Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
At Alcoa, you’re an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
This is an opportunity for you to bring your wealth of experience to the team and help shape the future of sustainability with world-changing innovations and low-carbon technologies.
You have the power to shape things to make them better.
About the role:
In this new role, you will play a big part in strengthening Alcoa Foundation’s granting program by providing robust Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) support.
The role will collaborate with Alcoa global locations in the development and management of Alcoa Foundation grant projects as well as support Alcoa Foundation grant recipients with MER activities to enhance Alcoa Foundation reporting and communications.
You will also support development of Alcoa Foundation reporting and communications materials.
Major responsibilities include:
* Provide MER support for Alcoa Foundation grant projects
* Assist with development of grant performance framework that aligns with Alcoa Foundation’s priorities.
* Guide the creation and implementation of MER plans, including protocols for data collection, verification, and reporting to ensure transparency and accountability.
* Support the preparation, review, and dissemination of grant impact reports, ensuring quality and consistency.
* Consolidate and analyze data from grant projects across Alcoa Foundation’s portfolio.
* Contribute to the development of tools, resources, and processes that enhance Alcoa Foundation’s grant impact measurement and reporting systems.
* Collaborate with internal teams to create training material and capacity-building activities.
* Provide regular updates on grant program impacts using data visualization techniques and tools.
* Provide grant impact data and narrative for internal and external reports, such as Alcoa Foundation’s annual report, Alcoa’s Sustainability Report, and quarterly board of directors’ meetings.
* Prepare case studies that showcase the impact of Alcoa Foundation’s grants to internal and external stakeholders.
* Ensure Alcoa Foundation reporting and application templates are up to date and capture contributions and outcomes.
What you can bring to this role:
* Bachelor’s degree in relevant field (corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, economics, sociology).
* Minimum 3 years of experience in Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (MER) for philanthropic projects and/or sustainable development.
* Strong qualitative and quantitative research skills
* Experience analyzing and presenting information clearly and accessibly
* Excellent English verbal and written communication skills; profic...
Type: Permanent Location: Pittsburgh, US-PA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:25
Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
Chez Alcoa
Vous contribuez à façonner le futur de la durabilité avec des innovations révolutionnaires et des technologies à faible émission de carbone.
Faites partie d’une équipe qui façonne le futur de l’aluminium, révolutionnant la façon dont le monde vit, se construit, se déplace et vole.
Faites-en partie et façonnez votre monde.
Principal objectif du poste
Relevant de l’Ingénieur responsable de l’Intégrité des actifs, le titulaire du poste doit s’assurer de la performance des équipements par la mise en place et le suivi des plans de maintenance préventive.
Ce poste englobe tout ce qui est lié aux installations civils, d’infrastructures et équipements nécessitant des normes de maintenance précises pour assurer la sécurité et la santé.
Mandat (1 an_
* Implémenter des stratégies de maintenance optimales (criticité de l’équipement, liste de pièces de rechange, activités d’entretien) basées sur les standards d’Intégrité des actifs d’Alcoa et autres réglementations applicables;
* Développer et optimiser les programmes de maintenance préventive et prédictive en utilisant les principes de la maintenance axée sur la fiabilité;
* Participer aux audits de santé des équipements prescrits par le programme corporatif d’Intégrité des actifs et adresser des plans d’action pour les écarts ciblés;
* Analyser l’historique de maintenance des équipements pour identifier les problèmes récurrents ou majeurs, déterminer leurs causes fondamentales et recommander des solutions;
* Analyser les écarts, les tendances et les coûts d'entretien;
* Participer à la planification stratégique et à l’amélioration continue, incluant les plans de capitalisation annuels ou projets en dépenses (OPEX);
* Promouvoir et supporter l’implantation de nouvelles technologies de maintenance auprès des équipes de maintenance;
* Collaborer à l’entrée des risques et recommandations identifiés lors des inspections/audits dans une base de données gérée par le corporatif;
* Collaborer à la gestion des risques et des actions correctives avec les ingénieurs / SPA responsables de protocoles, incluant des plans de mitigations temporaires et des correctifs permanents;
* Fournir une expertise en intégrité des actifs avec l’aide des fiabilistes de l’usine et s'assurer du respect des normes de documentation;
* Travailler en synergie avec les intervenants de production et de maintenance de l’usine;
* Rechercher l'expertise externe si nécessaire.
Formation académique requise
* BAC en génie civil, électrique, mécanique ou industriel;
Expérience requise
* 1-3 ans d’expérience pertinente à ...
Type: Permanent Location: Becancour, CA-QC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:24
Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
Chez Alcoa
Vous contribuez à façonner le futur de la durabilité avec des innovations révolutionnaires et des technologies à faible émission de carbone.
Faites partie d’une équipe qui façonne le futur de l’aluminium, révolutionnant la façon dont le monde vit, se construit, se déplace et vole.
Faites-en partie et façonnez votre monde.
Principal objectif du poste
Sous la supervision du Responsable Exploitation, Gestion des Contrats et Intégrité des Actifs, le titulaire du poste est chargé de la gestion du programme d'Intégrité des Actifs sur le site.
Ce programme englobe les actifs d’infrastructure et civils ainsi que les équipements soumis à des réglementations en matière de santé et sécurité.
* Implanter, améliorer et s’assurer de la bonne marche du programme en Intégrité des Actifs du site;
* Fournir une assistance dans la gestion des audits internes et externes pour chaque domaine de l’Intégrité des actifs
* Participer aux audits et s’assurer que toutes les évaluations sont terminées dans le temps, sont de haute qualité et dans les limites des budgets
* Entrer les risques et recommandations identifiés lors des inspections / audits dans une base de données corporative
* Superviser la gestion des risques et des actions correctives et collaborer avec les ingénieurs / responsables de protocoles ainsi qu’avec les différents intervenants des secteurs. Des plans de mitigations peuvent aussi être documentés et implantés
* Piloter avec l’aide d’experts indépendants dans les domaines de l’Intégrité des Actifs, des inspections initiales permettant de recueillir des défaillances méritant une attention à court terme, de même que pour cibler les entretiens périodiques recommandés devant être intégrés aux plans de Maintenance
* Développer une stratégie locale, basée sur les standards d’intégrité des actifs d’Alcoa, afin que les actifs visés par ce programme soient bien intégrés aux programmes de maintenance de l’usine;
* Participer à des tribunes régionales avec le responsable corporatif en intégrité des actifs et les gestionnaires en intégrité des actifs des autres usines de la corporation
* Participer à l’élaboration des plans / budgets annuels ou plus long terme d’immobilisation (Capex) afin d’inclure les projets qui découlent des risques en Intégrité des Actifs
* Supporter l’équipe de gestion de projets et d’ingénierie.
* Superviser le travail d’un fiabiliste en Intégrité des Actifs, rattaché au secteur de la Maintenance
* Toutes autres tâches connexes
Formation académique requise
* BAC en génie Civil ou Mécanique
Expérience requise
Type: Permanent Location: Becancour, CA-QC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:23
Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
Esta é a sua oportunidade de ajudar a compartilhar o futuro da sustentabilidade com inovações que mudam o mundo e tecnologias de baixo carbono.
Torne-se uma parte importante da equipe que está moldando o futuro do alumínio, revolucionando a maneira como o mundo vive, constrói, se move e progride.
Faça parte disso e molde seu mundo.
Sobre a função:
As principais responsabilidades da função incluem:
* Realização de rotas de inspeção e lubrificação;
* Manutenção em veículos pesados, utilitários, pás carregadeiras, retroescavadeiras, escavadeiras, tratores de pneu, plataformas elevatórias de 8, 14 e 25 metros;
* Manutenção em caminhão sky munck e caminhão de bombeiro;
* Manutenção em sistemas hidráulicos troca de comandos, cilindros, motores hidráulicos, troca de motores de combustão interna (diesel);
* Manutenções em eixos de veículos utilitários e pesados, troca de transmissão, troca e manutenção de diferenciais, assistência em partida em veículos na área da fábrica;
* Reparos elétricos em sistemas de iluminação de veículos em geral, manutenção em empilhadeira e veículos elétricos, pequenos reparos com solda eletrica e corte com conjunto oxiacetilenico, manutenção de veículos na área de lagos, abertura de solicitação de serviços, fechamento de horas.
O que você pode oferecer para a função:
* Ensino Médio Completo;
* Curso Técnico em Mecânica – CFT Ativo;
* CNH B;
* Experiência de manutenção em veículos industriais;
* Experiência em oficina de veículos industriais;
* Conhecimento em sistema hidráulico;
* Residir em Poços de Caldas/MG.
O que está sendo oferecido:
* Reconhecida como uma das melhores empresas para se trabalhar pelo programa Great Place to Work;
* Reconhecida pelo Guia Exame de Diversidade como uma das empresas com as melhores práticas relacionadas à inclusão, equidade, gênero, etnia, raça, pessoas com deficiências (PCDs) e pessoas LGBTQIA+;
* Academia Alcoa com planos de desenvolvimento robustos;
* Telemedicina e telenutrição;
* Programa Conte Comigo – assistência financeira, jurídica e psicológica.
Prazo para inscrições:
* Ao se aplicar, lembre-se de anexar o seu currículo.
About the Location
The Poços de Caldas Plant (MG), founded in 1965, was the first Alcoa plant in Brazil, having started its activities in 1970.
At Alcoa, we are committed to generating value in our relationships with all stakeholders in our business, communities and environment.
We build inclusive and secure environments so that our people can live and express themselves as they please.
With the aim of attracting and retaining diverse talent, the c...
Type: Permanent Location: Poços de Caldas, BR-MG
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:23
Form din verden
Hos Alcoa er du en viktig del av vårt formål: å omdanne det rå potensialet til ren praksis.
Du vil her få en mulighet til å bidra med din omfattende erfaring og være med på å forme fremtidens bærekraft med innovasjoner og lavkarbonteknologier som forandrer verden.
Vi søker mekaniker ved vedlikeholdsteamet ved Anoden
Er du klar for nye utfordringer med en allsidig arbeidshverdag i en i en ledende
industribedrift? Alcoa Mosjøen søker mekaniker til dagtisstilling på vedlikehold Anode.
Vi er stolte av å være Nord-Norges største eksportbedrift, største landbaserte privateide arbeidsgiver og er også blant verdens grønneste aluminiumsprodusenter.
Info om oss:
Vedlikeholdsavdelingen inngår i Teknisk Seksjon, og har ansvar for drift og vedlikehold av industrianlegget ved verket.
Du vil inngå i et team bestående av mekanikere, elektrikere, ingeniører, med flere.
Hovedoppgaver vil være:
* Gjennomføre planlagt og uplanlagt vedlikehold på Alcoas maskiner og utstyr
* Mulighet for å delta i prosjekter
* Rollen krever høyt fokus på HMS-arbeid og HMS-forbedrende tiltak
* Forbedre vedlikeholdet ved deltakelse i daglige og langsiktige forbedringstiltak
Vi tilbyr:
* Gode muligheter for både faglig og personlig vekst i et konsern som setter vedlikehold av høy standard i fokus
* Konkurransedyktige betingelser og gode velferdsordninger
* Arbeidsplass idyllisk plassert i vakre Mosjøen med tilhørende naturområder
* Et godt arbeidsmiljø med trivelige kollegaer
* En spennende arbeidsplass hvor ingen dager er like
Kvalifikasjoner vi ser etter:
* Fagbrev som industrimekaniker, eller annen relevant utdanning/erfaring
* Førerkort klasse B
Du må fungere godt i team, men også kunne utføre selvstendig arbeid uten en tilstedeværende arbeidsleder.
Videre må du også vise evne og vilje til å gjennomføre endringer og forbedringer.
Kandidaten må kjenne seg igjen i Alcoas verdier; Handle med integritet, søke fremragende ytelse i arbeidet, vise omtanke for andre, våge å være modig.
Søknad og kontaktpersoner
Søknad med CV sendes inn igjennom Alcoa’s personalsystem Workday, med ID: Req-30065 Mechanical Maintenance Norway.
Søknadsfrist: 09.02.2025.
Ansettelsesprosessen starter fortløpende.
Flere opplysninger om stillingene får du ved å kontakte:
* Teamleder Rune Brattbakk via e-post: rune.brattbakk@Alcoa.com eller telefon: 97 09 90 41
* Sondre Lauritzen Lian fra HR-avdelingen via e-post: Sondre.lian1@alcoa.com eller telefon: 41 63 01 57
Om plasseringen
Alcoas aluminiumsmelteverk og anodefabrikk i Mosjøen er 100 % eid av Alcoa og drives med ren vannkraft.
Alcoa Mosjøen ligger idyllisk til omgitt av fjell og fjorder, er hjørnesteinsbedriften i regionen.
Bedriften ligger bare et steinkast unna Mosjøen sentrum, som er kjent for sine historiske gater, sitt musikk- og kaféliv, samt den vakre Sjøgata, med den verdensberømte trehusb...
Type: Permanent Location: Mosjøen, NO-18
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:22
Form din verden
Hos Alcoa er du en viktig del av vårt formål: å omdanne det rå potensialet til ren praksis.
Du vil her få en mulighet til å bidra med din omfattende erfaring og være med på å forme fremtidens bærekraft med innovasjoner og lavkarbonteknologier som forandrer verden.
Vi søker etter koordinator for innleide tjenester ved Alcoa Mosjøen
Alcoa Mosjøen
Alcoa Mosjøen leier månedlig inn i snitt 220 personer i tjenester fra leverandører for sitt behov innen drift og vedlikehold.
Alcoa Mosjøen er samtidig opptatt av å etablere de beste forhold for utøvelse av en trygg og effektiv tjeneste så lenge alle disse fagfolkene er innenfor verkets område.
Våre tjenesteleverandører spiller en nøkkelrolle i sikring av at tjenester leveres trygt, effektivt og med en høy kvalitet.
Koordinatoren for innleide tjenester, skal bidra sammen med to andre roller i teamet (Koordinator 2 og leder for innleide tjenester) med alle nødvendige aspekter i administrasjon og utførsel av innleide tjenester til drift og vedlikehold.
Dette iht målsetning og med hjelp av de etablerte standarder for verkets innleie.
Om stillingen (elementer)
* Understøtte HMS i styring av kontraktørens utførelse av tjenesten på Alcoa Mosjøen.
Dette gjennom bidrag til etablering av sikre arbeidsforhold med avklarte ansvarsforhold på begge sider av grensesnitt (AM – Tjenesteutøver).
* Support og støtte til roller på Alcoaside av grensesnitt mot kontraktør.
Dette i overensstemmelse med beskrevet ansvars-matrise i standard som beskriver fordelt ansvar i forberedelse og gjennomføring av en sikker tjenesteutførsel.
* Verifisere overenstemmelse og bidra med tilstrekkelig kommunikasjon/ trening til roller på leverandørside av grensesnitt i verkets innleie av tjenester innenfor drift og vedlikehold.
* Sikre at kun opplært og autorisert personell engasjerer og administrerer kontraktører.
* Sikre at alt planleggerbart arbeide er kvalitativt forberedt og planlagt av Alcoa Mosjøen vedlikeholds planlegging, samt at tjenestebehov innen drift er underlagt tilstrekkelig planlegging for en sikker utførelse.
* Verifisere og sikre at entreprenører kun er engasjert for å fullføre aktiviteter som de har blitt vurdert til å være kvalifisert for innenfor tildelte kontrakt eller PO.
* Bidra i prosessen for å evaluere/verifisere kontraktør for å definere overensstemmelse med våre krav innenfor sikkerhet og kvalitet.
Vi søker etter en person med følgende personlige egenskaper
Tjenestekoordinator vil ha stor mulighet til å påvirke resultatene av egen arbeidsutførelse.
En del personlige egenskaper vil derfor vektlegges:
* Evnen til å se og sette forventninger til begge sider av grensesnitt i oppdragsultførsel.
* Evne til å vurdere og fremme leverandørens oppfattelse av hva som trengs for å arbeide i henhold til målsetninger.
* Gode samarbeid- og kommunikasjonsevner
* En må kunne se løsni...
Type: Permanent Location: Mosjøen, NO-18
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:22
Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
At Alcoa, you’re an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
This is an opportunity for you to bring your wealth of experience to the team and help shape the future of sustainability with world-changing innovations and low-carbon technologies.
You have the power to shape things to make them better.
About the role:
Alcoa Corporation is seeking a Manager of Commercial Finance to join our Financial Accounting team. This is an exciting opportunity to work within the Commercial Finance team which is a critical part of Alcoa’s global finance function.
While positioned within Finance, this role allows the candidate to interact with and support key members of Alcoa’s Commercial and Operations teams, creating an opportunity to develop broad knowledge of the Company.
This role is seeking a dynamic finance professional with a process improvement focus, and a finance forecasting and planning mindset.
The role offers a high degree of learning opportunities both in terms of Alcoa’s business and technical accounting knowledge.
This role will have considerable ongoing interaction with a wide group of stakeholders across the company including Alcoa’s Commercial, Supply Chain, Financial Planning & Analysis, and Operations Teams.
This position requires a results-oriented, innovative thinker, with exceptional communication skills who demonstrates the highest level of integrity and trust.
The position reports to the Director - Commercial Finance.
Major activities of this position include:
* Manage the monthly and quarterly closing and reporting processes for Alcoa’s aluminum HQ and trading activities, including aluminum hedge results.
* Manage the monthly, quarterly and annual forecasting and planning processes for Alcoa’s aluminum HQ and trading activities and revenue accounts.
* Prepare monthly balance sheet and income statement fluctuation analysis for Alcoa’s aluminum HQ and trading activities.
* Assess the accounting for complex commercial transactions, including inventory repurchase arrangements, aluminum buy/resell transactions, revenue recognition, and intercompany profit elimination.
* Liaise with the Regional Finance team leads and location Controllers to address accounting and forecasting matters related to Aluminum revenue or commercial transactions.
* Analyze working capital changes and provide insights on key business drivers and working capital strategies.
* Drive critical process enhancements across the commercial functions of the business segments through use of automation, collaboration and business insights.
* Coordinate with European counterparts to drive consistency in process and reporting across the regions.
* Present forecasts/results...
Type: Permanent Location: Pittsburgh, US-PA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:21
Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
As a leader within Alcoa, you can help us fulfill our purpose and realize our vision to reinvent the aluminum industry.
Be part of the team that is helping shape a better workplace with a better work-life balance and the equal opportunities that help everyone thrive.
You have the power to shape things to make them better.
About the Role:
The role is accountable for overseeing the Project Controls and Services function across all locations within the assigned region, reporting directly to the Global Capital Project Controls Manager.
This role focuses on major capital projects, providing regional leadership and guidance to ensure alignment with global standards while addressing unique regional requirements.
To achieve this, the role must lead a team of project controls professionals to deliver: Portfolio Administration, Controls, Governance & Reporting, Capital Planning Process, Schedule and Cost Control, Project Estimating e Project Planning.
Key activities include:
* Establishing controls and governance processes for the Major Projects Program in line with the Global Capital Standards and best practices to ensure projects are safely delivered in time and within budget.
* Providing advice in the development of cost forecasts and project schedules for Major Projects.
Participate on cost/plan reviews and provide advice on performance, progress measuring and tracking.
When deviations are identified, works with the project team to ensure they develop the required action plans/take corrective actions as soon as possible.
* Advising in the preparation of estimates for Major Projects.
Participate on estimate reviews and/or analyse 3rd Party reports and provide advice accordingly in order to address any identified gaps or deviations.
* Provides input and participates in the Capital Plan preparation for the assigned portfolio of projects.
* Accountable for disseminating and contributing to the development of standards, processes and systems for project controls for both baseload and larger projects.
* Key member of Regional Major projects steering committees with accountability for PC&S.
* Key member of the IPR team for the following areas of expertise: Project Controls, Planning, Estimating and Services functions.
* In collaboration with the Region Project Management team, responsible for the recruitment of Project Controls resources for Major Projects.
* Responsible for leading, training and mentoring those resources from Functional standpoint.
* Monitoring performance of the PC Team (including partners and consultants) providing services on Major Projects
* As expert in the Region, providing ad-hoc support for the baseload projects team if needed.
What you can bring to this role:
Type: Permanent Location: Sao Luis, BR-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:20
Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
Esta é a sua oportunidade de ajudar a compartilhar o futuro da sustentabilidade com inovações que mudam o mundo e tecnologias de baixo carbono.
Torne-se uma parte importante da equipe que está moldando o futuro do alumínio, revolucionando a maneira como o mundo vive, constrói, se move e progride.
Faça parte disso e molde seu mundo.
Sobre a Oportunidade:
A Alcoa está buscando por Supervisora(or) de Manutenção para integrar nosso time na unidade Alumar na área da Redução em São Luís do Maranhão sendo o responsável por:
* Garantir o cumprimento dos planos de EHS desenvolvendo a conscientização do seu grupo de atuação através de orientações específicas, buscando atingir os objetivos das políticas de prevenção de incidentes e a preservação do meio ambiente;
* Coordenar as atividades de manutenção preventiva e serviços de manutenção mecânica das equipes sob sua responsabilidade, de forma a garantir que as áreas operacionais atinjam a produção estabelecida como meta, assegurando padrões de eficiência, baixo custo, segurança, qualidade e a preservação do meio ambiente;
* Supervisionar o processo de avaliação de desempenho, promoção e levantamento das necessidades de treinamento dos horistas buscando continuamente o aperfeiçoamento profissional dos operadores;
* Acompanhar a performance dos equipamentos determinando a necessidade de intervenções de manutenção que garantam a perfeita operação dos equipamentos em sua plena capacidade;
* Acompanhar os custos da área relacionados à operação;
* Assegurar o comprometimento de sua equipe para com os padrões de segurança, qualidade e de controle ambiental da Cia, cumprindo com as rotinas operacionais, de inspeção, e aplicações de ferramentas de EHS (Saúde, Segurança e Meio Ambiente).
O que você pode oferecer para a função:
* Formação Técnica em Mecânica, Eletromecânica ou áreas fins;
* Desejável: Inglês Avançado (Leitura, Escrita e Conversação);
* Experiência com manutenção preventiva e habilidade em gerir pessoas;
* Perfil voltado para segurança e organizado.
O que está sendo oferecido:
* Líder global em sustentabilidade e excelência operacional
* Pacotes competitivos de remuneração e benefícios
* Construção de uma carreira de longo prazo em nossas operações locais e globais.
* Como uma empresa baseada em valores, agimos com integridade, operamos com excelência, cuidamos das pessoas e lideramos com coragem
* Reconhecida como uma das melhores empresas para se trabalhar...
Type: Permanent Location: Sao Luis, BR-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:19
Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
Esta é a sua oportunidade de ajudar a compartilhar o futuro da sustentabilidade com inovações que mudam o mundo e tecnologias de baixo carbono.
Torne-se uma parte importante da equipe que está moldando o futuro do alumínio, revolucionando a maneira como o mundo vive, constrói, se move e progride.
Faça parte disso e molde seu mundo.
Sobre a Oportunidade:
A Alcoa está buscando por Supervisora(or) de Manutenção Mecânica para integrar nosso time na unidade Alumar na área da Redução em São Luís do Maranhão sendo o responsável por:
* Garantir o cumprimento dos planos de EHS desenvolvendo a conscientização do seu grupo de atuação através de orientações específicas, buscando atingir os objetivos das políticas de prevenção de incidentes e a preservação do meio ambiente;
* Coordenar as atividades de manutenção preventiva e serviços de manutenção mecânica das equipes sob sua responsabilidade, de forma a garantir que as áreas operacionais atinjam a produção estabelecida como meta, assegurando padrões de eficiência, baixo custo, segurança, qualidade e a preservação do meio ambiente;
* Supervisionar o processo de avaliação de desempenho, promoção e levantamento das necessidades de treinamento dos horistas buscando continuamente o aperfeiçoamento profissional dos operadores;
* Acompanhar a performance dos equipamentos determinando a necessidade de intervenções de manutenção que garantam a perfeita operação dos equipamentos em sua plena capacidade;
* Acompanhar os custos da área relacionados à operação;
* Assegurar o comprometimento de sua equipe para com os padrões de segurança, qualidade e de controle ambiental da Cia, cumprindo com as rotinas operacionais, de inspeção, e aplicações de ferramentas de EHS (Saúde, Segurança e Meio Ambiente).
O que você pode oferecer para a função:
* Formação Técnica em Mecânica, Eletromecânica ou áreas fins;
* Desejável: Inglês Avançado (Leitura, Escrita e Conversação);
* Experiência com manutenção preventiva e habilidade em gerir pessoas;
* Perfil voltado para segurança e organizado.
O que está sendo oferecido:
* Líder global em sustentabilidade e excelência operacional
* Pacotes competitivos de remuneração e benefícios
* Construção de uma carreira de longo prazo em nossas operações locais e globais.
* Como uma empresa baseada em valores, agimos com integridade, operamos com excelência, cuidamos das pessoas e lideramos com coragem
* Reconhecida como uma das melhores empresas para se...
Type: Permanent Location: Sao Luis, BR-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:18
Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
This is your opportunity to help shape the future of sustainability with world-changing innovations and low-carbon technologies.
Become a valued part of the team that’s shaping the future of aluminium, revolutionising the way the world lives, builds, moves and flies.
Be part of it and shape your world.
About the Role:
Join us at Alcoa as an Operating Supervisor, where you will play a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth operation of our Ingot operations.
As a leader you will foster a culture of responsibility and accountability, ensuring safe and efficient operations aligned with our business objectives whilst building strong relationships across site operations and functions.
This diverse role involves coordinating production schedules, balancing conflicting priorities, establishing process control systems, maintaining quality systems, and ensuring compliance with standards from customers and suppliers.
It requires a high level of knowledge of complex process facilities and their interactions, as well as technical leadership and root cause analysis skills.
Core Activities:
* Facilitate the development of crew operating principles, plans, and milestones through coaching and skill development.
* Lead area production, maintenance, quality, safety & health, and personnel performance, while communicating business goals and expectations.
* Promote a safety culture within the crew, ensuring adherence to safe work practices through expectations setting and performance assessment.
* Conduct regular forums for information sharing and feedback on team performance.
* Motivate and challenge teams for continuous improvement, providing positive recognition and feedback.
* Provide training, development, and guidance to individuals to enable them to achieve department objectives.
* Act as a principal resource by providing on-the-job coaching and development and leading continuous improvement initiatives.
* Maintain and improve the performance of critical processes within the area through regular audits and continuous improvement efforts.
What’s on offer:
* Career development opportunities to pursue your passion
* Monthly Leisure Day (days only role)
* Five weeks annual leave (shift only role)
* Shift allowance (shift only role)
* Benefits allowance
* Performance related bonus (variable)
* 16 weeks paid parental leave scheme
* Paid annual volunteer hours
* Social and diversity focused engagement opportunities
* Social and diversity focused engagement opportunities
What you can bring to the role:
* Collaborative leadership style, with experience in coaching individuals and developing an inclusive team to achieve organisational objectives.
* Stron...
Type: Permanent Location: PORTLAND, AU-VIC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:18
Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
About the role:
The individual selected will provide electrical engineering services to safely meet Warrick Operations' business plan by providing support to production, maintenance, and engineering.
This position is a critical interface in the efficiency, output, and quality of our processes and will be responsible for electrical systems safely integrated with manufacturing, along with upgrades of existing equipment.
Major responsibilities for this position will include, but not be limited to:
* Providing process improvements to safely meet Warrick Operations' business plan.
* Crafting and developing programs that will support process improvements and new electrical systems.
* Coordinating all phases of assigned area electrical engineering projects from concept, scope development, written specifications, bid solicitations, design, manufacturing, equipment commissioning, and project closure.
* Assisting production and maintenance with equipment and process issues.
* Functioning as a problem solver, applying theory and experience to develop process improvements and correctly identifying problems by submitting sound recommendations for long-term improvements of equipment and processes.
* Leading and participating in process improvements with multi-discipline technical staff, maintenance and production.
* Mentoring employees to increase their knowledge of equipment and process.
What you can bring to the role:
Our values – act with integrity, operate with excellence, care for people & lead with courage – are at the foundation of everything we do.
To be successful in this role and to play a part in our ongoing success we desire the following background:
* Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering or Electrical Engineering Technology from an accredited institution.
* Experience with PLC's, HMI's, AC/DC drives & motors, low & medium power distribution
* Experience in leading, managing, and completing electrical projects.
* Employees must be legally authorized to work in the United States.
Verification of employment eligibility will be required at the time of hire.
Visa sponsorship is not available for this position.
Preferred Qualifications
* 5+ years proven experience
* Experience in Root Cause Problem Solving
* Experience leading capital projects
* Warrick Operations experience
* Proficiency in Microsoft Office programs
* Excellent written and verbal communication skills
* Strong organizational and problem-solving skills
What’s On Offer:
At Alcoa, our care for people philosophy is backed by our excellent total rewards package that we provide our employees effective on your date of hire, such as:
* Competitive com...
Type: Permanent Location: Newburgh, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:17
Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
Esta é a sua oportunidade de ajudar a compartilhar o futuro da sustentabilidade com inovações que mudam o mundo e tecnologias de baixo carbono.
Torne-se uma parte importante da equipe que está moldando o futuro do alumínio, revolucionando a maneira como o mundo vive, constrói, se move e progride.
Faça parte disso e molde seu mundo.
Sobre a função:
Como Analista de Processo Júnior, você será responsável por desenvolver soluções automatizadas para os processos da planta da Alcoa em Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais.
Também será responsável pela viabilização de otimização através da inclusão de dados, calculos automatizados e facilitação na extração de relatórios, e desenvolvimento de Power BI e desdobramento do plano diretor de inovação e digital que será elaborado pelo regional.
As principais responsabilidades da função incluem:
* Mapear o status atual da operação;
* Definir gaps e oportunidades de otimização;
* Realizar a priorização das atividades e avaliar o desenvolvimento da melhor solução com foco no usuário;
* Definir estratégia de implementação e desenvolver um roadmap para acompanhamento;
* Acompanhar, auxiliar na remoção de barreiras e relatar o avanço das iniciativas de digital definidas pelo time regional;
* Desenvolvimento de Power BI para as 3 áreas de negócio da planta;
* Capacitar as pessoas na utilização das ferramentas de digital;
* Mapear soluções existentes no mercado, no mining hub e outros hubs de inovação para endereçar as dores das áreas.
O que você pode oferecer para a função:
* Graduação completa ou em andamento nos cursos de Ciência da Computação, Engenharias em geral ou áreas correlatas;
* Experiência como estagiário ou assistente na área administrativa com atuação em melhoria contínua e utilização de ferramentas digitais;
* Inglês intermediário;
* Conhecimento intermediário em linguagem VBA e SQL;
* Conhecimento intermediário em Microsoft Power BI;
* Familiaridade com análise estatística;
* Desejável: Conhecimento intermediário em Microsoft Sharepoint, Power Automate e Power Apps;
* Residência em Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais (regime presencial).
O que está sendo oferecido:
* Pacotes de Remuneração e Benefícios competitivos;
* Academia Alcoa com planos de desenvolvimento robustos;
* Telemedicina e telenutrição;
* Reconhecida como uma das melhores empresas para se trabalhar pelo programa Great Place to Work;
* Reconhecida pelo Guia Exame de Diversidade como uma das empresas com as melhores práticas relacionadas à inclusão, equidade, gênero, etnia, raça, pessoas com deficiência...
Type: Permanent Location: Poços de Caldas, BR-MG
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:17
SBA Communications is a leading independent owner and operator of wireless communications infrastructure, including towers, buildings, rooftops, DAS and small cells.
We offer a competitive benefits and compensation package and are looking for team members who will thrive in our dynamic environment.
We welcome your interest in SBA.
Let us know a little about you by checking all that apply:
* You are a self-starter.
* You are resourceful and thrive in a fast-paced environment.
* You have a strong work ethic.
* You are passionate and driven to achieve results.
* You are a team player who enjoys working in a collaborative environment.
* You continuously challenge yourself to find innovative ways to improve.
You may be a perfect fit.
At SBA, we operate with the highest sense of integrity and commitment to quality.
We focus on achievement and operate with responsiveness, timeliness and accountability.
Our culture of excellence incorporates working collegially, where every team member can contribute meaningfully and make a difference.
If you are ready to make an impact, join our team!
Your Next Career Opportunity – Help Desk Support II
Provide first and second tier technical support for all standard PC applications, client workstation software, and various operating system software, including problem recognition, research, and resolution steps.
What You Will Do – Primary Responsibilities
* Provide first and second tier technical support for employees via telephone, e-mail, instant messenger, and remote control.
* Experience in using helpdesk ticketing systems to accurately and successfully log and manage requests and issues to resolution
* Process inbound requests to the Help Desk received via telephone, e-mail, and the self-service ticketing system.
Escalate calls as needed.
* Reimage desktop and laptop systems to the company’s standard configuration.
* Perform computer remedial and preventative maintenance.
* Maintains accurate and complete records of calls received and updates records as problems are resolved and users notified.
* Acquire and maintain current technical knowledge of relevant product offerings and support policies in order to provide technically accurate solutions to customers.
* Adhere to established policies and procedures as governed by the company and Sarbanes-Oxley rules.
What You’ll Need – Qualifications & Requirements
* H.S.
Diploma/GED Associates Degree preferred;
+ 2+ years experience working in an IT environment diagnosing and resolving various computer hardware and software related problems.
Experience providing telephone support in an IT call center is required.
Good understanding of Active Directory, TCP/IP, DNS, VPN, and the Internet.
* Other A+ Certification, plus MCP or MCITP.
Type: Permanent Location: Boca Raton, US-FL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:16
Logistics at full potential.
At GXO, we're constantly looking for talented individuals at all levels who can deliver the caliber of service our company requires.
You know that a positive work environment creates happy employees, which boosts productivity and dedication.
On our team, you'll have the support to excel at work and the resources to build a career you can be proud of.
1st Shift, Monday - Friday; 8:00am - 4:30pm
As the Operations Manager, you will oversee several important areas that are critical to keeping our operations running smoothly.
We'll count on your skills and years of experience to be a champion of our values, ensuring an engaged workforce, loyal customers, efficient operations and a bright future for yourself and GXO.
Pay, benefits and more.
We are eager to attract the best, so we offer competitive compensation and a generous benefits package, including full health insurance (medical, dental and vision), 401(k), life insurance, disability and more.
What you'll do on a typical day:
* Communicate with customers, vendors and team members to ensure customer commitments are met
* Demonstrate an understanding of GXO's quality policies; establish procedures for maintaining quality objectives
* Provide guidance to supervisors with respect to personnel, quality and safety
* Hire, train, develop and appraise staff effectively
* Make recommendations on programs to improve operations
* Handle equipment and coordinate all maintenance needs with the maintenance team
* Ensure records are maintained appropriately and reports are completed in a timely manner
* Adhere to and enforce all safe work practices, ensuring the warehouse is compliant with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and other pertinent standards/regulations
What you need to succeed at GXO:
At a minimum, you'll need:
* 4 years of relevant work experience
* Experience with Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, and Outlook) and computerized scanner equipment
* Availability to work a flexible schedule as needed, including planned and unplanned overtime, which may include weekends
It'd be great if you also have:
* Bachelor's degree in Logistics or a related field
* 4 years of managerial/supervisory experience
* Experience in an AS9100 or ISO environment
* Lean, Six Sigma and Continuous Process Improvement knowledge and experience
* Experience in warehousing or Third-Party Logistics (3PL)
* Ability to maintain a safe work environment by monitoring and enforcing safety procedures across all departments
* Strong problem-solving techniques and statistical analysis skills
This job requires the ability to:
* Lift objects of various shapes, sizes, and weights
* Stand, sit or walk for extended periods of time
* Reach (including above your head), bend, climb, push, pull, twist, squat and kneel
* Tolerate hot or cold warehouse environments
We engineer faster,...
Type: Permanent Location: Pryor, US-OK
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:16
Logistics at full potential.
At GXO, we're constantly looking for talented individuals at all levels who can deliver the caliber of service our company requires.
You know that a positive work environment creates happy employees, which boosts productivity and dedication.
On our team, you'll have the support to excel at work and the resources to build a career you can be proud of.
1st Shift, Monday - Friday, 7:00am - 4:00pm
As the Supervisor, Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) you'll oversee the EHS team to ensure compliance of all EHS regulations and help us successfully achieve company and customer objectives.
Your strong work ethic and attention to the small details will ensure our operations continue to run efficiently.
If you're looking for an exciting opportunity with a rapidly growing dynamic company, join us at GXO Logistics.
Pay, benefits and more.
We are eager to attract the best, so we offer competitive compensation and a generous benefits package, including full health insurance (medical, dental and vision), 401(k), life insurance, disability and more.
What you'll do on a typical day:
* Provide elevated support to the EHS team, ensuring all aspects of EHS compliance are met at the highest level.
* Maintain, coordinate and communicate EHS processes and procedures
* Review, administer, maintain and ensure compliance with company policies and various state and federal regulations
* Conduct on-site audits of facility requirements as it relates to EHS programs and initiatives
* Review, research, develop and communicate EHS programs and solutions initiatives; develop action plans as necessary
* Lead safety meetings, training and continuing education
What you need to succeed at GXO:
At a minimum, you'll need:
* 2 years of related work experience
* Experience with Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and Outlook) and computerized scanner equipment
* Availability to work a flexible schedule as needed, including planned and unplanned overtime, which may include weekends
It'd be great if you also have:
* CPR/AED/BBP background or current certification
* Bachelor's degree in Occupational Health and Safety or equivalent related work or military experience
* Solid time and project management skills with the ability to multitask and prioritize workloads
* Open to local travel
* Experience with EHS in a warehousing/distribution environment
* Understanding of industry-related state and federal rules and regulations
GXO is a leading provider of cutting-edge supply chain solutions to the most successful companies in the world.
We help our customers manage their goods most efficiently using our technology and services.
Our greatest strength is our global team - energetic, innovative people of all experience levels and talents who make GXO a great place to work.
We are proud to be an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.
Qualified applicants will receive considerat...
Type: Permanent Location: Sterling, US-VA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:15
Continue to Grow with GXO.
At GXO, we know our greatest asset is people like you - energetic, innovative people of all experience levels and talents who make GXO a great place to work.
Your career matters to us because your passion and excitement will help keep our company moving forward.
1st Shift - Monday-Thursday, 6:00am - 4:30pm
Logistics at full potential.
At GXO, we are always on the lookout for leaders like you who will provide guidance and education, while ensuring organizational policies and procedures are followed.
As the Mechatronics Maintenance Technician, you will utilize a combination of mechanical, electrical, computer and software skills to work with smart technologies, such as robots, automated guided systems, and computer-integrated manufacturing equipment.
Mechatronics Maintenance Technician II maintains some of the most technologically advanced manufacturing equipment in the Supply Chain industry.
Mechatronics Maintenance Technician II uses schematics, blueprints, sketches, and manuals and draws on their expertise to repair/replace defective electrical and mechanical components on equipment using hoists, gantry cranes, and hand power tools.
The Mechatronics Maintenance Technician II acts as a subject matter expert and provides stakeholders with recommendations on facility and equipment design improvements.
Mechatronics Maintenance Technician II performs critical, preventive-maintenance inspections of various equipment upon request to prevent breakdowns or significant overhauls.
The process is facilitated by preparing mechanical maintenance reports and charts and sharing this information with various stakeholders.
What you'll do on a typical day:
• Perform continuous operational checks of equipment and perform preventive maintenance
• Repair and replace defective electrical and mechanical parts on equipment
• Capable of working at heights of up to 125 feet when required, climbing a 15ft vertical ladder, entering a small, confined space as well as rotating neck, bending at the waist and head, stooping, arching backward, twisting, squatting, crouching, kneeling, crawling, lying down, and operating foot controls
• Able to lift, carry, push and pull equipment of various weight
• Able to reach, sit, walk, stand, balance, climb stairs, as well as use ladders, lifts, and various other mobile equipment
• Able to safely use hand/arm and hearing/head protection (i.e., gloves, earmuffs, and helmets)
• Able to work around electromagnetic fields due to various types of production equipment
What you need to succeed at GXO:
At a minimum, you'll need:
• Minimum of 1 year of experience maintaining Industrial Electronic and Electrical systems, including related academic coursework in Industrial Electronics/Robotics/Mechatronics
• Ability to work at heights up to 125 feet above ground level and pass Fall Protection Training
• Availability to work a flexible schedule as needed, including planned and unplann...
Type: Permanent Location: Clayton, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:14
Logistics at full potential.
At GXO, we're constantly looking for talented individuals at all levels who can deliver the caliber of service our company requires.
You know that a positive work environment creates happy employees, which boosts productivity and dedication.
On our team, you'll have the support to excel at work and the resources to build a career you can be proud of.
1st Shift, Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 4:30pm
Your experience and dedication to finding better, more efficient ways to do business are what we need to keep us moving forward.
As the Associate Analyst, Systems Implementation, you will be instrumental in helping us deliver the world-class solutions our clients require.
If you're looking for an exciting opportunity with a company that's going places fast, join us at GXO.
Pay, benefits and more.
We are eager to attract the best, so we offer competitive compensation and a generous benefits package, including full health insurance (medical, dental and vision), 401(k), life insurance, disability and more.
What you'll do on a typical day:
* Handle the customer process for the information systems component of the company's business
* Complete project and change management initiatives
* Foster and maintain ongoing client relationships
* Write specifications for new development and system enhancements
* Perform integrated quality assurance testing and configuration of systems
What you need to succeed at XPO:
At a minimum, you'll need:
* Bachelor's degree in a related field or equivalent related work or military experience
* 1 year of experience in the development and implementation of Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
* Implementation and support experience with web-based applications and ERP
* Experience with business applications, such as WMS 5 and Velocity
* Experience with formal project management practices
* Expertise and experience in at least one of the following business disciplines: supply chain management, warehousing, transportation or distribution
It'd be great if you also have:
* 2 years of experience with WMS development and implementation
* Experience in Oracle SQL programming and Impromptu
* Knowledge of formal systems development methodologies
* Thorough understanding of current information system technologies, including client/server, relational databases, web-based systems and object-oriented design
We engineer faster, smarter, leaner supply chains.
GXO is a leading provider of cutting-edge supply chain solutions to the most successful companies in the world.
We help our customers manage their goods most efficiently using our technology and services.
Our greatest strength is our global team - energetic, innovative people of all experience levels and talents who make GXO a great place to work.
We are proud to be an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.
Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment wit...
Type: Permanent Location: Sandston, US-VA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:14
Logistics at full potential.
At GXO, we're constantly looking for talented individuals at all levels who can deliver the caliber of service our company requires.
You know that a positive work environment creates happy employees, which boosts productivity and dedication.
On our team, you'll have the support to excel at work and the resources to build a career you can be proud of.
Weekend Day Shift, Friday - Monday, 7:00am - 5:30pm
Our employees are our greatest asset! We're always on the lookout for inspirational leaders who know how to get the best out of their team.
As the Lead, you will oversee your assigned team and area in the warehouse to ensure our operations continue to run smoothly.
Become a part of GXO, and you'll have a starring role in helping us provide exceptional daily solutions for our customers.
Pay, benefits and more.
We are eager to attract the best, so we offer competitive compensation and a generous benefits package, including full health insurance (medical, dental and vision), 401(k), life insurance, disability and more.
What you'll do on a typical day:
* Oversee operational processes to ensure correct inventory levels are maintained and orders are completed accurately and on time
* Review workload and assign tasks to employees
* Properly train and coach the warehouse team and provide positive developmental opportunities; recommend performance improvement actions as needed
* Correctly utilize warehouse management system and maintain appropriate work documents
* Establish, maintain and promote exceptional customer service
* Correctly interpret and enforce company policies and safety procedures to ensure compliance
* Safely operate various equipment and tools
* Provide support and backup to warehouse management
* Track orders and investigate problems
* Catalog and track goods and/or supplies
* Adhere to the 7S program by maintaining a clean environment
* Work in a safe manner that protects you and your team members
What you need to succeed at GXO:
At a minimum, you'll need:
* 2 years of experience in a warehouse environment
* 1 year of SAP experience
* Experience with Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) and handheld scanners
It'd be great if you also have:
* High school diploma or equivalent
* Availability to work a flexible schedule as needed, including planned and unplanned overtime, which may include weekends
* 1 year of experience as a supervisor
* Ability to work in a fast-paced environment
* Skills in inventory control and cycle counting
* Background in safety, OSHA or EHS training
This job requires the ability to:
* Lift up to 50 lbs.
frequently and greater than 75 lbs.
* Take a reach truck or cherry picker to a height of 23+ feet
* Tolerate hot or cold warehouse environments
We engineer faster, smarter, leaner supply chains.
GXO is a leading provider of cutting-edge supply ch...
Type: Permanent Location: Omaha, US-NE
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:13
Logistics at full potential.
At GXO, we're constantly looking for talented individuals at all levels who can deliver the caliber of service our company requires.
You know that a positive work environment creates happy employees, which boosts productivity and dedication.
On our team, you'll have the support to excel at work and the resources to build a career you can be proud of.
1st Shift, Monday - Thursday, 5:30am - 4:00pm
Our employees are our greatest asset! We're always on the lookout for inspirational leaders who know how to get the best out of their team.
As the Lead, you will oversee your assigned team and area in the warehouse to ensure our operations continue to run smoothly.
Become a part of GXO, and you'll have a starring role in helping us provide exceptional daily solutions for our customers.
Pay, benefits and more.
We are eager to attract the best, so we offer competitive compensation and a generous benefits package, including full health insurance (medical, dental and vision), 401(k), life insurance, disability and more.
What you'll do on a typical day:
* Oversee operational processes to ensure correct inventory levels are maintained and orders are completed accurately and on time
* Review workload and assign tasks to employees
* Properly train and coach the warehouse team and provide positive developmental opportunities; recommend performance improvement actions as needed
* Correctly utilize warehouse management system and maintain appropriate work documents
* Establish, maintain and promote exceptional customer service
* Correctly interpret and enforce company policies and safety procedures to ensure compliance
* Safely operate various equipment and tools
* Provide support and backup to warehouse management
* Track orders and investigate problems
* Catalog and track goods and/or supplies
* Adhere to the 7S program by maintaining a clean environment
* Work in a safe manner that protects you and your team members
What you need to succeed at GXO:
At a minimum, you'll need:
* 2 years of experience in a warehouse environment
* 1 year of SAP experience
* Experience with Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) and handheld scanners
It'd be great if you also have:
* High school diploma or equivalent
* Availability to work a flexible schedule as needed, including planned and unplanned overtime, which may include weekends
* 1 year of experience as a supervisor
* Ability to work in a fast-paced environment
* Skills in inventory control and cycle counting
This job requires the ability to:
* Lift up to 50 lbs.
frequently and greater than 75 lbs.
* Take a reach truck or cherry picker to a height of 23+ feet
* Tolerate hot or cold warehouse environments
We engineer faster, smarter, leaner supply chains.
GXO is a leading provider of cutting-edge supply chain solutions to the most successful companies in the wo...
Type: Permanent Location: Clayton, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:13
Logistics at full potential.
At GXO, we're constantly looking for talented individuals at all levels who can deliver the caliber of service our company requires.
You know that a positive work environment creates happy employees, which boosts productivity and dedication.
On our team, you'll have the support to excel at work and the resources to build a career you can be proud of.
2nd Shift, Monday - Friday, 3:00pm - 11:00pm
Our employees are our greatest asset! We're always on the lookout for inspirational leaders who know how to get the best out of their team.
As the Lead, you will oversee your assigned team and area in the warehouse to ensure our operations continue to run smoothly.
Become a part of GXO, and you'll have a starring role in helping us provide exceptional daily solutions for our customers.
Pay, benefits and more.
We are eager to attract the best, so we offer competitive compensation and a generous benefits package, including full health insurance (medical, dental and vision), 401(k), life insurance, disability and more.
What you'll do on a typical day:
* Oversee operational processes to ensure correct inventory levels are maintained and orders are completed accurately and on time
* Review workload and assign tasks to employees
* Properly train and coach the warehouse team and provide positive developmental opportunities; recommend performance improvement actions as needed
* Correctly utilize warehouse management system and maintain appropriate work documents
* Establish, maintain and promote exceptional customer service
* Correctly interpret and enforce company policies and safety procedures to ensure compliance
* Safely operate various equipment and tools
* Provide support and backup to warehouse management
* Track orders and investigate problems
* Catalog and track goods and/or supplies
* Adhere to the 7S program by maintaining a clean environment
* Work in a safe manner that protects you and your team members
What you need to succeed at GXO:
At a minimum, you'll need:
* 2 years of experience in a warehouse environment
* 1 year of SAP experience
* Experience with Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) and handheld scanners
It'd be great if you also have:
* High school diploma or equivalent
* Availability to work a flexible schedule as needed, including planned and unplanned overtime, which may include weekends
* 1 year of experience as a supervisor
* Ability to work in a fast-paced environment
* Skills in inventory control and cycle counting
This job requires the ability to:
* Lift up to 50 lbs.
frequently and greater than 75 lbs.
* Take a reach truck or cherry picker to a height of 23+ feet
* Tolerate hot or cold warehouse environments
We engineer faster, smarter, leaner supply chains.
GXO is a leading provider of cutting-edge supply chain solutions to the most successful companies in the wor...
Type: Permanent Location: Lithia Springs, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:12
Logistics at full potential.
At GXO, we're constantly looking for talented individuals at all levels who can deliver the caliber of service our company requires.
You know that a positive work environment creates happy employees, which boosts productivity and dedication.
On our team, you'll have the support to excel at work and the resources to build a career you can be proud of.
Weekend Day Shift, Thursday - Sunday, 6:00am - 4:30pm
Our employees are our greatest asset! We're always on the lookout for inspirational leaders who know how to get the best out of their team.
As the Lead, you will oversee your assigned team and area in the warehouse to ensure our operations continue to run smoothly.
Become a part of GXO, and you'll have a starring role in helping us provide exceptional daily solutions for our customers.
Pay, benefits and more.
We are eager to attract the best, so we offer competitive compensation and a generous benefits package, including full health insurance (medical, dental and vision), 401(k), life insurance, disability and more.
What you'll do on a typical day:
* Oversee operational processes to ensure correct inventory levels are maintained and orders are completed accurately and on time
* Review workload and assign tasks to employees
* Properly train and coach the warehouse team and provide positive developmental opportunities; recommend performance improvement actions as needed
* Correctly utilize warehouse management system and maintain appropriate work documents
* Establish, maintain and promote exceptional customer service
* Correctly interpret and enforce company policies and safety procedures to ensure compliance
* Safely operate various equipment and tools
* Provide support and backup to warehouse management
* Track orders and investigate problems
* Catalog and track goods and/or supplies
* Adhere to the 7S program by maintaining a clean environment
* Work in a safe manner that protects you and your team members
What you need to succeed at GXO:
At a minimum, you'll need:
* 2 years of experience in a warehouse environment
* 1 year of SAP experience
* Experience with Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) and handheld scanners
It'd be great if you also have:
* High school diploma or equivalent
* Availability to work a flexible schedule as needed, including planned and unplanned overtime, which may include weekends
* 1 year of experience as a supervisor
* Ability to work in a fast-paced environment
* Skills in inventory control and cycle counting
* Background in safety, OSHA or EHS training
This job requires the ability to:
* Lift up to 50 lbs.
frequently and greater than 75 lbs.
* Take a reach truck or cherry picker to a height of 23+ feet
* Tolerate hot or cold warehouse environments
We engineer faster, smarter, leaner supply chains.
GXO is a leading provider of cutting-edge supply ...
Type: Permanent Location: Pryor, US-OK
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:11
Logistics at full potential.
At GXO, we're constantly looking for talented individuals at all levels who can deliver the caliber of service our company requires.
You know that a positive work environment creates happy employees, which boosts productivity and dedication.
On our team, you'll have the support to excel at work and the resources to build a career you can be proud of.
We're always on the lookout for leaders who will provide guidance and developmental opportunities for their team while ensuring organizational policies and procedures are understood and followed.
As the Director, Supply Chain Operations, you will be responsible for daily operations, including the oversight of processes, reporting, improvements, quality and personnel.
We will equip you with the best tools in the industry to grow and develop to a level that will exceed your expectations and help you reach your career goals.
Pay, benefits and more.
The annual salary range for this role is $147,837 - $184,796.
GXO, in good faith, believes this is the range of possible compensation for this role at the time of this posting.
We may ultimately pay more or less than the posted range and this range is only applicable for jobs to be performed in California.
This rate may be modified in the future.
We offer a comprehensive package of benefits including paid time off, medical/dental/vision insurance, 401(k), and other benefits to eligible employees.
You can apply for this role by clicking on the Apply now button at the bottom of this posting (or through the Employee Job Hub if you are a current GXO employee).
Note: No amount of pay is considered to be wages or compensation until such amount is earned, vested, and determinable.
The amount and availability of any bonus, commission, benefits, or any other form of compensation and benefits that are allocable to a particular employee remains in the Company's sole discretion unless and until paid and may be modified at the Company's sole discretion, consistent with the law.
What you'll do on a typical day:
* Ensure the quality management system procedures and processes are implemented and maintained
* Oversee productivity and safety standards in accordance with company needs and customer
* Implement and maintain operational processes and procedures
* Prepare reports on performance and potential improvements for operations
* Hire, train, develop and appraise staff effectively; take corrective action as necessary in a timely
manner and in accordance with company policies
* Provide direction, development and leadership for the managers and supervisors
* Establish and meet site objectives in the areas of financial performance, safety, quality and customer
service while maintaining compliance with all applicable internal and external policies
* Provide accurate and timely submission of key quality, financial and safety reports
* Plan and coordinate site activities with departm...
Type: Permanent Location: Bloomington, US-CA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:11
Logistics at full potential.
At GXO, we're constantly looking for talented individuals at all levels who can deliver the caliber of service our company requires.
You know that a positive work environment creates happy employees, which boosts productivity and dedication.
On our team, you'll have the support to excel at work and the resources to build a career you can be proud of.
At GXO Logistics, our ability to attract and hire the best talent in the market is key to our success.
As the Manager, Talent Acquisition you will develop relationships with hiring leaders and recruiting teams to implement innovative recruitment strategies and provide daily operational leadership to the recruiting team.
Become a part of our growing, dynamic team and we'll help you build a career you can be proud of.
Pay, benefits and more.
The annual salary range for this role is $105,668 - $132,085.
GXO, in good faith, believes this is the range of possible compensation for this role at the time of this posting.
We may ultimately pay more or less than the posted range and this range is only applicable for jobs to be performed in California.
This rate may be modified in the future.
We offer a comprehensive package of benefits including paid time off, medical/dental/vision insurance, 401(k), and other benefits to eligible employees.
You can apply for this role by clicking on the Apply now button at the bottom of this posting (or through the Employee Job Hub if you are a current GXO employee).
Note: No amount of pay is considered to be wages or compensation until such amount is earned, vested, and determinable.
The amount and availability of any bonus, commission, benefits, or any other form of compensation and benefits that are allocable to a particular employee remains in the Company's sole discretion unless and until paid and may be modified at the Company's sole discretion, consistent with the law.
What you'll do on a typical day:
* Handle the recruitment strategy for exempt and non-exempt level hiring efforts
* Develop and implement proactive sourcing strategies to ensure a continuous pipeline of external candidates and balanced speed/quality of source to hire turnaround
* Provide ongoing consultation for hiring managers and guidance to recruiting team
* Meet regularly with the hiring managers to provide recruitment updates, determine target profiles and gather feedback on candidate pools
* Position and effectively articulate the GXO employment brand
* Review forecast models in partnership with respective hiring teams
What you need to succeed at GXO:
At a minimum, you'll need:
* Bachelor's degree or equivalent related work or military experience
* 5 years of experience managing a full life cycle recruitment function/process
* 3 years of experience working with a leading applicant tracking system
* Experience building and improving processes and establishing metrics to track and illustrate performance
* D...
Type: Permanent Location: Bloomington, US-CA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:10
Logistics at full potential.
At GXO, we're constantly looking for talented individuals at all levels who can deliver the caliber of service our company requires.
You know that a positive work environment creates happy employees, which boosts productivity and dedication.
On our team, you'll have the support to excel at work and the resources to build a career you can be proud of.
We are seeking a highly skilled professional who knows how to get the best out of their team.
As the Manager, Human Resources, you will promote employee engagement and act as a liaison between employees and management to foster a positive employee relations atmosphere.
We'll look to you to champion our values, ensuring a differentiated and engaged workforce, and an exciting career for yourself.
Pay, benefits and more.
The annual salary range for this role is $105,668 - $132,085.
GXO, in good faith, believes this is the range of possible compensation for this role at the time of this posting.
We may ultimately pay more or less than the posted range and this range is only applicable for jobs to be performed in California.
This rate may be modified in the future.
We offer a comprehensive package of benefits including paid time off, medical/dental/vision insurance, 401(k), and other benefits to eligible employees.
You can apply for this role by clicking on the Apply now button at the bottom of this posting (or through the Employee Job Hub if you are a current GXO employee).
Note: No amount of pay is considered to be wages or compensation until such amount is earned, vested, and determinable.
The amount and availability of any bonus, commission, benefits, or any other form of compensation and benefits that are allocable to a particular employee remains in the Company's sole discretion unless and until paid and may be modified at the Company's sole discretion, consistent with the law.
What you'll do on a typical day:
* Administer Human Resources (HR) policies and programs to ensure compliance in staffing and recruitment, employee relations, training and development, benefits, compensation, time and attendance record keeping, and personnel records administration
* Work closely with plant operations and HR team to ensure a positive "open door" climate
* Ensure employee and business strategies result in excellent customer service
* Handle all aspects of the HR department, including administration, legal compliance, policy/procedure enforcement, benefits, compensation, hiring, retention and termination
* Supervise HR staff
* Keep senior management and operations informed of internal and external HR developments that may impact overall effectiveness
* Provide HR reports to upper management as requested
What you need to succeed at GXO:
At a minimum, you'll need:
* Bachelor's degree or equivalent work or military experience
* 5 years of HR management experience
* Experience in employee relations, policy and procedure administ...
Type: Permanent Location: Bloomington, US-CA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:28:09