Benefits offered for this opportunity: AFSCME Benefits Summary
The City of Ann Arbor offers a competitive wage and benefits package including medical, vision, dental, paid vacation, sick and holiday leave.
Starting rate is $29.88.
After hire, pay increases are dependent on length of service, advancement in the position, and other contractual factors.
In this position you have the potential of making up to $40.15/hour.
This position is represented by the AFSCME union.
For more information reference the AFSCME collective bargaining agreement: Collective Bargaining Agreements
Role Summary:
To inspect, install, upgrade, maintain, and repair electrical and electronic equipment and systems for water treatment and associated collection and distribution equipment, systems and components.
Water treatment facilities also include city dams and hydroelectric generation equipment.
This role has two tracks, an electrician track and an instrument technician track.
While a technician may work on duties associated with both tracks, for this position they will have the primary responsibility in the electrician track.
Licensing Requirements:
* Journeyman Electrician (State of Michigan license within 1 year)
View Additional Requirements and Information at: Electrical & Control Systems Technician Job Description
See job description
Type: Permanent Location: Ann Arbor, US-MI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-15 07:26:21
Mótaðu veröldina þína
Sem starfsmaður Alcoa verður þú mikilvægur hluti af tilgangi fyrirtækisins: að nýta tækifærin til að ná árangri.
Í okkar augum er sérhver starfsmaður Alcoa teymismaður, hugmyndaskapari og heimsmótandi.
Alcoa Fjarðaál leitar að öflugum einstaklingi í starf planara endurbyggjanlegra varahluta í viðhalds- og áreiðanleikateymi.
Planarinn vinnur með rekstrarstjórum, leiðtogum og öðrum plönurum viðhalds að því að greina og láta endurbyggja hluti sem hagkvæmt er að endurbyggja.
Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð
* Fylgja eftir að ferli fyrir endurbyggða varahluti sé fylgt
* Tryggja að upplýsingar um hlutina sem sendir eru í endurbyggingu séu réttir
* Reikna út kostnað og ávinning af endurbyggingu hluta
* Meta í samvinnu við rekstrarstjóra hvort eigi að endurbyggja hluti
* Gera verklýsingar fyrir endurbyggingu hluta
Hæfniskröfur og menntun
* Iðnmenntun svo sem Iðnfræði eða tengt háskólanám æskilegt
* Þriggja ára starfsreynsla æskileg
* Vilji til að læra og þróast í starfi
* Jákvæðni og hæfni til að vinna í teymi
* Geta til að skipuleggja og leiða verkefni
* Góð íslensku- og ensku kunnátta
* Góð tölvukunnátta
Alcoa Fjarðaál er stór og lifandi vinnustaður sem aldrei sefur.
Saman sköpum við útflutningsverðmæti á öruggan og ábyrgan hátt, allan sólarhringinn, alla daga ársins.
Alcoa Fjarðaál býður samkeppnishæf laun og minni vinnuskyldu en almennt þekkist og er aðbúnaður starfsmanna til fyrirmyndar.
Öryggi og heilbrigði eru ávallt forgangsmál á vinnustaðnum og tækifæri til þjálfunar, menntunar og starfsþróunar eru mikil.
Gildi Alcoa eru heilindi, árangur, umhyggja og hugrekki.
Í samræmi við jafnréttisstefnu Alcoa Fjarðaáls og lög nr.
150/2020 eru einstaklingar af öllum kynjum hvattir til að sækja um.
Frekari upplýsingar um starfið veitir Sævar Arngrímsson rekstarstjóri viðhalds, í tölvupósti saevar.arngrimsson@alcoa.com
Hægt er að sækja um starfið á Alcoa.is
Umsóknarfrestur er til og með sunnudeginum, 23.
Alcoa Fjarðaál is seeking a strong individual for the position of planner for rebuildable spare parts in the maintenance and reliability team.
The planner works with operations managers, leaders, and other maintenance planners to identify and rebuild parts that are economically viable to rebuild.
Main tasks and responsibilities:
* Ensure that the process for rebuilt spare parts is followed
* Ensure that information about the parts sent for rebuilding is correct
* Calculate the cost and benefit of rebuilding parts
* Assess in collaboration with operations managers whether parts should be rebuilt
* Create work descriptions for rebuilding parts
Qualifications and education:
* Vocational education such as industrial engineering or related university education is desirable...
Type: Permanent Location: Reyðarfirði, IS-6
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-11 07:18:24
Greif offers a great working environment and the opportunity to make an immediate impact at a company where your ideas are always welcome.
Job Requisition #:
029908 Industrial Electrician (Open)
Job Description:
Key Responsibilities
* Ensures reliability of machinery and equipment by completing preventive maintenance on machinery and systems.
* Performs tasks including, but not limited to, mechanical, electrical, PLC, pneumatic and hydraulic troubleshooting and repair of equipment.
* Reads and interprets equipment manuals, diagrams, sketches, engineering specifications, and work orders to perform required maintenance and service.
* Uses hand tools and measuring instruments to determine changes in dimensional requirements of parts.
* Removes defective parts by dismantling devices, using hand and power tools.
* Adheres to all plant safety policies.
Participates in plant-wide safety, housekeeping, Operational Excellence, and Lean Manufacturing programs.
* Performs other duties as assigned.
Education and Experience
* Typically possesses a high school diploma (or equivalent) and 1-2 years of relevant experience.
Knowledge and Skills
* Demonstrates ability to operate machines, hand-tools and electrical equipment.
* Possesses an operational knowledge of automated industrial machinery, and hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
* Demonstrates ability to read and interpret electrical and mechanical drawings and work orders.
* Demonstrates strong problem-solving skills with practical, mechanical, and electrical aptitude.
* Possesses basic troubleshooting experience and proven skills in machine repair.
* Demonstrates strong written and oral communication skills.
* Demonstrates the ability to follow directions and work well in a team.
* Welding, machining and fabrication experience a plus.
* Proficient in Microsoft Office suite and other relevant software.
Protect Yourself From Scams: We value the integrity of our recruitment process and prioritize the well-being of our candidates.
While you may find Greif job postings on various platforms, all legitimate opportunities can be verified on our official Careers page at www.greif.com.
All communication from Greif regarding job opportunities will also come from an @greif.com email address.
If you have concerns about the legitimacy of a job posting, receive an unsolicited job offer or suspect fraudulent activity, please contact us for verification via this link Contact Us - Greif.
EEO Statement:
We offer a competitive salary, excellent benefits and opportunity for growth.
Greif, Inc.
is an equal opportunity employer.
We will not discriminate against any applicant or employee on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, gender, religion, age, national origin, color, disability, or veteran stat...
Type: Permanent Location: Massillon, US-OH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-08 07:52:49
Greif offers a great working environment and the opportunity to make an immediate impact at a company where your ideas are always welcome.
Job Requisition #:
029976 Pulp Mill & Powerhouse Manager (Open)
Job Description:
Job Description
Greif is a leading supplier of industrial packaging products and services, growing from its beginnings in Cleveland, Ohio, to a global footprint across more than 30 countries and 200-plus locations.
Be the best performing customer service company in the world.
We create packaging solutions for life’s essentials.
Greif's largest Paper Mill in Riverville, VA is seeking a seasoned Pulp Mill & Powerhouse Manager to oversee and manage the daily operations and administrative activities of a Semi-Chemical Pulp Mill, Woodyard, and Powerhouse, including a Combination Fuel Boiler, three package boilers and a recovery boiler including safety, production, maintenance, quality control and purchasing in support of the company policies and business objectives.
Some of the benefits you will enjoy from Day One:
* Competitive compensation
* Comprehensive Medical, Dental, and Vision coverage
* Accrue up to 3 weeks of paid vacation
* 10 paid holidays
* Incentive plan eligible
* 401K company contribution + company match
* Employee Assistance Program
* Tuition reimbursement (up to $5,250 each year)
* Paid Parental leave (4 weeks)
Key Responsibilities
* Oversee the daily operation of the pulp mill and powerhouse to ensure maximum efficiency, quality, and reliability.
* Monitors individual, department and quality performance trends and takes corrective action as necessary.
* Ensure coordination between pulp, recovery, and power generation processes to maintain smooth mill operations.
* Monitors machinery maintenance activity.
* Take immediate action to remedy any unsafe working conditions and safeguard employees. Leads planning activities for pressure vessel inspections and calibration, compliance with code and jurisdictional inspections.
* Manages four Shift Supervisors and 40 operations team members, directs reliability activities in coordination with our maintenance group.
* Plans annual outage and jurisdictional inspections of boilers and appurtenances, coordinates pulp mill equipment inspections and repairs with 3rd party and internal resources.
* Develop and institutes process improvement initiatives (OPEX)
* Oversee a variety of administrative duties including, but not limited to purchasing, hours accounting, human resources, scheduling, inventory control, quality assurance, and safety.
* Manages vendor relations, quality, and claims.
* Controls expenditures in accordance with budget.
* Communicates goals and objectives, applies company policies, staff, trains, develops group skills in operational excellence by coaching, recommends salary increases, administers disciplin...
Type: Permanent Location: Amherst, US-VA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-07 07:53:39
Responsible for performing routine day-to-day operations on the production floor.
Ensures all assigned tasks are completed in order to meet requirements including machine operation, packaging, material handling, and shipping packages, as needed.
* Under close supervision, acquires job skills and learns company policies and procedures to complete routine tasks on the production floor.
* Performs packaging and batch making functions for the line.
* Performs production preparation as directed following current production and QC procedures, guidelines, and SOPs.
* Assists in monitoring all operations.
* Assists in monitoring raw material and packaging component availability.
* Interfaces with PLC and PC applications in order to operate the line.
* Performs reconciliations regularly.
* Performs breakdown and assembly of production machines.
* Troubleshoots equipment issues and performs minor maintenance of equipment.
* Adheres to Good Manufacturing Practices and follows all Manufacturing SOPs that apply to this position.
* Performs all paperwork functions related to the batching and packaging operations.
Maintains logs, batch records, and all applicable documentation in accordance with internal standard operating procedures.
* Participates in all activities required to maintain a clean and safe plant.
* Performs all production duties on an as needed basis to meet production requirements and comply with GMPs.
* Loads and unloads raw material and finished product utilizing forklift and other material handling devices, as needed, in a safe and efficient manner.
* May perform Material Handler duties and responsibilities, as needed.
* Works on assignments that are routine in nature, requiring limited judgment.
* Contacts are primarily within the immediate work unit.
* Normally receives detailed instructions on all work.
* May refer to senior staff for assistance with day-to-day problems that may arise.
* Escalates issues to supervisor for resolution, as deemed necessary.
* Reviews and complies with the Code of Business Conduct and all applicable company policies and procedures, local, state and federal laws and regulations.
* Remains current in knowledge and understanding of process changes and updates for work areas.
* Assists with various projects as assigned by direct supervisor.
* Other duties as assigned.
Additional responsibilities may include focus on one or more departments or locations. See applicable addendum for department or location specific functions.
* The physical demands and work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to ...
Type: Permanent Location: Knoxville, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-07 07:25:55
Greif offers a great working environment and the opportunity to make an immediate impact at a company where your ideas are always welcome.
Job Requisition #:
029953 Industrial Electrician (Open)
Job Description:
EEO Statement:
We offer a competitive salary, excellent benefits and opportunity for growth.
Greif, Inc.
is an equal opportunity employer.
We will not discriminate against any applicant or employee on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, gender, religion, age, national origin, color, disability, or veteran status.
For more information read Greif’s Equal Opportunity Policy.
Type: Permanent Location: Arkadelphia, US-AR
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-06 07:50:21
Greif offers a great working environment and the opportunity to make an immediate impact at a company where your ideas are always welcome.
Job Requisition #:
029951 Electro – Mechanical Technician (Open)
Job Description:
Key Responsibilities
* Ensures reliability of machinery and equipment by completing preventive maintenance on machinery and systems.
* Performs tasks including, but not limited to, mechanical, electrical, PLC, pneumatic and hydraulic troubleshooting and repair of equipment.
* Reads and interprets equipment manuals, diagrams, sketches, engineering specifications, and work orders to perform required maintenance and service.
* Uses hand tools and measuring instruments to determine changes in dimensional requirements of parts.
* Assembles, installs, adjusts, and calibrates mechanical and electrical machinery and equipment.
Dismantles, repairs, rebuilds, and replaces equipment and parts as needed.
* Adheres to all plant safety policies.
Participates in plant-wide safety, housekeeping, Operational Excellence, and Lean Manufacturing programs.
* Provides assistance and guidance to junior maintenance colleagues.
* Performs other duties as assigned.
Knowledge and Skills
* Demonstrates ability to select and operate appropriate hand, power and specialty tools and diagnostic equipment to complete job tasks.
* Possesses an operational knowledge of automated industrial machinery, and electrical, hydraulic, and pneumatic systems.
* Demonstrates ability to read and interpret electrical and mechanical drawings and work orders.
* Demonstrates strong problem-solving skills and the ability to effectively communicate issues and solutions to team members.
* Demonstrates the ability to handle multiple priorities in a fast-paced environment.
* Possesses the ability to troubleshoot, disassemble, and reassemble manufacturing equipment.
* Demonstrates strong written and oral communication skills.
* Demonstrates the ability to work effectively under limited supervision.
* Proficient in Microsoft Office suite and other relevant software.
EEO Statement:
We offer a competitive salary, excellent benefits and opportunity for growth.
Greif, Inc.
is an equal opportunity employer.
We will not discriminate against any applicant or employee on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, gender, religion, age, national origin, color, disability, or veteran status.
For more information read Greif’s Equal Opportunity Policy.
Type: Permanent Location: Arkadelphia, US-AR
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-06 07:50:20
Industrial Electrical Technician - Rotating Shifts
Job Description
As a person, you’re a learner – a natural leader – someone who is always taking initiative to make things better and bring others along with you.
You live your life in alignment with the highest values of integrity and quality, always ensuring your responsibilities become a long-term success story.
In this role, you’ll help us deliver better care for billions of people around the world.
It starts with YOU.
In this role, you will:
* Follow all site and asset safety practices and procedures and must value working safely.
* Must demonstrate proficiency in the following: Computer Troubleshooting; Digital Electronics; Distributed Control Systems; Electronic Testing; Process Controls (PID Loops); Process Measurement & Control; Programmable Logic Controllers; Electrical Preventive Maintenance; Uninterruptible Power Supply; Electrical Inspection and Motor Lubrication; Motor and Motor Controls; Variable Speed Drives, including AC & DC, and servo drives
* Diagnosis and repair of electrical power and control systems and D.C.
and A.C.
variable speed drives.
* Reading and using electrical schematics, wiring diagrams, logic diagrams (ISA), blue prints, and drawings as required to install and troubleshoot instrument and electrical systems.
* Actively participates in failure analysis and equipment / systems troubleshooting.
About Us
Kimberly-Clark Professional®.
You already know our legendary brands—and so does the rest of the world.
In fact, millions of people use Kimberly-Clark products every day.
We know these amazing Kimberly-Clark products wouldn’t exist without talented professionals, like you.
At Kimberly-Clark, you’ll be part of the best team committed to driving innovation, growth, and impact.
We’re founded on more than 150 years of market leadership, and we’re always looking for new and better ways to perform – so there’s your open door of opportunity.
It’s all here for you at Kimberly-Clark.
Led by Purpose.
Driven by You.
About You
You perform at the highest level possible, and you appreciate a performance culture fueled by authentic caring. You want to be part of a company actively dedicated to sustainability, inclusion, wellbeing, and career development.
You love what you do, especially when the work you do makes a difference.
At Kimberly-Clark, we’re constantly exploring new ideas on how, when, and where we can best achieve results.
In one of our manufacturing roles, you’ll focus on winning with consumers and the market, while putting safety, mutual respect, and human dignity at the center.
To succeed in this role, you will need the following qualifications:
* Are 18 years or older and authorized to work in the United States.
* Have a state and/or US Department of Education accredited high school diploma, GED Grade 12 certificate...
Type: Permanent Location: New Milford, US-CT
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-06 07:26:36
Industrial Electrical Technician
Job Description
Implementing and improving maintenance practices in a facility that creates top-notch products for nearly ¼ of the world’s population is challenging work, but it’s worth it when you’re recognized often by your manager, supported by your team, and see those essential products being used by your own loved ones each day.
As a person, you’re a learner – a natural leader – someone who is always taking initiative to make things better and bring others along with you.
You live your life in alignment with the highest values of integrity and quality, always ensuring your responsibilities become a long-term success story.
In this role, you’ll help us deliver better care for billions of people around the world.
It starts with YOU.
This person will report to the Technical Services team and provide electrical technical support to utilities related assets with particular focus on Co-Gen, boiler house, and water treatment related processes.
Role will be responsible for performing electrical preventative maintenance, troubleshooting equipment malfunctions & failures, developing & implementing solutions to problems, and supporting project development & execution.
Role will also support other facilities related areas and plant assets as needed.
In this role, you will:
* Follow all site and asset safety practices and procedures and must value working safely.
* Must demonstrate proficiency in the following: Computer Troubleshooting; Digital Electronics; Distributed Control Systems; Electronic Testing; Process Controls (PID Loops); Process Measurement & Control; Programmable Logic Controllers; Electrical Preventive Maintenance; Uninterruptible Power Supply; Electrical Inspection and Motor Lubrication; Motor and Motor Controls; Variable Speed Drives, including AC & DC
* Diagnosis and repair of electrical power and control systems and D.C.
and A.C.
variable speed drives.
* Reading and using electrical schematics, wiring diagrams, logic diagrams (ISA), blue prints, and drawings as required to install and troubleshoot instrument and electrical systems.
* Actively participates in failure analysis and equipment / systems troubleshooting.
About Us
Kimberly-Clark Professional®.
You already know our legendary brands—and so does the rest of the world.
In fact, millions of people use Kimberly-Clark products every day.
We know these amazing Kimberly-Clark products wouldn’t exist without talented professionals, like you.
At Kimberly-Clark, you’ll be part of the best team committed to driving innovation, growth, and impact.
We’re founded on more than 150 years of market leadership, and we’re always looking for new and better ways to perform – so there’s your open door of opportunity.
It’s all here for you at Kimberly-Clark.
Led by Purpose.
Driven by You.
About You
You perform at the high...
Type: Permanent Location: New Milford, US-CT
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-06 07:26:35
Key Functions:
* Position requires total commitment to safety and ensuring others are working in a safe manner as well.
* Maintain, repair, troubleshoot and install industrial manufacturing equipment and systems.
* Maintain, repair, troubleshoot and install medium voltage electrical distribution systems – 24 vac/vdc to 480 ac volt systems
* Repair and rebuild electrical replacement parts for industrial manufacturing equipment and systems
* Install and troubleshoot electronic safety circuits.
* Ability to troubleshoot using blueprints, schematics, computers and appropriate test equipment.
* Electrical certifications, i.e.
MSHA certifications, WV Electrician License, formal education or training (list certifications on job application).
* Experience with PLC’s, AC & DC drives.
* Mechanical operations (hydraulics, pneumatics, etc.)
* Experience with instrumentation, HVAC, communications systems, etc.
* Must be able to function independently and in a team environment.
* Must be willing to work rotating shifts.
* Basic knowledge of computers, i.e.
Windows, MS Office, etc.
* General knowledge of test equipment such as multi-meters, oscilloscopes, and tools of the electrical trade.
* General knowledge of electrical conduit bending and assembly.
* General knowledge of single phase and 3 phase electrical systems.
* AC/DC Electrical systems
* Power distribution systems
* Electronic sensors
See job description
Type: Permanent Location: BEVERLY, US-WV
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-05 07:14:06
Industrial Controls Electrician
Job Description
Industrial Controls Electrician
As a person, you’re a learner – a natural leader – someone who is always taking initiative to make things better and bring others along with you.
You live your life in alignment with the highest values of integrity and quality, always ensuring your responsibilities become a long-term success story.
In this role, you’ll help us deliver better care for billions of people around the world.
It starts with YOU.
As an Industrial Controls Electrician, you will work as part of the Maintenance Department, responsible for maintaining equipment associated with the production, packaging, and distribution of Kimberly Clark Products through preventative, predictive and corrective maintenance. Perform troubleshooting and repair of industrial electrical controls, electrical wiring, and process instrumentation.
An Industrial Controls Electrician is responsible for all operational technology equipment including PLCs, VFDs and related controls hardware.
This position also performs control upgrades, programming, and the creation of applicable electrical schematics.
In this role, you will:
* Use specialized tools and instruments to troubleshoot, repair, and program electrical equipment.
* Program PLC's, VFDs and other controls hardware.
* Maintain a clean work area to prevent contamination of product.
* Accurately complete required work documentation and any related record keeping.
* Understand the concepts and participates in the techniques of the quality process.
* Perform work safely and in a timely manner.
* Perform complex electrical repairs on equipment.
* Duties include using powered industrial vehicles (i.e.
scissor lift, boom lift, electrical carts, and forklifts) for electrical repairs.
* Have a working knowledge of the NEC code and NFPA 70E, its interpretation and implementation.
* Provide feedback to the maintenance team to help modify existing equipment and improve the design of future equipment.
* Troubleshoot control systems throughout the plant and make repairs as required.
About Us
Kimberly-Clark Professional®.
You already know our legendary brands—and so does the rest of the world.
In fact, millions of people use Kimberly-Clark products every day.
We know these amazing Kimberly-Clark products wouldn’t exist without talented professionals, like you.
At Kimberly-Clark, you’ll be part of the best team committed to driving innovation, growth, and impact.
We’re founded on more than 150 years of market leadership, and we’re always looking for new and better ways to perform – so there’s your open door of opportunity.
It’s all here for you at Kimberly-Clark.
Led by Purpose.
Driven by You.
About You
You perform at the highest level possible, and you appreciate a performance culture fueled by authentic caring. ...
Type: Permanent Location: Neenah, US-WI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-02 07:26:06
Location: Neenah Foundry – Miami Operations
Pay: $21.50/hour + overtime & comprehensive benefits
Shifts: 5AM–1PM | 1PM–10PM | 9PM–5AM (Schedule varies based on company needs)
Join Our Team at Neenah Foundry – Miami Operations
Neenah Foundry – Miami Operations is seeking a skilled Maintenance Electrician with experience in an industrial or manufacturing environment.
This role requires expertise in electrical systems, troubleshooting, and repairs to support plant operations.
* Perform electrical maintenance, troubleshooting, and repairs on industrial machinery and equipment.
* Work with high-voltage and low-voltage electrical systems, PLCs, motor controls, and automation equipment.
* Diagnose electrical issues and perform preventive maintenance to reduce downtime.
* Follow safety protocols and ensure all work complies with electrical codes and company standards.
* Collaborate with the maintenance team to enhance operational efficiency.
* Minimum of 3 years of experience as an industrial electrician in a manufacturing or heavy industrial environment.
* Strong knowledge of electrical schematics, PLC troubleshooting, motor controls, and automation systems.
* Ability to troubleshoot and repair electrical components efficiently.
* Understanding of OSHA and NFPA 70E electrical safety standards.
* Flexibility to work various shifts based on company needs.
Compensation & Benefits:
* Hourly Rate: $21.50 per hour + overtime opportunities
* Health Benefits: Medical, dental, and vision insurance
* Retirement: 401(k) with 50% company match up to 8% contribution
* Health Savings Account (HSA): With company matching
* Paid Time Off: 2 weeks of vacation plus 24 hours of PTO
* Career Growth: Opportunities for skill development and advancement
NEI, including Neenah Foundry Company and its subsidiaries is an equal opportunity employer and applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, disability status or national origin.
Equal Opportunity Employer/Protected Veterans/Individuals with Disabilities
The contractor will not discharge or in any other manner discriminate against employees or applicants because they have inquired about, discussed, or disclosed their own pay or the pay of another employee or applicant.
However, employees who have access to the compensation information of other employees or applicants as a part of their essential job functions cannot disclose the pay of other employees or applicants to individuals who do not otherwise have access to compensation information, unless the disclosure is (a) in response to a formal complaint or charge, (b) in furtherance of an investigation, proceeding, hearing, or action, including an investigation conducted by the employer, or (c) consistent with the contract...
Type: Permanent Location: Miami, US-FL
Salary / Rate: 21.5
Posted: 2025-01-31 07:13:31
Join the Engineering team at Desert Mountain Club, one of the largest and most beautiful private country clubs in North America, as a Facilities Technician!
Desert Mountain Club consists of Seven signature golf courses, Seven distinctive clubhouses – each with its own unique restaurant plus banquets, spa, fitness center, swim, and tennis facility. We offer terrific benefits like Health Insurance, FREE onsite medical clinic for all employees & their dependents, 401k match, Free employee meals during shifts, Tuition reimbursement, and so much more!
In this role, you will assist the Chief Engineer and Assistant Chief Engineer with the overall maintenance of the club and group function set-ups to provide a world-class club for the membership.
Maintain and repair all buildings and associated equipment for a well-lit, comfort-controlled, aesthetically pleasing, and operationally sound facility.
The ideal candidate will be a self-motivated and driven individual who is a team player with a great attitude and strong work ethic.
At least 2 years of experience in electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and building maintenance in hospitality or related atmosphere.
A diploma or certificate from a certified maintenance or trade school and prior experience in a hotel, resort, or club is a plus.
Type: Permanent Location: Scottsdale, US-AZ
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-29 07:18:04
Job Description:
Job Description
Blood Hound is pleased to offer a career growth opportunity by joining the Blood Hound team as a Laborer (Assistant). This position offers qualified individuals the opportunity to join the largest private locating company in the nation. Blood Hound uses the most up to date utility locating, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Robotic Camera, Vacuum Excavation, Sewer Jetting, and other technology to provide our customers with a superior level of service. At Blood Hound our focus is on providing our customers with only the highest quality service and a true focus on safety, quality, and customer service.
Blood Hound provides additional training to interested and qualified candidates to further expand and improve the knowledge and skills of our employees. This includes continuing education courses through the winter and other slow periods to keep our technicians at the peak level of performance.
The starting pay is $16.00 per hour.
This position will assist both our Robotic Camera Operators and Vacuum Excavation Operators to provide services for all aspects of the Camera Inspection Services, as well as the Vacuum Excavation Services offered by Blood Hound.
Camera Inspection services involves providing our customers with visual inspection and evaluation of sanitary, storm, combined, and other sewer and pipe cleaning and inspection services.
This typically involves using manual push, and robotic camera units to inspect pipes, as well as using high power water jetting to clean sewers and other pipes prior to inspection. These services may involve confined space entry into sewer and other similar structures.
Vacuum Excavation Services utilize either Air-Knifing Technology or Hydro-Excavation to safely excavate holes, trenches, or pits for our clients without the risk of damage to utilities.
Successful candidates will possess effective troubleshooting and problem-solving skills, in addition to being capable of learning and implementing basic mechanical repair skills while in the field.
While in the field successful candidates will receive training and have the ability to move up within the company and to possibly move into a position where they are able to supervise their own crew or vehicle.
Why You'll Love Working for Us (Our Benefits):
* 100% paid training – We're invested in you, starting on your first day.
* High-quality company vehicle – All work-related expenses are paid.
This means you won't be putting mileage on your personal vehicle for work.
* Company laptop, phone, and equipment – Advanced technology you can count on.
* Daily pay – Access your pay when you need it most.
Instantly transfer your earnings to your bank same day.
* Comprehensive insurance options – A variety of excellent insurance choices including medical, dental, vision, and life.
* 401(k) with company match – We will help you save for the long term wit...
Type: Permanent Location: Las Vegas, US-NV
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-18 07:23:41
Springfield Plywood & Veneer
Position Title: Electrician
Reports to: Maintenance Director
Department: Maintenance
Hours per shift: Employee works 10-12 hours per day; two or three 10-minute rest breaks and one 30-minute unpaid meal period during the day.
Wage: Depending on Qualifications
Position Purpose: Maintain high levels of production by minimizing downtime by providing both predictive and preventive maintenance on all equipment. Brings forth issues and resolves them through formal action planning. Works closely with all members of the Maintenance, Production, & Management Teams.
Position Functions:
Level One Essential Functions
These duties are designated as ADA Essential Functions and must be performed in this job.
Must have current State of Oregon Journeyman Electrician card.
Must be familiar with the mill electrical system.
(MCC’s, disconnects, machines, and conveying systems).
Blue print reading.
Installations by code.
Able to install conduit level, straight, according to code or better depending on application.
Able to troubleshoot and repair 120 vac to 480 vac control power.
Able to troubleshoot and repair low voltage AC and DC.
Troubleshoot power supplies of all types.
Etc low voltage, multi voltage, and constant voltage.
Make prints of installations complete
Troubleshoot 3-phase power, MCC’s, motors, relay logic and aux contacts.
Level Two Essential Functions
These duties are designated as ADA Essential Functions and must be performed in this job.
In addition to all elements of level 1, the following are required:
Good understanding of machine center control / electrical systems.
Allen Bradley PLC program schools.
Know how to use timers, counters, basic ladder logic, and force functions.
Know how to troubleshoot PLC program logic.
Troubleshoot PLC and its components, replace processors and modules.
Basic understanding of AC frequency drives and soft starters.
Understand plant optimizer systems; how to restart systems and calibrate scanner systems.
Understand plant production and downtime reports.
Know how to reset and restart computer system.
Understand HMI systems.
Know how to reset and restart computer system.
Understand plant PanelView and MessageView systems.
Understand Plant PLC network.
PLC programming / Frequency drive classes once per year.
Level Three Essential Functions
These duties are designated as ADA Essential Functions and must be performed in this job.
Essential Functions: In addition to all elements of level 1 and level 2
Complete understanding of machine center control / electrical systems.
Understand plant optimizer systems on how to change configuration files and how to back up systems.
Understand plant production and downtime report system.
Know how to change and add information to the report system.
Know how to back up the systems...
Type: Permanent Location: Springfield, US-OR
Salary / Rate: 40.36
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:23:31
Job Title: Electro-Mechanical Assembler 1
InVeris Training Solutions is a global leader in integrated live fire and virtual training solutions for military forces, law enforcement agencies and commercial shooting ranges. We employ 400 people in seven countries, including the US, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Qatar, Singapore and the UK.
We work on some of the most demanding challenges in the defense, law enforcement and commercial range industries: from saving lives to keeping our peacekeepers and civilians safely trained. What’s more, InVeris Training Solutions employees are committed, engaged and excited that the work we do is in Service to Safety. We’ve got the best of both worlds in one company, and we invite you to become part of our growing team.
Job Designation
Candidates will work in a modified production line assembling training simulators.
They will assemble parts or units, and position, align, and fasten units to assemblies, subassemblies, or frames using hand tools and power tools.
They will install fasteners, connect cables, tubing, and wiring according to specifications.
They must be able to perform the required sequence of operations within the time allowed while maintaining quality standards.
Job Core Responsibilities
* Read blueprints and specifications to determine component parts and assembly sequences of electromechanical units
* Understand written documentation and procedures or verbal instructions (English)
* Proficient with basic hand tools and assembly practices
* Possess basic computer skills (Windows)
* Proficient with basic wiring, soldering, crimping and ESD practices
* Ability to inspect their own work and maintain quality standards
* Ability to work as part of a team or unsupervised
* Provide information to supervisors or coworkers through written, verbal, or electronic means
Other Responsibilities
* Conduct tests and inspections of assemblies or subassemblies
* Ability to troubleshoot and repair assemblies that fail function testing
* Inspect materials to identify the cause of errors or defects
Job Specifications
* Must be able to work FRI-SUN when required (overtime hours TBD)
* Must be able to stand for up to 5 hours at a time
* Ability to move objects weighing up to 50
High School Diploma or equivalent
This position requires use of information which is subject to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR).
All applicants must be U.S.
persons within the meaning of ITAR.
ITAR defines a U.S.
person as a U.S.
Citizen, U.S.
Permanent Resident (i.e., 'Green Card Holder'), Political Asylee, or Refugee.
InVeris Training Solutions is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex including sexual orientation and gender identity, national origin, disability, protected Veteran Status, or a...
Type: Permanent Location: Suwanee, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-17 07:21:30
Enterprise Products Partners L.P.
is one of the largest publicly traded partnerships and a leading North American provider of midstream energy services to producers and consumers of natural gas, NGLs, crude oil, refined products and petrochemicals.
Our services include natural gas gathering, treating, processing, transportation and storage; NGL transportation, fractionation, storage and import and export terminals; crude oil gathering, transportation, storage and terminals; petrochemical and refined products transportation, storage and terminals; and a marine transportation business that operates primarily on the United States inland and Intracoastal Waterway systems.
The partnership’s assets include approximately 50,000 miles of pipelines; 260 million barrels of storage capacity for NGLs, crude oil, refined products and petrochemicals; and 14 billion cubic feet of natural gas storage capacity
The I & E Technician modifies, repairs, or overhauls electronic and electrical equipment and controls. Applies knowledge of electronics principles in determining equipment malfunctions and applies skills in restoring equipment to operation. Other responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
*This position includes a $10,000 Sign-on Bonus, as well as other “location” incentives
* Participates in installing all instrumentation and electrical components safely.
* Troubleshoots problems with control systems and complex equipment, gas turbine, generators, and gas chromatography.
* Runs conduit, pulls wire, changes motors and maintains lighting systems and basic motor controls.
* May maintain, modify and troubleshoot Distributive Control Systems (DCS) and/or Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) to maximize use of control technology and minimize installation and operating costs.
* Maintains advanced monitoring devices (gas, flame, or fire detectors, vibration and temperature monitors).
* Is able to read P&ID and electrical diagrams and other complex electrical drawings; interprets plant electrical diagrams. Updates electrical drawings.
* Installs, troubleshoots and maintains end devices, alarms, shutdown systems, process controls, substation and branch feeders, variable frequency drives, air/fuel controllers, panel boards, etc.
* Performs preventative and general maintenance on electronic and pneumatic equipment and parts associated with this equipment.
* Provides training and technical support as required.
The successful candidate will meet the following qualifications:
* High school diploma or G.E.D.
equivalent is required.
* Graduation from a technical trade school and/or completion of an apprenticeship, certification or associate degree program in instrumentation or related studies is preferred.
* Journeyman electrical designation is highly preferred.
* 5 or more years of electrical and instrumentation experience is recommended, preferably in an energy-related industry.
* Must have a thorough knowledge of electrical codes and is familiar with AC voltage (120-480) three-phase and single-phase plus 24 VDC.
* Must possess a valid driver's license and have an acceptable driving record.
* Must be able to assume responsibility, prioritize and respond to multiple tasks under potentially stressful and/or hazardous conditions.
* Possess a strong commitment to personal and job safety.
* Must demonstrate strong mechanical aptitude and dexterity in the use of tools and equipment.
* Basic computer skills including spreadsheet and word processing applications.
* Good verbal and written communication skills, decision-making skills and strong work ethic.
* Must have the ability to read at a level to understand written safety procedures, work procedures, blueprints, P&IDs, work permits, and technical instruction manuals.
* Willing to work overtime and handle callouts.
* Candidate to live or relocate within 1 hour of reporting location.
* Strong math and logic skills including the ability to troubleshoot program PLC and other computer-based operations systems.
* A self-motivated individual able to work independently or in a team environment and willing to learn.
* Must be able to demonstrate sound judgment with the ability to make decisions and corrections when problems are detected.
* Candidate must have good organizational skills.
* Works indoors and outdoors in and around industrial and electrical equipment.
* Works in temperature extremes due to weather conditions and operating equipment.
* Uses physical force to lift, push, pull and hold equipment and tools.
* Climbs and works at various heights and may work in a standing, sitting, lying down, crouched or kneeling position.
* Routinely reacts to visual, aural and other signals, including alarms and instructions, and is required to visually inspect work.
* May work in confined spaces (i.e.
tanks, between compressors, vessels).
* Must be able to regularly bend, stoop, move from ground level to higher levels, raise/lift from ground level and lift up to 50 lbs., apply up to 100-foot pounds of torque.
* Must have ability to get in and out of vehicles regularly and ride over rough roads.
* Must wear special safety equipment while working and must be able to lift and put on emergency breathing apparatus and/or protective equipment.
Type: Permanent Location: Carlsbad, US-NM
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-15 07:25:08
Maint Tech (EI) Level II
Job Description
Maintenance Electrical & Instrumentation Tech Level II
Implementing and improving maintenance practices in a facility that creates top-notch products for nearly ¼ of the world’s population is challenging work, but it’s worth it when you’re recognized often by your manager, supported by your team, and see those essential products being used by your own loved ones each day.
As a person, you’re a learner – a natural leader – someone who is always taking initiative to make things better and bring others along with you.
You live your life in alignment with the highest values of integrity and quality, always ensuring your responsibilities become a long-term success story.
In this role, you’ll help us deliver better care for billions of people around the world.
It starts with YOU.
In this role, you will:
* Perform preventative, routine & troubleshooting maintenance in a high-speed manufacturing facility while ensuring a safe and multi-functional team environment.
* Read and use electrical schematics, wiring diagrams, single line diagrams and circuit diagrams.
* Diagnosis and repair of electrical power and control systems, D.C.
and A.C.
variable speed drives & servo drives.
Skills and Experiences that include:
* Electrical Distribution Systems
* Motors/Drives
* Distributed Control Systems
* Programmable Logic Control
* Valves, Positioners and Actuators
* Transducers and Transmitters
* Qualified Electrical Skills (NFPA 70E)
* Digital & Analog Field Components
* Test Equipment
* Hydraulic & Pneumatic Systems
About Us
Kimberly-Clark Professional®.
You already know our legendary brands—and so does the rest of the world.
In fact, millions of people use Kimberly-Clark products every day.
We know these amazing Kimberly-Clark products wouldn’t exist without talented professionals, like you.
At Kimberly-Clark, you’ll be part of the best team committed to driving innovation, growth, and impact.
We’re founded on more than 150 years of market leadership, and we’re always looking for new and better ways to perform – so there’s your open door of opportunity.
It’s all here for you at Kimberly-Clark.
Led by Purpose.
Driven by You.
About You
You perform at the highest level possible, and you appreciate a performance culture fueled by authentic caring. You want to be part of a company actively dedicated to sustainability, inclusion, wellbeing, and career development.
You love what you do, especially when the work you do makes a difference.
At Kimberly-Clark, we’re constantly exploring new ideas on how, when, and where we can best achieve results.
In one of our manufacturing roles, you’ll focus on winning with consumers and the market, while putting safety, mutual respect, and human dignity at the center.
To succeed in this role, you will ...
Type: Permanent Location: Mobile, US-AL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:48:00
Job Description:
Blood Hound is pleased to offer a career growth opportunity by joining the Blood Hound team as a Laborer (Assistant). This position offers qualified individuals the opportunity to join the largest private locating company in the nation. Blood Hound uses the most up to date utility locating, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Robotic Camera, Vacuum Excavation, Sewer Jetting, and other technology to provide our customers with a superior level of service. At Blood Hound our focus is on providing our customers with only the highest quality service and a true focus on safety, quality, and customer service.
Blood Hound provides additional training to interested and qualified candidates to further expand and improve the knowledge and skills of our employees. This includes continuing education courses through the winter and other slow periods to keep our technicians at the peak level of performance.
The starting pay is $16.00 per hour.
This position will assist both our Robotic Camera Operators and Vacuum Excavation Operators to provide services for all aspects of the Camera Inspection Services, as well as the Vacuum Excavation Services offered by Blood Hound.
Camera Inspection services involves providing our customers with visual inspection and evaluation of sanitary, storm, combined, and other sewer and pipe cleaning and inspection services.
This typically involves using manual push, and robotic camera units to inspect pipes, as well as using high power water jetting to clean sewers and other pipes prior to inspection. These services may involve confined space entry into sewer and other similar structures.
Vacuum Excavation Services utilize either Air-Knifing Technology or Hydro-Excavation to safely excavate holes, trenches, or pits for our clients without the risk of damage to utilities.
Successful candidates will possess effective troubleshooting and problem-solving skills, in addition to being capable of learning and implementing basic mechanical repair skills while in the field.
While in the field successful candidates will receive training and have the ability to move up within the company and to possibly move into a position where they are able to supervise their own crew or vehicle.
Why You'll Love Working for Us (Our Benefits):
* 100% paid training – We're invested in you, starting on your first day.
* High-quality company vehicle – All work-related expenses are paid.
This means you won't be putting mileage on your personal vehicle for work.
* Company laptop, phone, and equipment – Advanced technology you can count on.
* Daily pay – Access your pay when you need it most.
Instantly transfer your earnings to your bank same day.
* Comprehensive insurance options – A variety of excellent insurance choices including medical, dental, vision, and life.
* 401(k) with company match – We will help you save for the long term with our competitive...
Type: Permanent Location: Las Vegas, US-NV
Salary / Rate: 16
Posted: 2025-01-03 07:35:40