealth of online resources, local nurse mentors and ongoing collaborative support.Tuition reimbursement to support your clinical expertise and leadership skills development.Network of almost 700 communities in 40 states to support you should relocation be in your future.This is a great opportunity for a strong nurse leader looking to take the next step in their professional career or for an experienced Director of Nursing looking to join a reputable mission and purpose-driven organization where you can make a contribution.Qualifications & SkillsEducation as required to obtain state nursing license and state nursing license (LPN/LVN or RN)Drivers licenseMinimum of 3 years relevant experience, and Clinical leadership experience preferred.Strong working knowledge of technology, proficiency in Microsoft office suite and electronic documentation.Visit careers.brookdale.com to learn more about Brookdales culture, see our full list of benefits and find other available job opportunities.Enriching lives...Together.
At Brookdale, relationships and integrity are the heart of our culture.
Do you want to be a part of a welcoming and inclusive community where residents and associates thrive? Our cornerstones of passion, courage, partnership and trust drive everything we do and come to life every day.
If this speaks to you, come join our award winning team.Make Lives Better Including Your Own.If you want to work in an environment where you can become your best possible self, join us! Youll earn more than a paycheck; you can find opportunities ...
Type: Permanent Location: Hockessin, US-DE
Salary / Rate: 84120
Posted: 2025-02-17 07:02:05