Vous êtes titulaire d'un BAC+2/3 à dominante technique (électrotechnique ou équivalent) et vous poursuivez actuellement vos études dans une formation à dominante commerciale, que ce soit en école de commerce ou en école d'ingénieur.
Passionné(e) par le commerce, vous êtes à la recherche d'une opportunité en alternance pour des missions de Chargé(e) d'affaires.
Rejoignez l'organisation DPSI, au sein de la division SOLREP (Solutions Répétitives), et intégrez une équipe dynamique dédiée au développement du chiffre d'affaires de l'entité.
Qui est SOLREP ?
SOLREP (Solutions Répétitives) est une entité du Commerce France spécialisée dans la conception et la réalisation de solutions énergétiques et d'automatismes sur mesure pour des clients constructeurs de machines (OEM).
Nous proposons trois types de solutions à nos clients :
* Kit : Mise en carton de références.
* Solution simple : Assemblage de composants.
* Solution complète : Armoire électrique montée, câblée et testée.
Nous collaborons avec des partenaires sous-traitants (tableautiers et structures protégées) pour assurer la réalisation de nos projets tout en garantissant la qualité et la satisfaction client.
Le poste est localisé à Rueil Malmaison.
Votre rôle
Vous contribuez à la réalisation des objectifs de chiffre d'affaires de l'entité, en élaborant et négociant techniquement et commercialement des offres d'affaires en France, tout en pilotant leur réalisation dans le respect des engagements pris envers le client.
Vos missions
En tant que Chargé d'affaires SOLREP, vous menez les missions suivantes :
* Assurer le développement commercial des affaires.
* Promouvoir et vendre les solutions " SolRep " (solutions répétitives) auprès des clients.
* Contribuer à la stratégie commerciale en analysant les besoins du marché.
* Chiffrer, relancer et négocier les opportunités de business.
* Maintenir la satisfaction des clients.
Vous travaillez avec :
* Chargés d'affaire référents
* Responsables clientèle
* Marketing offre
* Support à la vente offre : équipes projet...
* Supply-Chain
* Administration des ventes
Votre profil & expérience
* Étudiant(e) en école de commerce.
* Background technique indispensable (électrotechnique ou équivalent).
Vos compétences
* Savoir-être : Excellentes aptitudes en communication, collaboration, négociation, organisation, aisance relationnelle.
* Connaissances techniques : Base technique en électrotechnique ou équivalent.
* Compétences commerciales : Capacité à négocier efficacement, aisance commerciale.
* Anglais technique requis.
En intégrant Schneider Electric en tant qu'Alternant, en plus d'une expérience professionnelle et personnelle enrichissante, vous bénéficierez :
* D'un package salarial attractif et compétitif : salaire supérieur au minimum légal, intéressement...
Type: Permanent Location: RUEIL MALMAISON, FR-92
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:25
Schneider Electric has a great opportunity for a Mechanical Engineer Intern in the Lincoln, NE facility.
This position will be full-time beginning in May 2025 so the ideal candidate must be located in the area.
This role will be On-site.
No visa sponsorship or relocation will be provided for this role.
Schneider Electric creates connected technologies that reshape industries, transform cities and enrich lives.Our 135,000+ employees thrive in more than 100 countries.
From the simplest of switches to complex operational systems, our technology, software and services improve the way our customers manage and automate their operations.
Help us deliver solutions that ensure Life Is On everywhere, for everyone and at every moment.
Great people make Schneider Electric a great company.
What do you get to do in this position?
* Assist in the design, development, and testing of mechanical systems and components.
* Collaborate with engineers to analyze project requirements and specifications.
* Conduct research and assist in the preparation of engineering reports and documentation.
* Support the creation of 3D models and technical drawings using CAD software.
* Participate in brainstorming sessions and contribute to product development and improvement initiatives.
* Assist in troubleshooting mechanical issues and perform testing on prototypes.
* Document findings, present results, and provide recommendations based on analysis.
This job might be for you if:
* Currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering or a related field.
* Proficiency in CAD software (e.g., SolidWorks, AutoCAD) is preferred.
* Strong analytical skills and attention to detail.
* Excellent communication and teamwork abilities.
* Willingness to learn and adapt in a fast-paced environment.
* Like challenges, have a learning mindset and want to make an impact
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you are thinking about joining a new team, culture matters.
At Schneider Electric, our values and behaviors are the foundation for creating a great culture to support business success.
We believe that our IMPACT values - Inclusion, Mastery, Purpose, Action, Curiosity, Teamwork - starts with us.
IMPACT is also your invitation to join Schneider Electric where you can contribute to turning sustainability ambition into actions, no matter what role you play.
It is a call to connect your career with the ambition of achieving a more resilient, efficient, and sustainable world.
We are looking for IMPACT Makers; exceptional people who turn sustainability ambitions into actions at the intersection of automation, electrification, and digitization.
We celebrate IMPACT Makers and believe everyone has the potentia...
Type: Permanent Location: Lincoln, US-NE
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:24
Vous intégrez le secteur Traitement de surface sur la ligne de Chrome.
Réaliser la fabrication de produits finis conformes en qualité, délai, et quantité, par l'exploitation d'un ensemble de machines automatisées en respectant les règles sécurité, environnement.
Le chrome se fait en déposant des couches successives de Cuivre + Nickel + Chrome
Vocation de ce service :
Assurer la finition des pièces à l'aide du process Chrome et piloter la ligne.
Piloter les robots pour l'accroche et la décroche.
Piloter la station de traitement des eaux usées.
Vous aurez l'occasion de travailler sur les moyens, les process de transformation suivants :
Bains de traitement,
Station d'épuration.
Pilotage de la ligne de chrome
Pilotage des Robots de décroche et d'accroche
La mission :
Sous la responsabilité du Responsable d'Equipe de Fabrication secteur ZAMAK de l'usine, vous aurez pour principales missions :
Conduire la chaine de chromage
* Savoir mettre en route et piloter la chaine de chromage,
* Régler la chaine en assurant le remplacement des balancelles en fonction des urgences,
* Assurer la maintenance préventive de niveau 3 (norme AFNOR) de la chaine en fonction des calendriers,
Analyser les bains de traitement
* Réaliser et analyser les analyses chrome, de la préparation de surface
* Réaliser les mesures d'épaisseur du dépôt de chrome
* Réaliser et analyser les cellules de HULL
* Etre capable de différencier les défauts avant et après chromage
* Assurer et maitriser l'entretien des bains
* Savoir effectuer les contrôles qualité
Appliquer les procédures particulières de sécurité et environnementales du secteur
* Appliquer scrupuleusement les procédures et règles environnementales
* Appliquer les principes et les consignes vus, en rapport avec les risques chimiques
* Connaître les règles environnementales du poste
* Assurer la gestion des déchets :
* Respecter le tri des déchets
* Connaître les pictogrammes des produits chimiques dangereux
* Garantir la propreté et rangement de son poste de travail.
Horaires de travail : horaire faction en alternant d'une semaine à l'autre :
Horaires des factions : 4h50-12h40 / 12h40-20h30
Rotation : 1 semaine du matin / 1 semaine de l'après-midi
Qui réussirait ?
Diplôme visé : Bac pro
Prochaines étapes de notre processus de sélection :
Votre candidature sera étudiée par le recruteur
Si votre profil correspond aux prérequis, vous serez contacté pour effectuer un entretien de préqualification avec le recruteur ou un entretien Vidéo via la plateforme HireVue
Si votre candidature est retenue, elle sera alors proposée au manager / tuteur pour un entretien.
A noter que vous pouvez suivre à tout moment le statut de votre candidature via votre tableau de bord candidat sur le site carrières de Schneider Electric.
En intégrant Schneider Electric en tant qu'...
Type: Permanent Location: L ISLE D ESPAGNAC, FR-16
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:24
Le site industriel de l'Isle d'Espagnac, en périphérie d'Angoulême, est leader mondial dans la production de boutons de commandes et de voyants de signalisation.
L'usine est spécialisée dans la fabrication de pièces Zamak, l'assemblage automatisé de grandes séries et la fabrication de petites séries personnalisées selon la demande des clients
Ses 283 collaborateurs proposent des solutions sur mesure pour répondre aux besoins de ses clients en France et partout dans le monde.
Que ferez-vous dans ce poste?
Vous intégrez le secteur Zamak.
Le Zamak est un alliage de Zinc + Aluminium + Magnésium + Cuivre.
Il permet le moulage de grande série avec forte résistance et un recyclage illimité.
Injection de Zamak en fusion à 420°C sous pression et en chambre chaude pour produire des collerettes et des embases de fixation.
Vocation de ce service :
Assurer la fabrication et la finition des pièces à l'aide de presses à mouler et de la tribofinition (Fil nylon et Spriratron)
Vous aurez l'occasion de travailler sur les moyens, les process de transformation suivants : presses conventionnelles , presses à tiroir (Techmire), tours d'usinages, moyens d'ébavurage mécanique ; fil nylon (bille de plastique) et Spriratron (cailloux en céramique)
La mission :
Sous la responsabilité du Responsable d'Equipe de Fabrication secteur ZAMAK de l'usine, vous aurez pour principales missions :
Préparer, assurer le réglage, montage, serrage des moyens (analyse, pilotage et réglage) dans le respect des modes opératoires et des instructions à poste ;
Vérifier l'approvisionnement du moyen en matière
Paramétrer le moyen vs automate et participer au pilotage de l'activité en fonderie : conduite de la presse, réaliser les opérations de démarrage et d'arrêt de fabrication, surveiller le bon déroulement du procédé de fabrication et détecter toute dérive du moyen
Contribuer à l'obtention de la qualité et de pièces conformes, du niveau de service et de la performance industrielle
Contrôler la qualité du produit : contrôle visuel et dimensionnel
Veiller au respect des règles sécurité, participer à l'ordre et au rangement de l'atelier (5S)
A chacune des étapes ci-dessus, il vous faudra renseigner les indicateurs relatifs à la production et au suivi de la performance de son îlot
* Piloter son portefeuille de lancement en fonction des priorités Clients
* Enregistrer et expliquer les résultats de fabrication (quantités fabriquées, rebuts, reprises...) sur les supports à disposition
* Etre acteur du processus Animation à Intervalle Court
* Connaitre et utiliser la procédure BUBAK
* Proposer des suggestions d'amélioration
Horaires de travail : horaire faction en alternant d'une semaine à l'autre :
Horaires des factions : 4h50-12h40 / 12h40-20h30
Rotation : 1 semaine du matin / 1 semaine de l'après-midi
Qui réussirait ?
Diplôme visé : Bac pro ou CQP Moulage
Type: Permanent Location: L ISLE D ESPAGNAC, FR-16
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:23
Le site d'Angoulême Agriers a 2 pôles de compétences :
-Pôle de compétences Cartes Electroniques, de petites et moyennes séries, par la maîtrise en interne des technologies et des moyens d'obtention de cartes électroniques et par la forte contribution au Processus de Création de l'Offre en réalisant des prototypes et des séries industrielles limitées.
- Pôle de compétences pour l'assemblage de produits finis Electroniques et Electromécaniques, de petites et moyennes séries ou produits complexes.
Les 330 collaborateurs du site ont pour mission de fabriquer nos produits en termes de qualité, délai, et coøt en garantissant le niveau de performance attendus pour nos clients internes et externes
Les missions :
Vous êtes attiré par l'Industrie 4.0 et le domaine électronique alors rejoignez le secteur Nouveaux Produits sur le site des Agriers à Angoulême
En tant qu'apprenti.e Technicien de production industrielle Option régleur, vous serez rattaché.e au Responsable Equipe de fabrication du site et dans une équipe composée d'opérateurs, techniciens et régleurs.
Si vous avez envie :
* D'utiliser et maintenir en état les équipements de protections collectifs (carters et armoires électriques fermés, fuite d'air, fuite d'huile...)
* De collaborer au besoin avec la maintenance en proposant des actions correctives ou d'amélioration sur le parc machines
* D'assurer le maintien de l'équipement dans son état de performance optimal par la réalisation systématique de la maintenance préventive et des contrôles périodiques.
* D'encadrer les interventions des fournisseurs externes
* De mettre en œuvre les modes dégradés tels que définis en cas de panne/dysfonctionnement sur les postes concernés de la ligne
Nous vous proposons de réaliser une alternance d'un niveau BAC avec un Titre professionnel " Technicien de production industrielle Option régleur " sur notre site des Agriers à Angoulême.
Ce poste vous permettra :
- D'acquérir des compétences dans le diagnostic de panne sur machine industrielle
- Réaliser des tâches de maintenance préventive
- Contribuer à l'amélioration du parc machine
- Découvrir différentes technologies : brasage, soudure, tampographie, mécanique, automatique
Horaire : Travail en équipe 2x8 - Faction alternée matin / après-midi (4h55/12h33 - 12h33/20h16)
Profil recherché
> Niveau BAP/CAP
> Première expérience industrielle souhaitée
> Appétence pour la technique, recherche de panne et maintenance curative et préventive
il est recommandé d'avoir le permis et d'être véhiculé.
Les transports en commun ne désservent pas le site à ces horaires
> Durée du l'Alternance : 1 an
> Date de démarrage souhaitée : septembre 2025
En intégrant Schneider Electric en tant qu'Alternant, en plus d'une expérience professionnelle et personnelle enrichissante, vous bénéficierez :
* D'un package salarial attractif et compétitif : salai...
Type: Permanent Location: ANGOULEME, FR-16
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:22
Schneider Electric is looking for a highly innovative and enthusiastic Firmware Test Engineer to join our Industrial Automation R&D team on-site (M-F) at our Andover, MA, location.
In this role, the individual will test and evaluate firmware to ensure the quality and reliability of software for electronic hardware for communications protocols, 5G and WiFi technology, and IoT (Internet of Things) enabled solutions in the industry sector.
They will work with multiple applications and execute automation within the projects as available.
The right candidate performs productively in a fast-paced work environment and efficiently works on multiple projects simultaneously.
Key Responsibilities
* Test Development: Write automation testing, including hands-on scripting, with internal frameworks(Robot Framework).
Work collectively with team members to solve defects and suggest improvements.
Create and execute manual test scripts for regression, installation, and performance/stress testing.
Maintain existing automation tools/testing procedures to support testing efforts Maintain strong project management skills, ensuring all steps of designated projects are completed.
Monitor and communicate with developers any defects that arise when completing manual or automation testing.
* Continue Integration / Continue Development (CI/CD): Knowledge of full automation of CI Testing.
Knowledge of CI/CD tools integration/ operations/ change management, and maintenance.
Develop policies, standards, guidelines, governance, and related guidance for both CI/CD operations and for the work of developers.
* Technical Documentation: Contributing to writing detailed Test Plans, Test Reports, Build Guides, and Implementation Guides.
* Debugging and Troubleshooting: Debug, Analyze, and reproduce complex hardware and software issues to ensure optimal system performance and security and perform unit tests.
* Agile Collaboration: Actively participate in the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC to excel within an "Agile" environment (i.e.
user stories, iterative development, continuous integration, continuous delivery, shared ownership, test-driven development, etc.)
* Innovation: Participate in innovative projects outside of day-to-day project execution.
* Problem Solving: Demonstrate exceptional analytical and problem-solving skills for rapid troubleshooting and solution development.
* Good Presentation skills: Ability to communicate complex technical concepts.
Who will you report to?
* You will report to the R&D Technical Engineer Manager.
This is an individual contributor role.
For this position, you are expected to work onsite Monday - Friday in Andover, MA.
There is no relocation assistance.
What qualifications will make you successful for this role?
* Education: Bachelor's or Master's in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or a closely related technology in 5G/WiFi and/or embedded systems.
* Experien...
Type: Permanent Location: Andover, US-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:21
Associate Category Manager (ACM)
Schneider Electric has an opportunity for a Associate Category Manager in our Franklin TN site for our products in ELECTROMECHANICAL RELAYS, FUSES, FUSES HOLDERS AND FANS
What will you do?
* The Associate Category Manager supports the category strategy definition for North America Region, lead its execution for the assigned commodities, support all manufacturing locations, support solving the business needs and challenges, and manage performance for key suppliers assigned.
This position facilitates the interactions between the manufacturing plants, the clusters, cross-functional stakeholders, and Procurement to maintain and develop a panel of Best in Class suppliers meeting current requirements, future business needs, technological evolutions, and achieve annual targets in terms of productivity, quality, delivery, supply base optimization.
* Responsible to ensure the best Quality, Cost and Delivery Conditions to supply ELECTROMECHANICAL RELAYS, FUSES, FUSES HOLDERS AND FANS
* The assigned categories will be a subgroup from the following categories ELECTROMECHANICAL RELAYS, FUSES, FUSES HOLDERS AND FANS
* Develop and execute commodity strategies for the Electronic Categories.
* Continuously enhance expertise in the category and the local and global market trends to become a referent in the matter.
* Supplier Leader: own the commercial relationship and performance for assigned suppliers, conduct regular Business Reviews, lead annual negotiation, serve as the point of contact for problem escalation, drive sustainable development among the supply base.
* Finds opportunities and creates a pipeline in the category supporting QVE, Change of Supplier, and Supply Base Optimization goals.
* Work and collaborate with cross functional teams in the region supporting different Procurement Initiatives (audits, tools, processes, etc).
* Pursue systematic TCO reductions and value enhancements to drive cost savings and performance improvement.
* Track KPI's and deliver reports.
* Execute comprehensive RFQ process and support functional users in a timely manner.
* Identify and develop strategic supply sources.
* Sourcing, standardization, spend control and innovation with suppliers.
What qualifications will make you successful for this role?
+ Bachelor's degree in Supply Chain Management, Business Administration, Mechanical/ Industrial/Electronics Engineering
+ Master's degree in Business or related, a plus
+ Minimum 7 years of experience in Procurement, Purchasing or Supply Chain
+ Minimum 3 years of experience working with electronic categories
+ Project Management experience desired
+ Experience with successful Procurement supplier negotiations
+ Ability to speak and write in English fluently
+ Knowledge on legal contracts and risk management desired
Let us learn about you...
Type: Permanent Location: Franklin, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:19
Smyrna In-Process Quality Inspector Job Description
An In-process Quality Process Inspector uses his/her technical knowledge and experience of the manufacturing process and testing to conduct audit of the manufacturing process and inspection of the product.
Clear, effective, professional communication skills are essential (both verbal and written) as well as having and maintaining a good work/safety record.
An In-process Quality Process Inspector must be highly motivated, must have good attention to detail with the ability to work in a team environment.
He/ She must exercise judgment and initiative in achieving goals as well as demonstrate good follow-up skills, consulting the supervisor as needed.
An In-process Quality Process Inspector must drive the core values of Schneider Electric.
Candidates will possess the ability to test, read, and interpret assembly drawings, wiring diagrams, schematics, Bill of Materials, and work instructions.
This position requires periodic overtime on short notice to meet customer service.
Responsibilities include:
Communicate quality defects to the production associates and supervisors during SIM meetings.
Escalate major production issues to the Team Leads, Quality Engineers & Production Supervisors.
Procedures/Policies: Model and maintain adherence to Schneider Electric rules, guidelines and procedures.
Must have knowledge or be willing to develop knowledge of HR, Quality, and Safety & Environmental policies/procedures.
Will ensure compliance in Safety and Quality procedures.
Safety: Support and act as Safety Champion.
Ensure safety guidelines and PPE are used within plant.
Complete safety audits as required.
Quality: Support quality initiatives.
Conduct daily in-process audit, product and parts inspection and defect review.
Toll gate inspection for materials being shipped to sister plants.
Support in-house product testing requirement.
SPS: Must have or develop knowledge of SPS and drive Schneider initiatives and principles particularly on the quality related cards.
Conduct SPS quality related training for production associates.
Training: Must be knowledgeable or willing to be cross trained in testing and inspection procedures for all products.
Assist Quality Engineers on Quality related training for production associates.
Complete safety/lean/SIM training, soft skills training and other training as required.
Computer Skills/Software: Knowledge or capability to effectively use and quickly learn various manufacturing computer systems and Microsoft Office applications (Excel, Access, etc.).
Develop skills in ODM+, Engineering Viewer, Order Editor, Gainseeker, Smart Factory tools, and LDS.
Minimum requirements:
Education: 2-year technical degree preferred
Experience: Must have at least 1-year experience on QA/QC Inspection on a manufacturing facility.
Must have basic knowledge of all areas and intermediate proficiency of our computer systems
Tools to use for Inspection:
In process in...
Type: Permanent Location: Smyrna, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:18
Smyrna In-Process Quality Inspector Job Description
An In-process Quality Process Inspector uses his/her technical knowledge and experience of the manufacturing process and testing to conduct audit of the manufacturing process and inspection of the product.
Clear, effective, professional communication skills are essential (both verbal and written) as well as having and maintaining a good work/safety record.
An In-process Quality Process Inspector must be highly motivated, must have good attention to detail with the ability to work in a team environment.
He/ She must exercise judgment and initiative in achieving goals as well as demonstrate good follow-up skills, consulting the supervisor as needed.
An In-process Quality Process Inspector must drive the core values of Schneider Electric.
Candidates will possess the ability to test, read, and interpret assembly drawings, wiring diagrams, schematics, Bill of Materials, and work instructions.
This position requires periodic overtime on short notice to meet customer service.
Responsibilities include:
Communicate quality defects to the production associates and supervisors during SIM meetings.
Escalate major production issues to the Team Leads, Quality Engineers & Production Supervisors.
Procedures/Policies: Model and maintain adherence to Schneider Electric rules, guidelines and procedures.
Must have knowledge or be willing to develop knowledge of HR, Quality, and Safety & Environmental policies/procedures.
Will ensure compliance in Safety and Quality procedures.
Safety: Support and act as Safety Champion.
Ensure safety guidelines and PPE are used within plant.
Complete safety audits as required.
Quality: Support quality initiatives.
Conduct daily in-process audit, product and parts inspection and defect review.
Toll gate inspection for materials being shipped to sister plants.
Support in-house product testing requirement.
SPS: Must have or develop knowledge of SPS and drive Schneider initiatives and principles particularly on the quality related cards.
Conduct SPS quality related training for production associates.
Training: Must be knowledgeable or willing to be cross trained in testing and inspection procedures for all products.
Assist Quality Engineers on Quality related training for production associates.
Complete safety/lean/SIM training, soft skills training and other training as required.
Computer Skills/Software: Knowledge or capability to effectively use and quickly learn various manufacturing computer systems and Microsoft Office applications (Excel, Access, etc.).
Develop skills in ODM+, Engineering Viewer, Order Editor, Gainseeker, Smart Factory tools, and LDS.
Minimum requirements:
Education: 2-year technical degree preferred
Experience: Must have at least 1-year experience on QA/QC Inspection on a manufacturing facility.
Must have basic knowledge of all areas and intermediate proficiency of our computer systems
Tools to use for Inspection:
In process in...
Type: Permanent Location: Mount Juliet, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:18
Join Schneider Electric as an Electrical Design Engineer in Columbia, SC!
What Will You Do? As an Electrical Design Engineer, you will play a key role in designing innovative electrical systems.
Your responsibilities will include:
* Developing and optimizing control and relay schemes for enhanced performance.
* Designing and constructing low-voltage switchgear and switchboards for utility and generator applications in industrial installations.
* Collaborating closely with our field sales team and plant manufacturing personnel to ensure seamless project execution and customer satisfaction.
* A Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering or a related field.
* Strong interpersonal skills with a proven ability to build and maintain customer relationships.
* Proficiency in CREO, Microsoft Office Suite, Visio, Adobe, and other relevant software tools.
* The capability to interpret front elevation, one-line, and schematic drawings effectively.
Join us in making a difference through innovative electrical solutions! If you're passionate about engineering and eager to contribute to a dynamic team, we want to hear from you!
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you are thinking about joining a new team, culture matters.
At Schneider Electric, our values and behaviors are the foundation for creating a great culture to support business success.
We believe that our IMPACT values - Inclusion, Mastery, Purpose, Action, Curiosity, Teamwork - starts with us.
IMPACT is also your invitation to join Schneider Electric where you can contribute to turning sustainability ambition into actions, no matter what role you play.
It is a call to connect your career with the ambition of achieving a more resilient, efficient, and sustainable world.
We are looking for IMPACT Makers; exceptional people who turn sustainability ambitions into actions at the intersection of automation, electrification, and digitization.
We celebrate IMPACT Makers and believe everyone has the potential to be one.
Become an IMPACT Maker with Schneider Electric - apply today!
€36 billion global revenue
+13% organic growth
150 000+ employees in 100+ countries
#1 on the Global 100 World's most sustainable corporations
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Schneider Electric aspires to be the most inclusive and caring company in the world, by providing equitable opportunities to everyone, everywhere, and ensuring all employees feel uniquely valued and safe to contribute their best.
We mirror the diversity of the communities in which we operate, and 'inclusion' is one of our core values.
We believe our differences make us stronger as a company and as individuals and we are committed to championing incl...
Type: Permanent Location: Columbia, US-SC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:17
Job Summary:
We are seeking an experienced Inventory Supervisor to oversee our inventory cycle counts and manage our SAP data team.
The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of SAP functionality, proven experience in managing teams, and a keen eye for detail to ensure accurate inventory management.
You will play a crucial role in maintaining inventory integrity and supporting the overall operational efficiency of our organization.
Key Responsibilities:
* Supervise and coordinate inventory cycle counts to ensure accuracy and compliance with company standards.
* Manage the SAP data team, providing guidance and support to team members to ensure effective data management and reporting.
* Oversee the maintenance and accuracy of inventory data within the SAP system, ensuring timely updates and corrections as needed.
* Collaborate with cross-functional teams to identify and resolve inventory discrepancies and improve processes.
* Develop and implement inventory management best practices and procedures to enhance operational efficiency.
* Train and mentor team members on SAP functionality and inventory management processes.
* Conduct regular audits and analyses of inventory data to identify trends and areas for improvement.
* Assist in developing inventory forecasts and reports for management review.
* Ensure compliance with safety and regulatory standards in all inventory-related activities.
* Bachelor's degree in Supply Chain Management, Business Administration, or a related field
* Minimum of 5+ experience in inventory management or a related role.
* Strong knowledge of SAP functionality and data management processes.
* Proven experience in managing and leading teams effectively.
* Excellent analytical skills and attention to detail.
* Strong communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to collaborate with various stakeholders.
* Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, particularly Excel, for data analysis and reporting.
* Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and manage multiple priorities.
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you are thinking about joining a new team, culture matters.
At Schneider Electric, our values and behaviors are the foundation for creating a great culture to support business success.
We believe that our IMPACT values - Inclusion, Mastery, Purpose, Action, Curiosity, Teamwork - starts with us.
IMPACT is also your invitation to join Schneider Electric where you can contribute to turning sustainability ambition into actions, no matter what role you play.
It is a call to connect your career with the ambition of achieving a more resilient, efficient, and sustainable world.
We are looking for IMPACT Makers; exceptional people...
Type: Permanent Location: El Paso, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:16
About Schneider Electric: Schneider Electric is a global leader in energy management and automation, committed to ensuring compliance and integrity in all our operations.
We are seeking a dedicated Compliance Manager to oversee our HR compliance efforts in the United States, focusing on both statutory and regulatory compliance.
Key Responsibilities:
* Ensure compliance with hiring practices, including background checks, equal employment opportunity (EEO) regulations, and adherence to all federal and state hiring laws.
* Manage customer and supplier requests (contracts, requests for proposal) relative to HR policies and processes in partnership with HR subject matter experts and legal.
* Lead contact for HR related topics within internal audits (Key Internal Controls, Decent Work, etc.)
* Act as the HR champion for Data Privacy topics and processes in partnership with internal data privacy specialists
* Monitor and analyze changes in HR compliance regulations to ensure company policies are updated accordingly.
* Conduct regular audits and assessments to identify compliance risks in payroll processes and hiring practices and implement corrective actions.
* Design and deliver training programs to HRBPs, Payroll and Talent Acquisition on compliance policies, best practices, and updates in regulations.
* Provide ongoing support to ensure staff are informed and equipped to adhere to compliance standards.
* Collaborate with legal, HR, and payroll teams to address compliance issues and ensure adherence to federal and state labor laws.
* Prepare and submit compliance reports to senior management and relevant authorities as required.
* Serve as the primary point of contact for compliance-related inquiries and investigations regarding payroll, attendance policies, and hiring practices.
For this U.S.
based position, the expected compensation range is $136,000 - $204,000 per year, which includes base pay and short-term incentive.
The compensation range for this full-time position applies to candidates located within the United States.
Our salary ranges are determined by reviewing roles of similar responsibility and level.
Within the salary range, individual pay is determined by several factors including performance, knowledge, job-related skills, experience, and relevant education or training.
Schneider Electric also offers a comprehensive benefits package to support our employees, inclusive of medical (with member reward points), dental, vision, and basic life insurance, Benefit Bucks (credits to apply towards your benefits) flexible work arrangements, paid family leaves, 401(k) + match, well-being and recognition (including service anniversary) programs, 12 holidays per year, 15 days of paid time off per year (pro-rated in the first year of employment based on start date), opportunity to purchase company stock (eligibility depends on start date), and military leave benefits.
You must submit an o...
Type: Permanent Location: Franklin, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:16
At Schneider Electric, sustainability is at the core of our purpose, culture and business.
Come join our team and help us build a portfolio of residential energy products including solar inverters, batteries, EV chargers, smart electrical panels, connected outlets and smart lighting solutions! Let's create an eco-system together that makes our homes fully electric, way more intelligent, gives users greater control of their energy usage, and instead of contributing to climate change - helps fix it!
We are hiring a Senior Power Electronics Engineer with a strong background in Power Electronics Hardware design to join the Schneider Electric Solar + Storage team in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada.
What will you do?
* Design and Development of Power electronic converters such as isolated DC/DC converters and DC/AC converters.
* Component selection, PCB layout, Magnetic design, and Prototype testing of converters.
* High power density design by adopting the latest trends in Magnetics and semiconductor.
* Modeling of converters to speed up the design cycle.
* DFMEA, DMA, MTBF analysis of the hardware design
What qualifications will make you successful?
* Master's degree with 5+ years' experience or Phd (preferred) with 2+ years' experience in power electronics and control.
* Knowledge of theory and practical design of power converter topologies
* Demonstrated experience in hardware development of complex power converters (resonant dc-dc converters and inverters) preferably in the solar/storage or electric vehicle space.
* Strong proficiency in advanced magnetics design and thermal management.
* Experience with high power density designs, packaging, and embedded circuits.
* PCBA layout and manufacturing experience preferred.
* Versatility with various modeling and simulation tools - MATLAB, Python, PLECS, etc.
* Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
Creating a More Sustainable World, Together
Sustainability is at the core of our purpose - to empower all to make the most of our energy and resources, bridging progress and sustainability for all.
And we are being recognized for this too! In 2021, Schneider Electric was ranked the world's most sustainable corporation by Corporate Knights - an acknowledgement of our Sustainability Impact 2021-2025 program, and our long-standing commitment to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues.
What's in it for you?
* Flexibility: With our Global Flexibility at Work policy, and our hybrid work model, we empower our employees to work flexibly, managing their unique life and work in the way that works best for them.
We embrace agile, flexible, and smart ways of working for our people - to support higher performance, greater inclusion and well-being, and stronger resiliency.
Working part-time or from the comfort of your home are just a few of the opportunities available when you most need them.
* Career Development: W...
Type: Permanent Location: Richmond, CA-BC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:15
Schneider Electric has an opportunity to join us for our Summer 2025 Marketing Analysis Internship in our Boston, MA Hub location.
Schneider Electric™ creates connected technologies that reshape industries, transform cities, and enrich lives.
Our 153,000+ employees thrive in more than 100 countries.
From the simplest of switches to complex operational systems, our technology, software and services improve the way our customers manage and automate their operations.
Help us deliver solutions that ensure Life Is On everywhere, for everyone and at every moment.
In this global role, the Marketing Analysis Intern will provide analysis and insights into our strategic accounts and key offer launches within Digital Energy.
This individual will collaborate closely with segment strategic marketing leaders, offer launch leaders, and campaign managers to measure and optimize the performance of marketing campaigns.
Key Responsibilities:
Database Health & Analysis
* Conduct database cleanup and maintenance to ensure data quality and completeness.
* Perform basic database analysis to establish baselines and track progress monthly.
Account-Based Marketing Program Support & Analysis
* Analyze the performance of the ABM program and provide recommendations for optimization.
* Monitor the lead process to ensure proper sales follow-up and ROI measurement.
Web Analysis & SEO Optimization
* Analyze the performance of our top product and segment web pages using Google Analytics.
* Present recommendations to optimize SEO and enhance content performance.
Content and Campaign Asset Utilization
* Analyze the utilization of content and campaign assets.
* Provide summaries of findings and recommendations for optimization.
What qualifications will make you successful for this role?
* Currently pursuing a degree in Marketing, Data Analytics, or a related field.
* Experience with data analysis tools, including Google Analytics and Salesforce.
* Strong project management skills, with the ability to drive execution among multiple stakeholders.
* Excellent verbal, written, and presentation skills.
* A digital and data-driven mindset.
* Comfort working across multi-functional and multicultural teams.
* A high degree of initiative and the ability to thrive in a fast-paced environme
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you are thinking about joining a new team, culture matters.
At Schneider Electric, our values and behaviors are the foundation for creating a great culture to support business success.
We believe that our IMPACT values - Inclusion, Mastery, Purpose, Action, Curiosity, Teamwork - starts with us.
IMPACT is also your invitation to join Schneider Electric where you can contribute to turning sustainability ambition...
Type: Permanent Location: Boston, US-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:14
Schneider Electric is leading the digital transformation of energy management and automation.
We are looking for a passionate and experienced Software Engineering Team Lead to join our innovative team developing cutting-edge industrial automation solutions.
In this role, you will lead a talented team of 6-10 engineers in the design, development, and deployment of software spanning from edge devices to enterprise-level systems.
What will you do?
* Technical Leadership: Provide technical guidance and mentorship to a team of software engineers, fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation
* Project Management: Lead small to medium-sized projects, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to quality standards.
This includes task assignment, resource allocation, and progress tracking
* People Management: Conduct regular one-on-one meetings with direct reports and other team members to provide feedback, support career development, and address concerns.
* Collaboration: Work closely with the Engineering Manager and other stakeholders to align on priorities, share updates, and contribute to strategic decision-making
* Resource Management: Utilize capacity planning tools to effectively manage team workload and ensure optimal resource allocation
* Proposal Development: Contribute to the creation of proposals for new projects and initiatives, outlining technical approaches and resource requirements
* Continuous Improvement: Identify opportunities to improve team processes, workflows, and technical practices
What skills and capabilities will make you successful?
* Understanding of the existing Advanced Solutions team's culture, collaboration, and SOP's
* Proven experience leading and mentoring software engineering teams
* Experience with cloud-based technologies and IIoT platforms
* Familiarity with Schneider Electric's automation hardware and software offerings
* Knowledge of industry standards and best practices in industrial automation
This position may require presence at customer sites, and as such, the candidate must be able to obtain necessary clearance and/or credentials to travel abroad and comply with customer requirements for executing work on their site.
The credentials that might be required include passports, Homeland Security clearance, drug and alcohol, background, and credit checks, etc.
Please note that while the core of the team is in Alpharetta, GA, we also welcome telecommuters working remotely.
Who will you report to? Heydelin Avila - Cybersecurity Delivery Director
What qualifications will make you successful for this role?
* Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field
* 5+ years of experience in software development, with a focus on industrial automation solutions (HMIs, SCADA, PLCs, data management systems)
* Strong understanding of software development methodologies like Agile, Waterfall
* Excellent communication, ...
Type: Permanent Location: Alpharetta, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:14
Schneider Electric is leading the digital transformation of energy management and automation.
We are looking for a passionate and experienced Software Engineering Team Lead to join our innovative team developing cutting-edge industrial automation solutions.
In this role, you will lead a talented team of 6-10 engineers in the design, development, and deployment of software spanning from edge devices to enterprise-level systems.
What will you do?
* Technical Leadership: Provide technical guidance and mentorship to a team of software engineers, fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation
* Project Management: Lead small to medium-sized projects, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to quality standards.
This includes task assignment, resource allocation, and progress tracking
* People Management: Conduct regular one-on-one meetings with direct reports and other team members to provide feedback, support career development, and address concerns.
* Collaboration: Work closely with the Engineering Manager and other stakeholders to align on priorities, share updates, and contribute to strategic decision-making
* Resource Management: Utilize capacity planning tools to effectively manage team workload and ensure optimal resource allocation
* Proposal Development: Contribute to the creation of proposals for new projects and initiatives, outlining technical approaches and resource requirements
* Continuous Improvement: Identify opportunities to improve team processes, workflows, and technical practices
What skills and capabilities will make you successful?
* Understanding of the existing Advanced Solutions team's culture, collaboration, and SOP's
* Proven experience leading and mentoring software engineering teams
* Experience with cloud-based technologies and IIoT platforms
* Familiarity with Schneider Electric's automation hardware and software offerings
* Knowledge of industry standards and best practices in industrial automation
This position may require presence at customer sites, and as such, the candidate must be able to obtain necessary clearance and/or credentials to travel abroad and comply with customer requirements for executing work on their site.
The credentials that might be required include passports, Homeland Security clearance, drug and alcohol, background, and credit checks, etc.
Please note that while the core of the team is in Alpharetta, GA, we also welcome telecommuters working remotely.
Who will you report to? Heydelin Avila - Cybersecurity Delivery Director
What qualifications will make you successful for this role?
* Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field
* 5+ years of experience in software development, with a focus on industrial automation solutions (HMIs, SCADA, PLCs, data management systems)
* Strong understanding of software development methodologies like Agile, Waterfall
* Excellent communication, ...
Type: Permanent Location: Baton Rouge, US-LA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:13
Pricing est le plus important des leviers vue qu'il a un impact à la fois sur le chiffre d'affaires et sur les résultats !
Le pricing est le levier qui a le plus d'impact sur les bénéfices devant le volume et les coøts
Le pricing power ne vous ai pas inconnue ?
Voulez-vous connaitre la meilleure approche du pricing ?
Pour soutenir nos enjeux business et accompagner les transformations autour de notre politique commerciale et du pricing, nous sommes à la recherche d'un/une alternant(e) au sein de l'équipe CAP (Change Management & Activation Pricing) dans l'organisation " Politique Commerciale & Pricing " chez SE France Opérations.
En étroite synergie avec les équipes Business et Digitales, vous viendrez supporter les rôles de Product Owner et de Référent Contrats Commerciaux et Devis.
Dans votre rôle de Product Owner :
• Vous vous assurez de l'adéquation entre les besoins Business et les fonctionnalités implémentées dans l'outil EasyBusiness.
• Vous serez en support pour collecter et prioriser les demandes et besoins métiers des équipes de vente et de quotation et challenger les équipes sur le bien-fondé des demandes.
• Vous formaliserez et spécifierez les besoins en collaboration avec les équipes FDO (France Data Office) et Schneider Digital.
• Vous participerez activement aux tests suite aux évolutions de l'outil EasyBusiness et aux tests de non-régression.
• Vous organiserez, documenterez et informerez les équipes de vente et de quotation sur les évolutions.
Dans votre rôle de Référent Contrats Commerciaux et Devis :
• Vous supportez nos équipes de vente dans la réalisation des contrats commerciaux tout en donnant du sens, expliquant et challengeant les demandes entrantes.
• Vous contribuerez à l'appropriation de l'outil EasyBusiness et des processus inhérents à la réalisation des contrats commerciaux et des devis.
• Vous êtes force de proposition et aidez à l'amélioration continue du processus de gestion des contrats et des devis.
• Vous participerez à la documentation des processus métiers internes Pricing & Politique Commerciale et au déploiement externe pour les équipes de vente.
Compétences et Expériences
Vous avez le profil idéal si vous :
• Avez un gout pour l'esprit d'équipe et souhaitez développer vos de compétences de leadership
• Êtes orienté clients et résultats.
• Disposez d'une capacité de prise de recul et d'analyse.
• Faites preuve de créativité.
• Etes fortement sensible aux outils digitaux et à l'aise avec les données (usage d'Excel, analyse de données)
• Etes bon communiquant(e) et vous aimez la négociation.
Une première expérience en marketing serait fortement appréciée.
Vous préparez un diplôme de type Master BAC+5 et vous êtes à la recherche d'une alternance sur 2 ans.
Votre formation est orientée Technique / Commerciale avec une forte sensibilité aux outils digitaux et systèm...
Type: Permanent Location: RUEIL MALMAISON, FR-92
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:12
Pricing est le plus important des leviers vue qu'il a un impact à la fois sur le chiffre d'affaires et sur les résultats !
Le pricing est le levier qui a le plus d'impact sur les bénéfices devant le volume et les coøts
Le pricing power ne vous ai pas inconnue ?
Voulez-vous connaitre la meilleure approche du pricing ?
Pour soutenir nos enjeux business et accompagner les transformations autour de notre politique commerciale et du pricing, nous sommes à la recherche d'un/une alternant(e) au sein de l'équipe CAP (Change Management & Activation Pricing) dans l'organisation " Politique Commerciale & Pricing " chez SE France Opérations.
En étroite synergie avec les équipes Business et Digitales, vous viendrez supporter les rôles de Product Owner et de Référent Contrats Commerciaux et Devis.
Dans votre rôle de Product Owner :
• Vous vous assurez de l'adéquation entre les besoins Business et les fonctionnalités implémentées dans l'outil EasyBusiness.
• Vous serez en support pour collecter et prioriser les demandes et besoins métiers des équipes de vente et de quotation et challenger les équipes sur le bien-fondé des demandes.
• Vous formaliserez et spécifierez les besoins en collaboration avec les équipes FDO (France Data Office) et Schneider Digital.
• Vous participerez activement aux tests suite aux évolutions de l'outil EasyBusiness et aux tests de non-régression.
• Vous organiserez, documenterez et informerez les équipes de vente et de quotation sur les évolutions.
Dans votre rôle de Référent Contrats Commerciaux et Devis :
• Vous supportez nos équipes de vente dans la réalisation des contrats commerciaux tout en donnant du sens, expliquant et challengeant les demandes entrantes.
• Vous contribuerez à l'appropriation de l'outil EasyBusiness et des processus inhérents à la réalisation des contrats commerciaux et des devis.
• Vous êtes force de proposition et aidez à l'amélioration continue du processus de gestion des contrats et des devis.
• Vous participerez à la documentation des processus métiers internes Pricing & Politique Commerciale et au déploiement externe pour les équipes de vente.
Compétences et Expériences
Vous avez le profil idéal si vous :
• Avez un gout pour l'esprit d'équipe et souhaitez développer vos de compétences de leadership
• Êtes orienté clients et résultats.
• Disposez d'une capacité de prise de recul et d'analyse.
• Faites preuve de créativité.
• Etes fortement sensible aux outils digitaux et à l'aise avec les données (usage d'Excel, analyse de données)
• Etes bon communiquant(e) et vous aimez la négociation.
Une première expérience en marketing serait fortement appréciée.
Vous préparez un diplôme de type Master BAC+5 et vous êtes à la recherche d'une alternance sur 2 ans.
Votre formation est orientée Technique / Commerciale avec une forte sensibilité aux outils digitaux et systèm...
Type: Permanent Location: GRENOBLE, FR-38
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:11
Schneider Electric is leading the digital transformation of energy management and automation.
We are looking for a passionate and experienced Software Engineering Team Lead to join our innovative team developing cutting-edge industrial automation solutions.
In this role, you will lead a talented team of 6-10 engineers in the design, development, and deployment of software spanning from edge devices to enterprise-level systems.
What will you do?
* Technical Leadership: Provide technical guidance and mentorship to a team of software engineers, fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation
* Project Management: Lead small to medium-sized projects, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to quality standards.
This includes task assignment, resource allocation, and progress tracking
* People Management: Conduct regular one-on-one meetings with direct reports and other team members to provide feedback, support career development, and address concerns.
* Collaboration: Work closely with the Engineering Manager and other stakeholders to align on priorities, share updates, and contribute to strategic decision-making
* Resource Management: Utilize capacity planning tools to effectively manage team workload and ensure optimal resource allocation
* Proposal Development: Contribute to the creation of proposals for new projects and initiatives, outlining technical approaches and resource requirements
* Continuous Improvement: Identify opportunities to improve team processes, workflows, and technical practices
What skills and capabilities will make you successful?
* Understanding of the existing Advanced Solutions team's culture, collaboration, and SOP's
* Proven experience leading and mentoring software engineering teams
* Experience with cloud-based technologies and IIoT platforms
* Familiarity with Schneider Electric's automation hardware and software offerings
* Knowledge of industry standards and best practices in industrial automation
This position may require presence at customer sites, and as such, the candidate must be able to obtain necessary clearance and/or credentials to travel abroad and comply with customer requirements for executing work on their site.
The credentials that might be required include passports, Homeland Security clearance, drug and alcohol, background, and credit checks, etc.
Please note that while the core of the team is in Alpharetta, GA, we also welcome telecommuters working remotely.
Who will you report to? Heydelin Avila - Cybersecurity Delivery Director
What qualifications will make you successful for this role?
* Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field
* 5+ years of experience in software development, with a focus on industrial automation solutions (HMIs, SCADA, PLCs, data management systems)
* Strong understanding of software development methodologies like Agile, Waterfall
* Excellent communication, ...
Type: Permanent Location: Houston, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:10
Great people make Schneider Electric a great company.
Schneider's Power Services Field Service Representatives play an impactful role within the organization.
They collaborate with customers, sales representatives, team members and third-party partners to install, inspect, troubleshoot, repair, and maintain equipment in a variety of dynamic environments.
They are problem solvers.
They are customer focused.
They are passionate about the work they do.
They are the future of Schneider Electric! Is this you?
We are proud to offer all Field Service Representatives with direct product training and training on all digital and physical tools associated with their work.
Schneider Electric provides service vehicles, tools, uniforms, mobile devices, and laptops for daily professional use.
This opportunity is a home-based flexible work schedule with 40-hour guarantee (+Overtime).
This Field Service Representative position will sit within our U.S.
Services business, specifically our Power Services team.
Our Power Services team is the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) for SquareD focusing on electrical distribution equipment inside of critical facilities.
As a Field Service Representative, a typical day for you might include:
* Servicing, installing, and repairing customer equipment.
* Performance of warranty work and start-up service.
* Perform Startup/Commissioning on equipment across the Schneider Electric product portfolio.
* Testing, calibration, checking, correcting, adjusting and part component replacement services on customer products.
* Construction and testing of circuits and equipment utilizing various tools and machines such as computers, workstations, circuit diagrams and test instruments/equipment.
* Technical support in product service, product training and applications including on-site audits.
* Support serviceable Schneider equipment including but not limited to electrical switchgear, PDUs, RPPs, BMS systems, PLCs, HMIs, Drives, power monitoring equipment, protective relays.
We have an ever-evolving catalog of products you may have exposure to.
* Document all required information for each site (technical report).
On some days, you may even:
* Analyzing complex problems in equipment and machinery and interpret maintenance manuals, using knowledge of systems and electronics to isolate and correct the fault.
* Assist in the developing design modifications and implements modifications and provides installation support for the modifications.
* Develops and implements training courseware and provides training to customers and other service representatives.
* Travel for both training and to support job site requirements in other areas.
This may be the next step in your career journey if you have:
* Vocational education, military training, or transferable experience in electronics, electrical theory or similar discipline.
* 2+ years of relevant mechanical, electrical...
Type: Permanent Location: Atlanta, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:09
Great people make Schneider Electric a great company.
Schneider's Field Service Representatives play an impactful role within the organization - collaborating with customers, team members and third-party partners to perform assembly, startup, diagnostic, repair and preventive maintenance on both Company and third-party manufactured equipment in a variety of dynamic environments.
They are problem solvers.
They are customer focused.
They are passionate about the work they do.
They are the future of Schneider Electric! Is this you?
We are proud to offer all Field Service Representatives with direct product training and training on all digital and physical tools associated with their work.
Schneider Electric provides service vehicles, tools, uniforms, mobile devices, and laptops for daily professional use.
This opportunity is a home-based flexible work schedule with 40-hour guarantee (+Overtime).
This Field Service Representative position will be within our U.S.
Services business, specifically our Secure Power team.
Our Secure Power team focuses on servicing critical data center equipment.
We are the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) service provider for APC (American Power Conversion)/MGE/Schneider Electric equipment.
As a Field Service Representative, a typical day for you might include:
* Pre-site, startup, repair, preventive maintenance, and field modification of equipment
* Problem solving with customers, electricians, sales partners, technical support, District Service
* Completion of field service reports, expense reports, preventive maintenance, and startup data sheets
* Manager and/or Regional Service Director to resolve complex escalated issues
* Continuous learning and training on various products both in the field and in the classroom
On some days, you may even:
* Travel throughout the region for local customer support or even countrywide travel
* Assist the Field Project Manager on larger system startups
* Act on behalf of the District Service Manager to resolve operational issues as required
This may be the next step in your career journey if you have:
* An Associate degree, vocational education, or similar experience in electronics, electrical theory or similar desirable discipline or military training
* Thorough understanding of principles of AC and DC power, various AC and DC supply circuit components
* 2+ years of field service repair and customer service with UPS, electrical, electro-mechanical or electronics related equipment
* 2+ years in Field Services or equivalent industry experience.
* Safe driving and vehicle operations skills
* Skilled at utilizing test and diagnostic equipment
* Experience reading and interpreting schematics, drawings, and theory of operation manuals
* The ability to write service reports, correspondence, procedures, effectively present information and respond to customer questions.
* The capacity to move ser...
Type: Permanent Location: Lowell, US-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:09
Great people make Schneider Electric a great company.
Schneider's Field Service Representatives play an impactful role within the organization - collaborating with customers, team members and third-party partners to perform assembly, startup, diagnostic, repair and preventive maintenance on both Company and third-party manufactured equipment in a variety of dynamic environments.
They are problem solvers.
They are customer focused.
They are passionate about the work they do.
They are the future of Schneider Electric! Is this you?
This field service representative position will be within our U.S.
Services business, specifically our Secure Power team.
Our Secure Power team focuses on servicing critical data center equipment.
We are the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) service provider for APC (American Power Conversion)/Schneider Electric equipment.
As a Field Service Representative, a typical day for you might include:
* Pre-site, startup, repair, preventive maintenance, and field modification of equipment
* Problem solving with customers, electricians, sales partners, technical support, District Service
* Completion of field service reports, expense reports, preventive maintenance, and startup data sheets
* Manager and/or Regional Service Director to resolve complex escalated issues
* Continuous learning and training on various products both in the field and in the classroom
On some days, you may even:
* Travel throughout the region for local customer support or even countrywide travel
* Assist the Field Project Manager on larger system startups
* Act on behalf of the District Service Manager to resolve operational issues as required
This may be the next step in your career journey if you have:
* An Associate degree, vocational education, or similar experience in HVAC/R, electronic or electrical discipline or military training equivalence
* 2+ years of field service repair and customer service with UPS, electrical, electro-mechanical or electronics related equipment
* 2+ years in Field Services or equivalent industry experience.
* EPA Universal Certification
* Safe driving and vehicle operations skills
* Skilled at utilizing test and diagnostic equipment
* Experience reading and interpreting schematics, drawings, and theory of operation manuals
* Ability to write service reports, correspondence, procedures, effectively present information and respond to customer questions.
* Movement of service equipment weighing up to 50 pounds
What we have for you:
Within your first 90 days, you'll experience a unique, team-oriented welcome with 2 weeks of in-person training in our brand-new state-of-the-art training facility in Dallas, TX with all expenses paid.
Upon return form your on-site visit, you'll continue with online training and will be paired with a local area mentor to receive on-the-job training and continue your onboarding journey with us.
Hear fro...
Type: Permanent Location: Providence, US-RI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:08
Great people make Schneider Electric a great company.
Schneider's Field Service Representatives play an impactful role within the organization - collaborating with customers, team members and third-party partners to perform assembly, startup, diagnostic, repair and preventive maintenance on both Company and third-party manufactured equipment in a variety of dynamic environments.
They are problem solvers.
They are customer focused.
They are passionate about the work they do.
They are the future of Schneider Electric! Is this you?
We are proud to offer all Field Service Representatives with direct product training and training on all digital and physical tools associated with their work.
Schneider Electric provides service vehicles, tools, uniforms, mobile devices, and laptops for daily professional use.
This opportunity is a home-based flexible work schedule with 40-hour guarantee (+Overtime).
This Field Service Representative position will be within our U.S.
Services business, specifically our Secure Power team.
Our Secure Power team focuses on servicing critical data center equipment.
We are the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) service provider for APC (American Power Conversion)/MGE/Schneider Electric equipment.
As a Field Service Representative, a typical day for you might include:
* Pre-site, startup, repair, preventive maintenance, and field modification of equipment
* Problem solving with customers, electricians, sales partners, technical support, District Service
* Completion of field service reports, expense reports, preventive maintenance, and startup data sheets
* Manager and/or Regional Service Director to resolve complex escalated issues
* Continuous learning and training on various products both in the field and in the classroom
On some days, you may even:
* Travel throughout the region for local customer support or even countrywide travel
* Assist the Field Project Manager on larger system startups
* Act on behalf of the District Service Manager to resolve operational issues as required
This may be the next step in your career journey if you have:
* An Associate degree, vocational education, or similar experience in electronics, electrical theory or similar desirable discipline or military training
* Thorough understanding of principles of AC and DC power, various AC and DC supply circuit components
* 2+ years of field service repair and customer service with UPS, electrical, electro-mechanical or electronics related equipment
* 2+ years in Field Services or equivalent industry experience.
* Safe driving and vehicle operations skills
* Skilled at utilizing test and diagnostic equipment
* Experience reading and interpreting schematics, drawings, and theory of operation manuals
* The ability to write service reports, correspondence, procedures, effectively present information and respond to customer questions.
* The capacity to move ser...
Type: Permanent Location: Worcester, US-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:07
Great people make Schneider Electric a great company.
Schneider's Field Service Representatives play an impactful role within the organization - collaborating with customers, team members and third-party partners to perform assembly, startup, diagnostic, repair and preventive maintenance on both Company and third-party manufactured equipment in a variety of dynamic environments.
They are problem solvers.
They are customer focused.
They are passionate about the work they do.
They are the future of Schneider Electric! Is this you?
We are proud to offer all Field Service Representatives with direct product training and training on all digital and physical tools associated with their work.
Schneider Electric provides service vehicles, tools, uniforms, mobile devices, and laptops for daily professional use.
This opportunity is a home-based flexible work schedule with 40-hour guarantee (+Overtime).
This Field Service Representative position will be within our U.S.
Services business, specifically our Secure Power team.
Our Secure Power team focuses on servicing critical data center equipment.
We are the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) service provider for APC (American Power Conversion)/MGE/Schneider Electric equipment.
As a Field Service Representative, a typical day for you might include:
* Pre-site, startup, repair, preventive maintenance, and field modification of equipment
* Problem solving with customers, electricians, sales partners, technical support, District Service
* Completion of field service reports, expense reports, preventive maintenance, and startup data sheets
* Manager and/or Regional Service Director to resolve complex escalated issues
* Continuous learning and training on various products both in the field and in the classroom
On some days, you may even:
* Travel throughout the region for local customer support or even countrywide travel
* Assist the Field Project Manager on larger system startups
* Act on behalf of the District Service Manager to resolve operational issues as required
This may be the next step in your career journey if you have:
* An Associate degree, vocational education, or similar experience in electronics, electrical theory or similar desirable discipline or military training
* Thorough understanding of principles of AC and DC power, various AC and DC supply circuit components
* 2+ years of field service repair and customer service with UPS, electrical, electro-mechanical or electronics related equipment
* 2+ years in Field Services or equivalent industry experience.
* Safe driving and vehicle operations skills
* Skilled at utilizing test and diagnostic equipment
* Experience reading and interpreting schematics, drawings, and theory of operation manuals
* The ability to write service reports, correspondence, procedures, effectively present information and respond to customer questions.
* The capacity to move ser...
Type: Permanent Location: Portsmouth, US-NH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:07
Great people make Schneider Electric a great company.
Schneider's Field Service Representatives play an impactful role within the organization - collaborating with customers, team members and third-party partners to perform assembly, startup, diagnostic, repair and preventive maintenance on both Company and third-party manufactured equipment in a variety of dynamic environments.
They are problem solvers.
They are customer focused.
They are passionate about the work they do.
They are the future of Schneider Electric! Is this you?
We are proud to offer all Field Service Representatives with direct product training and training on all digital and physical tools associated with their work.
Schneider Electric provides service vehicles, tools, uniforms, mobile devices, and laptops for daily professional use.
This opportunity is a home-based flexible work schedule with 40-hour guarantee (+Overtime).
This Field Service Representative position will be within our U.S.
Services business, specifically our Secure Power team.
Our Secure Power team focuses on servicing critical data center equipment.
We are the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) service provider for APC (American Power Conversion)/MGE/Schneider Electric equipment.
As a Field Service Representative, a typical day for you might include:
* Pre-site, startup, repair, preventive maintenance, and field modification of equipment
* Problem solving with customers, electricians, sales partners, technical support, District Service
* Completion of field service reports, expense reports, preventive maintenance, and startup data sheets
* Manager and/or Regional Service Director to resolve complex escalated issues
* Continuous learning and training on various products both in the field and in the classroom
On some days, you may even:
* Travel throughout the region for local customer support or even countrywide travel
* Assist the Field Project Manager on larger system startups
* Act on behalf of the District Service Manager to resolve operational issues as required
This may be the next step in your career journey if you have:
* An Associate degree, vocational education, or similar experience in electronics, electrical theory or similar desirable discipline or military training
* Thorough understanding of principles of AC and DC power, various AC and DC supply circuit components
* 2+ years of field service repair and customer service with UPS, electrical, electro-mechanical or electronics related equipment
* 2+ years in Field Services or equivalent industry experience.
* Safe driving and vehicle operations skills
* Skilled at utilizing test and diagnostic equipment
* Experience reading and interpreting schematics, drawings, and theory of operation manuals
* The ability to write service reports, correspondence, procedures, effectively present information and respond to customer questions.
* The capacity to move ser...
Type: Permanent Location: Billerica, US-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:06