Werde Sortierer für Pakete in Friesoythe (m/w/d)
Was wir bieten
* 15,63€ Tarif-Stundenlohn
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, bezahlte Einarbeitung, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Du kannst ab 02.12.2024 in Teilzeit starten, 12 Stunden/Woche
* befristet bis 24.12.2024 !
* Kostenlose Ausstattung, wie z.B.
Sicherheitsschuhe und Schutzhandschuhe
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote, wie z.B.
Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, Fitnessstudios, Modemarken etc.
Deine Aufgaben als Sortierer bei uns
* Sortieren der Paketsendungen nach verschiedenen Kriterien
* Heranholen der zugeführten Paketbehälter
* Abtransport der Paketbehälter
* Unsere Schichten / Arbeitszeiten nach Dienstplan:
* Frühschicht von 07:00 bis 09:24 Uhr
* 5 Tage Woche (Dienstag bis Samstag)
* Einsatzzeitraum vom 02.12.2024 bis 24.12.2024
Was du als Paketsortierer bietest
* Du arbeitest zuverlässig und bist engagiert
* Du kannst anpacken und hast Spaß an körperlicher Arbeit
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du arbeitest gern im Team
Werde Sortierer bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Paketsortierer sorgst du dafür, dass unsere Briefe pünktlich ankommen.
Bei uns sind auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Lagerhelfer, am besten online.
Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Friesoythe, DE-NI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:09:25
• Téma udržatelnosti a a ochrany životného prostredia ti nie je ľahostajná.
• Rád
*a pracuješ v tíme, ale dokážeš sa aj samostatne rozhodnúť.
• Dokážeš si stanoviť priority a efektívne využívať svoj čas.
• Práca na PC ti nie je cudzia a dokážeš si vždy vyhľadať, čo potrebuješ.
• Baví ťa montovať nábytok a si manuálne zručný
*á? Tak potom si kutil, ktorého hľadáme.
• Poradenstvo a predaj tovaru v oddelení Druhý život nábytku, komunikácia so zákazníkmi
• Snažíme sa dať druhý život každému kúsku nábytku, ktorý bol u nás vystavený alebo ho vrátil zákazník.
U nás sa len tak niečo nevyhodí!
• Máme pritom na pamäti, aký dopad bude mať každé naše rozhodnutie na životné prostredie, ide nám o trvalú udržateľnosť
• Práca v dielni (montáž, prebaľovanie tovaru), aj na predajnej ploche
• Na PC pracujeme s internými systémami a spracovávame rôzne transakcie - príjem tovaru, návrat tovaru na sklad, tlačenie nových cenoviek
• Spolupráca s kolegami z iných oddelení
• 5 dní dovolenky naviac
• výborná strava priamo na pracovisku ( raňajky, obedy, večere), obed za 1€
• káva, čaj, nealko nápoje, ovocie zdarma
• MHD zadarmo
• nadštandardné príplatky za odpracované víkendy
• príspevok do III piliera dôchodkového sporenia
• zamestnanecká zľava na tovar IKEA
• vzdelávanie a možnosť kariérneho rastu
• a ďalšie výhody
Mzda: od 1250€ btt./ mesačne ( plat pozostavá z hrubej mesačnej mzdy 1110€ + príplatky za prácu počas víkendu).
Plat pravidelne prehodnocujeme na základe hodnotenia pracovného výkonu.
Type: Permanent Location: Bratislava, SK-BL
Salary / Rate: 15000
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:09:07
* Máš rád/a prácu, v ktorej sa stále niečo deje.
* Rád/a sa na zákazníkov usmeješ a poradíš im.
* Si samostatný/á a zodpovedný/á, s pozitívnym prístupom.
* Ponúkame dlhodobú a stabilnú prácu v príjemnom prostredí a výbornom kolektíve.
* práca s registračnou pokladňou: blokovanie tovaru, príjem platieb
* kontrola tovaru prechádzajúceho cez pokladňu
* každodenná komunikácia so zákazníkom
* pomoc a usmernenie zákazníkov platiacich v samoobslužnej pokladni
* práca na zmeny na 20 hodinový týždenný pracovný úväzok
* 5 dní dovolenky naviac
* výborná strava priamo na pracovisku ( raňajky, obedy, večere), obed za 1€
* káva, čaj, nealko nápoje, ovocie zdarma
* MHD zadarmo
* nadštandardné príplatky za odpracované víkendy
* príspevok do III piliera dôchodkového sporenia
* zamestnanecká zľava na tovar IKEA
* Multisport karta
* vzdelávanie a možnosť kariérneho rastu
* a ďalšie výhody
Mzda: od 619 € (plat pozostáva zo základnej hrubej mzdy 532 € btt./ mesačne + príplatky za víkendové služby)
Type: Permanent Location: Bratislava, SK-BL
Salary / Rate: 7428
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:09:04
Hľadáme tímového hráča, ktorý má rád jedlo a varenie.
Tvojou úlohou bude poskytovať našim zákazníkom chutný dôvod k tomu, aby sa k nám radi vracali a vytvárať príjemnú atmosféru.
* máš príjemné vystupovanie
* si schopný/á robiť viac vecí naraz
* si komunikatívny/a a rád/a pracuješ v kolektive
* je na teba spoľahnutie a rád/a sa učíš nové veci
* si flexibilný, práca na smeny
* aktívna komunikácia so zákazníkom
* príprava jednoduchých pokrmov
* výdaj pokrmov pri výdajnom pulte
* udržiavanie čistoty
* dodržiavanie hygienických predpisov a predpisov HACCP
* 5 dní dovolenky naviac
* výborná strava priamo na pracovisku ( raňajky, obedy, večere), obed za 1€
* káva, čaj, nealko nápoje, ovocie zdarma
* MHD zadarmo
* nadštandardné príplatky za odpracované víkendy
* príspevok do III piliera dôchodkového sporenia
* zamestnanecká zľava na tovar IKEA
* Multisport karta
* vzdelávanie a možnosť kariérneho rastu
* a ďalšie výhody
Mzda: od 1250€/mesačne ( plat pozostáva zo základnej hrubej mzdy1100 € btt./ mesačne + nadštandardné príplatky za dva odpracované víkendy) .
Platy pravidelne prehodnocujeme.
Type: Permanent Location: Bratislava, SK-BL
Salary / Rate: 15000
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:09:03
Ton rôle à pour but d'offrir d'excellentes expériences aux clients à distance et de maximiser les ventes en proposant des offres intéressantes dans un assortiment complexe, des solutions complètes, pratiques et adaptées aux besoins du client.
Tes principales missions :
- Fournir un support client de qualité sur tous les canaux à distance, y compris les appels visio, afin d'assurer une excellente expérience client et en renforçant ainsi la confiance dans la marque IKEA.
- Proposer des solutions complètes d'aménagement de la maison en faisant preuve d'une approche commerciale et d'un véritable sens de la vente dans chaque contact avec le client afin de maximiser les ventes.
- Identifier des solutions d'ameublement complètes et attrayantes répondant aux besoins spécifiques du client en faisant preuve d'expertise dans les outils de planification/conception, afin de dépasser les attentes des clients et de maximiser les ventes.
- Identifier et présenter la meilleure solution pour le client, en faisant preuve d'une connaissance approfondie d’assortiment et de services complexes
- Utiliser les techniques de vente active à distance pour contribuer à la croissance et à la rentabilité à long terme.
- Orienter les ventes et la rencontre avec le client de manière à équilibrer les besoins du client et les objectifs de l'entreprise.
- Réaliser ses objectifs individuels afin de contribuer aux objectifs de l’équipe, de l'unité et de l’entreprise.
- S'informer activement sur la gamme de produits et de services IKEA afin de se tenir au courant des priorités et des activités commerciales et maintenir sa capacité à orienter les ventes.
- Fournir un feed-back sur les besoins d'amélioration des informations, contribuant ainsi à ce que tous les collaborateurs disposent des connaissances requises pour répondre aux besoins des clients
- Mettre en pratique les engagements sociaux et environnementaux de IKEA et contribuer ainsi au développement durable.
- Saisir les informations pertinentes sur les clients pour permettre aux autres services d'Ingka d'améliorer l'expérience client.
Il te sera possible de télétravailler partiellement selon l'accord en vigueur dès lors que tu seras autonome sur tes missions.
Rémunération : à partir de 1800 € brut mensuel (salaire de référence pour un temps plein).
Outre ton salaire de base qui rémunère ton travail, tes compétences et tes responsabilités, tu bénéficieras notamment de :
• Une prime de 13e mois.
• Une part de rémunération variable liée à la performance économique globale.
• Une mutuelle santé offrant des prestations de qualité, dès ton arrivée.
• Une prime d'ancienneté (au-delà de 2 ans).
• Des congés supplémentaires pour ancienneté (au-delà de 3 ans).
• La possibilité de prendre un déjeuner sain et varié pour moins de 3€.
• Une remise personnelle de 15% sur tes achats chez IKEA.
IKEA, leader international de solutions d’aménagement de la maison, poursuit depuis plus de 40 ans son développement en France avec toujours la même vision : « améliorer le quotidien du plus grand nombre ».
Animés par notre culture et nos valeurs, nous sommes passionnés par la vie à la maison.
Chez IKEA, nous vivons la culture suédoise au quotidien.
Et, comme le font les Suédois, nous nous tutoyons tous, peu importe notre poste ou notre unité.
C'est pourquoi nous le faisons aussi dès cette annonce et pendant tout le processus de recrutement !
- Tu es passionné par la rencontre avec les clients et par le fait d’apprendre et de te développer de façon continue.
- Tu es fortement motivé par la vente (intérêt spécifique pour le domaine de l'ameublement) et la réalisation d'objectifs communs en équipe.
Etre ouvert au partage de connaissances et d'idées c'est tout toi !
- Tu as la capacité à comprendre et à exploiter les besoins du client pour proposer des solutions d'ameublement créatives et complètes qui dépassent ses attentes.
- Tu es tout à fait à l'aise avec les technologies permettant le travail à distance (téléphone, mail, chat) et tu sais t'adapter en fonction du canal grâce à de solides compétences en communication, à l'oral comme à l'écrit, en français.
- Tu aimeras travailler dans un environnement de vente très dynamique, dans lequel tu devras gérer plusieurs tâches à la fois.
- Tu maîtrises déjà la pratique d'outils de planification/conception de solutions complètes d'ameublement pour la maison.
- Tu as au moins 2 ans d'expérience dans des fonctions de vente avec compétences avérées dans la conception et la vente de solutions complexes pour l'ameublement de la maison (cuisine, dressing, etc).
Type: Permanent Location: Evry, FR-IDF
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:09:02
Šikovný pokladník je poklad.
Vie to zákazníkom spočítať a ešte se pri tom usmieva.
Myslíš si to isté? Staň sa členom našeho tímu na ODDELENÍ POKLADNÍ v IKEA.
* Nezľakneš sa veľkých peňazí, ani veľkých krabíc.
* Hravo si poradíš so skenerom.
* Rád sa na zákazníkov usmeješ a poradíš im.
* Si samostatný a zodpovedný, s pozitívnym prístupom.
Ponúkame dlhodobú a stabilnú prácu v príjemnom prostredí a výbornom kolektíve.
Náplň práce Pokladníka v IKEA:
* práca s registračnou pokladňou: blokovanie tovaru, príjem platieb
* kontrola tovaru prechádzajúceho cez pokladňu
* každodenná komunikácia so zákazníkom
* pomoc a usmernenie zákazníkov platiacich v samoobslužnej pokladni
* práca na zmeny na 20 alebo 38,75 hodinový týždenný pracovný úväzok
* 5 dní dovolenky naviac
* výborná strava priamo na pracovisku ( raňajky, obedy, večere), obed za 1€
* káva, čaj, nealko nápoje, ovocie zdarma
* MHD zadarmo
* nadštandardné príplatky za odpracované víkendy
* príspevok do III piliera dôchodkového sporenia
* zamestnanecká zľava na tovar IKEA
* Multisport karta
* vzdelávanie a možnosť kariérneho rastu
* a ďalšie výhody
Mzda: od 1200€ (plat pozostáva zo základnej hrubej mzdy 1030€ btt./ mesačne pri 38,75 hodinovom týždennom úväzku + príplatky za víkendové služby)
Type: Permanent Location: Bratislava, SK-BL
Salary / Rate: 14400
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:09:01
Remote, Nationwide - Seeking Provider Enrollment Analyst (Temporary)
Everybody Has A Role To Play In Transforming Healthcare
If you want to be part of changing healthcare to better serve patients, you are in the right place.
With Vituity you will join a team of individuals dedicated to our culture of caring and work to develop and implement innovative solutions, while tackling some of the healthcare industry's most challenging situations from the inside.
Join the Vituity Team.
At Vituity, our core values matter.
We embody a Culture of Caring by approaching every human interaction with compassion and heart.
With a Servant Leadership philosophy, we focus on what we can accomplish when we put our patients and colleagues first.
An Ownership Mentality means we all have mutual accountability to drive positive change for Vituity as a whole.
Finally, our focus on Innovation enables all of us to re-imagine healthcare and bring about lasting change.
Ultimately, we are unified around the common purpose of transforming healthcare to improve lives, and we believe everyone has a role to play in that.
Help us shape the future of healthcare.
Vituity Locations: Vituity has opportunities at 450 practice locations across the country, serving 8 million patients a year.
With Vituity, if you ever need to move, you can take your job with you.
The Opportunity
* Temporary position for 9 months.
* Generate, audit, and submit at least 130 recurring provider demographic rosters per month (over 1,500 rosters per year) for Blue Shield, Anthem Blue Cross, Cigna, United Healthcare, Multiplan, HealthNet, HealthSmart, and other payer programs throughout the country as needed.
* Work towards the team's overall goal of zero pending applications or roster submissions over six months after the Provider's start date.
* Submit all completed rosters to their respective supervisor or manager for audit, while working towards an error rate of less than 10% and no longer requiring audits.
* High focus on roster processes for payers and across the enterprise, including, but not limited to ad-hoc requests, credential verification, roster preparation, audits, submissions, and provider validations.
* Monitor submitted provider enrollment rosters to ensure they are processed and approved by payers and communicate said approvals to our billing team prior to timely filing.
* Complete any provider demographic, payer validations, or audits requested within payers' allotted timeframes or contracted terms.
* Develop understanding of how to tag, filter, build relationships, and remove items in DocGen Packages, within Salesforce, to assist the rest of the team by auto-populating required documents.
* Begin to learn how to build dashboards to assist the rest of the team with managing their workload.
* Manage daily administrative duties.
* Communicate data errors within our systems and notify the applicable stakeholders.
* Data entry in p...
Type: Permanent Location: Sacramento, US-CA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:07:52
Teamleiter Logistik (m/w/d)
Bist Du bereit für deine neue Herausforderung bei dem Weltmarktführer DHL Supply Chain im Bereich Kontraktlogistik? Dann bist Du genau richtig bei uns! Wir bieten als Experten unseren Kunden aus diversen Branchen maßgeschneiderte Lösungen entlang der gesamten Supply Chain an.
So verbinden wir Menschen weltweit und verbessern Leben.
Darüber hinaus leisten wir mit unseren Initiativen GoGreen, GoTeach und GoHelp einen positiven Beitrag für die Gesellschaft.
Klingt spannend? Dann bewirb dich jetzt als Teamleiter in der Logistik und werde Teil unseres tollen Teams am Standort Hirschhorn!
Das bieten wir:
* Attraktive Vergütung nach Tarifvertrag
* Minutengenaue Zeiterfassung und ein Arbeitszeitkonto
* Mitarbeiterangebote mit attraktiven Rabatten verschiedener Unternehmen und Dienstleistungen
* Vermögenswirksame Leistungen und betriebliche Altersvorsorge
* Eine Vielzahl an Weiterbildungs- und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten sowie eine große Lernplattform und Schulungsangebote
* Ein tolles Team und jede Menge Spaß
• Disziplinarische und fachliche Führung des Teams einschließlich der entsprechenden Einsatzplanung sowie der bereichsübergreifenden Ablauf-Koordination
• Planung, Überwachung und Anpassung der personellen Besetzung zur Erfüllung betrieblicher Anforderungen
• Leitung der täglichen Arbeiten zur Gewährleistung eines sicheren, sauberen und gerechten Arbeitsumfeldes für die Teammitglieder
• Durchführung von Schulungen, Ein-/ Unterweisungen neuer Teammitglieder
• Einhaltung von Betriebs- und Arbeitsanweisungen sicherstellen
• Organisation und Schwerpunktsetzung auf eine Verbesserung des Produktivitätsniveaus und Erreichen der geforderten Kennzahlen
• Kommunikation von Arbeitspraktiken, Abläufen und Methoden gegenüber den Teammitgliedern
• Meldung von Verstößen gegen die Arbeitsschutz- und Arbeitssicherheitsvorschriften und außerplanmäßigen Vorkommnissen / Unfällen
• Durchführung von regelmäßigen Teambesprechungen zur Weitergabe von Informationen, erreichten Performance- und Qualitätskennzahlen
• Optimierung der Produktivität durch Korrektur- und Verbesserungsmaßnahmen
• Organisation einer effizienten und effektiven Arbeitsweise im zuständigen Bereich
• Abstimmung mit vor- und nachgelagerten Produktionsbereichen
• Weiterentwicklung der Strategie für die Operations, um die Einhaltung der Vorgaben nach OMS (Operation - Management System)
• Berufsausbildung oder einschlägige Berufserfahrung oder einen vergleichbaren Abschluss im Bereich Logistik
• Grundlagen und erste Erfahrung mit SAP, oder anderem Warenwirtschaftssystem, zwingend erforderlich
• Erste operative Führungserfahrung, idealerweise in der Logistikbranche
• Kenntnisse der gesetzlichen Vorgaben zu Arbeitssicherheit und Arbeitsschutz
• Kenntnisse in MS Office und lagerspezifischen IT-Anwendungen
• Englischkenntnisse und sehr gute Deutschkennt...
Type: Contract Location: Hirschhorn, DE-HE
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:07:47
• Vorbereitung der Paletten für den Versand
• Effiziente Beladung des LKWs für den Transport
• Lagerinterner Warentransport
• Einhaltung der gesetzlichen und IKEA Sicherheits- und Qualitätsrichtlinien
• körperliche Belastbarkeit für Kommissionierung - bewegen von Ware bis zu max.
Für diese Position bieten wir einen Monatslohn in der Höhe von € 2436,11 brutto mit Staplerschein auf Basis Vollzeitbeschäftigung (38,5 Wochenstunden)
Zusätzlich zu den fixen Lohnbestandteilen erhalten unsere Mitarbeiter einen variablen, leistungsabhängigen Bonus sowie attraktive Sozialleistungen und gutes Betriebsklima.
Arbeitsort: IKEA Distribution Services, Terminalstraße 2, 4600 Wels
Du arbeitest Vollzeit im Rahmen unserer 2er-Schicht:
FRÜH-Schicht: Montag - Freitag 6:15 – 13:30 Uhr, Samstag 6:15 - 12:30 Uhr
SPÄT-Schicht: Montag - Freitag 13:45 – 21:45 Uhr
Deine Benefits:
• Ein sicherer Arbeitsplatz mit einem Einstiegsgehalt über dem Kollektivvertrag in einem inklusiven und werteorientierten Unternehmen
• ONE IKEA Bonus (jährlich bei Zielerreichung für alle Mitarbeiter:innen)
• Ein Dienstplan, abgestimmt auf deine Bedürfnisse, 4 Wochen im Vorhinein
• Weiterbildungs- und Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten im In- und Ausland
• Lebens- und private Unfallversicherung
• 15% Einkaufsrabatt und vergünstigtes Essen
weitere Vorteile findest du auf IKEA.at/Jobs
• Du arbeitest gerne im Team und übernimmst gerne die Verantwortung für deine Aufgaben
• Du hantierst selbstständig und flexibel mit verschieden Geräten ( Frontgabelstapler, Schubmaststapler, Kommssioniergeräte umv..
• Du hast einen Staplerschein und idealerweise auch Erfahrung im Umgang mit dem Stapler
• Du ergreifst gern die Initiative und scheust dich nicht vor körperlicher Arbeit.
• Du kannst dich auf Deutsch verständigen.
In Schubladen denken wir nur, wenn es um Kommoden geht.
Deshalb setzen wir auf die Förderung von Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, einen bunten Mix aus Generationen, die Inklusion von Personen mit Behinderungen und einen offenen Umgang mit Religion, Glaube und Weltanschauung.
Mehr zu Inklusion, Vielfalt und Gleichheit bei IKEA findest du unter: SEI SMÅRT GANZ DU SELBST: WIR GLAUBEN AN KARRIERE OHNE BARRIERE
In Schubladen denken wir nur, wenn es um Kommoden geht.
Deshalb setzen wir auf die Förderung von Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, einen bunten Mix aus Generationen, die Inklusion von Personen mit Behinderungen und einen offenen Umgang mit Religion, Glaube und Weltanschauung.
Mehr zu Inklusion, Vielfalt und Gleichheit bei IKEA findest du unter: https://www.ikea.com/at/de/this-is-ikea/work-with-us/gleichheit-vielfalt-inklusion-pub86a2cb59
Type: Permanent Location: Wels, AT-4
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:07:46
About us
For over six decades, Vinidex has been leading the way – setting the industry benchmark for pipeline systems and solutions.
We make life flow with groundbreaking, high-quality products, connecting everything from water, gas, and energy throughout Australia.
We are proud of our focus on operating on 100% renewable energy by 2025 and our recycling programs across our sites.
About the role
Seeking a driven and experienced Category Manager to join our amazing marketing team in Sydney.
In this newly created role, the Category Marketing Manager for Drainage systems will develop and execute effective category strategies that drives sustainable growth of Vinidex’s drainage products portfolio. This newly created role is expected to manage all aspects of the product lifecycle from ideation through to strategy and launch.
A subject matter expert when it comes to the customer, the competitive market, channel and industry trends, this individual will need to work collaboratively to deliver on results and business outcomes.
What will you do?
* Category Marketing Strategy: Develop comprehensive category strategies that are designed to improve category profitability& growth and reinvigorate product innovation in strategic markets.
* Market Analysis and Customer Insights: Conduct regular market research and analysis to identify opportunities, trends, and competitive insights. Translate insights into opportunities for category growth and product innovation.
* Pricing & profitability: Work with sales, marketing and finance to develop and implement pricing strategies that optimise category sales growth and profitability.
* Sales and Performance Analysis: Monitor category performance, sales data, and market trends to identify areas for improvement and take proactive actions to enhance results.
* Innovation & Product Development: Identify category portfolio gaps and successfully drive ideation, innovation and new product commercialisation, steeped in customer insights. Manage high value NPD from concept to delivery, working with the innovation team.
About you
* Bachelor's Degree in Business, Marketing, or a related field
* Minimum of 5 years of experience in Category Management, or Product Marketing Managment preferably with a focus on manufactured products in a B2B market
* Proven track record of developing and implementing successful category strategies that resulted in revenue/market share growth
* Strong analytical skills with the ability to translate data into actionable insights
* Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to build and maintain relationships at all levels
* A natural curiosity for, and deep understanding of market dynamics, industry trends and customer behaviour.
Why join us? We care …
* You will enjoy working for a business that is conscious about what we do, how it operates and our impact on the environment
* En...
Type: Permanent Location: Smithfield, AU-NSW
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:07:43
Your Job
Guardian Glass is looking for a Production Supervisor to join our team in Corsicana, TX!
Guardian offers an entrepreneurial environment for results-oriented individuals with a unique culture that focuses on results, playing to win and rewarding employees for their commitment to excellence.
Our Team
We are a principled based company that relies heavily on teamwork and ingenuity.
We pride ourselves on being the partner of choice for our internal and external customers.
What You Will Do
* Lead, track and improve performance on key department goals and objectives
* Oversee high tech vacuum coating process along with technical support team
* Ensure team members are aligned with all safety expectations, training and procedures
* Develop crew members to improve individual and organizational performance
* Lead performance management and corrective action processes
* Continuously improve plant performance through process improvements
* Collaborate with other departments to optimize production requirements
* Work with upstream and downstream processes (and people), to exceed customer expectations
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Leadership experience in a fast-paced environment
* Willingness and ability to work a rotating shift schedule
What Will Put You Ahead
* Bachelor's degree in a business or engineering field
* Experience in high volume manufacturing.
* Experience in employee relations, administration and communication.
This role is not eligible for sponsorship.
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
As a Koch company, Guardian Glass is one of the world's largest manufacturers of float, value-added and fabricated glass products and solutions.
We produce high-performance glass for architectural, residential, interior, transportation and technical glass applications.
You'll find our glass in homes, offices and cars and in some of the world's most iconic projects.
At Koch, employees are empowered to do what they do best to make life better.
Learn how our business philosophy helps employees unleash their potential while creating value for themselves and the company.
Our Benefits
Our goal is for each employee, and their families, to live fulfilling and h...
Type: Permanent Location: Corsicana, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:07:38
Primary Function
Manages a team of engineers while assessing their options and resources to align engineering goals with project or business requirements.
Primary Duties
* Ability to monitor and evaluate the operations of the Group
* Thorough understanding and ability to analyze financial reports
* Actively involved in monitoring the budget, schedule, and quality on projects within the Group
* Supervising staff and recruiting new staff when needed
* Successful experience in proposal writing to obtain work
* Have strong and established relationships with local municipalities/agencies within the assigned metropolitan area
* It is also favorable to have established relationships throughout the state.
Education and Experience Requirements
Candidate must have a BS in Engineering with a minimum of 15 years of management experience on transportation projects and is a registered civil engineer in the state
Equal Opportunity Employer/Protected Veterans/Individuals with Disabilities
The contractor will not discharge or in any other manner discriminate against employees or applicants because they have inquired about, discussed, or disclosed their own pay or the pay of another employee or applicant.
However, employees who have access to the compensation information of other employees or applicants as a part of their essential job functions cannot disclose the pay of other employees or applicants to individuals who do not otherwise have access to compensation information, unless the disclosure is (a) in response to a formal complaint or charge, (b) in furtherance of an investigation, proceeding, hearing, or action, including an investigation conducted by the employer, or (c) consistent with the contractor’s legal duty to furnish information.
41 CFR 60-1.35(c)
Operations Management
Type: Permanent Location: Houston, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:07:34
Classification: Exempt
We are Alsco Uniforms.
We’ve been working hard for our customers since 1889 when we invented the uniform and linen rental industry.
Alsco Uniforms has grown into a worldwide leader serving over 350,000 customers in 13 countries.
It’s our job every day to make every aspect of the customer experience better.
Whatever our customers need, Alsco Uniforms finds the answers that work for them.
Our employees are the heart and soul of Alsco Uniforms.
As a result, we have a long history of strong financial performance, continuous improvement, and customer service.
We’re seeking driven professionals with ambition to grow within our company.
We’d love to talk to you about how you can fit into our team of diverse individuals and how your hard work will be rewarded with competitive pay and benefits and ongoing career development.
Join our team and build your career with Alsco Uniforms!
Job Summary:
The General Manager is responsible for overseeing all facets of a branch operation.
Reports to the Regional Manager.
Our full-time employees enjoy:
401K Plan with Company Match
Medical, Dental, Vision, FSA/HSA
Life Insurance, Disability Insurance
Vacation, Sick Time, Holidays
Choice of Global Cash Card or Direct Deposit
Career Advancement
Learning & Development Opportunities
Inclusive and Diverse Team Environment
Essential Functions:
- Overseeing all facets of a branch operation.
- Ensuring that customer service and quality standards are met.
- Staffing and leading supervision.
- Developing and maintaining a team oriented environment.
- Ensuring that financial goals are met.
- Training, motivating and developing a strong team to fuel the branch’s growth and profitability.
- Monitoring merchandise and inventory management.
- Ensuring that all required administrative functions are performed in accordance with policy and in a timely manner.
- Making certain that physical maintenance and safety standards are met.
Additional Functions:
- May work on various projects as assigned by management.
- Demonstrate exceptional skills in the areas of production, sales and service, with three years staff manager experience within the linen supply or industrial laundry industry.
- Show excellent verbal and written communication skills in English, and superior organizational skills.
- Possess a proven ability to lead, motivate and develop staff.
- Have a valid driver’s license and maintain a driving record free of chargeable accidents, speeding, safety or other violations.
- Exhibit a strong commitment to superior customer service and business growth
- Display enthusiasm and exceptional interpersonal skills.
- Present strong supervisory skills and experience.
- Show successful experience dealing with unions and labor relations.
- College degree in Business or related field is preferred.
Type: Permanent Location: Alexandria, US-VA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:44:49
Unit Manager - LPN/RN
Bring your heart to work! Caring people make the difference at American Senior Communities!
Compassion, Accountability, Relationships and Excellence are the core values for American Senior Communities.
These words not only form an acronym for C.A.R.E., they are our guiding principles and create the framework for all our relationships with customers, team members and community at large.
American Senior Communities has proudly delivered patient centered care since the year 2000, with a long history of excellent outcomes.
Each of our 80+ American Senior Community is part of the neighborhood in which it exists.
Our leaders and staff live in surrounding areas and know the community well.
We value the same things in life that you do.
The foundation of our senior living communities is based on the knowledge that we’ll be part of your neighborhood for many, many years.
We take great pride in our hospitality and it is ingrained in everything we do. As partners in senior care, we are not just doing a job, but following a calling.
What will you be doing and how will you make a difference at American Senior Communities?
* Making a difference in the lives of the patients we serve by providing them care and compassion
* Acting as a positive teammate to fellow employees by helping onboard new teammates.
* Coordinates resident care and non-resident care by developing and distributing written nursing assignments for each unit employee which outlines residents to be cared for and other duties to be executed during the shift.
* Describes care plan goals and approaches to direct care staff so that plan is consistently implemented on all shifts by all caregivers. Seeks input from nurse aides about resident condition, functional abilities, preferences, and alternative approaches to care.
* Monitors delivery of care and services throughout shift to ensure needs are met, tasks are completed, including complete and accurate resident documentation, and that work of direct care staff is of acceptable quality and quantity.
What’s in it for you? Benefits and perks include:
* Top competitive market wages
* Paid Time Off (PTO), holiday pay and
*opportunities to earn additional PTO
* Access a portion of your earned wages before payday with PayActiv
* Paid training, skills certification & career development support
* Medical, vision & dental insurance with Telehealth option
* Medical and dependent flexible spending accounts
* 401(k) retirement plan options
* Lucrative employee referral bonus program
* Tuition assistance and certification reimbursement
* Continued education opportunities through Purdue Global & O2NE scholarship program
* Employee assistance program & wellness support
* Retail, food & entertainment discounts, and so much more
*Terms and conditions apply
* Demonstrates C.A.R.E.
values to our residents, family me...
Type: Permanent Location: Terre Haute, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:43:26
Unit Manager - LPN/RN
Bring your heart to work! Caring people make the difference at American Senior Communities!
Compassion, Accountability, Relationships and Excellence are the core values for American Senior Communities.
These words not only form an acronym for C.A.R.E., they are our guiding principles and create the framework for all our relationships with customers, team members and community at large.
American Senior Communities has proudly delivered patient centered care since the year 2000, with a long history of excellent outcomes.
Each of our 80+ American Senior Community is part of the neighborhood in which it exists.
Our leaders and staff live in surrounding areas and know the community well.
We value the same things in life that you do.
The foundation of our senior living communities is based on the knowledge that we’ll be part of your neighborhood for many, many years.
We take great pride in our hospitality and it is ingrained in everything we do. As partners in senior care, we are not just doing a job, but following a calling.
What will you be doing and how will you make a difference at American Senior Communities?
* Making a difference in the lives of the patients we serve by providing them care and compassion
* Acting as a positive teammate to fellow employees by helping onboard new teammates.
* Coordinates resident care and non-resident care by developing and distributing written nursing assignments for each unit employee which outlines residents to be cared for and other duties to be executed during the shift.
* Describes care plan goals and approaches to direct care staff so that plan is consistently implemented on all shifts by all caregivers. Seeks input from nurse aides about resident condition, functional abilities, preferences, and alternative approaches to care.
* Monitors delivery of care and services throughout shift to ensure needs are met, tasks are completed, including complete and accurate resident documentation, and that work of direct care staff is of acceptable quality and quantity.
What’s in it for you? Benefits and perks include:
* Top competitive market wages
* Paid Time Off (PTO), holiday pay and
*opportunities to earn additional PTO
* Access a portion of your earned wages before payday with PayActiv
* Paid training, skills certification & career development support
* Medical, vision & dental insurance with Telehealth option
* Medical and dependent flexible spending accounts
* 401(k) retirement plan options
* Lucrative employee referral bonus program
* Tuition assistance and certification reimbursement
* Continued education opportunities through Purdue Global & O2NE scholarship program
* Employee assistance program & wellness support
* Retail, food & entertainment discounts, and so much more
*Terms and conditions apply
* Demonstrates C.A.R.E.
values to our residents, family me...
Type: Permanent Location: Danville, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:43:08
Wage $26-$35
Benefits: Medical, Dental, Vision and 401k
Direct and participate in food preparation and service of food that is safe and appetizing and is of the quality and quantity to meet each resident's needs in accordance with physicians order in compliance with approved menus.
Maintains cost and works to meet budget guidelines.
Plans and assists in preparation and service of holiday and special meals and functions.
Directs and supervises all dietary functions and personnel.
Hires, orients, trains, disciplines, and when appropriate, terminates dietary employees.
Assures that proper storage is available, and that handling of food and supplies complies with current state and federal guidelines.
Processes new diet orders and diet changes when received from nursing staff and keeps diet cards updated.
Maintain sufficient staff to provide dietary services to facility.
Assess resident food preferences and allergies.
Prepare dietary staff schedules and address schedule changes.
Maintain kitchen and food storage area in a safe, orderly, clean and sanitary manner.
Transmit order for appropriate food and supplies.
Document and notify Dietician of menu changes.
Participate in QA and IDT meetings as assigned.
Check trays for accuracy before they are delivered.
Inspects Dietary Department regularly to ensure that it is safe and sanitary.
Plan and presents in service education programs for the Dietary Department.
Investigates on the job injuries and corrects the problem and /or retrains the employees as necessary.
Ensures continued compliances with all federal, state and local regulations, Maintain the security of the Dietary Department.
Coordinates dietary services with nursing services and activities director.
Nutritional notes are to be completed monthly for all residents at nutritional risks.
Visit all residents to conduct nutritional assessment and screening, explain diet, record food preferences and promote a quality food service.
Supervisory Requirements Assist with the overall supervision of and management of the dietary staff.
Qualification Education and/or Experience High school diploma or equivalent.
Must be a graduate of an approved dietary manager's course that meet the state and federal care regulations.
Preferable one year experience in a long term care facility dietary department.
Language Skills Ability to read technical procedures.
Ability to read and comprehend policy and procedure manuals.
Ability to read recipes and prepare accordingly.
Ability to effectively present information and respond to questions from managers and employees.
Mathematical Skills Ability to apply concepts such as fractions, percentages, ratios and proportions to practical situations.
Reasoning Ability Ability to solve practical problems.
Ability to interpret a variety of instructions furnished in written, oral, diagram, or schedule form.
Certificates, Licenses, Registrations Knowledge and experience with PCC preferred.
Must maintain all required continuing edu...
Type: Permanent Location: Portland, US-OR
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:42:00
West Village Post Acute is a skilled nursing facility located at 8 N.
Texas Avenue in Greenville, South Carolina.
We are the very definition of a "Glow Up".
From our renovations, to our changes in leadership- we are making waves and winning hearts.
Just minutes away from Downtown Greenville, enjoy a beautiful and convenient location with 132 beds.
Our Administrator, Jeff, invites you to c ome experience our changes and our culture for yourselves.
We offer the following to our Kitchen Manager:
* Up to $21/hr., based on experience
* Appreciation events throughout the year
* Medical, dental, vision, life, and more!
* PTO for your birthday
* Gym/ Activity reimbursement up to $30/m per dependent
* Weight loss program reimbursement up to $50/m per dependent
Your day to day:
Our Kitchen Manager is responsible for supervising kitchen staff (kitchen aides and cooks), ensuring good hygiene practices for staff members, and preparing orders for residents based on their clinical needs as directed by our Certified Dietary Manager (CDM).
Successful candidates will have the following:
* Serv-Safe Certification
* Experience in a healthcare setting
* Supervisory/ management experience
* Excellent communication skills
* Willingness to lead by example
West Village Post Acute is a member of the fastest-growing post acute care network in the U.S.
This allows for substantial growth opportunities, so be sure to let our Administrator know of any ambitions you have.
Type: Permanent Location: Greenville, US-SC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:41:45
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
As a part of the nation's central bank, the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City supports a stable financial system.
We work across diverse communities throughout our region and nation to foster understanding in our economy, the payments system, and financial institutions for people from all walks of life.
Together, we serve the public and each other in an innovative environment that values the highest ethical standards.
Here you'll find support to develop, united in a clear and common purpose with a diverse team.
The Community Development Advisor will play an essential role in our Bank’s mission by focusing on obstacles, issues and untapped opportunities in Indian Country.
This position will appeal to a candidate who wants to make a difference.
As a Community Development Advisor focused on Native nations and Indigenous communities, you will be part of the Bank’s Community Development and Engagement team.
In collaboration with other team members, you will lead the design and execution of high-profile initiatives advancing the economic well-being of Native nations and Indigenous communities on topics such as affordable housing, community development investments, digital inclusion, small business, and workforce development.
The Community Development Advisor role is highly collaborative.
You’ll connect with leaders in banking, government, the nonprofit sector, and philanthropy to identify where the Kansas City Fed can add value.
Strong candidates will have experience working with Native nations and Indigenous communities and be comfortable hosting meetings, developing conferences, and writing publications.
They will also engage senior community leaders across the Tenth Federal Reserve District (Colorado, Kansas, western Missouri, Oklahoma, Nebraska, northern New Mexico, and Wyoming).
This position is based in Oklahoma City.
You will:
* Elevate awareness of the issues affecting the economic wellbeing of Native Americans and Tribal nations through writing (articles and publications) presenting at conferences and convening community leaders.
* Contribute to the implementation of high-profile initiatives focused on one or more of the following focus areas across the KC Fed District: as affordable housing, community development investments, digital inclusion, small business, and workforce development.
* Identify prospective board and council members through community engagement efforts across the Tenth Federal Reserve District.
* Build strategic partnerships and strong working relationships with key partners including Bank advisory committees, research, policy, nonprofit, philanthropic, and other community partners.
* Participate in local, regional, and/or state committees/task forces related to community development.
* Participate in District and Federal Reserve System workgroups and produce internal reports and other administrative duties.
* Have flexibility...
Type: Permanent Location: Oklahoma City, US-OK
Salary / Rate: 72000
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:36:34
We Are Access
Access is the largest privately-held records and information management (RIM) services provider worldwide, with operations across the United States, Canada, Central and South America.
Access helps companies manage and activate their critical business information to make them more efficient and more compliant through offsite storage and information governance services, scanning and digital transformation solutions, document management software including CartaHR, and secure destruction services.
Visit https://www.accesscorp.com/ for more details.
We are Access! We are committed to exceeding the expectations or our clients, company and community.
We focus on protecting and managing the information for millions of people.
And our mission is to advance how the world manages information with the very best service.
The Impact You Could Make
Are you a Road Warrior who lives and breathes driving a truck? Smiling and interacting with new people is a second nature for you? Can you imagine yourself doing so while getting a daily workout? If you answered yes to all these questions, Access has a great opportunity for you!
At Access, you are more than a driver.
You are our Transportation Specialist who transports confidential and secure documents from client and Access locations.
You protect the records of the clients with pride and dedication.
You are a key part of our dynamic and fast-growing company in delivering the very best customer experience to our clients.
And you are giving back to your local community by participating in your branch’s service activities.
Your Daily Responsibilities
As a Transportation Specialist, you are the public face of Access Information Management.
• You start your day in the records center, loading your company vehicle of materials, recycling bins and/or boxes full of confidential documents, and preparing the necessary paperwork for your day’s deliveries.
• You spend most of your day on the road, going from client locations to client locations, delivering and/or picking up client documents and materials in using wireless scanning technology, interacting with the clients and making sure they are satisfied and well served.
• You return to the record center at the end of your day, unloading your company vehicle of materials, recycling bins and/or boxes full of confidential documents and completing the necessary paperwork for closing your day’s deliveries.
More About You
• A valid Driver’s License with a good driving record.
• The physical ability to lift boxes, recycling bins and materials weighing up to 60 pounds and carry boxes weighing up to 50 pounds regularly throughout the day.
• At least 1 to 2 years of driving experience.
• High School Diploma or equivalent required.
• Must be able to pass a pre-employment substance abuse screening, a background check, and DOT physical.
Why Access?
• Competitive Hourly Pay
• Medical, Dental, Vision and Life insurance
• 14 days of PTO, 8 P...
Type: Permanent Location: Tulsa, US-OK
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:36:34
Primoris Engineering is currently seeking a highly motivated Administrative Assistant to work the front desk and support our new Engineering office in Houston.
Ideal candidates will have at least 5 years of professional office experience, have a friendly, positive outlook, and love to pitch in and help when needed.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities
* Welcoming and directing visitors and newly hired employees
* Screening phone calls and transferring callers appropriately, or taking messages if needed
* Maintain office supply inventory
* Handline sensitive information in a confidential manner
* Managing and tracking office/building key cards
* Attending meetings and taking notes as needed
* Maintaining polite, professional communication
* Other general office duties such as filing, making copies, accepting deliveries, sorting mail, etc.
Required Qualifications
* High school diploma or better
* Proficiency with Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook
* Ability to work within a team environment
* Excellent verbal and written communications skills
Company Overview:
Primoris Engineering is comprised of highly qualified personnel and registered professional engineers providing the full array of engineering services capable of providing complete in-house engineering services with the ability to utilize high value engineering centers if needed.
Primoris Engineering services both downstream and midstream energy sectors including refining, petrochemical, blue/gray hydrogen, syngas, LNG, biodiesel, renewable natural gas, and midstream pipelines, processing facilities, terminals, and gathering systems.
EEO Statement:
We are an equal-opportunity employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law.
Third-Party Agency Notice:
Primoris will not accept any unsolicited resumes from any third-party recruiting agencies either domestic or international.
Primoris nor its subsidiaries will be responsible for any fees from the use of any unsolicited resumes either through our ATS or via electronic mail systems from any third-party recruiting agency representative or agency consultant unless your firm is an approved vendor partner with a current executed agreement.
See job description
Type: Permanent Location: Houston, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:25:15
Your Job
SRG Global is looking for a Production Supervisor to join our team in Newbern, TN! This is a 1st Shift position.
We offer an entrepreneurial environment for results-oriented individuals with a unique culture that focuses on results, playing to win and rewarding employees for their commitment to excellence.
Our Team
You will join a principled based team that continuously challenges the status quo.
Collaborating with multiple functions within operations, development, and transformative capabilities to create mutual benefit.
What You Will Do
* Lead, track and improve performance on key department goals and objectives
* Supervise quality and appearance standards within the Paint department
* Develop crew members to improve individual and organizational performance
* Lead performance management and corrective action processes
* Continuously improve plant performance through process improvements
* Collaborate with other departments to optimize production requirements
* Work with upstream and downstream processes (and people), to exceed customer expectations
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Leadership experience in a manufacturing environment
* Experience in employee relations, progressive discipline, and counseling of employees
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience working in the automotive industry
* Mechanical or maintenance experience
This role is not eligible for sponsorship.
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
As a Koch company, SRG Global is a team of creative and innovative individuals that engineer solutions for greater surface durability, structural integrity, enhanced functionality, vehicle efficiency and design flexibility.
From products such as grilles, emblems and nameplates, moldings, bezels and other trim pieces; to processes like injection molding, painting and plating; we are one of the largest manufacturers of chrome-plated plastic parts for the automotive and commercial truck industries.
At Koch, employees are empowered to do what they do best to make life better.
Learn how our business philosophy helps employees unleash their potential while creating value for themselves and the company.
Our Benefits
Our goal is for each employee, and the...
Type: Permanent Location: Newbern, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:24:50
Your Job
INVISTA is seeking an entrepreneurial Global Logistics Market Analyst to join our global distribution strategy team.
The newly created role will be responsible for analyzing global logistics markets relevant to INVISTA's businesses and start building a knowledge system from scratch, which will become a critical part of medium to long-term strategic planning and decision making.
The success would rely on the ability to leverage INVISTA's and Koch knowledge network and develop proprietary Point-of-View (POV) where valuable.
The successful applicant would be a self-motivated entrepreneur with strong analytical aptitude (continuous learning, intellectual curiosity) who can learn new logistics markets quickly and understand the economic drivers of each market.
This role will require excellent communication skills (both written and verbal), critical thinking with strong attention to detail, and the ability to communicate effectively with a diverse audience (including senior leadership).
This role is open to Wichita, Houston, or the greater Atlanta area.
What You Will Do
* Contextualize all relevant logistics market POVs at a level of detail that supports business value (supply, demand, cost and price forecast)
* Collaborate with commercial logistics individuals on POV development and other analysts on understanding INVISTA's cost and capabilities
* Establish tools which are easy to use for consumers of various roles and collaborate with tech enablement team to automate.
Examples include forecasted cost-to-deliver for INVISTA and its competitors
* Stay up to date with industry developments, regulatory changes, and emerging technologies affecting logistics
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Bachelor's degree
* 1+ years' experience with market or logistics related analysis
* Experience converting complex data into insights
* Ability to travel up to 10% of the time
* This role is not eligible for Visa sponsorship
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience of long-term logistics market analysis (e.g.
parcel tankers, storage tank)
* Proficiency in advanced data acquisition or analysis tools (e.g.
Power BI, Tableau)
* Global supply chain knowledge, including transportation, storage, and duty
* Experience communicating/presenting to senior leadership
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and ba...
Type: Permanent Location: Houston, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:24:46
Your Job
INVISTA is seeking an entrepreneurial Global Logistics Market Analyst to join our global distribution strategy team.
The newly created role will be responsible for analyzing global logistics markets relevant to INVISTA's businesses and start building a knowledge system from scratch, which will become a critical part of medium to long-term strategic planning and decision making.
The success would rely on the ability to leverage INVISTA's and Koch knowledge network and develop proprietary Point-of-View (POV) where valuable.
The successful applicant would be a self-motivated entrepreneur with strong analytical aptitude (continuous learning, intellectual curiosity) who can learn new logistics markets quickly and understand the economic drivers of each market.
This role will require excellent communication skills (both written and verbal), critical thinking with strong attention to detail, and the ability to communicate effectively with a diverse audience (including senior leadership).
This role is open to Wichita, Houston, or the greater Atlanta area.
What You Will Do
* Contextualize all relevant logistics market POVs at a level of detail that supports business value (supply, demand, cost and price forecast)
* Collaborate with commercial logistics individuals on POV development and other analysts on understanding INVISTA's cost and capabilities
* Establish tools which are easy to use for consumers of various roles and collaborate with tech enablement team to automate.
Examples include forecasted cost-to-deliver for INVISTA and its competitors
* Stay up to date with industry developments, regulatory changes, and emerging technologies affecting logistics
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Bachelor's degree
* 1+ years' experience with market or logistics related analysis
* Experience converting complex data into insights
* Ability to travel up to 10% of the time
* This role is not eligible for Visa sponsorship
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience of long-term logistics market analysis (e.g.
parcel tankers, storage tank)
* Proficiency in advanced data acquisition or analysis tools (e.g.
Power BI, Tableau)
* Global supply chain knowledge, including transportation, storage, and duty
* Experience communicating/presenting to senior leadership
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and ba...
Type: Permanent Location: Wichita, US-KS
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:24:46
Your Job
INVISTA is seeking an entrepreneurial Global Logistics Market Analyst to join our global distribution strategy team.
The newly created role will be responsible for analyzing global logistics markets relevant to INVISTA's businesses and start building a knowledge system from scratch, which will become a critical part of medium to long-term strategic planning and decision making.
The success would rely on the ability to leverage INVISTA's and Koch knowledge network and develop proprietary Point-of-View (POV) where valuable.
The successful applicant would be a self-motivated entrepreneur with strong analytical aptitude (continuous learning, intellectual curiosity) who can learn new logistics markets quickly and understand the economic drivers of each market.
This role will require excellent communication skills (both written and verbal), critical thinking with strong attention to detail, and the ability to communicate effectively with a diverse audience (including senior leadership).
This role is open to Wichita, Houston, or the greater Atlanta area.
What You Will Do
* Contextualize all relevant logistics market POVs at a level of detail that supports business value (supply, demand, cost and price forecast)
* Collaborate with commercial logistics individuals on POV development and other analysts on understanding INVISTA's cost and capabilities
* Establish tools which are easy to use for consumers of various roles and collaborate with tech enablement team to automate.
Examples include forecasted cost-to-deliver for INVISTA and its competitors
* Stay up to date with industry developments, regulatory changes, and emerging technologies affecting logistics
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Bachelor's degree
* 1+ years' experience with market or logistics related analysis
* Experience converting complex data into insights
* Ability to travel up to 10% of the time
* This role is not eligible for Visa sponsorship
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience of long-term logistics market analysis (e.g.
parcel tankers, storage tank)
* Proficiency in advanced data acquisition or analysis tools (e.g.
Power BI, Tableau)
* Global supply chain knowledge, including transportation, storage, and duty
* Experience communicating/presenting to senior leadership
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and ba...
Type: Permanent Location: Atlanta, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:24:45
Your Job
INVISTA is seeking an entrepreneurial Global Logistics Market Analyst to join our global distribution strategy team.
The newly created role will be responsible for analyzing global logistics markets relevant to INVISTA's businesses and start building a knowledge system from scratch, which will become a critical part of medium to long-term strategic planning and decision making.
The success would rely on the ability to leverage INVISTA's and Koch knowledge network and develop proprietary Point-of-View (POV) where valuable.
The successful applicant would be a self-motivated entrepreneur with strong analytical aptitude (continuous learning, intellectual curiosity) who can learn new logistics markets quickly and understand the economic drivers of each market.
This role will require excellent communication skills (both written and verbal), critical thinking with strong attention to detail, and the ability to communicate effectively with a diverse audience (including senior leadership).
This role is open to Wichita, Houston, or the greater Atlanta area.
What You Will Do
* Contextualize all relevant logistics market POVs at a level of detail that supports business value (supply, demand, cost and price forecast)
* Collaborate with commercial logistics individuals on POV development and other analysts on understanding INVISTA's cost and capabilities
* Establish tools which are easy to use for consumers of various roles and collaborate with tech enablement team to automate.
Examples include forecasted cost-to-deliver for INVISTA and its competitors
* Stay up to date with industry developments, regulatory changes, and emerging technologies affecting logistics
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Bachelor's degree
* 1+ years' experience with market or logistics related analysis
* Experience converting complex data into insights
* Ability to travel up to 10% of the time
* This role is not eligible for Visa sponsorship
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience of long-term logistics market analysis (e.g.
parcel tankers, storage tank)
* Proficiency in advanced data acquisition or analysis tools (e.g.
Power BI, Tableau)
* Global supply chain knowledge, including transportation, storage, and duty
* Experience communicating/presenting to senior leadership
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and ba...
Type: Permanent Location: Kennesaw, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:24:44