Werde Lagermitarbeiter in Neuwied
Was wir bieten
* 14,63 € Tarif-Stundenlohn
* + 25% Nachtzulage steuerfrei schon ab 20:00 Uhr (bis 6:00 Uhr)
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, bezahlte Einarbeitung, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Du kannst sofort als Aushilfe / Abrufkraft starten,
* Kostenlose Ausstattung, wie z.B.
Sicherheitsschuhe und Schutzhandschuhe
* Flexible Schichten möglich, Absprache vor Ort
Deine Aufgaben als Lagerhelfer bei uns
* Ausladen von Roll-Containern oder lose verladenen Paketen
* Auflegen von Paketen auf unsere Paketsortieranlagen
* Pakete im Durchschnitt unter 10 kg, Maximalgewicht 31,5 kg
* Einladen von Paketen in Rollcontainer oder Fahrzeuge
* Platzsparendes Stapeln der Pakete zur optimalen Auslastung der Transportkapazität
* Beachtung von Vorschriften zur Ladungssicherung
Was du als Aushilfe / Abrufkraft bietest
* Du kannst anpacken und hast Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig und bist engagiert
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Einwandfreie Führungszeugnis
Werde Lagermitarbeiter bei Deutsche Post DHL
Ohne unsere Verlader käme keine Sendung pünktlich an! Wenn du gerne die Ärmel hochkrempelst und körperlich fit bist, können wir dich beim Be- und Entladen unserer Lkws gut gebrauchen.
Trage mit deinem Einsatz in deinem Lager-Job maßgeblich zur Kundenzufriedenheit und somit zum Erfolg des Unternehmens bei.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Lagermitarbeiter, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Neuwied, DE-RP
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:36
Wir sind DHL Freight - ein buntes Team von 13.000 Straßenfrachtexpert:innen und zertifizierten Frachtspezialist:innen aus allen Kulturen.
Wir sind in mehr als 40 Ländern tätig und stolz darauf, unseren Kund:innen die besten Lösungen für den Landtransport bieten zu können.
Dabei sind wir immer auf der Suche nach der nächsten Geschäftsmöglichkeit und erkennen potenzielle Herausforderungen frühzeitig.
Denn uns geht es nicht nur um Frachttransport - uns geht es um nachhaltige und zukunftsweisende Wege, Menschen zu verbinden und ihr Leben zu verbessern und damit unseren Beitrag zu leisten.
Wir suchen einen Disponenten (m/w/d) für unseren Standort in Nürnberg. In dieser Rolle verantworten Sie den reibungslosen Ablauf für nationale und internationale Stückgut-Verkehre.
Welche Aufgaben Sie übernehmen
* Planung und Steuerung der Abhol- und Zustelltouren unter Berücksichtigung und ständiger Optimierung von Qualität und Kosten
* Einhaltung gesetzlicher Vorschriften beim eingesetzten Fuhrpark
* Organisation und Überwachung von Sonderfahrten
* Kontrolle und Abfertigung der ausgehenden Verkehre unter Berücksichtigung der gesetzlichen Vorgaben (GÜKG, KVO, CMR, Gefahrgut) und Erstellung / Weitergabe aller erforderlichen Versandunterlagen gemäß Qualitätsmanagement-Handbuch
Womit Sie uns überzeugen
* Erfahrungen und Kenntnisse: Ausbildung als Speditionskaufmann/-frau, alternativ kaufmännische Ausbildung oder mehrjährige Berufserfahrung in der Spedition.
Gute Kenntnisse in MS Office sowie Branchen- und Prozesskenntnisse.
* Persönlichkeit: Sie pflegen ein hohes Qualitätsbewusstsein und sind ein Organisationstalent.
Ihre Durchsetzungsstärke hilft Ihnen bei Konfliktsituationen und durch Ihr Improvisationsvermögen finden Sie auch in unvorhersehbaren Situationen eine Lösung.
Sie sind ein Teamplayer, arbeiten gerne mit Menschen zusammen und können sich und andere motivieren.
Sie setzen sich auch bei hoher Belastung für die Interessen der Kunden und den Erfolg des Teams ein.
Damit überzeugen wir Sie
* Attraktive Vergütung & Benefits: Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag mit attraktivem Gehalt inkl.
regelmäßiger Überprüfung/Anpassung und Sonderzahlungen, wie z.
Gehalt, leistungsorientierte Bonuszahlung, betriebliche Altersvorsorge, vermögenswirksame Leistungen, Sozialberatung, Gesundheitsangebote, Jobrad-Leasing und viele attraktive Vergünstigungen über Corporate Benefits.
* Einzigartige Firmenkultur: Abwechslungsreiche Projekte für nationale internationale Geschäftskunden bei einem ausgezeichneten TOP EMPLOYER®.
Wir fördern die Talente und das persönliche Engagement unserer Mitarbeiter:innen.
* Entwicklung: In der Anfangszeit werden wir Sie umfangreich bei der Einarbeitung unterstützen.
Bringen Sie sich danach in einem weltweit agierenden Konzern aktiv ein.
Type: Permanent Location: Nürnberg, DE-BY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:35
Werde Lagermitarbeiter in Neuwied
Was wir bieten
* 15,24 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld
* + 25% Nachtzulage steuerfrei schon ab 20:00 Uhr (bis 6:00 Uhr)
* Weitere 50% Weihnachtsgeld im November
* Bis zu 332 € Urlaubsgeld
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, bezahlte Einarbeitung, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Du kannst sofort als Verlader in Teilzeit, mit 20, 25 oder 30 Stunden/Woche in Tag- oder Nachtschicht starten
* Kostenlose Ausstattung, wie z.B.
Sicherheitsschuhe und Schutzhandschuhe
* Befristete Einstellung mit guten Übernahmechancen zur Entfristung und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten (bspw.
Teamleiter) bei guten Leistungen und offenen Positionen möglich
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote, wie z.B.
Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, Fitnessstudios, Modemarken etc.
Deine Aufgaben als Lagerhelfer bei uns
* Ausladen von Roll-Containern oder lose verladenen Paketen
* Auflegen von Paketen auf unsere Paketsortieranlagen
* Pakete im Durchschnitt unter 10 kg, Höchstgewicht bis zu 31,5 kg
* Einladen von Paketen in Rollcontainer oder Fahrzeuge
* Platzsparendes Stapeln der Pakete zur optimalen Auslastung der Transportkapazität
* Beachtung von Vorschriften zur Ladungssicherung
* Unsere Schichten:
+ Tagschicht zwischen 11 Uhr bis 21 Uhr (4-6 Arbeitsstunden in diesem Zeitrahmen)
+ Nachtschicht zwischen 22 Uhr bis 07 Uhr (4-6 Arbeitsstunden in diesem Zeitrahmen)
Was du als Verlader bietest
* Du kannst anpacken und hast Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig und bist engagiert
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Einwandfreies Führungszeugnis
Werde Lagermitarbeiter bei Deutsche Post DHL
Ohne unsere Verlader käme keine Sendung pünktlich an! Wenn du gerne die Ärmel hochkrempelst und körperlich fit bist, können wir dich beim Be- und Entladen unserer Lkws gut gebrauchen.
Trage mit deinem täglichem Einsatz in deinem Lager-Job maßgeblich zur Kundenzufriedenheit und somit zum Erfolg des Unternehmens bei.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Lagermitarbeiter, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Neuwied, DE-RP
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:35
Werde Lkw-Fahrer – Rangierer für Wechselbrücken in Neuwied
Was wir bieten
* 17,05 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld
* + 25% Nachtzulage steuerfrei schon ab 20:00 Uhr (bis 6:00 Uhr)
* Weitere 50% Weihnachtsgeld im November
* Bis zu 332 € Urlaubsgeld
* Familienfreundliche Vollzeitstelle als Rangierer: 38,5 Std./Woche
* Möglichkeit der Auszahlung von Überstunden
* Bezahlte Gesundheitsprüfungen zur Verlängerung des Führerscheins
* Übernahme der Kosten für die Berufskraftfahrer-Weiterbildung nach BKrFQG
* Sichere Anstellung in einem starken Team in deiner Nähe
Deine Aufgaben als Rangierer
* Rangieren von Wechselbrücken auf dem Betriebsgelände des Paketzentrums
* Pflege und Betankung der Fahrzeuge des Fuhrparks
* Einsatz im 3-Schichtbetrieb
Was du als Lkw Fahrer bietest
* Einen gültigen Führerschein CE mit Schlüsselzahl 95
* Idealerweise Berufserfahrung als Rangierer
* Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit, zuverlässig und engagiert
* Hilfsbereiter Teamplayer mit Freude an selbstständiger Arbeit
* Bitte bei der Bewerbung den Führerschein als Datei mitschicken
Werde Rangierer bei Deutsche Post DHL
Du bist auf der Suche nach einem Job als Berufskraftfahrer? Dann bist du hier genau richtig.
Als Rangierer sorgst du für einen runden Betriebsablauf in unserem Paketzentrum.
Beim Rangieren von Aufliegern und Anhängern kannst du auf unsere modernen Fahrzeuge zurückgreifen und bist ausschließlich auf dem Betriebsgelände unterwegs.
Dein Einsatz erfolgt im Zweischichtbetrieb und ist durch einen arbeitnehmerfreundlichen Dienstplan geregelt.
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Rangierer, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben' Button - auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Permanent Location: Neuwied, DE-RP
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:34
Wir sind DHL Freight - ein buntes Team von 13.000 Straßenfrachtexpert:innen und zertifizierten Frachtspezialist:innen aus allen Kulturen.
Wir sind in mehr als 40 Ländern tätig und stolz darauf, unseren Kund:innen die besten Lösungen für den Landtransport bieten zu können.
Dabei sind wir immer auf der Suche nach der nächsten Geschäftsmöglichkeit und erkennen potenzielle Herausforderungen frühzeitig.
Denn uns geht es nicht nur um Frachttransport - uns geht es um nachhaltige und zukunftsweisende Wege, Menschen zu verbinden und ihr Leben zu verbessern und damit unseren Beitrag zu leisten.
Wir suchen motivierte Disponenten (w/m/d) für die DHL Freight in Erfurt.
In dieser vielfältigen Rolle verantworten Sie die Frachtlogistik für nationale und internationale Verkehre.
Welche Aufgaben Sie übernehmen
* Sie steuern den Transportablauf! Sie sind für die Disposition und Kontrolle der Touren verantwortlich und verteilen die Aufträge an die Fahrzeuge.
* Sie sind ein Organisationstalent! Sie sind zuständig für die korrekte Abmeldung der Touren und machen eine zuverlässige Übergabe an die Zustelldisponenten.
* Sie behalten den Überblick! Zu Ihren täglichen Aufgaben gehören ebenfalls die Archivierung der Abholrollkarten und Zustellbelege.
Womit Sie uns überzeugen
* Erfahrung: Sie haben eine Ausbildung als Speditionskaufmann/-frau und konnten bereits Erfahrung in dem Berufsfeld sammeln.
* Persönlichkeit: Sie haben Spaß an der Arbeit und arbeiten stets kundenorientiert.
Sie sind improvisationsfähig, flexibel und haben ein gutes Koordinationsvermögen.
* Kenntnisse: Sie sind ein Kommunikations-Profi und verfügen über einen sehr guten Umgang mit MS-Office.
Sie haben bereits Kenntnisse in der Zollabwicklung und sind vertraut mit der englischen Sprache.
Damit überzeugen wir Sie
* Attraktive Vergütung: Wir bieten Ihnen ein Tarifgehalt mit 13.
Monatsgehalt, Urlaubsgeld, betriebliche Altersvorsorge und vermögenswirksame Leistungen.
Nutzen Sie unser Jobrad, Jobticket und viele attraktive Mitarbeiterrabatte.
* Einzigartige Firmenkultur: Abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben und spannende Herausforderungen bei einem ausgezeichneten TOP EMPLOYER®.
Wir fördern die Talente und das persönliches Engagement unserer Mitarbeiter.
* Entwicklung: Bringen Sie sich in einem weltweit agierenden Konzern aktiv ein.
Wir möchten, dass Sie wachsen und Ihre Potenziale entfalten.
Wir bieten umfangreiche fachliche und persönliche Weiterbildung und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten.
Ihr Kontakt:
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung online unter de.dpdhl.jobs über den Button „Bewerben“.
Ihre Fragen beantwortet Ihnen gerne Frau Stefanie Gembaczke, E-Mail: personal-erfurt@dhl.com, Telefon 0361 – 49304 110
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung.
Type: Permanent Location: Erfurt, DE-TH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:33
The Supply Chain Security Manager, assigned to one of Pinkerton's largest global clients, Responsibility for building and executing the GSRS Supply Chain Security Program across Clients physical supply chain.
To identify physical security risks and vulnerabilities, working closely with suppliers and leading remediation efforts.
Auditing compliance to Clients Security policies and driving best practice to include contract manufacturers, vendor owned supplier locations, distribution centres, transportation brokers and carriers, and other partners engaged in the design, testing, production, handling, warehousing, shipping, selling, or scrapping Client's devices.
Essential Functions:
Represent Pinkerton's core values of integrity, vigilance, and excellence.
Maintain an up-to-date map of Client's physical supply chain.
Identify security risks and vulnerabilities across Client's supply chain and supplier locations, make recommendations on mitigation measures
Support and/or conduct GSRS security assessments and audits of supply chain partners and suppliers ensuring compliance to GSRS Security policies.
Build strong, credible, trust-based relationships with internal stakeholders and collaborate with them to deliver robust supply chain security solutions.
Manage the GSRS Transportation Security & Visibility Program in HK.
Track supply chain security program metrics, identify trends and prepare reports a recommendation for program enhancements
Support the supply chain resilience and intelligence analysis team on understanding local insights on risk events/issues/opportunities facing Client's supply chain
Support investigations into leaks of unreleased devices and/or information
Support/conduct investigations of abnormal shortages, thefts, or other incidents at distribution centres, warehouses, in transit, or at other points in the supply chain.
Conduct root cause analysis and provide recommendations to remediate gaps and prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.
All other duties, as assigned.
Education, Experience, and Certifications:
A Bachelor's degree with at least 2 years of experience is required.
Knowledge of ISO 28000, ISO 31000, ISO 17712, and ISO 27002.
Experience with C-TPAT minimum security standards, AEO, and/or TAPA TSR/FSR requirements.
Basic understanding of data security principles and how they relate to supply chains and supply chain partner sites.
* Understanding of all facets of a supply chain and how those functions support a company's production and distribution objectives.
* Experience in leading a supplier audit program and leading remediation, ensuring compliance to policy.
* Knowledge of site physical security systems, including electronic access controls, intrusion detection technology, CCTV surveillance systems, securing lock mechanisms, facility lighting, visitor management programs, etc.
* Knowle...
Type: Permanent Location: Hong Kong, HK-HK
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:32
$20.00 Hourly
Job Description
To apply, simply TEXT USIC to 90206 to connect with our hiring team today.
Are you an outdoor enthusiast who enjoys independent field work and is looking to jump start your career? If you are a quality-conscious, safety focused, hard-working individual, then consider an exciting long-term career at USIC!
The USIC name and brand are highly recognized and respected for our strong commitment to quality and safety.
We are looking for individuals who consider themselves problem solvers, take pride in public safety, and thrive in a fast-paced, exciting work environment.
Our communities are your communities.
If you’re looking for growth, we’ve got you covered.
We provide a quality training program and opportunities for advancement.
No prior locating experience needed!
Our technicians spend their workdays on the go, independently working in the field using their company-provided vehicle.
We use best-in-class ticket and claims management systems to ensure clear and complete mark-out services for the excavator or property owner at the work site.
Your Responsibilities as a Locator:
* Correctly, safely, and efficiently locate underground utilities, including telecommunications, electric power, cable TV, gas, water, and sewer systems.
* Thoroughly search for underground utilities in a designated area, accurately marking the location, completing the necessary documentation, and photographing each locate.
These are daytime, full-time positions and overtime is required.
We have a 48-hour turnaround time on most locates, which means we generally work the day after holidays and some weekends, as needed.
Why You'll Love Working for Us (Our Benefits):
* 100% paid training – We're invested in you, starting on your first day.
* High-quality company vehicle & fuel card – All work-related expenses are paid.
This means you won't be putting mileage on your personal vehicle for work.
* Company laptop, phone, & equipment – Advanced technology you can count on.
* DailyPay – Access your pay when you need it.
* Comprehensive insurance options – A variety of excellent insurance choices including medical, dental, vision, and life.
* 401(k) with company match – We’ll help you save for the long term with our competitive 401(k) employer match program.
* PTO & paid holidays – Even in your first year, so you can spend time with your loved ones.
* Weekend & holiday on-call pay – Earn extra money while on call over the weekend or on a company holiday, even if not called out to an emergency.
* Technician Incentive Plan – Bonuses based on individual quality & safety results, as well as tenure.
* Career Path Program (CPP) – Unmatched in our industry.
We recognize employees who strive to be the best in their roles with distinctive titles, promotions, and more.
* Outstanding Marks Program – Earn points for tenure, safety, and quality milestones...
Type: Permanent Location: Cumming, US-GA
Salary / Rate: 20
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:32
$20.00 Hourly
Job Description
To apply, simply TEXT USIC to 90206 to connect with our hiring team today.
Are you an outdoor enthusiast who enjoys independent field work and is looking to jump start your career? If you are a quality-conscious, safety focused, hard-working individual, then consider an exciting long-term career at USIC!
The USIC name and brand are highly recognized and respected for our strong commitment to quality and safety.
We are looking for individuals who consider themselves problem solvers, take pride in public safety, and thrive in a fast-paced, exciting work environment.
Our communities are your communities.
If you’re looking for growth, we’ve got you covered.
We provide a quality training program and opportunities for advancement.
No prior locating experience needed!
Our technicians spend their workdays on the go, independently working in the field using their company-provided vehicle.
We use best-in-class ticket and claims management systems to ensure clear and complete mark-out services for the excavator or property owner at the work site.
Your Responsibilities as a Locator:
* Correctly, safely, and efficiently locate underground utilities, including telecommunications, electric power, cable TV, gas, water, and sewer systems.
* Thoroughly search for underground utilities in a designated area, accurately marking the location, completing the necessary documentation, and photographing each locate.
These are daytime, full-time positions and overtime is required.
We have a 48-hour turnaround time on most locates, which means we generally work the day after holidays and some weekends, as needed.
Why You'll Love Working for Us (Our Benefits):
* 100% paid training – We're invested in you, starting on your first day.
* High-quality company vehicle & fuel card – All work-related expenses are paid.
This means you won't be putting mileage on your personal vehicle for work.
* Company laptop, phone, & equipment – Advanced technology you can count on.
* DailyPay – Access your pay when you need it.
* Comprehensive insurance options – A variety of excellent insurance choices including medical, dental, vision, and life.
* 401(k) with company match – We’ll help you save for the long term with our competitive 401(k) employer match program.
* PTO & paid holidays – Even in your first year, so you can spend time with your loved ones.
* Weekend & holiday on-call pay – Earn extra money while on call over the weekend or on a company holiday, even if not called out to an emergency.
* Technician Incentive Plan – Bonuses based on individual quality & safety results, as well as tenure.
* Career Path Program (CPP) – Unmatched in our industry.
We recognize employees who strive to be the best in their roles with distinctive titles, promotions, and more.
* Outstanding Marks Program – Earn points for tenure, safety, and quality milestones...
Type: Permanent Location: Norcross, US-GA
Salary / Rate: 20
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:31
$20.00 Hourly
Job Description
To apply, simply TEXT USIC to 90206 to connect with our hiring team today.
Are you an outdoor enthusiast who enjoys independent field work and is looking to jump start your career? If you are a quality-conscious, safety focused, hard-working individual, then consider an exciting long-term career at USIC!
The USIC name and brand are highly recognized and respected for our strong commitment to quality and safety.
We are looking for individuals who consider themselves problem solvers, take pride in public safety, and thrive in a fast-paced, exciting work environment.
Our communities are your communities.
If you’re looking for growth, we’ve got you covered.
We provide a quality training program and opportunities for advancement.
No prior locating experience needed!
Our technicians spend their workdays on the go, independently working in the field using their company-provided vehicle.
We use best-in-class ticket and claims management systems to ensure clear and complete mark-out services for the excavator or property owner at the work site.
Your Responsibilities as a Locator:
* Correctly, safely, and efficiently locate underground utilities, including telecommunications, electric power, cable TV, gas, water, and sewer systems.
* Thoroughly search for underground utilities in a designated area, accurately marking the location, completing the necessary documentation, and photographing each locate.
These are daytime, full-time positions and overtime is required.
We have a 48-hour turnaround time on most locates, which means we generally work the day after holidays and some weekends, as needed.
Why You'll Love Working for Us (Our Benefits):
* 100% paid training – We're invested in you, starting on your first day.
* High-quality company vehicle & fuel card – All work-related expenses are paid.
This means you won't be putting mileage on your personal vehicle for work.
* Company laptop, phone, & equipment – Advanced technology you can count on.
* DailyPay – Access your pay when you need it.
* Comprehensive insurance options – A variety of excellent insurance choices including medical, dental, vision, and life.
* 401(k) with company match – We’ll help you save for the long term with our competitive 401(k) employer match program.
* PTO & paid holidays – Even in your first year, so you can spend time with your loved ones.
* Weekend & holiday on-call pay – Earn extra money while on call over the weekend or on a company holiday, even if not called out to an emergency.
* Technician Incentive Plan – Bonuses based on individual quality & safety results, as well as tenure.
* Career Path Program (CPP) – Unmatched in our industry.
We recognize employees who strive to be the best in their roles with distinctive titles, promotions, and more.
* Outstanding Marks Program – Earn points for tenure, safety, and quality milestones...
Type: Permanent Location: Brunswick, US-GA
Salary / Rate: 20
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:30
Wir sind DHL Freight - ein buntes Team von 13.000 Straßenfrachtexpert:innen und zertifizierten Frachtspezialist:innen aus allen Kulturen.
Wir sind in mehr als 40 Ländern tätig und stolz darauf, unseren Kund:innen die besten Lösungen für den Landtransport bieten zu können.
Dabei sind wir immer auf der Suche nach der nächsten Geschäftsmöglichkeit und erkennen potenzielle Herausforderungen frühzeitig.
Denn uns geht es nicht nur um Frachttransport - uns geht es um nachhaltige und zukunftsweisende Wege, Menschen zu verbinden und ihr Leben zu verbessern und damit unseren Beitrag zu leisten.
Wir suchen motivierte Teamleiter:innen (w/m/d) für die DHL Freight in Nürnberg. In dieser Rolle verantworten Sie den reibungslosen Ablauf einer Schicht für nationale und internationale Stückgut-Verkehre und steuern Schichten mit verschiedenen Aufgabenbereichen.
Welche Aufgaben Sie übernehmen
* Sie lieben die Dynamik im Umschlaglager! Sie organisieren und leiten gewerbliche Teams in unterschiedlicher Größe, sorgen für korrektes Ver- und Entladen durch Mitarbeiter:innen mit Flurförderzeugen, sowie für eine optimale Abwicklung der Lagerorganisation.
* Sicherheit ist Ihnen wichtig! Sie sind für die Arbeitssicherheit im Terminal und die Schnittstellenkontrolle inklusive Dokumentation zuständig.
* Sie lieben Technik! Sie überwachen und steuern den Betrieb unter Nutzung einer modernen Flurförderflotte mit LiOn-Technologie.
Auch weitere technische Hilfsmittel (z.B.
Handhelds, Wickler, 3D-Portal-Scanner) im Umschlags- und Lagerbetrieb sind Ihnen vertraut.
Womit Sie uns überzeugen!
* Erfahrungen und Kenntnisse: Sie haben eine abgeschlossene gewerbliche Ausbildung und konnten bereits Erfahrungen in der Logistik, vorzugsweise im Umschlagsbetrieb, sammeln.
Sie haben nachweisbare Erfahrungen in der Personalführung im gewerblichen Umfeld.
Sie besitzen einen Führerschein für Flurfördermittel und einen ADR-Schein.
Sie haben Kenntnisse über Gefahrgut, Ladungssicherung und Arbeitssicherheit.
* Persönlichkeit: Sie arbeiten zuverlässig, selbständig und kundenorientiert.
Zudem sind Sie teamfähig und schaffen es Ihr Team und Ihre Kolleg:innen zu motivieren.
Damit überzeugen wir Sie!
* Attraktive Vergütung & Benefits: Arbeitsvertrag mit attraktivem Gehalt inkl. regelmäßiger Überprüfung/Anpassung und Sonderzahlungen, wie z.
Gehalt, betriebliche Altersvorsorge, vermögenswirksame Leistungen, Sozialberatung, Jobrad-Leasing und viele attraktive Vergünstigungen über Corporate Benefits.
* Einzigartige Firmenkultur: Abwechslungsreiche Projekte für nationale internationale Geschäftskunden bei einem ausgezeichneten TOP EMPLOYER®.
Wir fördern die Talente und das persönliche Engagement unserer Mitarbeiter:innen.
* Entwicklung: In der Anfangszeit werden wir Sie umfangre...
Type: Contract Location: Nürnberg, DE-BY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:29
Wir sind DHL Freight - ein buntes Team von 13.000 Straßenfrachtexpert:innen und zertifizierten Frachtspezialist:innen aus allen Kulturen.
Wir sind in mehr als 40 Ländern tätig und stolz darauf, unseren Kund:innen die besten Lösungen für den Landtransport bieten zu können.
Dabei sind wir immer auf der Suche nach der nächsten Geschäftsmöglichkeit und erkennen potenzielle Herausforderungen frühzeitig.
Denn uns geht es nicht nur um Frachttransport - uns geht es um nachhaltige und zukunftsweisende Wege, Menschen zu verbinden und ihr Leben zu verbessern und damit unseren Beitrag zu leisten.
Wir suchen motivierte Lagermitarbeiter / Staplerfahrer (m/w/d) für unser Umschlaglager am Standort Nürnberg. Wir bieten Fachkräften und Quereinsteigern spannende Jobs in der faszinierenden Welt der Frachtlogistik.
Welche Aufgaben Sie übernehmen
* Sie sind ein Transportprofi! Sie be- und entladen Fahrzeuge und befördern Paletten im Umschlaglager mit dem Gabelstapler termingerecht und verladen die Überhänge.
* Sie sind qualitätsbewusst! Die Bestimmungen zu Ladungssicherung, Unfallverhütung und Gefahrgut haben Sie dabei immer im Blick.
Zudem ist die Reinigung der Fahrzeuge für Sie nach getaner Arbeit selbstverständlich.
* Sie sind fokussiert! Sie dokumentieren die Kontrollen, Beschädigungen und die Verladequalität der Sendungen.
Womit Sie uns überzeugen
* Erfahrungen und Kenntnisse: Sie haben eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung als Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik oder Fachlagerist:in (m/w/d) und haben bereits Erfahrungen im Lager und im Umgang mit dem Gabelstapler sammeln können.
Sie besitzen Kenntnisse über Gefahrgut und haben bereits Erfahrungen in Zollprozessen.
Zudem verfügen Sie über einen guten Umgang mit IT-Programmen.
* Persönlichkeit: Sie haben Spaß an der Arbeit, sind flexibel und haben eine hohe Einsatzbereitschaft.
Damit überzeugen wir Sie
* Attraktive Vergütung & Benefits: Arbeitsvertrag mit attraktivem Gehalt inkl.
regelmäßiger Überprüfung/Anpassung und Sonderzahlungen, wie z.
Gehalt, betriebliche Altersvorsorge, vermögenswirksame Leistungen, Sozialberatung, Jobrad-Leasing und viele attraktive Vergünstigungen über Corporate Benefits.
* Einzigartige Firmenkultur: Abwechslungsreiche Projekte für nationale internationale Geschäftskunden bei einem ausgezeichneten TOP EMPLOYER®.
Wir fördern die Talente und das persönliche Engagement unserer Mitarbeiter:innen.
* Entwicklung: In der Anfangszeit werden wir Sie umfangreich bei der Einarbeitung unterstützen.
Bringen Sie sich danach in einem weltweit agierenden Konzern aktiv ein. Wir möchten, dass Sie wachsen und Ihre Potenziale entfalten.
Wir bieten umfangreiche fachliche und persönliche Weiterbildung und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten sowie individuelle Coaching- und Mentoring-Programme an.
Type: Contract Location: Nürnberg, DE-BY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:28
At InterContinental Melbourne The Rialto, we're not just a hotel, we're an icon of luxury and a beacon of sophistication in the heart of Melbourne.
As part of the world's largest family of luxury hotels, we take pride in being genuine ambassadors of the InterContinental® brand, inspired by decades of international know-how and rich local insights.
If you're ready to embrace a wider world of experiences and craft memorable journeys for our guests, we'd love for you to join our team.
Your day to day
As Reservations Manager you will be responsible for the day-to day operations and strategic leadership of the Reservations Team and work closely with the Director of Sales & Marketing to establish the pre-arrival experience rate and inventory management and forecasting.
Your expertise will be vital in preparing occupancy and revenue forecasts, optimising room availability, and training and supporting the team.
You will manage promotional specials, maintain strong product knowledge of the hotel and local area, and actively promote upselling.
* Lead and manage the Reservations team ensuring sales performance and guest satisfaction
* Optimise room inventory, and maximise revenue through strategic inventory management
* Manage rate requests, local account rate loading, corporate client issues, feedback and upgrades.
* Coach and develop the team to meet service and quality targets.
What we need from you
* Minimum of 3-5 years of experience in hotel reservations or a similar role, with at least 2 years in a supervisory or managerial position.
* Excellent communication, leadership, and interpersonal skills
* Experience with hotel reservations software – preferably Opera
* Strong Commercial Acumen.
* Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and handle multiple tasks simultaneously
* Exceptional attention to detail and problem-solving abilities
What you can expect from us
* Paid Birthday Leave
* Enhanced parental leave program
* Proactive paid wellness and mental health days
* Some of the best colleague discounts across our IHG Hotels for accommodation, food and beverage
* An immense colleague discounts platform for all your favourite brands and retailers
Your career journey will be supported through our lifelong development programs, IHG career milestone celebrations, and transfer of entitlements as you move and grow with IHG.
We are proud to be InterContinental Melbourne the Rialto and proud to be IHG and we know you will be too.
Type: Permanent Location: Melbourne, AU-VIC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:28
Wir sind DHL Freight - ein buntes Team von 13.000 Straßenfrachtexpert:innen und zertifizierten Frachtspezialist:innen aus allen Kulturen.
Wir sind in mehr als 40 Ländern tätig und stolz darauf, unseren Kund:innen die besten Lösungen für den Landtransport bieten zu können.
Dabei sind wir immer auf der Suche nach der nächsten Geschäftsmöglichkeit und erkennen potenzielle Herausforderungen frühzeitig.
Denn uns geht es nicht nur um Frachttransport - uns geht es um nachhaltige und zukunftsweisende Wege, Menschen zu verbinden und ihr Leben zu verbessern und damit unseren Beitrag zu leisten.
Wir suchen eine:n zahlenaffine:n Teamleiter:in (m/w/d) für unseren Bereich Finance & Administration für Spedition / Logistik in unserer Niederlassung Unterschleißheim.
Welche Aufgaben Sie übernehmen
* Sie sind Spezialist! Sie stellen die Vergütung von Nah- und Fernverkehrsfahrzeugen sicher, sowie die Einhaltung der Compliance Richtlinien der Lademittelkonten im operativen System.
Sie stimmen die Kontensaldenübersicht ab und prüfen die Lademittelbestandsanmeldung auf Richtigkeit.
* Sie sind Qualitätsbewusst! Sie erstellen Lademittelabschlüsse und bearbeiten Rückbelastungen.
* Sie stellen Know How im Betrieb sicher! Sie unterstützen bei der Implementierung von einheitlichen Prozessen und entwickeln gemeinsam mit dem Team einen zentralen Schulungskatalog für Ihren Bereich.
Womit Sie uns überzeugen
* Erfahrungen und Kenntnisse: Sie haben eine abgeschlossene kaufmännische Ausbildung und konnten bereits Erfahrungen in der kaufmännischen Buchführung sammeln.
Sie können Finanzsysteme wie SAP und Transportmanagementsysteme bedienen und anwenden.
Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse, sowie ein guter Umgang mit den gängigen MS Office-Programmen runden Ihr Profil ab.
* Persönlichkeit: Sie haben ein hohes Maß an Qualitäts- und Kostenorientierung und sind Konzeptionsstark mit hoher Kompetenz im Bereich der Prozessoptimierung.
Sie sind empathisch und können sicher gegenüber internen und externen Partner:innen auftreten.
Sie haben Freude daran gemeinsam mit Ihrem Team neue Aufgaben anzugehen und Veränderungen voranzutreiben.
eine geschickte Kommunikation und ein sicheres Auftreten optimieren Ihr Profil.
Damit überzeugen wir Sie
* Attraktive Vergütung & Benefits: Arbeitsvertrag mit attraktivem Gehalt inkl.
regelmäßiger Überprüfung/Anpassung und Sonderzahlungen, wie z.
Gehalt, betriebliche Altersvorsorge, vermögenswirksame Leistungen, Sozialberatung, Jobrad-Leasing und viele attraktive Vergünstigungen über Corporate Benefits.
* Einzigartige Firmenkultur: Abwechslungsreiche Projekte für nationale internationale Geschäftskunden bei einem ausgezeichneten TOP EMPLOYER®.
Wir fördern die Talente und das persönliche Engagement unserer Mitarbeiter:innen.
* Entwic...
Type: Permanent Location: Unterschleißheim, DE-BY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:27
Your Job
Georgia-Pacific is seeking a Maintenance Manager for our lumber mill in Rome, Ga.
The Maintenance Manager is responsible for leading and supporting reliability throughout the mill.
This person will be a technical resource who provides and shares expertise of equipment, options to improve maintenance and operating practices, and opportunities to advance the use of technology.
They will be responsible for leading a staff of 50 individuals.
Sign-on bonus eligible!
What You Will Do
* Provide direction to team to successfully execute the workflow process
* Direct the supervision of all plant maintenance functions involving equipment, buildings, systems and grounds to include electrical, mechanical, plumbing, pipe fitting, and welding
* Develop and implement predictive and preventive maintenance strategies
* Apply knowledge of new technology available, industry trends and development to improve the operation
* Ensure all assigned workers, including contractors, are performing their tasks safely, productively, and in full compliance will all applicable regulations and policies
* Assess employee performance, including technical skills and knowledge and develop technical competencies accordingly
* Support communication and commitment of all employees to our company] culture
* Work in a manufacturing plant environment that includes extended periods of time in noisy, dusty, non-air conditioned or unheated areas
* Train in GP work processes and gain a thorough understanding of the MP2 maintenance management system
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* E ight (8) or more years of maintenance experience, in an industrial, manufacturing, or military environment
* Five (5) or more years of maintenance supervisory experience
* Experience with maintenance planning, scheduling, and coordination
* Experience utilizing Root Cause Analysis or other problem-solving tools
* Experience with computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS)
What Will Put You Ahead
* Associate degree or higher in Industrial Technology or Engineering
* Mechanical, Hydraulic or Reliability certifications
* Experience in Building Products Manufacturing facilities
For this role, we anticipate paying $125,000 - $165,000 per year.
This role is eligible for variable pay, issued as a monetary bonus or in another form.
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity o...
Type: Permanent Location: Rome, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:26
Your Job
Are you a student eager to explore the dynamic world of electrical and mechanical skilled trades? Georgia-Pacific's Green Bay Broadway facility is on the lookout for motivated individuals like you to join our engineering group.
This unique opportunity offers hands-on experience in both electrical and mechanical fields, providing invaluable insights into a challenging and rewarding industrial career.
Enjoy the benefits of an onsite fitness center, receive 50% reimbursement for your favorite offsite fitness center, and savor meals at our onsite cafeteria.
With the flexibility of full-time hours in the summer and part-time during the school year, this role offers long-term career potential.
At Koch, your pay and promotions are driven by your performance, not seniority-show us what you've got and watch it pay off!
Don't miss the chance to be part of something big; check out our Koch Intern Video for more insights: Koch Intern Video
Our Team
The Green Bay Broadway Mill manufactures and distributes leading commercial and retail brands of paper products (bath tissue, napkins, and towels).
Every day, GP employees and products help maintain a strong, stable economy in Northeastern Wisconsin.
We do more than just make paper.
Check out this video to see for yourself: Come Inside a GP Paper Mill |Georgia-Pacific (youtube.com)
What You Will Do
You will work with a trained mentor to job shadow and learn how to do the following:
* Perform precision maintenance work on industrial manufacturing processes: rigging, alignment, motors, gearboxes, pumps, condition monitoring and more
* Contribute to our reliability vision by striving to create an environment where equipment consistently operates as designed, runs predictably, and avoids unexpected failures
* Repair and maintain electrical equipment.
* Installing and calibrating instrumentation equipment (i.e., Pressure Transmitters, Level Transmitters, Flow Transmitters, Temperature Transmitters and Consistency Transmitters).
* Read and interpret schematics to troubleshoot and install equipment
* Complete preventative, corrective and unplanned maintenance tasks.
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Currently enrolled in a degree or certificate program related to one of the following areas: Industrial Maintenance, Electro-Mechanical, Automation, Instrumentation Technology, or other relevant program.
* Must be safety conscious and committed to working safely in all situations.
* Work with integrity! Be honest, dependable and respectful and you will be treated the same.
The starting rate of pay is $24/HR.
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate...
Type: Permanent Location: Green Bay, US-WI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:25
Your Job
Georgia-Pacific is searching for a Utilities Technical Lead Engineer for the pulp and paper mill located in Rincon, GA.
This position is responsible for designing, developing, testing, and evaluating of boiler and reliability systems/processes within a high-performing paper making environment, including human work factors, capital/expense projects, quality control, and cost analysis.
This role will be reporting to the Operations Manager.
Our Team
At Georgia-Pacific's Savannah River Mill, we've had the privilege of calling the Effingham County community home since 1986.
With more than 950 team members, we proudly produce the quality tissue, towel and napkin products our customers use every day in their homes and in restaurants, airports, offices and other away-from-home locations.
Located in southeast Georgia just north of Savannah, the Savannah River Mill serves as Effingham County's largest private employer.
At the Savannah River Mill, you'll find five of the world's 12 largest tissue paper machines.
The mill is located in a beautiful part of the country in Effingham county with some of the best school systems in the state.
It is close to the coast and the great city of Savannah, GA.
The mill has established an excellent relationship with its community and participates in many community events.
What You Will Do
* Technical SME for the utilities area learning the daily operation, capital and expense projects, and supporting overall operations team.
* Technical support for product systems leader (Utilities Manager).
* Provide technical knowledge to the utility footprint project.
* Provide technical expertise and transfer knowledge to Dept PSL, PCL, ME's, Technicians, Asset Availability Leader, Shift Performance Coaches, or other leadership roles regarding purchases, product and production specifications, manufacturing capabilities, or project status
* Investigate equipment failures or difficulties to diagnose faulty operation, maintenance, or design, and recommend remedial actions
* Analyze operations sequence, material flow, functional statements, organization charts, and project information to determine worker functions and responsibilities
* Read and interpret blueprints, technical drawings, schematics, or computer-generated reports
* Apply statistical methods and perform mathematical calculations to determine manufacturing processes and production standards (e.g., OEE)
* Plan and establish sequence of operations to fabricate and assemble parts or products and to promote efficient utilization
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Bachelor's Degree in Engineering or related technical field
* Industrial boiler operations and maintenance experience
* Project management experience
* Experience applying Root Cause Analysis techniques
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience using AutoCAD, SolidWorks, SAP, SharePoint, PI Vision, or ICPAQS
At Koch companies, we are ent...
Type: Permanent Location: Rincon, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:25
Process Control Technician
Georgia-Pacific's Darlington, SC facility is a world-class manufacturing operation that produces millions of iconic Dixie® brand of plates and bowls each day.
We are seeking a self-driven and innovative Process Controls Technician to join our team.
In this role you will have an opportunity to work as an engineering tech on automation and process controls initiatives as well as troubleshoot and resolve process control issues at our facility.
The ideal candidate for this role will act as a principled entrepreneur, be a problem solver and team player, and have a passion for working in a fast-paced manufacturing environment.
This position will be part of our Maintenance and Reliability Team and will work closely with our engineers, operators, and other maintenance execution team members.
Our Team
The Darlington Dixie® plant has been in operation for nearly 85 years and is one of the
largest employers in Darlington County.
Owned by Georgia-Pacific, the site boasts more than 400 employees and produces plates, bowls, and other tableware products.
Affectionately known as "Dixie® Cup" by many in Darlington - the plant shifted its focus to exclusively making plates and bowls in 2020 as part of a $145 million facility upgrade and expansion project.
For nearly a century, we've created products that make lives easier.
From the first disposable paper cup to our strong and stylish modern plates, the history of Dixie® is one of bringing people together.
What You Will Do
* Monitor asset KPI's and performance trends through our digital mezzanine reporting to understand asset performance and respond to anomalies and system alerts
* Provide technical support to resolve short-term reliability issues and assist in developing longer-term strategies to improve the reliability and performance of process control solutions
* Assist operators in making real-time adjustments to equipment to optimize performance or resolve issues
* Conduct regular inspections in the field to ensure equipment is functioning optimally and identify and troubleshoot process issues and equipment malfunctions
* Execute equipment repairs and other work orders as needed
* Collaborate with engineering staff to develop and implement process improvements / upgrades throughout the facility
* Document and update process control procedures and work with L&D to develop training materials
* Assist with training other staff members on the proper use and maintenance of process control systems and equipment
* Must be able and willing to work in a food-grade manufacturing plant environment, including extended periods of time in areas which may be noisy, non-air conditioned, or unheated areas
The Experience You Will Bring (Basic Qualifications)
* High School Diploma or GED
* 1-year of post-high school education towards an associate, technical, or higher-level degree program
* 2 years or more in a manufacturing or ...
Type: Permanent Location: Darlington, US-SC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:24
Your Job
Our Naheola Mill in Pennington, AL is looking for self-motivated and experienced Maintenance Mechanics.
These positions create value by troubleshooting, repairing, and performing preventative maintenance on equipment leading to increased up-time and reliability.
Maintenance Mechanics are required to have a thorough understanding of safe work practices, and the troubleshooting, and maintenance of manufacturing equipment.
Our Maintenance Mechanics typically work a day shift, M-F to include holidays, weekends and overtime as needed and the starting pay is $40.24.
Our Team
Naheola Mill located in Pennington, Alabama, is a manufacturing site for the company's well-known consumer products business, producing a wide range of products for the consumer business, including Angel Soft® bath tissue and Sparkle® paper towels, as well as bleached paperboard used in Dixie® paper cups and plates.
The mill is the largest employer in the community and is engaged in supporting community outreach, workforce development and education.
What You Will Do
* Assemble, repair and fabricate metal parts by operating mechanical equipment and by using blueprints and designs sketches to ensure proper dimensions and tolerance levels of finished product
* Assemble parts into sub-units or completed units
* Install and maintain machinery and equipment using hoists, lift trucks, hand tools and power tools
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Three years of experience as a Journeyman Millwright and Pipefitter or a Machinist in an Industrial environment OR Two years of experience as a Journeyman Millwright and Pipefitter or Machinist AND a two year degree or higher in Industrial Technology
* Confirmed Journeyman status, e.g.; written documentation that shows your journeyman status for the required time frame
What Will Put You Ahead
* Bachelor's degree or higher in Industrial Technology
* Experience with a Computerized Maintenance Management Software (CMMS)
This role is part of the collective bargaining agreement and the starting pay for this role is set at $40.24 per hour.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here.
Who We Are
As a Koch company and a leading manufacturer of bath tissue, paper towels, paper-based packaging, cellulose, specialty fibers, building products and much more, Georgia-Pacific works to meet evolving needs of customers worldwide with quality products.
In addition to the products we make, we operate one of the largest recycling businesses.
Our more than 30,000 employees in over 150 locations are empowered to innovate every day - to make everyday products even better.
At Koch, employees are empowered to do what they do best to make life better.
Learn how our business philosophy helps employees unleash their potential while creating val...
Type: Permanent Location: Pennington, US-AL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:23
Your Job
INVISTA is seeking an experienced Sr.
Accounting Analyst to join our CFO organization in Wichita, KS or North Dallas, TX.
A successful candidate is highly motivated, self-driven, and has a passion for driving continuous improvement and transformation.
They should have a solid understanding of accounting concepts, good critical and economic thinking, and strong communication skills.
We are looking for someone with at least 3+ years of experience in accounting roles, preferably with a focus on financial reporting, audit support or tax.
Our Team
Join Koch Industries and experience the best of both worlds in our exceptional office locations! Our Wichita, Kansas office is conveniently located in the northeast part of the city, one of the largest in Kansas with a vibrant population nearing 400,000.
Wichita is renowned for its diverse downtown district, brimming with top-notch restaurants, shopping, museums, entertainment venues, and beautiful parks.
With easy access to major highways and interstates, you have the flexibility to live almost anywhere within the greater Wichita area without enduring a grueling commute.
Our beautiful campus boasts walking trails, coffee shops, and numerous on-site amenities like a post office and dry-cleaning services, making your work-life balance a breeze.
Alternatively, our North Dallas office is situated in the bustling Legacy Town Center in Plano, Texas, on Dallas Parkway.
This prime location offers a plethora of on-site amenities and is just a short stroll away from a variety of restaurants and The Shops at Legacy.
Whether you choose Wichita or Plano, you'll find a dynamic and supportive environment designed to help you thrive both personally and professionally.
Come join us and see what makes Koch Industries a great place to advance your career!
What You Will Do
* Perform accounting activities: Ensure completeness, accuracy, and timeliness of financial data according to US GAAP requirements and business needs, including reconciliations, journal entries, and financial statement analysis
* Develop and support processes: Create efficient and sustainable accounting processes that facilitate strong, risk-based internal controls and support business growth
* r: Develop and foster partnership with other finance functions, leveraged capabilities, and business units to prioritize and support profitable decision making and value creation, with a focus on integrity and long-term stability
* Strategic Decision Making: Leverage critical, economic, and innovative thinking to break down complex financial scenarios or processes.
Collaborate with Supply Chain, International Trade & Compliance, and Tax to ensure strategy alignment of global integrated supply chain movements
* Analyze financial data: Use tools such as Excel and Power BI to identify trends and provide insights to support decision-making
* Drive transformation: Identify opportunities, develop recommendations, and implement w...
Type: Permanent Location: Wichita, US-KS
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:22
Your Job
INVISTA is seeking an experienced Sr.
Accounting Analyst to join our CFO organization in Wichita, KS or North Dallas, TX.
A successful candidate is highly motivated, self-driven, and has a passion for driving continuous improvement and transformation.
They should have a solid understanding of accounting concepts, good critical and economic thinking, and strong communication skills.
We are looking for someone with at least 3+ years of experience in accounting roles, preferably with a focus on financial reporting, audit support or tax.
Our Team
Join Koch Industries and experience the best of both worlds in our exceptional office locations! Our Wichita, Kansas office is conveniently located in the northeast part of the city, one of the largest in Kansas with a vibrant population nearing 400,000.
Wichita is renowned for its diverse downtown district, brimming with top-notch restaurants, shopping, museums, entertainment venues, and beautiful parks.
With easy access to major highways and interstates, you have the flexibility to live almost anywhere within the greater Wichita area without enduring a grueling commute.
Our beautiful campus boasts walking trails, coffee shops, and numerous on-site amenities like a post office and dry-cleaning services, making your work-life balance a breeze.
Alternatively, our North Dallas office is situated in the bustling Legacy Town Center in Plano, Texas, on Dallas Parkway.
This prime location offers a plethora of on-site amenities and is just a short stroll away from a variety of restaurants and The Shops at Legacy.
Whether you choose Wichita or Plano, you'll find a dynamic and supportive environment designed to help you thrive both personally and professionally.
Come join us and see what makes Koch Industries a great place to advance your career!
What You Will Do
* Perform accounting activities: Ensure completeness, accuracy, and timeliness of financial data according to US GAAP requirements and business needs, including reconciliations, journal entries, and financial statement analysis
* Develop and support processes: Create efficient and sustainable accounting processes that facilitate strong, risk-based internal controls and support business growth
* r: Develop and foster partnership with other finance functions, leveraged capabilities, and business units to prioritize and support profitable decision making and value creation, with a focus on integrity and long-term stability
* Strategic Decision Making: Leverage critical, economic, and innovative thinking to break down complex financial scenarios or processes.
Collaborate with Supply Chain, International Trade & Compliance, and Tax to ensure strategy alignment of global integrated supply chain movements
* Analyze financial data: Use tools such as Excel and Power BI to identify trends and provide insights to support decision-making
* Drive transformation: Identify opportunities, develop recommendations, and implement w...
Type: Permanent Location: Dallas, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:22
Your Job
Georgia-Pacific is now hiring for a Shift Team Leader for our Operations Department in the Plattsburgh, NY Mill.
The Production Shift Leader is responsible for providing leadership with accountability for all hourly employees on the shift, safety, and environmental compliance.
They will also coach, train and develop personnel in safety, quality, production, problem solving and technical skills.
This role will have roughly 12 direct reports and will report to the Operations Manager.
The shift for this position is 12 hour rotating shifts that fluctuate from 2 weeks of day shift to 2 weeks of night shift.
Our Team
Georgia-Pacific's Plattsburgh facility uses state of the art innovation and technology to manufacture Quilted Northern Ultra Plush Tissue.
Quilted Northern is a brand of choice and is widely used in homes and businesses across the country.
What You Will Do
* Build and develop capability of on-shift personnel
* Be a business partner with Manufacturing Engineers in their respective areas
* Ensure safety and environmental ownership and compliance
* Identify and correct unsafe conditions and acts, recognizing positive safety performance as well as individual and team contributions to a safer workplace
* Lead operational and shift maintenance initiatives in accordance with the Asset Strategy to achieve maximum asset capability
* Provide performance feedback and coaching: appraising performance and providing feedback as needed
* Assist in resolving complaints and issues; hold employees accountable in a fair and consistent manner, and communicate issues and results daily
* Act as a positive change agent for continued transformation and improvement
* Develop and foster an environment where employees are contribution motivated
* Work within the bounds of a union contract (USW)
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* 2+ years supervisory experience in a manufacturing facility
* Able to work rotating shifts and weekends
What Will Put You Ahead
* Previous supervisory experience in an organized labor union environment
* Bachelor's Degree in Engineering or Business
* Six Sigma or Lean Manufacturing experience or certifications
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
For this role, we anticipate paying $70,000-$80,000 per year.
The role is eligible for variable pay, issued as a monetary bonus or in another form.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, per...
Type: Permanent Location: Plattsburgh, US-NY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:21
Your Job
Georgia-Pacific's Consumer Products mill in Pennington, AL is seeking a qualified individual to consider for the Materials Allocator.
This position will primarily focus on managing workflow within the warehouse management system (EWM) of raw materials to internal and external customers and maintain open communications with service groups to ensure both internal and external customer needs are met.
This individual will be the on-shift subject matter expert to lead problem solving activities, lead and coach users to resolve EWM and ICPAQS process issues.
Attention to detail is a critical component of this role.
The ideal candidate for this role will possess strong written and verbal communication skills, attention to detail, could learn and teach new and complex systems, and the ability to multi-task and prioritize based on vision.
Our Team
Georgia-Pacific's Naheola Mill located in Pennington, Alabama, is a manufacturing site for the company's well-known consumer products business.
More than 950 employees produce a wide range of products for the consumer business, including Angel Soft® bath tissue, Sparkle® paper towels, as well as bleached paperboard used in Dixie® paper cups and plates.
The mill is the largest employer in the community and is engaged in supporting community outreach, workforce development and education.
The area is a sportsman's paradise with world-class hunting for deer, turkey and other small game and is bounded on the east by the Tombigbee River which provides such recreation as freshwater fishing, boating and water skiing.
Residents of this area enjoy the mild climate, a low cost of living, and is an easy drive to the many resort communities and soft white-sand beaches of the Gulf Coast.
What You Will Do
• Manage workflow within Warehouse Management System (EWM) and connected applications for raw materials to internal customers.
• Maintain open communications with service groups to ensure both internal and external customer needs are met.
• Conduct root cause analysis when converting material flow or system issues occur.
• Forecast potential issues that will affect service to customers and take necessary actions
• Demonstrate ability to fully function in multiple system applications - EWM, ICPAQ, Quality
• Be the on-shift subject matter expert to lead problem solving activities and coaching users to resolve EWM and ICPAQS process issues.
• Leading hourly personnel to deliver results
Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities:
• A qualified applicant will have demonstrated:
• Demonstrated ability to lead team members
• Strong communication skills to effectively interact with customers
• Demonstrated computer skills
• Demonstrated ability to effectively learn and teach
• Demonstrated Problem Solving skills and attention to detail
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
• Associate Degree or higher, OR two (2) years manufacturing experience, or military experience
• Proficient C...
Type: Permanent Location: Pennington, US-AL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:20
Your Job
INVISTA is seeking a Capital Project Manager to support small / mid-cap project development for its operating facilities in the Gulf Coast.
The successful candidate will assemble and lead cross-functional teams to efficiently implement site projects as required to meet the objectives identified by the operating business.
This position is accountable for project planning, design development, and execution, including creation of schedules, cost estimates, and scopes of work for projects generally ranging in size up to $10MM.
We are seeking an individual who can manage multiple projects in various phases, from early FEL through construction and close out following best practices.
The role will be based out of the Houston Texas office but will require travel (up to 75%) between the Gulf Coast sites depending on project phases and requirements.
What You Will Do
* Manage multiple capital projects using a phased project execution framework that ensures the quality and competitive performance expected by stakeholders
* Lead a project team consisting of engineers, operations, construction, and vendors to ensure all aspects of the project are properly considered, including scope selection, safety, environmental, construction, operations, and reliability
* Effectively manage costs and schedule to drive toward best in industry performance
* Develop comprehensive project execution plans with focus on scope, cost, schedule, risk management, engineering, procurement, and construction
* Communicate capital project status to various stakeholders within the organization
* Recognize opportunities for value creation and innovation in the project management work processes
* Project Execution and turnarounds may require weekend and evening hours for project support
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* 3+ years of experience in project development and execution
* Experience leading teams and managing multiple initiatives, priorities and/or projects
* Experience communicating with various levels of an organization (engineers, managers, senior leadership, constructors)
* Ability to travel up to 75% as required based upon the project workload and project phase
* Ability to climb ladders/stairs to elevated platforms
* This role is not eligible for visa sponsorship
What Will Put You Ahead
* Bachelor's degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering with project management and/or design experience
* Understanding of project controls and project FEL development
* 5+ years of project management experience
* 5+ years of manufacturing or industrial experience
* Project Management Professional (PMP) certification
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
Type: Permanent Location: Houston, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:19
Your Job
Our Georgia-Pacific facilities in Green Bay, WI are looking for motivated individuals to join our team as a Fiber Team Associate at our Broadway location.
A successful candidate will be detail-oriented and thrive in a team-oriented environment.
Fiber Team Associates work a rotating 12-hour shift that includes days, nights, weekends, holidays, and overtime hours.
The starting rate of pay is $22-27/HR and will be determined based on experience.
A $3.00/hour shift premium will be paid out for all night-shift hours worked (6:00 PM - 6:00 AM).
Additional Benefits to consider:
* Full benefits package that begins the first of the month following the start date
* Two (2) weeks of vacation prorated for the first year
* 11 Paid Holidays each calendar year
* 48 Hours of PTO (1-yr waiting period until PTO is earned and will be pro-rated during the first year of eligibility)
* Retention Bonus
* Quarterly bonus potential
* Opportunities to advance based on capability, not seniority
* Work in a progressive, safety-conscious work environment
* Overtime opportunities
* And so much more!
Our Team
The Green Bay Broadway Mill manufactures and distributes leading commercial and retail brands of paper products (bath tissue, napkins, and towels).
Every day, GP employees and products help maintain a strong, stable economy in Northeastern Wisconsin.
We do more than just make paper.
Check out this video to see for yourself: Come Inside a GP Paper Mill | Georgia-Pacific (youtube.com)
What You Will Do
* Operate equipment to defined standards and product specification targets
* Monitor and/or enter into computer control systems
* Troubleshoot equipment to optimize production
* Inspect product to ensure quality standards are met including grading of wastepaper
* Perform basic asset care duties to include routine preventative maintenance and cleaning of the work area
* Work as a team to help meet or exceed production, waste, quality, and safety goals
* Operate and/or work around mobile equipment
* Maintain strict adherence to safety rules and regulations, which includes wearing required safety PPE
* Perform tasks such as lifting, climbing, standing, pushing, and/or pulling for up to twelve (12) hours a day, in a loud/noisy, industrial, high-volume environment
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experience using a computer OR tablet OR smartphone
* Ability to speak, read and write English
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience in a manufacturing, industrial, agricultural, or military environment OR completion of post-high school education in a manufacturing/industrial-centered program
* Experience troubleshooting and repairing manufacturing equipment
* Experience working in a paper/pulp manufacturing environment
* Experience working a rotating shift
* Forklift experience including loading and unloading trailers
The starting rate ...
Type: Permanent Location: Green Bay, US-WI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:19
Your Job
Georgia-Pacific is now hiring Production Associates to join our Corrugated facility in Huntsville, AL!
* $20.40 per hour
* 2nd Shift Differential - Thirty (.30) cents per hour = $20.70
* 3rd Shift Differential - Thirty-Five (.35) cents per hour = $20.75
* You will have the ability to increase your compensation based on skills and contribution to the overall performance of the plant.
* Only candidates who are flexible and available to work any shift will be considered.
This will include overtime, holidays, and weekends as needed.
* Currently hiring for 2nd and 3rd shift only.
No 1st shift available.
* The first 2 weeks of orientation will be on 1st shift (7am - 3pm), and you will be assigned your 2nd OR 3rd shift after your orientation.
Shift Hours:
* 1st Shift: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
* 2nd Shift: 3:00 PM - 11:00 PM
* 3rd Shift: 11:00 PM - 7:00 AM (Starts Sunday night)
* Overtime, holidays, and weekends as needed.
Physical Location:
3420 Stanwood Blvd NE, Huntsville, AL 35811
Our Team
* Our team creates value by safely assisting with the production of corrugated boxes for our valued customers.
* Click here to see how we make corrugated boxes, and click here to learn more about our products!
What You Will Do
* Operate equipment to defined standards and product specification targets
* Monitor and/or entry into computer control systems
* Troubleshoot equipment to optimize production
* Perform basic asset care duties to include routine preventative maintenance and cleaning of work area
* Work as a team to help meet or exceed production, waste, quality, and safety goals
* Operate and/or work around mobile equipment
* Maintain strict adherence to safety rules and regulations, to include wearing safety equipment
* Perform tasks such as lifting, walking, climbing, stooping, standing, pushing and/or pulling for up to twelve (12) hours a day, in a loud/noisy, and industrial, high-volume environment
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experience in a manufacturing, agricultural, warehouse, military environment, or similar environment OR completion of post high school education in manufacturing/industrial.
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience using a computer, tablet, or smart device
* Experience working in the corrugated packaging industry
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value ...
Type: Permanent Location: Huntsville, US-AL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:59:18