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Beautician- Independent Contractor

Independent Contractor Beautician

NHC Tullahomais seeking a Licensed Beauticianto join our team.

National HealthCare Corporation is recognized nationwide as an innovator in the delivery of quality long-term care.

Our goal is to provide a full range of extended care services, designed to maximize the well-being and independence of patients of all ages.

We are dedicated to meeting patient needs through an interdisciplinary approach combining compassionate care with cost-effective health care services.

Job Duties

NHC agrees to furnish all supplies for the beauty shop.

This includes both permanent and disposable supplies.
NHC will furnish and launder adequate linens for the shop.
NHC agrees to supply and keep in proper working condition the following:
3 hair dryers
pump-type beautician's chair
1 roll tray (caddy)
NHC agrees to furnish janitorial services to the shop.
Beautician agrees to provide adequate beautician services for the patients at NHC.

It is understood that the physical and/or mental abilities of the patients to avail themselves of this service shall be determined by the nurse.
It is understood that at no time shall NHC ask the beautician to perform any type of service not authorized by her license.
Beautician agrees to work specific days of the week for the benefit of NHC Patients Monday - Friday between the hours of (8:30 a.m.

- 5:30 p.m.)
NHC agrees that beautician is to have full use of the beauty shop for his/her private Patrons as desired, but only after the needs of the patients have been satisfied.
Operating Schedule: Hours of operation will be 8:00am and to close no later than 8:00pm.

Days of operation will only be Monday through Friday.
NHC shall set the price for the Beautician's services.

These may be adjusted as needed in relation to the current and prevalent rates charged in Anderson County.
Remuneration Plan: Will be talked about
Beautician will keep a written record of his/her appointments and the charges and furnish them to the bookkeeper for payment weekly.

Beautician will have the patient or resident pay the receptionist in lobby for all hair service.
Both NHC and Beautician agree that any change in any part of this agreement, including its full termination, shall be subjected to thirty (30) days written notice to the other party, unless there is any inappropriate conduct by the Beautician as determined by NHC, for which this agreement can be terminated immediately.
Both NHC and Beautician agree to provide said services in full compliance with:
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
the Age Discrimination of 1975, and
the Americans with Disabilities act of1990.
NHC is responsible for business taxes, shop license fees, and related postings.
Beautician is responsible for his/her personal license and shall keep a current copy posted and another on file.
Beautician acknowledges that he/she is self-employed and contracted by NHC to perform services.

Beautician is in no...

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