Contexte et dimension du poste
Pour soutenir la croissance de son activité et renforcer son excellence opérationnelle, Hermès Maison souhaite concevoir et mettre en place une Supply Chain performante qui s'adapte au modèle d'une maison de création et d'artisanat, à la demande de ses clients et aux contraintes de ses fournisseurs afin de créer un cercle vertueux durable qui s'inscrit dans une approche long terme.
Le titulaire reporte au Responsable Supply Chain au sein de la Direction des Opérations de la Division Maison.
Au-delà de l'équipe Supply Chain, il collabore étroitement avec les équipes Hermès Maison :
* Achat, Développement Technique et Qualité,
* Le Développement Opérationnel (Prévisionniste, Opérations Commerciales, Direction Marchés),
* Les Collections,
* Le service MOA Systèmes d'information.
En interne au sein d'Hermès, il est régulièrement en interaction avec le Service Clients et la Logistique d'Hermès Commercial.
En externe, il est en interface permanente avec nos partenaires : fournisseurs, sous-traitants et logistique externe.
Mission générale
Dans un souci constant d'améliorer les flux de Production et la qualité des livraisons, le Coordinateur Supply Chain :
- Contribue à l'analyse de la Collection ou des nouveautés en amont des ventes et participe à la construction créneaux de livraison
- Définit le plan de production cible dans le respect des priorités commerciales et des contraintes de production et assure sa mise à jour régulière en fonction des aléas opérationnels
- Garantit la synchronisation des approvisionnements matières et composants, avec le plan de production
- Gère les lancements de production et le suivi des plannings de livraison produits.
Il travaille sur l'horizon court terme (correspondant à une saison) pour garantir le meilleur taux de livraison au client et sur un horizon moyen terme pour anticiper les problèmes capacitaires (sous-traitance et matière).
Par ailleurs, il est en charge du pilotage de la performance des fournisseurs et sous-traitants en cours de Production, en instaurant un relationnel et un suivi adapté à la structure et aux spécificités de chacun.
Enfin, il participe aussi à l'optimisation des processus et des procédures sur notre ERP M3, met en place et suit les indicateurs de taux de service et, globalement, participe à l'amélioration du pilotage de la Supply Chain.
* Formation d'Ingénieur généraliste ou école de commerce avec une spécialisation en Supply Chain, ayant une expérience réussie de 3 ans minimum dans une fonction Supply Chain Amont (approvisionnement, planification), au sein d'un environnement industriel (idéalement sur des flux d'assemblage, enjeux de synchronisation matières).
* Maîtrise des enjeux de la supply chain (planification sous contrainte, prévisions)
* Capacités de synthèse et d'analyse
* Qualité et fiabilité des reporting
* For...
Type: Permanent Location: PANTIN, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:27
Mission Générale :
Dans un contexte de développement de notre équipe de formation internationale, Hermès Parfum et Beauté recrute un(e) chef(fe) de Projet Formation Internationale et Expérience Client Parfum.
Au sein du département Formation Internationale et Expérience Client, vous accompagnez la stratégie de formation et d'Expérience client d'Hermès Parfum et Beauté en cohérence avec les valeurs d'excellence et e xigences de qualité de la maison Hermès.
En qualité de Chef(fe) de Projet Formation Internationale et Expérience Client Parfum, vous collaborez activement avec les différents métiers (Développement des Collections, Communication, Retail Design, e-com, Marketing Opérationnel etc.) et les marchés pour développer l'ensemble des outils de formation dédié à cet axe.
Cette création de poste s'inscrit dans l'accélération que connaît la maison sur l'univers du parfum et joue un rôle stratégique dans le rayonnement de l'expérience client parfum à l'international.
Responsabilités :
Rattaché au Responsable de Formation Internationale et Expérience Client Parfum, vous participez à l'élaboration de la stratégie formation pour les collections Parfum en identifiant et coordonnant les moyens nécessaires à la réalisation de vos missions.
Vous développez des parcours de formation omnicanaux créatifs, engageants, ancrés dans l'univers Hermès et orientés retail en lien avec les plans de lancement et les besoins des marchés : en soutien des nouveaux lancements et des animations (Fêtes en Hermès, Fête des Mères, Fête des Pères, l'Eté en Hermès) ; et sur les outils institutionnels pour la montée en compétence de nos ambassadeurs (intégration, expertise parfum, services, méthode de vente etc.)
Aligné avec la stratégie de la maison, vous développez des expériences de formation impactantes qui participeront à l'ancrage de la culture client relationnelle et l'expertise de vente des équipes locales.
En parallèle, vous vous assurez de la cohérence du parcours client en collaborant activement avec les autres acteurs du 360 (Retail Design, e-Com etc.).
Vous participez à la structuration et l'animation de la communauté des Responsables Formation et Formateurs en régions.
Vous collaborez avec vos relais de formation régions/marchés pour remonter leurs besoins locaux, identifier des opportunités de développement et garantir l'implémentation de l'expérience de formation.
Vous les formez pour former (TTT/TFT), vous définissez avec eux les priorités et les accompagnez dans le déploiement de leur stratégie formation en région.
Vous mettez en place un pilotage (reporting/KPI/audit) de l'activité pour évaluer l'impact et identifier les actions nécessaires.
Vous intervenez lors des formations internes d'intégration des nouveaux arrivants Hermès International et Hermès Parfum et Beauté pou...
Type: Permanent Location: PARIS, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:26
La Chaussure représente l'un des 16 métiers de la Maison Hermès et comprend environ 280 collaborateurs sur deux pays, France et Italie, qui travaillent au rythme de 2 collections par an.
Les collections sont fabriquées par nos partenaires industriels ainsi que notre atelier HCI.
Les collections sont commercialisées à travers un réseau intégré de plus de 300 magasins en Europe, Asie-Pacifique et Amériques ainsi que par le canal e-commerce.
Le métier Chaussure est composé des équipes Création (Studio), Collection, Développement, Qualité, Supply Chain, Achats, Transformation (AC, MOA), Commerciales, Identité Métier, Finance et Ressources Humaines.
Nous recherchons actuellement un Chef de Projet Développement Pièces Métalliques (H/F) pour notre site de Pantin (93).
En qualité de Chef de Projet Développement Pièces Métalliques, vous êtes garant du sourcing, du développement et de la mise au point industrielle des pièces métalliques pour le métier Chaussure.
A ce titre, vous travaillez en lien avec les équipes Style, avec les Chefs de Projet Développement et les Industrialisateurs produits finis pour garantir la mise au point des nouveaux développements et la livraison des pièces de collection avec les Acheteurs pour assurer une continuité dans la stratégie d'achat, mais aussi avec l'équipe Qualité pour valider les pièces et les montages en amont de la production jusqu'à leur homologation finale.
Vos principales responsabilités :
Développement des pièces métalliques de collection :
* Sourcer et concevoir les nouvelles pièces métalliques et nouveaux composants dans le respect des souhaits du Style et de la Collection et selon des objectifs de qualité, coûts et délais préalablement définis
* Constituer le dossier technique de chacun des articles développés (caractéristiques articles, plans techniques détaillés, finitions, lead time, cotations, contraintes associées)
* Lancer et analyser les tests qualité sur la base de notre cahier des charges et assurer l'analyse de risques en binôme avec l'équipe Industrialisation et Qualité
* Codifier et créer les fiches matières dans notre base de données selon le planning de collection
* Analyser et valider l'adéquation pièce métallique / produits finis auprès de chacun des acteurs fournisseurs et fabricants (analyse de risque)
* Proposer des solutions alternatives dans le but de fiabiliser notre qualité et d'atteindre nos objectifs de prix
* Suivre le budget développement sur le périmètre des pièces métalliques et des composants (commandes de prototypes, frais d'outillages)
* En coordination avec l'équipe Achats, lancer et mener à bien des diversifications de pièces existantes pour répondre à des contraintes de capacité de production et/ou de prix
Industrialisation :
* Assurer la mise au point, l'industrialisation et l'homologation des pièces métalliques et des composants choisis ...
Type: Permanent Location: PANTIN, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:25
Notre métier : création, production et distribution des Parfums, des produits dérivés parfumés et de la Beauté.
Plus de 700 collaborateurs répartis sur plusieurs sites en France (dont Paris et le site industriel du Vaudreuil) et à l'international.
Une stratégie ambitieuse de croissance avec le développement de la Beauté, la mise en place de nouveaux modèles de distribution et de nouveaux schémas industriels.
Le site industriel du Vaudreuil (27) assure depuis sa création en 1977 le développement des packagings, la formulation, la production et le conditionnement des parfums et produits dérivés parfumés d'Hermès Parfum et Beauté ainsi que le management de la qualité et l'ensemble des étapes de la supply chain jusqu'à la livraison chez nos clients.
Environ 350 salariés travaillent à date sur le site.
L'établissement de Paris regroupe environ 240 collaborateurs (y compris les chefs de secteurs en régions et les équipes de vente des espaces personnalisés) : développement des collections, communication, direction internationale et développement opérationnel, visual merchandising, merchandising, animations, formation internationale, opérations, e-commerce, finance, IT, RH
A date, environ 130 salariés sont répartis à l'international : Allemagne, Belgique, Hollande, Royaume-Uni, Italie, Espagne, USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Chine, Emirats Arabes Unis.
Nous recherchons actuellement pour notre site du Vaudreuil (27), un Ingénieur Développement Packaging (H/F).
En qualité d'Ingénieur Développement Packaging, vous assurez l'étude, la conception et le développement des nouveaux packagings parfums ou cosmétiques.
Vous êtes en charge de convaincre le Développement des Collections et la Création par les solutions proposées au niveau fonctionnel et design, obtenir le niveau de qualité Hermès défini par les plans d'homologation et optimiser le conditionnement des produits avec l'Industrialisation.
Vous avez pour objectif de tenir les délais demandés au coût validé en début de projet.
Vos principales responsabilités :
Proposer des conceptions packaging répondant au brief du Développement des Collections
Garantir la mise au point technique des produits :
o Suivi et validation des plans avec les fournisseurs
o Calcul des capacités des outillages en rapport avec les besoins
o Suivi des réalisations d'outillages
o Mise au point et qualification
o Démarrage de production
o Montée en puissance
o Développement des teintes et décor pour obtenir le rendu esthétique souhaité
Piloter des projets afin de rester dans le planning imparti
Optimiser les coûts avec les achats
Concevoir et réaliser les éléments de contrôle avec la Qualité
Valider les BATs et les triptyques de teinte
Apporter une expertise technique sur les panoplies de défauts pour validation Qualité
S'assurer de la bonne formalisation des données techniques (appel d'offre, cahier des charges) et du bon niveau de qualité des datas sou...
Type: Permanent Location: LE VAUDREUIL, FR-27
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:25
CDI - Designer Joaillerie - Hermès Bijouterie (H/F)
Hermès Bijouterie, division d'Hermès Sellier, crée, développe et produit des bijoux en métaux précieux, de la bijouterie argent aux pièces de haute joaillerie.
Les collections de Bijouterie et de Joaillerie Hermès sont commercialisées à travers un réseau intégré de 300 magasins succursales et concessionnaires à l'enseigne Hermès, en Europe, Asie-Pacifique et Amériques.
Vos principales responsabilités :
Rattaché au Pôle Technique Haute Joaillerie, vous participez au processus créatif des collections de la joaillerie et haute joaillerie Hermès.
Sous l'impulsion créative du Directeur Artistique, vous répondez aux briefs créatifs en respectant la volonté esthétique de ce dernier, les deadlines et les cahiers des charges de l'équipe créative.
Vous participez à la réalisation des dessins et des maquettes des créations Hermès (joaillerie et haute joaillerie).
Vous êtes également sollicité pour être support dans l'exécution du fonctionnement du studio (archivage dessins et maquettes, mise à jour du plan de collection, aide aux modifications de dessins existants, aide à la préparation de réunions créatives, etc.).
Votre profil :
Expérience et formation :
De formation supérieure en arts appliqués/design
Une expérience d'au moins 3 ans sur un poste similaire dans le secteur de la joaillerie est requise
Une maîtrise du dessin à main levée
Une capacité à générer des rendus gouachés ou des ruffs d'intention colorielle
Une aisance de mise en volume sera valorisée (maquettes pour accompagner les dessins)
Une maîtrise des outils de dessin de la Suite Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator et InDesign).
Des notions de modélisation 3D seraient un plus (Rhino, Solidworks).
Aptitudes et qualités :
Vous êtes curieux, passionné, démontrez une soif d'apprendre et de vous imprégner du style de la maison Hermès
Vous démontrez une aisance dans la conduite de projets de manière automne ou en binôme et avez un esprit d'équipe développé afin d'interagir en transverse avec une variété de départements (Développement, Service Pierres, Collection, Qualité, etc.)
Vous faites preuve d'agilité et de flexibilité afin de répondre à des modifications esthétiques ou stratégiques venant du Directeur Artistique ou de la Collection et savez rebondir face aux contraintes
Vous êtes aligné avec les valeurs de la maison Hermès que sont l'excellence, la qualité et la singularité - ce, afin de contribuer au rayonnement de la Joaillerie Hermès
Employeur responsable, nous nous engageons dans l'éthique, les diversités et l'inclusion, rejoignez l'aventure humaine d'Hermès !Créateur, artisan et marchand d'objets de haute qualité, Hermès est, depuis 1837, une maison française, familiale et indépendante qui emploie près de 20 000 collaborateurs dans le monde.
Animé par un esprit d'entreprendre continu et une exigence constante, Hermès cultive...
Type: Permanent Location: PANTIN, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:24
The Team:
The Hermès Short Hills Boutique opened in 2011 and focuses on providing extraordinary service to clients as a part of the Northern Region.
This position will report to the Operations Manager and will work collaboratively with the sales team and selling support teams to support the client experience in a fast-paced, luxury environment.
The Opportunity:
The Inventory Control Specialist is responsible for the management of the store inventory.
The primary duties include receiving packages, merchandise in to the store inventory accurately and efficiently on the day in which it arrives, ticketing merchandise and generating packing and shipping transfer and RTV of merchandise to other locations efficiently and accurately.
All records associated with receiving and shopping merchandise will be neatly and accurately maintained in filing systems.
The Inventory Control Specialist is responsible for the processing, recording and following up on all after sales service.
The Inventory Control Specialist will provide support to store management to organize, conduct and reconcile weekly cycle counts and bi-annual inventories.
The Inventory Control Specialist is also responsible for the ordering and maintaining of adequate stock levels in shipping/selling supplies, as well as store and kitchen supplies.
All other duties as assigned by the supervisor.
About the Role:
* Maintain an accurate and organized store inventory.
Organize and participate in store cycle counts, bi-annual inventories and reconciliation with support and direction from Managing Director and (Operations Director /Operations Manager.
* Process all incoming and outgoing shipments within the business day they are generated.
Ensure proper documentation is completed.
* Check in all returns against previous day's business.
* Print and ticket merchandise, returns and price updates.
* Process, record, maintain and follow up on all aftersales service.
* Process damages, maintain inventory for damages.
* Work with Store Management to analyze business and replenish needs.
* Develop inventory strategies to support the selling process and to maintain our warehouse standards on a daily basis.
Supervisory Responsibility:
* NO
Budget Responsibility:
* NO
Decision Making Responsibility:
* NO
About You:
* 2+ years of experience in operations, experience in a luxury environment preferred
* Effective written and verbal communication skills.
* Ability to effectively analyze information.
* Ability to problem-solve.
* Ability to multi-task with accuracy.
* Attention to detail.
* Ability to follow both written and verbal policies and directives.
* Attention to asset protection and inventory control.
* Experienced with technology to fully utilize internal systems as well as external shipping software programs.
* Ability to lift between 0-25 lbs.
without assistance.
The hourly range for this po...
Type: Permanent Location: Short Hills, US-NJ
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:23
The Team:
The Hermès Beverly Hills Flagship Boutique opened in 1972 and focuses on providing extraordinary service to clients as a part of the Western Region.
This position will report to the Floor Director and will work collaboratively with the sales team and selling support teams to support the client experience in a fast-paced, luxury environment.
The Opportunity:
The Assistant Manager is responsible for partnering with the Floor Director and Managing Director to successfully run all aspects of the business including building sales, identifying opportunities, and client development via CRM and service initiatives, coaching and counseling of staff.
All other duties as assigned by the supervisor.
About the Role:
* Daily supervision of staff (coaching, training and assistance in achieving sales objectives).
* Demonstrates and active management presence on the sales floor modeling exceptional service and ensuring all team members embody the Hermès spirit.
* Identifying sales opportunities by weekly review of business by profession, tracking delivery and special orders.
Apply these sales opportunities in tandem with each sales specialist personal goals to evaluate contribution to total boutique.
* Contributing to and/or conducting monthly touch-base meetings and annual performance evaluations in tandem with Floor Director/Managing Director.
* Communicates CRM standards, follows up daily for associate compliance and to maximize quality of client capture rate and detailed information according to Hermès standards.
* Ensures policy and procedure is clearly communicated to team and all are actively compliant.
* Monitor E-time and scheduling needs for the staff.
Keep and accurate record of vacation, time and attendance in tandem with HR.
* Organizes seasonal trainings including key profession points, share internal updates, and ensure sales team are integrating into client conversations at point of sale.
* Assists in maintaining database of candidates for store and in recruiting and interviewing to fill open positions.
* Making critical client decisions and runs business during Floor Director/Managing Director's visits to Preview/Podium.
Supervisory Responsibility:
* YES: Supervises Sales Staff
Budget Responsibility:
* YES:
+ Responsible for achieving the sales goal for the year for their specific location.
Also need to ensure the store is profitable and has an accurate inventory that falls within the parameters of the company sets.
+ Responsible for maintaining stock levels in all professions of responsibility, MOS, and sell thru according to Hermès standards.
Decision Making Responsibility:
* YES: Responsible for making decisions that relate to the staff, the client and the running of the store.
In the absence of the Floor Director/Managing Director, the Assistant Manager will step into the role of the Floor Director/Managing Director.
About You:
Type: Permanent Location: Beverly Hills, US-CA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:23
There is a place for you at Highland Rivers Behavioral Health!Highland Rivers provides treatment and recovery services to individuals impacted by mental illness; substance use disorders and intellectual developmental disabilities.Are you ready to make a Difference?Job Summary: A Technician assists with collecting information for individual intake, admission based on interviews with client, their families, significant others, and appropriate community agencies.
Assist the treatment team in identifying individual strengths and weaknesses, and developing a treatment/care plan for a specific activity, service or program.
Assist in monitoring the individual's progress toward treatment goals.Job Duties and Responsibilities:
* Monitor the individual's physical and emotional wellbeing and report unusual behavior or physical complaints to direct supervisor or Charge Nurse.
* Obtain the individual's physical condition/vital signs at designated times during the shift and as directed by LPN, RN, MD and/or APRN
* Assist individuals by providing ADLs supplies such as towels, wash cloths, soap, and keeping beds, clothing and living areas clean
* Assist in the admission and discharge process, including obtaining vital signs, safety search of individual and his/her personal belongings as well as orienting new individuals to the unit.
* Lead milieu activities such as current event groups, community meetings, fitness groups, activities of daily living and/or recreational activities
* Chart observations, following prescribed procedures and standards (q15s/monitoring hallways, etc.) and document vitals in Carelogic
* Enhances professional growth and development through participation in educational programs, in service meetings and trainings
* Participate in BHCC emergency codes necessary to the unit's safe operation
* Respond appropriately to crisis situations that may involve physical intervention including the use of seclusion/restraint
* Provides direct care for individuals as needed
* Transport individuals to approved designated location at discharge
* Assist in prevention and managing crisis situations
* Help serve meals and snacks as needed for the Food Service Workers.
* Other responsibilities and tasks as may be assigned
* Health Insurance through the State Health Benefit Plan of GA
* Flexible Benefits such as dental, vision, life, critical illness, etc.
* Retirement Plan with employer matching
* 4 weeks of Paid Time Off with increase of accruals based on years of service
* 10 paid holidays
* 1 personal day
* Qualifying employer for Public Student Loan Forgiveness
* NHSC loan forgiveness in qualifying counties.
* Clinical supervision for candidates on a licensure track.
Type: Permanent Location: Cedartown, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:21
There is a place for you at Highland Rivers Behavioral Health!Highland Rivers provides treatment and recovery services to individuals impacted by mental illness; substance use disorders and intellectual developmental disabilities.Are you ready to make a Difference?Job Summary: The Clinical Nurse Coordinator provides guidance concerning the day-to-day delivery of established program processes to ensure smooth operation of the Unit.
The Nurse Coordinator works in conjunction with the Nurse Manager.Job Duties and Responsibilities:
* Performs assessments, collects data and analysis of data
* Performs direct care to individuals including medication administration as needed and documents as outlined by policy and procedure.
* Coordinates nursing efforts, resolves problems, and maintains unit on a daily basis.
* Supervises staff, both clinically and administratively and documents supervision in the Kronos system.
* Ensure that incident reports and infection control reports are completed within 24 hours of incident occurring and follow-up.
* Provide In-service Trainings and staff meetings as scheduled, ensuring staff complete their mandatory trainings as scheduled.
* Oversees the ordering and management of medications.
* Keeps medication room and Lab in order according to policy and procedure.
* Communicates needs, issues, concerns, and compliments with the Nurse Manager a minimum of weekly.
* Cover RN/LPN shifts as needed on the unit.
* Other duties as assigned.
* Health Insurance through the State Health Benefit Plan of GA
* Flexible Benefits such as dental, vision, life, critical illness, etc.
* Retirement Plan with employer matching
* 4 weeks of Paid Time Off with increase of accruals based on years of service
* 10 paid holidays
* 1 personal day
* Qualifying employer for Public Student Loan Forgiveness
* NHSC loan forgiveness in qualifying counties.
* Clinical supervision for candidates on a licensure track.
Type: Permanent Location: Cedartown, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:19
There is a place for you at Highland Rivers Behavioral Health!Highland Rivers provides treatment and recovery services to individuals impacted by mental illness; substance use disorders and intellectual developmental disabilities.JOB SUMMARY: The Health and Safety Officer that will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of all health and safety procedures at assigned locations and will comply with Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD), Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) and Highland Rivers Behavioral Health policies and procedures.Are you ready to make a Difference?This position will be based in Whitfield County and serve Whitfield, Gordon, Cherokee, Gilmer and Pickens locations.Duties and Responsibilities include:
* Conduct all drills/inspections, as required, monthly and/or quarterly at each facility assigned within the time frame given and submit to the Health and Safety Coordinator for review.
* Complete drill analysis and follow up on needed training, remediation, and action plans in coordination with the Health and Safety Coordinator.
* Ensure the internal and external physical safety of each facility assigned.
* Arrange all external and internal inspections at each facility assigned, which include but are not limited to fire and health inspections.
* Ensure posting of all required signage in the appropriate designated locations at each facility assigned.
* Maintain/update annually or as needed - Quick Reference Manuals; Temporary Shelter agreements and map; First Aid Kits (ensure supplies are replenished after use and/or expiration).
* Ensure SDS books are always current at each facility assigned.
* Follow all Health and Safety policies and ensure the facilities are following all policies and procedures as required by governing, regulatory and accreditation bodies.
* Maintain site specific protocols for all Health and Safety emergency procedures at each facility assigned.
* Educate and/or train all staff on general and all site-specific Health and Safety issues at each facility assigned.
* Educate all new staff of the site-specific Health and Safety information at each facility assigned.
* Complete all required maintenance requests using the HRBH work order ticket system and track to completion for each facility assigned.
* Attend all required Health and Safety training as scheduled.
Type: Permanent Location: Dalton, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:19
There is a place for you at Highland Rivers Behavioral Health!Highland Rivers provides treatment and recovery services to individuals impacted by mental illness; substance use disorders and intellectual developmental disabilities.Are you ready to make a Difference?Job Summary: The Registered Nurse (RN) and Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) are responsible for the delivery of quality individual care through the nursing process of risk assessment, admissions, discharges, administering medication, unit management, and crisis management on the Crisis Stabilization Unit.
Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) is a 24 hour, 365 days a year short term medically monitored unit with 28 beds for the purpose of providing psychiatric stabilization and detoxification from drugs and alcohol.
It serves as a first line community-based alternative to hospitalization.Job Duties and Responsibilities:
* Complete all admission and discharge paperwork including nursing assessments on individuals with mental health/substance abuse symptoms exhibiting a state of crisis and needs with development of nursing care plans
* Monitor all aspects of individual care, including diet and physical activity and report any concerns to the APRN and CSU Nurse Manager
* Monitor, record and report symptoms and changes in individuals' conditions by observation using proper nursing care to the APRN and CSU Program Manager and document individual progress or lack thereof
* Complete required daily shift notes for all individuals on CSU
* Ensure all chart checks, CIWA, COWS, vitals are completed on the shift and all required logs (refrigerator, temperature logs) are updated on the sift
* Transcribe orders if needed
* Complete daily assignment sheet
* Review/update BHL board to ensure accurate and complete census
* Maintains stock of supplies in department
* Provide education to individual and/or family in line with appropriate Release of Information
* Provide education to individuals regarding treatment and aftercare individually
* Facilitate groups and activities on the unit with the individuals
* Assist with service-related compliance
* Intervene, stabilize and manage acute crisis situations as needed.
* Consult with other outpatient site staff regarding individual's
* Assist in training co-staff in areas relating to service specialties as needed.
* Maintain confidentiality for all indirect/direct service in accordance with agency policies and HIPAA policies.
* Demonstrate competency for Blood Glucose Monitoring, Alcohol Breathalyzer, Urine Drug Screen, Pregnancy Test, and PPD skin tests
* Monitor and document all ordered labs, screenings, and results such as PPD, Blood Glucose, UA, RPR, Blood Chem, and CBC
* Perform safe phlebotomy practices when drawing blood labs
* Assist with seclusions and restraints when necessary and complete all required paperwork (i.e.
seclusion/restraint packets and i...
Type: Permanent Location: Dalton, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:18
There is a place for you at Highland Rivers Behavioral Health!Highland Rivers provides treatment and recovery services to individuals impacted by mental illness; substance use disorders and intellectual developmental disabilities.Are you ready to make a Difference?Job Summary: The Registered Nurse (RN) and Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) are responsible for the delivery of quality individual care through the nursing process of risk assessment, admissions, discharges, administering medication, unit management, and crisis management on the Crisis Stabilization Unit.
Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) is a 24 hour, 365 days a year short term medically monitored unit with 28 beds for the purpose of providing psychiatric stabilization and detoxification from drugs and alcohol.
It serves as a first line community-based alternative to hospitalization.Job Duties and Responsibilities:
* Complete all admission and discharge paperwork including nursing assessments on individuals with mental health/substance abuse symptoms exhibiting a state of crisis and needs with development of nursing care plans
* Monitor all aspects of individual care, including diet and physical activity and report any concerns to the APRN and CSU Nurse Manager
* Monitor, record and report symptoms and changes in individuals' conditions by observation using proper nursing care to the APRN and CSU Program Manager and document individual progress or lack thereof
* Complete required daily shift notes for all individuals on CSU
* Ensure all chart checks, CIWA, COWS, vitals are completed on the shift and all required logs (refrigerator, temperature logs) are updated on the sift
* Transcribe orders if needed
* Complete daily assignment sheet
* Review/update BHL board to ensure accurate and complete census
* Maintains stock of supplies in department
* Provide education to individual and/or family in line with appropriate Release of Information
* Provide education to individuals regarding treatment and aftercare individually
* Facilitate groups and activities on the unit with the individuals
* Assist with service-related compliance
* Intervene, stabilize and manage acute crisis situations as needed.
* Consult with other outpatient site staff regarding individual's
* Assist in training co-staff in areas relating to service specialties as needed.
* Maintain confidentiality for all indirect/direct service in accordance with agency policies and HIPAA policies.
* Demonstrate competency for Blood Glucose Monitoring, Alcohol Breathalyzer, Urine Drug Screen, Pregnancy Test, and PPD skin tests
* Monitor and document all ordered labs, screenings, and results such as PPD, Blood Glucose, UA, RPR, Blood Chem, and CBC
* Perform safe phlebotomy practices when drawing blood labs
* Assist with seclusions and restraints when necessary and complete all required paperwork (i.e.
seclusion/restraint packets and i...
Type: Permanent Location: Cedartown, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:17
There is a place for you at Highland Rivers Behavioral Health!Highland Rivers provides treatment and recovery services to individuals impacted by mental illness; substance use disorders and intellectual developmental disabilities.Are you ready to make a Difference?Job Summary: The Registered Nurse (RN) and Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) are responsible for the delivery of quality individual care through the nursing process of risk assessment, admissions, discharges, administering medication, unit management, and crisis management on the Crisis Stabilization Unit.
Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) is a 24 hour, 365 days a year short term medically monitored unit with 28 beds for the purpose of providing psychiatric stabilization and detoxification from drugs and alcohol.
It serves as a first line community-based alternative to hospitalization.Job Duties and Responsibilities:
* Complete all admission and discharge paperwork including nursing assessments on individuals with mental health/substance abuse symptoms exhibiting a state of crisis and needs with development of nursing care plans
* Monitor all aspects of individual care, including diet and physical activity and report any concerns to the APRN and CSU Nurse Manager
* Monitor, record and report symptoms and changes in individuals' conditions by observation using proper nursing care to the APRN and CSU Program Manager and document individual progress or lack thereof
* Complete required daily shift notes for all individuals on CSU
* Ensure all chart checks, CIWA, COWS, vitals are completed on the shift and all required logs (refrigerator, temperature logs) are updated on the sift
* Transcribe orders if needed
* Complete daily assignment sheet
* Review/update BHL board to ensure accurate and complete census
* Maintains stock of supplies in department
* Provide education to individual and/or family in line with appropriate Release of Information
* Provide education to individuals regarding treatment and aftercare individually
* Facilitate groups and activities on the unit with the individuals
* Assist with service-related compliance
* Intervene, stabilize and manage acute crisis situations as needed.
* Consult with other outpatient site staff regarding individual's
* Assist in training co-staff in areas relating to service specialties as needed.
* Maintain confidentiality for all indirect/direct service in accordance with agency policies and HIPAA policies.
* Demonstrate competency for Blood Glucose Monitoring, Alcohol Breathalyzer, Urine Drug Screen, Pregnancy Test, and PPD skin tests
* Monitor and document all ordered labs, screenings, and results such as PPD, Blood Glucose, UA, RPR, Blood Chem, and CBC
* Perform safe phlebotomy practices when drawing blood labs
* Assist with seclusions and restraints when necessary and complete all required paperwork (i.e.
seclusion/restraint packets and i...
Type: Permanent Location: Marietta, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:16
There is a place for you at Highland Rivers Behavioral Health!Highland Rivers provides treatment and recovery services to individuals impacted by mental illness; substance use disorders and intellectual developmental disabilities.Are you ready to make a Difference?Job Summary: The Certified Peer Specialist is a vital part of the team at the Highland Rivers BHCC or CSU.
The position involves bringing the "lived experience" to the program and engaging individuals, providing linkage to community resources, assisting with discharge planning and providing direct services and may include sharing one's own personal journey to encourage and inspire others as they continue on their own recovery journey.
Job Duties and Responsibilities:
* Facilitate groups and structured activities focusing on self-advocacy, wellness, problem solving, identification and use of community resources, etc, documenting the group activity and individual's response in the electronic health record per policy and procedure.
* Engage and assist individuals in identifying strengths which aid and barriers that impede the recovery process.
* Provide follow up phone contact with individuals re: post discharge referrals for ongoing services.
* Assist individuals with discharge planning to ensure continuity of care upon return to the community.
* Act as a navigator to orient individuals to the Unit upon entry into services.
* Link individuals to programs within the Agency and the community, providing warm transfers where possible.
* Maintain an updated resource listing for community partners and agencies to share with individuals.
* Maintain clinical records in accordance with agency policies including timely completion of documentation and agency required trainings/workshops.
* Participates in the treatment team meetings, educating staff on recovery principles related to the "lived experience", advocating for the individuals.
* Other duties as assigned.
* Health Insurance through the State Health Benefit Plan of GA
* Flexible Benefits such as dental, vision, life, critical illness, etc.
* Retirement Plan with employer matching
* 4 weeks of Paid Time Off with increase of accruals based on years of service
* 10 paid holidays
* 1 personal day
* Qualifying employer for Public Student Loan Forgiveness
* NHSC loan forgiveness in qualifying counties.
* Clinical supervision for candidates on a licensure track.
Type: Permanent Location: Marietta, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:15
There is a place for you at Highland Rivers Behavioral Health!Highland Rivers provides treatment and recovery services to individuals impacted by mental illness; substance use disorders and intellectual developmental disabilities.Are you ready to make a Difference?Job Summary: The Therapist will complete behavioral health and/or crisis assessments, develop treatment and safety plans and deliver clinical services to individuals seeking mental health and substance use related challenges in a fast-paced crisis clinic.
This position involves direct clinical services, staff consultation, case management work and possible involuntary commitment determinations.Job Duties and Responsibilities:
* Completes and documents BHA assessments and with the assistance of the individual, staff will develop treatment plans.
* Guides the individual in the understanding of his/her illness and contributing personal, social and economic factors.
* Assists the individual with discharge planning, identification and accessing community resources including making referrals and other arrangements as necessary.
* Works with both internal and external stakeholders to ensure effective discharge planning
* Works closely with nursing staff and physicians to ensure cross-disciplinary communication.
* Other duties as assigned.
* Health Insurance through the State Health Benefit Plan of GA
* Flexible Benefits such as dental, vision, life, critical illness, etc.
* Retirement Plan with employer matching
* 4 weeks of Paid Time Off with increase of accruals based on years of service
* 10 paid holidays
* 1 personal day
* Qualifying employer for Public Student Loan Forgiveness
* NHSC loan forgiveness in qualifying counties.
* Clinical supervision for candidates on a licensure track.
Type: Permanent Location: Marietta, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:14
There is a place for you at Highland Rivers Behavioral Health!Highland Rivers provides treatment and recovery services to individuals impacted by mental illness; substance use disorders and intellectual developmental disabilities.Are you ready to make a Difference?Job Summary: An Access Specialist is responsible for processing intake paperwork for individuals' seeking psychiatric stabilization and/or medical detox.
The Crisis Service Center operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to provide short-term intervention designed to be time limited, generally a single episode of intervention that stabilizes the individual and moves the individual to the appropriate level of observation.Job Duties and Responsibilities:
* Complete intake paperwork for processing of individuals for assessment and/or admission.
* Complete Point of Entry in Carelogic and BHL to ensure accurate processing of individuals receiving services.
* Review/update BHL to ensure accurate daily census.
* Review/maintain daily census logs to ensure accuracy and completion (CSC, Temp Obs, and CSU).
* Answer phones professionally using established protocols.
* Work with a variety of internal and external customers.
* Respond to individual, staff, and third party inquires in person or by phone.
* Maintain confidentiality for all indirect/direct service in accordance with agency policies and HIPPA policies.
* Other duties as assigned.
* Health Insurance through the State Health Benefit Plan of GA
* Flexible Benefits such as dental, vision, life, critical illness, etc.
* Retirement Plan with employer matching
* 4 weeks of Paid Time Off with increase of accruals based on years of service
* 10 paid holidays
* 1 personal day
* Qualifying employer for Public Student Loan Forgiveness
* NHSC loan forgiveness in qualifying counties.
* Clinical supervision for candidates on a licensure track.
Type: Permanent Location: Marietta, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:13
There is a place for you at Highland Rivers Behavioral Health!Highland Rivers provides treatment and recovery services to individuals impacted by mental illness; substance use disorders and intellectual developmental disabilities.Are you ready to make a Difference?Job Summary: The Activity Coordinator directs individual participation in selected therapeutic activities to assist in developing skills and providing a structured setting.
The Activity Coordinator assist individuals who are admitted to the Crisis Stabilization Unit to learn appropriate ways to manage their time and improve skills.
The Activities Coordinator will assist with collecting information for individual intake, admission based on interviews with client, their families, significant others, and appropriate community agencies, assist the treatment team in identifying individual strengths and weaknesses, and developing a treatment/care plan for a specific activity, service or program and assist in monitoring the individual's progress toward treatment goals.Job Duties and Responsibilities:
* Provides structured individual and group therapeutic activities that promote socialization, recovery, wellness, self-advocacy, development of natural supports, and maintenance of community living skills.
* Completes a group note in CareLogic documenting the group therapeutic activity and individual's response to the group activity.
* Facilitates life skills groups, including education on personal hygiene, nutrition, money management, and interpersonal skills.
* Monitor the individual's physical and emotional wellbeing and report unusual behavior or physical complaints to direct supervisor (RN Charge Nurse for the shift)
* Assist individuals by providing ADLs supplies such as towels, wash cloths, soap, and keeping beds, clothing and living areas clean
* Provides transportation for individuals to appointments and activities in the community.
* Provides direct care for individuals based on coverage needs during increased census/acuity and emergencies.
* Ensures and provides high quality, compassionate, and ethical delivery of services to improve program and organizational performance.
* Assist in prevention and managing crisis situations; responding appropriately to crisis situations that may involve physical intervention including the use of seclusion/restraint
* Other duties as assigned
* Health Insurance through the State Health Benefit Plan of GA
* Flexible Benefits such as dental, vision, life, critical illness, etc.
* Retirement Plan with employer matching
* 4 weeks of Paid Time Off with increase of accruals based on years of service
* 10 paid holidays
* 1 personal day
* Qualifying employer for Public Student Loan Forgiveness
* NHSC loan forgiveness in qualifying counties.
* Clinical supervision for candidates on a licensure track.
Type: Permanent Location: Cedartown, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:12
There is a place for you at Highland Rivers Behavioral Health!Highland Rivers provides treatment and recovery services to individuals impacted by mental illness; substance use disorders and intellectual developmental disabilities.Are you ready to make a Difference?JOB SUMMARY:The Therapist serves individuals in an Outpatient setting.
The Therapist provides individualized case management and accepts clinical responsibilities including: referrals; screenings/assessments, individual, group and family counseling, and crisis intervention.Duties and Responsibilities include:
* Provides assessments, individual, family, crisis, and group counseling for individuals according to their treatment plans; completes paperwork according to Policy and Procedure.
* Completes all necessary paperwork according to Policy and Procedure; ensures individuals meet eligibility criteria or refers to appropriate provider in the community.
* Manages a caseload by ensuring all services are authorized, chart paperwork is complete and current, and individual charts are closed according to Policy and Procedure.
* Takes ownership for individual and referral source satisfaction by returning phone calls in a timely manner, communicating with referral sources with appropriate authorization, link and/or serve as advocate for individuals as needed.
* Encourages individual responsibility and recovery by utilizing evidenced-based interventions, providing comprehensive and ongoing assessment, referring individuals to appropriate internal and external services, involving and educating family, seeking and utilizing supervision, developing individualized and comprehensive plan of care based on the individual's strengths, needs, abilities, and preferences.
* Participates as part of an interdisciplinary treatment team.
* Other duties as assigned.
* Health Insurance through the State Health Benefit Plan of GA
* Flexible Benefits such as dental, vision, life, critical illness, etc.
* Retirement Plan with employer matching
* 4 weeks of Paid Time Off with increase of accruals based on years of service
* 10 paid holidays
* 1 personal day
* Qualifying employer for Public Student Loan Forgiveness
* NHSC loan forgiveness in qualifying counties.
* Clinical supervision for candidates on a licensure track.
Type: Permanent Location: Marietta, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:11
There is a place for you at Highland Rivers Behavioral Health!Highland Rivers provides treatment and recovery services to individuals impacted by mental illness; substance use disorders and intellectual developmental disabilities.Are you ready to make a Difference?Job Summary: The Activity Coordinator directs individual participation in selected therapeutic activities to assist in developing skills and providing a structured setting.
The Activity Coordinator assist individuals who are admitted to the Crisis Stabilization Unit to learn appropriate ways to manage their time and improve skills.
The Activities Coordinator will assist with collecting information for individual intake, admission based on interviews with client, their families, significant others, and appropriate community agencies, assist the treatment team in identifying individual strengths and weaknesses, and developing a treatment/care plan for a specific activity, service or program and assist in monitoring the individual's progress toward treatment goals.Job Duties and Responsibilities:
* Provides structured individual and group therapeutic activities that promote socialization, recovery, wellness, self-advocacy, development of natural supports, and maintenance of community living skills.
* Completes a group note in CareLogic documenting the group therapeutic activity and individual's response to the group activity.
* Facilitates life skills groups, including education on personal hygiene, nutrition, money management, and interpersonal skills.
* Monitor the individual's physical and emotional wellbeing and report unusual behavior or physical complaints to direct supervisor (RN Charge Nurse for the shift)
* Assist individuals by providing ADLs supplies such as towels, wash cloths, soap, and keeping beds, clothing and living areas clean
* Provides transportation for individuals to appointments and activities in the community.
* Provides direct care for individuals based on coverage needs during increased census/acuity and emergencies.
* Ensures and provides high quality, compassionate, and ethical delivery of services to improve program and organizational performance.
* Assist in prevention and managing crisis situations; responding appropriately to crisis situations that may involve physical intervention including the use of seclusion/restraint
* Other duties as assigned
* Health Insurance through the State Health Benefit Plan of GA
* Flexible Benefits such as dental, vision, life, critical illness, etc.
* Retirement Plan with employer matching
* 4 weeks of Paid Time Off with increase of accruals based on years of service
* 10 paid holidays
* 1 personal day
* Qualifying employer for Public Student Loan Forgiveness
* NHSC loan forgiveness in qualifying counties.
* Clinical supervision for candidates on a licensure track.
Type: Permanent Location: Rome, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:10
There is a place for you at Highland Rivers Behavioral Health!Highland Rivers provides treatment and recovery services to individuals impacted by mental illness; substance use disorders and intellectual developmental disabilities.Are you ready to make a Difference?Job Summary: A Technician assists with collecting information for individual intake, admission based on interviews with client, their families, significant others, and appropriate community agencies.
Assist the treatment team in identifying individual strengths and weaknesses, and developing a treatment/care plan for a specific activity, service or program.
Assist in monitoring the individual's progress toward treatment goals.Job Duties and Responsibilities:
* Monitor the individual's physical and emotional wellbeing and report unusual behavior or physical complaints to direct supervisor or Charge Nurse.
* Obtain the individual's physical condition/vital signs at designated times during the shift and as directed by LPN, RN, MD and/or APRN
* Assist individuals by providing ADLs supplies such as towels, wash cloths, soap, and keeping beds, clothing and living areas clean
* Assist in the admission and discharge process, including obtaining vital signs, safety search of individual and his/her personal belongings as well as orienting new individuals to the unit.
* Lead milieu activities such as current event groups, community meetings, fitness groups, activities of daily living and/or recreational activities
* Chart observations, following prescribed procedures and standards (q15s/monitoring hallways, etc.) and document vitals in Carelogic
* Enhances professional growth and development through participation in educational programs, in service meetings and trainings
* Participate in BHCC emergency codes necessary to the unit's safe operation
* Respond appropriately to crisis situations that may involve physical intervention including the use of seclusion/restraint
* Provides direct care for individuals as needed
* Transport individuals to approved designated location at discharge
* Assist in prevention and managing crisis situations
* Help serve meals and snacks as needed for the Food Service Workers.
* Other responsibilities and tasks as may be assigned
* Health Insurance through the State Health Benefit Plan of GA
* Flexible Benefits such as dental, vision, life, critical illness, etc.
* Retirement Plan with employer matching
* 4 weeks of Paid Time Off with increase of accruals based on years of service
* 10 paid holidays
* 1 personal day
* Qualifying employer for Public Student Loan Forgiveness
* NHSC loan forgiveness in qualifying counties.
* Clinical supervision for candidates on a licensure track.
Type: Permanent Location: Marietta, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:09
There is a place for you at Highland Rivers Behavioral Health!Highland Rivers provides treatment and recovery services to individuals impacted by mental illness; substance use disorders and intellectual developmental disabilities.Are you ready to make a Difference?Job Summary: The Food Service Worker (FSW) will perform a wide range of duties involved with preparing and/or serving foods and beverages in a timely and efficient manner for the individuals in the Crisis Stabilization Unit.
The FSW will maintain knowledge of menus, food products and provide the individuals with correct information when necessary.Job Duties and Responsibilities:
* Compile daily meal census to keep accurate count of meals served.
* Ensure all equipment is in proper repair, meeting guidelines.
* Orders and maintains food and supply inventory within what is budgeted.
* Cleans and maintains kitchen in accordance with public health inspection standards.
Stores food & supplies according to food safety guidelines.
* Abides by the menus posted.
* Records daily temperature logs for Freezer and Refrigerator.
* Writes expiration dates and date opened on all food items as indicated by food safety guidelines.
* Patriciates in all audits and reviews as needed.
* Keep emergency supply food as required.
* Complete essential learning courses on-line.
* Check email at a minimal of weekly.
* Complete daily Kitchen Checklists.
* Serve the individual's their meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
* Prepare snacks for the individual's to consume between meals.
* Other duties as assigned by supervisor
* Health Insurance through the State Health Benefit Plan of GA
* Flexible Benefits such as dental, vision, life, critical illness, etc.
* Retirement Plan with employer matching
* 4 weeks of Paid Time Off with increase of accruals based on years of service
* 10 paid holidays
* 1 personal day
* Qualifying employer for Public Student Loan Forgiveness
* NHSC loan forgiveness in qualifying counties.
* Clinical supervision for candidates on a licensure track.
Type: Permanent Location: Rome, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:09
There is a place for you at Highland Rivers Behavioral Health!Highland Rivers provides treatment and recovery services to individuals impacted by mental illness; substance use disorders and intellectual developmental disabilities.Are you ready to make a Difference?Job Summary: The Case Manager provides direct care and support services to the adult crisis population.
The Case Manager will assist in the development and implementation of discharge planning activities for individuals in the Crisis Stabilization Unit.
The Case Manager will assist the CSU with the treatment team in linking individuals to aftercare services, assist in the engagement of aftercare services and participate in follow up contacts to improve active participation in aftercare services.
The Case Manager will assist with collecting information for individual intake, admission based on interviews with individual, their families, significant others, and appropriate community agencies, assist the treatment team in identifying individual strengths and weaknesses, and assist in developing an aftercare plan for a specific activity, service, programs or supports.
Job Duties and Responsibilities:
* Assist individuals with identifying aftercare needs and developing a discharge plan through interviews with the individual and family when appropriate, the treatment team and clinical staff.
* Participate in treatment team to assist with discharge planning needs
* Provide linkage to aftercare services by arranging appointments, transportation and supports.
* Provide follow up and assistance to improve engagement in aftercare services and reduce recidivism.
* Monitor the individual's physical and emotional wellbeing and report unusual behavior or physical complaints to direct supervisor or Charge Nurse.
* Assist in the admission and discharge process, including obtaining vital signs, safety search of individual and his/her personal belongings as well as orienting new individuals to the unit.
* Maintain clinical records and documentation according to agency policies
* Assist in prevention and managing crisis situations; respond appropriately to crisis situations that may involve physical intervention including the use of seclusion/restraint
* Provides direct care for individuals as needed
* Transport individuals to approved designated location at discharge
* Other duties as assigned
* Health Insurance through the State Health Benefit Plan of GA
* Flexible Benefits such as dental, vision, life, critical illness, etc.
* Retirement Plan with employer matching
* 4 weeks of Paid Time Off with increase of accruals based on years of service
* 10 paid holidays
* 1 personal day
* Qualifying employer for Public Student Loan Forgiveness
* NHSC loan forgiveness in qualifying counties.
* Clinical supervision for candidates on a licensure track.
Type: Permanent Location: Marietta, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:07
There is a place for you at Highland Rivers Behavioral Health!Highland Rivers provides treatment and recovery services to individuals impacted by mental illness; substance use disorders and intellectual developmental disabilities.Are you ready to make a Difference?Job Summary: A Technician assists with collecting information for individual intake, admission based on interviews with client, their families, significant others, and appropriate community agencies.
Assist the treatment team in identifying individual strengths and weaknesses, and developing a treatment/care plan for a specific activity, service or program.
Assist in monitoring the individual's progress toward treatment goals.Shifts available for Days (7a-7p) and Nights (7p-7a)Job Duties and Responsibilities:
* Monitor the individual's physical and emotional wellbeing and report unusual behavior or physical complaints to direct supervisor or Charge Nurse.
* Obtain the individual's physical condition/vital signs at designated times during the shift and as directed by LPN, RN, MD and/or APRN
* Assist individuals by providing ADLs supplies such as towels, wash cloths, soap, and keeping beds, clothing and living areas clean
* Assist in the admission and discharge process, including obtaining vital signs, safety search of individual and his/her personal belongings as well as orienting new individuals to the unit.
* Lead milieu activities such as current event groups, community meetings, fitness groups, activities of daily living and/or recreational activities
* Chart observations, following prescribed procedures and standards (q15s/monitoring hallways, etc.) and document vitals in Carelogic
* Enhances professional growth and development through participation in educational programs, in service meetings and trainings
* Participate in BHCC emergency codes necessary to the unit's safe operation
* Respond appropriately to crisis situations that may involve physical intervention including the use of seclusion/restraint
* Provides direct care for individuals as needed
* Transport individuals to approved designated location at discharge
* Assist in prevention and managing crisis situations
* Help serve meals and snacks as needed for the Food Service Workers.
* Other responsibilities and tasks as may be assigned
* Health Insurance through the State Health Benefit Plan of GA
* Flexible Benefits such as dental, vision, life, critical illness, etc.
* Retirement Plan with employer matching
* 4 weeks of Paid Time Off with increase of accruals based on years of service
* 10 paid holidays
* 1 personal day
* Qualifying employer for Public Student Loan Forgiveness
* NHSC loan forgiveness in qualifying counties.
* Clinical supervision for candidates on a licensure track.
Type: Permanent Location: Rome, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:07
Hermès Homme est la division d'Hermès Sellier qui est en charge du développement et de la commercialisation des collections de l'univers masculin.
Les collections d'Hermès Homme sont commercialisées à travers un réseau intégré de plus de 300 magasins en Europe, Asie-Pacifique et Amériques ainsi que par le canal e-commerce.
Au sein des équipes du Prêt-à-Porter Homme de la Maison Hermès, le Responsable Développement Cuir et Achats Studio joue un rôle clé dans le développement des collections.
En étroite collaboration avec l'équipe de style, son rôle consiste à sourcer et développer les choix de matières retenues par la Direction Artistique et le studio en gérant le sourcing, les achats et l'approvisionnement.
Vos principales responsabilités :
Sourcing et développement des matières :
Collaborer étroitement avec l'équipe de style pour comprendre les besoins/envies
Identifier les tendances émergentes dans l'industrie du cuir et proposer des matières innovantes
Établir des relations solides avec les fournisseurs de matières premières, tout en garantissant la qualité et la conformité aux normes de durabilité en lien avec les équipes réglementaires et qualité matière
Achats et approvisionnement des peaux de collection :
Gérer le processus complet d'achat des peaux, de la négociation des contrats à la réception des marchandises
Travailler en collaboration avec les équipes développement pour garantir la disponibilité en temps voulu des matières nécessaires à la collection tout en assurant une communication efficace
Effectuer une veille constante sur le marché pour anticiper les fluctuations des prix et les tendances du cuir
Développement du panel de tanneries partenaires en partenariat avec la production :
Rechercher, identifier et évaluer de nouveaux tanneurs potentiels
Négocier et conclure des partenariats avec des tanneurs de qualité pour diversifier notre base d'approvisionnement
Garantir la conformité des tanneurs aux normes éthiques et environnementales de l'entreprise (en lien avec les partenaires internes de la Maison)
Votre profil :
Expérience et formation :
5 ans d'expérience au minimum dans le domaine du cuir, avec une connaissance approfondie des techniques de tannage et des spécificités des différentes peaux
Une expérience préalable dans le secteur du prêt-à-porter haut de gamme est fortement appréciée
Une maitrise de l'anglais et de l'italien seraient un plus
Aptitudes et qualités :
Sensibilité produit, sens aigu des tendances de la mode et des innovations dans l'industrie du cuir
Capacité à développer et entretenir des relations fructueuses avec les tanneurs et les fournisseurs de matières premières
Excellentes compétences en gestion du temps et en organisation pour assurer un approvisionnement efficace
Connaissance des normes éthiques et environnementales liées à l'industrie du cuir
Employeur responsable, nous nous engageons dans l'éthique, les diversités et l'inclusion, rejoignez l'aventure humaine d'Hermès !
Type: Permanent Location: PARIS, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:06
Au sein de notre magasin de Marseille votre mission générale sera de mettre votre talent au service d'une équipe dédiée à un seul objectif : une expérience client unique ! Vous êtes passionné (e) par nos produits mais également, sensible à l'artisanat et à l'identité de notre maison.
Principales activités :
- Tel un " Maître de Maison ", vous accueillez chaleureusement la clientèle au sein de l'ensemble du magasin.
- Grâce à votre connaissance de l'équipe de vente, vous accompagnez le client jusqu'au département souhaité en faisant le lien avec le conseiller de vente.
- Vous proposez à tous nos clients une boisson, de manière généreuse, dans le respect d'un service d'hôtellerie " Haut de Gamme ".
Vous suivez les stocks de boissons et vous vous assurez de la propreté des espaces.
- Vous gérez l'accompagnement des clients dans une optique omnicanale (web to shop/vente à distance/shop to shop)
- Vous entretenez des relations étroites et suivies avec certains clients par une excellente connaissance de l'environnement (VIP, clients réguliers, etc).
- Vous échangez avec les clients au sujet de leur expérience passée au sein de notre magasin.
- Vous reconnaissez et accueillez les personnalités en adoptant les protocoles correspondants.
- Vous gérez l'attente des métiers à volume (accessoires de mode, chaussures, bijouterie)
- Vous êtes acteur dans la prise de feedbacks afin d'être sans cesse dans une démarche d'amélioration continue.
- Vous apportez votre support pour toutes les demandes annexes.
Employeur responsable, nous nous engageons dans l'éthique, les diversités et l'inclusion, rejoignez l'aventure humaine d'Hermès !
Profil du candidat :
* Vous êtes étudiant et recherchez une expérience enrichissante au contact de nos clients
* Vous avez une expérience réussie dans l'accueil en magasin ou hôtellerie haut de gamme.
* Vous avez une excellente élocution
* Vous êtes dynamique et enthousiaste.
* Vous êtes doté d'un excellent relationnel.
* Vous êtes disponible et rigoureux, vous avez le sens du service.
* Vous avez l'esprit d'équipe
* Votre niveau d'anglais est courant.
Type: Permanent Location: MARSEILLE, FR-13
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-06 07:50:05