The person in this position works as a crew member to maintain, repair, and replace rails, ties, switches, and ballast.
This position uses hand tools and operates heavy equipment.
The position starts as a track maintainer, with an opportunity to qualify as a machine operator.
* Repair and rebuild railroad track using hydraulic or hand tools
* Remove and replace ties and rails; pull and drive spikes; shovel rock ballast; load and unload equipment and material
* Use various types of tools and equipment, including tampers, regulators, backhoes, torches, hammers, jacks, and other mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic tools
* Perform routine maintenance and troubleshoot problems on equipment
* Complete written forms and reports, including FRA reports, as required
* Be familiar with federal and state regulations as they relate to the railroad industry
* Ability to update rules and manuals to assure continuous compliance with all federal regulations
* Adhere to and promote safe work practices as determined by the railroad
* Manage other projects and perform other duties as assigned
* Ability to complete written forms and reports, including FRA reports, as required
* Working knowledge of and familiarity with equipment such as tampers, regulators, torches, hammers, jacks, and other mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic tools
* Ability to perform routine maintenance and troubleshoot problems on equipment
* Ability to read and interpret documents such as safety rules, operating and maintenance instructions, and federal and state regulation
* Excellent oral and written communication skills
* Experience with heavy hand tools, and previous work in an outside environment preferred
* High school diploma or GED; or an equivalent combination of education and work experience a plus
* Valid driver’s license required
* Commercial Driver's License (CDL) is a plus
This position is employed by the specific entity set forth in the job posting.
Genesee & Wyoming Inc.
and its subsidiary companies do not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, retaliation, parental status, military service, or any other protected status under federal, state or local laws.
Track, Structures & Signals
Type: Permanent Location: Ashdown, US-AR
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:55
Werde Postbote für Pakete und Briefe in Schöllnach
Was wir bieten
* 17,05 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld, ggf.
regionale Arbeitsmarktzulage
* Weitere 50% Weihnachtsgeld im November
* Bis zu 332 € Urlaubsgeld
* Du kannst sofort befristet in Vollzeit starten, 38,5 Stunden/Woche
* Möglichkeit der Auszahlung von Überstunden
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Kostenlose Bereitstellung von hochwertiger Arbeitskleidung
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt) – wir machen dich fit für die Zustellung
* Unbefristete Übernahme und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten (bspw.
Standortleiter) bei guten Leistungen und offenen Positionen möglich
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote wie z.B.
arbeitgeberfinanzierte betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Fahrradleasing, Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, etc.
Deine Aufgaben als Postbote bei uns
* Zustellung von Brief- und Paketsendungen mit zur Verfügung gestellten Hilfsmitteln
* Auslieferung an 5 Werktagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag)
* Sendungen bis 31,5kg aber im Durchschnitt unter 10 kg
* Zustellung mit unseren Geschäftsfahrzeugen, bspw.
vollelektrische Fahrzeuge
Was du als Zusteller bietest
* Du darfst einen Pkw fahren
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du bist wetterfest und kannst gut anpacken
* Du bist zuverlässig und hängst dich rein
Werde Postbote bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Postbote bringst du den Menschen in deinem Bezirk Post- und Paketsendungen.
Dabei lässt du dir von keinem Wetter die Laune verderben und bist fünf Werktage pro Woche (zwischen Montag und Samstag) unterwegs.
Auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten sind bei uns herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Fahrer, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Schöllnach, DE-BY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:53
I denne stillingen vil du ha ansvar for:
* Ta nødvendige tiltak på produkter for å gi dem en ny sjanse, gjennom gjenbruksbutikksalg, ompakking eller reservedelshåndtering
* Presentere og selge IKEA-produkter og selge disse produktene med stolthet og sette relevante priser som er attraktive for kundene, men som likevel gir de beste resultatene for virksomheten.
* Vurder alltid bærekraftspåvirkningen når du bestemmer når og hvordan du skal gjenvinne produkter.
* Representere og være en ambassadør for produktgjenvinning, kvalitet og sikkerhetsbevissthet i enheten.
* Jobbe tett med de ulike funksjonene i enheten for å sikre at felles arbeidsrutiner og prosesser følges knyttet til produktkvalitet, sikkerhet og gjenvinning.
For å bli en av oss må du være deg selv.
Også må du like å ta i et tak og jobbe sammen med andre.
I tillegg ser vi i denne stillingen spesifikt etter deg som har:
* God kunnskap om butikkdrift og serviceinnstilt .
* Salgerfaring
* Omfattende kunnskap om IKEAs produkter/sortiment.
* God kjennskap til IKEAs forsyningskjede.
* God forståelse av hvordan produktkvalitet, sikkerhet og samsvar påvirker IKEA-merkevaren.
* God fysikk & tåler å jobbe i høytempo
* God datakompetanse (kunnskap om MS Office med sterkt fokus på excel).
* Gode norsk og engelskkunnskaper, både muntlig og skriftlig.
* Monterings erfaring
Har du spørsmål om stillingen ta kontakt med Rekrutteringsteamet på: ikea.recruitment.no@ingka.ikea.com
IKEA er en sikker og ansvarlig arbeidsgiver som tilbyr konkurransedyktige lønnsbetingelser.
Vi har gode pensjons- og forsikringsordninger, personalrabatt på IKEA og gode muligheter for å utvikle deg videre i IKEA om du ønsker det.
Hvis du går videre i prossenssen vil du få en e-post fra oss med mulighet for å spille inn et videointervju.
I dette videointervjuet vil du få et sett med spørsmål som vi ønsker at du skal spille inn svar på.
Du kan enkelt spille inn dine svar med mobilen din og du får så mange forsøk du trenger, så ta deg god tid.
Husk at vi bare vil bli litt bedre kjent med deg.
Spill gjerne inn ditt intervju så snart du har mulighet da vi rekrutterer fortløpende.
Dersom du går videre til et neste intervju vil dette være et møte med rekrutterende leder på varehuset.
Alle som har søkt på en jobb hos oss vil få svar.
Dersom du ikke går videre etter søknad eller videointervju vil du få svar fra oss på e-post.
Hvis du ikke går videre etter intervju på varehuset vil du få tilbakemelding fra oss på e-post eller telefon.
Type: Permanent Location: Billingstad, NO-02
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:52
Tes responsabilités
Au côté du Responsable People & culture (les RH chez IKEA), tu développes la communication interne au sein de l'unité.
Développement de la stratégie de communication interne :
• Tu contribues à l'élaboration d'une stratégie de communication interne alignée sur les objectifs globaux d'IKEA.
• Tu identifies les principaux messages à communiquer en interne.
Mise en œuvre de campagnes de communication interne :
• Tu conçois et mets en œuvre des campagnes de communication interne visant à informer, motiver et engager les employés.
• Tu utilises différents canaux de communication internes, tels que les intranets, les newsletters, les réunions, etc.
Coordination des événements internes :
• Tu organises des événements internes tels que des réunions d'équipe, des séminaires, des formations, ateliers, activités.
• Tu veilles à ce que ces événements soient alignés avec la culture d'entreprise et contribuent à renforcer l'esprit d'équipe.
Création de supports de communication :
• Tu conçois des supports visuels et écrits pour la communication interne, tels que des présentations, des affiches, des vidéos, etc.
• Tu garantis la cohérence de la communication visuelle avec l'identité de la marque IKEA.
• Tu mets en avant la marque employeur sur linkedin.
Gestion des canaux de communication interne :
• Tu supervises les plateformes de communication interne, y compris l'intranet et d'autres outils de communication.
• Tu t'assures que l'information est accessible et comprise par l'ensemble des employés.
Collaboration avec les équipes internes :
• Tu travailles en étroite collaboration avec d'autres départements pour s'assurer que la communication interne soutient les initiatives et les objectifs de l'entreprise.
Mesure de l'efficacité :
• Tu mets en place des mécanismes pour mesurer l'efficacité des campagnes et des initiatives de communication interne.
• Tu utilises les données pour ajuster et améliorer les stratégies de communication.
Veille concurrentielle et sectorielle :
• Tu suis les tendances du marché, les meilleures pratiques du secteur et les actions de la concurrence en matière de communication interne.
Etre alternant chez IKEA c'est faire partie d'une promo pour laquelle nous organisons des événements dédiés afin de favoriser les rencontres, les échanges et d'approfondir la découverte de l'entreprise.
Côté avantages pratiques : outre ton salaire de base qui rémunère ton travail, tes compétences et tes responsabilités, tu bénéficieras notamment de
• Une prime de 13e mois.
• Une part de rémunération variable liée à la performance économique globale.
• La possibilité de prendre un déjeuner sain et varié à partir de 2,60€.
• Une remise personnelle de 15% sur tes achats chez IKEA.
Postule maintenant !
Pour toi IKEA c'est là où tu as fait une virée quand tu as quitté le nid parental, c'est le sac bleu qui t'accompagne à la laverie, ce sont les boulettes que tu ne manques pas de déguster quand tu fais une expédition à chaque ré-emménagement.
Pour nous IKEA c'est une culture et des valeurs fortes, plein de métiers dans un cadre de travail convivial où nous avons plaisir à collaborer en mode informel.
D'ailleurs, tu en auras la preuve dès le processus de recrutement.
Alors si les affirmations suivantes te parlent ce pourrait être le début d'une relation gagnant-gagnant.
Tu veux avoir une idée de l'ambiance ? Regarde la vidéo à la fin de l'annonce.
• Tu es passionné(e) par les personnes, et tu as envie d'être au service du développement des collaborateurs.
• Tu es une personne accessible, dotée d’un bon relationnel et tu communiques clairement et avec assurance.
• Autonome et enthousiaste, tu apprends vite et tu as de réelles aptitudes à travailler seul(e) aussi bien qu'en équipe.
• Tu es à l’aise avec les outils numériques et tu as des capacités d'analyse.
• Tu as des connaissances préalables dans les procédures, outils et méthodes de travail RH (recrutement, développement des compétences…).
Type: Permanent Location: Paris (Thiais), FR-IDF
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:52
Das Kimpton Main Frankfurt öffnet bald seine Türen und vereint urbanen Luxus und Gastfreundschaft auf höchstem Niveau.
Für den herzlichen Empfang unserer Gäste suchen wir dich als Bell Boy (m/w/d).
Du bist der erste Kontaktpunkt für unsere Gäste und hinterlässt mit deinem freundlichen Auftreten einen bleibenden Eindruck.
Deine Aufgaben:
* Begrüßung und Verabschiedung der Gäste sowie Unterstützung beim Gepäckservice.
* Begleitung der Gäste zu ihren Zimmern und Einführung in die Ausstattung unseres Hotels.
* Koordination und Durchführung von Botengängen und besonderen Gästewünschen.
* Unterstützung des Concierge-Teams bei organisatorischen Aufgaben und Gästeservice.
* Sicherstellung der Ordnung und Sauberkeit im Eingangsbereich des Hotels.
Dein Profil:
* Idealerweise erste Erfahrung im Hotelgewerbe oder Gästeservice.
* Herzliches und professionelles Auftreten, mit Freude am Kontakt mit Menschen.
* Gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse, weitere Fremdsprachen sind ein Plus.
* Flexibilität und Teamgeist, um auch bei kurzfristigen Aufgaben zuverlässig zu reagieren.
* Führerschein der Klasse B, um bei Bedarf Fahrzeuge zu parken oder Transfers zu organisieren.
Das kannst du von uns erwarten:
* Mitarbeiterrate in über 6300 IHG-Hotels und Discount in F&B Outlets weltweit
* Einen unbefristeten Arbeitsvertrag
* Weihnachtsgeld
* Einen zusätzlichen Urlaubstag an deinem Geburtstag
* Freunde werben Freunde
* Sommerparty, Weihnachtsfeier/Kick Off
* Celebrate Service Week
Wenn du die Gäste des Kimpton Main Frankfurt mit deinem Service und deiner positiven Ausstrahlung willkommen heißen möchtest, freuen wir uns auf deine Bewerbung!
Type: Permanent Location: Frankfurt, DE-HE
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:46
Das Kimpton Main Frankfurt, ein neues Highlight der Frankfurter Hotellerie, eröffnet bald und setzt auf moderne Eleganz und herausragenden Service.
Um die internen Abläufe reibungslos zu gestalten, suchen wir einen engagierten Logistiker (m/w/d), der die Logistik unseres Hauses mit Organisationstalent und Weitblick steuert.
Ihre Aufgaben:
* Warenannahme, Kontrolle und Lagerverwaltung: Sicherstellen, dass alle Lieferungen korrekt und termingerecht eingehen.
* Organisation des Warenflusses: Koordination der Verteilung von Waren an die entsprechenden Abteilungen innerhalb des Hotels.
* Überwachung der Lagerbestände und Unterstützung bei Bestellungen sowie Inventuren.
* Zusammenarbeit mit Lieferanten und internen Abteilungen, um die Qualitätsstandards sicherzustellen.
* Verantwortung für die Einhaltung von Hygienestandards (HACCP) in den Lagerbereichen.
Ihr Profil:
* Idealerweise Erfahrung in der Logistik oder Lagerverwaltung, bevorzugt in der Hotellerie oder Gastronomie.
* Ausgeprägtes Organisations- und Zeitmanagement.
* Technisches Verständnis für die Lagerhaltung und Kenntnisse gängiger Logistik-Software von Vorteil.
* Serviceorientierte und teamfähige Persönlichkeit mit einem hohen Maß an Eigenverantwortung.
* Gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse sowie ein Führerschein der Klasse B.
Das können Sie von uns erwarten:
* Mitarbeiterrate in über 6300 IHG-Hotels und Discount in F&B Outlets weltweit
* Einen unbefristeten Arbeitsvertrag
* Weihnachtsgeld
* Einen zusätzlichen Urlaubstag an deinem Geburtstag
* Freunde werben Freunde
* Sommerparty, Weihnachtsfeier/Kick Off
* Celebrate Service Week
Wenn Sie die internen Abläufe des Kimpton Main Frankfurt mit Ihrem Organisationstalent und Ihrer positiven Ausstrahlung unterstützen möchten, freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!
Type: Permanent Location: Frankfurt, DE-HE
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:43
Ausbildung zur Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik 2025 (m/w/d)
Du bist Schüler und dein Abschluss rückt näher? Starte bei uns in der DHL Group, einem der größten Arbeitgeber der Welt! Unsere über 40 Logistikzentren sind nicht nur in ganz Deutschland verteilt, sondern bieten auch spannende Einblicke in unterschiedliche Branchen wie Automobil, Pharma und Fashion – und das alles in deiner Nähe.
Während deiner dreijährigen Ausbildung machen wir dich fit für die Welt der Logistik und geben dir alles an die Hand, was du brauchst, um deine Zukunft bei uns zu gestalten.
Und was ist nach der Ausbildung? Auch hier gibt es viele Möglichkeiten, zum Beispiel die Weiterentwicklung zum Teamleiter im Wareneingang oder du wirst Experte in einem anderen Bereich.
Egal, wofür du dich entscheidest, wir unterstützen dich dabei! Bewirb dich jetzt!
Ausbildungsstart: 01.08.2025 oder 01.09.2025
Wo: Halle
Wie lange: 3 Jahre
Das bieten wir:
* Jährlich steigendes Ausbildungsgehalt:
+ 1.
Ausbildungsjahr: ab 1020€
+ 2.
Ausbildungsjahr: ab 1158€
+ 3.
Ausbildungsjahr: ab 1295€
* Bis zu 27 Tagen Urlaub
* Jährliche Sonderzahlung gemäß Tarif
* Bezuschusstes Deutschlandticket
* Eine praxisorientierte Ausbildung, bei der du schnell Verantwortung übernehmen kannst
* Sehr gute Übernahmechancen bei guten Leistungen
* Top Azubiprogramm
* Mitarbeit an spannenden Ausbildungsprojekten
* Arbeiten mit modernster Technik
Das sind deine Aufgaben:
* PC Tätigkeiten, wie z.B.
Erstellung von Versandpapieren
* Buchung des Warenein- und ausgangs
* Zusammenstellen der Ware
* Qualitätskontrolle der Ware
Das bringst du mit:
* Einen guten Schulabschluss
* Zuverlässigkeit und Flexibilität
* Spaß, im Lager mit anzupacken
* Freude im Team zu arbeiten
Du hast Fragen zur Ausbildung? Dann melde dich gerne bei Marie Tel: +49 228 29974131 oder per E-Mail: marie.schoenberg@dhl.com
Inklusionsbeauftragter: Thomas Wilsdorf Tel: +49 345 29279851 oder per Mail:thomas.wilsdorf@dhl.com.
Wir freuen uns auf deine vollständige Bewerbung (Lebenslauf, aktuelles bzw.
letztes Zeugnis und ggf.
Praktikumsbescheinigung) online! Klicke dazu bitte auf den Button 'Jetzt Bewerben'.
#AusbildungDSC #dscgermany #dscahlle #greatplacetowork
Unabhängig von den Texten und Bildern in unseren Recruiting-Materialien betonen wir, dass bei DHL Supply Chain Germany & Alps alle Menschen gleichermaßen willkommen sind.
Type: Contract Location: Halle (Saale), DE-ST
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:43
Create an outstanding customer experience through exceptional service.
Establish and maintain a safe and clean environment that encourages our customers to return.
Direct and supervise all day-to-day functions, duties and activities for the Front-end department.
Responsible for the execution of best practices, goals and Front-end standards established for the department.
Embrace the Customer 1st strategy and encourage associates to deliver excellent customer service.
Role model and demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety of others.Based in Salt Lake City, Utah, Smith's Food and Drug merged with The Kroger Company in 1998.
Today, we're proudly serving Smith's customers in over 140 stores throughout Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Montana, Idaho and Wyoming.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Smith's family!Minimum
* Effective communication skills
* Knowledge of basic math (counting, addition, and subtraction)
* Ability to handle stressful situations
* Retail or Customer Service experience
* Promote trust and respect among associates.
* Communicate company, department, and job specific information to associates.
* Collaborate with associates and promote teamwork to help achieve company/store goals.
* Create an environment that enables customers to feel welcome, important and appreciated by answering questions regarding products sold within the department and throughout the store.
* Gain and maintain knowledge of products sold within the departments and be able to respond to questions and make suggestions about products.
* Monitor and control supply expenses for the department.
* Manage cash control, sales and cash items and records for the store.
* Manage the scheduling of Front-end associates to provide adequate department coverage.
* Assist store management in preparing the store/department budget, profit and loss reviews, and take appropriate action on all financial reports.
* Develop and implement a department business plan to achieve desired results.
* Create and execute sales promotions in partnership with store management.
* Implement the period promotional plan for the...
Type: Permanent Location: Farmington, US-NM
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:42
Provide exceptional customer service in a safe and clean environment to ensure the customer's return visit.
We accomplish this in many ways including, but not limited to; treating our customers/employees in a fair and ethical manner, promoting an inclusive work environment, being a responsible member of the community, providing the right products at the right time with fair and accurate pricing.
Role model and demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety of others.From one tiny Cincinnati grocery store more than a century ago, we've grown into what today is the nation's largest grocer with nearly 2,800 stores in 35 states operating under 28 different names.
As America's grocer, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Kroger family!Minimum
* Current food handlers permit once employed
* Effective communication skills
* Knowledge of basic math
* High school diploma or equivalent
* Retail experience
* Second language: speaking, reading and/or writing
* Create an environment that enables customers to feel welcome, important and appreciated by answering questions regarding products sold within the department and throughout the store.
* Gain and maintain knowledge of products sold within the department and be able to respond to questions and make suggestions about products.
* Offer product samples to help customers discover new items or products they inquire about.
* Inform customers of cheese specials.
* Provide customers with fresh products that they have ordered and the correct portion size to prevent shrink.
* Measure, prepare and mix ingredients according to recipe, using variety of kitchen utensils and equipment.
* Adequately prepare, package, label and inventory ingredients in merchandise.
* Check product quality to ensure freshness.
Review "sell by" dates and take appropriate action.
* Label, stock and inventory department merchandise.
* Report product ordering/shipping discrepancies to the department manager.
* Display a positive attitude.
* Understand the store's layout and be able to locate products when requested by customer.
* Stay current with present, future, seasonal and special ads.
* Maintai...
Type: Permanent Location: Brentwood, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:41
Create an outstanding customer experience through exceptional service.
Establish and maintain a safe and clean environment that encourages our customers to return.
Assist the department manager in reaching sales and profit goals established for the department and monitor all established quality assurance standards.
Embrace the Customer 1st strategy and encourage associates to deliver excellent customer service.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion, and safety.From one tiny Cincinnati grocery store more than a century ago, we've grown into what today is the nation's largest grocer with nearly 2,800 stores in 35 states operating under 28 different names.
As America's grocer, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Kroger family!Minimum Position Qualifications:
* Ability to handle stressful situations
* Effective communication skills
* Knowledge of basic math (counting, addition, and subtraction)
* Current food handlers permit once employed
Desired Previous Job Experience
* Comparable Retail experience
* Second language (speaking, reading and/or writing)
* Role model the 3A's of Friendly: acknowledge, assist and appreciate our Customers
* Promote Corporate Brands to customers
* Promote trust and respect among associates
* Create an environment that enables customers to feel welcome, important and appreciated by answering questions regarding products sold within the department and throughout the store
* Gain and maintain knowledge of products sold within the department and be able to respond to questions and make suggestions about products
* Assist with the preparation produce platters/trays
* Inform customers of produce specials
* Recommend items to customers to ensure they get the products they want and need
* Adequately prepare, package, label and inventory merchandise
* Review/inspect products for quality and freshness and take appropriate action with those items
* Label, stock and inventory department merchandise
* Report product ordering/shipping discrepancies to the department manager
* Display a positive attitude
* Stay current with present, future, seasonal and special ads
* Ensure proper temperatures i...
Type: Permanent Location: Knoxville, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:41
Create an outstanding customer experience through exceptional service.
Establish and maintain a safe and clean environment that encourages our customers to return.
Assist the department manager in reaching sales and profit goals established for the department and monitor all established quality assurance standards.
Embrace the Customer 1st strategy and encourage associates to deliver excellent customer service.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Washington, Qualify Food Centers (QFC) merged with The Kroger Company in 1998.
Today, we're proudly serving QFC customers in 59 stores throughout the Washington and Oregon.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our QFC family! Minimum
- Ability to handle stressful situations
- Knowledge of basic math (counting, addition, and subtraction)
- Effective communication skills
- Any retail experience
- Second language (speaking, reading and/or writing)- Promote trust and respect among associates
- Create an environment that enables customers to feel welcome, important and appreciated by answering questions regarding products sold within the department and throughout the store
- Gain and maintain knowledge of products sold within the department and be able to respond to questions and make suggestions about products
- Recommend grocery items to customers to ensure they get the products they want and need; inform customers of grocery specials
- Check product quality to ensure freshness; review sell by dates and take appropriate action
- Label, stock and inventory department merchandise; provide customers with fresh products that they have ordered
- Report product ordering/shipping discrepancies to the department manager
- Display a positive attitude
- Stay current with present, future, seasonal and special ads
- Adhere to all food safety regulations and guidelines
- Ensure proper temperatures in cases and coolers are maintained and temperature logs are maintained
- Reinforce safety programs by complying with safety procedures and identify unsafe conditions and notify store management
- Practice preventive maintenance by properly inspecting equipment and notify appropriate department or store manager of any ite...
Type: Permanent Location: Everett, US-WA
Salary / Rate: 20.34
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:40
Provide exceptional customer service in a safe and clean environment to ensure the customer's return visit.
Treat customers/employees in a fair and ethical manner, promoting an inclusive work environment, being a responsible member of the community, providing the right products at the right time with fair and accurate pricing.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in California, Ralph's merged with The Kroger Company in 1998.
Today, we're proudly serving Ralphs customers in over 180 stores throughout the state.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Ralphs family!
Qualified applications with arrest or conviction records will be considered for employment in accordance with the Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers and the California Fair Chance Act.
If you are in need of reasonable accommodation to complete a job application or to otherwise participate in the application or pre-hiring process, please call 844-849-7136 or contact the location's management.MINIMUM
* Excellent customer service skills
* Any previous comparable experience
* Create an environment that enables customers to feel welcome, important and appreciated by answering questions regarding products sold within the department and throughout the store
* Gain and maintain knowledge of products sold within the department and be able to respond to questions and make suggestions about products
* Collaborate with associates and promote teamwork to help achieve company/store goals
* Prepare beverage selections to recipe and standards and to customer's requests using proper equipment; tender transactions using company best practices
* Offer product samples to help customers discover new items or products for which they inquire about; inform customers of coffee shop specials
* Provide customers with fresh products that they have ordered and the correct portion size (or as close as possible to the amount ordered) to prevent shrink
* Recommend coffee shop items to customers to ensure they get the products they want and need
* Use all equipment in coffee shop such as the refrigerators, freezers, slicers, and ovens according ...
Type: Permanent Location: Sherman Oaks, US-CA
Salary / Rate: 19.44
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:40
Provide exceptional customer service to help people live healthier lives by treating our customers/employees in a fair and ethical manner, providing a safe, clean, inclusive environment, being a responsible member of the community, providing the right products, services, and care at the right time with fair and accurate pricing.
Provide direct patient intervention by providing health and wellness services and experiences relevant to the patient as allowable by and consistent with state and federal laws.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Colorado, King Soopers merged with The Kroger Company in 1983.
Today, we're proudly serving King Soopers customers in over 115 stores throughout Colorado and Wyoming.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our King Soopers family!MINIMUM
* High School Diploma or GED
* Must be 18 years old
* Ability to handle highly confidential information
* Meets minimum state requirements to perform the functions related to the position
* Any previous comparable experience
* Any equivalent experience of a pharmacy clerk
* EPRN familiarity
* Comply with local, state and federal regulations; report all illegal activity, including robbery, theft or fraud
* Comply with and reinforce all food safety, sanitation and safety regulations/guidelines/procedures and programs according to company, local, state, and federal health code regulations; identify unsafe conditions and notify store management
* Understand and perform ordering functions with primary and secondary wholesalers
* Understand and follow the company guidelines on computerized inventory management, control, and ordering of all medications, devices, supplements and supplies
* Maintain departmental standards including keeping clean and organized work stations and customer waiting areas
* Count, measure and prepare specified product using company best practices
* Complete billing procedures adequately to assure best value to the customer and the company
* Answer phone and triage calls and answer inquiries as appropriate
* Understand and adhere to guidelines on accepting and tendering vendor c...
Type: Permanent Location: Englewood, US-CO
Salary / Rate: 19.3
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:38
Create an outstanding customer experience through exceptional service.
Establish and maintain a safe and clean environment that encourages our customers to return.
Assist department manager in achieving sales and profit goals established for the department, and monitor and control all established quality assurance standards.
Work closely with the Deli/Baker Merchandising team, as well as the Deli/Bakery department to create an environment that is engaging to customers.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety of others.Based in California, Ralph's merged with The Kroger Company in 1998.
Today, we're proudly serving Ralphs customers in over 180 stores throughout the state.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Ralphs family!
Qualified applications with arrest or conviction records will be considered for employment in accordance with the Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers and the California Fair Chance Act.
If you are in need of reasonable accommodation to complete a job application or to otherwise participate in the application or pre-hiring process, please call 844-849-7136 or contact the location's management.Minimum Position Qualifications:
* Effective communication skills
* Knowledge of basic math (counting, addition, and subtraction)
* Ability to handle stressful situations
Desired Previous Job Experience
* High school education or equivalent
* Comparable Retail experience
* Gain and maintain knowledge of products sold within the department and be able to respond to questions and make suggestions about products
* Offer product samples to help customers discover new items or products they inquire about
* Inform customers of Cheese Shop specials
* Provide customers with fresh products that they have ordered and the correct portion size (or as close as possible to the amount ordered) to prevent shrink
* Measure, prepare and mix ingredients according to recipe, using variety of kitchen utensils and equipment
* Adequately prepare, package, label and inventory ingredients in merchandise
* Check product quality to ensure freshness.
Review "sell by" dates and take appropriate action...
Type: Permanent Location: Oceanside, US-CA
Salary / Rate: 18.735
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:38
Create outstanding customer experiences through exceptional service.
Establish and maintain a safe, clean and fresh environment that encourages our customers to return.
Help achieve sales and profit goals established for the department.
Embrace the Customer 1 st strategy and encourage associates to deliver excellent customer service.
Demonstrate the Company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety of others.Based in California, Ralph's merged with The Kroger Company in 1998.
Today, we're proudly serving Ralphs customers in over 180 stores throughout the state.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Ralphs family!
Qualified applications with arrest or conviction records will be considered for employment in accordance with the Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers and the California Fair Chance Act.
If you are in need of reasonable accommodation to complete a job application or to otherwise participate in the application or pre-hiring process, please call 844-849-7136 or contact the location's management.Minimum
* 18 years of age
* Effective communication skills
* Knowledge of basic math (counting, addition, and subtraction)
* Ability to handle stressful situations
* Current food handlers permit (where applicable) once employed
* Produce experience
* Promote trust and respect among associates.
* Adhere to all local, state and federal laws, safety and food safety regulations and company guidelines
* Create an environment that enables customers to feel welcome, important and appreciated by answering questions and recommending products sold within the department and throughout the store.
* Perform all duties to company standard in regards to cutting and packaging produce items, stocking, CAO and Key Retailing.
* Prepare fruit and vegetable platters/trays.
* Offer product samples.
* Inform customers of produce specials.
* Review/inspect products for quality and freshness and take appropriate action with those items.
* Recommend produce items to customers to ensure they get the products they want and need.
* Regularly lift up to 30 pounds.
* Keep current with present, future, seas...
Type: Permanent Location: Canoga Park, US-CA
Salary / Rate: 19.44
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:37
Create an outstanding customer experience through exceptional service.
Establish and maintain a safe, clean environment that encourages our customers to return.
Achieve sales and profit goals established for the department and control all established quality assurance standards.
Monitor all functions, duties and activities related to the Produce department.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Colorado, King Soopers merged with The Kroger Company in 1983.
Today, we're proudly serving King Soopers customers in over 115 stores throughout Colorado and Wyoming.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our King Soopers family!MINIMUM
* Excellent oral/written communication skills
* Knowledge of basic math (counting, addition, subtraction)
* Ability to handle stressful situations
* Current food handlers permit once employed
* High School Diploma or GED
* Any management experience
* Any produce/retail experience
* Second language (speaking, reading and/or writing)
* Promote trust and respect among associates, with a positive attitude
* Communicate company, department, and job specific information to associates
* Establish department performance goals and empower associates to meet or exceed targets through teamwork
* Develop adequate scheduling to manage customer volume
* Train and develop associates on their job performance and participate in the performance appraisal process
* Create an environment that enables customers to feel welcome, important and appreciated by answering questions regarding products sold within the department and throughout the store; respond to questions, make suggestions, and locate products
* Inform customers of produce specials and offer product samples to help customers discover new items
* Review/inspect products for quality and freshness and take appropriate action
* Develop and implement a department business plan to achieve desired results
* Create and execute sales promotions in partnership with store management
* Inform and educate department associates about current, upcoming and special in-store promotions, especially promo...
Type: Permanent Location: Denver, US-CO
Salary / Rate: 24.11
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:36
Provide exceptional customer service in a safe and clean environment to ensure the customer's return visit.
Treat customers/employees in a fair and ethical manner, promoting an inclusive work environment, being a responsible member of the community, providing the right products at the right time with fair and accurate pricing.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in California, Ralph's merged with The Kroger Company in 1998.
Today, we're proudly serving Ralphs customers in over 180 stores throughout the state.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Ralphs family!
Qualified applications with arrest or conviction records will be considered for employment in accordance with the Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers and the California Fair Chance Act.
If you are in need of reasonable accommodation to complete a job application or to otherwise participate in the application or pre-hiring process, please call 844-849-7136 or contact the location's management.MINIMUM
* Excellent customer service skills
* Any previous comparable experience
* Create an environment that enables customers to feel welcome, important and appreciated by answering questions regarding products sold within the department and throughout the store
* Gain and maintain knowledge of products sold within the department and be able to respond to questions and make suggestions about products
* Collaborate with associates and promote teamwork to help achieve company/store goals
* Prepare beverage selections to recipe and standards and to customer's requests using proper equipment; tender transactions using company best practices
* Offer product samples to help customers discover new items or products for which they inquire about; inform customers of coffee shop specials
* Provide customers with fresh products that they have ordered and the correct portion size (or as close as possible to the amount ordered) to prevent shrink
* Recommend coffee shop items to customers to ensure they get the products they want and need
* Use all equipment in coffee shop such as the refrigerators, freezers, slicers, and ovens according ...
Type: Permanent Location: Woodland Hills, US-CA
Salary / Rate: 19.44
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:35
Responsible for delivering the highest quality health care within The Little Clinic's scope of services while achieving optimum patient satisfaction.
These responsibilities include but are not limited to: building relationships with the patients, host store personnel and the health care community in order to enhance practice building and continuity of care.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.At The Little Clinic, we are on a mission to simplify healthcare in America.
We take pride in knowing we are helping individuals live healthier lives right in our communities.
If you have a passion for helping others, we want to hear from you! Our clinics are staffed by board-certified nurse practitioners or physician assistants, licensed practical nurses, and patient care technicians who all work as a team to supply high-quality, affordable healthcare found in convenient retail settings.
The primary focus of our healthcare team is to promote health and wellness through diagnosis and treatment of illnesses, preventative medicine, and individualized patient education.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to supply the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by supplying the value and care you need to grow.
So, whether you're looking for balanced, competitive benefits and rewards or ongoing opportunities for growth and development- we have you covered.
We are always looking for extraordinary talent to join our growing team! Minimum
- Other Master of Science in Nursing as a Family Nurse Practitioner or Bachelors Degree as a Physician Assistant
- Ability to prioritize and handle multiple projects and responsibilities
- Strong computer skills
- Excellent telephone, interpersonal and organizational skills
- Excellent oral/written communication skills
- Ability to work both independently and as part of a team
- Ability to maintain a high degree of confidentiality
- Any previous experience in retail health, emergency health, critical care
- Any experience with electronic health record charting systems
- Any experience with applicable clinical procedures
- Demonstrated leadership, coaching and influencing skills- Provide the highest quality of medical care to our patients while maintaining all company metrics for productivity
- Participate in and support Company initiatives and projects, including those that improve quality of care, achieve better health outcomes, focus on population health, collaborate with others to manage patients overall health and reduce cost of care for our patients
- Participate in peer review, quality assurance, and staff meetings with other health practitioners as required
- Ensure that a safety and quality-based healthcare environment is maintained
- Ensure that the clinic remains open for all scheduled hours
- Collaborate with the regional management in participating in a community event to pro...
Type: Permanent Location: Charlestown, US-IN
Salary / Rate: 2816.4
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:34
Create an outstanding customer experience through exceptional service.
Establish and maintain a safe and clean environment that encourages our customers to return.
Assist the department manager in reaching sales and profit goals established for the department, and monitor all established quality assurance standards.
Embrace the Customer 1st strategy and encourage associates to deliver excellent customer service.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Arizona, Fry's Food Stores merged with The Kroger Company in 1983.
Today, we're proudly serving Fry's customers in over 120 stores throughout Arizona.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Fry's family!Minimum
* Ability to handle stressful situations
* Effective communication skills
* Knowledge of basic math
* High school diploma or equivalent
* Floral experience
* Retail experience
* Second language: speaking, reading and/or writing
* Promote trust and respect among associates.
* Create an environment that enables customers to feel welcome, important and appreciated by answering questions regarding products sold within the department and throughout the store.
* Gain and maintain knowledge of products sold within the department.
* Monitor and maintain sanitation to company standards and health department regulations
* Order and maintain stock and supplies, monitors conditions and appearance of same throughout the department
* Merchandise and display products to increase sales
* Implement price changes and monitor scan integrity
* Monitor product quality, remove poor quality product
* Control and monitor inventory throughout the department and maintain FTD records
* Communicate with vendors, monitor and control inventory received
* Implement all company programs as directed and communicates purpose, objectives and procedures to team members
* Review display planners and implement to company guidelines
* Prepare and hang signs as needed
* Prepare for and perform inventory
* Attend required classes and meetings
* Review department statements, follows up on discrepancies
* Communi...
Type: Permanent Location: Sierra Vista, US-AZ
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:34
Create an outstanding customer experience through exceptional service.
Establish and maintain a safe, clean environment that encourages our customers to return.
Achieve sales and profit goals established for the department and control all established quality assurance standards.
Monitor all functions, duties and activities related to the Meat department.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.From one tiny Cincinnati grocery store more than a century ago, we've grown into what today is the nation's largest grocer with nearly 2,800 stores in 35 states operating under 28 different names.
As America's grocer, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Kroger family! Minimum
- Excellent oral/written communication skills
- Current food handlers permit once employed
- Ability to handle stressful situations
- Knowledge of basic math (counting, addition, subtraction)
- High School Diploma or GED
- Any meat/retail experience
- Any management experience
- Second language (speaking, reading and/or writing)- Promote trust and respect among associates, with a positive attitude
- Communicate company, department, and job specific information to associates
- Establish department performance goals and empower associates to meet or exceed targets through teamwork
- Develop adequate scheduling to manage customer volume
- Train and develop associates on their job performance and participate in the performance appraisal process
- Create an environment that enables customers to feel welcome, important and appreciated by answering questions regarding products sold within the department and throughout the store; respond to questions, make suggestions, and locate products
- Inform customers of produce specials and offer product samples to help customers discover new items
- Review/inspect products for quality and freshness and take appropriate action
- Develop and implement a department business plan to achieve desired results
- Create and execute sales promotions in partnership with store management
- Inform and educate department associates about current, upcoming and special in-store promotions, especially promotions that affect the department
- Prepare and submit seasonal critiques for the sales and merchandising super...
Type: Permanent Location: Nashville, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:34
Assist in the design and/or merchandising of floral items and arrangements for display/sale or in response to customer requests.
Provide various customer services.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Missouri, Gerbes merged with The Kroger Company in 1983.
Today, we're proudly serving Gerbes customers in 6 stores throughout Columbia and Jefferson City areas.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Gerbes family!Minimum
* Demonstrates effective written and oral communication skills
* Ability to read shelf tags, signs, product labels, training materials, and bulletins
* Ability to multi-task, set priorities, present information in a professional manner and work with all levels of the organization
* Personal initiative and follow through to completion
* Ability to work as part of a team in a fast-paced environment
* Possess abilities and skills for effective production, merchandising, and customer services related to sale of merchandise
* Must be able to work with various cleaning solutions, safely use sharp tools, and carefully operate all production equipment
* Past work record reflects dependability and integrity.
* Knowledge of applicable laws and regulations related to employment practices, and safety
* Experience in grocery retail and customer service
* Experience in operating a cash register and making change
* Assist and greet customers promptly and provide them with great service
* Be prompt, tactful, calm, courteous, and professional in all interactions
* Help design and create floral arrangements and/or other items to fill customer orders
* Package orders effectively, safely and efficiently
* Keep merchandise and supplies in their proper areas
* Maintain customer records and files properly
* Assist customers in location and selecting items
* Handle telephone calls and orders promptly and courteously
* Assist in decorating and merchandising the department
* Keep carts, tools, and supplies in their designated areas and well organized
* Keep floors, clean, safe, and free from clutter
* Maintain plants, process and prepare...
Type: Permanent Location: Columbia, US-MO
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:33
Position Summary:
Create an outstanding customer experience through exceptional service.
Establish and maintain a safe and clean environment that encourages our customers to return.
Assist the Customer 1 st Manager in reaching sales and profit goals established for the department and monitor all established quality assurance standards.
Assist in directing and supervising all functions, duties and activities for the Front-end department.
Support the day-to-day functions of the Front-end operations.
Responsible for assisting with the execution of best practices, goals and Front-end standards established for the department.
Accept full responsibility for the operation of the entire store in the absence of the Store Manager, Co-Manager, and Customer 1 st Manager.
Embrace the Customer 1 st strategy and encourage associates to deliver excellent customer service.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety of others.Based in California, Ralph's merged with The Kroger Company in 1998.
Today, we're proudly serving Ralphs customers in over 180 stores throughout the state.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Ralphs family!
Qualified applications with arrest or conviction records will be considered for employment in accordance with the Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers and the California Fair Chance Act.
If you are in need of reasonable accommodation to complete a job application or to otherwise participate in the application or pre-hiring process, please call 844-849-7136 or contact the location's management.
* High school diploma or equivalent
* Management experience
* Ability to handle stressful situations
* Effective communication skills
* Knowledge of basic math (counting, addition, and subtraction)
* Retail or Customer Service experience
* Create an environment that enables customers to feel welcome, important and appreciated by answering questions regarding products sold within the department and throughout the store.
* Gain and maintain knowledge of products sold within the departments and be able to respond to questions and make suggestions about products.
* Assist with monitoring and control sup...
Type: Permanent Location: Malibu, US-CA
Salary / Rate: 22.21
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:32
Create an outstanding customer experience through exceptional service.
Establish and maintain a safe and clean environment that encourages our customers to return.
Assist department manager in achieving sales and profit goals established for the department, and monitor and control all established quality assurance standards.
Work closely with the Deli/Baker Merchandising team, as well as the Deli/Bakery department to create an environment that is engaging to customers.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety of others.Based in California, Ralph's merged with The Kroger Company in 1998.
Today, we're proudly serving Ralphs customers in over 180 stores throughout the state.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Ralphs family!
Qualified applications with arrest or conviction records will be considered for employment in accordance with the Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers and the California Fair Chance Act.
If you are in need of reasonable accommodation to complete a job application or to otherwise participate in the application or pre-hiring process, please call 844-849-7136 or contact the location's management.Minimum Position Qualifications:
* Effective communication skills
* Knowledge of basic math (counting, addition, and subtraction)
* Ability to handle stressful situations
Desired Previous Job Experience
* High school education or equivalent
* Comparable Retail experience
* Gain and maintain knowledge of products sold within the department and be able to respond to questions and make suggestions about products
* Offer product samples to help customers discover new items or products they inquire about
* Inform customers of Cheese Shop specials
* Provide customers with fresh products that they have ordered and the correct portion size (or as close as possible to the amount ordered) to prevent shrink
* Measure, prepare and mix ingredients according to recipe, using variety of kitchen utensils and equipment
* Adequately prepare, package, label and inventory ingredients in merchandise
* Check product quality to ensure freshness.
Review "sell by" dates and take appropriate action...
Type: Permanent Location: Encino, US-CA
Salary / Rate: 19.44
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:29
Create an outstanding customer experience through exceptional service.
Establish and maintain a safe and clean environment that encourages customers to return.
Assist the department manager in reaching sales and profit goals established for the department and monitor all established quality assurance standards.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Colorado, City Market merged with The Kroger Company in 1983.
Today, we're proudly serving City Market customers in 34 stores throughout Colorado, Utah and Wyoming.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our City Market family! Minimum
- Ability to handle stressful situations
- Knowledge of basic math
- Effective communication skills
- Second language: speaking, reading and/or writing- Create an environment that enables customers to feel welcome, important and appreciated by answering questions regarding products sold within the department and throughout the store
- Gain and maintain knowledge of products sold within the department and be able to respond to questions and make suggestions about products
- Offer product samples to help customers discover new items or products they inquire about; prepare bakery items, including wedding cakes, per customer requests using proper bakery equipment
- Recommend bakery items to customers to ensure they get the products they want and need
- Check product quality to ensure freshness; review sell by dates and take appropriate action; use all equipment in bakery such as the refrigerators, freezers, and ovens according to company guidelines
- Decorate cakes, pastries, cupcakes, cookies and other bakery items
- Label, stock, sign, and inventory department merchandise
- Report product ordering/shipping discrepancies to the department manager
- Understand the stores layout and be able to locate products when requested by customer; stay current with present, future, seasonal and special ads
- Maintain an awareness of inventory/stocking conditions note any discrepancies in inventory
- Adhere to all local, state and federal health and civil code regulations
- Ensure that all current merchandising, customer service, labor control, expense and supply controls, loss preventi...
Type: Permanent Location: Durango, US-CO
Salary / Rate: 23.71
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:28
Provide exceptional customer service in a safe and clean environment to ensure the customer's return visit.
Treat customers/employees in a fair and ethical manner, promoting an inclusive work environment, being a responsible member of the community, providing the right products at the right time with fair and accurate pricing.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Colorado, King Soopers merged with The Kroger Company in 1983.
Today, we're proudly serving King Soopers customers in over 115 stores throughout Colorado and Wyoming.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our King Soopers family!MINIMUM
* Excellent customer service skills
* Any previous comparable experience
* Create an environment that enables customers to feel welcome, important and appreciated by answering questions regarding products sold within the department and throughout the store
* Gain and maintain knowledge of products sold within the department and be able to respond to questions and make suggestions about products
* Collaborate with associates and promote teamwork to help achieve company/store goals
* Prepare beverage selections to recipe and standards and to customer's requests using proper equipment; tender transactions using company best practices
* Offer product samples to help customers discover new items or products for which they inquire about; inform customers of coffee shop specials
* Provide customers with fresh products that they have ordered and the correct portion size (or as close as possible to the amount ordered) to prevent shrink
* Recommend coffee shop items to customers to ensure they get the products they want and need
* Use all equipment in coffee shop such as the refrigerators, freezers, slicers, and ovens according to company guidelines; prepare, package, label and inventory ingredients in merchandise
* Check product quality to ensure freshness; review "sell by" dates and take appropriate action
* Properly use kitchen equipment, espresso machine, blender, computerized scale and steamer
* Label, stock and inventory department merchandise
* Report product ordering/shipping discrepa...
Type: Permanent Location: Bennett, US-CO
Salary / Rate: 21.175
Posted: 2024-12-10 07:07:25