Werde Sortierer für Pakete in Bergneustadt im Weihnachtsverkehr vom 11.10.
- 24.12.2024
Was wir bieten
* 15,63 € Tarif-Stundenlohn
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, bezahlte Einarbeitung, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Du kannst sofort befristet in Teilzeit starten, 10,0 Stunden/Woche (kein Minijob)
* die Stelle ist befristet bis zum 24.12.2024
* eine längerfristige Beschäftigung wäre nur als Aushilfe in der Zustellung möglich
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt)
* Kostenlose Ausstattung, wie z.B.
Sicherheitsschuhe und Schutzhandschuhe
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote, wie z.B.
Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, Fitnessstudios, Modemarken etc.
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns
* Sortieren von Paketen je Zustellbezirk
* Heben von Lasten bis 31,5 kg
* Ein- und Ausladen von Paketen in Rollcontainer oder Fahrzeuge
* platzsparendes Stapeln der Pakete zur optimalen Auslastung der Transportkapazität
* Beachtung von Vorschriften zur Ladungssicherheit
+ Frühschicht von Dienstag bis Samstag ab ca.
07:00 - 09:00 Uhr
* Optional kannst Du auch Zustelltätigkeiten ausführen und auf diese Weise mehr Stunden arbeiten
Was du als Sortierer bietest
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig und bist engagiert
* Du kannst anpacken und hast Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Werde Sortierer bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Sortierer sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Briefe pünktlich ankommen.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Lagerhelfer, am besten online.
Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Bergneustadt, DE-NW
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-12 08:28:35
Werde Sortierer für Pakete in Kürten im Weihnachtsverkehr vom 11.10.
- 24.12.2024
Was wir bieten
* 15,63 € Tarif-Stundenlohn
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, bezahlte Einarbeitung, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Du kannst sofort befristet in Teilzeit starten, 10,0 Stunden/Woche (kein Minijob)
* die Stelle ist befristet bis zum 24.12.2024
* eine längerfristige Beschäftigung wäre nur als Aushilfe in der Zustellung möglich
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt)
* Kostenlose Ausstattung, wie z.B.
Sicherheitsschuhe und Schutzhandschuhe
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote, wie z.B.
Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, Fitnessstudios, Modemarken etc.
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns
* Sortieren von Paketen je Zustellbezirk
* Heben von Lasten bis 31,5 kg
* Ein- und Ausladen von Paketen in Rollcontainer oder Fahrzeuge
* platzsparendes Stapeln der Pakete zur optimalen Auslastung der Transportkapazität
* Beachtung von Vorschriften zur Ladungssicherheit
+ Frühschicht von Dienstag bis Samstag ab ca.
07:00 - 09:00 Uhr
* Optional kannst Du auch Zustelltätigkeiten ausführen und auf diese Weise mehr Stunden arbeiten
Was du als Sortierer bietest
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig und bist engagiert
* Du kannst anpacken und hast Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Werde Sortierer bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Sortierer sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Briefe pünktlich ankommen.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Lagerhelfer, am besten online.
Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Kürten, DE-NW
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-12 08:28:06
Werde Sortierer für Pakete in Overath im Weihnachtsverkehr vom 11.10.
- 24.12.2024
Was wir bieten
* 15,63 € Tarif-Stundenlohn
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, bezahlte Einarbeitung, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Du kannst sofort befristet in Teilzeit starten, 10,0 Stunden/Woche (kein Minijob)
* die Stelle ist befristet bis zum 24.12.2024
* eine längerfristige Beschäftigung wäre nur als Aushilfe in der Zustellung möglich
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt)
* Kostenlose Ausstattung, wie z.B.
Sicherheitsschuhe und Schutzhandschuhe
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote, wie z.B.
Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, Fitnessstudios, Modemarken etc.
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns
* Sortieren von Paketen je Zustellbezirk
* Heben von Lasten bis 31,5 kg
* Ein- und Ausladen von Paketen in Rollcontainer oder Fahrzeuge
* platzsparendes Stapeln der Pakete zur optimalen Auslastung der Transportkapazität
* Beachtung von Vorschriften zur Ladungssicherheit
* Frühschicht von Dienstag bis Samstag ab ca.
07:00 - 09:00 Uhr
Optional kannst Du auch Zustelltätigkeiten ausführen und auf diese Weise mehr Stunden arbeiten
Was du als Sortierer bietest
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig und bist engagiert
* Du kannst anpacken und hast Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Werde Sortierer bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Sortierer sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Briefe pünktlich ankommen.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Lagerhelfer, am besten online.
Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Overath, DE-NW
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-12 08:26:15
Du bist auf der Suche nach einem Job als Sortierer? Als Briefsortierer im Unternehmensbereich Post & Paket Deutschland von Deutsche Post DHL sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Briefe pünktlich ankommen!
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns in Hennigsdorf
* Sortieren der Briefsendungen nach verschiedenen Kriterien
* Bedienen der Sortier- und Kommissionierungsanlagen
* Heranholen der zugeführten Briefbehälter
* Leeren der Fächer und Abtransport der Briefbehälter
Was wir bieten
* 16,28 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl 50% Weihnachtsgeld, ggf.
regionale Arbeitsmarktzulage
* + 25% Nachtzulage steuerfrei schon ab 20:00 Uhr (bis 6:00 Uhr, entspricht 17,57 € Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld)
* + weitere 50 % Weihnachtsgeld im November
* + 332 € Urlaubsgeld (bei Vollzeit, Teilzeit anteilig) im Juli ab dem 2.
* Bezahlte Einarbeitung durch erfahrene Kollegen
* Du kannst sofort starten, in Teilzeit 15,0 Stunden oder seltener 20,0 Stunden
* Du arbeitest entweder Montag bis Samstag in der Tagschicht oder in der Nachtschicht ab 03:30 Uhr
* Alternativ ist ein Einsatz von Montag bis Freitag ab 18:30 Uhr möglich
* Eine Anstellung im Briefzentrum Hennigsdorf
Was du als Briefsortierer bietest
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig, hängst dich rein und bist flexibel
* Du kannst anpacken und bist körperlich fit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den Button 'Jetzt Bewerben' - auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Hennigsdorf, DE-BB
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-12 08:26:06
• SMÅRT für deine Karriere: Systemgastronomie bei IKEA – das hat zwar Würze, aber Salz und Pfeffer spielen dabei nicht die Hauptrolle.
In deiner 3jährigen Ausbildung lernst du die Grundlagen aller Bereiche von IKEA Food kennen.
Von der Zubereitung unserer typischen Speisen bis hin zur Warenpräsentation im Bistro und im Schwedenshop.
• Du lernst Gastronomie-Know-how von der warmen und kalten Küche, über Einkauf und Warenprüfung bis zur Kostenplanung
• Du lernst alles über Qualitätskontrolle und die Sicherstellung unserer hohen Standards in punkto Hygiene.
Wann planen wir deine Arbeitszeiten?
Montag bis Donnerstag im Zeitraum von 08.00 - 20.00 Uhr, Freitag 08.00 - 21.30 Uhr und Samstag 08.00 - 18.30 Uhr.
Und das ist nur der Start! Bei IKEA hast du die Möglichkeit, nach deiner Lehre in verschiedenen Bereichen zu arbeiten und Karriere zu machen: Ob Küchen oder Restaurant Manager:in, als Teamleiter:in oder in der Administration: es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, dich bei IKEA zu entwickeln.
SMÅRT für dein Konto: Bei IKEA zahlen wir über dem geltenden Kollektivvertrag.
Das heißt, du bekommst
• im 1.
Lehrjahr € 1.070,-
• im 2.
Lehrjahr € 1.270,-
• im 3.
Lehrjahr € 1.520,-
• und im 4.
Lehrjahr € 1.630 Lehrlingseinkommen.
Auf folgende Vorteile kannst du dich bei uns freuen:
• Gratis Essen für Lehrlinge im Mitarbeiter:innen Restaurant
• Nationale Lehrlingstage
• Prämien für sehr gute und gute Schulleistungen
• In- und Auslandspraktika bei guter Leistung
SMÅRT für deine Träume: weitere Vorteile bei IKEA
• 15% Rabatt für Mitarbeiter:innen
• IKEA Bonus, wenn wir unsere Jahresziele erreichen
• Egal ob Mode, Technik oder Reisen: exklusive Angebote bei unterschiedlichen
Marken und Anbietern auf dem Shopping- Portal „Corporate Benefits“
• Vergünstige Tarife für Mobilfunk, mobiles Internet, Festnetz-Internet und TV
• Mental Health ist uns wichtig! Externe Beratung in verschiedenen
Lebenssituationen und in Krisensituationen (kostenlos und anonym).
Für dich und
bei dir im Haushalt lebende Personen
Und mehr.
• Du arbeitest gerne mit Lebensmitteln – nicht nur bei der Zubereitung, sondern auch bei Präsentation und Verkauf
• Du bist ein:e Teamplayer:in und deine Kolleg:innen können sich jederzeit auf dich verlassen
• Du bewahrst stets einen kühlen Kopf – auch wenn es mal heiß hergeht
• Du bist gerne Gastgeber:in
In Schubladen denken wir nur, wenn es um Kommoden geht.
Deshalb setzen wir auf die Förderung von Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, einen bunten Mix aus Generationen, die Inklusion von Personen mit Behinderungen und einen offenen Umgang mit Religion, Glaube und Weltanschauung.
Mehr zu Lehrstellen bei IKEA findest du unter:
Type: Permanent Location: Wien, AT-9
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-12 08:22:24
Kein Minijob !!!
Werde Lagermitarbeiter / Sortierer für Briefe in Offenbach
Was wir bieten
* 16,28 € Tarif-Stundenlohn
* + 25% Nachtzulage steuerfrei schon ab 20:00 Uhr (bis 6:00 Uhr, entspricht 17,25 € Stundenlohn)
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, bezahlte Einarbeitung, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Du kannst sofort als Aushilfe / Abrufkraft starten, mind.
15 Stunden/Woche
* Kostenlose Ausstattung, wie z.B.
Sicherheitsschuhe und Schutzhandschuhe
* Übernahme bei guten Leistungen und offenen Positionen möglich
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote, wie z.B.
Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, Fitnessstudios, Modemarken etc.
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns
* Umsetzen von Paketsendungen
* Sortieren der Briefsendungen nach verschiedenen Kriterien
* Bedienen der Sortieranlagen
* Heranholen der zugeführten Brief- und Paketbehälter
* Leeren der Fächer und Abtransport der Briefbehälter
* Unsere Schichten:
* Montag bis Freitag, Wochenarbeitszeit 18 Stunden
* 04:25 Uhr bis 08:00 Uhr
* 00:00 Uhr bis 06:00 Uhr
* Montag bis Freitag ,Wochenarbeitszeit 15 Stunden
* 05:15 Uhr bis 08:15 Uhr
* 19:00 Uhr bis 22:00 Uhr
* 15:30Uhr bis 18:30 Uhr, 3 Std.
täglich von Mo-Fr.
* Was du bietest
* Du hast mindestens 3 Monate am Stück Zeit, für uns tätig zu sein
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig und bist engagiert
* Du kannst anpacken und hast Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Werde Sortierer bei Deutsche Post DHL
In deinem Nebenjob als Briefsortierer sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Briefe pünktlich ankommen.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Sortierer, am besten online.
Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Offenbach am Main, DE-HE
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-12 08:18:59
Wir suchen
Sortierkräfte / Aushilfskräfte (m/w/d) für Pakete bis Mitte Januar 25
in der Zeitlage von 07:30 Uhr bis ca.
09:30 Uhr in der 5 Tage Woche
mit einer Wochenarbeitszeit von 10 Stunden
Du bist auf der Suche nach einem Nebenjob als Sortierer? Als Paketsortierer im Unternehmensbereich Post & Paket Deutschland von Deutsche Post DHL sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Pakete pünktlich ankommen.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns
* Sortieren der Pakete auf Zustellbezirke
* Abgangsbearbeitung
* Leergut bereitstellen
* Heben und Lasten bis maximal 31,5 kg
Was wir bieten
* 15,63 € Stundenlohn, deutlich über Mindestlohn!
* Bezahlte Einarbeitung durch erfahrene Kollege
* Teilzeitbeschäftigung
* Du kannst sofort als Aushilfe starten
Was du als Aushilfe bietest
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig, hängst dich rein und bist flexibel
* Du kannst anpacken und bist körperlich fit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Sortierer für Pakete, am besten online.
Klicke dazu einfach auf den Button 'Jetzt Bewerben' - auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Hirschau, DE-BY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-12 08:17:02
Wir suchen ab sofort
Sortierkräfte / Aushilfskräfte (m/w/d) für Pakete
von Dienstag bis Samstag in der Zeitlage von 05:30 Uhr bis ca.
8:30 Uhr
mit einer Wochenarbeitszeit von 10 Stunden ggf.
Du bist auf der Suche nach einem Nebenjob als Sortierer? Als Paketsortierer im Unternehmensbereich Post & Paket Deutschland von Deutsche Post DHL sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Pakete pünktlich ankommen.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns
* Sortieren der Pakete auf Zustellbezirke
* Abgangsbearbeitung
* Leergut bereitstellen
* Heben und Lasten bis maximal 31,5 kg
Was wir bieten
* 15,63 € Stundenlohn, deutlich über Mindestlohn!
* Bezahlte Einarbeitung durch erfahrene Kollege
* Teilzeitbeschäftigung von 10 Stunden pro Woche ggf.
* Du kannst sofort als Aushilfe starten
Was du als Aushilfe bietest
* Du hast mindestens bis Mitte Januar 2023 Zeit, für uns tätig zu sein
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig, hängst dich rein und bist flexibel
* Du kannst anpacken und bist körperlich fit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Sortierer für Pakete, am besten online.
Klicke dazu einfach auf den Button 'Jetzt Bewerben' - auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Dietfurt an der Altmühl, DE-BY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-12 08:16:59
Wir suchen
Sortierkräfte / Aushilfskräfte (m/w/d) für Pakete bis Mitte Januar 25
in der Zeitlage von 07:30 Uhr bis ca.
09:30 Uhr in der 5 Tage Woche
mit einer Wochenarbeitszeit von 10 Stunden
Du bist auf der Suche nach einem Nebenjob als Sortierer? Als Paketsortierer im Unternehmensbereich Post & Paket Deutschland von Deutsche Post DHL sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Pakete pünktlich ankommen.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns
* Sortieren der Pakete auf Zustellbezirke
* Abgangsbearbeitung
* Leergut bereitstellen
* Heben und Lasten bis maximal 31,5 kg
Was wir bieten
* 15,63 € Stundenlohn, deutlich über Mindestlohn!
* Bezahlte Einarbeitung durch erfahrene Kollege
* Teilzeitbeschäftigung
* Du kannst sofort als Aushilfe starten
Was du als Aushilfe bietest
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig, hängst dich rein und bist flexibel
* Du kannst anpacken und bist körperlich fit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Sortierer für Pakete, am besten online.
Klicke dazu einfach auf den Button 'Jetzt Bewerben' - auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Berching, DE-BY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-12 08:16:58
Your Job
SRG Global is looking for a Production Operations Manager to join our team in Portageville, MO!
In this role, you will be responsible for leading the operations team around Safety, Compliance, Quality, and Customer Service.
You will also provide leadership and demonstrate a clear commitment to continually improving operations and advancing our culture.
What You Will Do
* Lead efforts to advance our company culture and business transformation
* Develop and lead a team focused on safely operating plant assets with high-quality standards
* Coach and mentor direct reports to harness their full potential, ensuring they make the greatest possible contributions to the organization
* Create an open, empowering environment that places operators at the center, facilitating collaboration and continuous improvement
* Connect the team to the company vision and implement business priorities ensuring everyone is aligned and committed
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Management experience in a manufacturing environment
* Experience coaching, mentoring and developing capability in leaders
* Experience in leading a cultural transformation
What Will Put You Ahead
* Bachelor's degree in engineering, business or related STEM degree
* Experience supervising supervisors
* Experience working in a 24/7 manufacturing facility
This role is not eligible for sponsorship.
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
As a Koch company, SRG Global is a team of creative and innovative individuals that engineer solutions for greater surface durability, structural integrity, enhanced functionality, vehicle efficiency and design flexibility.
From products such as grilles, emblems and nameplates, moldings, bezels and other trim pieces; to processes like injection molding, painting and plating; we are one of the largest manufacturers of chrome-plated plastic parts for the automotive and commercial truck industries.
At Koch, employees are empowered to do what they do best to make life better.
Learn how our business philosophy helps employees unleash their potential while creating value for themselves and the company.
Our Benefits
Our goal is for each employee, and their families, to live fulfilling a...
Type: Permanent Location: Portageville, US-MO
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-12 08:16:50
På IKEA vet vi at hjemmet ditt er mer enn et hus.
Vi mener også at arbeidet ditt skal være mer enn bare en jobb.
Hver dag jobber vi for å møte IKEAs visjon om å skape en bedre hverdag for de mange menneskene.
Sammen hjelper vi kunder med å velge løsninger og produkter som både gjør livet hjemme og planeten bedre.
På IKEA er vi mange og vi er forskjellige – og vi har plass til deg også.
Vi er først og fremst opptatt av at du inspireres av visjonen vår og deler vårt humanistiske verdigrunnlag.
Som Varehusmedarbeider ser vi spesielt etter deg som er serviceinnstilt, lærevillig, nysgjerrig og allsidig.
Du må trives i et varehus som myldrer av folk og motiveres av å gi kundene akkurat det de ønsker seg ut av sitt besøk på IKEA.
Du vil kunne flyttes rundt på ulike avdelinger og områder i varehuset etter behov.
Når du jobber som varehusmedarbeider har du en unik mulighet til å lære deg masse om de ulike arbeidsområdene på IKEA.
Du opparbeider deg en bred kompetanse som vil gi deg mange muligheter til å bygge en karriere hos oss.
IKEA Forus ser nå medarbeider til 40% stilling (fast) oppstart 01.01.25 og 71% vikariat med oppstart snarest og varer tom 30.04.25 på logistikk-teamet med utgangspunkt i Markedshallen.
Stillingen har arbeidstid dagtid, og annenhver helg, i tidsrommet 06.00-14:00
Dine ansvarsområder
I denne stillingen vil du ha ansvar for:
• Fylle på varer i Markedshallen.
Håndtering av paller som skal påfylles på salgsplasser i de ulike avdelingene.
• Sørge for at området ditt alltid ser velfylt og innbydende ut fra et kundeperspektiv.
• Varetelling og saldosikkerhet.
• Sørge for at returnerte varer fra kunder havner på korrekt plass, og meldes korrekt inn i systemet vårt.
• Bidra til at våre strenge krav til sikkerhet i alle ledd overholdes.
• Registrering av lager-transaksjoner i våre interne systemer for å sikre riktig varesaldo
• Samarbeide med kollegaer fra hele varehuset for å sikre fulle og kommersielle salgsplasser.
For å bli en av oss må du være deg selv.
Også må du like å ta i et tak og jobbe sammen med andre.
I tillegg ser vi i denne stillingen spesifikt etter deg som:
• Kan jobbe selvstendig, tar initiativ og evner å prioritere arbeidsoppgaver.
• Du er fleksibel, og evner å omstille deg raskt.
• Du er komfortabel med arbeidsdager som er preget av høyt tempo.
• Du er i god fysisk form og klar for å ta i et tak.
• Du har et godt øye for detaljer, og trives med å jobbe i et arbeidsmiljø der orden og ryddighet er i fokus
Hos oss vil du få:
• En sikker og ansvarlig arbeidsgiver.
• Grundig opplæring.
• Konkurransedyktige lønnsbetingelser.
• Gode pensjons- og forsikringsordninger.
• Personalrabatt på IKEA.
• En verden av jobb- og utviklingsmuligheter.
• Et mangfoldig og verdidrevet arbeidsmiljø.
Hvis du går videre kaller vi deg inn til et videointervju.
På et videointervju ...
Type: Permanent Location: Forus, NO-11
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-12 08:15:57
We are Alsco Uniforms.
We’ve been working hard for our customers since 1889 when we invented the uniform and linen rental industry.
Alsco Uniforms has grown into a worldwide leader serving over 350,000 customers in 13 countries.
It’s our job every day to make every aspect of the customer experience better.
Whatever our customers need, Alsco Uniforms finds the answers that work for them.
Our employees are the heart and soul of Alsco Uniforms.
As a result, we have a long history of strong financial performance, continuous improvement, and customer service.
We’re seeking driven professionals with ambition to grow within our company.
We’d love to talk to you about how you can fit into our team of diverse individuals and how your hard work will be rewarded with competitive pay and benefits and ongoing career development.
Join our team and build your career with Alsco Uniforms!
Job Summary:
The District Manager is responsible to meet or exceed Service goals in the management of a district of routes.
Reports to the Service Manager.
A DM may manage a service center and if the service center has more than 7 routes, the DM becomes classified as a Senior DM.
Our full-time employees enjoy:
401K Plan with Company Match
Medical, Dental, Vision, FSA/HSA
Life Insurance, Disability Insurance
Vacation, Sick Time, Holidays
Choice of Global Cash Card or Direct Deposit
Career Advancement
Learning & Development Opportunities
Inclusive and Diverse Team Environment
Essential Functions:
- Develop and motivate a district to be a highly productive team through continual training, regular meetings, daily check-in, fostering a positive work environment, route rides, and building strong relationships with each RSR.
- Ensure customer loyalty and outstanding customer service through customer visits, audits, new installs, problem solving, open communication and negotiating with customers.
- Ensure all company policies and procedures are followed in their district, including safety and Service SOP.
- Manage retention and growth by motivating their district to solicit new customers, up-sell/cross-sell/sample all lines of service or product and ensure a profitable product mix.
Monitor and report competitive activity.
Oversee promotions, contests and continued excellent customer relationships.
- Leading their district to success, communicate changes and policies, oversee route organization, project a professional image and require of their district likewise, and cooperatively work with other departments in the branch.
- Complete general route responsibilities when necessary.
Safely operate a delivery vehicle, following all applicable laws and company policy.
- Follow written and verbal instructions and perform other tasks as directed by supervision.
- A Senior DM performs the above functions as well as oversees a service center.
This includes securing the facility, managing inventory to ensure sufficient s...
Type: Permanent Location: Raleigh, US-NC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-11 08:43:49
We are Alsco Uniforms.
We’ve been working hard for our customers since 1889 when we invented the uniform and linen rental industry.
Alsco Uniforms has grown into a worldwide leader serving over 350,000 customers in 13 countries.
It’s our job every day to make every aspect of the customer experience better.
Whatever our customers need, Alsco Uniforms finds the answers that work for them.
Our employees are the heart and soul of Alsco Uniforms.
As a result, we have a long history of strong financial performance, continuous improvement, and customer service.
We’re seeking driven professionals with ambition to grow within our company.
We’d love to talk to you about how you can fit into our team of diverse individuals and how your hard work will be rewarded with competitive pay and benefits and ongoing career development.
Join our team and build your career with Alsco Uniforms!
Job Summary:
The District Manager is responsible to meet or exceed Service goals in the management of a district of routes.
Reports to the Service Manager.
A DM may manage a service center and if the service center has more than 7 routes, the DM becomes classified as a Senior DM.
Our full-time employees enjoy:
401K Plan with Company Match
Medical, Dental, Vision, FSA/HSA
Life Insurance, Disability Insurance
Vacation, Sick Time, Holidays
Choice of Global Cash Card or Direct Deposit
Career Advancement
Learning & Development Opportunities
Inclusive and Diverse Team Environment
Essential Functions:
- Develop and motivate a district to be a highly productive team through continual training, regular meetings, daily check-in, fostering a positive work environment, route rides, and building strong relationships with each RSR.
- Ensure customer loyalty and outstanding customer service through customer visits, audits, new installs, problem solving, open communication and negotiating with customers.
- Ensure all company policies and procedures are followed in their district, including safety and Service SOP.
- Manage retention and growth by motivating their district to solicit new customers, up-sell/cross-sell/sample all lines of service or product and ensure a profitable product mix.
Monitor and report competitive activity.
Oversee promotions, contests and continued excellent customer relationships.
- Leading their district to success, communicate changes and policies, oversee route organization, project a professional image and require of their district likewise, and cooperatively work with other departments in the branch.
- Complete general route responsibilities when necessary.
Safely operate a delivery vehicle, following all applicable laws and company policy.
- Follow written and verbal instructions and perform other tasks as directed by supervision.
- A Senior DM performs the above functions as well as oversees a service center.
This includes securing the facility, managing inventory to ensure sufficient s...
Type: Permanent Location: Rapid City, US-SD
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-11 08:43:47
Responsible for supporting the project management team in all phases of the project life cycle.
Depending on the size and complexity of the project, the project coordinator may be involved in activities such as creating project plans and schedules, coordinating resources and stakeholders, tracking progress and performance, identifying and resolving risks and issues, communicating with team members and clients, enforcing quality standards and best practices, and facilitating change management and documentation. The coordinator also assists the project management office in general administrative tasks such as purchase order creation, contract approvals, invoice payments and vendor management.
* Project Management:
+ Provide support to project managers and assist them in their daily functions and tasks (meeting coordination, minutes, deliverable sign-off and decision documentation, etc)
+ Acts as Project Manager on small to medium sized projects as required, normally under the supervision of a senior PM.
+ Vendor and contract management for the department
+ Acts as superuser for PMO management, contract and purchasing software platforms.
+ Solid organizational skills and the ability to handle multiple tasks across several projects or focus areas
* Support PMO Office:
+ Ensure timely and accurate development and maintenance of templates, tools, systems, processes, reports for supporting project and portfolio management
+ Exercise sound judgment in scheduling and rescheduling meetings in accordance with PMOs’ priorities.
+ Assist with routine administrative matters and special projects; assist in preparation of presentation and meeting materials for members of the PMO.
+ Coordinate large team meetings for PM department team members; schedule, manage logistics ; organize agenda and materials.
+ Manage scheduling and coordination for Governance and PMO meetings (involves coordination of meeting agenda and meeting materials, and ensuring that meeting materials are complete, right templates are being followed etc.).
* Communication:
+ Provide clear and visible communication to all stakeholders.
+ High facilitation and collaboration skills
* Leadership:
+ Strong leadership skills – must be able to work confidently and effectively with multiple departments and levels within the company.
+ Vision and passion for continuous improvement
* Attitude and Outlook:
+ Proactive nature, strong attention to detail, and decision-making skills
+ Persistence, resilience, and creativity to overcome obstacles and persevere until projects are delivered.
+ Detailed oriented, highly collaborative, and persistent in the face of obstacles or challenges
Technical & Functional Skills:
* Experience with Ariba and workflow management operations.
Type: Permanent Location: Raleigh, US-NC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-11 08:43:45
På IKEA er vi lidenskapelig opptatt av livet hjemme.
Bak hvert eneste IKEA-produkt ligger idéen vår om at vi skal gjøre hjemmet til et bedre sted – og å skape en bedre hverdag for de mange menneskene.
Midt blant møblene og kundene står salgsmedarbeiderne.
Som eksperter på IKEAs sortiment og livet hjemme oppfyller de daglig folks behov og drømmer.
Ikke noe annet sted er kontakten og ansvaret for kunden mer direkte.
Sammen med dine kolleger vil du skape tusenvis av gode handleopplevelser hver eneste dag.
Akkurat nå har vi flere ledige stillinger til varehuset på IKEA Furuset
20% fast stilling (Core area Bedroom and livingroom avdeling)
30% fast stilling (Core area Kitchen avdeling)
Oppstart fra 01.12.24
I denne stillingen vil du ha ansvar for:
• Maksimere salg ved å gi kundene våre den beste handleopplevelsen gjennom å finne løsninger basert på kundens behov.
• Forstår hvordan du skal bruke de ulike salgs- og kommunikasjonskanalene på IKEA, i møte med forskjellige behov hos kunden.
• Sørger for at avdelingen din er påfylt, ryddig og ren til enhver tid for å skape en god handleopplevelse for kunden.
• Tegning og salg av innredninger.
Hovedsaklig kjøkken, men også garderobeløsninger.
• Formidler lidenskap for IKEAs produkter og går aktivt inn for å lære produktenes egenskaper og fordeler, og deler denne kunnskapen med kunder og kollegaer.
• Bidrar til å skape et trivelig arbeidsmiljø der vi spiller hverandre gode.
For å bli en av oss må du være deg selv.
Også må du like å ta i et tak og jobbe sammen med andre.
I tillegg ser vi i denne stillingen spesifikt etter deg som:
• Har god fysisk helse og trives med høyt arbeidstempo.
• Kan finne ut av hva som er mulig innenfor kundens budsjett og hvilke løsninger som bør prioriteres høyest ift.
kundens behov og ønsker.
• Kan holde lengre kundemøter.
• Har interesse for hjeminnredning og interiør.
• Trives med kundekontakt.
• Erfaring fra salg er ønskelig
Hos oss vil du få:
IKEA er en sikker og ansvarlig arbeidsgiver som tilbyr konkurransedyktige lønnsbetingelser, med lønn etter tariffavtale.
Vi har gode pensjons- og forsikringsordninger, personalrabatt på IKEA, forutsigbare arbeidstider og gode muligheter for å utvikle deg videre i IKEA om du ønsker det.
Vi kan by på et mangfoldig og verdi drevet arbeidsmiljø – og vi har det gøy sammen på jobb.
Hvis du går videre kaller vi deg inn til et videointervju.
På et videointervju vil du få et sett med spørsmål som vi ønsker at du skal spille inn svar på.
Du kan enkelt spille inn dine svar med mobilen din og du får så mange forsøk du trenger, så ta deg god tid.
Husk at vi bare vil bli litt bedre kjent med deg.
Dersom du går videre til et neste intervju vil dette være et møte med din fremtidige leder på varehuset.
Alle som har søkt på en jobb hos oss vil få svar.
Dersom du ikke går ...
Type: Permanent Location: Oslo, NO-03
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-11 08:43:43
The Commons on Meridian is now hiring a Thrive Lifestyle Coordinator/Activity Director Assisted Living
What will you be doing and how will you make a difference at American Senior Communities?
* Making a difference in the lives of the residents we serve by providing care and compassion.
* Acting as a positive teammate to fellow employees by helping onboard new teammates.
* Manage and assume administrative authority, responsibility and accountability of a program of therapeutic activities designed to meet the interests and enhance the functional abilities and self-esteem of each resident in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations.
* Gather social history and gathers information to assist in building a personalized plan that meets the functional levels, needs, and interests of each resident.
* Incorporate policies, best practices and community resources to continually and systematically promote wholeness and wellness in every dimension of living for our residents.
* High school diploma or general education degree (GED) required.
* 1-2 years of experience in a social or recreational program preferred.
* One year of full-time employment in a Activities program in a health care setting.
What’s in it for you? Benefits and perks include:
* Top competitive market wages
* Paid Time Off (PTO), holiday pay and
*opportunities to earn additional PTO
* Access a portion of your earned wages before payday with PayActiv
* Paid training, skills certification & career development support
* Medical, vision & dental insurance with Telehealth option
* Medical and dependent flexible spending accounts
* 401(k) retirement plan options
* Lucrative employee referral bonus program
* Tuition assistance and certification reimbursement
* Continued education opportunities through Purdue Global & O2NE scholarship program
* Employee assistance program & wellness support
* Retail, food & entertainment discounts, and so much more
*Full-Time and Part-Time Benefits may vary, terms and conditions apply
About our Senior Living Division
Our Senior Living Division offers team members the opportunity to advance their career while working in a fast paced and rewarding environment.
We take pride in offering our residents more than just a place to rest their head.
As a member of the Senior Living division, you will have the opportunity to use your skills to enhance the lifestyles of our residents and help them explore their passions. Our whole-person centered care focuses on nurturing the physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual well-being of our residents.
The hands-on experience you will gain allows you the opportunity to create meaningful relationships with your team and our residents.
We are Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action Employer – Minority / Female / Disability / Veteran and other protected categories.
Clinical Services
Type: Permanent Location: Indianapolis, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-11 08:43:34
Culinary Manager
Bring your heart to work! Caring people make the difference at American Senior Communities!
Compassion, Accountability, Relationships and Excellence are the core values for American Senior Communities.
These words not only form an acronym for C.A.R.E., they are our guiding principles and create the framework for all our relationships with customers, team members and community at large.
American Senior Communities has proudly delivered patient centered care since the year 2000, with a long history of excellent outcomes.
Each of our 80+ American Senior Community is part of the neighborhood in which it exists.
Our leaders and staff live in surrounding areas and know the community well.
We value the same things in life that you do.
The foundation of our senior living communities is based on the knowledge that we’ll be part of your neighborhood for many, many years.
We take great pride in our hospitality and it is ingrained in everything we do.
As partners in senior care, we are not just doing a job, but following a calling.
What’s in it for you? Benefits and perks include:
* Top competitive market wages
* Paid Time Off (PTO), holiday pay and
*opportunities to earn additional PTO
* Access a portion of your earned wages before payday with PayActiv
* Paid training, skills certification & career development support
* Medical, vision & dental insurance with Telehealth option
* Medical and dependent flexible spending accounts
* 401(k) retirement plan options
* Lucrative employee referral bonus program
* Tuition assistance and certification reimbursement
* Continued education opportunities through Purdue Global & O2NE scholarship program
* Employee assistance program & wellness support
* Retail, food & entertainment discounts, and so much more
*Terms and conditions apply
What will you be doing and how will you make a difference at American Senior Communities?
* Making a difference in the lives of the residents we server by providing them with care and compassion.
* Ownership of overall management of the culinary department to ensure the department provides nourishing, attractive, well-balanced meals which meet the daily nutritional needs of each resident, consistent with laws and regulations and accepted nutritional standards while allocating department resources in an efficient and economic manner.
* Supervises culinary servers and cooks, including preparing schedule of hours worked and ensuring job specific orientation has occurred with each new employee.
Hires, trains, promote, disciplines, and/or terminates within company guidelines.
* Communicates with residents to ensure customer satisfaction.
Visits new residents to orient them to culinary services offered, and reviews culinary service section of resident handbook.
* Minimum of one year experience as Culinary Manager.
* Certification in a Dietary Manager Cours...
Type: Permanent Location: Clinton, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-11 08:43:09
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Federal Reserve Financial Services (FRFS) delivers a suite of payments services to financial institutions via FedLine® Solutions, Fedwire®, National Settlement Service (NSS), FedCash®, FedACH® (Automated Clearing House), Check Services, and the FedNow® Service.
In 2020, we undertook a strategic effort to transform FRFS from a product and support office framework to a national, enterprise-focused organization.
The enterprise structure integrated the prior retail, wholesale, cash, and customer relations product and support offices into a new organization, which was further joined by the FedNow team in early 2024.
Our North Star strategy, with the new structure, is to offer a fully integrated product suite that provides speed, resilience, and choice in meeting the payments needs of financial institutions across the United States.
Through our evolved structure, we will meet the needs of the marketplace for new products and services more quickly, seek to provide a more robust and unified customer experience across our financial service offerings, and create new career growth opportunities for FRFS staff.
We are seeking leaders to set the vision, strategy, values, and priorities that enable FRFS to achieve its mission.
Our leaders must demonstrate a strategic, action-oriented mindset focused on intellectual curiosity, agility, accountability, and the ability to drive innovation through experimentation.
To achieve our vision for a people-focused organization with a strong collaborative and innovative culture, we expect our leaders to champion an inclusive environment and demonstrate our values in how we work and interact with each other and our broader community.
We value the diversity of our people, ideas, and experiences and are committed to building an inclusive culture that is representative of the communities we serve.
We are a dynamic hybrid workplace environment that requires at least 2 days a week in the office.
As a Federal Reserve System National Business Line, it is standard practice to post FRFS positions in all twelve Districts to provide transparency and equitable opportunities for all FRS employees to apply.
Internal candidate(s) selected for this position will remain employed by their current employing District and serve as an employee of FRFS.
The selected candidate’s new job title and associated pay range will be determined by the employing District and will continue to be subject to the employing District’s people policies and practices (i.e., remote/hybrid work posture, etc.).
Your role as an Analyst
* Serve as the Payment Operations point of contact to FRFS Finance and provide strategic input and/or direction to Payment Operations Officer team for finance-related considerations
* Coordinate with Payment Operations leaders to support finance-related requests (e.g., travel forecasting and tracking, AA/cost center maintenance, budget variances)
* Build a strong u...
Type: Permanent Location: Atlanta, US-GA
Salary / Rate: 97000
Posted: 2024-10-11 08:35:57
SBA Communications is a leading independent owner and operator of wireless communications infrastructure, including towers, buildings, rooftops, DAS and small cells.
We offer a competitive benefits and compensation package and are looking for team members who will thrive in our dynamic environment.
We welcome your interest in SBA.
Let us know a little about you by checking all that apply:
* You are a self-starter.
* You are resourceful and thrive in a fast-paced environment.
* You have a strong work ethic.
* You are passionate and driven to achieve results.
* You are a team player who enjoys working in a collaborative environment.
* You continuously challenge yourself to find innovative ways to improve.
You may be a perfect fit.
At SBA, we operate with the highest sense of integrity and commitment to quality.
We focus on achievement and operate with responsiveness, timeliness and accountability.
Our culture of excellence incorporates working collegially, where every team member can contribute meaningfully and make a difference.
If you are ready to make an impact, join our team!
What You Will Do – Primary Responsibilities
Leadership and Strategy:
* Develop and implement PMO strategies, methodologies, and best practices in alignment with our strategic goals and objectives.
* Provide leadership and direction to the PMO team, fostering a culture of excellence and continuous improvement in support of each business line owner.
* Drive the creation and delivery of executive level presentations, and present new ideas and strategic initiatives to senior leadership and key stakeholders.
Program and Project Management:
* Initiate and set up large-scale programs with a strong emphasis on financial oversight, customer centric planning, and robust project set up to ensure execution success.
* Oversee data driven governance processes at regular intervals to ensure projects are on time, within scope, and within budget.
* Manage project risks and issues and implement mitigation strategies.
Customer Focus:
* Ensure all projects and programs are designed and executed with a strong focus on customer satisfaction and experience.
* Gather and incorporate customer feedback into project planning and execution.
* Present project updates and strategic initiatives in a manner that aligns customer and SBA goals, to foster mutual understanding and collaboration.
Stakeholder Management:
* Collaborate with senior leadership, and other department heads to prioritize and align projects with business objectives.
* Communicate project status, risks, and issues to stakeholders and executive management.
* Build and maintain strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
Resource Management:
* Allocate resources effectively across projects and programs, including level loading with focus on profit and loss and customer delivery.
* Ensure the project teams h...
Type: Permanent Location: Boca Raton, US-FL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-11 08:24:57
Do you want to make a difference? Do you want to grow your career at one of the industry’s leading construction firms? Put your expertise and project engineering skills to work at Austin Commercial. Austin Commercial is currently seeking a Senior Estimator for a $5 Billion Project with our Phoenix, AZ Division. We set the standard for commercial construction and we’re looking for talented construction professionals to join us.
Austin is 100% employee-owned, so every one of our employee-owners has a vested interest in our success.
As a result, we consistently meet and exceed our customers’ expectations with our commitment to safety, service, and integrity.
Join us today.
We Own It!
Prepares detailed cost estimates for proposed construction projects involving both competitive bid and negotiated type work.
* Quantity/Cost Take-Offs
* Develops accurate and concise clarifications and assumptions
* Identifies conflicts/missing data and obtains clarification on plans and specifications from design professionals
* Develops bid lists and invites subcontractors and suppliers to submit bids
* Attends design meetings with owner and architect to understand scope and requirements of project
* Understand the entire project scope and accurately account for missing/upcoming design refinements
* Works with subcontractors, designers, and owners to identify cost savings/value engineering when costs exceed owner's construction budget
* Reads RFPs and contracts to identify scope inclusions, contract terms, and risk
* Obtain and review proposals and quotes by subcontractors or vendors
* Detailed review of all documents including specifications for identification of onerous requirements
* Review and correct the work of other estimators working on the project
* Strengthen relationships with key vendors (subcontractors, suppliers, architects, etc.)
* Generally, requires 5 to 9 years of estimating experience, including competitive bid and negotiated work as well as conceptual estimating
* BS/BA in engineering, construction science, architecture, or relevant discipline strongly preferred, or equivalent combination of education and experience
* Familiarity with construction materials, means, and methods
* Advanced knowledge in building designs, systems, and construction materials
* Strong math and technology ability with an analytical mindset
* Proficient in relevant estimating and quantity take-off software
* Outstanding communication and negotiation abilities
* Thoroughness and reliability
* Excellent organizational skills
* Applicants must be legally authorized to work for ANY employer in the United States.
Austin Commercial is unable to sponsor or take over sponsorship of an employment visa for this position.
Benefits & Compensation
We offer excellent benefits including medical, dental, life and disability...
Type: Permanent Location: Phoenix, US-AZ
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-11 08:24:48
Your Job
Guardian Glass is seeking you to become our next Coater Manager in Geneva, NY!
In this role, you will be drive safety and operational excellence in a fast-paced manufacturing environment.
You must be comfortable with complex operations while working across all levels of the organization to drive vision, strategy, and execution while promoting our One Team mentality.
This position is key in the ongoing development of front-line leaders within the department, assessing both team and individual gaps/opportunities and taking action to close them.
Our Team
We are a principled based company that relies heavily on teamwork and ingenuity.
We pride ourselves on being the partner of choice for our internal and external customers.
What You Will Do
* Lead multifaceted team of supervisors, engineers and technicians to achieve reliable, stable, and predictable operations
* Foster strong partnerships with internal and external resources to apply proven practices to maintain consistent processes
* Identify, prioritize, and execute on the most profitable opportunities that drive Coater efficiency, increase throughput, and add capabilities
* Own coater production results, process stability, and process wastes
* Support the Operations Team in a 24/7/365 environment
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Thin Film Optical Process and Production Knowledge: Sputtering, vacuum processes, and equipment
* Engineering experience in a manufacturing setting
* Demonstrated experience aligning a team to safety, quality, culture, and productivity visions
* Proven leadership and coaching experience
* Experience using statistical and engineering methods to solve problems
What Will Put You Ahead
* Bachelor's degree or higher in Engineering or other STEM related field
* Glass or Ceramic Process and Production Knowledge: furnace/combustion, glass forming and annealing theory
* Knowledge of Robotics, Asset Care Strategies and Project Planning
This role is not eligible for sponsorship.
For this role, we anticipate paying $105,000 - $125,000 per year.
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
As a Koch company, Guardian Glass is one of the world's largest manufacturers of float, value-added an...
Type: Permanent Location: Geneva, US-NY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-11 08:24:05
*Starting Salary Range at $89,000/year + DOE and Bonus Opportunities
Want to help build the coolest convenience on the planet?
The Facility Operations Manager provides direct supervision to personnel involved in the maintenance and repair of Kum & Go buildings and equipment; this includes the operations of our facilities heating, air conditioning, and ventilating systems; plumbing and electrical systems, painting, and roofing.
You bring your skills, talents, and drive and we’ll give you a great place to work and a rewarding career.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
* Provide leadership to direct reports, including, but not limited to, hiring, training, and development
* Coordinate and execute strategic plans for property maintenance, repairs, and enhancement projects
* Conduct routine property inspections to identify maintenance needs, safety concerns, and ensure regulatory compliance
* Evaluate all equipment and services, and propose options to right-size equipment or make needed service adjustments
* Establish and enforce maintenance standards, protocols, and best practices across all properties in the assigned region
* Manage vendor and contractor relationships, including in the RFP process
* Oversee preventive maintenance programs and inspect work for completeness
* Process invoices, maintain accurate records, and analyze spending to identify trends and opportunities
* Participates in the annual budgeting process to determine new/replacement equipment, as well as evaluate and plan for annual service provider maintenance costs
* On-call availability beyond regularly scheduled work hours to respond to urgent calls or emergencies
* Additional responsibilities as assigned
+ Adheres to all company policies and procedures
Qualifications: Education
* Bachelor’s Degree preferred
Qualifications: Experience
* 3+ years’ experience in facilities, or property management role
* Supervisory experience preferred
* Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite
* Experience in petroleum fuel systems, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, refrigeration, roofing, concrete/asphalt parking lots and carpentry preferred
* High level of understanding of maintenance ticketing systems, preferably ServiceNow
Qualifications: Competencies
* Excellent interpersonal, verbal, & written communication skills, including strong listening skills
* Experience in exercising initiative and sound judgment in decision-making
* Willingness to voluntarily take the first steps to identify and address existing and potential obstacles, issues, and opportunities
* Ensuring the delivery of value-added, high-quality, and proactive support on a consistent basis
* The ability to support employees in their efforts to achieve job goals by providing resources, removing obstacles, and acting as a buffer
Duties and responsibilities, as required by business nec...
Type: Permanent Location: Des Moines, US-IA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-11 08:22:50
Wir suchen
Sortierkräfte / Aushilfskräfte (m/w/d) für Pakete bis Mitte Januar 25
in der Zeitlage von 06:30 Uhr bis ca.
08.30 Uhr in der 5 Tage Woche
mit einer Wochenarbeitszeit von 10 Stunden
Du bist auf der Suche nach einem Nebenjob als Sortierer? Als Paketsortierer im Unternehmensbereich Post & Paket Deutschland von Deutsche Post DHL sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Pakete pünktlich ankommen.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns
* Sortieren der Pakete auf Zustellbezirke
* Abgangsbearbeitung
* Leergut bereitstellen
* Heben und Lasten bis maximal 31,5 kg
Was wir bieten
* 15,63 € Stundenlohn, deutlich über Mindestlohn!
* Bezahlte Einarbeitung durch erfahrene Kollege
* Teilzeitbeschäftigung
* Du kannst sofort als Aushilfe starten
Was du als Aushilfe bietest
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig, hängst dich rein und bist flexibel
* Du kannst anpacken und bist körperlich fit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Sortierer für Pakete, am besten online.
Klicke dazu einfach auf den Button 'Jetzt Bewerben' - auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Parsberg, DE-BY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-11 08:18:09
Wir suchen ab sofort
Type: Contract Location: Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz, DE-BY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-11 08:18:08
Wir suchen ab sofort
Sortierkräfte / Aushilfskräfte (m/w/d) für Pakete bis Mitte Januar 25
In der Zeitlage von ca.
05.10 Uhr bis ca.
08.50 Uhr in der 5 Tage Woche
mit einer Wochenarbeitszeit von 18 Stunden
Du bist auf der Suche nach einem Nebenjob als Sortierer? Als Paketsortierer im Unternehmensbereich Post & Paket Deutschland von Deutsche Post DHL sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Pakete pünktlich ankommen.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns
* Sortieren der Pakete auf Zustellbezirke
* Abgangsbearbeitung
* Leergut bereitstellen
* Heben und Lasten bis maximal 31,5 kg
Was wir bieten
* 15,63 € Stundenlohn, deutlich über Mindestlohn!
* Bezahlte Einarbeitung durch erfahrene Kollege
* Teilzeitbeschäftigung
* Du kannst sofort als Aushilfe starten
Was du als Aushilfe bietest
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig, hängst dich rein und bist flexibel
* Du kannst anpacken und bist körperlich fit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Sortierer für Pakete, am besten online.
Klicke dazu einfach auf den Button 'Jetzt Bewerben' - auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Amberg, DE-BY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-11 08:18:07