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Exercise Planner/Training Manger

ARA‘s ISR division is looking to hire an Exercise Planner/Trainer Manager.

As the Exercise Planner/Trainer Manager, you will conduct planning for various Department of Defense training/exercise events IAW the Joint Training Manual for the Armed Forces of the US.

Exercise Planner/Trainer Manager Responsibilities:

* Leads the planning for Joint Event Life Cycle (JELC) events.

Exercise Planner/Training Managers provide comprehensive pre-exercise support throughout the entire JELC including exercise and scenario design and scripting and on-site support at the forward location.

Must be in near continuous communication with SOFTSB personnel and adapt workload to accomplish multiple deadlines, exercise direction and judgement, and evaluate employee, subcontractor, and consultant performance.

* Act as the agency Officer of Primary Responsibility (OPR) for DTRA Joint Training Plan designated exercise or training event.

OPRs have responsibility for planning, coordinating, executing and supporting assessments of JTP exercises or training events.

OPRs have coordinating responsibility in the execution of this duty.

This includes briefing agency involvement to the DTRA Deputy Director or designated representative during Exercise Integration Work Groups and Joint Exercise Training and Exercise Working Group.

* Builds training objectives in coordination with Combatant Command and Theater Special Operations Commands Lead Exercise Planners, Training Officers, and other participating units.

* Coordinates with Combatant Command and Theater Special Operations Commands Lead Exercise Planners for Exercise Force Request sourcing in the Joint Training Information Management System (JTIMS) and the Joint Training Tool (JTT).

* Supports coordination with Combatant Command and Theater Special Operations Commands Lead Exercise Planners throughout the Joint Event Life Cycle (JELC).

Prepares DTRA leaders for Senior Leader Seminars and Key Leader Events as needed and supports After Action Reviews and tracks Corrective Action Program issues as appropriate.

* Act as the agency Lead Exercise Planners (LEP) for DTRA Joint Training Plan designated exercise or training event.

LEPs are the Agency’s primary representatives to the Combatant Command and Theater Special Operations Command and lead DTRAs coordination with that sponsor throughout the JELC for DTRA participation and support.

* Leads Scenario Development Working Groups, coordinate with OPRs, Officer of Collateral Responsibility, and Training Officers in scenario development, scripting, and observer control.

Develops Exercise Force Request sourcing in JTIMS and JTT for the Combatant Command and Theater Special Operations Commands Lead Exercise Planners.

* Provide budgetary information to the Agency OPR and coordinates Combatant Command and Theater Special Operations Command on CTP and Joint Exercise Transportation Program funds.

Maintains and briefs exercise and training event spe...

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