En DHL Global Forwarding buscamos un Customs Trainee para incorporarse a nuestro equipo de Algeciras, reportando al Manager, y ubicado en Algeciras.
Contrato: Formativo (1 año)
¿Qué esperamos de ti como parte del mejor equipo de Europa?
* Despachos de aduanas (Exportación)
* Para aduaneros
* Pre facturacion expedientes en sistema C.W.
* Comunicación con departamento marítimo para la conclusión de los expedientes.
* Comunicación con la aduana y demás organismos para la conclusión de los expedientes.
* Ingles nivel básico
* Haber cursado un grado superior en comercio internacional o logística y transporte en los últimos 3 años
* Modulo de cualquier actividad portuaria.
* Manejo de Excel.
* Conocimientos de aduanas.
¿Por qué DHL?
Porque nos importan las personas y ponemos al cliente en el centro de nuestro enfoque.
Hemos renovado nuestra Certificación como Top Employer en España y a nivel global, y también estamos certificados como Great Place to Work.
DHL Global Forwarding es la división del Grupo Deutsche Post DHL especializada en el transporte de carga aérea y marítima.
A través de nuestra red mundial de oficinas propias, ofrecemos soluciones puerta a puerta, incluyendo servicios de valor añadido asociados a la gestión de la cadena logística (aduanas, seguros, transporte con control de temperatura end to end, mercancías peligrosas, etc..).
Nuestro equipo de profesionales en todo el mundo nos posiciona como líderes en calidad de servicio, siendo el cliente el centro de nuestra actividad, con una cultura de innovación y mejora continua.
DHL Global Forwarding es una Compañía que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.
Evaluamos a los candidatos/as sin distinción de raza, color, religión, sexo, orientación sexual, identidad de género, nacionalidad, discapacidad, y otras características legalmente protegidas.
Type: Contract Location: Algeciras, ES-AN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:11:40
Per l’Headquarters di Milano, ricerchiamo un/una
Data Engineer
La risorsa sarà inserita all’interno del team Corporate IT Infrastructure, congiuntamente con il DataBase Administrator, e si occuperà di gestire e sviluppare le architetture delle base dati aziendali cooperando con i team applicativi, al fine di migliorare l’accessibilità, la qualità e l’efficienza dei dati aziendali a supporto del Business.
Principali attività:
* Collaborare con i team applicativi (principalmente ERP, CRM, BI) per definire Data Model in grado di migliorare l’accessibilità e la qualità del dato a supporto dell’Organizzazione e del Business
* Sviluppare e mantenere basi dati scalabili ed integrazioni in grado di supportare la crescita di volumi e complessità dei dati
* Supportare le attività di troubleshooting e performance tuning su basi dati, viste e report
* Disegnare ed evolvere architetture DB orientate agli SLA congiuntamente con il team tecnico secondo le best practices
* Monitorare i processi di aggiornamento dei dati
* Produrre documentazione tecnica e definire i processi di integrazione, profilazione e accesso ai dati
* Formazione tecnica: diploma Tecnico/Scientifico o laurea in Informatica
* Pregressa esperienza di almeno 5 anni in ruoli simili, proveniente da aziende di consulenza o finali
* Ottima conoscenza di Microsoft SQL Server, scripting T-SQL, DAX, PowerBI
* Ottima padronanza nella gestione e modellazione di base dati complesse (OLAP e OLTP) in ambito ERP, BI, DWH
* Capacità analitiche e problem solving
* Buona conoscenza delle infrastrutture IT complesse
* Familiarità con il framework ITIL
* Ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese sia parlata che scritta.
* Skills relazionali: collaborazione, precisione, negoziazione.
Ulteriori informazioni:
* Sede di lavoro: Milano
* Contratto a tempo indeterminato
Filosofia aziendale:
* Innovazione e specializzazione
* Internazionalizzazione
* Sostenibilità sociale e ambientale
* Persone al centro
* Pari opportunità e inclusione
* Formazione continua e sviluppo
* Welfare aziendale
* Fondi CCNL (Assicurazione sanitaria e pensionistica)
* Convenzioni aziendali
Chi siamo:
Mapei, fondata nel 1937 a Milano, è una realtà leader nello sviluppo, nella produzione e distribuzione di prodotti chimici e soluzioni per l'edilizia, con oltre 24 Linee di Business in grado di rispondere a qualsiasi necessità nel mondo delle costruzioni.
Attualmente il Gruppo coinvolge oltre 12.000 persone nel mondo ed è composto da 102 Consociate con 81 stabilimenti produttivi nei 5 continenti e 32 centri di ricerca.
Lavorare in Mapei significa far parte di una squadra vincente con grande senso di appartenenza...
Type: Contract Location: Milano, IT-MI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:11:34
På DHL arbetar vi med att få våra kunders vardag att fungera.
Som ett av de ledande företagen i världen inom logistik, ser vi till att våra kunder får leverans av varor och material.
Utan transporter stannar samhället, vi har ett viktigt uppdrag - Förena människor, förbättra liv. Som medarbetare hos oss är du en viktig nyckelspelare.
Arbetsuppgifter och ansvar
Vad roligt att du är intresserad av arbete hos oss!
Dina arbetsuppgifter som terminalarbetare innebär att utföra terminalhantering av sändningar såsom lastning, lossning, truckning, scanning och kontroll av gods.
Vi strävar alltid efter att förbättra service, produktivitet och processefterlevnad.
Profil & Bakgrund
För att lyckas i den här rollen ser vi att du har:
Goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska i tal och skrift
Har en truckutbildning enligt TLP10 och minst får köra trucktyperna A2-4 & B1
Har god datorvana
Meriterande om du har erfarenhet inom transport/logistik
Nedan kännetecknar dig som person:
Älskar utmaningar och har ambitioner
Visar engagemang och uthållighet
Är strukturerad och resultatorienterad
Brinner för att kollegor och kunder är nöjda
Kommunicerar väl och är tydlig samt gillar att jobba i ett team
Tjänsten är tillsvidare med 63 % tjänstgöringsgrad.
Vi tillämpar provanställning.
Tjänsten är placerad i Rosersberg.
För jämnare könsfördelning ser vi gärna kvinnliga sökanden.
Vad erbjuder vi dig?
Vi på DHL trivs och många av oss har jobbat här länge.
Vi är ett företag som ser våra medarbetares utveckling och potential – vi vågar satsa på våra medarbetare! I det stora globala, och internationella bolaget som vi är, har vi en härlig teamkänsla med familjär stämning där vi respekterar varandra.
Här finns mycket medarbetarengagemang samt humor och vi tycker om att fira våra framgångar.
Vi är certifierade i Top Employer vilket innebär att vi är en arbetsgivare som erbjuder den bästa arbetsmiljön för medarbetare att utvecklas både professionellt och personligt.
Miljö och hållbarhet är viktigt för oss, vi arbetar ständigt med att utvecklas för att ligga i framkant, vilket uppmärksammas och ger resultat.
Vi tar ansvar och är bland annat utsedda till branschvinnare av Sustainable Brand Index B2B för tredje året i rad.
Vill du också vara med? Välkommen med din ansökan! Urval och intervjuer sker löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdatum.
Sista ansökningsdatum är 2024-12-07. I vår rekryteringsprocess kan du bli erbjuden att besvara en videointervju, vi hoppas att du genomför denna vid förfrågan då det ger oss ett ypperligt tillfälle att lära känna dig lite bättre.
Vid frågor, vänligen kontakta Johanna Hamilton på email: johanna.hamilton@dhl.com
Häng med oss bakom kulisserna, följ oss på Instagram
Eller kika närmare på DHL - vårt varumärke, DHL Freight - globalt eller DHL Freight...
Type: Permanent Location: Rosersberg, SE-AB
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:10:59
DHL Group ist der weltweit führende Post- und Logistikdienstleister.
Als einer der größten Arbeitgeber der Welt in über 220 Ländern und Territorien sehen wir die Welt mit anderen Augen.
Mit unserem auf Service, Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit ausgerichteten Netzwerk verbinden wir Menschen auf der ganzen Welt und verbessern deren Lebensqualität.
Das gilt nicht nur für unsere Kunden, sondern auch für jedes einzelne Mitglied unseres Teams.
Willkommen mit Ihren Talenten bei Deutsche Post und DHL.
Ihre Aufgaben
* Sie assistieren unseren Betriebsärzten (m/w/d) bei den Untersuchungen der Beschäftigten und den betriebsärztlichen Angeboten.
* Sie betreuen die Patienten vor, während und nach der Behandlung, sowohl in der Betriebsarztpraxis als auch bei Außenterminen.
* Sie organisieren den Sprechstundenablauf, stimmen Termine ab, nehmen die Personalien der Patienten auf und führen die Gesundheitsakten.
* Sie übernehmen den allgemeinen Schriftverkehr sowie das Ausfüllen von Formularen und Vordrucken.
Ihr Profil
* Abgeschlossene Weiterbildung zur Arbeitsmedizinischen Assistentin
* Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung zur medizinischen Fachangestellten (MFA) (w/m/d) oder vergleichbare Ausbildung mit medizinischem Fachbezug
* Führerschein Klasse B und fit in MS Office
* Freude an kontinuierlicher Weiterbildung
* Organisationsgeschick, Eigeninitiative und zeitliche Flexibilität
* Kommunikativer Teamplayer mit sicherem Auftreten
* Ziel- und ergebnisorientierter Arbeitsstil
* Integrität und absolute Zuverlässigkeit im Umgang mit vertraulichen Patientendaten
* sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse
Ihre Vorteile
Als Arbeitgeber bieten wir Ihnen hervorragende Sozialleistungen, konkurrenzfähige Gehaltsstrukturen und entsprechende Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten.
Ihr Kontakt
Fragen beantwortet Ihnen gerne Frau Maria Münch, Telefon 0228 189-55466 oder per E-Mail an Maria.Muench@dhl.com.
Sie sehen in diesen vielseitigen und verantwortungsvollen Aufgaben eine persönliche Herausforderung? Dann bewerben Sie sich bitte mit Ihren vollständigen Unterlagen (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse) sowie unter Angabe Ihrer Gehaltsvorstellung online.
Klicken Sie dazu bitte auf den Button „Bewerben“.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter careers.dhl.com.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung.
Wir begrüßen ausdrücklich Bewerbungen von allen Menschen - unabhängig von Nationalität, ethnischer und sozialer Herkunft; Religion oder Weltanschauung, Behinderung, Alter sowie sexueller Orientierung und Geschlechtsidentität.
Type: Permanent Location: Hamburg, DE-HH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:10:34
Pracovat v DHL znamená mít jistotu stabilního příjmu a být součástí mezinárodní logistické společnosti.
A právě teď do svých řad hledáme novou posilu, kterou můžeš být právě ty!
* zpracovávání objednávek dopravy v závislosti na čase nakládky, vykládky a podle ceníku
* administrativní práce v oddělení kusových přeprav
* zpracovávání přepravní dokumentace a dat ve spedičním systému
* kontrola naložení a pohybu zásilek, dohledávání pohřešovaných zásilek
* kontrola a aktualizace stavů objednaných svozů
* tisk přepravních příkazů a štítků, evidence a archivace dokumentů
* příprava podkladů pro reklamace a ztracené zásilky
* odbavování hotovosti řidiče a zodpovědnost za generování a ukončení vkladů
* řešení duplicitních a chybně polepených zásilek
* správa paletového konta a dobírek dle požadavků
* komunikace a spolupráce s vedoucím zaměstnancem a dopravci
* čistý trestní rejstřík a ukončené SŠ vzdělání
* znalost anglického jazyka vítaná
* ochotu pracovat ve třísměnném provozu
* uživatelská znalost práce na PC (MS Office)
* dobré komunikační a organizační schopnosti, samostatnost, zodpovědnost a odolnost vůči stresu
Praxe v logistickém odvětví pro Vás může být velkou výhodou.
* odpovídající mzdové ohodnocení a výplata vždy včas na Vašem účtu
* příspěvek na stravování plně hrazený zaměstnavatelem (90 Kč/odpracovaný den)
* 25 dní dovolené a 3 dny zdravotního volna
* atraktivní balíček firemních benefitů (Pluxee, příspěvek na penzijní/životní pojištění, Multisport karta, slevové programy různého typu, firemní akce a soutěže atd.)
* příspěvek na jazykové vzdělání 6.000 Kč ročně
* zázemí stabilní mezinárodní společnosti s vedoucím postavením na trhu
Zaujala Vás naše nabídka? Tak neváhejte a zašlete nám Váš životopis.
Těšíme se!
Type: Contract Location: Modřice, CZ-64
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:10:14
About Us:
Liberty Resources is a dynamic and growing human services agency that is a great place to work! Working for Liberty Resources means you’ll have access to great career opportunities, benefits and a fun atmosphere.
Our employees have passion around our values of service, excellence, and responsibility.
Our rapid growth is providing exciting opportunities in all areas of our organization.
Our employees have passion around the services they provide and our corporate values of excellence and staff support.
We pride ourselves on high quality, integrated, community-based services that meet the evolving needs of our communities.
We’re committed to building a diverse workforce that values contributions of all team members and work to recognize cultural beliefs, values, traditions, language preferences, and health practices of the communities that we serve and how they apply to provision of positive health outcomes.
NextGen Administrator Position Summary:
Under the direct supervision of the Director of Health Information, the NextGen Administrator provides administrative support within the Health Information Technology Team.
Remote workers will be considered~
NextGen Administrator Job Duties & Responsibilities:
* System Configuration and Implementation: Lead the setup, configuration, and deployment of the NextGen EHR system, ensuring alignment with organizational needs, workflows, and regulatory requirements.
* User Support and Training: Provide technical support and training to end-users, assisting them in effectively utilizing the NextGen system for clinical documentation, scheduling, billing, and other related tasks.
* System Maintenance: Work with NextGen Core team to perform routine maintenance tasks, including system updates, patches, and upgrades, to ensure optimal performance, security, and compliance.
* Data Management: Work with Business Intelligence team to manage data integrity, security, and confidentiality within the NextGen system, including data backup and recovery procedures
* Customization and Optimization: Collaborate with clinical and administrative teams to customize and optimize the NextGen system to enhance user experience, streamline workflows, and improve overall efficiency
* Integration and Interoperability: Work with IT and external partners to integrate NextGen with other healthcare systems and ensure seamless data exchange, such as lab interfaces, health information exchanges (HIEs), state immunization/vaccination information systems, and NextGen partners (e.g.
* Troubleshooting and Issue Resolution: In conjunction with the HIT team, diagnose and resolve technical issues, system errors, and user-reported problems promptly to minimize disruptions in patient care and operations
* Demonstrates the values of diversity, equity and belonging; foster an inclusive environment that facilitates diversity.
* Attend and participate in individual supervisory c...
Type: Permanent Location: Syracuse, US-NY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:10:06
Position Summary
As a Telecommunication Technician, you troubleshoot and complete service orders in residential and commercial business applications, including wiring and device activation, mapping, troubleshooting, maintenance, and repair of CPE and the access network in a timely, accurate, and courteous manner.
You are required to have:
* Excellent customer interaction skills
* Ability to effectively communicate and educate customers on company products and functions
* Experience operating power and hand tools
* High School Diploma, or equivalent experience
* Be at least 18 years of age
* Willingness to obtain a Power Limited Technician license in MN
* Valid driver's license with acceptable driving record
* Reside within 50 miles of Wabasso, MN
Additional preferred qualifications:
* Demonstrated experience and proficiency with installation, repairs, and disconnection of communication services, such as high-speed internet, wired, wireless and telephone services
* Demonstrated experience and proficiency in operating test equipment
* knowledge and experience with the installation, and maintenance of telephone equipment, cable TV, and fiber
Hours for this position are Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-4:30 PM; must participate in call rotation.
This position can be located in Wabasso, MN.
Arvig offers a competitive wage and an excellent benefits package, including health, dental and vision insurance, 401K, Employee Stock Ownership Plan, PTO, holidays, education reimbursement, company service discounts and FREE internet
Minnesota's Small Town, Employee-Owned Tech Giant
As one of the largest independent broadband service providers in the nation, Arvig serves residential and business customers throughout Minnesota and beyond.
Headquartered in Perham, Minnesota, Arvig provides broadband and telecommunications services, including high-speed internet, TV, phone, home and farm security and business services.
With approximately 900 employees, we keep our quality standards of ownership, engagement, efficiency and knowledge top-of-mind as we conduct business every day.
Our culture is built on leadership behaviors integral to our success, which include courage, humble, open-mindedness, integrity and respect.
Having the best employees anywhere is what we consider to be the Arvig Advantage.
Arvig is unlikely to offer H-1B sponsorship due to limited H-1B visa availability.
Drug test
*At your primary residence located in an Arvig service area.
Equal Opportunity Employer/Protected Veterans/Individuals with Disabilities
Equal Opportunity Employer/Protected Veterans/Individuals with Disabilities
The contractor will not discharge or in any other manner discriminate against employees or applicants because they have inquired about, discussed, or disclosed their own pay or the pay of another employee or applicant.
However, employees who have access to the ...
Type: Permanent Location: Wabasso, US-MN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:07:41
Your Job
As a Data Engineer at INVISTA, you will be a vital contributor to our Enterprise Data Platform, responsible for designing and implementing data pipelines, optimizing data workflows, and ensuring data reliability and accessibility.
Your work will be instrumental in empowering our organization to make data-driven decisions and fueling innovation across the company.
Our Team
Joining our Data and Analytics team means becoming a key player in a dynamic and innovative group of professionals dedicated to unlocking the power of data.
Here, you'll find a diverse and collaborative environment where your ideas and expertise will shape the future of our data-driven organization.
We pride ourselves on fostering a culture of continuous learning, creativity, and teamwork, and we're looking for individuals who are eager to contribute their skills and passion to our shared mission.
What You Will Do
* Collaborate closely with business partners and data scientists to align data engineering efforts with their specific needs and objectives, ensuring that data solutions contribute effectively to the organization's overall goals
* Develop, maintain, and optimize orchestration and data pipelines using tools such as Snowflake, DBT, GitHub, AWS, Power BI, Neo4j(GraphDB)
* Design and implement data modeling and ETL/ELT processes to ensure data quality, consistency, availability and data centricity
* Monitor and troubleshoot data pipelines, resolving issues to ensure uninterrupted data flow
* Optimize and fine-tune data pipelines for performance and efficiency
* Manage and maintain data warehouses and ensure data security and compliance with company policies and relevant regulations
* Perform data transformations, aggregations, and data cleansing to support analytics and reporting needs
* Implement data integration strategies for streaming, event driven and batch data sources
* Automate and orchestrate data workflows to improve efficiency and reduce manual intervention
* Document data engineering processes, pipelines, and architecture for knowledge sharing and compliance
* Stay up-to-date with industry best practices, emerging technologies, and trends in data engineering
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field
* Proficient in designing software and data solutions that scale
* Proficient in SQL, data profiling, and data modeling
* Experience with Snowflake data warehouse technology
* Strong programming skills in Python
* Proficient in Power BI, strong in DAX and analytics report building
* Hands-on experience with AWS cloud computing platform
* This role is not eligible for visa sponsorship
What Will Put You Ahead
* Certification in data engineering or related AWS certifications
* SAP Financial domain knowledge - Financial accounting and controlling modules
* Understand d...
Type: Permanent Location: Wichita, US-KS
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-09 07:07:39
Holt of California is proud to be part of the elite group of Caterpillar dealers worldwide.
We sell service and rent a wide-variety of equipment Including Large and Small Construction Tractors, Forklifts, and Prime/Stand-by-Power Generation.
Provide general warehouse services for the parts department.
The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
* Reads orders or follows instructions to move materials or containers.
* Opens containers.
* Responsible for pulling parts orders, putting stock away, shipping and receiving parts.
* Loads and unloads materials onto or from pallets, trays, racks, and shelves by hand.
* Loads materials into vehicles and installs strapping, bracing, or padding to prevent shifting or damage in transit.
* Attaches identifying tags or labels to materials or marks information on cases, bales, or other containers.
* Operates industrial truck.
* Stacks or assembles materials into bundles and bands bundles together.
* Lifts heavy objects by hand or with power hoist.
* Keeps work area and warehouse clean.
* Assists others when asked or needed.
* Other duties as assigned.
The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to use hands and fingers to handle and feel objects, tools, and controls. The employee frequently is required to stand, walk, sit and talk or hear. The employee is occasionally required to reach with hands and arms.
The employee must frequently lift and/or move up to 25 pounds and occasionally lift and/or move up to 50 pounds.
The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
Employee will regularly work near moving mechanical parts and occasionally work in outside weather conditions and exposed to wet and/or humid conditions.
The noise level in the work environment is usually loud.
Pay Range: $17.88 - $25.54 Hourly
Pay Range Dependent on Knowledge, Skills, and Ability.
Hourly rate of pay as negotiated with Operating Engineers, Local #3.
Excellent company-paid benefits including medical, dental, retirement, vacations and holidays.
Apply at www.holtca.com
Holt is an Equal Opportunit...
Type: Permanent Location: West Sacramento, US-CA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:39:17
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
When you join the Federal Reserve—the nation's central bank—you’ll play a key role, collaborating with leading tech professionals to strengthen and protect our economic, financial and payments systems.
We dedicate more than $1 billion to technology each year to support the Federal Reserve and our economy, and we’re building a dynamic and diverse team for our future.
Bring your passion and expertise, and we’ll provide the opportunities that will challenge you and propel your growth—along with a wide range of benefits and perks that support your health, wealth, and life.
Federal Reserve Financial Services (FRFS) delivers a suite of payments services to financial institutions via FedLine® Solutions, Fedwire®, National Settlement Service (NSS), FedCash®, FedACH® (Automated Clearing House), Check Services, and the FedNow® Service.
In 2020, we undertook a strategic effort to transform FRFS from a product and support office framework to a national, enterprise-focused organization.
The enterprise structure integrated the prior retail, wholesale, cash, and customer relations product and support offices into a new organization, which was further joined by the FedNow team in early 2024.
Our North Star strategy, with the new structure, is to offer a fully integrated product suite that provides speed, resilience, and choice in meeting the payments needs of financial institutions across the United States.
Through our evolved structure, we will meet the needs of the marketplace for new products and services more quickly, seek to provide a more robust and unified customer experience across our financial service offerings, and create new career growth opportunities for FRFS staff.
Key Activities:
* Carry out end-to-end performance testing, including requirement gathering, test planning, scripting, execution, analysis and result reporting/sharing with stakeholders.
* Evaluate system under test (SUT) communication protocol to determine scripting protocol.
* Have advanced knowledge of programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, Java, Visual Basic, Linux command languages, and other programming languages.
* Should work closely with product development & implementation, architecture, infrastructure and engineering groups for performance testing and application analysis initiatives to define success criteria and evaluation methodologies.
* Setting up/designing load test scenarios for various types of performance tests including load test, stress test, volume test, failover test, etc.
* Collaborate and coordinate with other dependent teams across the product line to ensure success of overall test run.
* Collaborate with security team & test engineers to integrate security requirements and testing into overall pipeline strategy
* Performs manual testing to validate vulnerabilities.
* Monitor server’s utilization during the test run.
* Participate...
Type: Permanent Location: Kansas City, US-MO
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:37:01
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Working at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York positions you at the center of the financial world with a unique perspective on national and international markets and economies.
You will work in an environment with a diverse group of experienced professionals to foster and support the safety, soundness, and vitality of our economic and financial systems.
The Bank believes in work flexibility to balance the demands of work and life while also connecting and collaborating with our colleagues in person.
Employees can expect to be in the office a couple of days per week as needed for meetings and team collaboration and should live within a commutable distance.
What we do:
Enterprise Support (ES) Consolidates accountability for all technology support services across the Bank.
Oversees infrastructure and operations support processes to ensure stability and continuous improvement of the production environments.
Your role as an IT Systems Engineering Manager:
You will be a hands-on, technical people manager responsible for managing team of engineers who are charged with the effective and efficient delivery of middleware and messaging IT infrastructure, Cloud, SaaS and COTS applications to meet business needs. The position reports to the IT Systems Engineering Leader.
* Direct a staff of technicians and engineers responsible for provisioning, configuring, integrating and deploying middleware, messaging, home-grown, SaaS and COTS applications and technologies hosted in on-premises and cloud environments. The team is also responsible for 2nd level production support.
* Collaborate closely with Product Owners, Delivery Directors, developers, enterprise architects, vendors and business users in the design and delivery of business solutions and support transition to Operations using standard processes.
* Provide agile coaching to infrastructure engineers across various squads to help adapt and grow agile capabilities.
* Responsible for: AWS infrastructure; Containerize code and COTS tools; Development of IAC code to install/configure/maintain infrastructure services, custom applications and COTS products in AWS; Creation of CI/CD pipelines to install and rehydrate technology services in AWS; and software as a black box and deploy and install in AWS.
What we are looking for:
* A technical hands-on people leader with demonstrated experience in managing and leading infrastructure engineers, mentoring / coaching and directing a high performing, multifunctional team empowered to take ownership and drive progress.
* Experience leading technical staff responsible for automating AWS services leveraging Terraform, GitLab, DevSecOps, SAST/DAST tooling and CI/CD pipelines.
* Extensive, in-depth technical experience implementing highly complex technology projects.
* Technical ability designing, installing, configuring and deploying AWS services through automation (...
Type: Permanent Location: New York, US-NY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:36:38
At Elanco (NYSE: ELAN) – it all starts with animals!
As a global leader in animal health, we are dedicated to innovation and delivering products and services to prevent and treat disease in farm animals and pets.
We’re driven by our vision of ‘Food and Companionship Enriching Life’ and our approach to sustainability – the Elanco Healthy Purpose™ – to advance the health of animals, people, the planet and our enterprise.
At Elanco, we pride ourselves on fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment.
We believe that diversity is the driving force behind innovation, creativity, and overall business success.
Here, you’ll be part of a company that values and champions new ways of thinking, work with dynamic individuals, and acquire new skills and experiences that will propel your career to new heights.
Making animals’ lives better makes life better – join our team today!
Your Role:
Driven by the quickening pace of innovation, Elanco IT must continue to evolve, proactively partnering to create new value through innovative digital products, services, and insights, supporting internal business partners and external customers.
The ERP IT organization is responsible for providing advancement and support of enterprise grade solutions that power the operations of Elanco. This role, Director – ERP Delivery and Operations (MQS), leads the team responsible for designing, delivering, improving, and supporting SAP and non-SAP solutions within Elanco's Manufacturing, Quality, and Supply domain.
This includes implementation, continuous improvement, and operational support to optimize business outcomes and efficiency.
Strong team leadership, cross-functional partnership, business engagement, and communication are critical to the role's success.
This position will have direct supervisory responsibility for 3+ individuals, with an extended team (non-supervisory) located in Bangalore, India.
Your Responsibilities:
Team Leadership & Development:
* Lead, develop, and mentor a diverse, high-performing, globally distributed team of IT professionals.
Foster a culture of innovation, excellence, and ongoing improvement.
* Establish overarching team environment and cadence for the MQS group, including AMS/partner oversight and feedback.
Define team topologies for delivery.
* Foster a culture of team-driven decision-making, trust, and collaboration, inclusive of peers within Product Management and Platform teams.
* Coach teams to improve collaboration and outcomes.
* Assess and propose continuous improvement strategies, including resourcing strategies (e.g., insourcing) to build team capacity and capabilities.
* Position will have direct supervisory responsibility for 3-6 individuals, with an extended team located in Bangalore, India.
Portfolio Management:
* In alignment with Product Managers, be accountable for the ERP MQS delivery portfolio, from intake and prioritization to release management and op...
Type: Permanent Location: Hook, GB-HAM
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:25:32
At Elanco (NYSE: ELAN) – it all starts with animals!
As a global leader in animal health, we are dedicated to innovation and delivering products and services to prevent and treat disease in farm animals and pets.
We’re driven by our vision of ‘Food and Companionship Enriching Life’ and our approach to sustainability – the Elanco Healthy Purpose™ – to advance the health of animals, people, the planet and our enterprise.
At Elanco, we pride ourselves on fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment.
We believe that diversity is the driving force behind innovation, creativity, and overall business success.
Here, you’ll be part of a company that values and champions new ways of thinking, work with dynamic individuals, and acquire new skills and experiences that will propel your career to new heights.
Making animals’ lives better makes life better – join our team today!
Your Role:
Driven by the quickening pace of innovation, Elanco IT must continue to evolve, proactively partnering to create new value through innovative digital products, services, and insights, supporting internal business partners and external customers.
The ERP IT organization is responsible for providing advancement and support of enterprise grade solutions that power the operations of Elanco.
This role, Director – ERP Delivery and Operations (Customer), leads the team responsible for designing, delivering, improving, and supporting SAP and non-SAP solutions within Elanco's Customer domain.
This includes implementation, continuous improvement, and operational support to optimize business outcomes and efficiency.
Strong team leadership, cross-functional partnership, business engagement, and communication are critical to the role's success.
This position will have direct supervisory responsibility for 3+ individuals, with an extended team (non-supervisory) located in Bangalore, India.
Your Responsibilities:
Team Leadership & Development:
* Lead, develop, and mentor a diverse, high-performing, globally distributed team of IT professionals.
Foster a culture of innovation, excellence, and ongoing improvement.
* Establish overarching team environment and cadence for Customer group, including AMS/partner oversight and feedback.
Define team topologies for delivery.
* Foster a culture of team-driven decision-making, trust, and collaboration, inclusive of peers within Product Management and Platform teams.
* Coach teams to improve collaboration and outcomes.
* Assess and propose continuous improvement strategies, including resourcing strategies (e.g., insourcing) to build team capacity and capabilities.
* Position will have direct supervisory responsibility for 3-6 individuals, with an extended team located in Bangalore, India.
Portfolio Management:
* In alignment with Product Managers, be accountable for the ERP Customer delivery portfolio, from intake and prioritization to release management and operations.
This in...
Type: Permanent Location: Hook, GB-HAM
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:25:32
At Elanco (NYSE: ELAN) – it all starts with animals!
As a global leader in animal health, we are dedicated to innovation and delivering products and services to prevent and treat disease in farm animals and pets.
We’re driven by our vision of ‘Food and Companionship Enriching Life’ and our approach to sustainability – the Elanco Healthy Purpose™ – to advance the health of animals, people, the planet and our enterprise.
At Elanco, we pride ourselves on fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment.
We believe that diversity is the driving force behind innovation, creativity, and overall business success.
Here, you’ll be part of a company that values and champions new ways of thinking, work with dynamic individuals, and acquire new skills and experiences that will propel your career to new heights.
Making animals’ lives better makes life better – join our team today!
Your Role:
Driven by the quickening pace of innovation, Elanco IT must continue to evolve, proactively partnering to create new value through innovative digital products, services, and insights, supporting internal business partners and external customers.
The ERP IT organization is responsible for providing advancement and support of enterprise grade solutions that power the operations of Elanco. This role, Director – ERP Delivery and Operations (FICO), leads the team responsible for designing, delivering, improving, and supporting SAP and non-SAP solutions within Elanco's FICO domain.
This includes implementation, continuous improvement, and operational support to optimize business outcomes and efficiency.
Strong team leadership, cross-functional partnership, business engagement, and communication are critical to the role's success.
This position will have direct supervisory responsibility for 3+ individuals, with an extended team (non-supervisory) located in Bangalore, India.
Your Responsibilities:
Team Leadership & Development:
* Lead, develop, and mentor a diverse, high-performing, globally distributed team of IT professionals.
Foster a culture of innovation, excellence, and ongoing improvement.
* Establish overarching team environment and cadence for FICO group, including AMS/partner oversight and feedback.
Define team topologies for delivery.
* Foster a culture of team-driven decision-making, trust, and collaboration, inclusive of peers within Product Management and Platform teams.
* Coach teams to improve collaboration and outcomes.
* Assess and propose continuous improvement strategies, including resourcing strategies (e.g., insourcing) to build team capacity and capabilities.
* Position will have direct supervisory responsibility for 3-6 individuals, with an extended team located in Bangalore, India.
Portfolio Management:
* In alignment with Product Managers, be accountable for the ERP FICO delivery portfolio, from intake and prioritization to release management and operations.
This includes depende...
Type: Permanent Location: Hook, GB-HAM
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:25:31
At Elanco (NYSE: ELAN) – it all starts with animals!
As a global leader in animal health, we are dedicated to innovation and delivering products and services to prevent and treat disease in farm animals and pets.
We’re driven by our vision of ‘Food and Companionship Enriching Life’ and our approach to sustainability – the Elanco Healthy Purpose™ – to advance the health of animals, people, the planet and our enterprise.
At Elanco, we pride ourselves on fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment.
We believe that diversity is the driving force behind innovation, creativity, and overall business success.
Here, you’ll be part of a company that values and champions new ways of thinking, work with dynamic individuals, and acquire new skills and experiences that will propel your career to new heights.
Making animals’ lives better makes life better – join our team today!
Your Role:
Driven by the quickening pace of innovation, Elanco IT must continue to evolve, proactively partnering to create new value through innovative digital products, services, and insights, supporting internal business partners and external customers.
The ERP IT organization is responsible for providing advancement and support of enterprise grade solutions that power the operations of Elanco.
This role, Director – ERP Delivery and Operations (Customer), leads the team responsible for designing, delivering, improving, and supporting SAP and non-SAP solutions within Elanco's Customer domain.
This includes implementation, continuous improvement, and operational support to optimize business outcomes and efficiency.
Strong team leadership, cross-functional partnership, business engagement, and communication are critical to the role's success.
This position will have direct supervisory responsibility for 3+ individuals, with an extended team (non-supervisory) located in Bangalore, India.
Your Responsibilities:
Team Leadership & Development:
* Lead, develop, and mentor a diverse, high-performing, globally distributed team of IT professionals.
Foster a culture of innovation, excellence, and ongoing improvement.
* Establish overarching team environment and cadence for Customer group, including AMS/partner oversight and feedback.
Define team topologies for delivery.
* Foster a culture of team-driven decision-making, trust, and collaboration, inclusive of peers within Product Management and Platform teams.
* Coach teams to improve collaboration and outcomes.
* Assess and propose continuous improvement strategies, including resourcing strategies (e.g., insourcing) to build team capacity and capabilities.
* Position will have direct supervisory responsibility for 3-6 individuals, with an extended team located in Bangalore, India.
Portfolio Management:
* In alignment with Product Managers, be accountable for the ERP Customer delivery portfolio, from intake and prioritization to release management and operations.
This in...
Type: Permanent Location: Greenfield, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:25:30
At Elanco (NYSE: ELAN) – it all starts with animals!
As a global leader in animal health, we are dedicated to innovation and delivering products and services to prevent and treat disease in farm animals and pets.
We’re driven by our vision of ‘Food and Companionship Enriching Life’ and our approach to sustainability – the Elanco Healthy Purpose™ – to advance the health of animals, people, the planet and our enterprise.
At Elanco, we pride ourselves on fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment.
We believe that diversity is the driving force behind innovation, creativity, and overall business success.
Here, you’ll be part of a company that values and champions new ways of thinking, work with dynamic individuals, and acquire new skills and experiences that will propel your career to new heights.
Making animals’ lives better makes life better – join our team today!
Your Role:
Driven by the quickening pace of innovation, Elanco IT must continue to evolve, proactively partnering to create new value through innovative digital products, services, and insights, supporting internal business partners and external customers.
The ERP IT organization is responsible for providing advancement and support of enterprise grade solutions that power the operations of Elanco. This role, Director – ERP Delivery and Operations (FICO), leads the team responsible for designing, delivering, improving, and supporting SAP and non-SAP solutions within Elanco's FICO domain.
This includes implementation, continuous improvement, and operational support to optimize business outcomes and efficiency.
Strong team leadership, cross-functional partnership, business engagement, and communication are critical to the role's success.
This position will have direct supervisory responsibility for 3+ individuals, with an extended team (non-supervisory) located in Bangalore, India.
Your Responsibilities:
Team Leadership & Development:
* Lead, develop, and mentor a diverse, high-performing, globally distributed team of IT professionals.
Foster a culture of innovation, excellence, and ongoing improvement.
* Establish overarching team environment and cadence for FICO group, including AMS/partner oversight and feedback.
Define team topologies for delivery.
* Foster a culture of team-driven decision-making, trust, and collaboration, inclusive of peers within Product Management and Platform teams.
* Coach teams to improve collaboration and outcomes.
* Assess and propose continuous improvement strategies, including resourcing strategies (e.g., insourcing) to build team capacity and capabilities.
* Position will have direct supervisory responsibility for 3-6 individuals, with an extended team located in Bangalore, India.
Portfolio Management:
* In alignment with Product Managers, be accountable for the ERP FICO delivery portfolio, from intake and prioritization to release management and operations.
This includes depende...
Type: Permanent Location: Greenfield, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:25:29
At Elanco (NYSE: ELAN) – it all starts with animals!
As a global leader in animal health, we are dedicated to innovation and delivering products and services to prevent and treat disease in farm animals and pets.
We’re driven by our vision of ‘Food and Companionship Enriching Life’ and our approach to sustainability – the Elanco Healthy Purpose™ – to advance the health of animals, people, the planet and our enterprise.
At Elanco, we pride ourselves on fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment.
We believe that diversity is the driving force behind innovation, creativity, and overall business success.
Here, you’ll be part of a company that values and champions new ways of thinking, work with dynamic individuals, and acquire new skills and experiences that will propel your career to new heights.
Making animals’ lives better makes life better – join our team today!
Your Role: R&D Materials Management Specialist
Highly organized and detail-oriented person to join the R&D Material Management team within Global Operations and Transformation in Elwood, Kansas. This full-time position offers a unique opportunity to play a critical role in supporting Elanco's innovative research and development efforts by ensuring R&D materials are managed efficiently, in full compliance will all applicable standards and regulations.
Your Responsibilities:
* Oversee lifecycle of R&D study materials (receipt, storage, inventory, study-specific processing (Labeling/Packaging), shipping, returns, and destruction) at internal and external sites.
* Ensure compliance with all applicable standards and regulations for R&D material management.
* Provide subject matter expertise on R&D material shipping, including logistics, documentation, HTS classification, and global trade compliance.
* Partner with Elanco’s Import/Export Compliance, Quality, Regulatory, and project teams to maintain compliance and oversight.
What You Need to Succeed (minimum qualifications):
* Education: B.S., or equivalent work experience.
* Required Experience: 8 years of related experience in compliance management of R&D materials.
Proven experience in managing the transportation of hazardous materials, including IATA certification and HTS classification expertise.
Demonstrated strong organizational and project management skills with meticulous attention to detail.
Able to work independently, handle pressure, and meet deadlines.
What will give you a competitive edge (preferred qualifications):
* Professional certifications in import/export compliance (e.g., CES, CCS) are preferred.
* Prior experience working in a regulated environment, such as pharmaceuticals or a related field.
* Experience with inventory control.
Additional Information:
* Travel: 10%
* Location: Elwood, KS
Don’t meet every single requirement? Studies have shown underrecognized groups are less likely to apply to jobs unless they...
Type: Permanent Location: Elwood, US-KS
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:25:28
As a Project Manager, this professional will be responsible for managing the customer relationship during implementations and ensuring a high degree of customer satisfaction.
They will collaborate with stakeholders and internal teams to deliver projects on schedule and within the budget while meeting scope requirements.
They will possess excellent communication skills and proven problem-solving skills.
What your impact will be:
Project Planning, Scope Management, & PMO Improvements
* Demonstrate outstanding project control, ensuring that project plans/schedules, project budgets, and scope control all exceed expectations.
* Effective project management provided through, impact analysis, leading project scope negotiations, managing expectations of evolving project requirements
* Identify, analyze and assess business opportunities, processes, and workflows for PMO process improvements
Project Delivery & Critical Issue Resolution
* Adhere to the schedule of work for all phases (& refine as a project journey progresses) of the project including start-up and post-implementation follow-up.
* Be knowledgeable on project deliverables and contractual documentation to ensure obligations and expectations are met.
* Prioritize project needs based on tasks outstanding, obstacles or barriers, budgets, resources and deadlines.
* Coordinate resolution of project issues and/or delays to reduce the impact on the project and ensure timely implementation.
* Additional learning opportunities as the project evolves.
Client Management & Leadership
* Responsible for all aspects of the project delivery, including managing the scope of the project and changes to the project deliverables, while ensuring client satisfaction and organizational profitability.
* Regular communication of project updates, critical issues, implications, and progress to our clients and our leadership team.
What we are looking for:
* Ability to manage multiple projects concurrently
* Strong communication skills
* Ability to develop strong working relationships with internal and external stakeholders
* Ability to firmly manage scope, schedule and budget
What would make you stand out:
* Experience managing CIS and/or ERP implementation projects
* Experience working in the Utilities sector
* CIS solutions knowledge & experience
* ERP solutions knowledge & experience
* Experience working in a PMO
What we can offer:
* Growth opportunities within multiple Harris business units
* Career and development planning
* Project performance bonuses
Type: Permanent Location: Camrose, CA-AB
Salary / Rate: 95000
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:25:04
Your Job
SRG Global is looking for a Quality Trainer to join our team in Newbern, TN!
Our Team
You will join a principled based team that continuously challenges the status quo.
Collaborating with multiple functions within operations, development, and transformative capabilities to create mutual benefit.
What You Will Do
* Train team members on standard work instruction, pull system functions and Kanban
* Review and improve standardize work and operator quality instructions
* Ensure every team member meets key performance indicators expectations
* Communicate with managers, instructors, or customer representatives regarding training needs
* Develop, improve and update training programs
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Knowledge of Quality standards, inspections, and written quality requirements
* Experience using Microsoft Office (Excel/Word/PowerPoint) software
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience training and developing employees
* Experience in plastic injection molding, chrome plating, and/or assembly operations
This role is not eligible for sponsorship.
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
As a Koch company, SRG Global is a team of creative and innovative individuals that engineer solutions for greater surface durability, structural integrity, enhanced functionality, vehicle efficiency and design flexibility.
From products such as grilles, emblems and nameplates, moldings, bezels and other trim pieces; to processes like injection molding, painting and plating; we are one of the largest manufacturers of chrome-plated plastic parts for the automotive and commercial truck industries.
At Koch, employees are empowered to do what they do best to make life better.
Learn how our business philosophy helps employees unleash their potential while creating value for themselves and the company.
Our Benefits
Our goal is for each employee, and their families, to live fulfilling and healthy lives.
We provide essential resources and support to build and maintain physical, financial, and emotional strength - focusing on overall wellbeing so you can focus on what matters most.
Our benefits plan includes - medical, dental, vision, flexible spending and health savings accounts, life insu...
Type: Permanent Location: Newbern, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:24:42
Your Job
Georgia Pacific - Dixie is seeking a Site Technology Lead to be the primary IT point of contact at our Dixie Manufacturing facility in Bowling Green, KY.
Primary focus will include IT oversight, support, communication, and knowledge sharing.
Our Team
A successful candidate will be a member of the Dixie® Digital Site Services Team.
This individual will be expected to build and foster effective relationships with the site stakeholders for systems, networks, and technical needs.
Good communication, trouble-shooting skills, and relationship management skills will be additional keys to success.
What You Will Do
A strong performer in this role will effectively apply our Principle-Based Management (PBM®) philosophy to:
* Serve as the primary IT contact for the Bowling Green site: Act as the main point of contact for all IT-related matters, ensuring seamless communication and support for site operations.
* Build Preferred Partnerships: Develop and maintain strong relationships with site operations, process control, engineering, and IT teams.
Collaborate with operations and business leaders to identify opportunities for automation and process optimization.
* Provide technical support to end-users: Offer prompt and efficient technical assistance to end-users, addressing hardware, software, and network issues.
Respond quickly to IT support tickets and incidents to minimize downtime.
* Administrate and support local IT infrastructure: Manage and maintain the local IT infrastructure, including network devices, printers, servers, storage, and endpoint devices.
Ensure all systems are running smoothly and efficiently.
* Maintain cybersecurity standards: Ensure that all site assets comply with cybersecurity standards, including the installation and maintenance of anti-virus software and patching on plant process workstations, laptops, and servers.
* Provide shop floor operations support: Offer technology assistance and support for shop floor operations, ensuring that all equipment and systems are functioning correctly.
* Maintain effective communication with site stakeholders: Keep site stakeholders informed about IT activities, issues, status updates, timelines, and other relevant details.
Foster open and transparent communication to ensure alignment and collaboration.
* Track key performance indicators (KPIs): Monitor and analyze system performance data to identify trends, anomalies, and areas for improvement.
Use KPIs to detect potential issues and ensure optimal infrastructure performance.
* Proactively troubleshoot and solve IT/OT network or systems issues: Identify and resolve IT/OT network or systems issues promptly to minimize impact and downtime.
Work towards improving manufacturing reliability, efficiency, and productivity.
* Collaborate with IT and OT teams: Work closely with enterprise network engineers, systems administrators, and cybersecurity analysts to ensure seamless operations...
Type: Permanent Location: Bowling Green, US-KY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:24:41
Your Job
Georgia Pacific's BI and Data Analytics group supporting key segments including Packaging & Cellulose and Building Products is looking for a BI Tech Lead to join our team.
We are looking for entrepreneurial minded innovators and leaders who can help us further develop this service of exceptionally high value to our business, improve the capabilities and delivery of the team.
What You Will Do
A successful candidate will bring advanced knowledge of best-in-class BI methodologies, practices, architecture, strategy and road map.
You must be enthusiastically collaborative, passion for working with people, value seeking, open to challenge and be challenged with new ideas and established approaches with an appetite for learning and innovation.
Ideal candidate would have technical and team leadership experience, helping guide people towards technical growth and the team and organization towards BI/analytics growth while exceeding delivery to the business.
Ability to own hands on activities, partner across cross functional business and technology teams across the globe to co deliver impactful solutions.
* Guide and mentor BI developers, data engineers on a day-to-day basis and apply conceptual, analytical, and problem-solving
* Ability to prioritize, organize and coordinate simultaneous tasks/projects and hands on BI activities
* Experiment with new technologies and solutions, identifying ways we can use technology to create improved value for our customers
* Partner with business stakeholders as an advisor, guide and consultant on BI, data
* Collaborate with a diverse and distributed IT team including business analysts, project managers, architects, developers or vendors to create or optimize innovative technologies and solutions
Key expectations in the role:
* Collaborate with the business to become a trusted partner in utilizing BI to make effective decisions, improve business outcomes and deliver higher value solutions
* Manage platform solution, delivering ongoing capabilities of data and insights, develop knowledge expertise on platform and business across the team
* Collaborate with business leaders to design, develop, and implement BI solutions that accelerate value enablement.
* Provide best practice, technical, process and business guidance to team members, developing opportunities for technical and career growth of team
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experience in BI, data, and analytics with hands on implementation & architecture, developing BI/technology strategies, roadmaps, standards in alignment with business objectives
* Experience in leading teams, people and helping with individual, team development & coaching
* Experience in visualization tools, such as PowerBI or Tableau
* E xperience in implementing multi-dimensional databases, cubes, and data warehouses
* Experience in AWS native tools set - S3, Redshift, Aurora, DynamoDB, Lambda, Kinesis, ...
Type: Permanent Location: Atlanta, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:24:32
Molex possesses a rich heritage in the optical industry.
We provide the highest performing and field-proven wavelength management solutions from components, modules to integrated line-cards.
Continuous innovation in passive component function integration, miniaturization, and manufacturing automation, cutting edge WSS and amplification technology and comprehensive optical, mechanical, electrical and software design capabilities enable us to serve the needs of high-density, high-bandwidth, and flexible optical networks of telecom, datacom, hyperscale datacenter and supercomputing.
In Fremont, CA, and Dallas, TX, we serve global clients in telecom and datacom industries in providing innovative optical modules to support our customer's next generation networks.
We are looking for a Senior Software Engineer to join our team.
This team will be responsible for optical transport system software design, development, and manufacturing in our Fremont and Dallas facilities.
This person will work with multi-discipline teams, including sales and marketing, product line managers, electrical, mechanical, and optical R&D teams, and work with colleagues of different geographic sites.
This person can sit onsite in Fremont, CA or Dallas, TX.
What You Will Do
* Develop a robust and high-performance embedded software system and applications in full software development life cycle including requirement analysis, designing, implementation and testing.
* Document and demonstrate solutions by developing documentation, flowcharts, layouts, diagrams, charts, code comments and clear code.
* Actively involved in technical discussion / presentation and provide input to other members from hardware, optical module and system engineering teams.
* Customer interaction including RFQ/RFP responses and pre/post sale customer support.
* Work with marketing and internal multi-discipline design team to contribute on product planning and specification.
* Engage and collaborate with third party and opens source software projects and participate relevant conferences.
* Perform other related duties as assigned by management.
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Bachelor's in computer science/engineering, electrical engineering, or related technical field or discipline
* Solid fundamentals in software engineering, including computer architecture, operating system, distributed systems, data structure, algorithm and object-oriented design methodology
* Proficient in programming in one or more of the following languages: C, C++, Python and Bash script
* Experience with x86 and ARM architecture and Linux environment (uboot, kernel, file system, security, CVE solutions)
* Advanced software development techniques, including data model driven system, software platform concept, VM, Docker, git, vscode and gdb, etc.
* Experience in network device management, such as configuration, topology, fault and performance management
Type: Permanent Location: Dallas, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:24:11
Your Job
Elevate your career by joining our growing team as an IT Project Manager where you will play a pivotal role leading moderately complex finance transformation and technology projects.
You will get to collaborate with a wide array of teams and stakeholders across Koch's global portfolio, and your responsibilities will include the overall direction, implementation, execution and completion of project outcomes and goals.
Our Team
Enterprise Application and Solutions (EAS) is a product centric organization that directly supports the Finance capabilities.
As a preferred partner, we focus on people, processes, technology, and data to drive innovation.
Our team members are key contributors through the application of project management frameworks and principles with an emphasis on leveraging critical and economic thinking to drive value.
What You Will Do
* Leverage problem-solving skills, critical analysis, and decision-making to navigate obstacles
* Identify opportunities for improvement and make constructive suggestions for change
* Effectively communicate relevant project information to leaders and stakeholders
* Define the project approach, roles, tasks, milestones, costs and measures of success
* Facilitate the day-to-day coordination while adhering to standards and sponsor expectations
* Optimize the unique capabilities of each project member while cultivating a team dynamic that promotes efficient and cohesive collaboration
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experience managing projects from conception to completion
* Experience organizing cross-functional teams and leading multi-disciplinary projects
* Experience facilitating meetings and communicating with leaders and stakeholders at all levels
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience managing application projects (IT Technology and Finance)
* Supporting product teams (working with Product Owners and/or Business Analysts)
* Leading projects focused on people and process changes
* Ability to navigate undefined projects
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
As a Koch company, Koch Global Services (KGS) creates solutions spanning technology, human resources, finance, project management and anything else our...
Type: Permanent Location: Wichita, US-KS
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:24:05
The Mission Concepts & Capabilitis (MCC) division of Applied Research Associates, Inc.
(ARA) is seeking a motivated, energetic Computer Scientist to support the Navy in the development and application of cutting-edge high-performance computing (HPC) software and network architectures.
This contingent position, expected to start late summer or early fall 2024, will support the Office of Naval Research and the Naval Research Laboratory on-site in the National Capital Region, from ARA facilities, travel locations, and via telecommuting when approved. In this position, the successful candidate will work with Navy and other contractor personnel to develop next-generation high-performance computing standards, architectures, and applications.
Required Qualifications:
* Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, computer science, or system engineering and 5+ years of relevant experience OR Master’s degree in electrical engineering, computer science, or system engineering and 2+ years of relevant experience
* DoD TOP SECRET clearance with SCI eligibility
* Must be a US Citizen
* Hands-on experience with large enterprise IT networks
* Experience in configuration and support of services with Apache, sendmail, BIND, ssh, and DNS
* Unix experience to include Solaris, Redhat, Suse, and Rocky
* Experience in configuring and troubleshooting bgp, ospf, VPN, IPSec, Ethernet and ATM
* Experience in broadband optimization, baseband, and fiber optic LANs
* Proficiency in use of signal generators, spectrum analyzers, signal analysis meters, time domain reflectometers (TDR) and cable scanners
* Experience in integration and us of security tools and vulnerability analysis tools to include ISS, NetRanger, nmap or similar
Desired Qualifications:
* D.
degree in electrical engineering, computer science, or system engineering
* Experience in support of ONR or NRL
This position is contingent upon award of a contract (one base year + 2 option years) expected in late summer or early fall 2024 supporting the Naval Research Laboratory.
The work location is on-site in the National Capital Region, from ARA facilities, from travel locations, and via telecommuting when approved.
Applied Research Associates, Inc.
is an employee-owned international research and engineering company recognized for providing technically superior solutions to complex and challenging problems in the physical sciences.
The company, founded in Albuquerque, NM, in 1979, currently employs over 2000 professionals.
ARA offices throughout the United States and Canada provide a broad range of technical expertise in defense technologies, civil technologies, computer software and simulation, systems analysis, environmental technologies, and testing and measurement.
The corporation also provides sophisticated technical products for environmental site characterization, pavement analysis, and robotics.
At ARA, employees...
Type: Permanent Location: Washington, US-DC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:19:43
The Mission Concepts & Capabilitis (MCC) division of Applied Research Associates, Inc.
(ARA) is seeking to hire an energetic, experienced Systems / Network Administrator T Systems Administrator to work alongside our government customers at the Naval Research Laboratory.
In this contingent position, the successful candidate will be supporting infrastructure and networked technologies while ensuring our customer’s networked technologies are maintained and fully compliant, meeting all applicable security and configuration requirements.
This contingent position, expected to start late summer or early fall 2024, will support the Office of Naval Research and the Naval Research Laboratory on-site in the National Capital Region, from ARA facilities, and via telecommuting when approved.
The successful candidate will:
* Support infrastructure and networked technologies
* Track and document IAVA/IAVB compliance with the base’s Cybersecurity Office
* Implement and administer network management solutions
Required Qualifications:
* 5-7 years of recent and relevant work experience
* Bachelor’s degree in information technology or related field
* TS clearance with SCI eligibility
* Relevant experience in the R&D information technology field
* Configuration management and network administration experience
* Experience managing Windows or Unix operating systems in LAN/WAN environments
At the discretion of the Government, specialized experience may be substituted in lieu of specific educational requirements.
Desired Qualifications:
* Cyber vulnerability management experience
* 8+ years of relevant experience
* Experience working on Office of Naval Research and/or NRL-funded programs
Applied Research Associates, Inc.
is an employee-owned international research and engineering company recognized for providing technically superior solutions to complex and challenging problems in the physical sciences.
The company, founded in Albuquerque, NM, in 1979, currently employs over 2000 professionals.
ARA offices throughout the United States and Canada provide a broad range of technical expertise in defense technologies, civil technologies, computer software and simulation, systems analysis, environmental technologies, and testing and measurement.
The corporation also provides sophisticated technical products for environmental site characterization, pavement analysis, and robotics.
At ARA, employees are our greatest assets.
The corporation realizes that employee ownership generates greater creativity and initiative along with higher performance and customer satisfaction levels.
ARA gives its employees the tools, training, and opportunities to take more active roles as owners.
The culture is challenging; innovation and experimentation are the norm.
Employees are eligible for contributions which not only add to the company’s success, but also their own through the Employee Stock...
Type: Permanent Location: Washington, US-DC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2024-11-08 07:19:42