Hermès Cuirs Précieux (Hcp) est une filiale d'Hermès, spécialisée dans la fabrication de cuirs d'exception.
Reconnue pour le savoir-faire de ses 800 collaborateurs dans le tannage et la finition de peaux précieuses, Hcp construit et valorise plusieurs filières (exotique, veau, chèvre) lui permettant de s'assurer de la traçabilité et du bien-être animal.
Hcp s'engage ainsi dans une transformation industrielle au service d'un très haut niveau de qualité et du respect de ses engagements RSE (sécurité, innocuité, eau & carbone) par la maîtrise accrue des procédés de transformation et d'optimisation de la matière (Tannerie 4.0).
Rejoindre Hcp consiste à s'inscrire dans une culture de l'innovation participative au sein de laquelle chacun peut agir, avoir de l'impact sur son environnement et trouver un sens à son travail.
Dans le cadre de la forte croissance des Métiers Hermès Mode & Accessoires et de la complexification des systèmes de commandes chez les marques externes, nous cherchons pour notre département commercial un(e) Assistant(e) Administration des Ventes, afin d'apporter le niveau de service attendu par nos clients internes et externes.
Ce poste a ainsi pour mission principale d'accompagner deux Responsables Commerciaux (un Responsable Commercial Hermès et un Responsable Commercial Comptes Externes) dans la gestion de leurs clients et dans la construction d'un lien commercial de confiance et d'efficacité avec ceux-ci.
Concrètement, cela se traduit par les activités suivantes :
La gestion et suivi de la commande client
* Enregistrement des commandes (tanneries internes et sous-traitance), en lien avec le/la commerciale
* Animation d'une revue hebdomadaire des commandes avec les ADV des tanneries.
* Communication des délais et des éventuels retards aux clients.
* Organisation des plannings de réception.
Le support administratif au processus de collections Hcp
* Création des codes articles des nouveaux développements dans notre ERP, en lien avec la DSI.
* Passage des commandes de collection.
* Suivi des rétroplannings de collection, en lien avec les tanneries et le Responsable Artistique.
+ Actualisation des grilles tarifaires en fin d'année et communications de celles-ci au service comptabilité et aux clients.
Conformité administrative
* Suivi des encours de paiement, en collaboration avec la direction financière.
* Suivi des prêts de peaux, et rapports mensuels aux Directions Commerciales et Financières.
* Circularisation des prêts de peaux lors de la clôture annuelle.
* Edition et consignation des documents contractuels demandés par nos clients.
Vous êtes issu(e) d'une formation supérieure de type Bac+2 à Bac+3 (type BTS ou IUT) dans le domaine du commerce ou de la vente.
Vous disposez d'une expérience de 3 ans minimum sur un poste similaire.
* Rigue...
Type: Permanent Location: PARIS, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:53
Hermès Manufacture de Métaux (HMM) développe et fabrique des pièces métalliques pour les accessoires de marques de luxe.
Le groupe souhaite mettre en place une solution permettant aux différents sites qui le composent, de partager une vision commune, de faciliter les échanges à partir d'un seul point d'entrée et de favoriser le travail en groupe.
Cette démarche va également permettre au groupe de répondre plus efficacement et de manière proactive aux besoins de leurs clients en traitant au mieux les problèmes à la cause racine et les non-conformités.
Au sein de la Direction Financière d'Hermès Manufacture de Métaux (HMM), et rattaché au Contrôle de Gestion, le stagiaire contrôleur de gestion endossera les responsabilités suivantes :
Stage de 6 mois conventionné à temps plein à pourvoir à partir de Janvier 2025.
Basée à Val-de-Fontenay (94)
Missions principales
* Suivi du chiffre d'affaires (CA) :
+ Participer à la construction et au suivi du CA hebdomadaire et mensuel,
+ Communiquer le CA au Comité de Direction, aux directeurs de sites & au service commercial,
+ Réaliser des études ad hoc.
* Préparation des indicateurs mensuels à destination du Comité de Direction (CODIR) :
+ Assurer l'interface avec les Directions métiers et les sites de production,
+ Contrôler les données et mettre en forme les indicateurs.
* Reporting budgétaire :
+ Définir les budgets annuels et réestimés par Direction métier,
+ Elaborer les états de synthèse correspondants et participer à la construction des présentations budgétaires,
+ Préparer et communiquer les reportings aux Directions métier,
+ Analyser avec chaque Direction les écarts budget/réel.
* Amélioration continue :
+ Automatiser les processus et reportings récurrents,
+ Améliorer la qualité des bases de données dans l'ERP (fiches articles, etc.) et dans SAP (natures comptables, mapping magnitude, etc.)
Profil du candidat
* Etudiant de Master en Ecole de Commerce, IAE, Université ou équivalent, spécialisé en Finance ;
* Une première expérience réussie de 6 mois sur une fonction similaire et dans un environnement international serait fortement appréciée
* Forte appétence pour les systèmes d'information
* Maîtrise d'Excel (ex : TCD, Recherche/X, etc.) et de Power BI / Power Query
* Excellentes capacités d'analyse et grande aisance avec les chiffres
* Qualités relationnelles
* Sens du résultat, organisation
* Rigueur
Merci d'envoyer votre candidature (CV et lettre de motivation) en précisant vos disponibilités pour ce stage.Créateur, artisan et marchand d'objets de haute qualité, Hermès est, depuis 1837, une maison française, familiale et indépendante qui emploie près de 20 000 collaborateurs dans le monde.
Animé par un esprit d'entreprendre continu et une...
Type: Permanent Location: FONTENAY SOUS BOIS, FR-94
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:52
Contexte :
La Direction de la Communication réunit des experts de la stratégie, de la conception, de la production et de l'activation des outils de communication, implémentés par les filiales du Groupe.
Il s'agit d'une équipe dont la mission repose sur le rayonnement de la signature Hermès tout autant que sur la protection de son modèle d'entreprise.
Au sein de la Direction de la Presse & Influence, nous recherchons un Chargé de veille et traitement de l'information.
Ce poste reporte à la directrice adjointe presse et influence.
Votre rôle :
Le Chargé de veille et de traitement de l'information a pour rôle d'accompagner le service de presse et, plus largement, la direction de la communication sur l'ensemble des sujets liés au traitement de l'information.
Sa mission consiste à réaliser une veille efficace et analytique, d'assurer la diffusion interne de l'information stratégique, de gérer les outils presse et digitaux et d'analyser les retombées françaises et internationales en presse et digitale.
Vous pourrez travailler ponctuellement avec les directions corporate et réseaux sociaux.
Vos principales missions :
Veille :
* Analyser, traiter et diffuser les retombées presse et influence : print, digital, réseaux sociaux
* Superviser les revues de presse quotidiennes et hebdomadaires thématiques
* Analyser les retombées françaises et internationales : presse et digital
* Effectuer des recherches et analyses diverses/veille 360 liée aux différentes activités de la Maison et aux sujets sensibles
Outils digitaux :
Vous animez et gérez les différents outils digitaux liés à l'activité du département presse : relation avec les prestataires, mise à jour et développement des outils.
Vous intervenez comme relais pour former et accompagner les équipes en France et en filiales sur certains sujets.
* CRM pour nos attachés de presse : mises à jour des contacts, édition de listes et envoi des emailings
* Gestion des plateformes médias : suivi, consolidation et analyse des retombées presse et digitales
* Pressroom : mise en ligne des communiqués de presse/dossiers de presse/visuels/vidéos
* Outils de veille : gestion des mots clés et des campagnes influence, veille à la pertinence des contenus.
Reporting régulier.
* Amélioration continue des outils, suivi des renouvellements, des accès, des contrats et de la conformité RGPD.
* Suivi du budget du pôle outil
Vous aurez également la supervision d'un/e stagiaire.
Votre profil :
Formation supérieure de type Science Po, Institut national des Sciences et Techniques de l'Information (CNAM/INTD), Master d'intelligence économique, Master d'analyse et prospective etc.
Au moins 3 à 5 ans d'expérience dans le traitement de l'information, la veille stratégique, la gestion de projets digitaux.
Grande agilité des outils digitaux au sens large et maîtrise des outils de veille, d'analyse et de diffusion.
Type: Permanent Location: PARIS, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:51
Major Responsibilities:
Sales and Service
Lead a sales team, define the sales strategy and achieve the team sales target, enable each team member to achieve their individual sales target
Ensure a high standard of customer service and experience
Lead team to build and maintain relationship with clients and develop VIPs, recruit new customers
Be present in the selling floor as shift leader to oversee daily store operation.
Assist team whenever required in the selling process or in any other operation
Ensure the store operation standard of his/her perimeter: stock management, after service, maintenance, CRM
Monitor stock situation and ensure the operation standard of own perimeter to support sales & service
In charge of several métiers/product categories in terms of sales, visual merchandising, inventory control, training, etc.
Be responsible for market updates and give buying advises to store manager
People development and team management
Manage and coach the team: set objectives and assess performance, observe team on the floor and provide ongoing feedback and coaching based on their needs
Motivate team member with individual recognition via sales results, métier management, customer relationship management
Motivate teams, create a sense of team spirit, discipline and mutual respect, as well as dedication and loyalty to the company, recognize individual and team efforts
Ensure teams receive proper training regularly to develop customer service, product knowledge, selling skills and other skills for personal development
Requirements & Capabiliites:
Tertiary educated with at least 3 years of relevant management experience in high-end fashion, luxury industry or in similar capacity
Strong business sales sense with solid analytical skills
Ability to lead and drive performance and customer service
Good customer relationship management skills
Excellent spoken and written English and Chinese.
French is a plus
Must be a good team player, pleasant, service oriented and self motivated
Strong leadership, interpersonal and communication skills
Hands on computer knowledge of MS office
Type: Permanent Location: Qingdao, CN-37
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:51
Rattaché au Chef de projet Visuel Merchandising et E-commerce pour les Accessoires de Mode (Bijouterie Fantaisie, Ceintures, Chapeaux et Gants), vous effectuez un suivi de la visibilité de nos métiers en boutique ainsi que sur les supports digitaux de la Maison.
Stage de 4 mois conventionné à temps plein, à pourvoir à partir du 31 Mars au 25 Juillet 2025.
Basé à Pantin (Accessible Métro Ligne 5 et RER)
Principales missions
En collaboration avec votre manager :
Visuel merchandising
* Rédiger les guidelines VM
* Préparer les shootings VM.
Création de visuels d'inspiration
* Développer les nouveaux concepts et PLV pour les magasins :
+ Veille concurrentielle en boutique
+ Brainstorming avec les différentes équipes métiers afin de recueillir les nouveaux besoins
+ Animations visuelles en magasin
* Accompagner le déploiement d'animations commerciales
* Gérer les contenus médias accessoires de mode sur les plateformes e-commerce
* Veille sur le site e-commerce et suivi de la publication des contenus digitaux
* Aider sur l'organisation des shootings mannequins et packshots e-commerce
* Co-rédiger les textes destinés au site e-commerce
* Réflexion sur l'amélioration des grilles et des fiches produits
Profil du candidat
* Etudiant en école de commerce, de communication, ou université (Bac +4/+5)
* Sensibilité produit et image, créativité
* Force de proposition
* Rigoureux, sens du détail, organisé
* Maîtrise de la suite Office et de la suite Adobe
* Ouverture et capacité d'adaptation
* Anglais courant
Merci d'envoyer votre candidature (CV et lettre de motivation) en précisant vos disponibilités pour ce stage.Créateur, artisan et marchand d'objets de haute qualité, Hermès est, depuis 1837, une maison française, familiale et indépendante qui emploie près de 20 000 collaborateurs dans le monde.
Animé par un esprit d'entreprendre continu et une exigence constante, Hermès cultive la liberté et l'autonomie de chacun grâce à un management responsable.
L'entreprise perpétue la transmission de savoir-faire d'exception par un ancrage territorial fort dans le respect des hommes et de la nature - source de matières d'exception.
Quinze métiers artisanaux irriguent la créativité de la maison dont les collections rayonnent dans plus de 300 magasins dans le monde.
Type: Permanent Location: PANTIN, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:50
La Direction de la communication réunit des experts de la stratégie, de la conception, de la production et de l'activation des outils de communication, implémentés par les filiales du Groupe, visant à faire rayonner la maison tout en préservant son modèle d'entreprise.
Suite à une mobilité interne, l'équipe recherche un producteur évènementiel en CDI.
Le Producteur événementiel Mode/PAP Femme travaille étroitement avec les partenaires de production, les talents créatifs internes et externes, les chefs/responsables de projet PAP Femme et l'ensemble des collaborateurs des équipes de communication à Paris et en filiales.
Il est aussi un partenaire du métier PAP Femme et garant, en lien avec sa Directrice, des productions associées à ce métier.
Positionnement : Le titulaire du poste est rattaché à la Directrice de Pôle Production Expérientielle, elle-même rapportant au Directeur de Production Expérientielle.
Mission Générale :
Sous la supervision de Directrice de Pôle Production Expérientielle, le Producteur Événementiel Mode/PAPF participe à la supervision et au pilotage des projets pour mener à bien la production d'événements dans le cadre de la mise en avant du PAP Femme, en France ou à l'International.
Il œuvre à la réunion de l'ensemble des conditions nécessaires à la bonne exécution des idées créatives, dans le respect du cadre réglementaire, budgétaire et temporel.
Il contribue également à l'identification des outils, techniques, savoir-faire les plus pertinents à la réalisation des projets, en relation étroite avec les équipes création, projets et filiales.
Il participe à l'organisation d'événements variés tels que :
* Défilés ;
* Mini-univers ;
* Resees ;
* After-shows.
Principales activités :
Accompagner et mettre en œuvre les productions événementielles PAP Femme :
* Comprendre l'ambition créative : échanger avec les équipes créatives, partager les enjeux et les contraintes le plus en amont possible ;
* Définir un plan de production en identifiant clairement les différentes étapes de validation : dimensionnement, suivi et réalisation ;
* Identifier les partenaires extérieurs si nécessaire (productions exécutives, équipes techniques) et les talents de production (designer lumière, ingénieur son, styliste), les contractualiser et assurer leur suivi ;
* Développer et gérer la cabine mannequins conformément à l'ambition créative et aux bonnes pratiques de la maison : contractualiser et accompagner le directeur de casting et son équipe dans sa mission (planning, pré-casting, budget, listes), négocier et gérer l'ensemble des cessions de droits à l'image des mannequins avec les agences, etc ;
* Négocier et suivre les budgets de production, piloter les appels d'offre dans le meilleur intérêt de la maison ;
* Suivre l'ensemble des étapes de production et des besoins logistiques afférents - dans...
Type: Permanent Location: PARIS, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:50
Division or Field Office:
Office of the CIO
Department of Position: Enterprise Tech Office Dept
Work from:
Corporate Office in Erie, Pa Salary Range:
salary range is for thislevel and may vary based on actual level of role hired for
*This range represents a national range and the actual salary will depend on several factors including the scope and complexity of the role and the skills, education, training, credentials, location, and experience of an applicant, as well as level of role for which the successful candidate is hired.Position may be eligible for an annual bonus payment.
At Erie Insurance, you're not just part of a Fortune 500 company; you're also a valued member of a diverse and inclusive team that includes more than 6,000 employees and over 13,000 independent agencies.
Our Employees work in the Home Office complex located in Erie, PA, and in our Field Offices that span 12 states and the District of Columbia.
Benefits That Go Beyond The Basics
We strive to be Above all in Service® to our customers-and to our employees.
That's why Erie Insurance offers you an exceptional benefits package, including:
* Premier health, prescription, dental, and vision benefits for you and your dependents.Coverage begins your first day of work.
* Low contributions to medical and prescription premiums.We currently pay up to 97% of employees' monthly premium costs.
* Pension.We are one of only 13 Fortune 500 companies to offer a traditional pension plan.
Full-time employees are vested after five years of service.
* 401(k) with up to 4% contribution match.The 401(k) is offered in addition to the pension.
* Paid time off.Paid vacation, personal days, sick days, bereavement days and parental leave.
* Career development.Including a tuition reimbursement program for higher education and industry designations.
Additional benefits that include company-paid basic life insurance; short-and long-term disability insurance; orthodontic coverage for children and adults; adoption assistance; fertility and infertility coverage; well-being programs; paid volunteer hours for service to your community; and dollar-for-dollar matching of your charitable gifts each year.
Position Summary
Creates an environment where full context is provided to drive strategy for moderately complex, transformative initiatives.
Develops and validates the IT architecture against requirements of the business for initiatives of moderate architectural impact.
Sets direction and achieves alignment around the IT strategy and determines the best path to achieve it.
Empowers the organization to efficiently make high-quality technology and process decisions that enable our business vision in environments that require moderate sophistication in relationship building and partnership.
May perform duties in one or more of the following practices: Enterprise Architecture, Solution Architecture, and Technology Architecture.
What You'll Do: This...
Type: Permanent Location: Erie, US-PA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:49
Division or Field Office:
Office Of The President
Department of Position: Business Capability Enblt Dept
Work from:
Corporate Office in Erie, Pa Salary Range:
salary range is for thislevel and may vary based on actual level of role hired for
*This range represents a national range and the actual salary will depend on several factors including the scope and complexity of the role and the skills, education, training, credentials, location, and experience of an applicant, as well as level of role for which the successful candidate is hired.
Position may be eligible for an annual bonus payment.
At Erie Insurance, you're not just part of a Fortune 500 company; you're also a valued member of a diverse and inclusive team that includes more than 5,000 employees and over 2,200 independent agencies.
Our Employees work in the Home Office complex located in Erie, PA, and in our Field Offices that span 12 states and the District of Columbia.
Benefits That Go Beyond The Basics
We strive to be Above all in Service® to our customers-and to our employees.
That's why Erie Insurance offers you an exceptional benefits package, including:
* Premier health, prescription, dental, and vision benefits for you and your dependents.
Coverage begins your first day of work.
* Low contributions to medical and prescription premiums.
We currently pay up to 97% of employees' monthly premium costs.
* Pension.
We are one of only 13 Fortune 500 companies to offer a traditional pension plan.
Full-time employees are vested after five years of service.
* 401(k) with up to 4% contribution match.
The 401(k) is offered in addition to the pension.
* Paid time off.
Paid vacation, personal days, sick days, bereavement days and parental leave.
* Career development.
Including a tuition reimbursement program for higher education and industry designations.
Additional benefits that include company-paid basic life insurance; short-and long-term disability insurance; orthodontic coverage for children and adults; adoption assistance; fertility and infertility coverage; well-being programs; paid volunteer hours for service to your community; and dollar-for-dollar matching of your charitable gifts each year.
Position Summary
Translates and develops requirements into workable software solutions.
Maintains and develops programs for use in business and IT automation.
Incorporates various accepted methodologies to design software and applications at a critical level to project or release.
May perform duties in one or more of the following disciplines: Open Systems Mainframe Application Configuration.
This is an opportunity for a Sr Software Engineer role and will focus on Enterprise Engineering, broadening into master level activities.
The employee will support Customer Service and Corporate Applications, learning about their technology and applications and building relationships.
Preferred Experience & Skills:
* 5 years software en...
Type: Permanent Location: Erie, US-PA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:49
Division or Field Office:
New York Branch Office
Department of Position: Claims Department
Work from:
Home in NY Salary Range:
salary range is for thislevel and may vary based on actual level of role hired for
*This range represents a national range and the actual salary will depend on several factors including the scope and complexity of the role and the skills, education, training, credentials, location, and experience of an applicant, as well as level of role for which the successful candidate is hired.Position may be eligible for an annual bonus payment.
At Erie Insurance, you're not just part of a Fortune 500 company; you're also a valued member of a diverse and inclusive team that includes more than 6,000 employees and over 13,000 independent agencies.
Our Employees work in the Home Office complex located in Erie, PA, and in our Field Offices that span 12 states and the District of Columbia.
Benefits That Go Beyond The Basics
We strive to be Above all in Service® to our customers-and to our employees.
That's why Erie Insurance offers you an exceptional benefits package, including:
* Premier health, prescription, dental, and vision benefits for you and your dependents.Coverage begins your first day of work.
* Low contributions to medical and prescription premiums.We currently pay up to 97% of employees' monthly premium costs.
* Pension.We are one of only 13 Fortune 500 companies to offer a traditional pension plan.
Full-time employees are vested after five years of service.
* 401(k) with up to 4% contribution match.The 401(k) is offered in addition to the pension.
* Paid time off.Paid vacation, personal days, sick days, bereavement days and parental leave.
* Career development.Including a tuition reimbursement program for higher education and industry designations.
Additional benefits that include company-paid basic life insurance; short-and long-term disability insurance; orthodontic coverage for children and adults; adoption assistance; fertility and infertility coverage; well-being programs; paid volunteer hours for service to your community; and dollar-for-dollar matching of your charitable gifts each year.
Position Summary
Exercises independent discretion and judgement in claims handling involving complex liability issues, to include coverage issues and severe injury claims.
* The ideal candidate will live within a reasonable driving distance to Rochester, NY
* There are multiple open positions
* This is a remote/work from home position with remote equipment included
Duties and Responsibilities
* Conducts investigations, evaluate and make recommendations regarding coverage and liability.
* Handles claims involving complex liability, damages or coverages.
* Negotiates with all parties, or their representatives, within designated authority.
* Documents the file and submits reports.
* Identifies subrogation opportunities and initia...
Type: Permanent Location: Rochester, US-NY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:48
Division or Field Office:
Claims Division
Department of Position: Corporate Claims Department
Work from:
Home in ERIE's Footprint Salary Range:
salary range is for thislevel and may vary based on actual level of role hired for
*This range represents a national range and the actual salary will depend on several factors including the scope and complexity of the role and the skills, education, training, credentials, location, and experience of an applicant, as well as level of role for which the successful candidate is hired.Position may be eligible for an annual bonus payment.
At Erie Insurance, you're not just part of a Fortune 500 company; you're also a valued member of a diverse and inclusive team that includes more than 6,000 employees and over 13,000 independent agencies.
Our Employees work in the Home Office complex located in Erie, PA, and in our Field Offices that span 12 states and the District of Columbia.
Benefits That Go Beyond The Basics
We strive to be Above all in Service® to our customers-and to our employees.
That's why Erie Insurance offers you an exceptional benefits package, including:
* Premier health, prescription, dental, and vision benefits for you and your dependents.Coverage begins your first day of work.
* Low contributions to medical and prescription premiums.We currently pay up to 97% of employees' monthly premium costs.
* Pension.We are one of only 13 Fortune 500 companies to offer a traditional pension plan.
Full-time employees are vested after five years of service.
* 401(k) with up to 4% contribution match.The 401(k) is offered in addition to the pension.
* Paid time off.Paid vacation, personal days, sick days, bereavement days and parental leave.
* Career development.Including a tuition reimbursement program for higher education and industry designations.
Additional benefits that include company-paid basic life insurance; short-and long-term disability insurance; orthodontic coverage for children and adults; adoption assistance; fertility and infertility coverage; well-being programs; paid volunteer hours for service to your community; and dollar-for-dollar matching of your charitable gifts each year.
Position Summary
Responsible for handling Worker's Compensation claims within designated authority, exercising discretion and independent judgement in the decision-making process on all claims assigned.
* There are 2 open positions.
* The successful candidate willhandle VA/WV/MD/DC Workers' Compensation Claims
* The successful candidate will work from home and must live in ERIE's footprint.
* The Hiring Manager will also consider candidates for Workers' Compensation Adjuster II.
Level of position offered will be based upon the depth and breadth of selected candidate's experience and qualifications.
Duties and Responsibilities
* Handles workers' compensation claims, including fatalities and possible complex claims.
Type: Permanent Location: Silver Spring, US-MD
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:48
Division or Field Office:
Knoxville Claims Office
Department of Position: Claims Department
Work from:
Tennessee Office Salary Range:
salary range is for thislevel and may vary based on actual level of role hired for
*This range represents a national range and the actual salary will depend on several factors including the scope and complexity of the role and the skills, education, training, credentials, location, and experience of an applicant, as well as level of role for which the successful candidate is hired.Position may be eligible for an annual bonus payment.
At Erie Insurance, you're not just part of a Fortune 500 company; you're also a valued member of a diverse and inclusive team that includes more than 6,000 employees and over 13,000 independent agencies.
Our Employees work in the Home Office complex located in Erie, PA, and in our Field Offices that span 12 states and the District of Columbia.
Benefits That Go Beyond The Basics
We strive to be Above all in Service® to our customers-and to our employees.
That's why Erie Insurance offers you an exceptional benefits package, including:
* Premier health, prescription, dental, and vision benefits for you and your dependents.Coverage begins your first day of work.
* Low contributions to medical and prescription premiums.We currently pay up to 97% of employees' monthly premium costs.
* Pension.We are one of only 13 Fortune 500 companies to offer a traditional pension plan.
Full-time employees are vested after five years of service.
* 401(k) with up to 4% contribution match.The 401(k) is offered in addition to the pension.
* Paid time off.Paid vacation, personal days, sick days, bereavement days and parental leave.
* Career development.Including a tuition reimbursement program for higher education and industry designations.
Additional benefits that include company-paid basic life insurance; short-and long-term disability insurance; orthodontic coverage for children and adults; adoption assistance; fertility and infertility coverage; well-being programs; paid volunteer hours for service to your community; and dollar-for-dollar matching of your charitable gifts each year.
Position Summary
Under minimal supervision, performs claims support and administrative activities for various disciplines.
* This is an In office position
* Ideal candidate will reside within a reasonable driving distance from Knoxville, TN Branch office
* All account managers, support specialists, case managers, office assistants and coordinators are encouraged to apply
* Ideal candidate will a team oriented and customer focused
Duties and Responsibilities
Performs support and administrative functions, including but not limited to preparing claims documents and information within established procedures and supports third party relationships and processes.
Provides inbound and outbound phone support and responds to inquiries from customers...
Type: Permanent Location: Knoxville, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:47
Division or Field Office:
Claims Division
Department of Position: Catastrophe Operations Dept
Work from:
Home, in ERIE Operating Footprint Salary Range:
salary range is for thislevel and may vary based on actual level of role hired for
*This range represents a national range and the actual salary will depend on several factors including the scope and complexity of the role and the skills, education, training, credentials, location, and experience of an applicant, as well as level of role for which the successful candidate is hired.
At Erie Insurance, you're not just part of a Fortune 500 company; you're also a valued member of a diverse and inclusive team that includes more than 5,000 employees and over 2,200 independent agencies.
Our Employees work in the Home Office complex located in Erie, PA, and in our Field Offices that span 12 states and the District of Columbia.
Benefits That Go Beyond The Basics
We strive to be Above all in Service® to our customers-and to our employees.
That's why Erie Insurance offers you an exceptional benefits package, including:
* Premier health, prescription, dental, and vision benefits for you and your dependents.
Coverage begins your first day of work.
* Low contributions to medical and prescription premiums.
We currently pay up to 97% of employees' monthly premium costs.
* Pension.
We are one of only 13 Fortune 500 companies to offer a traditional pension plan.
Full-time employees are vested after five years of service.
* 401(k) with up to 4% contribution match.
The 401(k) is offered in addition to the pension.
* Paid time off.
Paid vacation, personal days, sick days, bereavement days and parental leave.
* Career development.
Including a tuition reimbursement program for higher education and industry designations.
Additional benefits that include company-paid basic life insurance; short-and long-term disability insurance; orthodontic coverage for children and adults; adoption assistance; fertility and infertility coverage; well-being programs; paid volunteer hours for service to your community; and dollar-for-dollar matching of your charitable gifts each year.
Position Summary
Exercises independent discretion or judgment in handling all types of catastrophe property claims.
Also assists assigned field office when not on catastrophe deployment in handling day to day property claims.
* This is a work-from-home position and we are accepting applications within the entire ERIE Operating Footprint.
This footprint includes anyone living anywhere within the following states:PA, NY, MD/DC, NC, VA, WV, TN, WI, IL, IN, OH, and KY.
* The majority of the responsibilities for the role will require travel away from home (and throughout the ERIE footprint)
* A company car with paid gas card will be provided.
* Fantastic bonus opportunity and the chance to grow with an award-winning company!
Duties and Responsibilities
Establishes immediate...
Type: Permanent Location: Springfield, US-VA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:46
Location: Janesville, WI
Salary Range: $61,200 - $96,025 (depending on experience)
$5,000.00 Sign on Bonus
How You Will Make an Impact?
The Human Resources Generalist will ensure high-quality standards for all human resources activities, initiatives, and tasks within designated areas of responsibility, adhering to all service level agreements established by the HR organization.
The Human Resources Generalist manages the people management-related agenda at the internal client.
The generalist manages change management projects and manages the HR related internal and external communication.
The generalist does not act as the HR Consultant; the partner shares the responsibility for the goals and targets delivery.
The Human Resources Generalist will provide recruiting support to include sourcing candidates, responding to applicants, prescreening of candidates, resume screening, scheduling interviews, phone interviewing, social media marketing, applicant tracking system management, and community outreach.
The Nuts and Bolts
Act as a single point of the contact for the employees and managers in the business unit
Proactively supports the delivery of HR Processes at the client's side
Manage complex and difficult HR Projects cross-functionally
Build a strong business relationship with the internal client
Successfully administer key components of Morgan's onboarding process in support of high-volume hiring initiatives, ensuring a fulfilling new hire experience
Respond to questions on administrative HR procedures and practices via multiple channels within our HR Shared Services center (e.g.
e-mail, phone, and case management system).
Answer HR policy-related questions, provide guidance to both managers and team members, and escalate as appropriate
Educate clients of services available to them and encourage self-service tools such as Dayforce (Morgan's HRIS) and other systems
Educate critical HR initiatives to deliver best-in-class employee services
Utilize Dayforce to process specific team member-related transactions, in addition to auditing work performed by other members of the team
Create job postings and places ads/postings
Schedule and attend job/career fairs with appropriate staff as a source to generate qualified applicants
Provide information on company operations and job opportunities to potential applicants
Schedule and participate in interviews for applicants
Conduct reference and background checks
Correspond with job applicants to notify them of opportunities
Maintain records on recruiting activities as required
Maintain the social media recruitment strategy, which is aligned with marketing and HR communication
Create organizational announcements
Other duties as assigned.
Required Credentials
Critical knowledge and competencies required:
* Strong communication skills, with an emphasis on tact and diplomacy.
This includes the abili...
Type: Permanent Location: Janesville, US-WI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:45
8300 NE Underground Dr.
Kansas, City, MO 64161
Materials Supervisor
Job Summary:
Supervises employees in a material/production environment: Executes the Production Plan, assigns work, enforces policies, recommends and implements improvements in production methods, equipment, and operating procedures.
Essential Functions:
* Fosters an environment that enables customer satisfaction, both internally and externally.
* Suggests, participates and supports continuous improvement activities.
* Supervises department activities to ensure production objectives are accomplished in a timely and cost effective manner.
* Monitors and improves the efficiency, output, quality and safety of production processes through observations and measurements.
Collects and interprets data from engineering and operations.
* Demonstrates leadership and provides training to accomplish organizational goals and objectives.
* Fosters positive employee relations.
Provides employee coaching and development.
* Executes supervisory responsibilities in accordance with the organization's policies and applicable laws; includes interviewing, hiring, and training employees; assigning and directing work; appraising performance; disciplining employees; addressing complaints and resolving problems.
* Communicates with other departments concerning material status.
* Ensures that employees have appropriate resources and tools to perform their jobs, including completing NSR forms, safety and PPE equipment.
* Facilitates the implementation and maintenance of the 6S program.
* Submits requisition(s) for purchased items as required.
* Ensures inventory accuracy.
* Ensures all transactions are done daily, scans, cycle counts, receiving and shipping.
* Ensures warehouse is clean and free of clutter.
Dumpster and compactors are being emptied.
* Communicates with Production Supervisor, Production Manager on material issues immediately to resolve.
* Performs miscellaneous duties and projects as assigned and required.
* Some travel may be required
Job Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
* Ability to manage multiple priorities
* Strong organizational skills
* Knowledge of JDE
* Problem solving skills
* Computer skills in Microsoft Office Suite [Word, Excel]
* Leadership skills
* Verbal and written communication skills
* Frequent standing and walking
* Reading and math skills
* Ability to read and comprehend drawings and specifications
* Ability to use measuring tools (i.e.
calipers, micrometers, height gauges, etc.)
* Minimum of a High School Diploma and at least two years of supervisory experience in a material environment.
* Knowledge of material equipment, forklift, pallet jacks, rf scanners and packaging processes.
* Must be able to work a flexible schedule
Insurance and 401K benefits are available the fir...
Type: Permanent Location: Kansas City, US-MO
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:45
Provide exceptional customer service in a safe and clean environment to ensure the customer's return visit.
We accomplish this in many ways including, but not limited to; treating our customers/employees in a fair and ethical manner, promoting an inclusive work environment, being a responsible member of the community, providing the right products at the right time with fair and accurate pricing.
Role model and demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.From one tiny Cincinnati grocery store more than a century ago, we've grown into what today is the nation's largest grocer with nearly 2,800 stores in 35 states operating under 28 different names.
As America's grocer, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Kroger family!Desired
* Previous comparable experience
• Conduct yourself in a professional manner, displaying a positive attitude, speaking highly of the company in the presence of customers or other employees.
• Respond to customer's questions and requests in a courteous and helpful way.
• Follow all company policies and procedures.
• Understand and adhere to the shrink guidelines.
• Unloading trucks (Dairy, Frozen, Grocery, etc.).
• Remove merchandise from the pallet and sorting into groups according to which area of the store it is stocked.
• Load merchandise onto carts to be placed on designated shelves, either in the back room or onto the sales floor for proper display.
• Must be able to read codes on shelves and merchandise labels.
• Manually attach price labels to each item.
• Remove merchandise from the back room for stocking on sales floor shelves and build special sales displays on the sales floor.
• Operate a manual pallet-jack, powered pallet stacker or "straddle stacker" (if over 18 years of age).
• Must be able to perform the essential functions of this position with or without reasonable accommodation.
Type: Permanent Location: Fishers, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:44
New NBD for Insurance vertical
Type: Permanent Location: Jacksonville, US-FL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:44
Perform general clean-up and stock work in the Meat department and provide customer service.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Colorado, City Market merged with The Kroger Company in 1983.
Today, we're proudly serving City Market customers in 34 stores throughout Colorado, Utah and Wyoming.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our City Market family!Minimum
* Willing to work weekends and holidays.
* Demonstrates effective written and verbal communication skills that engage our customers and associates.
* Able to read shelf tags, signs, product labels, training materials, and bulletins.
* Ability to multi-task, set priorities, present information in a professional manner and work with all levels of the organization.
* Personal initiative and follow through to completion.
* Ability to work as part of a team in a fast-paced environment.
* Must be able to work with various cleaning solutions, safely use sharp tools, and carefully operate all production equipment.
* Past work record reflects dependability and integrity.
* Previous experience in food preparation.
* Knowledge of applicable laws and regulations related to employment practices, safety, and food handling.
* Experience in grocery retail and customer service.
* Wait on customers and counter promptly and cheerfully.
Greet customers and provide them with good quality food.
* Be prompt, tactful, calm, courteous, and professional in all interactions.
* Must be able to communicate with customers and associates.
* Make clean, neat, and friendly impression on customers.
* Unload and store merchandise, prepare and display foods in accordance with company standards, recipes, and policies.
* Perform required temperature monitoring.
* Monitor product quality; make sure it is always fresh and safe.
* Keep sales areas, backrooms, and coolers clean and well organized.
* Keep floors clean, safe, and free from clutter.
* Wash and sanitize cookware and utensils in accordance with company and Health Department policies and procedures.
* Maintain proper signage, product rotation, freshness, qua...
Type: Permanent Location: Hotchkiss, US-CO
Salary / Rate: 19.025
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:43
Assist Department Manager in planning, organizing, staffing, training and directing Grocery Department associates;
perform production and customer service functions; maximize store sales and profits safely and ethically in
accordance with policies and procedures.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Colorado, King Soopers merged with The Kroger Company in 1983.
Today, we're proudly serving King Soopers customers in over 115 stores throughout Colorado and Wyoming.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our King Soopers family!Minimum
* Willing to be flexible and work mornings, afternoons, evenings, nights as the work demands.
* Willing and available to work weekends and holidays as needed.
* Effective written and oral communication skills.
* Ability to make intelligent decisions quickly
* Able to tactfully and calmly handle stressful situations and make a positive impression on associates and customers.
* Possess abilities and skills for effective production, merchandising and customer services related to sale of merchandise.
* Understanding of all key components of department operations (i.e.
Managing people, merchandising, computer assisted ordering, inventory management, shrink control, customer services, labor scheduling, expense control, etc.)
* Knowledge of applicable laws and regulations related to employment practices, OSHA compliance, etc.
* Qualified and able to operate power machinery and work with various job tools, (power jacks, box cutters, label guns, balers, compactors, etc.).
* Grocery retail work experience and/or backup manager experience.
* Past work record reflects dependability and integrity.
* Assist the Department Manager in organizing work, filling department staffing needs as authorized by store
management, and training and scheduling associates so that customers are consistently provided with prompt
courteous service.
* Respond appropriately to customer or associate comments, complaints, requests, accidents and questions.
prompt, tactful, calm, courteous and professional in all interactions.
* Use Computer Assisted Ordering (...
Type: Permanent Location: Edgewater, US-CO
Salary / Rate: 24.11
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:42
Learn the operations of all departments and the duties of store management; share responsibility for store performance in all areas of operation/human resources.
Perform scheduling, security, maintenance, safety, sanitation, ordering, administration & Human Resource-related duties.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.From one tiny Cincinnati grocery store more than a century ago, we've grown into what today is the nation's largest grocer with nearly 2,800 stores in 35 states operating under 28 different names.
As America's grocer, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Kroger family!Minimum
* High school diploma/GED
* 1 year of experience as department manager, service manager, or equivalent experience
* Store manager/district manager or direct manager approval
* Retail management experience & knowledge of all aspects of store operations
* Staff supervisory experience
* Assist store manager & associates in the achievement of a favorable customer shopping experience & develop associate interest in customer service/relations to enhance Kroger's best-in-class reputation
* Assist store manager in leading teams in planning, implementing & executing merchandising/operating initiatives
* Assist store manager with developing action plans/communications to associates on Associate Insight survey results
* Work with department heads/store associates to identify store opportunities, develop timely solutions & create action plans to ensure plan implementation
* Role model/demand a highest level of customer service & solve associate/customer issues/concerns
* Manage total store operations in store manager's absence
* Achieve/exceed weekly, period, & annual sales, wage budgets & profit budgets, as well as other targeted goals (e.g., safety, shrink)
* Drive sales by working with department managers to produce/maximize sales & profits, reduce shrink & improve each store department's contribution
* Assist store manager in regular store-level financial performance discussions with associates regarding developing budgets (e.g., sales, shrink, labor expenses, other expenses) & other targeted goals (e.g., safety)
* Analyze/ respond to com...
Type: Permanent Location: Decatur, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:42
Learn the operations of all departments and the duties of store management; share responsibility for store performance in all areas of operation/human resources.
Perform scheduling, security, maintenance, safety, sanitation, ordering, administration & Human Resource-related duties.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.From one tiny Cincinnati grocery store more than a century ago, we've grown into what today is the nation's largest grocer with nearly 2,800 stores in 35 states operating under 28 different names.
As America's grocer, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Kroger family!Minimum
* High school diploma/GED
* 1 year of experience as department manager, service manager, or equivalent experience
* Store manager/district manager or direct manager approval
* Retail management experience & knowledge of all aspects of store operations
* Staff supervisory experience
* Assist store manager & associates in the achievement of a favorable customer shopping experience & develop associate interest in customer service/relations to enhance Kroger's best-in-class reputation
* Assist store manager in leading teams in planning, implementing & executing merchandising/operating initiatives
* Assist store manager with developing action plans/communications to associates on Associate Insight survey results
* Work with department heads/store associates to identify store opportunities, develop timely solutions & create action plans to ensure plan implementation
* Role model/demand a highest level of customer service & solve associate/customer issues/concerns
* Manage total store operations in store manager's absence
* Achieve/exceed weekly, period, & annual sales, wage budgets & profit budgets, as well as other targeted goals (e.g., safety, shrink)
* Drive sales by working with department managers to produce/maximize sales & profits, reduce shrink & improve each store department's contribution
* Assist store manager in regular store-level financial performance discussions with associates regarding developing budgets (e.g., sales, shrink, labor expenses, other expenses) & other targeted goals (e.g., safety)
* Analyze/ respond to com...
Type: Permanent Location: Indianapolis, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:41
Responsible for delivering the highest quality health care within The Little Clinic's scope of services while achieving optimum patient satisfaction.
These responsibilities include but are not limited to: building relationships with the patients, host store personnel and the health care community in order to enhance practice building and continuity of care.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.At The Little Clinic, we are on a mission to simplify healthcare in America.
We take pride in knowing we are helping individuals live healthier lives right in our communities.
If you have a passion for helping others, we want to hear from you! Our clinics are staffed by board-certified nurse practitioners or physician assistants, licensed practical nurses, and patient care technicians who all work as a team to supply high-quality, affordable healthcare found in convenient retail settings.
The primary focus of our healthcare team is to promote health and wellness through diagnosis and treatment of illnesses, preventative medicine, and individualized patient education.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to supply the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by supplying the value and care you need to grow.
So, whether you're looking for balanced, competitive benefits and rewards or ongoing opportunities for growth and development- we have you covered.
We are always looking for extraordinary talent to join our growing team!MINIMUM
* Master of Science in Nursing as a Family Nurse Practitioner or Bachelor's Degree as a Physician Assistant (PAs in OH must have completed 500 hours of post-graduate physician-supervised experience)
* 1 year of experience in healthcare
* Active license, American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) or American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) certification and all necessary state credentials
* Board certified family nurse practitioner (FNP-C); or physician assistant (PA-C), where eligible
* Valid driver's license
* Ability to prioritize and handle multiple projects and responsibilities
* Ability to maintain a high degree of confidentiality
* Excellent telephone, interpersonal and organizational skills
* Strong computer skills
* Excellent oral/written communication skills
* Ability to work both independently and as part of a team
* Any experience with applicable clinical procedures
* Any experience with electronic health record charting systems
* Any previous experience in retail health, emergency health, critical care
* Demonstrated leadership, coaching and influencing skills
* Provide the highest quality of medical care to our patients while maintaining all company metrics for productivity
* Participate in peer review, quality assurance, and staff meetings with other health practitioners as requi...
Type: Permanent Location: Louisville, US-KY
Salary / Rate: 54.3
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:41
Create an outstanding customer experience through exceptional service.
Establish and maintain a safe and clean environment that encourages our customers to return.
Assist the department manager in reaching sales and profit goals established for the department, and monitor all established quality assurance standards.
Embrace the Customer 1st strategy and encourage associates to deliver excellent customer service.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Washington, Qualify Food Centers (QFC) merged with The Kroger Company in 1998.
Today, we're proudly serving QFC customers in 59 stores throughout the Washington and Oregon.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our QFC family!Minimum
* Ability to handle stressful situations
* Effective communication skills
* Knowledge of basic math (counting, addition, and subtraction)
* Must be at least 18 years of age.
* Retail experience
* Second language (speaking, reading and/or writing)
* Promote trust and respect among associates
* Create an environment that enables customers to feel welcome, important and appreciated by answering questions regarding products sold within the department and throughout the store.
* Gain and maintain knowledge of products sold within the department and be able to respond to questions and make suggestions about products.
* Slice deli meats and cheeses to customer's requests using proper deli equipment.
* Prepare deli/bakery/bistro items per customer requests using proper bakery equipment.
* Offer product samples to help customers discover new items or products for which they inquire about.
Inform customers of deli/bakery/bistro specials.
* Provide customers with fresh products that they have ordered and the correct portion size (or as close as possible to the amount ordered) to prevent shrink.
* Recommend deli/bakery/bistro items to customers to ensure they get the products they want and need.
* Use all equipment in deli/bakery/bistro such as the refrigerators, freezers, slicers, and ovens according to company guidelines.
* Prepare food to company standards.
* Adequately prepare, package,...
Type: Permanent Location: Portland, US-OR
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:40
Responsible for delivering the highest quality health care within The Little Clinic's scope of services while achieving optimum patient satisfaction.
These responsibilities include but are not limited to: building relationships with the patients, host store personnel and the health care community in order to enhance practice building and continuity of care.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.At The Little Clinic, we are on a mission to simplify healthcare in America.
We take pride in knowing we are helping individuals live healthier lives right in our communities.
If you have a passion for helping others, we want to hear from you! Our clinics are staffed by board-certified nurse practitioners or physician assistants, licensed practical nurses, and patient care technicians who all work as a team to supply high-quality, affordable healthcare found in convenient retail settings.
The primary focus of our healthcare team is to promote health and wellness through diagnosis and treatment of illnesses, preventative medicine, and individualized patient education.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to supply the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by supplying the value and care you need to grow.
So, whether you're looking for balanced, competitive benefits and rewards or ongoing opportunities for growth and development- we have you covered.
We are always looking for extraordinary talent to join our growing team! Minimum
- Other Master of Science in Nursing as a Family Nurse Practitioner or Bachelors Degree as a Physician Assistant
- 1 year of experience in healthcare
- Valid driver's license
- Board certified family nurse practitioner (FNP-C); or physician assistant (PA-C), where eligible
- Active license, American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) or American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) certification and all necessary state credentials
- Ability to prioritize and handle multiple projects and responsibilities
- Strong computer skills
- Excellent telephone, interpersonal and organizational skills
- Excellent oral/written communication skills
- Ability to work both independently and as part of a team
- Ability to maintain a high degree of confidentiality
- Any previous experience in retail health, emergency health, critical care
- Any experience with electronic health record charting systems
- Any experience with applicable clinical procedures
- Demonstrated leadership, coaching and influencing skills- Provide the highest quality of medical care to our patients while maintaining all company metrics for productivity
- Participate in and support Company initiatives and projects, including those that improve quality of care, achieve better health outcomes, focus on population health, collaborate with others to manage patients' overall health and reduce cost of care for our patients
- Participa...
Type: Permanent Location: Cincinnati, US-OH
Salary / Rate: 55.35
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:40
Provide exceptional customer service in a safe and clean environment to ensure the customer's return visit.
We accomplish this in many ways including, but not limited to; treating our customers/employees in a fair and ethical manner, promoting an inclusive work environment, being a responsible member of the community, providing the right products at the right time with fair and accurate pricing.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Colorado, King Soopers merged with The Kroger Company in 1983.
Today, we're proudly serving King Soopers customers in over 115 stores throughout Colorado and Wyoming.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our King Soopers family!Minimum
* Must be a licensed Pharmacist in good standing
* Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy or PharmD
* Excellent Written and Verbal Communication Skills
* Excellent Planning and Organizational skills
* High attention to detail and accuracy is a must
* Driver's license and ability to travel independently
* Management experience preferred
* Pharmacy experience
* Retail experience
* Commitment to providing customer service that makes both internal and external customers feel welcome, important and appreciated
* Responsible for being professional, displaying a positive attitude, and communicating well of the company in the presence of customers or on social media
* Administer immunizations to customers following Kroger standing orders and procedures
* Successfully complete clinical services according to relevant case load
* Dispense medications to customers pursuant to prescriptions and, following laws, regulations, policies and procedures, and ethical standards
* Compound medications, using standard formulas and processes, such as weighing, measuring, and mixing ingredients
* Review prescriptions issued by prescribers to assure accuracy and determine formulas and ingredients needed
* Verify new medication against existing medication and patient profile to ensure that there are no-drug or drug disease interactions prior to filling prescription
* Verify the work of the Pharmacy Technicians and Interns, includ...
Type: Permanent Location: Parker, US-CO
Salary / Rate: 66.595
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:39
Provide exceptional customer service in a safe and clean environment to ensure the customer's return visit.
We accomplish this in many ways including, but not limited to; treating our customers/employees in a fair and ethical manner, promoting an inclusive work environment, being a responsible member of the community, providing the right products at the right time with fair and accurate pricing.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Colorado, King Soopers merged with The Kroger Company in 1983.
Today, we're proudly serving King Soopers customers in over 115 stores throughout Colorado and Wyoming.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our King Soopers family!Minimum
* Must be a licensed Pharmacist in good standing
* Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy or PharmD
* Excellent Written and Verbal Communication Skills
* Excellent Planning and Organizational skills
* High attention to detail and accuracy is a must
* Driver's license and ability to travel independently
* Management experience preferred
* Pharmacy experience
* Retail experience
* Commitment to providing customer service that makes both internal and external customers feel welcome, important and appreciated
* Responsible for being professional, displaying a positive attitude, and communicating well of the company in the presence of customers or on social media
* Administer immunizations to customers following Kroger standing orders and procedures
* Successfully complete clinical services according to relevant case load
* Dispense medications to customers pursuant to prescriptions and, following laws, regulations, policies and procedures, and ethical standards
* Compound medications, using standard formulas and processes, such as weighing, measuring, and mixing ingredients
* Review prescriptions issued by prescribers to assure accuracy and determine formulas and ingredients needed
* Verify new medication against existing medication and patient profile to ensure that there are no-drug or drug disease interactions prior to filling prescription
* Verify the work of the Pharmacy Technicians and Interns, includ...
Type: Permanent Location: Denver, US-CO
Salary / Rate: 66.595
Posted: 2024-11-24 07:06:39