Le prêt à porter femme recherche son/sa futur (re) patronnier ou patronnière lectra.
La prise de poste est septembre 2024 à Pantin.
Positionnement :
Au sein de l'organigramme général d'Hermès Femme, Atelier de création, le titulaire rapporte au Responsable Lectra.
Missions :
Digitalisation et l'informatisation des modèles de collection.
(Préco, Défilé, Collections Exceptionnelles) :
Principales tâches:
* Digitalisation et réalisation du patron à partir du calque ou toile et des informations du modéliste conformément au cahier des charges Hermès en tenant compte des contraintes de pré-industrialisation.
* Rectification du patronage à la suite des essayages et des modifications demandées par le modéliste, le mécanicien ou le référent.
* Réalisation des placements sur Marker Manager et Marker Making.
* Contrôle du patronage, de la fiche technique et de la nomenclature avant le lancement.
* Au moment de la passation, vérifier que le patron, la variante et le dossier technique sont conformes aux dernières retouches demandées.
* Transformations à partir d'un modèle existant : changer les finitions et faire, réaliser la fiche technique, faire des maquettes si nécessaire.
* Être force de proposition et contribuer à véhiculer et développer l'excellence et le savoir-faire d'Hermès.
* Connaissance du vêtement et patronage
* Bonne connaissance du montage Chaine et trame ainsi que des finitions en chaine et trame
* Notions sur les montages en cuir seraient un plus
* Maitrise Lectra V8 Expert
* Sens de la communication, esprit d'équipe, attentif et rigoureux
* Dynamique, autonome
Employeur responsable, nous nous engageons dans l'éthique, les diversités et l'inclusion.
Rejoignez l'aventure humaine Hermès !Créateur, artisan et marchand d'objets de haute qualité, Hermès est, depuis 1837, une maison française, familiale et indépendante qui emploie près de 20 000 collaborateurs dans le monde.
Animé par un esprit d'entreprendre continu et une exigence constante, Hermès cultive la liberté et l'autonomie de chacun grâce à un management responsable.
L'entreprise perpétue la transmission de savoir-faire d'exception par un ancrage territorial fort dans le respect des hommes et de la nature - source de matières d'exception.
Quinze métiers artisanaux irriguent la créativité de la maison dont les collections rayonnent dans plus de 300 magasins dans le monde.
Type: Permanent Location: PANTIN, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:15
La division Hermès Recrutement a pour vocation de proposer aux entités d'Hermès en France une offre de services de haute qualité, dédiée au recrutement des profils principalement Cadres en CDI et CDD.
La mutualisation des ressources, expertises partagées, innovation dans les pratiques sont consacrées à la qualité de l'expérience candidat, en réponse aux spécificités des multiples activités et métiers d'Hermès et à leur évolution.
Son activité s'organise autour de 4 pôles d'expertise :
* Pôle Fonctions Support : Finance, Audit et Contrôle Interne, Ressources Humaines, Juridique, Assistanat, Environnement de Travail et Sécurité
* Pôle Amont Elargi : Fonctions Industrielles, Supply Chain, Production, Développement Technique, Innovation, Achats et Développement Durable
* Pôle Technologies : IT, Digital, Data,
* Pôle Création, Collection, Commercial
Chaque pôle développe ses savoir-faire de recrutement pour les fonctions qui lui sont rattachées et assure des missions transverses complémentaires pour renforcer continûment les bonnes pratiques.
Missions principales :
Rattaché à la Direction d'Hermès Recrutement, le titulaire a pour responsabilité, en étroite collaboration avec les Leads d'Hermès Recrutement, les équipes RH d'Hermès Recrutement, la Finance/Contrôle Interne, les différents DRH/RRH/Comp&Ben et les équipes de la DRH groupe SIRH (MyClickH) & Comp&Ben :
* la gouvernance des données de la division Hermès Recrutement,
* la gestion ou la contribution aux projets liés aux processus et aux outils,
* la production et la communication des reportings des projets Hermès Recrutement.
Gouvernance des données :
* Identifier, proposer et définir les procédures et les responsabilités pour assurer la qualité des données, leur sécurité et garantir l'aspect réglementaire
* S'accorder avec les Leads, Finance/Contrôle Interne, DRH/RRH, équipes Comp&Ben sur le contenu, le format, la fréquence des reportings/indicateurs et à qui ils sont communiqués
* Garantir la complétion des différentes bases de données et leur fiabilité
* Réaliser une analyse régulière des outils/données pour s'assurer de leur pertinence
* Proposer et développer les optimisations de procédures, d'outils, de reporting et d'indicateurs
* S'assurer de la maîtrise des outils et processus RH des nouveaux collaborateurs d'Hermès Recrutement
Outils et Processus :
* Coordonner la définition et la construction, avec et pour les différentes parties prenantes, des outils de reportings quantitatifs et qualitatifs et leur visualisation.
L'objectif principal est de formaliser, piloter les plans de recrutement et l'activité de la division :
- d'un point de vue budgétaire
- sur l'avancement des recrutements pour les postes, prestations (cabinets et junior Talent) et campus management
- pour évaluer la charge d'activ...
Type: Permanent Location: LE PRE ST GERVAIS, FR-IDF
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:14
Le ou la Responsable des affaires règlementaires a pour mission d'assurer la conformité des produits cosmétiques d'Hermès Parfums en vue de leur mise sur le marché à l'international.
Il encadre une équipe de 7 Chargé(e)s des affaires règlementaires et reportera directement au Directeur des affaires règlementaires du métier.
Le poste est à pourvoir en CDI dès que possible et basé sur notre site du Vaudreuil (27).
Employeur responsable, nous nous engageons dans l'éthique, les diversités et l'inclusion, rejoignez l'aventure humaine d'Hermès !
Relations :
* Relations directes avec la Direction des Collections Parfums ;
* Relations directes avec les équipes développement packaging et laboratoire ;
* Relations directes avec l'ensemble des équipes Supply Chain et service clients ;
* Relations directes avec la Direction Qualité ;
* Relations directes avec les équipes Achats ;
* Relations directes avec les équipes de production ;
* Relations directes avec les équipes HSE.
* Relations directes avec les associations, fédérations, congrès
* Relations directes avec les organismes certificateurs et les prestataires législatif
Contexte : mise sur le marché de produits cosmétiques à l'international.
Activités de l'équipe AR Parfums
* Validation règlementaire des matières premières ;
* Constitution des dossiers matières premières ;
* Validation règlementaire des formules ;
* Rédaction des listes d'ingrédients et de la documentation règlementaire (allergènes, certificats divers, etc) ;
* Validation des documents de décor et des supports de communication et allégations ;
* Gestion et suivi des tests de tolérance locale et clinique et vérification de l'efficacité ;
* Constitution et complétude des Dossiers Information Produit ;
* Préparation des dossiers pour l'évaluation de la sécurité (partie A+B) ;
* Gestion des cas de cosmétovigilance ;
* Rédaction des Fiches de Données de Sécurité ;
* Veille règlementaire internationale ;
* Réalisation des enregistrements pour la Chine.
* Mise à jour règlementaire des bases de données LSI-S3 ;
* Suivi du plan analytique règlementaire et toxicologique (mise sur le marché et surveillance) ;
* Rédaction et mise à jour des procédures et instructions affaires règlementaires.
* Respecter les règles en matière d'Hygiène, Sécurité, Environnement et des Bonnes Pratiques de Fabrication Cosmétique, et inciter l'ensemble du personnel à les respecter ;
* Contribuer à l'optimisation des postes et de l'environnement de travail en matière d'Hygiène, Sécurité Environnement et Ergonomie.
Les informations ici mentionnées présentent les missions générales et principales définies à la date de dernière mise à jour du présent document, ...
Type: Permanent Location: LE VAUDREUIL, FR-27
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:14
Au sein de la Direction Industrielle du Métier Bijouterie - Joaillerie, le Chef de projet Transformation Industrielle accompagne l'évolution industrielle du métier.
Dans un contexte de forte croissance avec une complexité accrue des flux, le développement du Métier nous amène à conduire des projets de transformation : de notre organisation, de nos outils et de nos processus.
Le Chef de projet est amené, du fait de sa fonction transverse, à être en interaction avec l'ensemble des services de la Direction Industrielle (DI) : Planification, Achats, Qualité, Développement Nouveautés, Approvisionnements et Logistique ; et est l'interlocuteur privilégié de l'équipe MOA du Métier.
Au quotidien, il est responsable du cadrage, de la conduite et du déploiement des projets de Transformation et accompagne les équipes afin de répondre aux enjeux actuels du Métier.
Ses principales missions sont :
Piloter, animer et coordonner les projets de transformation inscrits à la Road Map projets
Récolter et formaliser les besoins opérationnels des équipes industrielles
* Proposer les évolutions nécessaires à la transformation et à l'évolution de nos process, nos outils et nos organisations
* Mener et déployer les projets qui lui sont confiés conformément à la timeline projet définie
* Fédérer les équipes et sensibiliser à la culture projet
* Accompagner la formation des équipes dans leur prise en main et le déploiement des solutions mises en place
* Garantir la tenue des délais projets et leur structuration : définition et la formalisation des documents de capitalisation (processus, RACI, REX)
Dans le cas des projets orientés Système d'Information (SI), collaborer efficacement avec la maitrise d'ouvrage (MOA) pour :
* Définir les besoins d'évolution des outils à présenter à la DSI
* Suivre le développement des nouveaux outils en collaboration avec la Maitrise d'ouvrage et les Key User
Participer à l'élaboration de la Road MAP projets et à la dynamique de transformation du Métier
En collaboration avec les équipes métier et transverses groupe, identifier les points de transformation nécessaires
* Accompagner les équipes au Change Management
* Être référent des process outils et système et les faire évoluer
* Animer au sein des équipes la démarche de Transformation du Métier
* Investiguer, tester et mettre en place des outils et process innovants
Profil recherché :
Diplôme école d'ingénieur ou commerce
* Minimum 3 à 5 ans d'expérience dans la gestion de projets transverses, Supply Chain, Business Process Owner, Key User.
* Sensibilité datas & systèmes d'information (M3, SAP, )
* Aptitude à communiquer à l'oral comme à l'écrit, bon relationnel
* Esprit de synthèse
* Expérience du travail transverse, humilité et goût pour le travail en équipe
Type: Permanent Location: PANTIN, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:13
Éléments de contexte :
Depuis plus de 150 ans, John Lobb maintient l'exigence et le savoir-faire unique de son fondateur dans la création et la fabrication de chaussures pour hommes.
Le sur mesure est ainsi toujours réalisé à la main par les artisans de l'atelier parisien situé rue de Mogador tandis que les collections en prêt-à-porter sont produites dans la manufacture de Northampton en Angleterre.
Outre les activités de production, la marque jouit d'un réseau de distribution d'une vingtaine de magasins en propre implantés dans huit pays ainsi que d'un réseau très sélectif de dépositaires agréés.
Filiale du groupe Hermès depuis 1976, John Lobb compte plus de deux cents salariés à travers le monde.
Sous la direction du Responsable d'atelier et basé dans notre atelier sur mesure à Paris.
Le/la Patronnier(e)/confection tige incarnera la culture de la Maison et ses valeurs : culture de l'excellence technique et de la performance, écoute, bienveillance et exigence, qualité des produits, partage, mentorat et enrichissement respectif au sein du collectif.
Ce poste est à pourvoir ASAP.
Responsabilités principales / Objectifs :
Réaliser le patronage des différents modèles sur mesure incluant spécificités techniques et client (patronage sur forme)
Réaliser piquage et apprêtage en fonction des besoins de l'atelier
Participer au développement des produits et des processus, au lancement de nouveaux modèles
Garantir l'application de bonnes pratiques et des bons processus ainsi que la qualité des produits livrés
Profil :
Compétences en matière de création de patrons et de tiges en botterie, expérience préalable requise.
Connaissance du cuir et matériaux associés à la fabrication de chaussures
Compréhension des principes du sur-mesure.
Sens de l'organisation et des flux d'opérations.
Volonté de travailler en étroite collaboration avec les autres membres de l'équipe
Autonomie, volontariat.
Adhésion aux valeurs de la Maison.
Sens aigu de la communication : écoute, respect, communication directe.Créateur, artisan et marchand d'objets de haute qualité, Hermès est, depuis 1837, une maison française, familiale et indépendante qui emploie près de 20 000 collaborateurs dans le monde.
Animé par un esprit d'entreprendre continu et une exigence constante, Hermès cultive la liberté et l'autonomie de chacun grâce à un management responsable.
L'entreprise perpétue la transmission de savoir-faire d'exception par un ancrage territorial fort dans le respect des hommes et de la nature - source de matières d'exception.
Quinze métiers artisanaux irriguent la créativité de la maison dont les collections rayonnent dans plus de 300 magasins dans le monde.
Type: Permanent Location: PARIS, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:12
Position Summary:
Prevent and reduce loss due to bad debt, cash over/short and civil liabilities; reduce shrink and improve margins.
Fred Meyer also requires that all associates perform all tasks in a safe manner consistent with corporate policies and state and federal laws.
Demonstrate the companys core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Portland, Oregon, Fred Meyer merged with The Kroger Company in 1998.
Today, we're proudly serving Fred Meyer customers in over 120 stores throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Alaska.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Fred Meyer family!
* Knowledge of Fred Meyer policies, procedures and organizational structure
* Bachelors degree in criminal justice
* Retail security experience
* Law enforcement experience
* Ability to continue education
* High school diploma or general education degree (GED) or a combination of relevant education and experience
* Minimum 18 years of age/21 years of age in Alaska
* Ability to pass a drug test
* Ability to work in a fast-paced environment while maintaining a high degree of accuracy and attention to detail
* Ability to handle sensitive information while maintaining a high degree of confidentiality
* Ability to organize/prioritize tasks/projects
* Familiarity with loss prevention terms and processes
* Proficient Microsoft Office skills
* Model Customer 1st behavior; deliver and encourage other associates to deliver excellent customer service
* Detect, deter and/or detain external theft suspects
* Reduce customer and associate dishonesty by initiating and encouraging actions to prevent external and internal theft
* Monitor large shrink areas in stores
* Report incidents to the asset protection manager
* Support customer and associate relations through communication and training
* Provide credible court testimony
* Identify areas of high theft
* Verify compliance with corporate policies
* Promote and follow company initiatives
* Maintain flexibility to work any shift, overtime and weekends on a regular basis
* Must be able to perform the essential functions of this position with or ...
Type: Permanent Location: Bellevue, US-WA
Salary / Rate: 22.425
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:11
Create an outstanding customer experience through exceptional service.
Establish and maintain a safe and clean environment that encourages our customers to return.
Assist the department manager in reaching sales and profit goals established for the department and monitor all established quality assurance standards.
Embrace the Customer 1st strategy and encourage associates to deliver excellent customer service.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.From one tiny Cincinnati grocery store more than a century ago, we've grown into what today is the nation's largest grocer with nearly 2,800 stores in 35 states operating under 28 different names.
As America's grocer, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Kroger family! Minimum
- Ability to handle stressful situations
- Knowledge of basic math (counting, addition, and subtraction)
- Effective communication skills
- Any retail experience
- Second language (speaking, reading and/or writing)- Promote trust and respect among associates
- Create an environment that enables customers to feel welcome, important and appreciated by answering questions regarding products sold within the department and throughout the store
- Gain and maintain knowledge of products sold within the department and be able to respond to questions and make suggestions about products
- Recommend grocery items to customers to ensure they get the products they want and need; inform customers of grocery specials
- Check product quality to ensure freshness; review sell by dates and take appropriate action
- Label, stock and inventory department merchandise; provide customers with fresh products that they have ordered
- Report product ordering/shipping discrepancies to the department manager
- Display a positive attitude
- Stay current with present, future, seasonal and special ads
- Adhere to all food safety regulations and guidelines
- Ensure proper temperatures in cases and coolers are maintained and temperature logs are maintained
- Reinforce safety programs by complying with safety procedures and identify unsafe conditions and notify store management
- Practice preventive maintenance by properly inspecting equipment and notify appropriate department or store manager of any items in...
Type: Permanent Location: Centerville, US-OH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:11
Create an outstanding customer experience and inspire associates to deliver excellent customer service.
Establish and maintain a safe, clean environment that encourages our customers to return.
Achieve sales and profit goals established for the department, control all established quality assurance standards and expenses and properly schedule and staff technicians to meet the needs of the business.
Monitor all functions, duties and activities for the department.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Portland, Oregon, Fred Meyer merged with The Kroger Company in 1998.
Today, we're proudly serving Fred Meyer customers in over 120 stores throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Alaska.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Fred Meyer family!Minimum
* Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy
* Current state pharmacist licensure in good standing
* Effective oral/written communication skills
* Knowledge of basic math (counting, addition, and subtraction)
* Ability to handle stressful situations
* 1 year of retail experience
* Second language (speaking, reading, and/or writing)
* Fulfill customers' prescription needs while concentrating on the accuracy of every prescription filled
* Administer vaccines as needed
* Provide patient counseling and pharmaceutical care to customers
* Ensure pharmacies comply with all local, state and federal laws (including HIPAA)
* Maintain a professional image through personal appearance, conduct and attitude and the physical condition of the pharmacy; adhere to pharmacy standards and enforce company dress standards
* Achieve a thorough knowledge of the trade area, its customers and its competition
* Create a positive pharmacy department image through strong service, friendliness and cooperativeness with customers, associates and outside vendors
* Monitor stock replenishment, inventory levels, policies/procedures, record keeping, security, sanitation, scheduling, proper operation of all equipment, pricing, planograms, returns, budgets, reports to management, and product recalls per company policy
* Maintain proper records, inventory and security on...
Type: Permanent Location: Yakima, US-WA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:10
Provide exceptional customer service to help people live healthier lives by treating our customers/employees in a fair and ethical manner, providing a safe, clean, inclusive environment, being a responsible member of the community, providing the right products, services, and care at the right time with fair and accurate pricing.
Provide direct patient intervention by providing health and wellness services and experiences relevant to the patient as allowable by and consistent with state and federal laws.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.From one tiny Cincinnati grocery store more than a century ago, we've grown into what today is the nation's largest grocer with nearly 2,800 stores in 35 states operating under 28 different names.
As America's grocer, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Kroger family!MINIMUM
* High School Diploma or GED
* Must be 18 years old
* Ability to handle highly confidential information
* Meets minimum state requirements to perform the functions related to the position
* Any previous comparable experience
* Any equivalent experience of a pharmacy clerk
* EPRN familiarity
* Comply with local, state and federal regulations; report all illegal activity, including robbery, theft or fraud
* Comply with and reinforce all food safety, sanitation and safety regulations/guidelines/procedures and programs according to company, local, state, and federal health code regulations; identify unsafe conditions and notify store management
* Understand and perform ordering functions with primary and secondary wholesalers
* Understand and follow the company guidelines on computerized inventory management, control, and ordering of all medications, devices, supplements and supplies
* Maintain departmental standards including keeping clean and organized work stations and customer waiting areas
* Count, measure and prepare specified product using company best practices
* Complete billing procedures adequately to assure best value to the customer and the company
* Answer phone and triage calls and answer inquiries as appropriate
* Understand and adhere to guidelines on accepting and tendering vendor coupons, ...
Type: Permanent Location: Houston, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:09
Support the day to day execution of strategies for assigned categories and focus on reducing organizational spend to improve savings and enhancing relationships with business stakeholders and suppliers.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion, and safety.From one tiny Cincinnati grocery store more than a century ago, we've grown into what today is the nation's largest grocer with nearly 2,800 stores in 35 states operating under 28 different names.
As America's grocer, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Kroger family!MINIMUM
* Bachelor's Degree in Business Management, Supply Chain, Operations, Finance, CPG, or similar
* 1 year professional experience in procurement activities
* Demonstrated and proven leadership ability
* Ability to identify, quantify and effectively communicate business risks
* Self-starter, ability to work independently in a fast-paced environment while delivering solid action-oriented results quickly
* Analytical skills with the ability to identify, quantify and effectively leverage data to support business decisions, communicate opportunities and/or raise business risks
* Ability to monitor compliance with established guidelines, policies, procedures, and regulations
* Advanced Microsoft Office skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Vizio)
* Ability to synthesize analysis into compelling oral/written communications and presentations
* 1 year professional experience in Procurement, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, or Retail
* CPM/CPSM, CSCP or equivalent certification
* Expertise in Microsoft Office, data visualization tools
* Develop different award optimization scenarios to minimize total cost of ownership
* Respond to supplier and stakeholder questions (e.g., category, supply, event, price, or specification)
* Support the execution of supplier financing programs maintaining a holistic view of early payment and accounts payables programs
* Prepare planning guide to facilitate the completion of the negotiation and support where needed
* Sourcing Analysis
* Conduct opportunity assessments, benchmarking, and should cost modeling to develop sourcing opportunities
* Prepare category improvemen...
Type: Permanent Location: Cincinnati, US-OH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:09
Assist customers and manage cash register.
Maintain neatness and cleanliness of the fuel center.
Recover stock, fill out incident and security reports, and maintain compliance documentation.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Indiana, Jay C merged with The Kroger Company in 1999.
Today, we're proudly serving Jay C customers in 22 stores throughout the state.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Jay C family!MINIMUM
* Familiarity with industry/technical terms and processes
* Ability to work in a fast-paced environment
* Ability to work without direct supervision
* Any related experience
* Knowledge of company policies, procedures, and organizational structure
* Model Customer 1st behavior; deliver and encourage other associates to deliver excellent customer service
* Pump gas
* Complete daily tour and inspection
* Fill out incident and security reports
* Clean up fuel spills and complete Fuel Spill Report
* Recover displays; maintain cleanliness of department
* Perform cashier functions
* Answer telephones
* Comply with corporate policies
* Comply with all safety guidelines and standards
* Promote and follow company initiatives
* Maintain knowledge of emergency plans numbers and procedures
* Ability to work cooperatively in high paced and sometimes stressful environment.
* Ability to manage conflict in a reasonable, nonconfrontational and cooperative manner.
* Ability to act with honesty and integrity regarding customer and business information.
* Ability to follow directions and seek assistance when necessary to resolve customer and business issues.
* Provide support and assistance through direct interaction with minors, individuals with special needs, and older adults.
* Must be able to perform the essential job functions of this position with or without reasonable accommodation
Type: Permanent Location: Sellersburg, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:08
Create an outstanding customer experience through exceptional service.
Establish and maintain a safe and clean environment that encourages our customers to return.
Achieve sales and profit goals established for the department, and monitor and control all established quality assurance standards.
Direct and supervise all functions, duties and activities for the department.
Support the day-to-day functions of the Frozen Foods operations.
Embrace the Customer 1st strategy and encourage associates to deliver excellent customer service.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in California, Ralph's merged with The Kroger Company in 1998.
Today, we're proudly serving Ralphs customers in over 180 stores throughout the state.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Ralphs family!
Qualified applications with arrest or conviction records will be considered for employment in accordance with the Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers and the California Fair Chance Act.
If you are in need of reasonable accommodation to complete a job application or to otherwise participate in the application or pre-hiring process, please call 844-849-7136 or contact the location's management.Minimum
* Effective communication skills
* Knowledge of basic math (counting, addition, and subtraction)
* Ability to handle stressful situations
* Must be at least 18 years of age
* High school education or equivalent preferred
* Management experience preferred
* Retail Experience
* Second language (speaking, reading and/or writing)
• Promote trust and respect among associates.
• Communicate company, department, and job specific information to associates.
• Collaborate with associates and promote teamwork to help achieve company/store goals.
• Establish performance goals for department and empower associates to meet or exceed targets.
• Develop adequate scheduling to manage customer volume throughout hours of operation.
• Train and develop associates on performance of their job and participate in the performance appraisal process.
• Adhere to all local, state and federal laws, and company guidelines.
• Create an env...
Type: Permanent Location: Downey, US-CA
Salary / Rate: 22.325
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:07
Provide exceptional customer service to help people live healthier lives by treating our customers/employees in a fair and ethical manner, providing a safe, clean, inclusive environment, being a responsible member of the community, providing the right products, services, and care at the right time with fair and accurate pricing.
Provide direct patient intervention by providing health and wellness services and experiences relevant to the patient as allowable by and consistent with state and federal laws.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Washington, Qualify Food Centers (QFC) merged with The Kroger Company in 1998.
Today, we're proudly serving QFC customers in 59 stores throughout the Washington and Oregon.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our QFC family!Minimum
- High School Diploma or GED
- Must be 18 years of age
- Ability to handle highly confidential information
- Completion of national registration, certification or licensure
- Any previous comparable experience
- Any equivalent experience of a pharmacy technician- Support company health and wellness initiatives
- Understand and adhere to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations and the company's policies regarding the same
- Maintain a current national and/or state registration, certification, or license depending on state requirements
- Assist pharmacist in all responsibilities except those that require a pharmacist s professional judgement
- Provide a stellar customer experience while accurately and efficiently completing all steps of reception, data entry, adjudication, and product dispensing
- Support the continued coaching and training of clerks and/or technicians
- Compound medications according to state and any other regulations
- Perform post fill audits to verify prescription information matches computer records
- Support non-dispensing services through the use of various platforms, resources, and applications
- Complete the all aspects of CLIA-waived screenings consistent with state and federal law as well as company polices
- Provide any additional health and wellness services allowed by state and other regulatory bodies
- Comply with and...
Type: Permanent Location: Kirkland, US-WA
Salary / Rate: 27.05
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:07
Create an outstanding customer experience through exceptional service.
Establish and maintain a safe and clean environment that encourages our customers to return.
Direct and supervise all functions, duties and activities for the Drug GM department.
Support the day-to-day functions of the Drug GM operations.
Embrace the Customer 1 st strategy and encourage associates to deliver excellent customer service.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in California, Ralph's merged with The Kroger Company in 1998.
Today, we're proudly serving Ralphs customers in over 180 stores throughout the state.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Ralphs family!
Qualified applications with arrest or conviction records will be considered for employment in accordance with the Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers and the California Fair Chance Act.
If you are in need of reasonable accommodation to complete a job application or to otherwise participate in the application or pre-hiring process, please call 844-849-7136 or contact the location's management.Minimum
* Effective communication skills
* Knowledge of basic math (counting, addition, and subtraction)
* Ability to handle stressful situations
* High school education or equivalent preferred
* Management experience preferred
* Drug GM experience
* Retail experience
* Second language (speaking, reading and/or writing)
* Promote trust and respect among associates.
* Communicate company, department, and job specific information to associates.
* Collaborate with associates and promote teamwork to help achieve company/store goals.
* Establish performance goals for department and empower associates to meet or exceed targets.
* Develop adequate scheduling to manage customer volume throughout hours of operation.
* Train and develop associates on performance of their job and participate in the performance appraisal process.
* Adhere to all local, state and federal laws, and company guidelines.
* Create an environment that enables customers to feel welcome, important and appreciated by answering questions regarding products s...
Type: Permanent Location: Culver City, US-CA
Salary / Rate: 18.735
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:06
Provide exceptional customer service to help people live healthier lives by treating our customers/employees in a fair and ethical manner, providing a safe, clean, inclusive environment, being a responsible member of the community, providing the right products, services, and care at the right time with fair and accurate pricing.
Provide direct patient intervention by providing health and wellness services and experiences relevant to the patient as allowable by and consistent with state and federal laws.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.From one tiny Cincinnati grocery store more than a century ago, we've grown into what today is the nation's largest grocer with nearly 2,800 stores in 35 states operating under 28 different names.
As America's grocer, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Kroger family!MINIMUM
* High School Diploma or GED
* Must be 18 years old
* Ability to handle highly confidential information
* Meets minimum state requirements to perform the functions related to the position
* Any previous comparable experience
* Any equivalent experience of a pharmacy clerk
* EPRN familiarity
* Comply with local, state and federal regulations; report all illegal activity, including robbery, theft or fraud
* Comply with and reinforce all food safety, sanitation and safety regulations/guidelines/procedures and programs according to company, local, state, and federal health code regulations; identify unsafe conditions and notify store management
* Understand and perform ordering functions with primary and secondary wholesalers
* Understand and follow the company guidelines on computerized inventory management, control, and ordering of all medications, devices, supplements and supplies
* Maintain departmental standards including keeping clean and organized work stations and customer waiting areas
* Count, measure and prepare specified product using company best practices
* Complete billing procedures adequately to assure best value to the customer and the company
* Answer phone and triage calls and answer inquiries as appropriate
* Understand and adhere to guidelines on accepting and tendering vendor coupons, ...
Type: Permanent Location: Lawrenceville, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:05
Position Summary:
Create an outstanding customer experience through exceptional service.
Establish and maintain a safe and clean environment that encourages our customers to return.
Assist the department manager in reaching sales and profit goals established for the department, and monitor all established quality assurance standards.
Embrace the Customer 1 st strategy and encourage associates to deliver excellent customer service.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety of others.Based in California, Ralph's merged with The Kroger Company in 1998.
Today, we're proudly serving Ralphs customers in over 180 stores throughout the state.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Ralphs family!
Qualified applications with arrest or conviction records will be considered for employment in accordance with the Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers and the California Fair Chance Act.
If you are in need of reasonable accommodation to complete a job application or to otherwise participate in the application or pre-hiring process, please call 844-849-7136 or contact the location's management.
* Retail experience
* Ability to handle stressful situations
* Effective communication skills
* Knowledge of basic math
* Create an environment that enables customers to feel welcome, important and appreciated by answering questions regarding products sold within the department and throughout the store.
* Gain and maintain knowledge of products sold within the department and be able to respond to questions and make suggestions about products.
* Offer product samples to help customers discover new items or products they inquire about.
* Inform customers of Drug GM specials.
* Recommend Drug GM items to customers to ensure they get the products they want and need.
* Review "sell by" dates and take appropriate action.
* Label, stock and inventory department merchandise.
* Report product ordering/shipping discrepancies to the department manager.
* Display a positive attitude.
* Stay current with present, future, seasonal and special ads.
* Reinforce safety programs by complying with safety procedure...
Type: Permanent Location: Laguna Niguel, US-CA
Salary / Rate: 18.735
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:05
Provide exceptional customer service to help people live healthier lives by treating our customers/employees in a fair and ethical manner, providing a safe, clean, inclusive environment, being a responsible member of the community, providing the right products, services, and care at the right time with fair and accurate pricing.
Provide direct patient intervention by providing health and wellness services and experiences relevant to the patient as allowable by and consistent with state and federal laws.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Salt Lake City, Utah, Smith's Food and Drug merged with The Kroger Company in 1998.
Today, we're proudly serving Smith's customers in over 140 stores throughout Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Montana, Idaho and Wyoming.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Smith's family!Minimum
- High School Diploma or GED
- Must be 18 years of age
- Ability to handle highly confidential information
- Completion of national registration, certification or licensure
- Any previous comparable experience
- Any equivalent experience of a pharmacy technician- Support company health and wellness initiatives
- Understand and adhere to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations and the company's policies regarding the same
- Maintain a current national and/or state registration, certification, or license depending on state requirements
- Assist pharmacist in all responsibilities except those that require a pharmacist s professional judgement
- Provide a stellar customer experience while accurately and efficiently completing all steps of reception, data entry, adjudication, and product dispensing
- Support the continued coaching and training of clerks and/or technicians
- Compound medications according to state and any other regulations
- Perform post fill audits to verify prescription information matches computer records
- Support non-dispensing services through the use of various platforms, resources, and applications
- Complete the all aspects of CLIA-waived screenings consistent with state and federal law as well as company polices
- Provide any additional health and wellness services allowed...
Type: Permanent Location: Syracuse, US-UT
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:03
Accountable for all aspects of pharmacy practice, within the limits of state and federal laws and corporate policies.
Manage and maximize the financial performance of the pharmacy department by monitoring the pharmacy budget, minimizing or altogether avoiding unauthorized overtime, performing necessary pharmacy staff training and development, providing excellence in customer service, managing prescription pricing and generic utilization, controlling pharmacy inventory, and providing/implementing/participating in corporate approved clinical services.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Colorado, King Soopers merged with The Kroger Company in 1983.
Today, we're proudly serving King Soopers customers in over 115 stores throughout Colorado and Wyoming.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our King Soopers family!Minimum
* Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy and/or Doctor of Pharmacy Degree (Pharm.D.) from an accredited U.S.
School of Pharmacy
* 2+ years related retail experience or equivalent combination of education and experience
* Minimum 21 years of age
* License must be in good standing
* Proven leadership skills
* Ability to read and interpret prescriptions and documents
* Ability to write routine reports and correspondence
* Commitment to providing excellent customer service
* Ability to preserve confidentiality of information
* Ability and willingness to continue education as necessary
* Participation in clinical programs following company sponsored training
* Relevant Pharmacy Board Certification(s)
* Equivalent combination of education and experience in business management
* Perform all functions of a staff pharmacist and act as a role model for the pharmacy team; appropriately handle customer complaints and direct workflow to reduce customer wait times
* Develop, implement, supervise, and promote the sales plan and other sales initiatives as developed by the division pharmacy department
* Perform all the duties required and expected of a registered pharmacist in the state of employment and responsible for following all legal and company requirements
* D...
Type: Permanent Location: Arvada, US-CO
Salary / Rate: 77.875
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:03
Deliver a high level of service and excellent customer experience by resolving customer concerns.
Identify and communicate opportunities that could improve operations and create a better shopping experience.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Colorado, City Market merged with The Kroger Company in 1983.
Today, we're proudly serving City Market customers in 34 stores throughout Colorado, Utah and Wyoming.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our City Market family! Minimum
- High School Diploma or GED
- Effective interpersonal and customer service skills
- Good math skills (ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide)
- Sound judgement/decision making skills
- Friendly, approachable/outgoing demeanor/team player
- Ability to work in a fast paced environment
- Good oral and written communication skills
- Familiar with Microsoft Office Word and Excel- Demonstrate teamwork to ensure customer satisfaction and a pleasant working and shopping environment
- Provide friendly and efficient customer service by demonstrating sincerity, patience and respect in all customer interactions and by thanking customers for their business
- Greet customers in a genuine and friendly manner throughout the store and assist them by escorting them to products, loading/unloading heavy items and helping them to retrieve out of reach items
- Anticipate customer needs; effectively communicate with them and respond to questions and resolve issues in a timely manner to strengthen customer loyalty
- Oversee front end operations to meet or exceed sales, profit and labor goals through effective cost control, labor efficiencies, excellent service and shrink control; ensure front end cleanliness, maintenance and sanitation
- Determine work priorities and task lists to consistently maintain adequate front end conditions
- Ensure prompt, accurate customer check-out and front-end associates adhere to company policies, as well as local, state and federal laws/regulations
- Train, monitor and coach associates on all front end policies and procedures including proper handling of product, tender and coupons, scanning error procedures and price checks to reduce shrink and waste
- Com...
Type: Permanent Location: Avon, US-CO
Salary / Rate: 21.65
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:02
Create an outstanding customer experience through exceptional service.
Establish and maintain a safe and clean environment that encourages our customers to return.
Achieve sales and profit goals established for the department, and monitor and control all established quality assurance standards.
Direct, support and supervise all functions, duties and activities for the Drug GM department.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Arizona, Fry's Food Stores merged with The Kroger Company in 1983.
Today, we're proudly serving Fry's customers in over 120 stores throughout Arizona.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Fry's family!Minimum
* Effective communication skills
* Knowledge of basic math
* Ability to handle stressful situations
* High school education or equivalent preferred
* Management experience preferred
* Drug GM experience
* Retail experience
* Second language: speaking, reading and/or writing
* Promote trust and respect among associates.
* Communicate company, department, and job specific information to associates.
* Establish performance goals and empower associates to meet or exceed targets.
* Develop scheduling to manage customer volume throughout hours of operation.
* Train and develop associates on their job and participate in the performance appraisal process.
* Adhere to all local, state and federal laws, and company guidelines.
* Create an environment that allows customers to feel welcome, important and appreciated by answering questions regarding products sold within the department and throughout the store.
* Gain and maintain knowledge of products sold within the department and be able to respond to questions and make suggestions about products.
* Offer product samples to help customers discover new items or products.
* Inform customers of Drug GM specials.
* Display a positive attitude.
* Develop and implement a department business plan to achieve desired results by collaborating with store management and associates.
* Understand the store's layout and be able to locate products.
* Inform and educate department a...
Type: Permanent Location: Phoenix, US-AZ
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:01
Company Overview
JB Poindexter (India) Private Limited is a subsidiary of J.B.Poindexter & Co., Inc.
a privately held diversified manufacturing company forecasting $2.4B in annual revenue and 8,000 team members in 2024.
The eight operating subsidiaries, covering over 50 locations, are engaged in the production of commercial truck bodies, step-vans, utility trucks, funeral coaches, limousines, pickup truck bed enclosures, precision machining, and expandable foam plastic packaging.
For more information, visit www.jbpoindexter.com
JB Poindexter (India) Private Limited is the captive shared services unit of the J.B.
Poindexter & Co., Inc.
The company, wholly owned by J.
Poindexter & Co., Inc.
& is headquartered in Houston, Texas, USA.
As the GRC Analyst, you will play a critical role in developing and implementing comprehensive governance, risk, and compliance strategies, policies, and controls to safeguard our organization's reputation and financial integrity.
Key Responsibilities:
* Develop and maintain the organization's GRC strategy, policies, and procedures to ensure alignment with regulatory requirements and industry best practices.
* Collaborate with cross-functional teams to establish a culture of compliance and risk awareness.
* Lead risk assessment processes to identify, assess, and prioritize potential risks and compliance challenges.
* Design and implement risk mitigation strategies, controls, and action plans to minimize potential threats to the organization.
* Help develop and annually test the organization's Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans.
* Monitor changes in regulations, industry standards, and best practices to keep the organization up-to-date and compliant.
* Coordinate internal and external audits, ensuring timely resolution of audit findings.
* Bachelor's degree in information technology, Cybersecurity, or related field.
* A minimum of 3-5 years of professional experience in governance, risk, and compliance.
* Industry-recognized certifications, such as CRISC, CISA, CISM, or CISSP, are highly desirable.
* Solid understanding of industry regulations, standards, and frameworks, to include NIST 800-171, SOC 2, ISO 27001, GDPR, CCPA, and PCI DSS compliance requirements, as well as the ability to interpret and implement them effectively.
* Exceptional communication, and interpersonal skills.
* Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, along with a keen attention to detail.
* Demonstrated ability to build and maintain strong working relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
* Experience in creating and delivering compliance and ethics training programs.
* Strong proficiency in managing enterprise IT security risk, policies, and controls within Audit board.
* Ability to balance the need for compliance with a pragmatic and business-focused approach.
Code of Ethics:
JB Poindexter (...
Type: Permanent Location: Bengaluru, IN-KA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:01
Company Overview
JB Poindexter (India) Private Limited is asubsidiary of J.B.
Poindexter & Co., Inc.
a privately held diversified manufacturing company forecasting $2.4B in annual revenue and 8,000 team members in 2024.
The eight operating subsidiaries, covering over 50 locations, are engaged in the production of commercial truck bodies, step-vans, utility trucks, funeral coaches, limousines, pickup truck bed enclosures, precision machining, and expandable foam plastic packaging.
For more information, visit www.jbpoindexter.com
JB Poindexter (India) Private Limited is the captive shared services unit of the J.B.
Poindexter & Co., Inc.
The company, wholly owned by J.
Poindexter & Co., Inc.
& is headquartered in Houston, Texas, USA.
The Pricing Systems Architect will be primarily responsible for eliminating price leakages by accurate pricing within the JBPCO digital ecosystem as per the defined pricing policies.
Key accountabilities and responsibilities:
* Understand and document current state of pricing requirements, business processes; Translate business needs into functional requirements for pricing in digital eco system.
* Configure JDE's pricing module based on business rules, discounts, promotions, and pricing structures.
Define base prices, discounts, and adjustments.
Set up pricing schedules and structures working with IT.
* Develop test scenarios and test cases for pricing functionality.
Conduct user acceptance testing (UAT) to ensure accurate pricing calculations.
Validate pricing results against business expectations.
* Create detailed documentation for pricing processes, configurations, and user guides.
Train end-users on how to use the pricing module effectively.
* Collaborate with developers and technical teams to address any issues or enhancements and ongoing maintenance.
Monitor pricing performance and identify areas for optimization.
* Ecosystem Health: Conceptualize, deploy and monitor& maintain pricing in JBPCO digital ecosystem (Sales Force-C1-JDE-E-commerce portals).
Integral part of JDE, C1 and Salesforce implementation teams to ensure smart, agile and consistent pricing solutions aligning with the organization's strategic goals and technological capabilities.
* Document data mapping between the different systems to create seamless integration, data flow, data integrity of Pricing.
* Identify bottlenecks, optimize processes, and enhance system performance with respect to Price leakage.
* Works with the Pricing team on Project Management and validate internal Team process are implemented in every project.
* Bachelor's degree in engineering, business, finance or related field
* 8-10 years of experience in ERP pricing role related to pricing/quoting/estimating
* JDE or Oracle pricing ecosystem knowledge, SQL, e-Commerce pricing setups experience
* Strong mathematical skills to analyze large data sets
* Comfortable working in a fast-pace...
Type: Permanent Location: Bengaluru, IN-KA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:00
Accountable for all aspects of pharmacy practice, within the limits of state and federal laws and corporate policies.
Manage and maximize the financial performance of the pharmacy department by monitoring the pharmacy budget, minimizing or altogether avoiding unauthorized overtime, performing necessary pharmacy staff training and development, providing excellence in customer service, managing prescription pricing and generic utilization, controlling pharmacy inventory, and providing/implementing/participating in corporate approved clinical services.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Colorado, King Soopers merged with The Kroger Company in 1983.
Today, we're proudly serving King Soopers customers in over 115 stores throughout Colorado and Wyoming.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our King Soopers family!Minimum
* Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy and/or Doctor of Pharmacy Degree (Pharm.D.) from an accredited U.S.
School of Pharmacy
* 2+ years related retail experience or equivalent combination of education and experience
* Minimum 21 years of age
* License must be in good standing
* Proven leadership skills
* Ability to read and interpret prescriptions and documents
* Ability to write routine reports and correspondence
* Commitment to providing excellent customer service
* Ability to preserve confidentiality of information
* Ability and willingness to continue education as necessary
* Participation in clinical programs following company sponsored training
* Relevant Pharmacy Board Certification(s)
* Equivalent combination of education and experience in business management
* Perform all functions of a staff pharmacist and act as a role model for the pharmacy team; appropriately handle customer complaints and direct workflow to reduce customer wait times
* Develop, implement, supervise, and promote the sales plan and other sales initiatives as developed by the division pharmacy department
* Perform all the duties required and expected of a registered pharmacist in the state of employment and responsible for following all legal and company requirements
* D...
Type: Permanent Location: Englewood, US-CO
Salary / Rate: 77.875
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:39:00
Position Summary:
Oversees service calls for assigned stores for specified zone.
Role model and demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety of others.
* Prior experience in the maintenance field or appropriate school training.
* Basic knowledge of all food service equipment and material handling equipment.
* Forklift certification required.
* Ability to travel safely with a valid driver's license and insurance.
* Effective written and verbal communication skills.
* Demonstrates ability to make intelligent decisions quickly and solve problems.
* Basic trouble shooting skills.
* Some knowledge of Company operations and procedures.
* Knowledge of computer applications required.
* Customer service role model.
* Self-motivated, able to organize, prioritize, plan and meet deadlines.
* Must be professional, dependable, possess positive attitude, good judgment, and be able to gain the support of others to get the job done.
* Work with lead to develop store maintenance schedule for assigned stores.
* Maintains and controls inventory for truck stock.
* Maintains sanitation of work areas as prescribed by established standards.
* Demonstrate the ability and desire to promote, communicate and implement company initiatives and process improvements to direct reports in a positive manner.
* Able to tactfully and calmly handle stressful situations and make a positive impression on associates and customers.
* Be a team player and contribute positively to build team moral.
* Communicate and interact effectively and amicably with the team including other associates, and supervisors and exercise consideration for others.
* Must be able to perform the essential functions of the position with or without reasonable accommodation.
Type: Permanent Location: Louisville, US-KY
Salary / Rate: 31.25
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:38:59
Company Overview
JB Poindexter (India) Private Limited is asubsidiary ofJ.B.Poindexter & Co., Inc.
a privately held diversified manufacturing company forecasting $2.4B in annual revenue and 8,000 team members in 2024.
The eight operating subsidiaries, covering over 50 locations, are engaged in the production of commercial truck bodies, step-vans, utility trucks, funeral coaches, limousines, pickup truck bed enclosures, precision machining, and expandable foam plastic packaging.
For more information, visit www.jbpoindexter.com
JB Poindexter (India) Private Limited is the captive shared services unit of the J.B.
Poindexter & Co., Inc.
The company, wholly owned by J.
Poindexter & Co., Inc.
& is headquartered in Houston, Texas, USA.
As the GRC Analyst, you will play a critical role in developing and implementing comprehensive governance, risk, and compliance strategies, policies, and controls to safeguard our organization's reputation and financial integrity.
Key Responsibilities:
* Develop and maintain the organization's GRC strategy, policies, and procedures to ensure alignment with regulatory requirements and industry best practices.
* Collaborate with cross-functional teams to establish a culture of compliance and risk awareness.
* Lead risk assessment processes to identify, assess, and prioritize potential risks and compliance challenges.
* Design and implement risk mitigation strategies, controls, and action plans to minimize potential threats to the organization.
* Help develop and annually test the organization's Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans.
* Monitor changes in regulations, industry standards, and best practices to keep the organization up-to-date and compliant.
* Coordinate internal and external audits, ensuring timely resolution of audit findings.
* Bachelor's degree in information technology, Cybersecurity, or related field.
* A minimum of 6-9 years of professional experience in governance, risk, and compliance.
* Industry-recognized certifications, such as CRISC, CISA, CISM, or CISSP, are highly desirable.
* Solid understanding of industry regulations, standards, and frameworks, to include NIST 800-171, SOC 2, ISO 27001, GDPR, CCPA, and PCI DSS compliance requirements, as well as the ability to interpret and implement them effectively.
* Exceptional communication, and interpersonal skills.
* Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, along with a keen attention to detail.
* Demonstrated ability to build and maintain strong working relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
* Experience in creating and delivering compliance and ethics training programs.
* Strong proficiency in managing enterprise IT security risk, policies, and controls within Audit board.
* Ability to balance the need for compliance with a pragmatic and business-focused approach.
Code of Ethics:
JB Poindexter (In...
Type: Permanent Location: Bengaluru, IN-KA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-23 07:38:58