En tant que membre de l'équipe logistique, tu prends une part active au réapprovisionnement du magasin et/ou à la préparation de commandes.
Tu veux voir à quoi ressemble notre ambiance de travail ? Clique sur Postule et découvre au bas de l'annonce complète le métier en vidéo.
Cela ne t'engage à rien ;)
• Tu contribues chaque jour avec efficacité aux tâches flux physiques et administratives nécessaires au bon déroulement du réassort, et à la préparation de commandes pour remise directe au client ou au transporteur.
• Tu contribuer à l'optimisation des flux physiques en magasin en travaillant avec économie et simplicité.
• Tu suis les règles de contrôle administratives afin de garantir la fiabilité des stocks et une disponibilité optimale pour nos clients.
• Tu veilles à respecter l'ensemble des règles de sécurité, afin d'éviter tout accident en lien avec les collaborateurs, les clients, le matériel et les locaux.
Rémunération : à partir de 1840€ brut mensuel (salaire de référence pour un temps plein).
Outre ton salaire de base qui rémunère ton travail, tes compétences et tes responsabilités, tu bénéficieras notamment de :
• Une prime de 13e mois.
• Une part de rémunération variable liée à la performance économique globale.
• Une mutuelle santé offrant des prestations de qualité, dès ton arrivée.
• Une prime d'ancienneté (au-delà de 2 ans).
• Des congés supplémentaires pour ancienneté (au-delà de 3 ans).
• La possibilité de prendre un déjeuner sain et varié pour moins de 3€.
• Une remise personnelle de 15% sur tes achats chez IKEA.
IKEA, leader international de solutions d’aménagement de la maison, poursuit depuis plus de 40 ans son développement en France avec toujours la même vision : « améliorer le quotidien du plus grand nombre ».
Animés par notre culture et nos valeurs, nous sommes passionnés par la vie à la maison.
Chez IKEA, nous vivons la culture suédoise au quotidien.
Et, comme le font les Suédois, nous nous tutoyons tous, peu importe notre poste ou notre unité.
C'est pourquoi nous le faisons aussi dès cette annonce et pendant tout le processus de recrutement !
* Tu es une personne enthousiaste, rigoureuse et tu as le sens du détail.
* Le travail physique ne te fait pas peur !
* Travailler en horaires décalés convient à ton rythme de vie (selon l'activité tu pourras avoir des horaires de nuit).
* Tu communiques facilement et tu as un esprit d'équipe.
* Tu sais organiser ton travail pour optimiser le temps disponible et tu prends des initiatives.
* Avoir l'expérience d'un poste précédent dans un environnement commercial ou logistique est un plus mais nous sommes ouverts à la variété des profils.
Type: Permanent Location: Lomme, FR-HDF
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-29 07:14:45
Hľadáme tímového hráča, ktorý má rád komunikáciu a dobré jedlo.
Tvojou úlohou bude poskytovať našim zákazníkom chutný dôvod k tomu, aby sa k nám radi vracali a vytvárať príjemnú atmosféru v IKEA reštaurácii, v bistre a v kaviarni.
• máš príjemné vystupovanie
• si schopný/á robiť viac vecí naraz
• si komunikatívny/a a rád/a pracuješ v kolektive
• je na teba spoľahnutie a rád/a sa učíš nové veci
• si flexibilný, práca na smeny
• aktívna komunikácia so zákazníkom
• práca s pokladňou (Bistro, Kaviareň)
• príprava jednoduchých pokrmov a nápojov
• výdaj pokrmov pri výdajnom pulte
• udržiavanie čistoty
• dodržiavanie hygienických predpisov a predpisov HACCP
* 5 dní dovolenky naviac
* výborná strava priamo na pracovisku ( raňajky, obedy, večere), obed za 1€
* káva, čaj, nealko nápoje, ovocie zdarma
* MHD zadarmo
* nadštandardné príplatky za odpracované víkendy
* príspevok do III piliera dôchodkového sporenia
* zamestnanecká zľava na tovar IKEA
* Multisport karta
* vzdelávanie a možnosť kariérneho rastu
* a ďalšie výhody
Mzda: od 1220 (plat pozostáva zo základnej hrubej mzdy 1070 € btt./ mesačne + nadštandardné príplatky za dva odpracované víkendy).
Platy pravidelne prehodnocujeme.
Type: Permanent Location: Bratislava, SK-BL
Salary / Rate: 14640
Posted: 2024-10-29 07:14:33
Werde Sortierer für Briefe in Stahnsdorf
Was wir bieten
+ 16,28 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl 50% Weihnachtsgeld, ggf.
regionale Arbeitsmarktzulage
+ + 25% Nachtzulage steuerfrei schon ab 20:00 Uhr (bis 6:00 Uhr, entspricht 17,57 € Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld)
+ + weitere 50 % Weihnachtsgeld im November
+ + 332 € Urlaubsgeld (bei Vollzeit, Teilzeit anteilig) im Juli ab dem 2.
* Bezahlte Einarbeitung durch erfahrene Kollegen
* Du kannst sofort in Teilzeit starten, 20,0 Stunden/Woche
* Kostenlose Ausstattung, wie z.B.
Sicherheitsschuhe und Schutzhandschuhe
* Ein sicherer Arbeitgeber
* Unbefristete Übernahme bei guten Leistungen und offenen Positionen möglich
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns
* Sortieren der Briefsendungen nach verschiedenen Kriterien
* Bedienen der Sortieranlagen
* Heranholen der zugeführten Briefbehälter
* Leeren der Fächer und Abtransport der Briefbehälter
Was du als Briefsortierer bietest
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig und bist engagiert
* Du kannst anpacken und hast Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Werde Sortierer bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Briefsortierer sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Briefe pünktlich ankommen.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Sortierer, am besten online.
Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben' Button - auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Stahnsdorf, DE-BB
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-29 07:14:26
Tes missions :
- Tu conduiras tout type d’engin de manutention.
- Tu t’assureras que la marchandise est réceptionnée, stockée, préparée et expédiée de manière la plus efficace et optimale dans le respect des règles de sécurité et de qualité.
- Tu prépareras les commandes en prélevant les colis et en appliquant les règles de sécurité et de qualité liées à son activité.
- Tu devras effectuer les contrôles quantitatifs et qualitatifs des marchandises entrantes et sortantes.
- Tu contribueras au maintien d’un environnement de travail propre et sûr.
- Tu effectueras des mouvements de palettes suivant les objectifs définis dans le respect des règles en vigueur dans l’entreprise.
- Tu effectueras de la manutention manuelle liée à l’activité logistique.
- Tu devras informer le chef d’équipe de tout risque lié à la sécurité des hommes et des biens.
- Tu devras signaler toutes anomalies constatées dans le cadre de l’exécution de ces tâches.
Rémunération : A partir de 1 855 € brut par mois.
Tes avantages, en plus de ton salaire :
• Une prime de 13ème mois versée en 2 fois.
• Une remise de 15% sur tes achats IKEA.
• Une part de rémunération variable liée à la performance économique globale.
• Une prime de transport de 1,50€ à 3,90€ par jour travaillé en fonction de ton lieu d’habitation.
• Une solution de restauration complète à petit prix.
• Des boissons chaudes offertes à volonté.
• Une mutuelle d'entreprise avantageuse dès ton arrivée.
• Un plan d'épargne entreprise.
• Une valorisation de ton ancienneté (prime et jours de congés supplémentaires).
Pour ce poste, aucun diplôme ou niveau d'étude n'est requis, nos formateurs sont là pour t'apprendre le métier !
- Tu es positif et orienté solution.
- Tu es dynamique, minutieux et attentif au respect des règles de sécurité.
- Tu aimes le travail d'équipe mais tu sais aussi travailler de façon autonome.
- Tu maîtrises la langue française et les bases de mathématiques (nécessaire pour utiliser nos outils digitaux et mener à bien tes missions).
- Tu as une formation en entreposage/magasinage et/ou une première expérience en logistique ?
- Si tu as ton CACES cela facilitera ta période d'intégration, sinon nous délivrons aussi une autorisation de conduite interne IKEA à nos collaborateurs et collaboratrices.
- Ta visite médicale renforcée est à jour.
Situé à 20km de Lyon, le dépôt IKEA de St Quentin Fallavier recense environ 440 collaborateurs et collaboratrices travaillant sur une surface de plus de 100 000 m2.
Notre activité est dédiée exclusivement à la livraison directe aux clients.
Comme le dit Nicolas, Employé logistique sur notre plateforme : "pas de clients mais beaucoup de mouvements", alors même si le client n'est pas au milieu des allées, c'est lui que nous devons satisfaire dans les meilleurs délais !
La diversité est au cœur de nos préoccupations c'est pourquoi nous accueillons près de 33 nationalités différentes.
Ton rythme de travail :
Les jours de travail s’organisent en 2x8h : Tu seras une semaine de l’équipe du matin (de 6h à 13h20) et la semaine suivante de l’équipe de l’après-midi (de 13h30 à 20h50) en alternance.
Type: Permanent Location: St. Quentin Fallavier, FR-ARA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-29 07:14:16
Account Director
Location: Frankfurt
Who we are
Tricentis is a global leader in continuous testing and quality engineering.
The Tricentis AI-based, continuous testing portfolio of products provides a new and fundamentally different way to perform software testing.
An approach that’s totally automated, codeless, and intelligently driven by AI.
It addresses both agile development and complex enterprise apps, enabling enterprises to accelerate their digital transformation by dramatically increasing software release speed, reducing costs, and improving software quality.
Widely credited for reinventing software testing for DevOps, cloud, and enterprise applications, Tricentis has been recognized as a leader by all major industry analysts, including Forrester, Gartner, and IDC.
We empower innovators to push the boundaries of software testing, fostering a global community of continuous learners who pioneer AI-powered, highly performant, highly secure end-to-end testing tools that accelerate our customers’ time to market including the largest brands in the world.
What you’ll be doing
Your role will be pivotal in engaging, educating, and transforming how our customers deliver superior software quality to market faster than ever before.
Your primary focus will be identifying opportunities to expand existing enterprise accounts, as well as establishing and building new logos.
We work on a hybrid model (3 days in-office).
You will be responsible for…
* Identifying, building, and actioning a strategy for expanding FTSE100 accounts in Germany
* Tracking, reporting, and iterating on your go-forward plan with leadership.
* Leveraging your network and partnerships.
* Building effective and mutually beneficial relationships cross-functionally: partnering with Presales Consultants and other team members to close 7 figure opportunities.
* Help with mentoring team members who are seeking deeper strategic account management experience.
Basic Qualifications we’re seeking
* 10+ years of related experience in sales or the field of enterprise software.
* 3+ years managing and expanding SaaS enterprise accounts.
* A technical background and / or deep working knowledge of SDLC.
* Experience building and maintaining successful partnerships to drive mutual business growth.
* Expertise is building and actioning strategic plans for customer expansion with enterprise accounts.
* Demonstrable presentation and communication skills, highlighting your ability to articulate and communicate the unique value proposition of our software to prospective clients.
* Fluent in German and English
Preferred additional skills
* Proficiency in managing and maintaining clean and accurate data within Salesforce to support your sales efforts.
* Knowledge and / or experience of Tricentis products
Why Tricentis?
Type: Permanent Location: Hamburg, DE-HH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-29 07:13:48
General Purpose
Identify the roles and responsibilities of the AIT in a Long-Term Facility.
This is a training position with direct oversite by a
licensed Precepting Administrator.
* All Essential Duties and Responsibilities of this position are under the direct supervisor of the Preceptor
Essential Duties
* Assists in analyzing the various operations within a nursing facility
* Acts as a liaison between the nursing facility, residents, families and outside community
* Compiles and develops reporting on budget projections, revenue and expenses
* Is a role model for our Mission, Vision and Values.
Ensures all employees, residents and families are treated with the utmost respect
* Actively involved in community groups and developing/maintaining relationships with local hospital leadership and physicians
* Monitors industry regulations, laws, compliance updates and makes changes as appropriate
* Uses time effectively to study for both Federal and State regulations and comes to a sound understanding of industry best practices
* Understands staffing level requirements and adheres to industry and company standards
* Assists in monitoring and directing execution of policy and procedural changes
* Actively involved in resolving HR issues and Risk Management situations within the facility
* Assists in capital improvements
* Participates in Advisory committees
* Assists in all safety programs
* Develops and maintains a stellar reputation within the industry and community
* Develops relationships with the support team (HR/Therapy/Clinical/Finance) to assist with meeting/exceeding goals
* Assists in contract negotiations with vendors under the direction of the Preceptor.
* Supports Clinical efforts by understanding QA measures and holding people accountable
* Keeps abreast of collections and A/R on a daily basis
* Develops and executes creative ideas to increase employee engagement and minimize turnover
Supervisory Requirements
This position is responsible for assisting in managing and overseeing multiple levels of employees either directly or indirectly.
Responsibilities may include, but not limited to, hiring, training, appraising performance, rewarding and disciplining employees, addressing complaints, resolving problems and terminations.
Education and/or Experience
Required - Bachelor's degree from a four-year accredited college or university
in Healthcare Administration or Business preferred.
Master's degree or MBA preferred
Language Skills
Ability to read, analyze, and interpret general business periodicals, professional journals, technical procedures, or governmental regulations.
Ability to write reports, business correspondence, and procedure manuals.
Ability to effectively present information and respond to questions from
managers and employees.
Mathematical Skills
Ability to apply concepts such as fractions, percentages, r...
Type: Permanent Location: Farmington, US-UT
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-29 07:13:45
* Vzdelanie v oblasti účtovníctva / financií / ekonomiky, alebo podobnom odbore
* Pokročílé znalosti slovenského štatutárneho účtovníctva v rozsahu potrebnom pre účtovanie a kontrolu výnosov, nákladov a súvisiacej DPH
* Prax v odbore najmenej 3 roky v podobne veľkej alebo väčšej spoločnosti
* Dobrý vzťah k práci s IT systémami
* Pokročilá znalosť MS Excel
* Logické a analytické myslenie
* Komunikatívna znalosť anglického jazyka
* Svedomitá, dôsledná, systematická, trpezlivá osobnosť s citom pre čísla a orientovaná na výsledok
* Komunikatívny teamový hráč
* Kontrola zaúčtovania došlých faktúr, riešenie rozdielov, komunikácia rozdielov a účtovných/DPH inštrukcií s účtovným centrom
* Aktivity na zvyšovanie podielu nákupných objednávok
* Samostatné vypracovanie dokladov pre opravy daňových režimov vystavených faktúr (napríklad kuchyne s montážami)
* Kontrola formálnej aj faktickej správnosti daňových náležitostí daňových dokladov v zmysle legislatívy
* Vypracovanie štatistických výkazov
* Spracovávanie úhrad
* Zúčtovanie prijatých/odišlých platieb s otvorenými faktúrami
* Správne a včasné spracovanie iných pridelených účtovných operácií (napr.zaúčtovanie opravných dokladov, párovanie úhrad s predpismi, a pod.)
* Aktívna spolupráca na mesačných a ročnej účtovnej závierke, reportingu a štatutárnych auditoch
* Archivácia dokladov a vedenie evidencie
* 5 dní dovolenky naviac
* výborná strava priamo na pracovisku ( raňajky, obedy, večere), obed za 1€
* káva, čaj, nealko nápoje, ovocie zdarma
* MHD zadarmo
* nadštandardné príplatky za odpracované víkendy
* príspevok do III piliera dôchodkového sporenia
* zamestnanecká zľava na tovar IKEA
* vzdelávanie a možnosť kariérneho rastu
* a ďalšie výhody
Mzda: od 915€ btt/ mesačne (v závislostí od skúseností).
Pracovná zmluva na dobu určitú - 1 rok (v prípade spokojnosti možnosť predĺženia).
Type: Permanent Location: Bratislava, SK-BL
Salary / Rate: 11400
Posted: 2024-10-29 07:13:03
Your Job
Guardian Glass is seeking you to become our next Process Engineer in Geneva, NY!
In this role you will partner with the fabrication team to perform a variety of coordinated activities that will work to build on our production, quality, and safety goals.
You will troubleshoot equipment, order supplies, and carry out asset care activities during daily manufacturing.
You will work with process team, co-workers, team leads, and supervisors to develop your skills and improve our culture.
Our Team
We are a principled based company that relies heavily on teamwork and ingenuity.
We pride ourselves on being the partner of choice for our internal and external customers.
What You Will Do
* Build a foundational understanding of the Float Line operations and process
* Develop safe, compliant, and reliable operations through standard work procedures and data analysis
* Identify opportunities for improvement and optimization
* Own output quality, production results, and process waste
* Lead troubleshooting and problem-solving events
* Support the Operations Team in a 24/7/365 environment
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experience with problem solving and root cause analysis techniques
* Experience in a manufacturing or industrial environment
* Experience with troubleshooting and problem-solving events
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience in the glass manufacturing industry
* Bachelor's degree in Engineering
This role is not eligible for sponsorship.
For this role, we anticipate paying $85,000 - $105,000 per year.
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
As a Koch company, Guardian Glass is one of the world's largest manufacturers of float, value-added and fabricated glass products and solutions.
We produce high-performance glass for architectural, residential, interior, transportation and technical glass applications.
You'll find our glass in homes, offices and cars and in some of the world's most iconic projects.
At Koch, employees are empowered to do what they do best to make life better.
Learn how our business philosophy helps employees unleash their potential while creating value for themselves and the company.
Our Benefits
Our goal is for each employee, and their ...
Type: Permanent Location: Geneva, US-NY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-28 07:01:39
Production Manager- Clarendon OSB
Your Job
We are seeking a Production Manager over our Blending, Forming, Pressing, and Finishing area to join our team at Georgia-Pacific's oriented-strand board (OSB) manufacturing facility mill in Alcolu, SC.
The Alcolu facility is critically important to GP's Building Products business, and the Production Manager role supports the leadership team and Plant Manager in guiding operations and reliability measures to ensure operational excellence and preferred partner status.
The role works to develop and own key measures of success and drives accountability within the site.
This role also manages and supervises the Team Leads and develops a cadence of consistency to support the team, filling in for the Plant Manager as needed.
Our Team
Georgia-Pacific Alcolu is one of the newest facilities using some of the most advanced technology to create the specialty brand of Blue-Ribbon Oriented Strand Board (OSB).
This type of OSB is used for floor, wall, and roof sheathing in residential and light commercial construction applications.
To learn more about Georgia-Pacific's OSB Division please visit: www.buildgp.com/plywood-osb .
What You Will Do In Your Role
* Lead a wood products production team to work injury-free/incident free in a continuous manufacturing environment - consistent with our Principle Based Management philosophy and framework.
* Supervise/coordinate production efforts that result in long term improvement in work processes - including, but not limited to: Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) compliance, variability reduction, reliability, quality, production, and costs.
* Facilitate team development and communication, employee skill development, problem-solving and resolution, and build employee commitment and ownership.
* Establish roles, responsibilities, and expectations for direct reports with appropriate coaching, feedback, and development, to achieve results.
* Drive cultural change in which employees take ownership for running the facility.
* Support a variety of shift schedules such as day / night / weekends / holidays, with the understanding that shift schedules can change during employment
* Work in a variety of environments such as, but not limited to: confined spaces, high spaces, hot/cold/humid/noisy
* Wear the necessary Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) - hard hat, safety glasses, face shield, chemical suit, respirator, ear plugs, hearing protection, steel-toe boots / shoes, and other PPE required for specific jobs.
Also must be able to work without wearing jewelry
The Experience You Will Bring
* Supervisory experience in an industrial, manufacturing, or military environment that includes a strong understanding of not only production, but also day to day operations including, but not limited to the following: HR, EHS, Quality
* Must have a solid working knowledge of MS Word (creating, editing, formatting documents, preparing repor...
Type: Permanent Location: Alcolu, US-SC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-28 07:01:36
Direct and participate in food preparation and service of food that is safe and appetizing and is of the quality and quantity to meet each resident's needs in accordance with physicians order in compliance with approved menus.
Maintains cost and works to meet budget guidelines.
Plans and assists in preparation and service of holiday and special meals and functions.
Directs and supervises all dietary functions and personnel.
Hires, orients, trains, disciplines, and when appropriate, terminates dietary employees.
Assures that proper storage is available, and that handling of food and supplies complies with current state and federal guidelines.
Processes new diet orders and diet changes when received from nursing staff and keeps diet cards updated.
Maintain sufficient staff to provide dietary services to facility.
Assess resident food preferences and allergies.
Prepare dietary staff schedules and address schedule changes.
Maintain kitchen and food storage area in a safe, orderly, clean and sanitary manner.
Transmit order for appropriate food and supplies.
Document and notify Dietician of menu changes.
Participate in QA and IDT meetings as assigned.
Check trays for accuracy before they are delivered.
Inspects Dietary Department regularly to ensure that it is safe and sanitary.
Plan and presents in-service education programs for the Dietary Department.
Investigates on-the-job injuries and corrects the problem and /or retrains the employees as necessary.
Ensures continued compliances with all federal, state and local regulations, Maintain the security of the Dietary Department.
Coordinates dietary services with nursing services and activities director.
Nutritional notes are to be completed monthly for all residents at nutritional risks.
Visit all residents to conduct nutritional assessment and screening, explain diet, record food preferences and promote a quality food service.
Supervisory Requirements Assist with the overall supervision of and management of the dietary staff.
Qualification Education and/or Experience High school diploma or equivalent.
Must be a graduate of an approved dietary manager's course that meet the state and federal care regulations.
Preferable one-year experience in a long-term care facility dietary department.
Language Skills Ability to read technical procedures.
Ability to read and comprehend policy and procedure manuals.
Ability to read recipes and prepare accordingly.
Ability to effectively present information and respond to questions from managers and employees.
Mathematical Skills Ability to apply concepts such as fractions, percentages, ratios and proportions to practical situations.
Reasoning Ability Ability to solve practical problems.
Ability to interpret a variety of instructions furnished in written, oral, diagram, or schedule form.
Certificates, Licenses, Registrations Knowledge and experience with PCC preferred.
Must maintain all required continuing education/licensing.
Must remain in good standing with the De...
Type: Permanent Location: San Diego, US-CA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-28 07:01:15
* Responsible for tracking employee progress in the SBD work system and communicate with department leadership on a regular basis.
* Coordinate progression documents and prepare advancement packets to present to the SBD review board.
* Conduct soft skill classified training classes and other training.
* Responsible for tracking and/or scheduling training associated with the Skill Based Development program including on-the-job cross training, technical training, and soft skills development.
* Coordinate all shop floor training with the Training and Development department and use establish processes for scheduling and documenting training activity.
* Responsible for entering all training rosters in the Learning Management System (LMS).
* Responsible for coordination of on-site trainers.
* Assess training needed on an annual/semi-annual basis to meet SBD training needs.
* Accountable for working together with leadership to meet SBD objectives.
* Responsible for analyzing, forecasting training needs and reporting training metrics.
* Additional duties and projects as assigned by the supervisor
* Ability to apply logical analysis and reasoning skills to develop optimal scheduling plans for training classes.
* Ability to display strong detail orientation
* Ability to communicate effectively, orally, and in writing and behaviorally with all levels of the organization.
* Ability to understand the basic objectives of each job and training session.
* Ability to work independently and execute objectives in a cross-functional team environment.
* Must be willing and able to assist in all areas as necessary.
* Ability to effectively work with complex data such as work schedules, shift rotations, , training schedules, etc.
* Demonstrated attention to detail.
* High School Diploma or equivalent and bachelor’s in Human Resources, Organizational Development or related area preferred.
* Must be proficient in Adobe and Microsoft Office products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access)
* Experience facilitating training.
* Experience processing training rosters entering data a plus
* Data Entry Experience required
* Experience in LMS a plus
* Experience using Microsoft Teams a plus
* Experience using Smart Sheets a plus
* Experience using Power BI a plus
* Must be able to attain certification to perform training sessions.
* Strong Leadership Skills
* Teamwork
* Adaptability
* Accountability
* Reliability/dependability
* Initiative
* Safety awareness
* Ability to receive and provide constructive feedback
* Pride in performance
* Continuous Improvement/Quality
* Communication
* Positive responses to change
* High attenti...
Type: Permanent Location: Houston, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-28 07:00:28
At Elanco (NYSE: ELAN) – it all starts with animals!
As a global leader in animal health, we are dedicated to innovation and delivering products and services to prevent and treat disease in farm animals and pets.
We’re driven by our vision of ‘Food and Companionship Enriching Life’ and our approach to sustainability – the Elanco Healthy Purpose™ – to advance the health of animals, people, the planet and our enterprise.
At Elanco, we pride ourselves on fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment.
We believe that diversity is the driving force behind innovation, creativity, and overall business success.
Here, you’ll be part of a company that values and champions new ways of thinking, work with dynamic individuals, and acquire new skills and experiences that will propel your career to new heights.
Making animals’ lives better makes life better – join our team today!
Position Description:
As the central Quality contact for the Elanco Marketing Affiliate organization, the QUALITY MANAGER advises, decides reports, consults and escalates quality matters relating to Elanco products distributed in Philippine to the appropriate affiliate management, and ASEAN Quality Director, APAC Senior Director Affiliate Quality or Corporate management when needed.
* Be responsible for product quality related matters, escalate any local product quality related issue to the ASEAN Quality Director, APAC Senior Director Affiliate Quality and the affiliate management, and collaborate in any local action to be taken as a result of that (i.e.
recall, counterfeit etc.)
* Implement and monitor product quality systems and Quality Manual in the Marketing affiliate.
* Assist affiliate management, ASEAN Quality Director and APAC Senior Director Affiliate Quality in assuring that all operations of the affiliate comply with the Affiliate Quality Manual and other applicable company quality standards and local regulations.
* Execute the assessment plan for GMP Service Providers.
* Create and revise Quality agreements covering affiliate processes for GMP service providers.
* Demonstrate continuous improvement and minimize risk by a routine self-assessment, corrective and preventative actions (CAPA), and use of a Quality Plan.
Quality Management
* Ensure affiliate compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) and Good Warehousing practices for finished products.
Also ensure affiliate compliance with all relevant local regulations.
* Support Quarterly Quality Reviews
* Ensure an annual management review is conducted.
* Ensure Notification to Management within one day of identification.
* Halt, hold or quarantine product status as required.
Quality Systems:
Batch Release
* Ensure products received comply with the market authorization, by approving/rejecting batches.
Change and Event Management
* Create, execute an...
Type: Permanent Location: Mandaluyong, PH-00
Salary / Rate: 1365000
Posted: 2024-10-28 07:00:09
Your Job
Our Georgia-Pacific facilities in Green Bay, WI are looking for motivated individuals to join our team as a Fiber Team Associate at our Broadway location.
A successful candidate will be detail-oriented and thrive in a team-oriented environment.
Fiber Team Associates work a rotating 12-hour shift that includes days, nights, weekends, holidays, and overtime hours.
The starting rate of pay is $22-27/HR and will be determined based on experience.
A $3.00/hour shift premium will be paid out for all night-shift hours worked (6:00 PM - 6:00 AM).
Additional Benefits to consider:
* Full benefits package that begins the first of the month following the start date
* Two (2) weeks of vacation prorated for the first year
* 11 Paid Holidays each calendar year
* 48 Hours of PTO (1-yr waiting period until PTO is earned and will be pro-rated during the first year of eligibility)
* Retention Bonus
* Quarterly bonus potential
* Opportunities to advance based on capability, not seniority
* Work in a progressive, safety-conscious work environment
* Overtime opportunities
* And so much more!
Our Team
The Green Bay Broadway Mill manufactures and distributes leading commercial and retail brands of paper products (bath tissue, napkins, and towels).
Every day, GP employees and products help maintain a strong, stable economy in Northeastern Wisconsin.
We do more than just make paper.
Check out this video to see for yourself: Come Inside a GP Paper Mill | Georgia-Pacific (youtube.com)
What You Will Do
* Operate equipment to defined standards and product specification targets
* Monitor and/or enter into computer control systems
* Troubleshoot equipment to optimize production
* Inspect product to ensure quality standards are met including grading of wastepaper
* Perform basic asset care duties to include routine preventative maintenance and cleaning of the work area
* Work as a team to help meet or exceed production, waste, quality, and safety goals
* Operate and/or work around mobile equipment
* Maintain strict adherence to safety rules and regulations, which includes wearing required safety PPE
* Perform tasks such as lifting, climbing, standing, pushing, and/or pulling for up to twelve (12) hours a day, in a loud/noisy, industrial, high-volume environment
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experience using a computer OR tablet OR smartphone
* Ability to speak, read and write English
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience in a manufacturing, industrial, agricultural, or military environment OR completion of post-high school education in a manufacturing/industrial-centered program
* Experience troubleshooting and repairing manufacturing equipment
* Experience working in a paper/pulp manufacturing environment
* Experience working a rotating shift
* Forklift experience including loading and unloading trailers
The starting rate ...
Type: Permanent Location: Green Bay, US-WI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-28 07:00:03
DEPCOM Power, a Koch Engineered Solutions company, is currently hiring a Construction Manager, Project Closeout to join the Project Delivery team for utility scale solar projects.
This role involves 95% travel to GA, NC and VA.
This is a temporary assignment with potential to lead to other full-time opportunities within the organization.
This role will be working with a team to support push projects to Final Completion.
Our Team
DEPCOM's Project Delivery Organization executes full turnkey PV and BESS plants with collection substations and generation transmission lines.
We utilize preferred partnerships with key vendors and subcontractors while coordinating with interconnection utilities across the nation.
As a Koch Company, we implement Principle Based Management to continue driving innovation, hold our team to the highest standard and streamline our overall processes to ensure project success for each of our clients.
As a supervisor, this includes helping your employees self-actualize and be all that they can be.
What You Will Do
• Partner with the team and subcontractors to strategize and complete punch list items
• Build rapport with customers and find strategic opportunities to drive long-term mutually beneficial relationships
• Ensure project follows regulatory and contractual requirements with the support of internal resources
• Develop and improve processes and measures that drive consistent action and behavior to maximize profitability and productivity
• Support the team in understanding and applying DEPCOM's safety and quality standards and practices while maintaining the construction schedule
• Understand subcontractors' scope of work and ensure they are aligning with the contract terms and schedules
• Improve decision making through knowledge sharing, the challenge process, evaluation of alternatives and clear decisions rights
• Maintain and monitor schedule management, budget control and contract compliance
• Monitor project logistics to ensure deliveries to the project
• Provide quality service by enforcing quality and customer service standards
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
• Construction Management experience
• Proficient with Microsoft Office Suites including Word, Outlook and Excel
• Experience managing teams of contractors and subcontractors
• Valid driver's license
What Will Put You Ahead
• Utility scale solar experience
• Construction management experience on the General Contracting side
For this role, we anticipate paying $120,000 - $160,000 per year.
This role is eligible for variable pay, issued as a monetary bonus or in another form.
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided cons...
Type: Permanent Location: Lynch Station, US-VA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-27 07:09:01
Your Job
SRG Global is looking for a Production Supervisor in Newbern, TN! This is a 2nd Shift position.
We offer an entrepreneurial environment for results-oriented individuals with a unique culture that focuses on results, playing to win and rewarding employees for their commitment to excellence.
Our Team
You will join a principled based team that continuously challenges the status quo.
Collaborating with multiple functions within operations, development, and transformative capabilities to create mutual benefit.
What You Will Do
* Lead, track and improve performance on key department goals and objectives
* Develop crew members to improve individual and organizational performance
* Lead performance management and corrective action processes
* Continuously improve plant performance through process improvements and lean manufacturing techniques
* Collaborate with other departments to optimize production requirements
* Work with upstream and downstream processes (and people), to exceed customer expectations
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Leadership experience in a manufacturing environment
* Experience in employee relations, progressive discipline, and counseling of employees
* Willingness and ability to work 2nd shift.
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience working in the automotive industry
This role is not eligible for sponsorship.
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
As a Koch company, SRG Global is a team of creative and innovative individuals that engineer solutions for greater surface durability, structural integrity, enhanced functionality, vehicle efficiency and design flexibility.
From products such as grilles, emblems and nameplates, moldings, bezels and other trim pieces; to processes like injection molding, painting and plating; we are one of the largest manufacturers of chrome-plated plastic parts for the automotive and commercial truck industries.
At Koch, employees are empowered to do what they do best to make life better.
Learn how our business philosophy helps employees unleash their potential while creating value for themselves and the company.
Our Benefits
Our goal is for each employee, and their families, to live fulfilling and healthy lives.
We p...
Type: Permanent Location: Newbern, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-27 07:09:00
DEPCOM Power, a Koch Engineered Solutions company, is currently hiring a Construction Manager, Project Closeout to join the Project Delivery team for utility scale solar projects.
This role involves 95% travel to GA, NC and VA.
This is a temporary assignment with potential to lead to other full-time opportunities within the organization.
This role will be working with a team to support push projects to Final Completion.
Our Team
DEPCOM's Project Delivery Organization executes full turnkey PV and BESS plants with collection substations and generation transmission lines.
We utilize preferred partnerships with key vendors and subcontractors while coordinating with interconnection utilities across the nation.
As a Koch Company, we implement Principle Based Management to continue driving innovation, hold our team to the highest standard and streamline our overall processes to ensure project success for each of our clients.
As a supervisor, this includes helping your employees self-actualize and be all that they can be.
What You Will Do
• Partner with the team and subcontractors to strategize and complete punch list items
• Build rapport with customers and find strategic opportunities to drive long-term mutually beneficial relationships
• Ensure project follows regulatory and contractual requirements with the support of internal resources
• Develop and improve processes and measures that drive consistent action and behavior to maximize profitability and productivity
• Support the team in understanding and applying DEPCOM's safety and quality standards and practices while maintaining the construction schedule
• Understand subcontractors' scope of work and ensure they are aligning with the contract terms and schedules
• Improve decision making through knowledge sharing, the challenge process, evaluation of alternatives and clear decisions rights
• Maintain and monitor schedule management, budget control and contract compliance
• Monitor project logistics to ensure deliveries to the project
• Provide quality service by enforcing quality and customer service standards
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
• Construction Management experience
• Proficient with Microsoft Office Suites including Word, Outlook and Excel
• Experience managing teams of contractors and subcontractors
• Valid driver's license
What Will Put You Ahead
• Utility scale solar experience
• Construction management experience on the General Contracting side
For this role, we anticipate paying $120,000 - $160,000 per year.
This role is eligible for variable pay, issued as a monetary bonus or in another form.
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided cons...
Type: Permanent Location: Elkin, US-NC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-27 07:09:00
Your Job
SRG Global is looking for a Production Supervisor in Newbern, TN! This is a 3rd Shift position.
We offer an entrepreneurial environment for results-oriented individuals with a unique culture that focuses on results, playing to win and rewarding employees for their commitment to excellence.
Our Team
You will join a principled based team that continuously challenges the status quo.
Collaborating with multiple functions within operations, development, and transformative capabilities to create mutual benefit.
What You Will Do
* Lead, track and improve performance on key department goals and objectives
* Develop crew members to improve individual and organizational performance
* Lead performance management and corrective action processes
* Continuously improve plant performance through process improvements and lean manufacturing techniques
* Collaborate with other departments to optimize production requirements
* Work with upstream and downstream processes (and people), to exceed customer expectations
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Leadership experience in a manufacturing environment
* Experience in employee relations, progressive discipline, and counseling of employees
* Willingness and ability to work 3rd Shift
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience working in the automotive industry
This role is not eligible for sponsorship.
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
As a Koch company, SRG Global is a team of creative and innovative individuals that engineer solutions for greater surface durability, structural integrity, enhanced functionality, vehicle efficiency and design flexibility.
From products such as grilles, emblems and nameplates, moldings, bezels and other trim pieces; to processes like injection molding, painting and plating; we are one of the largest manufacturers of chrome-plated plastic parts for the automotive and commercial truck industries.
At Koch, employees are empowered to do what they do best to make life better.
Learn how our business philosophy helps employees unleash their potential while creating value for themselves and the company.
Our Benefits
Our goal is for each employee, and their families, to live fulfilling and healthy lives.
We pr...
Type: Permanent Location: Newbern, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-27 07:08:59
Do you want to join a team who delivers innovative solutions to meet our customer's changing needs? Being a leader in delivering superior value in the industry as well as environmental excellence and responsibility is the vision for Koch Fertilizer, LLC.
Koch Ag & Energy Solutions, LLC.
(KAES) is seeking a Plant Operator to join the team in Fort Dodge, Iowa.
Our Benefits Package Includes:
* Bonus eligible!
* Automatic 401K company contribution along with competitive matching program
* Excellent Health benefits
* Tuition Reimbursement
We have a unique compensation philosophy that pays for your experience and contribution, join our team for starting at 30.00/hour!!!!
In addition to a great salary, we are offering a $3000.00 sign on bonus!
This position requires working a 12 - hour rotating shift and offers the opportunities for overtime.
The ideal candidate will be willing and able to be available to support our 24/7 operation.
What You Will Do In Your Role
* Champion the PBM philosophy to develop the capability of the operations team.
Drive culture within the team through Principled Based Management (PBM) philosophy.
* Monitoring plant parameters and identifying opportunities for correction and improvement.
* Leveraging technology any systems to gather and interpret critical data points.
* Assisting with permitting plans, daily LOTO (Lock Out / Tag Out) plans, daily schedule updates, updating operating procedures.
* Develop and maintain operations excellence and process optimization of the plant, process safety, personal safety, environmental compliance, product quality and other applicable areas of compliance
* Assist with diagnosing and troubleshooting equipment and process related issues.
Opportunity to build skills with process engineers and maintenance teams.
* Performing minor maintenance on equipment.
* Work at heights up to 100 feet, climb stairs/ladders, lift and carry up to 50 lbs., push and pull up to 150 lbs.
and wear required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in designated areas.
* Ability to wear a full face respirator and PPE
The Experience You Will Bring
* Willing and able to meet the physical requirements.
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience in a process or manufacturing plant.
* Experience or knowledge with DCS, PLC or SCADA controls.
* Experience using technology to gather and interpret data and information.
Sign on bonus and/or relocation package may apply based on candidate.
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter...
Type: Permanent Location: Duncombe, US-IA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-27 07:08:55
Your Job
Georgia-Pacific is seeking Machine Operators at our Rincon, GA facility to manufacture tissue, towel, and napkins safely and efficiently.
This position offers opportunities for development within your role and future growth within the company.
Machine Operators work a rotating 12-hour shift to include weekends, holidays, and overtime as needed.
Operators work in an environment that is hot, humid, cold, dusty, and noisy, and may sometimes work around oil chemicals and other substances.
Pay for this position starts at $20.00 per hour.
Our Team
Our Savannah River Mill in Rincon, GA began operations in October 1986 and is considered a world-class operation in the industry.
Five of the world's 12 largest tissue paper machines reside at the facility.
Our operation is designed to produce products primarily from recycled fiber.
We have over 50 converting lines that make the tissue, towel, and napkin products in our retail and away from home markets.
We work to create mutual benefit and remove barriers to opportunity for our employees, customers, and communities.
In addition to a standard benefits package, we also offer the following:
* Educational assistance
* Infertility support and Adoption/Surrogacy assistance
* Paid time off and double-time and holiday pay offered for holidays
* Mental Health coverage and support for you and your family
* Discount eligibility at a variety of retailers, and for a variety of services, travel opportunities, etc., as a Koch/GP employee
What You Will Do
* Proactively identify hazards and mitigate risk
* Adhere to safety rules and regulations to include wearing safety equipment as well as high standards for quality and product safety
* Operate mobile equipment, troubleshoot, maintain, and repair equipment to the desired competitive state
* Flow to the highest value work
* Effectively communicate valuable information to the team using a variety of tools; verbal, written, and, electronic
* Apply knowledge and expertise while building and improving asset strategies
* Operate equipment within operations targets and limits along with providing feedback on improvements
* Evaluate and execute operator basic care (OBC) and lube routes
* Make recommendations on spare parts strategy
* Actively engage in the execution of Zone Ownership and/ or equipment PPR's (Primary Person Responsible)
* Perform repetitive and physically demanding tasks throughout the 12-hr shift, to include lifting, pushing/pulling, gripping, reaching, sitting, walking, standing, bending, climbing ladders/stairs, able to work at heights
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* At least six (6) months or more of experience in a manufacturing, industrial, farming, construction, and/or military environment
* Experience working with others or as part of a team
* High School Diploma or GED
What Will Put You Ahead
* Operations experience on converting e...
Type: Permanent Location: Rincon, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-27 07:08:53
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Grow Your Career at the Richmond Fed!
At the Richmond Fed, we’re driven by our mission to strengthen the economy and our communities.
We take great pride in what we do and it impacts everyday people every day.
When you join our team, you’ll become part of a culture that welcomes differences, cares about our communities, and empowers each other to lead from where we are to make things better.
Bring your passion and we’ll provide challenging and purposeful careers in a variety of fields, opportunities to grow and a wide range of benefits and perks that support your health and wealth.
It’s all part of what makes #MyRichmondFed a great place to work!
About the Opportunity
The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and National IT are now hiring for our 2025 Summer Intern Program.
The Summer Internship Program provides outstanding students with the opportunity to gain valuable work experience at a unique institution.
Through advanced project work assignments and professional development activities, interns are provided with an extensive understanding of the work of the Federal Reserve. Interns will be given the opportunity to enhance their business skills through critical financial analysis, formal presentations, research and writing.
In addition to specific business area tasks, you will receive targeted leadership training, mentorship and exclusive networking opportunities.
What You Will Do:
* Utilizes established methods and tools to perform moderately complex analyses of business issues
* Works with clients and other resources to assess current capabilities, identify customer needs and assist in recommendation process improvements
* Provides support in gathering, analyzing and compiling information from end-users and stakeholders to ensure processes, software and/or applications meet business requirements
* Contributes to process improvement and solution discussions, may present outcomes to management
* May participate in cross-functional team initiatives, process improvement and/or technology-based projects
* Escalates non-routine or unusual problems to higher level support staff as appropriate
* Pursuing degree or advanced certification with a STEM (Science, Technology, and Engineering, or Math) focused curriculum
* Demonstrated ability to influence and lead others
* Communication and interpersonal skills, including the ability to work effectively in a team environment
* Creative thinker who embraces change
* Strong project management skills, including organization, planning, and execution, analytical and problem-solving skills
Other Requirements and Considerations:
* Candidates should review the Bank’s Employee Code of Conduct to ensure compliance with conflict of interest rules and personal investment restrictions. The Code is available on the About Us, Careers webpage ...
Type: Permanent Location: Richmond, US-VA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-27 07:08:08
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Grow Your Career at the Richmond Fed!
At the Richmond Fed, we’re driven by our mission to strengthen the economy and our communities.
We take great pride in what we do and it impacts everyday people every day.
When you join our team, you’ll become part of a culture that welcomes differences, cares about our communities, and empowers each other to lead from where we are to make things better.
Bring your passion and we’ll provide challenging and purposeful careers in a variety of fields, opportunities to grow and a wide range of benefits and perks that support your health and wealth.
It’s all part of what makes #MyRichmondFed a great place to work!
About the Opportunity:
The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and National IT are now hiring for our 2025 Summer Intern Program.
The Summer Internship Program provides outstanding students with the opportunity to gain valuable work experience at a unique institution.
Through advanced project work assignments and professional development activities, interns are provided with an extensive understanding of the work of the Federal Reserve. Interns will be given the opportunity to enhance their business skills through critical financial analysis, formal presentations, research and writing.
In addition to specific business area tasks, you will receive targeted leadership training, mentorship and exclusive networking opportunities.
What You Will Do:
* Utilizes established methods and tools to perform moderately complex analyses of business issues
* Works with clients and other resources to assess current capabilities, identify customer needs and assist in recommendation process improvements
* Provides support in gathering, analyzing and compiling information from end-users and stakeholders to ensure processes, software and/or applications meet business requirements
* Contributes to process improvement and solution discussions, may present outcomes to management
* May participate in cross-functional team initiatives, process improvement and/or technology-based projects
* Escalates non-routine or unusual problems to higher level support staff as appropriate
* Pursuing degree or advanced certification
* Demonstrated ability to influence and lead others
* Communication and interpersonal skills, including the ability to work effectively in a team environment
* Creative thinker who embraces change
* Strong project management skills, including organization, planning, and execution, analytical and problem-solving skills
Other Requirements and Considerations:
* Candidates should review the Bank’s Employee Code of Conduct to ensure compliance with conflict of interest rules and personal investment restrictions. The Code is available on the About Us, Careers webpage at www.richmondfed.org.
* US Citizenship or US Permanen...
Type: Permanent Location: Richmond, US-VA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-27 07:08:07
This is your chance to join a fast-paced organization with a large, stable, and continuously growing presence in the vertical market software industry!
Harris is currently looking to hire an Assistant Controller.
The ideal candidate for this role has their professional accounting designation (or currently enrolled as a student); a strong analytical mindset and a passion for continuous learning and improvement.
As Assistant Controller, you will be a part of the Harris finance management team and will be looked upon to provide financial support and analysis that will have a direct impact on a Business Unit’s success.
Reporting to the Controller, you will help manage a team of finance professionals; play a critical role in the month, quarter, and year-end close process while working closely with the senior leadership team in each business unit as their ‘trusted business advisor’.
This role is based out of our newly renovated corporate head office in Ottawa, Ontario, although Harris Finance employees are currently working remotely.
* Ensuring the accuracy, completeness, and timely completion of monthly financial reporting
* Technical accounting analyses under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
* Analyzing and summarizing financial results for senior leadership
* Helping with computations and analyses to support decision-making of divisional VPs
* Managing and supporting members of the finance team including financial analysts, accounts payable and accounts receivable
* Review multiple-element software contracts to ensure proper revenue recognition under IFRS 15 guidelines, including regular preparation and/or review of supporting schedules
* Co-ordinate audit requests and respond to queries during quarterly reviews and the interim and year-end audit
* Leading special ad hoc projects that impact various stakeholders within the organization
* Helping with due diligence and integrating new acquisitions into the finance group
* 4+ years of experience in an accounting or finance environment
* Completed or working towards a CPA designation
* Experience building and managing relationships with direct reports and internal stakeholders
* Familiarity with IFRS reporting framework
* Progressive experience working at an accounting firm or software company
* Solutions focused mindset with a desire to improve processes
* Three weeks' vacation and five personal days
* Comprehensive Medical, Dental and Vision coverage from your first day of employment
* Financial and professional development support for CPA candidates and members
* Employee stock ownership and RRSP matching programs
* Lifestyle rewards
* Flexible work options
* Performance driven organization with many opportunities for advancement
Type: Permanent Location: Ottawa, CA-ON
Salary / Rate: 85000
Posted: 2024-10-27 07:06:07
Production Associate
Our Team
Georgia-Pacific is now hiring motivated and detail-oriented individuals to join our team as Production Associates at our corrugated packaging facility in Cleveland, Tennessee.
These team members create value by safely operating machines to meet and exceed the plant's production and quality goals.
Candidates who acquire the knowledge and skills to be successful in this position will have exciting opportunities for advancement.
Only candidates who are flexible to be assigned to work any shift will be considered.
We are currently hiring for 2nd and 3rd shift.
There are no permanent positions available on 1st shift.
Shift is Monday - Friday: Candidates must be flexible to work weekends (Saturdays & Sundays) and overtime (12-hour shift).
Orientation and training will take place on 1st shift (7am - 3pm) and you will be assigned your permanent shift on either 2nd or 3rd during orientation.
Shift Hours:
Monday - Friday 2nd shift: 3pm - 11pm; weekends and overtime.
Monday - Friday 3rd shift: 11pm - 7am; weekends and overtime.
Salary: $20.62/hr.
with a shift differential of $0.90/hr.
for 2nd and 3rd shifts.
What You Will Do
* Adhere to all plant environmental guidelines, policies, and procedures.
* Help to meet and exceed production, waste, and quality goals.
* Troubleshoot and make minor machine adjustments.
* Maintain cleanliness in designated work area throughout shift.
* Handle or assist with all aspects of the machine's daily production including setting-up, operating, maintaining production quality, and performing daily maintenance.
* Perform tasks such as lifting, walking, climbing, stooping, standing, pushing, and/or pulling for at least 8 hours a day, in a hot, humid, cold, and noisy industrial environment.
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experience in a manufacturing, agricultural, warehouse OR military environment OR completion of post high school education in manufacturing/industrial.
What will Put You Ahead
* Experience working in a corrugated box plant.
* Experience using a computer, tablet, or smart device.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy [1] here.
Who We Are
As a Koch company and a leading manufacturer of bath tissue, paper towels, paper-based packaging, cellulose, specialty fibers, building products and much more, Georgia-Pacific works to meet evolving needs of customers worldwide with quality products.
In addition to the products we make, we operate one of the largest recycling businesses.
Our more than 30,000 employees in over 150 locations are empowered to innovate every day - to make everyday products even better.
At Koch, employees are empowered to do what they do best to make life better.
Learn how our [2] business philosophy helps employees unleash their potential while creating value for themselves and t...
Type: Permanent Location: Cleveland, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-27 07:05:07
Your Job
Koch Fertilizer, LLC is seeking a motivated and self-driven Facility Manager to join our team in Marshalltown, IA.
This role will involve leading and developing a team including Operations Technicians and an Instrumentation Technician.
The successful candidate will support operations, maintenance, and management of an anhydrous ammonia terminal consisting of shipping, receiving, and storage.
Our Benefits Package Includes:
$10,000 sign-on bonus!
Bonus eligible
Competitive 401K company contribution and employer match program
Excellent Health benefits
Tuition Reimbursement
Opportunity for advancement
* This is a flexible day shift position, Monday - Friday and may include some over-night travel to other terminals.
The successful candidate will be willing and able to work a rotating 24 hour on-call schedule and report to the terminal within 45 minutes.
Our Team
Koch Fertilizer, LLC owns a network of storage and terminal assets across the Midwest responsible for storage and shipment of anhydrous ammonia and other fertilizer products to customers for agricultural and industrial use.
What You Will Do
* Provide overall leadership and growth of the team including coaching and development
* Identify opportunities to improve efficiency and/or capability of the terminal
* Assist in project execution at the terminal and provide timely feedback on progress to key stakeholders
* Lead by example by personally promoting Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S)
* Oversee Terminal Compliance, upkeep and maintenance
* Oversee safe handling of anhydrous ammonia in storage, refrigeration process, truck loading/unloading, and receipts from pipeline
* Provide accurate and timely terminal recordkeeping involving working within Microsoft Office products (Word, Excel, Outlook, Teams) along with other tracking software specific to tasks
* Ensure equipment is maintained in good operational condition in a cost-effective manner
* Work with qualified suppliers to ensure equipment is repaired in a timely manner
* Ensure all employees and contractors are trained on processes and the importance of safety and environmental compliance
* Aid with truck loading in peak demand times
* Take ownership to ensure that all work is being done safely and efficiently
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* 1+ years of experience in a technical maintenance and/or operations position
* Experience leading and developing a team
* Valid driver's license
* Must be willing and able to live within 45 minutes of the terminal
Physical Requirements:
* Ability to have unassisted physical mobility around a terminal
* Ability to be medically approved to participate in the respiratory protection and HAZWOPER programs
* Ability to wear up to a Level A Personal Protective Equipment while performing the job duties
* Ability to work outdoors in various types of weather
* Ability to lif...
Type: Permanent Location: Marshalltown, US-IA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-27 07:01:26
Your Job
Georgia-Pacific is seeking a Logistics Manufacturing Engineer to join our Dixie® team in Jackson, TN.
We are seeking individuals who are interested in being part of a world class startup.
Are you motivated by seeing the results of your work in a world-class end product? Do you desire to have career growth in an atmosphere of entrepreneurship, where your ideas and contribution really matter? If so, we are interested in learning about you! This is a great opportunity to work in a climate-controlled work environment with opportunities for advancement.
Our Team
The Jackson Plant is part of the Dixie® brand plates and bowls paper products manufacturing operation.
We are proud to safely manufacture quality products that have a competitive advantage and solid growth within the marketplace.
We create a work environment that attracts, engages, and retains the best people.
Our technology is state of the art, and we will bring the best team together to deliver for our customers, Georgia-Pacific, and the Jackson community.
What You Will Do
* Create a safe workplace with all environmental, safety, and business practices with emphasis on identifying and mitigating critical risks to achieve zero SIFs.
* Provide leadership to improve performance in the areas of safety, environmental compliance, customer satisfaction, organizational effectiveness, cost management and asset utilization in your associated technology center.
* Assist in communicating and connecting employees to our vision, priorities, and business objectives.
* Work with Gate Keeper to evaluate, approve, and prioritize equipment repairs and scheduled shutdowns utilizing the Asset Maintenance Work Process
* Coach and develop the capability level of our reliability technicians, lead technicians, and technicians to reliably operate equipment and processes.
* Work closely with shift performance coaches, lead technicians, technicians, and customers to troubleshoot process, quality, and equipment issues.
* Lead root cause analysis process and execute effective corrective actions.
* Lead and participate in transformational improvement efforts.
* Regularly help communicate, articulate, and direct departmental priorities to achieve company visions.
* Apply Discipline Operations strategy for managing continuous improvement of product systems and processes leading to product improvement.
* Provide feedback to the facility leadership team on manufacturing work process gaps and results.
* Develop and implement comprehensive asset strategies for all assigned assets; to include Operating Envelope, Operator Basic Care/Zone Ownership, Spare Parts / Stocking Strategy Optimization, Condition Based Monitoring, and Predictive & Preventative Maintenance activities.
* Mentor and support area leaders with daily manufacturing work process execution and transformation efforts
* Effectively apply the challenge process; coach initiative ow...
Type: Permanent Location: Jackson, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-10-27 07:01:17