Werde Aushilfe / Minijobber als Postbote für Pakete und Briefe in Pinneberg Nord
Als Aushilfe / Minijobber bist du an einzelnen Tagen oder auch stundenweise für uns tätig.
Nach einer bezahlten Einarbeitung kannst du sofort in deinem neuen Nebenjob starten.
Was wir bieten
* 16,92 € Tarif-Stundenlohn
* Du kannst sofort starten – Aushilfe / Minijob / Studentenjob
* Flexible Arbeitszeiten an vereinbarten Arbeitstagen
* Kostenlose Bereitstellung von hochwertiger Arbeitskleidung
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt) – wir machen dich fit für die Zustellung
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
Deine Aufgaben als Zusteller bei uns
* Zustellung von Brief- und Paketsendungen mit zur Verfügung gestellten Hilfsmitteln
* Auslieferung an bestimmten Tagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag)
* Sendungen im Durchschnitt unter 10 kg
* Zustellung mit unseren Geschäftsfahrzeugen, bspw.
vollelektrische Fahrzeuge
Was du als Aushilfe / Abrufkraft bietest
* Du hast zu Beginn mindestens 2 Wochen am Stück Zeit, für uns tätig zu sein (ausführliche Einarbeitung)
* Du darfst einen Pkw fahren
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du bist wetterfest und kannst gut anpacken
* Du bist zuverlässig und hängst dich rein
Werde Postbote bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Postbote bringst du den Menschen in deinem Bezirk Post- und Paketsendungen.
Dabei lässt du dir von keinem Wetter die Laune verderben und bist an bestimmten Tagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag) unterwegs.
Auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten sind bei uns herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Fahrer, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Pinneberg, DE-SH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:48
Bij DHL Express staan mensen centraal.
Daarom is ons doel altijd geweest, wereldwijd de beste mensen aan te trekken en te behouden.
Wij bieden uitdagingen en kansen voor persoonlijke en professionele ontwikkeling.
Wij erkennen de unieke eigen bijdrage van iedereen en zijn er trots op samen te bouwen aan HET logistieke bedrijf voor de wereld.
Solliciteer snel voor onze vacature Field Sales Acquisition Manager, misschien ben jij wel de nieuwe collega die wij zoeken! We zoeken iemand voor de regio Antwerpen/Kempen.
Sales zit in je bloed! Je bent klant- , oplossings- en resultaatgericht van nature.
Contacten leggen en de deal closen? Piece of cake!
Een lange termijnrelatie uitbouwen kent voor jou geen geheimen.
Jouw sales talent ga je inzetten op:
* Actief een klantenportefeuile uitbouwen
* Je neemt deel aan netwerkevents
* Je gaat aan de slag op de KMO markt die regionaal verdeeld is
* De vooropgestelde omzet realiseren en zelf te overschrijden
* Een duidelijk strategie mee helpen ontwikkelen
* Het vertalen van doelstellingen in concrete verkoops- en actieplannen
* Het creatief plannen: klanten binnenhalen, nieuwe manier om de service naar een topniveau te brengen
* Het analyseren van prospecten
* ‘Watching the competition’ ligt in je tweede natuur zo ben je altijd een stapje voor!
* De vraag van de klant te identificeren en complexe oplossingen aanreiken is een must
* Lange termijnrelaties opbouwen zijn key voor een optimale klanttevredenheid
* De markt op de voet volgen en hierop anticiperen
* Wekelijks rapporteren en informeren over de genomen acties en resultaten
Wie ben jij?
* Je bent echte hunter – nieuwe klanten scoren is jouw talent en passie!
* Je hebt een diploma hoger onderwijs op zak en een affiniteit met de express sector
* Een mooie ervaring van ongeveer 2 jaar
* Extravert en open persoonlijkheid
* Je bent klant- en resultaatgericht
* Je hebt een aangeboren commerciële flair en mindset
* Je bent creatief en vooral communicatief
* Je draagt de waarden en normen van zowel de klant als DHL hoog in het vaandel
* Je troef is referenties binnen de sector, ook ervaring en een netwerk zullen je helpen
* Een must is je talenknobbel: Frans, Nederlands en Engels
* Je kan vlot overweg met de Office tools
Wat kan je verwachten?
DHL biedt je een uitdagende en afwisselende functie in een organisatie met een informele bedrijfscultuur en een boeiende sector.
Blijven leren en groeien is belangrijk, ook voor ons! DHL biedt een doorgedreven opleidings- en coachingprogramma aan.
Diverse en reële doorgroeimogelijkheden zijn key binnen DHL .
* Aantrekkelijk en marktconform salaris – 3359,22 euro bruto
* Aantrekkelijk bonussysteem
* Firmawagen
* Maaltijdcheques
* Ecocheques
* Hospitalisatieverzekering
* Spaar & pensioenplan
* Cafet...
Type: Permanent Location: Antwerpen, BE-VAN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:47
Werde Aushilfe / Minijobber als Postbote für Pakete und Briefe in Tornesch
Als Aushilfe / Minijobber bist du an einzelnen Tagen oder auch stundenweise für uns tätig.
Nach einer bezahlten Einarbeitung kannst du sofort in deinem neuen Nebenjob starten.
Was wir bieten
* 16,92 € Tarif-Stundenlohn
* Du kannst sofort starten – Aushilfe / Minijob / Studentenjob
* Flexible Arbeitszeiten an vereinbarten Arbeitstagen
* Kostenlose Bereitstellung von hochwertiger Arbeitskleidung
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt) – wir machen dich fit für die Zustellung
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
Deine Aufgaben als Zusteller bei uns
* Zustellung von Brief- und Paketsendungen mit zur Verfügung gestellten Hilfsmitteln
* Auslieferung an bestimmten Tagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag)
* Sendungen im Durchschnitt unter 10 kg
* Zustellung mit unseren Geschäftsfahrzeugen, bspw.
vollelektrische Fahrzeuge
Was du als Aushilfe / Abrufkraft bietest
* Du hast zu Beginn mindestens 2 Wochen am Stück Zeit, für uns tätig zu sein (ausführliche Einarbeitung)
* Du darfst einen Pkw fahren
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du bist wetterfest und kannst gut anpacken
* Du bist zuverlässig und hängst dich rein
Werde Postbote bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Postbote bringst du den Menschen in deinem Bezirk Post- und Paketsendungen.
Dabei lässt du dir von keinem Wetter die Laune verderben und bist an bestimmten Tagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag) unterwegs.
Auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten sind bei uns herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Fahrer, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Tornesch, DE-SH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:47
Werde Aushilfe / Minijobber als Postbote für Pakete und Briefe in Uetersen
Als Aushilfe / Minijobber bist du an einzelnen Tagen oder auch stundenweise für uns tätig.
Nach einer bezahlten Einarbeitung kannst du sofort in deinem neuen Nebenjob starten.
Was wir bieten
* 16,92 € Tarif-Stundenlohn
* Du kannst sofort starten – Aushilfe / Minijob / Studentenjob
* Flexible Arbeitszeiten an vereinbarten Arbeitstagen
* Kostenlose Bereitstellung von hochwertiger Arbeitskleidung
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt) – wir machen dich fit für die Zustellung
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
Deine Aufgaben als Zusteller bei uns
* Zustellung von Brief- und Paketsendungen mit zur Verfügung gestellten Hilfsmitteln
* Auslieferung an bestimmten Tagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag)
* Sendungen im Durchschnitt unter 10 kg
* Zustellung mit unseren Geschäftsfahrzeugen, bspw.
vollelektrische Fahrzeuge
Was du als Aushilfe / Abrufkraft bietest
* Du hast zu Beginn mindestens 2 Wochen am Stück Zeit, für uns tätig zu sein (ausführliche Einarbeitung)
* Du darfst einen Pkw fahren
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du bist wetterfest und kannst gut anpacken
* Du bist zuverlässig und hängst dich rein
Werde Postbote bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Postbote bringst du den Menschen in deinem Bezirk Post- und Paketsendungen.
Dabei lässt du dir von keinem Wetter die Laune verderben und bist an bestimmten Tagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag) unterwegs.
Auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten sind bei uns herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Fahrer, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Uetersen, DE-SH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:47
Werde Postbote für Pakete und Briefe in Henstedt-Ulzburg
Was wir bieten
* 17,05 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld
* Weitere 50% Weihnachtsgeld im November
* Bis zu 332 € Urlaubsgeld
* Du kannst in Vollzeit starten, 38,5 Stunden/Woche
* Möglichkeit der Auszahlung von Überstunden
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Kostenlose Bereitstellung von hochwertiger Arbeitskleidung
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt) – wir machen dich fit für die Zustellung
* Unbefristete Übernahme und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten (bspw.
Standortleiter) bei guten Leistungen und offenen Positionen möglich
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote wie z.B.
arbeitgeberfinanzierte betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Fahrradleasing, Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, etc.
Deine Aufgaben als Postbote bei uns
* Zustellung von Brief- und Paketsendungen mit zur Verfügung gestellten Hilfsmitteln
* Auslieferung an 5 Werktagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag)
* Sendungen im Durchschnitt unter 10 kg
* Zustellung mit unseren Geschäftsfahrzeugen, bspw.
vollelektrische Fahrzeuge
Was du als Zusteller bietest
* Du darfst einen Pkw fahren
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du bist wetterfest und kannst gut anpacken
* Du bist zuverlässig und hängst dich rein
Werde Postbote bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Postbote bringst du den Menschen in deinem Bezirk Post- und Paketsendungen.
Dabei lässt du dir von keinem Wetter die Laune verderben und bist fünf Werktage pro Woche (zwischen Montag und Samstag) unterwegs.
Auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten sind bei uns herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Fahrer, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Henstedt-Ulzburg, DE-SH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:46
Werde Aushilfe / Minijobber als Postbote für Pakete und Briefe in Barmstedt
Als Aushilfe / Minijobber bist du an einzelnen Tagen oder auch stundenweise für uns tätig.
Nach einer bezahlten Einarbeitung kannst du sofort in deinem neuen Nebenjob starten.
Was wir bieten
* 16,92 € Tarif-Stundenlohn
* Du kannst sofort starten – Aushilfe / Minijob / Studentenjob
* Flexible Arbeitszeiten an vereinbarten Arbeitstagen
* Kostenlose Bereitstellung von hochwertiger Arbeitskleidung
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt) – wir machen dich fit für die Zustellung
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
Deine Aufgaben als Zusteller bei uns
* Zustellung von Brief- und Paketsendungen mit zur Verfügung gestellten Hilfsmitteln
* Auslieferung an bestimmten Tagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag)
* Sendungen im Durchschnitt unter 10 kg
* Zustellung mit unseren Geschäftsfahrzeugen, bspw.
vollelektrische Fahrzeuge
Was du als Aushilfe / Minijobber bietest
* Du hast zu Beginn mindestens 2 Wochen am Stück Zeit, für uns tätig zu sein (ausführliche Einarbeitung)
* Du darfst einen Pkw fahren
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du bist wetterfest und kannst gut anpacken
* Du bist zuverlässig und hängst dich rein
Aushilfe / Minijob bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Postbote bringst du den Menschen in deinem Bezirk Post- und Paketsendungen.
Dabei lässt du dir von keinem Wetter die Laune verderben.
Auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten sind bei uns herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Fahrer, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Barmstedt, DE-SH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:46
Werde Aushilfe / Minijobber als Postbote für Pakete und Briefe in Kaltenkirchen
Als Aushilfe / Minijobber bist du an einzelnen Tagen oder auch stundenweise für uns tätig.
Nach einer bezahlten Einarbeitung kannst du sofort in deinem neuen Nebenjob starten.
Was wir bieten
* 16,37 € Tarif-Stundenlohn
* Du kannst sofort starten – Aushilfe / Minijob / Studentenjob
* Flexible Arbeitszeiten an vereinbarten Arbeitstagen
* Kostenlose Bereitstellung von hochwertiger Arbeitskleidung
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt) – wir machen dich fit für die Zustellung
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
Deine Aufgaben als Zusteller bei uns
* Zustellung von Brief- und Paketsendungen mit zur Verfügung gestellten Hilfsmitteln
* Auslieferung an bestimmten Tagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag)
* Sendungen im Durchschnitt unter 10 kg
* Zustellung mit unseren Geschäftsfahrzeugen, bspw.
vollelektrische Fahrzeuge
Was du als Aushilfe / Minijobber bietest
* Du hast zu Beginn mindestens 2 Wochen am Stück Zeit, für uns tätig zu sein (ausführliche Einarbeitung)
* Du darfst einen Pkw fahren
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du bist wetterfest und kannst gut anpacken
* Du bist zuverlässig und hängst dich rein
Aushilfe / Minijob bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Postbote bringst du den Menschen in deinem Bezirk Post- und Paketsendungen.
Dabei lässt du dir von keinem Wetter die Laune verderben.
Auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten sind bei uns herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Fahrer, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Kaltenkirchen, DE-SH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:45
- Tu assureras une assistance rapide, aisée et adaptée au client via nos différents canaux de communication (Tél., chat, mail, réseaux Sociaux, courriers)
- Tu pourras créer un lien personnalisé avec le client en faisant preuve d'empathie, en l'aidant et en lui proposant des solutions qui le satisfont
- Tu résoudras des dossiers SAV en proposant la solution la mieux adaptée pour chacun de nos clients
- Tu contribueras à une relation forte et réussie avec nos partenaires (magasins, dépôts et prestataires) dans un seul but de satisfaire nos clients IKEA
Outre ton salaire de base qui rémunère ton travail, tes compétences et tes responsabilités, tu bénéficieras notamment de
• Une prime de 13e mois.
• Une part de rémunération variable liée à la performance économique globale.
• Une mutuelle santé offrant des prestations de qualité, dès ton arrivée.
• Une prime d'ancienneté (au-delà de 2 ans).
• Des congés supplémentaires pour ancienneté (au-delà de 3 ans).
• La possibilité de prendre un déjeuner sain et varié pour moins de 3€.
• Une remise personnelle de 15% sur tes achats chez IKEA.
IKEA, leader international de solutions d’aménagement de la maison, poursuit depuis plus de 40 ans son développement en France avec toujours la même vision : « améliorer le quotidien du plus grand nombre ».
Animés par notre culture et nos valeurs, nous sommes passionnés par la vie à la maison.
Chez IKEA, nous vivons la culture suédoise au quotidien.
Et, comme le font les Suédois, nous nous tutoyons tous, peu importe notre poste ou notre unité.
C'est pourquoi nous le faisons aussi dès cette annonce et pendant tout le processus de recrutement !
- Nous recherchons des ambassadeurs qui ont le sens du service et qui aiment la relation client.
- Tes forces sont l’empathie, la rigueur, l’écoute et l’adaptation.
- Tu es à l’aise avec les outils informatiques, et la langue française (à l’écrit et à l’oral).
- Tu sais prendre du recul et gérer les conflits clients.
Type: Permanent Location: Evry, FR-IDF
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:45
Kenvue is currently recruiting for:
Supply Planner
In this role, the Senior Supply planner will ensure product continuity of supply for all materials that fall under their assigned portfolio of products.
The position has high visibility within the organization and will be assigned a portfolio that can include the following types of materials: finished goods, work in process (WIP) bulk, raw materials (including API), and packaging components.
This hybrid position reports into the Supply Planning Business Lead and is based at Fort Washington, PA currently but will be relocating to Summit, NJ in 2026 as a Hybrid position.
Who we are
At Kenvue , we believe there is extraordinary power in everyday care.
Built on over a century of heritage and propelled forward by science, our iconic brands-including NEUTROGENA ® , AVEENO ® , TYLENOL ® , LISTERINE ® , JOHNSON'S ® and BAND-AID ® -are category leaders trusted by millions of consumers who use our products to improve their daily lives.
Our employees share a digital-first mindset, an approach to innovation grounded in deep human insights, and a commitment to continually earning a place for our products in consumers' hearts and homes.
Role reports to: Supply Planning Business Lead
Location: Fort Washington, PA ; Kenvue is currently in the process of moving its Global Headquarters from Skillman, NJ to Summit, NJ.
This role is based in Summit, NJ but there may be a period of time during the transition that you must report to Fort Washington, PA,.
Travel Requirement : 10%
Pay: $ 73,000 - $117,300
What will you do
You will collaborate closely with external manufacturing sites by monitoring available capacity, monitoring and managing component availability to ensure supply plans can be fulfilled, and actively mitigating and resolving any product supply and/or customer service issues.
You will also manage inventory levels and the deployment of finished goods according to customer demands and company objectives.
Key Responsibilities
* Collaborating with management and appropriate internal teams of the current and future status of product supply for existing products, as well as for future launches.
* Escalating any issues that will affect the organization's ability to meet customer needs and/or fulfilling targeted supply plans.
* Developing capacity-feasible supply plans and providing them to the manufacturing locations on a prescribed schedule.
* Collaborating with assigned sites and EM site leads to develop short/mid-term production schedules by taking into consideration site constraints, customer service and inventory targets.
* Coordinating issue resolution for deviations that may occur.
* Being accountable for the following metrics: Unit Fill Rate (UFR), Supply Attainment and Purchase Order On-Time in Full (OTIF).
* Managing and coordinating component and labeling changes.
* Completing planning scenarios in support of meeting custom...
Type: Permanent Location: Summit, US-NJ
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:44
Werde Aushilfe / Minijobber als Postbote für Pakete und Briefe in 25451 Quickborn
Als Aushilfe / Minijobber bist du an einzelnen Tagen oder auch stundenweise für uns tätig.
Nach einer bezahlten Einarbeitung kannst du sofort in deinem neuen Nebenjob starten.
Was wir bieten
* 16,92 € Tarif-Stundenlohn
* Du kannst sofort starten – Aushilfe / Minijob / Studentenjob
* Flexible Arbeitszeiten an vereinbarten Arbeitstagen
* Kostenlose Bereitstellung von hochwertiger Arbeitskleidung
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt) – wir machen dich fit für die Zustellung
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
Deine Aufgaben als Zusteller bei uns
* Zustellung von Brief- und Paketsendungen mit zur Verfügung gestellten Hilfsmitteln
* Auslieferung an bestimmten Tagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag)
* Sendungen im Durchschnitt unter 10 kg
* Zustellung mit unseren Geschäftsfahrzeugen, bspw.
vollelektrische Fahrzeuge
Was du als Aushilfe / Abrufkraft bietest
* Du hast zu Beginn mindestens 2 Wochen am Stück Zeit, für uns tätig zu sein (ausführliche Einarbeitung)
* Du darfst einen Pkw fahren
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du bist wetterfest und kannst gut anpacken
* Du bist zuverlässig und hängst dich rein
Werde Postbote bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Postbote bringst du den Menschen in deinem Bezirk Post- und Paketsendungen.
Dabei lässt du dir von keinem Wetter die Laune verderben und bist an bestimmten Tagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag) unterwegs.
Auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten sind bei uns herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Fahrer, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Quickborn, DE-SH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:44
Kenvue is currently recruiting for:
Senior Key Account Manager Ecommerce
Who we are
At Kenvue , we realize the extraordinary power of everyday care.
Built on over a century of heritage and rooted in science, we're the house of iconic brands - including Neutrogena, Aveeno, Tylenol, Listerine, Johnson's and BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages that you already know and love.
Science is our passion; care is our talent.
Our global team is made up of ~ 22,000 diverse and brilliant people, passionate about insights, innovation and committed to delivering the best products to our customers.
With expertise and empathy, being a Kenvuer means having the power to impact the life of millions of people every day.
We put people first, care fiercely, earn trust with science and solve with courage - and have brilliant opportunities waiting for you! Join us in shaping our future-and yours.
For more information, click here .
Role reports to : Ecommerce Key Accounts Lead
Location : Bangalore
What you will do
The Senior Ecommerce Key Account Manager is responsible for providing leadership, guidance, and customer product expertise to the sales team.
They will establish team and individual sales goals, allocate or adjust resources as needed, and ensure sales activities are in compliance with all regulations.
They will also analyze sales data to identify opportunities for increased productivity and sales on both a group and individual level.
Key Responsibilities
• Develop and execute strategic plans to increase sales and revenue for key ecommerce accounts
• Collaborate with cross-functional teams to optimize ecommerce operations, including marketing, merchandising, and logistics
• Analyze ecommerce data to identify trends and opportunities for improvement
• Stay up-to-date on industry trends and best practices to continuously improve ecommerce strategies
• Develop and execute a comprehensive eCommerce strategy to drive sales growth and increase customer satisfaction
• Collaborate with cross-functional teams to identify and implement opportunities for process improvement and increased efficiency
• Provide leadership and guidance to the sales team to ensure compliance with all federal/national, state, local and company regulations
• Establish and maintain strong relationships with key accounts to increase company product presence and drive sales growth
• Lead specific sales events or projects to improve sales performance and meet aspirational targets
• Track industry trends and recommend new opportunities to enhance reliability, speed, and flexibility improving Customer promise for eCommerce orders
What we are looking for
Required Qualifications
• Minimum of 4 years of related work experience in commercial function with a proven track record of success
• Bachelor's degree or equivalent in business, marketing, or related field
• Proven track record of driving sales and revenue growth for key ecommerce accounts...
Type: Permanent Location: Bangalore, IN-KA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:43
Kenvue is currently recruiting for:
Staff Packaging Engineer for Skin Health
This position is based at Sao Jose de Campos Brazil
Who We Are
At Kenvue , we realize the extraordinary power of everyday care.
Built on over a century of heritage and rooted in science, we're the house of iconic brands - including NEUTROGENA®, AVEENO®, TYLENOL®, LISTERINE®, JOHNSON'S® and BAND-AID® that you already know and love.
Science is our passion; care is our talent.
Our global team is made up with 22,000 diverse and brilliant people, passionate about insights, innovation and committed to deliver the best products to our customers.
With expertise and empathy, being a Kenvuer means to have the power to impact life of millions of people every day.
We put people first, care fiercely, earn trust with science and solve with courage - and have brilliant opportunities waiting for you! Join us in shaping our future-and yours.
For more information, click here .
What You Will Do
The Staff Packaging Engineer role is a squad level role with responsibility for being the face of Package Development to the Skin Health Business.
Skin Health Business consists of iconic brands such as Neutrogena®, Aveeno® and Lubriderm®.
Key contributions include resource assessment and evaluation for new products, due diligence and feasibility work for projects, and governance lead.
Key Responsibilities
• This position will require authoring and approving specifications, documentation, package line trials and package testing to support product release.
• This successful individual will take a leadership role with packaging projects and possess the ability to influence with multi-functional teams in a fast-paced environment.
• The candidate should possess the ability to pursue complex technical issues and innovative solutions in the areas of product, packages, process, mechanistic understanding and consumer insights.
• This individual should think and develop future strategies in key focus areas such as sustainability, e-commerce, and package innovation.
• This position requires in depth knowledge of materials and processes used in construction and manufacturing of cosmetic packaging (Extrusion/ Injection molding and Dispensing systems (airless, pumps))
What We Are Looking For
Required Qualifications
* A Bachelor's degree in Packaging, Engineering or a related Science field is required; Advanced degree is preferred
* At least 7 years of proven experience in Cosmetic/Personal Care, OTC, Food or related industry is required.
* Solid understanding of a broad spectrum of packaging materials, structures, components, and related conversion processes is required.
* Experience in packaging line trials and package testing knowledge is required.
* Ability to partner and lead effectively across functions and functional levels is required.
* Technical Leadership skills are required.
* Supervisory experience and the ability to m...
Type: Permanent Location: São José dos Campos, BR-SP
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:43
Kenvue is currently recruiting for:
Regional Supply Chain Manager
This position reports to Senior EMEA Supply Chain Manager and is based at Prague, Czech Republic.
Who we are:
At Kenvue , we realize the extraordinary power of everyday care.
Built on over a century of heritage and rooted in science, we're the house of iconic brands - including Neutrogena, Aveeno, Tylenol, Listerine, Johnson's and BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages that you already know and love.
Science is our passion; care is our talent.
Our global team is made up of ~ 22,000 diverse and brilliant people, passionate about insights, innovation and committed to delivering the best products to our customers.
With expertise and empathy, being a Kenvuer means having the power to impact the life of millions of people every day.
We put people first, care fiercely, earn trust with science and solve with courage - and have brilliant opportunities waiting for you! Join us in shaping our future-and yours.
For more information, click here .
What you will do:
The Regional Supply Chain Manager is responsible for delivering supply reliability and optimized inventory levels while driving flexibility & agility to meet changing market/customer requirements for the portfolio of franchise under his/her scope.
The Manager will have responsibility for plant planning for specified internal sites covering SNP, MRP and scheduling.
Critically, this role ensures planning process adherence, master data & transactional data accuracy, SOX compliance and system usage (OMP and SAP) through capability building, governance & continuous improvement.
Overall this role has accountability to ensure the operational connection and integration across all supply chain functions for the respective value streams and requires technical mastery in both planning systems and processes.
The Manager will have custody 1 direct report and will need to continuously identify and build talent to ensure capable management of a rapidly changing business environment.
This individual will be an active member of the Essential Health Supply Team, responsible for leading various initiatives on the Team level.
Key Responsibilities:
* Lead, coach, and empower a team of regional supply and production planners, who own reliably driving supply across the 0-24 month horizon for the EMEA region The team owns the execution from Net Requirements to the delivery of Finished Goods to the J&J distribution centers in the local markets / clusters.
* Owns delivery of the targets tied to Customer Service, Inventory and Cash.
* Drives a reduction in slow moving and excess obsolete inventory by driving collaboration with the markets for ongoing supply and project management teams for product changes.
* Identify and drive corrective actions to sustainably increase performance for the assigned franchises working with in-market supply chain teams, plant planning and/or External Manufacturing planning teams.
* D...
Type: Permanent Location: Walterovo Namesti, CZ-111
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:43
Werde Postbote für Pakete und Briefe in Kaltenkirchen
Was wir bieten
* 17,05 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld
* Weitere 50% Weihnachtsgeld im November
* Bis zu 332 € Urlaubsgeld
* Du kannst sofort in Vollzeit starten, 38,5 Stunden/Woche
* Möglichkeit der Auszahlung von Überstunden
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Kostenlose Bereitstellung von hochwertiger Arbeitskleidung
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt) – wir machen dich fit für die Zustellung
* Unbefristete Übernahme und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten (bspw.
Standortleiter) bei guten Leistungen und offenen Positionen möglich
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote wie z.B.
arbeitgeberfinanzierte betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Fahrradleasing, Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, etc.
Deine Aufgaben als Postbote bei uns
* Zustellung von Brief- und Paketsendungen mit zur Verfügung gestellten Hilfsmitteln
* Auslieferung an 5 Werktagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag)
* Sendungen im Durchschnitt unter 10 kg
* Zustellung mit unseren Geschäftsfahrzeugen, bspw.
vollelektrische Fahrzeuge
Was du als Zusteller bietest
* Du darfst einen Pkw fahren
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du bist wetterfest und kannst gut anpacken
* Du bist zuverlässig und hängst dich rein
Werde Postbote bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Postbote bringst du den Menschen in deinem Bezirk Post- und Paketsendungen.
Dabei lässt du dir von keinem Wetter die Laune verderben und bist fünf Werktage pro Woche (zwischen Montag und Samstag) unterwegs.
Auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten sind bei uns herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Fahrer, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Kaltenkirchen, DE-SH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:42
Kenvue is currently recruiting for:
Lead Financial Analyst - Supply Chain
This position reports into the Finance Manager and is based in Prague, Czechia.
Kenvue Supply Chain Finance is recruiting for Lead Financial Analyst located in Prague, Czech.
The Supply Chain Finance team is involved in managing the financial aspects of a company's supply chain, which includes the processes involved in sourcing, producing, and delivering products or services to customers.
This includes managing costs, mitigating risk, and optimizing performance across the entire supply chain.
Supply chain finance professionals typically work closely with other departments and stakeholders to ensure that financial considerations are integrated into supply chain decision-making processes.
They analyze data and report on supply chain performance metrics, develop financial strategies, and implement plans to realize cost-saving opportunities.
Overall, supply chain finance plays a critical role in ensuring that a company's supply chain operates efficiently and effectively.
The Lead Financial Analyst role will be responsible for developing and implementing financial strategies that optimize the performance of the supply chain.
They will work closely with other departments and stakeholders to ensure that cost, risk, and efficiency are managed effectively across the entire supply chain.
This role requires an individual who is able to communicate effectively, lead a team, and make strategic decisions that drive business growth.
Who We Are
At Kenvue , we realize the extraordinary power of everyday care.
Built on over a century of heritage and rooted in science, we're the house of iconic brands - including NEUTROGENA®, AVEENO®, TYLENOL®, LISTERINE®, JOHNSON'S® and BAND-AID® that you already know and love.
Science is our passion; care is our talent.
Our global team is made up with 22,000 diverse and brilliant people, passionate about insights, innovation and committed to deliver the best products to our customers.
With expertise and empathy, being a Kenvuer means to have the power to impact life of millions of people every day.
We put people first, care fiercely, earn trust with science and solve with courage - and have brilliant opportunities waiting for you! Join us in shaping our future-and yours.
For more information, click here .
What You Will Do
• Independently own and lead business planning & forecast cycles, month-end financial close and budget vs actuals analysis for Quality, Engineering Property and Services (EP&S) and Environmental Health Services (EHS).
• Prepare management review decks and effectively frame & communicate business insights to lead management and to help inform and drive fact-based decisions
• Collaborate with cross functional teams to analyze and optimize aspects of the supply chain value chain
• Business partnering (i.e.
with Quality, EP&S and EH&S Teams)
• Collaborate and use best practices to provide strategic an...
Type: Permanent Location: Walterovo Namesti, CZ-111
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:42
Kenvue is currently recruiting for:
Site Engineering and Reliability Maintenance Head
Location: Helsingborg
Who we are:
At Kenvue , we realize the extraordinary power of everyday care.
Built on over a century of heritage and rooted in science, we're the house of iconic brands - including NEUTROGENA®, AVEENO®, TYLENOL®, LISTERINE®, JOHNSON'S® and BAND-AID® that you already know and love.
Science is our passion; care is our talent.
Our global team is made by 22,000 diverse and brilliant people, passionate about insights, innovation and committed to deliver the best products to our customers.
With expertise and empathy, being a Kenvuer means to have the power to impact life of millions of people every day.
We put people first, care fiercely, earn trust with science and solve with courage - and have brilliant opportunities waiting for you! Join us in shaping our future-and yours.
The MAM Lead is responsible for providing engineering and Maintenance guidance and direction to the Helsingborg Site ensuring they are delivering "best-in-class" approaches with respect to all elements of engineering and reliability maintenance practices.
This person will actively work by: Supporting strategic decisions related to Helsingborg Site, Providing Flawless Execution knowledge related to capital equipment & facility upgrades and Maintenance programs, Point of contact between the Site and the regional Technical Operation organization, and Supporting engineering related urgent issues during the execution or manufacturing phases.
* Responsible for the Site Engineering and Reliability Maintenance through: People Development plan execution, Teaching and Coaching and Feedback/Evaluation
* Responsible for Site Project portfolio consolidation through: Connection with Site Leadership
* Direct, guide and provide oversight for the site CapEx portfolio including forecasting, prioritizing budgeting, controlling and reporting of the site capital plan, communicating status and health to site and network stakeholders.
* Responsible for Site Project portfolio Execution through: Site team performance Management
* Responsible for Innovation at site level through: Need identification through connection to Site Leadership, upper level management etc.
* Responsible to develop Continuous improvement approach
* Role modelling and Promoting Root Cause Problem Solving
* Responsible for Standard deployment at Site level through: Responsible for Compliance (Quality & Safety, Environment, IH and sustainability) related activities\initiatives at Site level
* Coordinate the development of the Technical Site Master Plan and manufacturing asset replacement strategy based on asset condition assessment, applying value analysis and incorporating results into the CapEx portfolio.
* Coordinate asset Reliability and manage technical issues related to manufacturability
* Owns Site Machine Safety
* Su...
Type: Permanent Location: Helsingborg, SE-G
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:41
Kenvue is currently recruiting for:
Calibration Technician 3
This position reports to Maintenance Supervisor and is based at Fort Washington PA.
Who we are
At Kenvue , we realize the extraordinary power of everyday care.
Built on over a century of heritage and rooted in science, we're the house of iconic brands - including Neutrogena, Aveeno, Tylenol, Listerine, Johnson's and BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages that you already know and love.
Science is our passion; care is our talent.
Our global team is made up of ~ 22,000 diverse and brilliant people, passionate about insights, innovation and committed to delivering the best products to our customers.
With expertise and empathy, being a Kenvuer means having the power to impact the life of millions of people every day.
We put people first, care fiercely, earn trust with science and solve with courage - and have brilliant opportunities waiting for you! Join us in shaping our future-and yours.
For more information, click here .
Role reports to: Maintenance Supervisor
Location: Fort Washington PA
Travel %: none
What you will do
The Calibration Technician 3 performs all responsibility necessary to trouble shoot, service, adjust, repair and maintain related equipment supporting plant facility.
The calibration technician 3 performs a variety of tasks included but not limited to monitoring and adjustment of calibrations equipment to improve production throughput, equipment efficiency, implementation of corrective action, and calibration.
Key Responsibilities
* Able to perform routine cleaning, housekeeping and non-routine maintenance with adherence to all safety, environmental and quality policies and procedures.
* Ability to communicate the calibrations plan with equipment owners and maintenance personnel.
Develops detailed job task lists for preventative maintenance work and planned work orders.
* Performs equipment calibrations as directed utilizing approved procedures and standards.
* Participates in the effort to develop and revise procedures to improve performance parameters and other deliverables of the metrology lab.
Captures and documents all relevant calibration data.
* Oversees activities of contract calibration providers on a variety of laboratory analytical equipment and instruments and ensures tasks are performed in compliance with approved procedures.
* Determines acceptability of calibration certificates based on data analysis and conformance to specifications and procedures.
* Reviews and approves calibration procedures to ensure technically defensible standards, methods, and procedures for inspecting, testing and evaluating the precision, accuracy and reliability of the equipment, instruments and processes are maintained.
* Assists in the development and implementation of technical software applications that enhance and drive department productivity and customer tools regarding calibration operations.
* Participates...
Type: Permanent Location: Fort Washington, US-PA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:41
Kenvue is currently recruiting for:
QC Supervisor
This position reports to QC Lab Manager and is based at Pomezia [Italy].
Who we are
At Kenvue , we realize the extraordinary power of everyday care.
Built on over a century of heritage and rooted in science, we're the house of iconic brands - including Neutrogena, Aveeno, Tylenol, Listerine, Johnson's and BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages that you already know and love.
Science is our passion; care is our talent.
Our global team is made up of ~ 22,000 diverse and brilliant people, passionate about insights, innovation and committed to delivering the best products to our customers.
With expertise and empathy, being a Kenvuer means having the power to impact the life of millions of people every day.
We put people first, care fiercely, earn trust with science and solve with courage - and have brilliant opportunities waiting for you! Join us in shaping our future-and yours.
For more information, click here .
What you will do
Key Responsibilities
* Review the analytical test and chemical physical tests carried out in the lab.
* Ensure compliance of packaging materials (Toiletries, San.Pro and Cotton Buds) with the requirements
* Manage Stability program and validation test on finished product in accordance with the plans (responsible for query, reporting and trend)
* Collaborate with suppliers for continuous improvement of materials and processes.
* Support Approval for Release of finished product and raw materials test into LIMS System.
* Ensures the functionality and continuous improvement of data management system (LIMS).
* Review and approve the specifications of the new finished products and raw materials in the LIMS system.
* Ensure SAP functionalities/master data from quality perspective
* Make and review the activities of Empower administration.
* Support the operations department for aspects related to the quality of production materials, guaranteeing collaboration from suppliers.
* -From a technical point of view, support the introduction of new materials in production, representing an appropriate interface between technical departments and operators.
* Ensure the correct implementation of calibration program for instruments.
* Ensure the correct transfer of analytical methods to control the quality of the products
* Ensures the appropriate qualification of own direct reports to carry out the activities and to fully cover their duties.
* -Coordinate QC analysts/technicians setting scheduling and priorities.
* According to the identified growth potentials and developments, provide and support resources in having appropriate technical training to be qualified.
* Coordinate the activities of own department and motivate direct reports in accordance of Kenvue principles.
Essential duties and responsibilities
* Ensure the finalization of the release of materials/finished products within...
Type: Permanent Location: Pomezia, IT-62
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:40
Software as a Service Accounting Manager
Job Description:
Kenvue is recruiting for a Software as a Service (SaaS) Accounting Manager for its Finance Operations team.
As a member of our Finance Operations team, you will have exclusive access to a network of financial professionals worldwide.
This network will help you build on your current skills and explore opportunities to grow your career at Kenvue.
Within Kenvue's Finance Operations team, we value ideas for innovation and improvement and are committed to diversity and inclusion.
Together we will reimagine business processes to become more effective, more efficient, and improve customer experience.
This role is part of Finance Operations with the successful candidate being a valuable manager of the SaaS Accounting team.
The SaaS Accounting Manager is responsible for overseeing Kenvue's accounting processes related to SaaS contracts, expense recognition, and compliance with company policy and applicable regulatory requirements.
Key Responsibilities :
Process responsibilities
* Lead all activities related to SaaS accounting, ensuring accurate recognition of expenses related to SaaS contracts and compliance with relevant accounting standards.
* Oversee analysis of the financial implications of changes to SaaS contracts, providing insights on accounting treatment and financial impact.
* Collaborate with cross-functional teams to gather and validate data related to SaaS transactions.
* Develop and maintain documentation for SaaS accounting processes, including policies and procedures, to enhance efficiency and compliance.
* Oversee the monthly, quarterly, and annual financial close processes related to SaaS accounting.
* Monitor and analyze SaaS-related financial metrics, identifying trends and opportunities for process improvements.
* Prepare and present accurate and timely financial reports to Senior Management.
* Lead and support audit activities by preparing necessary documentation and responding to inquiries related to SaaS accounting.
* Support ongoing improvements and automation projects within the SaaS Accounting team.
* Recruit, onboard, and train new joiners.
* Remain updated with industry trends, changes in accounting rules, and latest technologies.
* Liaise with senior Finance leadership within Financial Operations
* Participate in the audit process and liaise with Legal Entity Controllers to ensure sound financial practices.
* Ensure adherence, monitor, remediate and align compliance responsibilities with stakeholders.
* Manage, mitigate, and escalate risks on a timely basis.
* Ensure strong internal controls are in place to achieve SOX c ompliance.
Leadership and People Management
* Foster collaborative relationships with essential functions such as Controllership, Business Unit Finance, Technical Accounting, and other Finance Operations Managers.
* Oversee a...
Type: Permanent Location: Bangalore, IN-KA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:40
This role will be part of the global sourcing operations group in the procurement pillar.
To be based of work located at Bogota - Colombia.
Reporting directly to Global Procurement Enablement Team leader.
Who We Are
At Kenvue, we realize the extraordinary power of everyday care.
Built on over a century of heritage and rooted in science, we're the house of iconic brands - including NEUTROGENA®, AVEENO®, TYLENOL®, LISTERINE®, JOHNSON'S® and BAND-AID® that you
already know and love.
Science is our passion; care is our talent.
Our global team is made by 22,000 diverse and brilliant people, passionate about insights, innovation and committed to deliver the best products to our customers.
With expertise and empathy, being a Kenvuer means to have the power to impact life of millions of people every day.
We put people first, care fiercely, earn trust with science and solve with courage - and have
brilliant opportunities waiting for you! Join us in shaping our future-and yours.
What You Will Do?
As the GPE Content Management -, you will report to and support the Global procurement enablement team in shaping, optimizing, and implementing a streamlined and efficient buying channel process within eMarketplace, while supporting various continuous improvement initiatives via culminated business insights and voice-of-customer to transform and optimize our 3 E's: efficiency, effectiveness, and experience.
The Content Management expert will operate in a matrix organization and will be responsible for identifying, developing, and directing the implementation of organizational governance and procedures along with procurement goals and strategy leveraging global
standards and best practices.
You'll be responsible for developing and maintaining high-quality content that supports our
procurement function.
This includes creating materials that educate internal stakeholders, guide suppliers through our processes, and effectively communicate our procurement policies and procedures.
Key Responsibilities:
• Develop and maintain user guides, training materials, Help cards, standard operating procedures, How To and best practices documents, and other content related to procurement policies, procedures, governance and systems.
• Develop flow chart models to map procedures within the business.
• Analyze and identify opportunities for improvement within the sourcing operations model.
• Collaborate with stakeholders to identify and automate processes across procurement and other Global departments
• Develop and deliver region and/or category specific content enablement strategy and framework training to support all content utilization.
• Manage and maintain the procurement knowledge base, keeping it up-to-date and • Identify opportunities to enhance the customer experience through performance evaluations, tool reviews, usability studies, and other trends.
• Partner with the procurement teams to translate complex processes into easy-tound...
Type: Permanent Location: Bogotá, CO-DC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:40
What you will do
Essential duties and responsibilities:
* Responsible for delivering company sales objectives in assigned territories.
Develop and execute the monthly/quarterly/ annual business plans with tracking matrix in accordance with the objective of growing the whole Kenvue business.
* Key person for distributor management (selection, operations, Perf review, ROI), develop strong Distributor relationships and partnerships across all levels.
Identifies key opportunities to further build strategic partnerships with key stakeholders to ensure business directions are aligned and partner of choice.
* Responsible for company initiatives execution at given territory, manage trade budget within guidelines, monitor results and make future recommendations for improved sales performance.
* Identify market gaps & opportunities by key provinces & channels, including competitors' intelligence, develop and implement regional programs to address key opportunities.
* Periodically review Distributor coverage, sales effectiveness, identify new customers, optimize & expand coverage for growing the whole Kenvue business.
* Accomplish regional sales human resource objectives by connecting with Distributor/HR to ensure recruiting, orienting, training standard.
Coaching, counseling team on Capability gaps.
* Work with Regional Operations Teams to roll out new solutions to improve the efficiency of Sales Operations processes in the Country
What we are looking for
Essential knowledge and skills:
* Bachelor degree or higher in related majors
* Proven track record in a sales management role.
* Minimum 5 years of experience in managing sales team/assigned territory preferably from consumer products industry with basic knowledge of brand & category management
* Strong understanding of sales, coverage applications/principles and building strategic partnerships with customers across all levels, Distributor management.
* Excellent interpersonal, leadership and communication skills.
Strong analytical skills with ability to be detailed yet strategic.
* Proactive, innovative and excellent team player with strong commitment to drive business result
* Good skill of public speaking
* High mobility
* Fluent in English and computer skills.
Kenvue is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer.
All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment based on business needs, job requirements, and individual qualifications, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, protected veteran status, or any other legally protected characteristic, and will not be discriminated against on the basis of disability.
Type: Permanent Location: Da Nang City, VN-DN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:39
Kenvue is currently recruiting for:
Finance Data Quality Lead
This position reports into Finance Data Quality Manager and is based at Bangalore.
Who We Are
At Kenvue , we realize the extraordinary power of everyday care.
Built on over a century of heritage and rooted in science, we're the house of iconic brands - including NEUTROGENA®, AVEENO®, TYLENOL®, LISTERINE®, JOHNSON'S® and BAND-AID® that you already know and love.
Science is our passion; care is our talent.
Our global team is made up with 22,000 diverse and brilliant people, passionate about insights, innovation and committed to deliver the best products to our customers.
With expertise and empathy, being a Kenvuer means to have the power to impact life of millions of people every day.
We put people first, care fiercely, earn trust with science and solve with courage - and have brilliant opportunities waiting for you! Join us in shaping our future-and yours.
For more information, click here .
What You Will Do
The position is responsible for:
• Data Quality Management
• Data Validation & Analysis
• Data Governance & Compliance
• Process Improvement
• Stakeholder Collaboration
Key Responsibilities
• Monitor, assess, and ensure the accuracy, completeness, and consistency of finance data across various systems and reports.
• Identify data discrepancies and work with relevant teams to implement corrective actions.
• Develop and maintain data quality rules, metrics, and dashboards to track data quality KPIs.
• Perform regular data validation checks to ensure data integrity.
• Analyse financial data to identify trends, patterns, and areas of potential data quality issues.
• Prepare detailed reports and insights based on data analysis for stakeholders.
• Work closely with the data governance team to support the initiatives by establishing and enforcing data quality standards and processes.
• Ensure compliance with internal and external data quality standards, policies, and regulations.
• Identify opportunities for process improvements and automation to enhance data quality and efficiency.
• Participate in cross-functional projects to implement data quality best practices and solutions.
• Document data quality processes, workflows, and guidelines.
• Work closely with finance, IT, and data management teams to resolve data quality issues and improve data flows for the publish/subscribe ecosystems
• Provide training and guidance to end-users on data quality best practices and standards.
• Act as a liaison between finance and other departments to ensure data quality requirements are met for the subscribing application
What We Are Looking For
Required Qualifications
• Bachelor's degree in finance, Accounting, Data Management, Information Systems, or a related field.
• 9 years of experience in finance data management, data quality, data analysis, or a similar role.
• Experience with finance master data, data...
Type: Permanent Location: Bangalore, IN-KA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:39
Kenvue, part of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies (Kenvue), is currently recruiting for:
Customer Development Manager reporting into the Business Unit Head
Who we are
At Kenvue , part of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies, we believe there is extraordinary power in everyday care.
Built on over a century of heritage and propelled forward by science, our iconic brands-including NEUTROGENA ® , AVEENO ® , TYLENOL ® , LISTERINE ® , JOHNSON'S ® and BAND-AID ® -are category leaders trusted by millions of consumers who use our products to improve their daily lives.
Our employees share a digital-first mindset, an approach to innovation grounded in deep human insights, and a commitment to continually earning a place for our products in consumers' hearts and homes.
What will you do
Reporting into the Business Unit Head you will be responsible for Tesco Oral Care & Booker, having direct responsibility for the performance of that business area.
* Delivery of specified business targets (sales, spend and profit targets - INS, TCi, NTS, Net GP)
* Full forecasting and spend management for your category responsibilities, making accurate forecasts to your business team and Commercial Strategy & Planning contacts
* Responsible for building positive relationships with your customers, and representing your customers' requirements to the Kenvue business
* Building and supervising a Joint Business Plan with key retailers to ensure delivery of key metrics for the Kenvue and business partner
* Develop a solid understanding of the market and keep track of the market activity to share information regarding changes or new activity in the marketplace
* Identifies and progresses incremental growth opportunities within your business
What are we looking for
The successful individual will have excellent business partnering, analytical and communication skills.
You will have experience within the FMCG environment and be able to demonstrate the following:
* A proven track record of strong commercial performance from sales, profitability and share point
* Can do attitude, proactive and solution orientated, ensuring we capitalize on growth opportunities
* Strong commercial acumen and excellent numeracy and analytical skills
* Experience of running a whole account or at least 1 category within a large account
* Ability to identify sales-driving opportunities and drive business effectiveness
* Ability to engage your customers and collaborates with Kenvue experts to identify areas of opportunity and alignment to develop strategies that build joint business value
What's in it for you
• Competitive Benefit Package
• Paid Company Holidays, Paid Vacation, Volunteer Time, Summer Fridays & More!
• Learning & Development Opportunities
• Employee Resource Groups
Kenvue is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer.
All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employ...
Type: Permanent Location: High Wycombe, GB-BKM
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:38
Key Responsibilities:
• Oversee and manage the quality assurance activities for external manufacturing partners.
• Ensure compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), regulatory requirements, and company quality standards.
• Conduct regular audits of external manufacturing facilities to assess compliance and identify areas for improvement.
• Review and approve quality documentation, including batch records, deviation reports, and change controls.
• Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including regulatory affairs, supply chain, and R&D, to ensure quality issues are addressed promptly.
• Provide guidance and support to external manufacturers on quality-related matters.
• Develop and implement quality improvement initiatives to enhance manufacturing processes and product quality.
• Stay current with industry trends, regulations, and best practices related to medicinal drug manufacturing.
• Bachelor's degree in Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacy, Engineering, or a related field.
Advanced degree preferred.
• Minimum of 5 years of experience in quality assurance within the pharmaceutical or biotechnology industry, with a focus on medicinal drug manufacturing.
• In-depth knowledge of GMP regulations and guidelines (e.g., FDA, EMA, ICH).
• Proven experience conducting audits and managing quality assurance activities with external manufacturing partners.
• Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to identify and address quality issues effectively.
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to collaborate effectively with internal and external stakeholders.
• Detail-oriented and highly organized, with the ability to manage multiple priorities and meet deadlines
Type: Permanent Location: Shanghai, CN-31
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:38
Kenvue is currently recruiting for:
Analyst, Quality Systems & Compliance (Projects)
Fixed term - 9 months
This position reports into Quality structure based at Kenvue SJC, BRAZIL site.
Who We Are
At Kenvue , we realize the extraordinary power of everyday care.
Built on over a century of heritage and rooted in science, we're the house of iconic brands - including NEUTROGENA®, AVEENO®, TYLENOL®, LISTERINE®, JOHNSON'S® and BAND-AID® that you already know and love.
Science is our passion; care is our talent.
Our global team is made by 22,000 diverse and brilliant people, passionate about insights, innovation and committed to deliver the best products to our customers.
With expertise and empathy, being a Kenvuer means to have the power to impact life of millions of people every day.
We put people first, care fiercely, earn trust with science and solve with courage - and have brilliant opportunities waiting for you! Join us in shaping our future-and yours.
For more information click here.
What You Will Do
The Quality analyst will be responsible for delivering quality plans across the region in order to achieve projects of the company related to Quality Management system update to new company strategy including system updates, performance metrics, supplier management, quality management system adequacy, product label & codes change, specification, documentation updates including change contro.l
Key Responsibilities
• Participation on quality projects related to regional and global strategic initiatives
• Build collaboration across different functional areas with business partners
• Deliver the Final Project Objectives
• Develop and execute Project plans through collaboration with cross functional team members
• Collaborate with quality functions to meet project deliverables following quality requirements.
• Change control opening and management to track aapplicable GxP related activities on-time and in compliance with Kenvue procedures and country-specific quality/regulatory requirements
• Identify risks effectively and assist in identification and implementation of mitigation plans.
What We Are Looking For
Required Qualifications
• Bachelor's degree in pharmacy, chemical engineering or equivalent technical field required
* A minimum of 7 (five) years of relevant professional work experience in the field regulated health industry : Cosmetic/Device/Drug regulated environment
• Experience in Quality systems, supplier management, labeling, GxP documentation (SOPs and specifications approval, Change control management) audits/regulatory inspections
• Proven experience in working on virtual teams within dynamic settings in a regional /cross-functional environment.
Ideally 2-3 years.
* Solid technical (quality/regulatory) knowledge
* Understanding of LATAM GxP regulations applicable for cosmetics, devices, pharmaceutical industries.
Desired Qualifications /Technical com...
Type: Permanent Location: São José dos Campos, BR-SP
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-27 07:11:34