Provide exceptional customer service to help people live healthier lives by treating our customers/employees in a fair and ethical manner, providing a safe, clean, inclusive environment, being a responsible member of the community, providing the right products, services, and care at the right time with fair and accurate pricing.
Provide direct patient intervention by providing health and wellness services and experiences relevant to the patient as allowable by and consistent with state and federal laws.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.From one tiny Cincinnati grocery store more than a century ago, we've grown into what today is the nation's largest grocer with nearly 2,800 stores in 35 states operating under 28 different names.
As America's grocer, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Kroger family!
What you'll receive from us:
The Kroger Family of Companies offers comprehensive benefits to support your Associate Well-Being, including Physical, Emotional, Financial and more.
We'll help you thrive, with access to:
* A wide range of healthcare coverage, including affordable, comprehensive medical, dental, vision and prescription coverage, through company plans or collective bargaining agreement plans.
* Flexible scheduling in full- and part-time roles with paid time off, including holiday and sick pay based on eligibility and length of service.
* Emotional and financial support with free counseling through our Employee Assistance Program and free, confidential financial tools and coaching with Goldman Sachs Ayco.
* Valuable associate discounts on purchases, including food, travel, technology and so much more.
* Up to $21,000 in tuition reimbursement over your career, through our industry-leading Continuing Education program.
* Vast potential for growth, through an abundance of industry-leading training programs and diverse career pathways.
For more information about benefits and eligibility, please visit our Benefits Page ! MINIMUM
* High School Diploma or GED
* Must be 18 years old
* Ability to handle highly confidential information
* Meets minimum state requirements to perform the functions related to the position
* Any previous...
Type: Permanent Location: Fishers, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:27
DHL Express je jedničkou na trhu v přepravě mezinárodních zásilek po celém světě.
A co dělá naši společnost nejen v Česku tak výjimečnou? Lidé! Nás totiž práce baví.
Dává nám smysl.
Jsme hrdí na to, že spojujeme lidi a měníme jejich životy.
Společně navíc firmu každý rok posouváme dál a dál v reakci na podněty našich zaměstnanců a tvoříme nejlepší místo pro práci na světě.
Baví tě čísla a účetnictví? Nebojíš se komunikovat i v anglickém jazyce? Pak se přidej se do našeho týmu Centra sdílených služeb v Ostravě, kde aktuálně hledáme novou posilu.
* Zpracování a reportování dat.
* Účetní a kontrolní aktivity, práce v systému SAP.
* Komunikace se zahraničními týmy v rámci společnosti.
* Pravidelný reporting.
* SŠ/VŠ vzdělání (ekonomický směr výhodou).
* Znalost anglického jazyka podmínkou – denní využití.
* Znalost MS Office s důrazem na MS Excel.
* Základní znalost účetnictví podmínkou.
* Aktivní a samostatný přístup k řešení úkolů.
* Komunikační schopnosti a smysl pro týmovou práci.
* Pečlivost, důslednost.
* Komplexní zaučení přebíraných aktivit.
* Naučíš se pracovat se systémem SAP.
* Práci v přátelském kolektivu a příjemném prostředí.
* Příspěvek na stravování v hodnotě 90,- Kč/den (stravenkový paušál do mzdy).
* 5 týdnů dovolené, další dny navíc v závislosti na odpracovaných letech ve firmě.
* 3 personal days.
* Cafeterii s pravidelnými měsíčními příspěvky zaměstnavatele.
* Příspěvek na studium jazyků po zkušební době.
* Příspěvek na penzijní připojištění/životní pojištění po roce trvání pracovního poměru.
* Multisport kartu s příspěvkem zaměstnavatele.
* Slevy u našich partnerů (výhodné tarify volání, nákupy, cestování).
* Sleva na zaměstnanecké zásilky, a to jak exportní, tak importní.
* Společné firemní akce a teambuildingy.
* Možnost profesního růstu a vzdělávání.
* Firemní kulturu, která své úspěchy staví na motivovaných zaměstnancích a aktivně se podílí na společenské odpovědnosti.
Máš zájem ucházet se o uvedenou pozici? Pak neváhej a ozvi se našemu HR týmu.
Přihlášení a zaslání CV je nutné prostřednictvím formuláře na této straně.
Případné dotazy spojené s registrací zasílej na adresu prace(a)dhl.com.
V inzerátu jsou psány osoby v mužském rodě.
Tento postup byl zvolen výhradně proto, aby bylo dosaženo co nejvyšší plynulosti textu.
V žádném případě nevyjadřuje genderově podmíněný nebo diskriminační přístup společnosti DHL Express (Czech Republic) s.r.o.
k uchazečům a uchazečkám o volná pracovní místa.
Type: Permanent Location: Ostrava, CZ-80
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:26
Werde Lkw-Fahrer – Rangierer für Wechselbrücken in Neuwied
Was wir bieten
* 17,05 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld
* + 25% Nachtzulage steuerfrei schon ab 20:00 Uhr (bis 6:00 Uhr)
* Weitere 50% Weihnachtsgeld im November
* Bis zu 332 € Urlaubsgeld
* Familienfreundliche Vollzeitstelle als Rangierer: 38,5 Std./Woche
* Möglichkeit der Auszahlung von Überstunden
* Bezahlte Gesundheitsprüfungen zur Verlängerung des Führerscheins
* Übernahme der Kosten für die Berufskraftfahrer-Weiterbildung nach BKrFQG
* Sichere Anstellung in einem starken Team in deiner Nähe
Deine Aufgaben als Rangierer
* Rangieren von Wechselbrücken auf dem Betriebsgelände des Paketzentrums
* Pflege und Betankung der Fahrzeuge des Fuhrparks
* Einsatz im 3-Schichtbetrieb
Was du als Lkw Fahrer bietest
* Einen gültigen Führerschein CE mit Schlüsselzahl 95
* Idealerweise Berufserfahrung als Rangierer
* Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit, zuverlässig und engagiert
* Hilfsbereiter Teamplayer mit Freude an selbstständiger Arbeit
* Bitte bei der Bewerbung den Führerschein als Datei mitschicken
Werde Rangierer bei Deutsche Post DHL
Du bist auf der Suche nach einem Job als Berufskraftfahrer? Dann bist du hier genau richtig.
Als Rangierer sorgst du für einen runden Betriebsablauf in unserem Paketzentrum.
Beim Rangieren von Aufliegern und Anhängern kannst du auf unsere modernen Fahrzeuge zurückgreifen und bist ausschließlich auf dem Betriebsgelände unterwegs.
Dein Einsatz erfolgt im Zweischichtbetrieb und ist durch einen arbeitnehmerfreundlichen Dienstplan geregelt.
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Rangierer, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben' Button - auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Permanent Location: Neuwied, DE-RP
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:25
Werde Lagermitarbeiter in Neuwied
Was wir bieten
* 14,63 € Tarif-Stundenlohn
* + 25% Nachtzulage steuerfrei schon ab 20:00 Uhr (bis 6:00 Uhr)
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, bezahlte Einarbeitung, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Du kannst sofort als Aushilfe / Abrufkraft starten,
* Kostenlose Ausstattung, wie z.B.
Sicherheitsschuhe und Schutzhandschuhe
* Flexible Schichten möglich, Absprache vor Ort
Deine Aufgaben als Lagerhelfer bei uns
* Ausladen von Roll-Containern oder lose verladenen Paketen
* Auflegen von Paketen auf unsere Paketsortieranlagen
* Pakete im Durchschnitt unter 10 kg, Maximalgewicht 31,5 kg
* Einladen von Paketen in Rollcontainer oder Fahrzeuge
* Platzsparendes Stapeln der Pakete zur optimalen Auslastung der Transportkapazität
* Beachtung von Vorschriften zur Ladungssicherung
Was du als Aushilfe / Abrufkraft bietest
* Du kannst anpacken und hast Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig und bist engagiert
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Einwandfreie Führungszeugnis
Werde Lagermitarbeiter bei Deutsche Post DHL
Ohne unsere Verlader käme keine Sendung pünktlich an! Wenn du gerne die Ärmel hochkrempelst und körperlich fit bist, können wir dich beim Be- und Entladen unserer Lkws gut gebrauchen.
Trage mit deinem Einsatz in deinem Lager-Job maßgeblich zur Kundenzufriedenheit und somit zum Erfolg des Unternehmens bei.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Lagermitarbeiter, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Neuwied, DE-RP
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:25
Werde Lagermitarbeiter in Neuwied
Was wir bieten
* 15,24 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld
* + 25% Nachtzulage steuerfrei schon ab 20:00 Uhr (bis 6:00 Uhr)
* Weitere 50% Weihnachtsgeld im November
* Bis zu 332 € Urlaubsgeld
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, bezahlte Einarbeitung, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Du kannst sofort als Verlader in Teilzeit, mit 20, 25 oder 30 Stunden/Woche in Tagschicht oder mit 20 Stunden/Woche in der Nachtschicht starten
* Kostenlose Ausstattung, wie z.B.
Sicherheitsschuhe und Schutzhandschuhe
* Befristete Einstellung mit guten Übernahmechancen zur Entfristung und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten (bspw.
Teamleiter) bei guten Leistungen und offenen Positionen möglich
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote, wie z.B.
Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, Fitnessstudios, Modemarken etc.
Deine Aufgaben als Lagerhelfer bei uns
* Ausladen von Roll-Containern oder lose verladenen Paketen
* Auflegen von Paketen auf unsere Paketsortieranlagen
* Pakete im Durchschnitt unter 10 kg, Höchstgewicht bis zu 31,5 kg
* Einladen von Paketen in Rollcontainer oder Fahrzeuge
* Platzsparendes Stapeln der Pakete zur optimalen Auslastung der Transportkapazität
* Beachtung von Vorschriften zur Ladungssicherung
* Unsere Schichten:
* Tagschicht zwischen 11 Uhr bis 21 Uhr (4-6 Arbeitsstunden in diesem Zeitrahmen)
* Nachtschicht zwischen 22 Uhr bis 07 Uhr (4-5 Arbeitsstunden in diesem Zeitrahmen)
Was du als Verlader bietest
* Du kannst anpacken und hast Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig und bist engagiert
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Einwandfreies Führungszeugnis
Werde Lagermitarbeiter bei Deutsche Post DHL
Ohne unsere Verlader käme keine Sendung pünktlich an! Wenn du gerne die Ärmel hochkrempelst und körperlich fit bist, können wir dich beim Be- und Entladen unserer Lkws gut gebrauchen.
Trage mit deinem täglichem Einsatz in deinem Lager-Job maßgeblich zur Kundenzufriedenheit und somit zum Erfolg des Unternehmens bei.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Lagermitarbeiter, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Neuwied, DE-RP
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:24
Werde Postbote für Pakete und Briefe in Sonneberg
Achtung diese Stelle ist erst ab Anfang März zu besetzen.
Was wir bieten
* 17,05€ Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld.
* Weitere 50% Weihnachtsgeld im November
* Bis zu 332 € Urlaubsgeld
* Du kannst ab Juli 2023 befristet in Vollzeit starten, 38,5 Stunden/Woche
* Möglichkeit der Auszahlung von Überstunden
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Kostenlose Bereitstellung von hochwertiger Arbeitskleidung
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt) – wir machen dich fit für die Zustellung
* Unbefristete Übernahme und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten (bspw.
Standortleiter) bei guten Leistungen und offenen Positionen möglich
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote wie z.B.
arbeitgeberfinanzierte betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Fahrradleasing, Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, etc.
Deine Aufgaben als Postbote bei uns
* Zustellung von Brief- und Paketsendungen mit zur Verfügung gestellten Hilfsmitteln
* Auslieferung an 5 Werktagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag)
* Sendungen im Durchschnitt unter 10 kg
* Zustellung mit unseren Geschäftsfahrzeugen, bspw.
vollelektrische Fahrzeuge
Was du als Zusteller bietest
* Du darfst einen Pkw fahren
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du bist wetterfest und kannst gut anpacken
* Du bist zuverlässig und hängst dich rein
Werde Postbote bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Postbote bringst du den Menschen in deinem Bezirk Post- und Paketsendungen.
Dabei lässt du dir von keinem Wetter die Laune verderben und bist fünf Werktage pro Woche (zwischen Montag und Samstag) unterwegs.
Auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten sind bei uns herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Fahrer, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Permanent Location: Sonneberg, DE-TH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:22
Job Types: Full-time
Reports to: Director of Nursing
Full Wage Range: $16.50-$23.50
Full Job Description:
Use the wristband or photo card file to identify residents before administering treatments, serving meals, etc., as necessary.
Use only authorized abbreviations established by this facility when recording information.
Report all changes in the resident's condition to the Nurse as soon as practical.
Record all entries on flow sheets, notes, charts, etc., in an informative, descriptive manner.
Report all accidents and incidents you observe on the shift that they occur.
Agree not to disclose resident's protected health information and promptly report suspected or known violations of such disclosure to the Administrator.
Report any known or suspected unauthorized attempt to access facility's information system.
Perform only those care procedures that you have been trained to do.
Ensure that the resident's room is ready for receiving the resident (i.e., bed made, name tags up, admission kit available, etc.).
Greet residents and escort them to their room.
Introduce resident to his/her roommate, if any, and other residents and personnel as appropriate.
Make resident comfortable.
Inventory and mark the resident's personal possessions as instructed.
Store resident's clothing.
Assist residents with packing their personal possessions when they are being transferred to a new room, or when being discharged.
Transport residents to new rooms or to the receiving area.
Assist with loading/unloading residents' to/from vehicles as necessary.
Create and maintain an atmosphere of warmth, personal interest and positive emphasis, as well as a calm environment throughout the unit and shift.
Meet with your shift's nursing personnel, on a regularly scheduled basis, to assist in identifying and correcting problem areas, and/or the improvement of services.
Report all complaints and grievances made by the resident.
Participate in and receive the nursing report as instructed.
Follow established policies concerning exposure to blood/body fluids.
Make beds as instructed.
Put extra covers on beds as requested.
Ensure that residents who are unable to call for help are checked frequently.
Answer resident calls promptly.• Check residents routinely to ensure that their personal care needs are being met.
Assist residents with identifying food arrangements (i.e., informing resident with sight problem of foods that are on his/her tray, where it is located, if it is hot/cold, etc.).
Keep residents' water pitchers clean and filled with fresh water (on each shift), and within easy reach of the resident.
Perform after meal care (i.e., remove trays, clean resident's hands, face, clothing, etc.).
Receive the nursing report upon reporting for duty.
Perform all assigned tasks in accordance with our established policies and procedures, and as instructed by your supervisors.
Follow work assignments, and/or work schedules in completing and performing your assigned tasks.
Cooperate wi...
Type: Permanent Location: East Wenatchee, US-WA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:20
It's what makes Subaru, Subaru®.
As a leading auto brand in the US, we strive to be More Than a Car Company®.
Subaru believes in being a positive force in the communities in which we live and work, not just with donations but with actions that set an example for others to follow.
That's what we call our Subaru Love Promise®.
Subaru is a globally renowned automobile manufacturer known for its commitment to innovation, safety, and sustainability.
With a rich history dating back to 1953, Subaru has consistently pushed the boundaries of automotive engineering to deliver vehicles that offer not only exceptional performance but also a unique blend of utility and adventure.
Subaru's company culture is built on collaboration, diversity, and a shared passion for our product.
We foster an inclusive environment that encourages employees to bring their unique perspectives and talents to the table.
Our team members are driven by a common goal: to create exceptional vehicles that inspire and delight our customers.
The Associate Director of Procurement will play a pivotal role in establishing and leading Subaru's new indirect procurement department, focusing on optimizing strategies and processes across key categories like Marketing, IT, Facilities, and Professional Services.
This leadership position is responsible for driving cost-effective purchasing, supplier management, and risk mitigation, while fostering strong cross-functional collaboration.
The ideal candidate will develop innovative sourcing strategies, ensure compliance with company policies, and build a high-performing team to support the organization's procurement objectives.
This role is essential for advancing Subaru's procurement capabilities and delivering value across the enterprise.
* Department Development: Build and structure the new indirect procurement department, establishing policies, processes, and best practices for indirect spend management (with a focus on Marketing, IT, Facilities, and Professional Services categories).
* Category and Sourcing Strategy: Develop and execute procurement strategies aligned with corporate objectives, focusing on cost reduction, quality improvement, and risk management for indirect spend categories.
* Supplier Management: Develop a supplier management program with key suppliers to maintain and develop supplier relationships and analyze industry trends and evolving technology to proactively identify supply base issues to minimize risk, protect continuity of supply, and utilize emerging opportunities.
* Collaboration: Work closely with internal departments such as Legal, Sales, Marketing, Fixed Operations, and other departments across Subaru of America (SOA) to understand procurement needs and drive initiatives that enhance operational efficiency.
* Budget Management: Oversee the procurement budget, ensuring adherence to financial goals and savings targets.
* Data A...
Type: Permanent Location: Camden, US-NJ
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:19
CooperVision, a division of CooperCompanies (NASDAQ:COO), is one of the world's leading manufacturers of soft contact lenses.
The Company produces a full array of daily disposable, two-week and monthly contact lenses, all featuring advanced materials and optics.
CooperVision has a strong heritage of solving the toughest vision challenges such as astigmatism, presbyopia and childhood myopia; and offers the most complete collection of spherical, toric and multifocal products available.
Through a combination of innovative products and focused practitioner support, the company brings a refreshing perspective to the marketplace, creating real advantages for customers and wearers.
For more information, visit www.coopervision.com
Job Summary
Responsible for management and direction of several key functions under the global CS umbrella.
Provides guidance and direction to the bi-lingual employees to ensure productivity, quality and timeliness expectations are achieved and exceptional CS is delivered.
Maintains a focus on service delivery ensuring the expectations of internal and external customers are met.
Provides continuous and effective feedback/coaching to develop employees.
Provides supervisory leadership to exempt and non-exempt (including remote) employees servicing CVI Global customers within the Victor facility.
Type: Permanent Location: Victor, US-NY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:18
CooperVision, a division of CooperCompanies (NASDAQ:COO), is one of the world's leading manufacturers of soft contact lenses.
The Company produces a full array of daily disposable, two-week and monthly contact lenses, all featuring advanced materials and optics.
CooperVision has a strong heritage of solving the toughest vision challenges such as astigmatism, presbyopia and childhood myopia; and offers the most complete collection of spherical, toric and multifocal products available.
Through a combination of innovative products and focused practitioner support, the company brings a refreshing perspective to the marketplace, creating real advantages for customers and wearers.
For more information, visit www.coopervision.com.
Job Summary:
The Information Security Compliance Manager is a critical leadership role within our Information Security team, responsible for the strategic development, implementation, and management of our information security compliance program.
In partnership with our Legal, Data Privacy, and IS Compliance teams, this role ensures that our organization adheres to all applicable data protection laws and regulations, including HIPAA, GDPR, and other industry standards.
Type: Permanent Location: Victor, US-NY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:18
To carry out various duties, related to the Maintenance and Calibration Management System.
Type: Permanent Location: Juana Diaz, US-PR
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:17
This position will provide accounting and financial support to the Juana Diaz packaging operations and PTIG teams.
Responsibilities will include monitoring of performance and the support of forecasts, annual budgets and long-term strategy.
The role also works closely with Puerto Rico MFG Finance and general accounting teams to perform the monthly financial close.
Monthly financial analysis and reporting includes labor, materials, overhead, inventory, capital expenditures and productivity measures/KPIs.
As a business partner with finance and operations this role will assist in the analysis of various projects on ROI, evaluation of product costs, and support solutions for business improvements.
Type: Permanent Location: Juana Diaz, US-PR
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:17
The Distribution Associate I is a functional role that includes distribution order picking, stocking, packaging, and other material handling, and inventory control tasks; ensuring timely and accurate shipments are made to our customers using various indicators or signals.
The role works collaboratively with key business partners to ensure timeliness of execution and appropriate safeguards to protect during transit.
Interacting with Customer Service, Purchasing, Planning, Operations and Material Control to identify and meet business requirements.
Job Summary:
Required to stock DC shelves, pick, pack, consolidate, and ship to customers.
Operate material handling equipment within a high-volume temperature-controlled warehouse.
Assure team continuity across all warehouse operations.
This position may also be required to learn, perform, or be certified to assist within other areas including material control, logistics, or others as assigned.
Type: Permanent Location: Stafford, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:16
The Calibration Technician is the responsible to perform the instruments calibrations in our facilities also its is required to understand and handle critical conditions of calibrations and regulatory requirements.
The technician will make sure that the program instruments are accurate measuring and working efficiently to minimize downtimes.
Type: Permanent Location: Juana Diaz, US-PR
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:15
CooperVision, a division of CooperCompanies (NASDAQ:COO), is one of the world's leading manufacturers of soft contact lenses.
The Company produces a full array of daily disposable, two-week and monthly contact lenses, all featuring advanced materials and optics.
CooperVision has a strong heritage of solving the toughest vision challenges such as astigmatism, presbyopia and childhood myopia; and offers the most complete collection of spherical, toric and multifocal products available.
Through a combination of innovative products and focused practitioner support, the company brings a refreshing perspective to the marketplace, creating real advantages for customers and wearers.
For more information, visit www.coopervision.com.
Job Summary:
Lead biostatistics and data management functions.
This role is critical in ensuring robust study design, statistical analysis, data integrity, effective data management and regulatory interactions to support our product development and evidence generation activities.
Type: Permanent Location: Victor, US-NY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:15
Accountable for:
Raw Materials and Silver Stock Inventory Accuracy
Generates NCR for non- conforming product & materials
Assure Warehouse Area personnel perform their duties with high sense of Quality Awareness
Identify area disciplinary situations
Provide feedback to the associate
Elevate situation to area manager or leader for consequent investigation
Assure all Warehouse Area resources are available and within compliance;
Human resources are certified in their respective operations
Area required equipment is operational
Area equipment is in compliance with its calibration/PMs
Area operational supplies are available
Coordinate associates vacation plan
Assure warehouse goals are achieved.
Monitoring daily warehouse activities performance (picking, shipping, put away, despath)
Perform safety daily monitoring Audits
Generates accidents / incidents reports as needed
Ensure correct resources are acting upon the situation of an equipment repair
Ensure support of correct resources within shift to perform the repair is granted
Assure Warehouse Area information flow
Coordinate and perform regular communications meetings
Support all activities related to inventories reconciliation.
Promote a good Work Environment
Monitor Shift Performance
Balance the work load among the area personnel using line balancing concepts
Monitoring and maintaining ROLES Program within job area.
Perform and documents periodical audits based on audit schedule.
Promotes 6S methodology within associates.
Suggest improvements.
Provides audit findings, create actions and complete.
Assist in:
Investigation (Data gathering of Quality and Process issue)
Implement Corrective/ Preventive Actions
Identify resources availability for Warehouse Operation
Coordinate special warehouse meetings
Determine human resources requirements by roles
Execute Warehouse operations as per applicable SOP's
Manage Safety & Emergency issues
Implemented Safety corrective actions
Measure Safety shift indicators
Improve Safety shift indicators
Identify process equipment not performing as expected
Communicate process capabilities and goals for Warehouse Operations
Ensure correct resources are acting upon situation for Equipment Repair
Generate work order
Actively Participates in:
Identify Corrective/ Preventive Actions
Create safe conditions by design
Continuous education of shift members in Safety
Ensure completeness of shift investigations of accidents
Define and prioritize Process KPIs for improvement
Type: Permanent Location: Juana Diaz, US-PR
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:14
Werde Postbote für Pakete und Briefe in Cochem
Was wir bieten
* 17,05 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld
* Weitere 50% Weihnachtsgeld im November
* Bis zu 332 € Urlaubsgeld
* Du kannst sofort in Vollzeit starten, 38,5 Stunden/Woche
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Möglichkeit der Auszahlung von Überstunden
* Kostenlose Bereitstellung von hochwertiger Arbeitskleidung
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt) – wir machen dich fit für die Zustellung
* Unbefristete Übernahme und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten (bspw.
Standortleiter) bei guten Leistungen und offenen Positionen möglich
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote wie z.B.
arbeitgeberfinanzierte betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Fahrradleasing, Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, etc.
Deine Aufgaben als Postbote bei uns
* Zustellung von Brief- und Paketsendungen
* Auslieferung an 5 Werktagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag)
* Heben von Sendungen bis maximal 31,5 kg
* Transport mit einem unserer Geschäftsfahrzeuge
Was du als Zusteller bietest
* Du darfst einen Pkw fahren
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du bist wetterfest und kannst gut anpacken
* Du bist zuverlässig und hängst dich rein
Werde Postbote bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Postbote bringst du den Menschen in deinem Bezirk Post- und Paketsendungen.
Dabei lässt du dir von keinem Wetter die Laune verderben und bist fünf Werktage pro Woche (zwischen Montag und Samstag) unterwegs.
Auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten sind bei uns herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Fahrer, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben' Button - auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Cochem, DE-RP
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:13
Sobre a DHL
Conectando pessoas, melhorando vidas.
Torne-se um DHL e obtenha o essencial do seu dia a dia, através dos melhores benefícios, buscamos a sua segurança, a sua saúde e a de sua família.
Construa sua carreira conosco e tenha a oportunidade de crescer por meio de experiências multiculturais que o desafiarão diariamente.
Este não será apenas mais um trabalho, será a sua oportunidade de impactar de maneira positiva o meio ambiente e as pessoas que estão dentro e fora da DHL.
Como empresa global, valorizamos a diversidade de nossos colaboradores como uma verdadeira força, e essa força só poderá ser utilizada se fizermos com que todos sintam que realmente podemos ser nós mesmos no dia a dia, independentemente de nossa etnia, religião, orientação sexual, gênero, deficiência ou qualquer outra característica pessoal.
É isso que queremos dizer quando falamos de inclusão.
Diversidade é a nossa força.
Ser DHL é desenvolver suas capacidades ao máximo.
Descrição da Vaga
Responsável pelo desempenho de operações, serviços ao cliente e áreas de apoio.
também é responsável por assegurar que a área de operações alcance os objetivos pré-fixados pela companhia em relação aos resultados financeiros, qualidade, segurança, produtividade e serviço ao cliente.
planeja, organiza, define equipe necessária, dirige e controla todas as atividades operacionais do site.
Acompanha o processo de seleção e o desenvolvimento profissional dos colaboradores, buscando o bom relacionamento interpessoal e motivacional da equipe.
- Ensino Superior Completo;
- Conhecimento em Operações Logísticas;
- Experiência em liderança de equipes;
- Visão estratégica;
Verificar utilização de EPI e condições de segurança constantemente;
Fazer com que os conceitos e regulamentos de segurança sejam cumpridos;
Avaliar produtividade dos colaboradores e divulgar aos coordenadores;
Fazer com que os requerimentos de qualidade do cliente sejam cumpridos;
Fiscalizar a limpeza e ordem no local de trabalho;
Apoiar coordenadores e realizar briefings;
Relatar acidentes e incidentes conforme pirâmide de segurança, fazendo investigações quando necessário;
Acompanhar as auditorias de QA, garantindo que o plano de ações seja cumprido;
Interagir com o Gerente/Supervisor de Sala de Operações (Planejamento), garantindo fluxo de veículos e o cumprimento das janelas de embarque/desembarque;
Supervisionar a área de expedição, interagindo sempre para garantir agendamentos e prioridades de clientes;
Supervisionar a área de recebimento, garantindo fluxo de veículos de transferência e veículos que serão usados para
carregamento e atividades de devolução/retornos;
Treinar, desenvolver e motivar a equipe em todas as funções, buscando a multifuncionalidade dos colaboradores
Garantir a disciplina dentro de cada responsabilidade;
Type: Permanent Location: Itatiaia, BR-RJ
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:12
Job Details
Job Location: ERIE - ERIE, PA
Position Type: Full Time
Salary Range: $23.94 - $31.05 Hourly
Transportation Construction Inspector (TCI)
Urban Engineers is seeking qualified individuals in Pennsylvania, including Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Erie, Allentown, Scranton, Mechanicsburg, State College, and Williamsport to join the Construction Management Department as Transportation Construction Inspectors (TCI-1, TCI-2, TCI-3) for highway construction projects.
This position will be responsible for -
* The inspection of highways and bridges and documenting that they are being constructed in conformance with the plans and specifications.
* Inspecting and documenting the field activities performed by the contractor daily and act as a representative for the client.
* Communication between the inspection team, contractor, and client is required daily.
* Other tasks may include but not limited to: Project Site Activity (PSA) reports, electronic tablet and computer usage, processing payments, issuing work authorizations and work orders, and monitoring of the project schedule.
Job Requirements:
Minimum requirement for Transportation Construction Inspector (TCI):
* Previous experience as a TA on PennDOT projects
+ or (2) two years of transportation highway construction inspection experience
+ or (4) four years' experience in highway construction
* and must have (2) two of the following certifications: NICET (Highway Construction), NECEPT Asphalt, or NECEPT/PennDOT Concrete.
-- A B.S.
Degree in Civil Engineering or similar can be substituted for experience.
-- A Professional Engineers License (PE) can be substituted for experience.
Additional requirements:
* PennDOT ECMS v3 and PPCC experience preferred.
* Basic computer skills to use an electronic tablet and computer for reviewing construction drawings/specifications and completing project documentation are required.
* Navigate construction sites in different types of terrain and weather conditions.
* Work hours may include day and/or night shift work, and weekends, based on the type of operation taking place.
* Communication - Both verbal and writing skills are required.
* Candidates must also have their own vehicle and have a valid driver's license.
Candidates will receive mileage reimbursement for duty-related driving.
Pay Rate : $23.94 - $31.05 / hour
Pay rate depends on TCI experience level.
Incentive: $1,000 sign-on bonus.
50% in your first paycheck and the remaining 50% payable following ninety (90) days of employment!
Locations: Warrendale, PA | Erie, PA | Pittsburgh, PA
This position is not available for remote/virtual work.
Benefits of working at Urban:
* Medical/Prescription
* Dental
* Vision
* Life Insurance
* Short/Long Term Disability
* Flexible Spending Accounts
* 401K and company match
* Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)
* Vacation, Holida...
Type: Permanent Location: Erie, US-PA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:11
Job Details
Job Location: Southern New Jersey - New Jersey
Position Type: Full Time
Salary Range: $38.00 - $68.00 Hourly
Construction Inspector (NICET II-IV)
Urban is actively seeking Construction Inspectors to work as part of our distinguished team on complex highway and bridge projects throughout NJ.
Clients include NJDOT, NJTA, NJT, DRPA, PA NY/NJ and other agencies, authorities, and counties.
Construction Inspector Responsibilities:
* Monitor the contractor's work activities for conformance with contract documents.
* Prepare daily reports, quantity measurements and computations, and pay reports.
* Track material deliveries and shop drawings and prepare record drawings.
* Proactively communicate with the contractor and the client to progress the project in a timely manner to meet the project goals.
Construction Inspector Job Requirements:
* Minimum of two years of experience in construction inspection
* NICET (II, III, and/or IV) certification required
* NJSAT, NECEPT, ACI, and/or NACE preferred
* Rutgers Traffic Control Coordinator (TCC)
* Strong written and oral communication skills
* Valid driver's license
Benefits of working at Urban:
* Medical/Prescription
* Dental
* Vision
* Life Insurance
* Short/Long Term Disability
* Flexible Spending Accounts
* 401K and company match
* Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)
* Vacation, Holiday, and Personal Days
* Tuition Reimbursement
* Professional Development
Apply today!
Please include a PDF or Word Document Version of your resume .
Pay Rate: $38.00 - $68.00 / hour
Location: Southern New Jersey | On-site
About Urban
Our culture is built around our people.
Voted a top workplace by our employees, we are committed to advancing careers and providing a foundation for professional growth.
Urban offers a wide range of health, welfare and financial benefits to our employees, as well as career development through our own Urban Training Institute, tuition assistance program, and certification incentives.
Founded in 1960, Urban provides services for buildings, ports, transit, railroads, airports, bridges, and highways.
We specialize in engineering design, environmental, planning, construction services, and program management.
By providing innovation, technical excellence, and on-time performance, we create value for a proud Urban family.
Equal Employment Opportunity/M/F/disability/protected veteran status
QualificationsUrban is actively seeking Construction Inspectors to work as part of our distinguished team on complex highway and bridge projects throughout NJ.
Clients include NJDOT, NJTA, NJT, DRPA, PA NY/NJ and other agencies, authorities, and counties.
Construction Inspector Responsibilities:
* Monitor the contractor's work activities for conformance with contract documents.
* Prepare daily reports, quantity measurements and computations, and pay reports.
* Tr...
Type: Permanent Location: Cherry Hill, US-NJ
Salary / Rate: 53
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:10
Job Details
Position Type: Full Time
Salary Range: $20.35 - $23.94 Hourly
Transportation Technical Assistant
Urban Engineers is seeking qualified individuals in Pennsylvania, including Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Erie, Allentown, Scranton, Altoona, Mechanicsburg/Harrisburg, State College, and Williamsport to join the Construction Management Department as Transportation Construction Technical Assistants (TA-1 and TA-2) for highway construction projects.
For details on pay rate, sign-on bonus, and benefits of working with Urban, please see below.
This position will be responsible for -
* The inspection of highways and bridges and documenting that they are being constructed in conformance with the plans and specifications.
* Inspecting and documenting the field activities performed by the contractor daily and act as a representative for the client.
* Communication between the inspection team, contractor, and client is required daily.
* Other tasks may include but not limited to: Project Site Activity (PSA) reports and electronic tablet and computer usage.
Job Requirements:
Minimum requirement for Technical Assistant (TA):
* High School Diploma (or equivalent).
* Ability to read, write, and do basic math computation.
Additional requirements:
* Basic computer skills to use an electronic tablet and computer for reviewing construction drawings/specifications and completing project documentation are required.
* Navigate construction sites in different types of terrain and weather conditions.
* Work hours may include day and/or night shift work, and weekends, based on the type of operation taking place.
* Communication - Both verbal and writing skills are required.
* Candidates must also have their own vehicle and have a valid driver's license.
Candidates will receive mileage reimbursement for duty-related driving.
Pay Rate : $20.35 - $23.94 / hour
Pay range depends on TA experience.
Incentive: $500 sign-on bonus.
50% in your first paycheck and the remaining 50% payable following ninety (90) days of employment!
Available Locations: Erie, PA | Scranton, PA | Pittsburgh, PA | Philadelphia, PA |Mechanicsburg, PA | Allentown, PA | State College, PA | Williamsport, PA | Altoona, PA
This position is not available for remote/virtual work.
Benefits of working at Urban:
* Medical/Prescription
* Dental
* Vision
* Life Insurance
* Short/Long Term Disability
* Flexible Spending Accounts
* 401K and company match
* Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)
* Vacation, Holiday, and Personal Days
* Tuition Reimbursement
* Professional Development
* Certification Bonus
Apply today!
Please include a PDF or Word Document Version of your resume .
About Urban:
Our culture is built around our people.
Voted a top workplace by our employees, we are committed to advancing careers and providing a foundation for prof...
Type: Permanent Location: Scranton, US-PA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:10
Job Details
Position Type: Full Time
Salary Range: $31.05 - $35.50 Hourly
Transportation Construction Inspector (TCIS)
Urban Engineers is seeking qualified individuals in Pennsylvania, including Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Erie, Allentown, Scranton, Mechanicsburg/Harrisburg, State College, Altoona, and Williamsport to join the Construction Management Department as Transportation Construction Inspector Supervisors (TCIS-1 and TCIS-2) for highway construction projects.
For details on position pay, sign-on bonus, and benefits of working with Urban, please see below.
This position will be responsible for -
* The inspection of highways and bridges and documenting that they are being constructed in conformance with the plans and specifications.
* Inspecting and documenting the field activities performed by the contractor daily and act as a representative for the client.
* Communication between the inspection team, contractor, and client is required daily.
* Supervision of inspection staff team.
* Other tasks may include but not limited to: Project Site Activity (PSA) reports, electronic tablet and computer usage, processing payments, issuing work authorizations and work orders, and monitoring of the project schedule.
Job Requirements:
Minimum requirements for Transportation Construction Inspector Supervisor (TCIS):
* Previous experience as a TCI on PennDOT projects
+ or (6) six years of transportation, highway, or bridge construction inspection supervisor/management experience
+ or (5) five years of transportation highway construction inspection experience
* and must have the following certifications: NICET Level III (Highway Construction), NECEPT Asphalt, and NECEPT/PennDOT Concrete.
-- A B.S.
Degree in Civil Engineering or similar can be substituted for four years of experience.
-- A Professional Engineers License (PE) can be substituted for experience.
Additional requirements:
* PennDOT ECMS v3 and PPCC experience preferred.
* Basic computer skills to use an electronic tablet and computer for reviewing construction drawings/specifications and completing project documentation are required.
* Navigate construction sites in different types of terrain and weather conditions.
* Work hours may include day and/or night shift work, and weekends, based on the type of operation taking place.
* Communication - Both verbal and writing skills are required.
* Candidates must also have their own vehicle and have a valid driver's license.
Candidates will receive mileage reimbursement for duty-related driving.
Pay Rate : $31.05- $35.50 / hour
Pay rate depends on TCIS experience level.
Incentive: $1,500 sign-on bonus.
50% in your first paycheck and the remaining 50% payable following ninety (90) days of employment!
Locations: Erie, PA |Scranton, PA | Pittsburgh, PA | Philadelphia, PA | Mechanicsburg, PA | Allentown, PA | S...
Type: Permanent Location: Philadelphia, US-PA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:09
Job Details
Job Location: Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh, PA
Position Type: Full Time
Salary Range: $23.94 - $31.05 Hourly
Transportation Construction Inspector (TCI)
Urban Engineers is seeking qualified individuals in Pennsylvania, including Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Erie, Allentown, Scranton, Mechanicsburg, State College, and Williamsport to join the Construction Management Department as Transportation Construction Inspectors (TCI-1, TCI-2, TCI-3) for highway construction projects.
This position will be responsible for -
* The inspection of highways and bridges and documenting that they are being constructed in conformance with the plans and specifications.
* Inspecting and documenting the field activities performed by the contractor daily and act as a representative for the client.
* Communication between the inspection team, contractor, and client is required daily.
* Other tasks may include but not limited to: Project Site Activity (PSA) reports, electronic tablet and computer usage, processing payments, issuing work authorizations and work orders, and monitoring of the project schedule.
Job Requirements:
Minimum requirement for Transportation Construction Inspector (TCI):
* Previous experience as a TA on PennDOT projects
+ or (2) two years of transportation highway construction inspection experience
+ or (4) four years' experience in highway construction
* and must have (2) two of the following certifications: NICET (Highway Construction), NECEPT Asphalt, or NECEPT/PennDOT Concrete.
-- A B.S.
Degree in Civil Engineering or similar can be substituted for experience.
-- A Professional Engineers License (PE) can be substituted for experience.
Additional requirements:
* PennDOT ECMS v3 and PPCC experience preferred.
* Basic computer skills to use an electronic tablet and computer for reviewing construction drawings/specifications and completing project documentation are required.
* Navigate construction sites in different types of terrain and weather conditions.
* Work hours may include day and/or night shift work, and weekends, based on the type of operation taking place.
* Communication - Both verbal and writing skills are required.
* Candidates must also have their own vehicle and have a valid driver's license.
Candidates will receive mileage reimbursement for duty-related driving.
Pay Rate : $23.94 - $31.05 / hour
Pay rate depends on TCI experience level.
Incentive: $1,000 sign-on bonus.
50% in your first paycheck and the remaining 50% payable following ninety (90) days of employment!
Locations: Warrendale, PA | Erie, PA | Pittsburgh, PA
This position is not available for remote/virtual work.
Benefits of working at Urban:
* Medical/Prescription
* Dental
* Vision
* Life Insurance
* Short/Long Term Disability
* Flexible Spending Accounts
* 401K and company match
* Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)
* Vaca...
Type: Permanent Location: Erie, US-PA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:09
Job Details
Position Type: Full Time
Salary Range: $33.21 - $43.25 Hourly
Transportation Construction Manager (TCM)
Urban Engineers is seeking qualified individuals in Pennsylvania, including Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Erie, Allentown, Scranton, Mechanicsburg, State College, and Williamsport to join the Construction Management Department as Transportation Construction Managers (TCM-1 and TCM-2) for highway construction projects.
For details about pay, sign-on bonus, and benefits of working with Urban, please see below.
This position will be responsible for -
* The inspection of highways and bridges and documenting that they are being constructed in conformance with the plans and specifications.
* Inspecting and documenting the field activities performed by the contractor daily and act as a representative for the client.
* Communication between the inspection team, contractor, and client is required daily.
* Management of construction inspection staff and project.
* Other tasks may include but not limited to: Project Site Activity (PSA) reports, electronic tablet and computer usage, processing payments, issuing work authorizations and work orders, and monitoring of the project schedule.
Job Requirements:
Minimum requirements for Transportation Construction Manager (TCM):
* Previous experience as a TCIS on PennDOT projects
+ or (8) eight years of transportation highway construction inspection supervisor/management experience
+ or (6) six years of transportation, highway, or bridge construction inspection experience
* and must have all the following certifications: NICET Level IV (Highway Construction), NECEPT Asphalt, and NECEPT/PennDOT Concrete.
-- A B.S.
Degree in Civil Engineering or a Professional Engineers License (PE) can be substituted for four years of experience.
-- A Professional Engineers License (PE) can be substituted for a NICET certification.
Additional requirements:
* PennDOT ECMS v3 and PPCC experience preferred.
* Basic computer skills to use an electronic tablet and computer for reviewing construction drawings/specifications and completing project documentation are required.
* Navigate construction sites in different types of terrain and weather conditions.
* Work hours may include day and/or night shift work, and weekends, based on the type of operation taking place.
* Communication - Both verbal and writing skills are required.
* Candidates must also have their own vehicle and have a valid driver's license.
Candidates will receive mileage reimbursement for duty-related driving.
Pay Rate : $33.21 - $43.25 / hour
Pay rate depends on TCM experience level.
Incentive: $2,000 sign-on bonus.
50% in your first paycheck and the remaining 50% payable following ninety (90) days of employment!
Available Locations: Erie, PA | Scranton, PA | Pittsburgh, PA | Philadelphia, PA | Mechanicsburg, PA | Allen...
Type: Permanent Location: Allentown, US-PA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:08
Job Details
Position Type: Full Time
Salary Range: $33.21 - $43.25 Hourly
Transportation Construction Manager (TCM)
Urban Engineers is seeking qualified individuals in Pennsylvania, including Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Erie, Allentown, Scranton, Mechanicsburg, State College, and Williamsport to join the Construction Management Department as Transportation Construction Managers (TCM-1 and TCM-2) for highway construction projects.
For details about pay, sign-on bonus, and benefits of working with Urban, please see below.
This position will be responsible for -
* The inspection of highways and bridges and documenting that they are being constructed in conformance with the plans and specifications.
* Inspecting and documenting the field activities performed by the contractor daily and act as a representative for the client.
* Communication between the inspection team, contractor, and client is required daily.
* Management of construction inspection staff and project.
* Other tasks may include but not limited to: Project Site Activity (PSA) reports, electronic tablet and computer usage, processing payments, issuing work authorizations and work orders, and monitoring of the project schedule.
Job Requirements:
Minimum requirements for Transportation Construction Manager (TCM):
* Previous experience as a TCIS on PennDOT projects
+ or (8) eight years of transportation highway construction inspection supervisor/management experience
+ or (6) six years of transportation, highway, or bridge construction inspection experience
* and must have all the following certifications: NICET Level IV (Highway Construction), NECEPT Asphalt, and NECEPT/PennDOT Concrete.
-- A B.S.
Degree in Civil Engineering or a Professional Engineers License (PE) can be substituted for four years of experience.
-- A Professional Engineers License (PE) can be substituted for a NICET certification.
Additional requirements:
* PennDOT ECMS v3 and PPCC experience preferred.
* Basic computer skills to use an electronic tablet and computer for reviewing construction drawings/specifications and completing project documentation are required.
* Navigate construction sites in different types of terrain and weather conditions.
* Work hours may include day and/or night shift work, and weekends, based on the type of operation taking place.
* Communication - Both verbal and writing skills are required.
* Candidates must also have their own vehicle and have a valid driver's license.
Candidates will receive mileage reimbursement for duty-related driving.
Pay Rate : $33.21 - $43.25 / hour
Pay rate depends on TCM experience level.
Incentive: $2,000 sign-on bonus.
50% in your first paycheck and the remaining 50% payable following ninety (90) days of employment!
Available Locations: Erie, PA | Scranton, PA | Pittsburgh, PA | Philadelphia, PA | Mechanicsburg, PA | Allento...
Type: Permanent Location: Scranton, US-PA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-13 07:34:07