En tant que membre de l'équipe logistique, tu prends une part active au réapprovisionnement du magasin et/ou à la préparation de commandes.
Tu veux voir à quoi ressemble notre ambiance de travail ? Clique sur Postule et découvre au bas de l'annonce complète le métier en vidéo.
Cela ne t'engage à rien ;)
• Tu contribues chaque jour avec efficacité aux tâches flux physiques et administratives nécessaires au bon déroulement du réassort, et à la préparation de commandes pour remise directe au client ou au transporteur.
• Tu contribuer à l'optimisation des flux physiques en magasin en travaillant avec économie et simplicité.
• Tu suis les règles de contrôle administratives afin de garantir la fiabilité des stocks et une disponibilité optimale pour nos clients.
• Tu veilles à respecter l'ensemble des règles de sécurité, afin d'éviter tout accident en lien avec les collaborateurs, les clients, le matériel et les locaux.
Rémunération : à partir de 1800€ brut mensuel (salaire de référence pour un temps plein).
Outre ton salaire de base qui rémunère ton travail, tes compétences et tes responsabilités, tu bénéficieras notamment de :
• Une prime de 13e mois.
• Une part de rémunération variable liée à la performance économique globale.
• Une mutuelle santé offrant des prestations de qualité, dès ton arrivée.
• Une prime d'ancienneté (au-delà de 2 ans).
• Des congés supplémentaires pour ancienneté (au-delà de 3 ans).
• La possibilité de prendre un déjeuner sain et varié pour moins de 3€.
• Une remise personnelle de 15% sur tes achats chez IKEA.
IKEA, leader international de solutions d’aménagement de la maison, poursuit depuis plus de 40 ans son développement en France avec toujours la même vision : « améliorer le quotidien du plus grand nombre ».
Animés par notre culture et nos valeurs, nous sommes passionnés par la vie à la maison.
Chez IKEA, nous vivons la culture suédoise au quotidien.
Et, comme le font les Suédois, nous nous tutoyons tous, peu importe notre poste ou notre unité.
C'est pourquoi nous le faisons aussi dès cette annonce et pendant tout le processus de recrutement !
* Tu es une personne enthousiaste, rigoureuse et tu as le sens du détail.
* Le travail physique ne te fait pas peur !
* Travailler en horaires décalés convient à ton rythme de vie (selon l'activité tu pourras avoir des horaires de nuit).
* Tu communiques facilement et tu as un esprit d'équipe.
* Tu sais organiser ton travail pour optimiser le temps disponible et tu prends des initiatives.
* Avoir l'expérience d'un poste précédent dans un environnement commercial ou logistique est un plus mais nous sommes ouverts à la variété des profils.
Type: Permanent Location: La Maxe, FR-GES
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-24 08:09:58
En tant que membre de l'équipe logistique, tu prends une part active au réapprovisionnement du magasin et/ou à la préparation de commandes.
Tu veux voir à quoi ressemble notre ambiance de travail ? Clique sur Postule et découvre au bas de l'annonce complète le métier en vidéo.
Cela ne t'engage à rien ;)
• Tu contribues chaque jour avec efficacité aux tâches flux physiques et administratives nécessaires au bon déroulement du réassort, et à la préparation de commandes pour remise directe au client ou au transporteur.
• Tu contribuer à l'optimisation des flux physiques en magasin en travaillant avec économie et simplicité.
• Tu suis les règles de contrôle administratives afin de garantir la fiabilité des stocks et une disponibilité optimale pour nos clients.
• Tu veilles à respecter l'ensemble des règles de sécurité, afin d'éviter tout accident en lien avec les collaborateurs, les clients, le matériel et les locaux.
Rémunération : à partir de 1800€ brut mensuel (salaire de référence pour un temps plein).
Outre ton salaire de base qui rémunère ton travail, tes compétences et tes responsabilités, tu bénéficieras notamment de :
• Une prime de 13e mois.
• Une part de rémunération variable liée à la performance économique globale.
• Une mutuelle santé offrant des prestations de qualité, dès ton arrivée.
• Une prime d'ancienneté (au-delà de 2 ans).
• Des congés supplémentaires pour ancienneté (au-delà de 3 ans).
• La possibilité de prendre un déjeuner sain et varié pour moins de 3€.
• Une remise personnelle de 15% sur tes achats chez IKEA.
IKEA, leader international de solutions d’aménagement de la maison, poursuit depuis plus de 40 ans son développement en France avec toujours la même vision : « améliorer le quotidien du plus grand nombre ».
Animés par notre culture et nos valeurs, nous sommes passionnés par la vie à la maison.
Chez IKEA, nous vivons la culture suédoise au quotidien.
Et, comme le font les Suédois, nous nous tutoyons tous, peu importe notre poste ou notre unité.
C'est pourquoi nous le faisons aussi dès cette annonce et pendant tout le processus de recrutement !
* Tu es une personne enthousiaste, rigoureuse et tu as le sens du détail.
* Le travail physique ne te fait pas peur !
* Travailler en horaires décalés convient à ton rythme de vie (selon l'activité tu pourras avoir des horaires de nuit).
* Tu communiques facilement et tu as un esprit d'équipe.
* Tu sais organiser ton travail pour optimiser le temps disponible et tu prends des initiatives.
* Avoir l'expérience d'un poste précédent dans un environnement commercial ou logistique est un plus mais nous sommes ouverts à la variété des profils.
Type: Permanent Location: La Maxe, FR-GES
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-24 08:09:44
Werde Sortierer für Pakete in Föhren
Was wir bieten
* 15,63 € Tarif-Stundenlohn
* Bezahlte Einarbeitung durch erfahrene Kollegen
* Du kannst ab Mitte November bis Januar 2025 als Minijob / Abrufkraft starten, ca.
10 Stunden/Woche
* Kostenlose Ausstattung, wie z.B.
Sicherheitsschuhe und Schutzhandschuhe
* Ein sicherer Arbeitgeber
* Folgende Arbeitszeiten bieten wir an: Di - Sa von 07:30 Uhr bis ca.
09:30 Uhr
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns
* Sortieren der Paketsendungen nach verschiedenen Kriterien
* Heranholen der zugeführten Paketbehälter
Was du als Aushilfe / Abrufkraft bietest
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig und bist engagiert
* Du kannst anpacken und hast Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Werde Sortierer bei Deutsche Post DHL
In deinem Nebenjob als Paketsortierer sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Pakete pünktlich ankommen.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Sortierer, am besten online.
Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben' Button - auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Föhren, DE-RP
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-24 08:09:40
Werde Sortierer für Pakete in Prüm
Was wir bieten
* 15,63 € Tarif-Stundenlohn
* Bezahlte Einarbeitung durch erfahrene Kollegen
* Du kannst ab Mitte November bis Januar 2025 als Minijob / Abrufkraft starten, ca.
10 Stunden/Woche
* Kostenlose Ausstattung, wie z.B.
Sicherheitsschuhe und Schutzhandschuhe
* Ein sicherer Arbeitgeber
* Folgende Arbeitszeiten bieten wir an: Di - Sa von 07:20 Uhr bis ca.
09:20 Uhr
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns
* Sortieren der Paketsendungen nach verschiedenen Kriterien
* Heranholen der zugeführten Paketbehälter
Was du als Aushilfe / Abrufkraft bietest
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig und bist engagiert
* Du kannst anpacken und hast Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Werde Sortierer bei Deutsche Post DHL
In deinem Nebenjob als Paketsortierer sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Pakete pünktlich ankommen.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Sortierer, am besten online.
Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben' Button - auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Prüm, DE-RP
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-24 08:09:38
• Du berätst und betreust unsere Kund:innen in den Abteilungen Schlaf- & Kinderzimmer.
• Du gehst aktiv auf Kund:innen zu und zeigst ihnen kreative und funktionale Einrichtungslösungen für ihr Zuhause.
• Du hilfst unseren Kund:innen auch bei passenden Serviceleistungen – von der Lieferung bis zur Montage.
• Du sorgst dafür, dass dein Verantwortungsbereich sauber, aufgeräumt und mit Preisen versehen ist.
SMÅRT für dein Konto:
Das Mindestentgelt für diese Position beträgt auf Basis einer Vollzeitbeschäftigung (38,5 Wochenstunden) € 2.300,- brutto pro Monat.
Diese Stelle wird in Teilzeit mit 20 Wochenstunden besetzt, das entspricht einem monatlichen Bruttoentgelt von € 1.194,81.
Deine Arbeitszeiten: Laut Dienstplan von Montag bis Samstag an 4-5 Tagen pro Woche - jeden zweiten Samstag.
Deine Benefits:
• Ein sicherer Arbeitsplatz mit einem Einstiegsgehalt über dem Kollektivvertrag in einem inklusiven und werteorientierten Unternehmen
• ONE IKEA Bonus (jährlich bei Zielerreichung für alle Mitarbeiter:innen)
• Ein Dienstplan, abgestimmt auf deine Bedürfnisse, 4 Wochen im Vorhinein
• Weiterbildungs- und Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten im In- und Ausland
• Lebens- und private Unfallversicherung
• 15% Einkaufsrabatt und vergünstigtes Essen
weitere Vorteile findest du auf IKEA.at/Jobs
• Du hast Freude im Umgang mit Menschen.
• Du hast bereits Verkaufserfahrung gesammelt – ideal.
Genauso freuen wir uns über motivierte Quereinsteiger:innen, die gerne Neues lernen und ausprobieren möchten.
• Gemeinsames Arbeiten in einem Team ist genau dein Ding.
• Du bist an Einrichtung und am alltäglichen Leben der Menschen zu Hause interessiert.
• Du packst gerne mit an und bist körperlich belastbar.
In Schubladen denken wir nur, wenn es um Kommoden geht.
Deshalb setzen wir auf die Förderung von Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, einen bunten Mix aus Generationen, die Inklusion von Personen mit Behinderungen und einen offenen Umgang mit Religion, Glaube und Weltanschauung.
Mehr zu Inklusion, Vielfalt und Gleichheit bei IKEA findest du unter:
Inklusion, Vielfalt & Gleichheit am Arbeitsplatz - IKEA Österreich
Type: Permanent Location: Graz, AT-6
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-24 08:09:35
• Du betreust unsere Kund:innen in der Abteilung Lampen & Leuchten, Heimorganisation & Aufbewahrung sowie Dekoration & Pflanzen.
• Gerne stehst du unseren Kund:innen bei Fragen helfend zur Seite.
• Du sorgst durch Nachschlichten der Ware für einen optimalen Füllgrad und bereitest die Verkaufsfächer für die Lieferung am nächsten Tag vor.
• Du arbeitest auch digital: mittels Computer und Scanner hast du den Bestand immer im Überblick und hältst ihn aktuell.
• Du sorgst dafür, dass dein Verantwortungsbereich sauber, aufgeräumt und mit Preisen versehen ist.
SMÅRT für dein Konto:
Das Mindestentgelt für diese Position beträgt auf Basis einer Vollzeitbeschäftigung (38,5 Wochenstunden) € 2.300,- brutto pro Monat.
Diese Stelle wird in Teilzeit mit 20 Wochenstunden besetzt, das entspricht einem monatlichen Bruttoentgelt von € 1.194,-.
Deine Arbeitszeiten: Laut Dienstplan von Montag bis Samstag - jeden zweiten Samstag.
Deine Benefits:
• Ein sicherer Arbeitsplatz mit einem Einstiegsgehalt über dem Kollektivvertrag in einem inklusiven und werteorientierten Unternehmen
• ONE IKEA Bonus (jährlich bei Zielerreichung für alle Mitarbeiter:innen)
• Ein Dienstplan, abgestimmt auf deine Bedürfnisse, 4 Wochen im Vorhinein
• Weiterbildungs- und Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten im In- und Ausland
• Lebens- und private Unfallversicherung
• 15% Einkaufsrabatt und vergünstigtes Essen
weitere Vorteile findest du auf IKEA.at/Jobs
• Du hast Freude im Umgang mit Menschen.
• Du hast bereits Verkaufserfahrung gesammelt – ideal.
Genauso freuen wir uns über motivierte Quereinsteiger:innen, die gerne Neues lernen und ausprobieren möchten.
• Gemeinsames Arbeiten in einem Team ist genau dein Ding.
• Du bist an Einrichtung und am alltäglichen Leben der Menschen zu Hause interessiert.
• Du packst gerne mit an und bist körperlich belastbar.
In Schubladen denken wir nur, wenn es um Kommoden geht.
Deshalb setzen wir auf die Förderung von Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, einen bunten Mix aus Generationen, die Inklusion von Personen mit Behinderungen und einen offenen Umgang mit Religion, Glaube und Weltanschauung.
Mehr zu Inklusion, Vielfalt und Gleichheit bei IKEA findest du unter: Inklusion, Vielfalt & Gleichheit am Arbeitsplatz - IKEA Österreich
Type: Permanent Location: Innsbruck, AT-7
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-24 08:08:26
Werde Lagermitarbeiter / Sortierer für Pakete in Meerbusch
Was wir bieten
* 16,28 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld
* Bis zu 332 € Urlaubsgeld (Teilzeit anteilig)
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, bezahlte Einarbeitung, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Du kannst sofort befristet in Teilzeit starten, 10-13 Stunden/Woche
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt)
* Kostenlose Ausstattung, wie z.B.
Sicherheitsschuhe und Schutzhandschuhe
* Unbefristete Übernahme und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten (bspw.
Teamleiter) bei guten Leistungen und offenen Positionen möglich
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote, wie z.B.
Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, Fitnessstudios, Modemarken etc.
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns
* Sortieren der Paketsendungen nach verschiedenen Kriterien
* Heranholen der zugeführten Behälter
* Abtransport der Behälter
* Arbeitszeit Dienstags bis Samstags zwischen 07:00 und 09:30 Uhr
Was du als Briefsortierer bietest
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig und bist engagiert
* Du kannst anpacken und hast Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Werde Sortierer bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Paketsortierer sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Pakete pünktlich ankommen.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Lagerhelfer, am besten online.
Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Meerbusch, DE-NW
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-24 08:08:23
Bei Johnson & Johnson glauben wir, dass Gesundheit alles ist.
Unsere Stärke im Bereich der Gesundheitsinnovation befähigt uns, eine Welt zu schaffen, in der komplexe Krankheiten verhindert, behandelt und geheilt werden und Behandlungen intelligenter, weniger invasiv und Lösungen persönlich sind.
Durch unsere Expertise in innovativer Medizin und MedTech sind wir in der einzigartigen Position, innovative Lösungen in das gesamte Spektrum der Gesundheit zu injizieren, um die Durchbrüche von morgen zu erzielen.
Wir verbinden Wissenschaft, Technologie und Entschlossenheit, um die Gesundheit der Menschheit tiefgreifend zu verbessern.
Erfahren Sie mehr unter https://www.jnj.com/
DePuy Synthes, part of Johnson & Johnson MedTech, ist das weltweit führende Orthopädie- und Traumatologie-Unternehmen für Produkte und Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen Gelenksrekonstruktion, Traumatologie, Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, Sportmedizin, Neurochirurgie, Gesichts-, Kiefer- und Schädelchirurgie, Power Tools und Biomaterialien.
Aufbauend auf viele Jahre an Erfahrung und Tradition in Verbindung mit Wissenschaft und Technologie bildet DePuy Synthes als flexible und innovative Organisation die Basis zur Gestaltung des weltweiten Gesundheitsmarktes.
Um unseren Wachstumskurs weiter voranzutreiben, sind wir auf der Suche nach Talenten mit neuen Ideen, Passion und Teamgeist, die mit uns gemeinsam den österreichischen Medizinproduktemarkt aktiv gestalten möchten.
Für das Gebiet Tirol im Außendienst suchen wir in Österreich zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine(n)
Type: Permanent Location: Wien-Umgebung, AT-9
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-24 08:07:44
ERM is seeking a motivated and dynamic Managing Consultant, Corporate Sustainability to join North America’s growing Corporate Sustainability Advisory service area.
In this client facing role, the Managing Consultant will primarily focus on leading client projects and delivery of high-quality client work.
Consultants in the Corporate Sustainability Advisory team work on a wide range of interesting strategic and operational projects, including materiality assessments, developing sustainability/ESG strategy and goals, writing sustainability/ ESG reports, and responding to ESG (environmental, social and governance) ratings and rankings.
The team also works closely with colleagues in the Climate and Transaction practices on projects such as ESG diligence, GHG inventories and climate risk assessments.
The ideal candidate will have broad experience and subject matter expertise in corporate sustainability/ESG strategy, reporting and disclosure and project management; she/he will have a proven record of helping clients design sustainability/ESG strategies, deliver sustainability/ESG reporting, and/or realize strategy implementation programs.
The successful candidate will be able to work with and provide direction to a first-class delivery team.
ERM has enduring values, which are fundamental to our business conduct.
We are passionate about our people, their safety, well-being and development.
ERMers take accountability, are client-focused, and collaborate with colleagues across geographies.
If you share our values, believe in sustainability, and are motivated by opportunities to shape, and grow sustainability service team that makes a real impact to our client’s businesses, ERM is the right place for you.
Key duties will be to lead ESG strategy and disclosure projects, contribute to business development in our Corporate Sustainability advisory service area, and develop support staff to enable ERM to make a significant and measurable change in moving companies toward sustainable business models.
Managing clients and projects
* Support the development and delivery of projects related to our core service areas of Sustainability Advisory.
Responsible for completing projects in line with quality, time, and budget constraints.
Use proven methodologies for assessing materiality and driving robust reporting (e.g., GRI, SASB, TCFD) and a strategic framework to respond to investor surveys (e.g., CDP, DJSI, MSCI, Sustainalytics, ISS).
* Deliver multiple simultaneous client engagements of varying size, scope and complexity.
* Build strong and trusted relationships with clients and/or business partners.
* Demonstrates strong analytical skills, excellent writing and presentation skills, and a mastery of PowerPoint.
* Show strong project management skills and oversight through the project lifecycle, including scoping, budget and delivery, teamwork and organization.
* The successful candidate will be ...
Type: Permanent Location: Washington, US-DC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-24 08:07:05
Great home furnishings—and great careers—start at American Freight.
Founded in 1994, today we have more than 370 direct-to-consumer, warehouse-style stores.
As one of the fastest-growing US retailers specializing in furniture, mattresses, and appliances, now is the perfect time to join our team of more than 3,500 employees.
We foster an inclusive culture and work hard to retain top talent.
Our focus on promoting from within has led to hundreds of internal advancements into management and leadership positions.
In the past three years we’ve opened nearly 200 American Freight stores, with more to come in the days ahead.
Our story is still unfolding, come grow with us!
The Store Director is responsible for leading all aspects of the store.
He/she oversees staffing, sales, merchandising, operations, and all other functions within the store, by managing a team of salaried, full-time, and part-time hourly associates.
The Store Director is responsible for the overall financial performance of the store, including achieving planned sales, margin, and profit goals.
Additionally, the Store Director is accountable for customer satisfaction, associate morale, and inventory management.
Responsibilities & Duties:
Driving Sales and Store Performance:
* Role models behaviors for all members of their assigned District Team.
Owns and promotes our Code of Conduct, established standards, and responsible for developing and maintaining American Freight cultural values across all team members.
* Responsible for hiring, training, and developing a highly productive and diverse team of managers and associates.
* Leads the store to ensure achievement of financial goals that include but are not limited to revenue, margin, expense, cost recovery, customer satisfaction, and inventory shrinkage.
* Directly oversees all sales related initiatives including implementation of the defined selling process, achievement of sales targets, financing targets, protection plan targets and other miscellaneous income opportunities within store.
* Oversees and manages the Operations Manager, to ensure all operations of the business meet standards and expectations. This includes, but is not limited to warehouse operations, delivery operations, inventory management and execution of daily tasks and activities assigned to the store location.
* Ensures execution of all Retail Non-Negotiable Standards. This includes but is not limited to staffing standards, brand standards, presentation/signing standards, selling processes, inventory management processes and others as defined.
* Manages the overall customer experience, including the in-store experience, response to online customer reviews, resolution of customer complaints, and other customer issues as they arise.
* Partners with District Manager to address business opportunities within the store.
* Hires and maintains an active and productive sales force, and w...
Type: Permanent Location: Stone Mountain, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-24 08:06:36
Great home furnishings—and great careers—start at American Freight.
Founded in 1994, today we have more than 370 direct-to-consumer, warehouse-style stores.
As one of the fastest-growing US retailers specializing in furniture, mattresses, and appliances, now is the perfect time to join our team of more than 3,500 employees.
We foster an inclusive culture and work hard to retain top talent.
Our focus on promoting from within has led to hundreds of internal advancements into management and leadership positions.
In the past three years we’ve opened nearly 200 American Freight stores, with more to come in the days ahead.
Our story is still unfolding, come grow with us!
The Store Director is responsible for leading all aspects of the store.
He/she oversees staffing, sales, merchandising, operations, and all other functions within the store, by managing a team of salaried, full-time, and part-time hourly associates.
The Store Director is responsible for the overall financial performance of the store, including achieving planned sales, margin, and profit goals.
Additionally, the Store Director is accountable for customer satisfaction, associate morale, and inventory management.
Responsibilities & Duties:
Driving Sales and Store Performance:
* Role models behaviors for all members of their assigned District Team.
Owns and promotes our Code of Conduct, established standards, and responsible for developing and maintaining American Freight cultural values across all team members.
* Responsible for hiring, training, and developing a highly productive and diverse team of managers and associates.
* Leads the store to ensure achievement of financial goals that include but are not limited to revenue, margin, expense, cost recovery, customer satisfaction, and inventory shrinkage.
* Directly oversees all sales related initiatives including implementation of the defined selling process, achievement of sales targets, financing targets, protection plan targets and other miscellaneous income opportunities within store.
* Oversees and manages the Operations Manager, to ensure all operations of the business meet standards and expectations. This includes, but is not limited to warehouse operations, delivery operations, inventory management and execution of daily tasks and activities assigned to the store location.
* Ensures execution of all Retail Non-Negotiable Standards. This includes but is not limited to staffing standards, brand standards, presentation/signing standards, selling processes, inventory management processes and others as defined.
* Manages the overall customer experience, including the in-store experience, response to online customer reviews, resolution of customer complaints, and other customer issues as they arise.
* Partners with District Manager to address business opportunities within the store.
* Hires and maintains an active and productive sales force, and w...
Type: Permanent Location: Morganton, US-NC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-24 08:06:35
The Hospice Administrator is responsible for the overall direction of Anew's hospice services.
Other responsibilities include:
* the employment of qualified hospice personnel
* the provision of hospice services, directly, and the delegation to and coordination of hospice personnel evaluations
* establishing standards of care to comply with federal and state regulations and guidelines
The Hospice Administrator establishes, implements and evaluates goals and objectives for hospice services that meet and promote the standards of quality and contribute to the total organization and philosophy.
Anew Hospice is Indiana-owned and operated with Hoosier hospitality ingrained in everything we do.
We're committed to providing compassionate care, clinical excellence, and outstanding customer service to our patients and their families at the end of life.
Creating a positive experience through comfort and support is our number one priority.
Job Duties of this rewarding position include:
* Operational planning and budgeting.
* Ensuring organizational compliance with legal, regulatory and accreditation requirements.
* Assures that all business conduct is above the minimum standards required by law and will not condone any
activities that achieve results through violation of the law, unethical business or patient care practices.
* Monitoring business operations to insure financial stability.
* Evaluating hospice services and personnel using measurable outcomes and objectives.
* Conflict and complaint management and resolution.
* Establishing and maintaining effective channels of communication including integration or technology, as
* Ensuring hospice personnel stay current with clinical information and practices.
* Ensuring adequate and appropriate staffing.
* Staff development including orientation, in-service, continuing education, competency testing and quality
assessment performance improvement.
* Ensuring that interdisciplinary care is provided.
Job Requirements:
* Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Business Administration, or related field; Master’s degree preferred.
* At least three (3) years' experience in health care marketing management, preferably in-home care
At least one-year experience in sales preferred.
* Ability to market aggressively and deal tactfully with customers and the community.
* Knowledge of corporate business management.
* Demonstrates excellent communications, negotiation, and public relations skills.
* Demonstrates autonomy, organization, assertiveness, flexibility and cooperation in performing job responsibilities.
* Ability to effectively read, write, speak and understand English.
We offer an attractive compensation and excellent benefits package including:
* Medical/Dental/Vision insurance available
* Employees can access convenient telehealth s...
Type: Permanent Location: Fort Wayne, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-23 08:50:32
Volunteer Manager
The Volunteer Manager is responsible for planning, coordinating, and managing all volunteer program activities in Anew Hospice in Ft.
Anew Hospice is Indiana-owned and operated with Hoosier hospitality ingrained in everything we do.
We're committed to providing compassionate care, clinical excellence, and outstanding customer service to our patients and their families at the end of life.
Creating a positive experience through comfort and support is our number one priority.
Job Duties of this rewarding position include:
* Develop and maintain volunteer training and orientation program.
* Recruits, educates, and selects volunteers from at least three (3) recruitment sessions a year.
* Establish a need for volunteer services with the patient/client and family/caregiver and entire hospice team.
* Supervise and evaluate volunteers in a timely and appropriate manner.
* Maintains monthly statistics.
* Maintains current volunteer records.
* Re-evaluate volunteer program as necessary.
* Coordinate support/education meetings.
* Attends interdisciplinary group meetings.
* Provides information to individuals and community groups about hospice volunteer services.
* Participates as needed in the budget preparation for program development.
* Actively participates in quality assessment performance improvement teams and activities.
* Accepts and performs other related duties and responsibilities.
* Demonstrates C.A.R.E.
values to our patients/clients, family members, customers and staff.
* Complies with the company's privacy practices/procedures and all state/federal privacy laws as outlined by HIPAA related to patient/client and employee records, to include but not limited to information accessed through any company web-based system and/or electronic medical records.
* Demonstrates teamwork and prompt and regular attendance to work to ensure that quality care and services are provided to the patients/clients we serve.
* Complies with and adheres to the appropriate use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required by the Bloodborne Pathogens Standards, Protective Personal Equipment (PPE), including personal protective equipment for eyes, face, extremities, protective clothing, and protective shield and barriers, will be provided, used, and maintained.
Job Requirements
* High School Degree, College Degree preferred.
* Minimum of two (2) years' experience in a health care setting.
Hospice and/or volunteer experience preferred.
* Experience managing volunteers preferred.
We offer an attractive compensation and excellent benefits package including:
* Medical/Dental/Vision insurance available
* Employees can access convenient telehealth services
* 401k
* Monday-Friday work schedule
* Mileage reimbursement
* Employee Referral Program – get paid to refer a friend to join our team
We are Equal...
Type: Permanent Location: Fort Wayne, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-23 08:50:32
We are Alsco Uniforms.
We’ve been working hard for our customers since 1889 when we invented the uniform and linen rental industry.
Alsco Uniforms has grown into a worldwide leader serving over 350,000 customers in 13 countries.
It’s our job every day to make every aspect of the customer experience better.
Whatever our customers need, Alsco Uniforms finds the answers that work for them.
Our employees are the heart and soul of Alsco Uniforms.
As a result, we have a long history of strong financial performance, continuous improvement, and customer service.
We’re seeking driven professionals with ambition to grow within our company.
We’d love to talk to you about how you can fit into our team of diverse individuals and how your hard work will be rewarded with competitive pay and benefits and ongoing career development.
Join our team and build your career with Alsco Uniforms!
Job Summary:
The Feeder/Folder continuously grasps, sorts and grades clean textiles and then either folds by hand or feeds into an ironer or folding machine for final finishing.
Performs other tasks as required.
Our full-time employees enjoy:
401K Plan with Company Match
Medical, Dental, Vision, FSA/HSA
Life Insurance, Disability Insurance
Vacation, Sick Time, Holidays
Choice of Global Cash Card or Direct Deposit
Career Advancement
Learning & Development Opportunities
Inclusive and Diverse Team Environment
Essential Functions:
- Grasp textiles from a cart/bin then sort, inspect and grade according to quality standards.
- Fold, assemble and package by hand different types and sizes of textiles.
- Feed different types and sizes of textiles into ironers or folding machines.
- Place finished product onto conveyors or into carts, dump slings of product onto work tables.
- Move loaded or empty carts/bins within the production area.
- Process textiles according to type and written packing instructions.
- Continuously meet efficiency and safety standards for the position.
- Follow instructions as directed by supervision.
- Keep work area neat and clean.
Additional Functions:
- Work in other production positions as needed.
- Recognize colors and sizes, count and sort accurately.
- Recognize, inspect and grade product.
- Comprehend and follow written packing instructions.
- Comprehend and follow direction.
Typical Physical Activity:
- Physical Demands consist of standing, walking, reaching overhead, pushing, pulling, grasping, lifting up to 25 lbs.
and stooping.
- Physical Requirements consist of being able to meet the physical demands for the entire shift.
Typical Environmental Conditions:
- Production areas of a typical industrial laundry facility, which includes variations in temperature, odors, humidity, lint and dust.
Travel Requirements:
- none.
- none.
For a general description of benefits that are being offered for this position, please visit ...
Type: Permanent Location: Pompano Beach, US-FL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-23 08:50:07
Werde Lagermitarbeiter / Sortierer für Pakete in Marsberg
01.10.2024 - 18.01.2025
(Dienstag - Samstag 2 Stunden täglich)
Was wir bieten
* 16,28 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld
* Weitere 50% Weihnachtsgeld im November
* Bis zu 332 € Urlaubsgeld
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, bezahlte Einarbeitung, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Du kannst sofort befristet in Teilzeit vom 01.10.2024 bis zum 18.01.2025 starten, 10 Stunden/Woche, 2 Stunden/Tag
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt)
* Kostenlose Ausstattung, wie z.B.
Sicherheitsschuhe und Schutzhandschuhe
* Unbefristete Übernahme und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten (bspw.
Teamleiter) bei guten Leistungen und offenen Positionen möglich
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote, wie z.B.
Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, Fitnessstudios, Modemarken etc.
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns
* Sortieren der Paketsendungen auf Zustellbezirke
* Heranholen der zugeführten Paketrollbehälter
* Leeren der Fächer und Abtransport der Paketbehälter
* Unsere Schichten von Dienstag bis Samstag:
+ Tagschicht täglich 2 Stunden von Dienstag bis Samstag von 08:30 bis 10:30 Uhr
Was du als Paketsortierer bietest
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig und bist engagiert
* Du kannst anpacken und hast Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Werde Sortierer bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Paketsortierer sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Briefe pünktlich ankommen.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Lagerhelfer, am besten online.
Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Marsberg, DE-NW
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-23 08:41:58
This position’s primary responsibility will be to successfully manage relationships with the plant’s salary, non-exempt and hourly employees for the manufacturing facility.
The position is highly technical in systems, responsible for administration of all HR duties and functions.
Reporting directly to the HR Manager, this position will support the operations team in all areas of HR to include:
* Employee Relations
* Staffing & Retention
* Investigations
* Laws, Policy & Procedure Development
* Benefits
* Training
* Payroll
* Projects
* Organizational Effectiveness
* Provides tactical HR support to manufacturing managers and employees, implementing programs/policies/processes.
* Develops relationships with internal business managers/supervisors to partner in decision-making and resolve issues.
* Demonstrates leadership in employee relations.
Coaching managers and employees to continuously improve performance.
* Coordinates the implementation and administration of HR programs and processes, including staffing, performance management, training and development, and employee relations.
* Coordinates the employment of hourly employees to include the job posting process, interviewing and screening.
* Facilitates employee orientation program.
* Ensures compliance with laws/regulations.
* Administers the hourly employee performance management program which includes annual evaluation and disciplinary processes.
* Maintains employee records and documentation to meet Vallourec Standard Operating Procedures, HR’s Standard Operating Procedures, Federal, State, and Local compliance requirements.
* Enter and maintain employee electronic records in Ultipro, Kronos and the Access database including new hires, transfers and terminations, to include running reports.
* Maintain, run and distribute reports for various departments such as temp hours, employee hours, monthly headcount, manpower, and NA global.
* SAP purchase requests.
* Process pre-hire, new hire documentation, scheduling and provide employees with HR training.
* Review Kronos timesheets each Monday and remit time approval notification to Corporate Payroll.
* Maintain and process payroll exception report to Corporate Payroll for bi-weekly payroll, review pre-check detail and notify of any corrections.
* Provide HR site support as needed for North America Human Resources.
* Complete verification of wages request in a timely manner.
* Complete and manage projects like KPIs, Audits, Performance Improvement Plan among others.
* Other duties as assigned and supports other HR functions as needed.
8-10 years minimum of experience in HR administrative duties, payroll experience a plus.
Technically driven.
Detail orientated, good organizational skills, ability to handle mult...
Type: Permanent Location: Houston, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-23 08:41:38
The Assistant Corporate Controller will be responsible for consolidated accounting and reporting for corporate departments and corporate level balance sheet accounts.
This role contributes to the team to further share knowledge, processes, and ensures lessons learned are documented.
The Assistant Corporate Controller, you will work closely with the Corporate Controller to oversee all aspects of financial reporting, accounting operations, and internal controls within our organization.
Your role will involve managing day-to-day accounting activities, assisting with financial analysis, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
* Assist the Corporate Controller in supporting the daily operations of the accounting department which includes all internal financial reporting, general ledger accounting, operational accounting, accounts payable, accounts receivable, fixed assets, GAAP compliance and internal controls.
* Ensure compliance with accounting policies and procedures within the Holding Company and corporate accounting to provide consolidated financial information which can be relied on for the data's integrity.
* Provide maintenance of the chart of accounts ensuring it is reflective of the business environment, efficiently constructed and always up to date; processing and documenting all changes, to provide for improved financial reporting and broad-based process efficiency.
* Monthly reconciliation of liability and asset accounts including payroll, general accounts payable, construction in progress, fixed asset, prepaids, etc.
* Manage, maintain and reconcile the fixed asset system.
* Produce consolidated financial statements within the reporting deadlines.
* Manage the Holding Company month end closing and reporting processes.
* Maintain governmental compliance, reporting and participate in audits as needed.
* Collaborate with FP&A to create and provide monthly management financial reporting decks and the budgeting process.
* Support annual goodwill, intangible asset, and long-lived asset impairment analyses.
* Support the Corporate Controller in accumulating and assembling information needed for financial audits and preparation of income tax returns.
* Other duties as needed.
* Bachelor’s degree in Accounting.
* 4+ years of relevant experience.
* Knowledge of local, state, and federal laws and regulations.
* Proficiency in computer systems including Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint, electronic scheduling and e-mail, and financial planning software.
* Organizational Skills: The ability to manage time, prioritize tasks, and meet deadlines.
Examples include time management, multitasking, and project management.
* Communication: The ability to express ideas clearly and effectively, both verbally and in writing.
Type: Permanent Location: Coeur d Alene, US-ID
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-23 08:40:55
Werde Lagermitarbeiter / Sortierer für Pakete in Ratingen
Was wir bieten
* 16,28 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld
* Bis zu 332 € Urlaubsgeld (Teilzeit anteilig)
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, bezahlte Einarbeitung, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Du kannst sofort befristet in Teilzeit starten, 10-13 Stunden/Woche
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt)
* Kostenlose Ausstattung, wie z.B.
Sicherheitsschuhe und Schutzhandschuhe
* Unbefristete Übernahme und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten (bspw.
Teamleiter) bei guten Leistungen und offenen Positionen möglich
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote, wie z.B.
Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, Fitnessstudios, Modemarken etc.
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns
* Sortieren der Paketsendungen nach verschiedenen Kriterien
* Heranholen der zugeführten Behälter
* Abtransport der Behälter
* Arbeitszeit Dienstags bis Samstags zwischen 07:00 und 09:30 Uhr
Was du als Briefsortierer bietest
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig und bist engagiert
* Du kannst anpacken und hast Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Werde Sortierer bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Paketsortierer sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Pakete pünktlich ankommen.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Lagerhelfer, am besten online.
Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Ratingen, DE-NW
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-23 08:34:09
GENUINE HOSPITALITY IS AN OPEN-DOOR POLICY: Our leaders are accountable to ensure our team members effortlessly provide memorable moments to our guests...we refer to them as "Big Sky Moments." They set clear expectations by providing direction and honest feedback that offers praise, performance improvement and career development.
Our leaders uphold all standards of operational excellence, which impact the overall sales and profitability of the restaurant.
PERFECT COMBINATION: If you’re an inspirational leader who enjoys working in a chef-driven restaurant committed to a precise kitchen (no compromises, no short-cuts, no matter what) with a commitment to sustainability, you and Ted’s could be a perfect match.
* 3+ years of restaurant management
* Polished casual, upscale or fine dining experience (preferred)
* Experience in scratch kitchen environments (preferred)
* Stable job history
* Solid business acumen – P&L, scheduling, ordering/inventory
* High School or equivalent
Are you a driven leader looking for a career in a fast-paced scratch kitchen serving locally-sourced ingredients? If so, we could be the perfect recipe.
Just like we are committed to serving the highest quality dishes, we are committed to the success of our Management Team.
We have created a culture of food and hospitality where success is owed to group effort, and everyone takes ownership.
The values and ideals shared at Ted’s are not the founders’ alone.
Every team member past and present has built the proud culture you see at Ted’s today.
We invite you to contribute to this legacy through your unique talents and personality.
Ted’s Montana Grill is proud to be an Equal Opportunity and e-Verify employer.
We take great pride in ensuring all guests receive a warm and memorable experience leaving them feeling better than when they came in.
From a bowl of half sours to our two-dollar bills, we empower each team member to deliver Big Sky Moments in ways that are natural and effortless to Ted’s and our guests.
Our restaurants represent classic saloons of the 19th century where cattlemen and land barons found a little relaxation after a hard day’s work.
We believe in leaving a better world for future generations.
You’ll see this in our commitment to local growers, the paper straws, the Boraxo soap in our restrooms and sustainable choices in our kitchen operations.
We are steadfast in our commitment to people, product and prosperity.
Ted’s Montana Grill develops and encourages people to become leaders and engage the hearts and minds of our teams.
Type: Contract Location: Westborough, US-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-23 08:32:22
At Elanco (NYSE: ELAN) – it all starts with animals!
As a global leader in animal health, we are dedicated to innovation and delivering products and services to prevent and treat disease in farm animals and pets.
We’re driven by our vision of ‘Food and Companionship Enriching Life’ and our approach to sustainability – the Elanco Healthy Purpose™ – to advance the health of animals, people, the planet and our enterprise.
At Elanco, we pride ourselves on fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment.
We believe that diversity is the driving force behind innovation, creativity, and overall business success.
Here, you’ll be part of a company that values and champions new ways of thinking, work with dynamic individuals, and acquire new skills and experiences that will propel your career to new heights.
Making animals’ lives better makes life better – join our team today!
Objective of the Position:
Provide end to end Order-to-Cash Management (Order Management, Credit Management, Cash Application and Collection) support to Elanco’s Affiliate in accordance with established processes and work procedures and in compliance with Elanco policies, Financial Reporting Compliance (FRC), local company legal and statutory requirements.
Support on the team development, resources and responsibilities are allocated across team members to deliver business results.
Resource strategy is flexible enough to respond to demand variations.
Lead and manage budget for medium size project or program with minimal to moderate risk and resource/financial requirements.
Key recourse within business area.
Support and work with Regional/Global Leaderships team to design future ESC services in an efficient and mutually beneficial manner.
Establishes key relationship with those outside business area and identifies internal or external customer requirements to develop solution that meet customer needs.
Functional Task (including but not limited to):
* Ensure efficient and effective management of Order Management activities for domestic and export market in APAC Region, providing guidance and support as needed and ensuring compliance with established processes and procedures
* Ensure all requests are processed according to the established work instruction and process definition guideline, accuracy and the completeness of the creation/change request processed should be ensured.
* Actively work or establish partnership with various internal or external cross-functional stakeholders to maintain effective relationships and ensure efficient and compliant processes.
* Requires anticipate or analysis of possible solutions to solve a range of problems that has impact within related function/department or across a large business area.
* Continuously strengthen the compliance culture within the team by ensuring that the delivery of internal controls, standards or rules, and service level and KPI targets is regularly re...
Type: Permanent Location: Petaling Jaya, MY-10
Salary / Rate: 274000
Posted: 2024-10-23 08:26:48
Job summary:
We are looking for an experienced Senior Web Developer to join our team.
The ideal candidate should have a strong background in web application development and be proficient in languages such as Ruby/React, or another scripting language.
Primary Functions:
Please provide us with a few details about the roles and responsibilities that this person would be expected to undertake
Candidate will be focused on frontend web development as part of a multi-disciplinary agile team utilizing scripting languages such as Ruby, React and Svelte.
The Candidate will initially work (2-3m) as part of a development team producing software to support the provision of neurodiversity testing within businesses, primarily utilizing React, HTML and CSS
Following the above the candidate will work as part of a development team utilizing Ruby and Svelte to enhance existing products within the Genial Brands portfolio.
Job Qualifications:
The qualifications we are looking for are mixture of work experience and educational background.
They are split into Minimum Qualifications (must have) and Additional Qualifications (nice to have) along with soft skills (competencies) needed for the role:
Minimum Qualifications:
8+ years of web application development experience Expertise in Svelte and React.
Strong understanding of SQL and database management systems Expertise in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as well as JS frameworks Familiarity with web frameworks (Ruby on Rails, Laravel, Django) Experience with version control systems (Git)
Additional Qualifications:
Ruby and Ruby on Rails Cloud platforms (Azure) Pipelines Mac, Linux, and Kubernetes (K8S)
Behavioral Skills:
Curious and exploratory
Works as a team, willing to pickup tasks not related to defined role (Testing etc)
Speaks up and willing to have input in discussions.
The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed
by people assigned to this job.
It is not designed to be utilized as a comprehensive list of all duties,
responsibilities, and qualifications required of employees assigned to this job.
Type: Permanent Location: Mumbai, IN-MH
Salary / Rate: 108333
Posted: 2024-10-23 08:26:41
SBA Communications is a leading independent owner and operator of wireless communications infrastructure, including towers, buildings, rooftops, DAS and small cells.
We offer a competitive benefits and compensation package and are looking for team members who will thrive in our dynamic environment.
We welcome your interest in SBA.
Let us know a little about you by checking all that apply:
* You are a self-starter.
* You are resourceful and thrive in a fast-paced environment.
* You have a strong work ethic.
* You are passionate and driven to achieve results.
* You are a team player who enjoys working in a collaborative environment.
* You continuously challenge yourself to find innovative ways to improve.
You may be a perfect fit.
At SBA, we operate with the highest sense of integrity and commitment to quality.
We focus on achievement and operate with responsiveness, timeliness and accountability.
Our culture of excellence incorporates working collegially, where every team member can contribute meaningfully and make a difference.
If you are ready to make an impact, join our team!
Your Next Career Opportunity – Program Manager, Connectivity Solutions
The Program Manager is responsible for the successful execution and coordination of multiple, complex projects and strategic initiatives across the Connectivity Solutions team.
This individual will collaborate closely with cross-functional teams, including Service Providers, Engineers, Business Developers, OEMs, Operations, and Legal, to ensure projects are delivered on time, within budget, and meet the highest quality standards.
What You Will Do – Primary Responsibilities
* Develop and execute comprehensive project plans and timelines for multiple interrelated projects.
* Oversee and coordinate project activities, ensuring alignment with overall business objectives.
* Build and maintain strong relationships with key stakeholders, including internal and external partners.
* Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure effective communication and alignment.
* Monitor project progress, identify potential risks, and develop mitigation plans.
* Track project performance metrics and produce regular reports for senior management.
* Identify opportunities for process improvement and cost reduction.
* Foster a collaborative and high-performing project team environment.
* Ensure projects are delivered on time, within budget, and meet defined quality standards.
* Other duties as assigned.
What You’ll Need – Qualifications & Requirements
* Strong communication, presentation, and writing skills with emphasis on technology.
* Strong accountability and project management for tasks without close supervision.
* Ability to build excellent rapport with the cross-functional teams.
* Demonstrated strength in analytical thinking.
* Able to work effectively in a dynamic and fast-paced environment...
Type: Permanent Location: Boca Raton, US-FL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-23 08:26:40
Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
Primary Purpose of the Job
The primary objective of this position is to work as part of a global collaborative team responsible for partnering with Human Resources (HR) stakeholders on strategy and roadmap to envision Alcoa’s future together.
Will facilitate the process of prioritizing the product backlog with both business and technical stakeholders.
Will serve customers on their collectively determined and agreed priorities assessing investments based on value/impact.
Will also ensure roadmaps are visible, transparent, and are focused on customer needs and experience.
This role has responsibility to continue to support applications/tools currently in use through their full life cycle.
Efficiency, simplification, standardization and modernization of applications and processes should continue to be pursued.
A strong customer relationship is a key component to the success of the Product Manager role to ensure that service delivery meets agreed service objectives and supports company strategic priorities. This role requires a good understanding of Human Resources business processes such as Core Human Capital Management, Recruiting, Compensation, Absence, Talent, Learning, Security, Integrations and Payroll.
Major activities/Key challenges
* Day-to-day operations and administration of global HR platforms, with emphasis on coordinating the support activities (bug fixes and enhancements)
* Use technical and functional knowledge to enhance HR Technology solutions by providing balance between technology and processes.
* Support solution architects in analysis of new functionalities and modules being added to HR technology systems
* Awareness of AI tools dedicated to HR processes/functions and how they can benefit the function
* A Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in a technical or business discipline such as Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, Economics, Business Administration, etc.
* Minimum of 3 years of experience on products and solutions to support HR functions
* Excellent communication, collaboration, and presentation skills.
* Fluency in local language and advanced English level (writing, speaking and reading).
About the Location
Alcoa is an international company with multiple locations and joint ventures across six continents.
Wherever you choose to join us, you'll be joining a global team committed to advancing sustainability and delivering excellence and innovation.
As industry pioneers, we are redefining what it means to be a sustainable aluminum company, bridging the journey from mines to metal.
We are values led, vision driven and united by our purpose of transforming raw potential into real progress.
Our commitments to Inclusion, Diversity & Equity...
Type: Permanent Location: Szekesfehervar, HU-SF
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-23 08:26:19
Shape Your World
At Alcoa, you will become an essential part of our purpose: to turn raw potential into real progress.
The way we see it, every Alcoan is a work-shaper, team-shaper, idea-shaper, world-shaper.
Na Alcoa, você é uma parte essencial do nosso propósito: transformar potencial em progresso real.
Esta é uma oportunidade para você trazer sua riqueza de experiência para a equipe e ajudar a moldar o futuro da sustentabilidade com inovações que mudam o mundo e tecnologias de baixo carbono.
Você tem o poder de moldar as coisas para torná-las melhores.
Sobre a função:
Responsável pela gestão e direcionamento das atividades de engenharia de manutenção e manutenção não planejada dentro das operações logísticas.
Este papel envolve planejamento estratégico, coordenação e execução de operações de manutenção para garantir o funcionamento eficiente e eficaz das instalações e equipamentos.
* Liderar e gerenciar a equipe de engenharia de manutenção e Asset Integrity para garantir operações eficientes e íntegras estruturalmente
* Desenvolver estratégias para otimizar os processos de integridade de ativos.
* Desenvolver estratégias para otimizar os processos de manutenção e engenharia.
* Coordenar com vários departamentos, incluindo logística, compras e atendimento ao cliente, para garantir operações contínuas.
* Monitorar e analisar métricas de desempenho de manutenção e gestão de ativos, e implementar ações corretivas conforme necessário.
* Garantir conformidade com todas as regulamentações e padrões relevantes.
* Gerenciar relacionamentos com autoridades portuárias, fornecedores e outras partes interessadas.
* Desenvolver o orçamento de integridade de ativos.
* Desenvolver e gerenciar o orçamento de manutenção e engenharia.
* Fornecer relatórios regulares sobre o desempenho das operações de manutenção para a alta administração
O que você pode oferecer para a função:
* Formação Superior em Engenharia Metalúrgica, Química, mecânica, elétrica ou afins;
* Experiencia com Engenharia de Manutenção e Gestão de ativos
* Desejável: Inglês Avançado (Leitura, Escrita e Conversação);
* Sólida experiência com Planejamento de Manutenção Industrial e de Grandes Paradas nos segmentos de Mineração/Siderurgia e com gestão de pessoas.
O que está sendo oferecido:
* Pacotes de Remuneração e Benefícios competitivos;
* Bônus anual relacionado ao desempenho (variável);
* Academia Alcoa com treinamentos e planos de desenvolvimento robustos;
* Reconhecida como uma das melhores empresas para se trabalhar pelo programa Great Place to Work;
* Reconhecida pelo Guia Exame de Diversidade como uma das empresas com as melhores práticas relacionadas à inclusão, equidade, gênero, etnia, raça, pessoas com deficiências (PCDs) e pessoas LGBTQIA+
About the Location
The Alumar Consort...
Type: Permanent Location: Sao Luis, BR-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-23 08:26:16
Job Summary:
The Internal Communications and Associate Engagement Manager will drive initiatives within the company to create an informed and aligned experience for Inogen employees.
This position will drive clarity and awareness for messaging, associate development programs, and key business initiatives across the company to help create a culture of transparency and information sharing where all associates feel informed, empowered, and excited about Inogen.
The role will also focus on strengthening Associate Engagement and implement strategies to support retention and engagement, driving business objectives, awareness of compliance through various communication channels, and contributing to technical efforts such as training, internal marketing, and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) efforts.
Responsibilities (Specific tasks, duties, essential functions of the job):
* Create, implement, and measure the success of a comprehensive internal communications strategy and employer branding strategy in collaboration with CHRO and leadership.
* Support team member engagement through communications efforts to ensure an understanding of Inogen’s culture, vision, strategic goals, and overall business objectives.
* Enhance Associate Engagement by designing and implementing communication campaigns that inform and engage associates on key initiatives, policies, and processes.
* Develop and execute campaigns focused on training marketing and ensure associates are aware of learning resources and development opportunities across the organization.
* Contribute to technical communication projects by working on materials such as facilitator guides and campaigns for compliance-related efforts and DEI initiatives.
* Work cross-functionally to develop employer branding content that is inspiring, informative, and engaging for social media, the company intranet, award applications, and internal presentations.
* Develop a team member segmentation model and implement it to ensure messaging can be targeted to relevant individuals and business units.
Work actively with IT to manage distribution lists.
* Develop and nurture communications channels throughout the company to ensure that messaging reaches targeted segments of staff and is mobile-enabled where appropriate.
* Create and manage active feedback forums/mediums and respond to feedback in a manner that creates a climate of psychological safety.
* Maintain and apply knowledge of the latest communication technologies and tools to enhance team member engagement and reach Inogen's geographically dispersed workforce.
* Support change management communications planning and make recommendations for team member segment communications.
* Draft communications for leaders, departments, and enterprise distribution that reflect strategic and situational narratives, reinforcing identified themes with ethos, pathos, and logos.
* Establish standards and tem...
Type: Permanent Location: Plano, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-23 08:23:52