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Adjunct Instructor - IDE 401, IDE 402

Job Description

An Adjunct Instructor will be hired to teach IDE 401 Senior Innovation II: Value Proposition and IDE 402 Senior Innovation III: Venture Planning and Pitch.

IDE 401 meets for two hours on Fridays for the SECOND HALF of the Fall semester; IDE 402 meets one hour per week on Fridays for the FULL Spring Semester.

This course sequence leads up to, among other deliverables, the Ansary Entrepreneurship Competition hosted during the Stevens Innovation Expo. 


IDE 401 and 402 are fundamental to the Charles V.

Schaefer, Jr.

School of Engineering and Science’s commitment to instilling a sense of innovation, entrepreneurship, and independence in its engineering and science graduates, as well as underscoring their ability to communicate the technical aspects of a project properly and clearly.

The Senior Innovation program (IDE courses) is a companion to the technically focused Senior Design program; it is taken by all engineering students and many science students. 


This is a project-based class with heavy emphasis placed on the tools needed to successfully communicate a project / business idea and therefore succeed as a modern engineer or scientist.

An excellent candidate is passionate about engineering and science education and interested in sharing that passion with others.

The applicant does NOT need to be an engineer or scientist – in fact, most successful IDE 401 instructors bring a non-engineering/-science viewpoint to class that further broadens the horizons of the engineering and science students in the class. 


This applicant is expected to work on-campus with students every Friday, with certain tasks such as grading student work and providing feedback on student projects extending throughout the week. 



* Coordinate coursework and curriculum with the IDE course coordinator 

* Mentor and coach project teams to compete in the Ansary Entrepreneurship Competition  

* Facilitate course instruction and evaluate student performance 

* Foster an open, inclusive class atmosphere 


Required Education and Experience: 

* Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in any field 

* Experience in / with entrepreneurial venture(s) preferred 


IDEaS Program Adjuncts

General Submission Guidelines: 

Please submit an online application to be considered a candidate for any job at Stevens.

Please attach a cover letter and resume with each application.

Other requirements for consideration may depend on the job. 


Academic Submission Guidelines:  

Please submit:  

* Cover letter 

* Curriculum vitae 

* Research statement

* Teaching statement that includes a) teaching interests, b) teaching philosophy, and c) a plan on how to create an inclusive environment for students of all backgrounds in terms of classroom teaching, student advising, and graduate student mentoring 

* Contact info for at least 2-3 references (school-speci...

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