Werde Aushilfe / Minijobber als Postbote für Pakete und Briefe in Kappeln
Als Aushilfe / Minijobber bist du an einzelnen Tagen oder auch stundenweise für uns tätig.
Nach einer bezahlten Einarbeitung kannst du sofort in deinem neuen Nebenjob starten.
Was wir bieten
* 16,37 € Tarif-Stundenlohn
* Du kannst sofort starten – Aushilfe / Minijob / Studentenjob
* Flexible Arbeitszeiten an vereinbarten Arbeitstagen
* Kostenlose Bereitstellung von hochwertiger Arbeitskleidung
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt) – wir machen dich fit für die Zustellung
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
Deine Aufgaben als Zusteller bei uns
* Zustellung von Brief- und Paketsendungen mit zur Verfügung gestellten Hilfsmitteln
* Auslieferung an bestimmten Tagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag)
* Sendungen im Durchschnitt unter 10 kg
* Zustellung mit unseren Geschäftsfahrzeugen, bspw.
vollelektrische Fahrzeuge
Was du als Aushilfe / Minijobber bietest
* Du hast zu Beginn mindestens 2 Wochen am Stück Zeit, für uns tätig zu sein (ausführliche Einarbeitung)
* Du darfst einen Pkw fahren
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du bist wetterfest und kannst gut anpacken
* Du bist zuverlässig und hängst dich rein
Aushilfe / Minijob bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Postbote bringst du den Menschen in deinem Bezirk Post- und Paketsendungen.
Dabei lässt du dir von keinem Wetter die Laune verderben.
Auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten sind bei uns herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Fahrer, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Kappeln, DE-SH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:52
Deine Aufgaben als Postbote bei uns
* Zustellung von Brief- und Paketsendungen
* Auslieferung an 5 Werktagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag)
* Heben von Lasten bis maximal 31,5 kg
* Transport mit einem unserer Geschäftsfahrzeuge
Was wir bieten
* 17,05 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld
* Weitere 50% Weihnachtsgeld im November
* Bis zu 332 € Urlaubsgeld
* Du kannst sofort in Vollzeit starten, 38,5 Stunden/Woche
* Möglichkeit der Auszahlung von Überstunden
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Kostenlose Bereitstellung von hochwertiger Arbeitskleidung
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt) – wir machen dich fit für die Zustellung
* Unbefristete Übernahme und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten (bspw.
Standortleiter) bei guten Leistungen und offenen Positionen möglich
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote wie z.B.
arbeitgeberfinanzierte betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Fahrradleasing, Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, etc.
Was du als Postbote bietest
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du bist wetterfest und kannst gut anpacken
* Du bist zuverlässig, hängst dich rein und bist flexibel
* Einen gültigen Pkw-Führerschein
Werde Postbote für Briefe und Pakete in Schleswig
Als Postbote bringst du den Menschen in deinem Bezirk Post- und Paketsendungen.
Dabei lässt du dir von keinem Wetter die Laune verderben und bist fünf Werktage pro Woche (zwischen Montag und Samstag) unterwegs.
Auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten sind bei uns herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den Button 'Jetzt Bewerben' - auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Schleswig, DE-SH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:51
Werde Postbote für Pakete und Briefe in Kappeln
Was wir bieten
* 17,05 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld
* Weitere 50% Weihnachtsgeld im November
* Bis zu 332 € Urlaubsgeld
* Du kannst sofort in Vollzeit starten, 38,5 Stunden/Woche
* Möglichkeit der Auszahlung von Überstunden
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Kostenlose Bereitstellung von hochwertiger Arbeitskleidung
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt) – wir machen dich fit für die Zustellung
* Unbefristete Übernahme und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten (bspw.
Standortleiter) bei guten Leistungen und offenen Positionen möglich
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote wie z.B.
arbeitgeberfinanzierte betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Fahrradleasing, Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, etc.
Deine Aufgaben als Postbote bei uns
* Zustellung von Brief- und Paketsendungen mit zur Verfügung gestellten Hilfsmitteln
* Auslieferung an 5 Werktagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag)
* Sendungen im Durchschnitt unter 10 kg
* Zustellung mit unseren Geschäftsfahrzeugen, bspw.
vollelektrische Fahrzeuge
Was du als Zusteller bietest
* Du darfst einen Pkw fahren
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du bist wetterfest und kannst gut anpacken
* Du bist zuverlässig und hängst dich rein
Werde Postbote bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Postbote bringst du den Menschen in deinem Bezirk Post- und Paketsendungen.
Dabei lässt du dir von keinem Wetter die Laune verderben und bist fünf Werktage pro Woche (zwischen Montag und Samstag) unterwegs.
Auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten sind bei uns herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Fahrer, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Kappeln, DE-SH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:50
• Du bereitest die Waren der Onlinebestellungen für die Übergabe an unsere Kund:innen vor.
• Du überprüfst die Aufträge und kommissionierst die Waren für die Übergabe an unsere Kund:innen oder die Spedition.
• Körperliche Arbeit steht im Mittelpunkt deiner Tätigkeit, denn jedes Paket bedeutet, die Ware aus dem Regal zu nehmen und auf den Wagen zu heben.
• Du bist körperlich belastbar und hast Lust darauf, kräftig mit anzupacken.
• Du bist gerne in Bewegung.
• Schnelles und genaues Arbeiten ist für dich selbstverständlich.
• Arbeiten Hand in Hand mit deinem Team ist genau dein Ding.
• Idealerweise hast du einen Staplerschein.
• Du bist mindestens 18 Jahre alt.
SMÅRT für dein Konto:
Das Mindestentgelt für diese Position beträgt auf Basis einer Vollzeitbeschäftigung (38,5 Wochenstunden) € 2.400,- brutto pro Monat.
Diese Stelle wird in Teilzeit mit 15 Wochenstunden besetzt, das entspricht einem monatlichen Bruttoentgelt von € 935,06.
Deine Arbeitszeiten: Laut Dienstplan von Montag bis Samstag an 5 Tagen pro Woche von 6 bis 9 Uhr - jeden zweiten Samstag.
Deine Benefits:
• Ein sicherer Arbeitsplatz mit einem Einstiegsgehalt über dem Kollektivvertrag in einem inklusiven und werteorientierten Unternehmen
• ONE IKEA Bonus (jährlich bei Zielerreichung für alle Mitarbeiter:innen)
• Ein Dienstplan, abgestimmt auf deine Bedürfnisse, 4 Wochen im Vorhinein
• Weiterbildungs- und Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten im In- und Ausland
• Lebens- und private Unfallversicherung
• 15% Einkaufsrabatt und vergünstigtes Essen
weitere Vorteile findest du auf IKEA.at/Jobs
In Schubladen denken wir nur, wenn es um Kommoden geht.
Deshalb setzen wir auf die Förderung von Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, einen bunten Mix aus Generationen, die Inklusion von Personen mit Behinderungen und einen offenen Umgang mit Religion, Glaube und Weltanschauung.
Mehr zu Inklusion, Vielfalt und Gleichheit bei IKEA findest du unter: Inklusion, Vielfalt & Gleichheit am Arbeitsplatz - IKEA Österreich
Type: Permanent Location: Haid, AT-4
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:50
Werde Aushilfe / Minijobber als Postbote für Pakete und Briefe in Sörup
Als Aushilfe / Minijobber bist du an einzelnen Tagen oder auch stundenweise für uns tätig.
Nach einer bezahlten Einarbeitung kannst du sofort in deinem neuen Nebenjob starten.
Was wir bieten
* 16,37 € Tarif-Stundenlohn
* Du kannst sofort starten – Aushilfe / Minijob / Studentenjob
* Flexible Arbeitszeiten an vereinbarten Arbeitstagen
* Kostenlose Bereitstellung von hochwertiger Arbeitskleidung
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt) – wir machen dich fit für die Zustellung
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
Deine Aufgaben als Zusteller bei uns
* Zustellung von Brief- und Paketsendungen mit zur Verfügung gestellten Hilfsmitteln
* Auslieferung an bestimmten Tagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag)
* Sendungen im Durchschnitt unter 10 kg
* Zustellung mit unseren Geschäftsfahrzeugen, bspw.
vollelektrische Fahrzeuge
Was du als Aushilfe / Minijobber bietest
* Du hast zu Beginn mindestens 2 Wochen am Stück Zeit, für uns tätig zu sein (ausführliche Einarbeitung)
* Du darfst einen Pkw fahren
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du bist wetterfest und kannst gut anpacken
* Du bist zuverlässig und hängst dich rein
Aushilfe / Minijob bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Postbote bringst du den Menschen in deinem Bezirk Post- und Paketsendungen.
Dabei lässt du dir von keinem Wetter die Laune verderben.
Auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten sind bei uns herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Fahrer, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Sörup, DE-SH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:49
Werde Aushilfe / Minijobber als Postbote für Pakete und Briefe in Schleswig
Als Aushilfe / Minijobber bist du an einzelnen Tagen oder auch stundenweise für uns tätig.
Nach einer bezahlten Einarbeitung kannst du sofort in deinem neuen Nebenjob starten.
Was wir bieten
* 16,37 € Tarif-Stundenlohn
* Du kannst sofort starten – Aushilfe / Minijob / Studentenjob
* Flexible Arbeitszeiten an vereinbarten Arbeitstagen
* Kostenlose Bereitstellung von hochwertiger Arbeitskleidung
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt) – wir machen dich fit für die Zustellung
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
Deine Aufgaben als Zusteller bei uns
* Zustellung von Brief- und Paketsendungen mit zur Verfügung gestellten Hilfsmitteln
* Auslieferung an bestimmten Tagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag)
* Sendungen im Durchschnitt unter 10 kg
* Zustellung mit unseren Geschäftsfahrzeugen, bspw.
vollelektrische Fahrzeuge
Was du als Aushilfe / Minijobber bietest
* Du hast zu Beginn mindestens 2 Wochen am Stück Zeit, für uns tätig zu sein (ausführliche Einarbeitung)
* Du darfst einen Pkw fahren
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du bist wetterfest und kannst gut anpacken
* Du bist zuverlässig und hängst dich rein
Aushilfe / Minijob bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Postbote bringst du den Menschen in deinem Bezirk Post- und Paketsendungen.
Dabei lässt du dir von keinem Wetter die Laune verderben.
Auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten sind bei uns herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Fahrer, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Schleswig, DE-SH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:48
Werde Aushilfe / Minijobber als Postbote für Pakete und Briefe in Glücksburg
Als Aushilfe / Minijobber bist du an einzelnen Tagen oder auch stundenweise für uns tätig.
Nach einer bezahlten Einarbeitung kannst du sofort in deinem neuen Nebenjob starten.
Was wir bieten
* 16,37 € Tarif-Stundenlohn
* Du kannst sofort starten – Aushilfe / Minijob / Studentenjob
* Flexible Arbeitszeiten an vereinbarten Arbeitstagen
* Kostenlose Bereitstellung von hochwertiger Arbeitskleidung
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt) – wir machen dich fit für die Zustellung
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
Deine Aufgaben als Zusteller bei uns
* Zustellung von Brief- und Paketsendungen mit zur Verfügung gestellten Hilfsmitteln
* Auslieferung an bestimmten Tagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag)
* Sendungen im Durchschnitt unter 10 kg
* Zustellung mit unseren Geschäftsfahrzeugen, bspw.
vollelektrische Fahrzeuge
Was du als Aushilfe / Minijobber bietest
* Du hast zu Beginn mindestens 2 Wochen am Stück Zeit, für uns tätig zu sein (ausführliche Einarbeitung)
* Du darfst einen Pkw fahren
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du bist wetterfest und kannst gut anpacken
* Du bist zuverlässig und hängst dich rein
Aushilfe / Minijob bei Deutsche Post DHL
Als Postbote bringst du den Menschen in deinem Bezirk Post- und Paketsendungen.
Dabei lässt du dir von keinem Wetter die Laune verderben.
Auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten sind bei uns herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung als Fahrer, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den 'Bewerben'-Button – auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Glücksburg (Ostsee), DE-SH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:48
Deine Aufgaben als Postbote bei uns
* Zustellung von Brief- und Paketsendungen
* Auslieferung an 5 Werktagen (zwischen Montag und Samstag)
* Heben von Lasten bis maximal 31,5 kg
* Transport mit einem unserer Geschäftsfahrzeuge
Was wir bieten
* 17,05 € Tarif-Stundenlohn inkl.
50% Weihnachtsgeld
* Weitere 50% Weihnachtsgeld im November
* Bis zu 332 € Urlaubsgeld
* Du kannst sofort in Vollzeit starten, 38,5 Stunden/Woche
* Möglichkeit der Auszahlung von Überstunden
* Ein krisensicherer Arbeitsplatz, garantierte Gehaltssteigerung gemäß Tarifvertrag und pünktliche Gehaltszahlungen
* Kostenlose Bereitstellung von hochwertiger Arbeitskleidung
* Ausführliche Einweisung (bezahlt) – wir machen dich fit für die Zustellung
* Unbefristete Übernahme und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten (bspw.
Standortleiter) bei guten Leistungen und offenen Positionen möglich
* Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote wie z.B.
arbeitgeberfinanzierte betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Fahrradleasing, Rabatte bei Mobilfunkanbietern, etc.
Was du als Postbote bietest
* Du kannst dich auf Deutsch unterhalten
* Du bist wetterfest und kannst gut anpacken
* Du bist zuverlässig, hängst dich rein und bist flexibel
* Einen gültigen Pkw-Führerschein
Werde Postbote für Briefe und Pakete in Schleswig-Nord
Als Postbote bringst du den Menschen in deinem Bezirk Post- und Paketsendungen.
Dabei lässt du dir von keinem Wetter die Laune verderben und bist fünf Werktage pro Woche (zwischen Montag und Samstag) unterwegs.
Auch Quereinsteiger oder Studenten sind bei uns herzlich willkommen, denn du zählst, wie du bist!
Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung, am besten online! Klicke dazu einfach auf den Button 'Jetzt Bewerben' - auch ganz ohne Lebenslauf.
Type: Contract Location: Schleswig, DE-SH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:47
Georgia-Pacific Corrugated facility in Martinsville, VA is now hiring a motivated, maintenance professional to join our team as Multi-Craft Maintenance Technician
Salary: Position pays a rate of up to $38.95/hr depending on experience
* This position is a rotating 2-3-2, 12-hour pattern work schedule.
* 7AM-7PM or 7PM-7AM
* Interested candidates will need to be open to any shift, weekends and overtime to be considered
Our Team
The team at Martinsville specializes in the corrugator/ converting for box making, where they support the self -actualization of their employees.
This position provides opportunities for promotion both in Martinsville as well as many other Georgia-Pacific and Koch facilities across the country.
Come join our team!
Click here to see how we make corrugated boxes, and click here to learn more about our products!
What You Will Do
* Troubleshooting, repairing, and maintaining industrial equipment in accordance with plant policies and procedures
* Performing preventive maintenance duties on equipment to ensure safe and reliable performance
* Assisting other operators and team members with troubleshooting machinery to help meet or exceed production, waste and quality goals
* Maintaining all safety guards on equipment and following lock out tag out procedures to promote a safe working environment for employees
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Two (2) or more years of electrical and/or instrumentation experience in a manufacturing, industrial or military environment
* Two (2) years or more of mechanical maintenance experience in a manufacturing, industrial or military environment
* Experience troubleshooting and repairing conveyors, hydraulic and pneumatics systems
* Experience interpreting electrical schematics and drawings
* Experience working with electrical, PLC's, A/CandD/C motors and drive controls
* Willing and able to work any shift, weekends, holidays and overtime as needed
What Will Put You Ahead
* Two (2) year technical degree or higher in an Electro-Mechanical curriculum
* Knowledge of the National Electrical Code (NEC) and NFPA 70 standards
* Experience reading and understanding mechanical drawings
* Experience troubleshooting issues with bearings, chains, sprockets, gearboxes, and conveyors
* Experience diagnosing mechanical and electronic systems using scanning and diagnostic tools, multi meters and computers
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our ...
Type: Permanent Location: Ridgeway, US-VA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:46
Your Job
Georgia-Pacific is now hiring for a dedicated and reliable Millwright at our lumber mill in Diboll, Texas to be responsible for the troubleshooting and repairing of mechanical failures.
This role will also perform preventive maintenance according to a scheduled system while maintaining a clean and safe working environment.
Come and start a great career with a great company!
Our Team
Georgia-Pacific employees strive for safety and health excellence while achieving an injury-free workplace.
To learn more about our Building Products division, visit http://www.buildgp.com .
What You Will Do
* Perform and maintain the installation, maintenance, replacements, and repairs of mechanical systems within a manufacturing operation.
* Have a high regard for personal safety and the safety of others while adhering to all plant safety/environmental guidelines, policies and procedures.
* Meet and exceed production waste and quality goals through a quality maintenance program, while maintaining housekeeping standards.
* Be willing and able to work rotating shifts, holidays, weekends and overtime as needed
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Must possess maintenance skills, to include using hand tools, power tools, precision maintenance tools and have your own quality grade hand tools
* At least 5 years of prior maintenance experience in a manufacturing environment
* At least 5 years of welding experience, including fabrication and structural
* Ability to use a computerized maintenance system (CMMS) effectively
* Must possess troubleshooting skills to include hydraulics, structural, pneumatic, mechanical and basic electrical
What Will Put You Ahead
* Ability to read structural blueprints and hydraulic schematics
* Experience troubleshooting lumber operations equipment for mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical issues
* Advanced computer skills
* 2 or more years of experience with predictive, preventive techniques such as ultrasound, infrared, and vibration
* Basic machine shop skills
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
As a Koch company and a leading manufacturer of bath tissue, paper towels, paper-based packaging, cellulose, specialty fibers, buildi...
Type: Permanent Location: Diboll, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:46
Your Job
Georgia-Pacific has an immediate need for a self-motivated and knowledgeable Maintenance Technician at our North Las Vegas, NV Gypsum facility.
Compensation: The hourly rate starts at $34.00/hr.
Schedule: This position will work 12-hour shifts, which will include overtime, weekends, and holidays, while also providing specialty hand tools.
Georgia-Pacific offers a competitive benefits package to include vacation time and medical/dental/vision insurance.
Our Team
Our ideal candidate is a self-motivated, skilled hourly professional with a working knowledge of mechanical troubleshooting and a solid foundation in the skills needed to properly maintain manufacturing equipment.
This position creates value by performing predictive, preventive, and corrective maintenance leading to increased uptime, reliability, and the assurance of meeting production and quality goals.
This is a non-climate-controlled environment, meaning temperatures can be very high in the summer and cold in the winter.
What You Will Do
* Troubleshooting, installing, aligning, and dismantling industrial machinery and mechanical equipment
* Performing periodic maintenance routines including lubricating machines and equipment for improved reliability and uptime to achieve optimal performance
* Participating in a Preventative Maintenance (PM) program
* Collaborating with operations to identify and prioritize maintenance needs
* Recording work results and parts usage in computerized maintenance management system
* Working with operations associates to identify and prioritize maintenance needs
* Adhering to all plant safety and environmental guidelines, policies, and procedures and actively participating in the safety program
* Maintaining accurate maintenance logs including labor hours and critical preventative maintenance findings
* Willing and able to adhere to all plant safety and environmental guidelines, policies, and procedures
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Mechanical maintenance experience in an industrial, manufacturing, agricultural or military environment
* Experience troubleshooting and repairing hydraulics & pneumatics
* Experience with fabricating, torch cutting, and arc welding
* Experience with reading blueprints and precision measurements
* Experience troubleshooting issues with bearings, chains, sprockets, gearboxes, and conveyors, rollers, pulleys, and shafts
* Experience using a computer for record-keeping and documentation functions
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience with precision equipment installation, fundamentals in alignment, and machinery lubrication.
* Five (5) or more years mechanical maintenance experience in an industrial, manufacturing, or military environment
* Technical Degree or higher in a Mechanical Maintenance program
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to c...
Type: Permanent Location: North Las Vegas, US-NV
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:45
Georgia-Pacific is seeking a highly skilled Electrical & Instrumentation Technician to join our Spartanburg, SC team.
This role is eligible for relocation assistance.
In this position, you will showcase your skills by troubleshooting, performing preventative and corrective maintenance, and managing upgrades and projects to increase reliability.
Having a thorough understanding and mastery of safe work practices, pre-job hazard analysis, and Lock-out Tag-out (LOTO) is required.
The selected individual will be required to follow National Electrical Code (NEC) and Georgia Pacific's standards in a safe and expedient manner.
Salary: $43.00/hr.
Shift: Monday - Friday from 7am - 3pm with weekends and overtime as needed.
What You Will Do
* Adhere to all plant safety and environmental guidelines, policies, and procedures.
* Read and interpret blueprints and understand and apply the National Electrical Code
* Troubleshoot, repair, maintain, calibrate, and install electrical/electronic instrumentation and automation equipment throughout the plant (including med-low voltage systems, AC and DC systems, lighting, motors, receptacles, starters, drives, power supply wiring (including conduit), transformers, programmable controllers, electrical components as well as pneumatic and hydraulic systems).
* Program and monitor PLC, SCADA, HMI, and variable frequency drives.
* Perform predictive precision maintenance to identify and correct mechanical, electrical, and instrumentational defects before equipment fails.
* Proficiently manipulate automation software and robotics system controls.
* Actively participate in pre-job safety meetings, weekly safety meetings, and other required annual training
* Experiment with new technologies, systems/solutions, and workflows to challenge the status-quo, expand the team's knowledge, and provide optionality to our processes.
* Improve, develop, and implement maintenance process improvements and efficiencies.
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* 4+ years of craftsman level experience in Industrial Electrical, Instrumentation and Automation OR degree/completion of an accredited Apprenticeship Program in Electrical, Instrumentation, Automation Systems.
What Will Put You Ahead
* Associate Degree in vocational, Electrical, Instrumentation, Automation or Mechatronics.
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, ap...
Type: Permanent Location: Spartanburg, US-SC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:44
Your Job
The jobsite located in Vidor, Texas has an opening for a Field Piping Detailer
Our Team
Optimized Process Designs, LLC (OPD) is an engineering/construction company headquartered in Katy, TX with an expertise in the natural gas, natural gas liquids, and petrochemical industries.
OPD is part of the larger Koch Engineered Solutions (KES) organization which provides a variety of capabilities across many industries.
Originally incorporated in 1980, OPD has developed a strong reputation for honesty, integrity, and ability to successfully execute projects.
OPD has a key advantage in being able to supply construction services as well as engineering/procurement.
This enables clients to have a ''one stop shop'' for the overall project, providing increased efficiency and avoiding potential interface problems.
OPD's industry experience, flexibility, and personal attention have made us a preferred partner to our customers and our tight knit, highly productive, team atmosphere makes OPD a great place to work.
What You Will Do
Some core responsibilities for a Field Piping Detailer include:
* Read, comprehend, and interpret Plan Drawings, Isometric Drawings, P&ID's, Testing Specifications, Standards, Details, Piping Material BOM's and Process Equipment submittals.
* Use project assigned computing software tools & programs (including Navisworks, CADWorxs, Bluebeam Revu etc.) to produce and generate coordinated scope of work installation and system pre-testing sell off packages.
* Identify potential pipe routing &/or civil to mechanical conflicts and work proactively to resolve/prevent them.
* Assist in the production of required supplemental informational tools including spool tracking maps/reports, Field Red Line Drawings As-Builds, Drawing Document Control and the RFI process and project File Management.
* Assist with spool &/or BOM item field inventory/shortage issues.
* Strong literacy with the Microsoft Office Suite products (including Excel), Outlook office emailing, Project Document Control and Filing.
* Integrate and maintain a positive relationship with the extended project team, including proactive engagement in problem solving and productivity innovations.
* Commit to and take ownership of assigned work task and project deadlines.
We expect all field employees to:
* Actively participate in a strong safety culture
* Recognize safety hazards and risks
* Participate in onsite safety meetings
* Follow OPD and client safety policies and procedures
* Be aware of changing conditions on an active jobsite
* Be on time to the jobsite each day ready for work
* Display a positive attitude and be able to work in a team environment
Some physical demands of being a Field Piping Detailer include:
* Capable of working in outdoor weather and environmental conditions including extreme heat and humidity, extreme cold, and high elevations.
* Lifting and carrying awkwa...
Type: Permanent Location: Vidor, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:44
Your Job
Georgia-Pacific's Consumer Products Division is currently looking to add four (4) Manufacturing Floor Supervisors to our Broadway Mill located in Green Bay, WI in our Converting and TAD Departments.
This role is responsible for planning and directing daily work for our hourly production team members.
A successful candidate will lead and develop their team members to contribute to the success of our operations.
This position will work a 12-hour rotating shift schedule which will include weekends and holidays.
This is an excellent opportunity to start your career with a growing business!
Benefits Offered for this role:
* Full benefits package that begins the first of the month following the start date
* Two (2) weeks of vacation prorated for the first year
* 11 Paid Holidays each calendar year
* 48 Hours of PTO (1-yr waiting period until PTO is earned and will be pro-rated during the first year of eligibility)
* Retention Bonus
* Annual bonus potential
* Opportunities to advance based on capability, not seniority
* And so much more!
All candidates for this position are required to submit a resume and/or detailed work history demonstrating their skills relating to the Basic Qualifications listed below to be eligible for this position.
Our Team
The Green Bay Broadway Mill manufactures and distributes leading commercial and retail brands of paper products (bath tissue, napkins, and towels).
The mill has about 1,050 mill operations employees and about 600 business support employees that provide engineering, transportation, data processing and customer services.
Every day, GP employees and products help maintain a strong, stable economy in Northeastern Wisconsin.
We do more than just make paper.
Check out this video to see for yourself: Come Inside a GP Paper Mill |Georgia-Pacific (youtube.com)
What You Will Do
* Facilitate team and employee development of hourly operations workforce
* Foster employee commitment and engagement as it relates to safety
* Drive and accomplish year-over-year improvement as it relates to productivity, customer satisfaction, organizational effectiveness, cost management, asset availability, and environmental, health, and safety excellence
* Drive process & equipment modifications that result in improved product quality, reduced variation, and higher customer satisfaction.
* Use critical & economic thinking skills, the challenge process, and collaborative team efforts to resolve issues and to advance innovation, efficiency, and safety excellence
* Plan and direct work for assigned crew, hourly production employees
* Oversee, manage, and evaluate employees' performance; acknowledge successes, address performance concerns, and assist in resolving complaints and issues
* Work with the Performance Leader to ensure that the individual roles, responsibilities, and expectations are aligned with mill and organization goals
Who You Are (...
Type: Permanent Location: Green Bay, US-WI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:43
Your Job
Georgia-Pacific is one of the nation's leading corrugated box manufacturers.
We manufacture standard corrugated containers, as well as many specialty packaging products for various industries.
To learn more about Georgia-Pacific and our corrugated facilities please visit: www.gppackaging.com/ .
GP employees are committed to compliance, safety, and health excellence, while achieving an injury free workplace.
This is an exciting role with room for growth and advancement.
The schedule is a rotating shift .
Each shift will rotate after 7 days, subject to change per business needs.
Day shift is 6:30am-7pm and night shift is 6:30pm-7am .
This position's starting pay is $20.50/hr!
Our Team
Georgia-Pacific is now hiring motivated and detail-oriented individuals to join our team as Production Operators at our facility in Memphis, Tennessee.
These team members create value by safely operating machines to meet and exceed the plant's production and quality goals.
Candidates who acquire the knowledge and skills to be successful in this position will have exciting opportunities for advancement.
What You Will Do
* Ensure adherence to safety protocols including wearing necessary Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
* Support site safety goals and procedures to minimize hazards
* Ensure safe operation of equipment and machinery
* Identify and troubleshoot failures of equipment components
* Clean equipment and work area regularly to ensure readiness, safety and reliability
* Understand and execute daily run schedules, resolve quality issues, and report/escalate unresolved issues immediately
* Set up equipment and machinery efficiently and safely
* Perform tasks such as lifting, walking, climbing, stooping, standing pushing and pulling as needed Work in challenging environments including confined spaces and heights at a high-volume manufacturing facility
Who You Are
* Six months or more of experience working with hand tools, operating production equipment, and/or working with machines
What Will Put You Ahead
* Experience operating manufacturing equipment
* Experience using a computer for email communication, record-keeping, and training
Hiring Philosophy
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Who We Are
At Koch, employees are empowered to do what they do best to make life better.
Learn how our business philosophy helps employees unleash their potential while creating value for themselves and the company.
Type: Permanent Location: Memphis, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:42
Your Job:
Georgia-Pacific is now hiring a Maintenance Technician to join our Corrugated facility in Sheboygan, WI.
This highly skilled hourly position requires a thorough understanding of safe work practices, troubleshooting, and maintenance of manufacturing equipment.
$27.81-$38 per hour depending on experience + Earn an additional $3/hour while working on 3rd shift!
* Rotating 3rd shift - 6pm-6am
* 2-2-3 schedule (2 on, 2 off, 3 on, 2 off, 2 on, 3 off, etc.)
Physical Location:
1927 Erie Ave, Sheboygan WI 53081
What You Will Do:
* Troubleshooting, installing, aligning, dismantling, repairing, and maintaining industrial machinery and mechanical equipment for improved reliability and uptime.
* Performing predictive precision maintenance to identify and correct mechanical/electrical defects before machines fail.
* Maintaining operations equipment to achieve optimal performance levels and meet customer demands.
* Working with operations associates to identify and prioritize maintenance needs.
* Adhering to all plant safety and environmental guidelines, policies, and procedures and actively participating in the safety program.
* Helping meet and/or exceed production, waste, and quality goals through a quality maintenance program.
* Willing and able to work any shift, holidays, weekends, and overtime as needed.
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications):
* 1 year + of industrial maintenance experience in a manufacturing environment OR Associate's degree in electrical/mechanical or electromechanical field.
* Experience troubleshooting issues with bearings, chains, sprockets, gearboxes and conveyors.
* Experience troubleshooting and repairing hydraulics and pneumatics.
* Experience reading technical drawings and schematics.
What will Put You Ahead:
* Experience working with Industrial Controls, e.g.: PLC's, motor controls, control values, electrical distribution, and/or industrial instrumentation for flow, pressure, and temperature.
* Experience programming variable frequency drives (VFD's).
* Experience with corrugator (MarquipWard, MHI, Fosber, E& L) equipment.
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military Ready and Second Chance employers.
Learn more about our hiring philosophy here .
Who We Are
As a Koch company and a leading manufactur...
Type: Permanent Location: Sheboygan, US-WI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:41
Your Job
The jobsite located in Vidor, TX has an opening for a Millwright.
Our Team
Optimized Process Designs, LLC (OPD) is an engineering/construction company headquartered in Katy, TX with an expertise in the natural gas, natural gas liquids, and petrochemical industries.
OPD is part of the larger Koch Engineered Solutions (KES) organization which provides a variety of capabilities across many industries.
Originally incorporated in 1980, OPD has developed a strong reputation for honesty, integrity, and ability to successfully execute projects.
OPD has a key advantage in being able to supply construction services as well as engineering/procurement.
This enables clients to have a ''one stop shop'' for the overall project, providing increased efficiency and avoiding potential interface problems.
OPD's industry experience, flexibility, and personal attention have made us a preferred partner to our customers and our tight knit, highly productive, team atmosphere makes OPD a great place to work.
What You Will Do
Some core responsibilities for a millwright include :
* Strong knowledge of precision millwright equipment, tools, procedures, and best practices
* Being a safety role model for the team
* Inspect, move, and set equipment such as turbines, pumps, motors, Fin Fans, cooling towers, compressors into position
* Use precision leveling and alignment tools in order to measure angles, material thickness and small distances with calipers, squares, micrometers, optical instrumentation and other tools.
We expect all field employees to:
* Actively participate in a strong safety culture
* Recognize safety hazards and risks
* Participate in onsite safety meetings
* Follow OPD and client safety policies and procedures
* Be aware of changing conditions on an active jobsite
* Be on time to the jobsite each day ready for work
* Display a positive attitude and be able to work in a team environment
* High attention to detail to avoid reworks and errors
Some physical demands of being a precision millwright include:
* Capable of working in outdoor weather and environmental conditions including extreme heat and humidity, extreme cold, and high elevations.
* Lifting and carrying awkward objects up to 60 lbs
* Standing for extended periods of time up to 11 hours per day.
* Moving the entire body.
Considerable use of arms, legs, climbing, lifting, balancing, walking, stooping, crawling, twisting, reaching, and bending on a regular basis.
* Must be able to work on elevated platforms and maintain balance when stepping on narrow platforms such as beams and pipes.
Must be able to perform these activities while wearing an approved full-body harness and lanyard.
* Use hands to handle, control, and feel objects and/or tools.
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* At least 2 years of experience as a millwright
* 3 or more years of experience working in the heavy civ...
Type: Permanent Location: Vidor, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:41
Your Job
Molex is seeking an HR Co-Op to join our Human Resources team in Lisle.
What You Will Do
Talent Acquisition Assistance:
* Support talent acquisition by partnering with recruiting and participating in the recruiting process.
* Participate in the recruitment process by conducting interviews and providing feedback to hiring managers.
Culture Ambassador:
* Aid in the learning and development of supervisors in their role at a Koch company.
* Help organize and facilitate workshops or events aimed at promoting Molex's culture and values.
HR Operations and Documentation:
* Assist in the onboarding and offboarding processes by preparing documentation and ensuring compliance with HR policies.
* Maintain accurate HR records and support HRIS management.
Communication and Relationship Building:
* Develop communication materials for HR initiatives and updates, ensuring clear and effective messaging.
* Build relationships with employees and supervisors to understand their needs and provide basic HR support.
Research and Analysis Support:
* Assist in gathering data and researching industry trends to support strategic workforce planning and HR decision-making.
* Help track and analyze HR metrics using analytics platforms to measure the effectiveness of various initiatives.
Project Support:
* Contribute to various HR projects, such as fleet and performance management, by providing administrative support and coordinating project activities.
* Assist with the preparation of presentations and reports for HR strategy reviews and leadership meetings.
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Enrolled in Bachelor level degree program; prefer sophomore level or above
* Experience/interest/education related to Human Resources
* Previous experience in an office environment handling confidential information preferred
* This position is not eligible for work visa sponsorship now or in the future
Skills and Abilities:
* Proficient in Microsoft Office programs
* Strong accuracy and attention to detail
* Ability to maintain confidentiality of employee information
* Good interpersonal skills and the ability to work in a team environment
For this role, we anticipate paying $25 an hour.
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data.
The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate's knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location.
If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Hiring Philosophy
All Koch companies value diversity of thought, perspectives, aptitudes, experiences, and backgrounds.
We are Military R...
Type: Permanent Location: Lisle, US-IL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:40
Your Job
KBX is seeking a Senior Accounting Analyst to join our team in Wichita, KS or Green Bay, WI.
In this Sr.
Accounting Analyst role, you will have primary ownership of the Income Statement and Balance Sheet and will be responsible for developing and providing accurate financial statements and implementing process improvements.
The position will also analyze and communicate key drivers of financial results and engage with business leaders to create actionable insight.
Our Team
Our team drives sustainable growth and superior value creation through trusted and insightful financial reporting and strategic partnerships that empower the KBX business to make data-driven decisions.
What You Will Do
* Prepare and present accurate and timely financial statements and reporting metrics to key business leaders
* Analyze, understand and communicate key drivers of variances in our financial results
* Analyze drivers of profitability and productivity by business segments with a goal of creating actionable insight for decision makers
* Responsible for period-end closing activities, including the accurate preparation of journal entries, intercompany entries and allocations.
* Review and maintain balance sheet accruals and reserves monthly to ensure balances are appropriate.
* Maintain Balance Sheet integrity through completion of monthly account analysis and reconciliations.
* Seek and share knowledge, identify opportunities for improvements, challenge the status quo, develop recommendations, and drive transformation
* Cultivate a cross-functional network to develop an end-to-end understanding of the business to build efficient and sustainable accounting processes to support business growth
* Willing and able to travel occasionally as needed, up to 10%
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experience in an Accounting or Finance focused role that required demonstrated application of accounting processes
* Experience conducting month end close, financial reporting of balance sheet and income statements and variance analysis
* Experience collaborating and building effective partnerships with a variety of stakeholders
* Experience using Microsoft Excel to create & edit spreadsheets, pivot tables, conduct data manipulation/analysis and formula creation
What Will Put You Ahead
* Bachelor's degree in Accounting or Finance or Economics or Business
* 5+ years of experience in accounting and financial analysis position(s)
* Experience in a corporate accounting or financial role that involves intercompany transactions, allocations, consolidations, application of US GAAP and tax implications
* Experience communicating to a variety of stakeholders of all organizational levels
* Experience providing variance analysis, developing business insights, and bridging between operational and financial reporting
* Experience driving process improvement or transformation
Type: Permanent Location: Green Bay, US-WI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:39
Your Job
KBX is seeking a Senior Accounting Analyst to join our team in Wichita, KS or Green Bay, WI.
In this Sr.
Accounting Analyst role, you will have primary ownership of the Income Statement and Balance Sheet and will be responsible for developing and providing accurate financial statements and implementing process improvements.
The position will also analyze and communicate key drivers of financial results and engage with business leaders to create actionable insight.
Our Team
Our team drives sustainable growth and superior value creation through trusted and insightful financial reporting and strategic partnerships that empower the KBX business to make data-driven decisions.
What You Will Do
* Prepare and present accurate and timely financial statements and reporting metrics to key business leaders
* Analyze, understand and communicate key drivers of variances in our financial results
* Analyze drivers of profitability and productivity by business segments with a goal of creating actionable insight for decision makers
* Responsible for period-end closing activities, including the accurate preparation of journal entries, intercompany entries and allocations.
* Review and maintain balance sheet accruals and reserves monthly to ensure balances are appropriate.
* Maintain Balance Sheet integrity through completion of monthly account analysis and reconciliations.
* Seek and share knowledge, identify opportunities for improvements, challenge the status quo, develop recommendations, and drive transformation
* Cultivate a cross-functional network to develop an end-to-end understanding of the business to build efficient and sustainable accounting processes to support business growth
* Willing and able to travel occasionally as needed, up to 10%
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Experience in an Accounting or Finance focused role that required demonstrated application of accounting processes
* Experience conducting month end close, financial reporting of balance sheet and income statements and variance analysis
* Experience collaborating and building effective partnerships with a variety of stakeholders
* Experience using Microsoft Excel to create & edit spreadsheets, pivot tables, conduct data manipulation/analysis and formula creation
What Will Put You Ahead
* Bachelor's degree in Accounting or Finance or Economics or Business
* 5+ years of experience in accounting and financial analysis position(s)
* Experience in a corporate accounting or financial role that involves intercompany transactions, allocations, consolidations, application of US GAAP and tax implications
* Experience communicating to a variety of stakeholders of all organizational levels
* Experience providing variance analysis, developing business insights, and bridging between operational and financial reporting
* Experience driving process improvement or transformation
Type: Permanent Location: Wichita, US-KS
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:39
Your Job
At Georgia-Pacific, we don't believe that a job is just simply a job.
We see each role as a career and a way to advance your skills to not only better your life, but the community as well.
Our Georgia-Pacific Facility in Muskogee, OK is seeking a qualified professionals to consider for their Dry End Maintenance Mechanic.
The shift for the position is 6:30 am - 2:30 pm to include weekends, holidays, OT and on call as needed.
The pay range for the position is $26.00 - $37.64 per hour.
Our Team
Located on the Kerr-McClellan Navigational Channel (Arkansas River) on about 640 acres of land, the Muskogee consumer products operation spans across approximately 70 acres (or 2,900,000 square feet) of manufacturing and warehouse space are "under roof" employing approximately 830 employees.
We are the second largest employer in the Muskogee, OK area and 45th in the state! Our non-union facility operates on 12-hour shifts, 7 days per week, 365 days per year: housing 2 of the 13 largest tissue machines in the world.
What You Will Do
* Adhere to all plant safety and environmental guidelines, policies, and procedures
* Review weekly work schedule and coordinate with the operating shift team to align on priorities to successfully execute critical work to maintain equipment availability and PM compliance
* Repair and maintaining mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic components of production and maintenance machines and equipment
* Perform precision maintenance techniques using laser and manual alignment tools to achieve precise alignment and levelness of equipment components
* Repair, weld, and maintain, in accordance with diagrams, sketches, operations manuals and manufacturer's specifications, machinery and mechanical equipment such as engines, motors, pneumatic tools, conveyor systems and production equipment and machines, using hand tools, power tools and precision measuring and testing instruments
* Comply with all maintenance compliance standards
* Work in a hot, humid, cold, dusty, and noisy industrial environment
* Must be willing to be included in the rotating weekend on call schedule
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* High school Diploma or GED
* One (1) or more years of maintenance experience in a manufacturing, construction, agriculture, industrial, military, or maintenance environment
* Experience working with equipment drawings or P&ID's.
(Pipe & Instrument drawings)
* Experience with precision maintenance, machine shop, or millwright
What Will Put You Ahead
* 3 or more years working in a maintenance type role in Converting
* Associate degree in mechanical, industrial maintenance from a college level technical institution
* Experience with maintenance parts, materials, equipment and processes of product, used in an Industrial environment
* Experience using Microsoft office, Excel, and Outlook
* Experience using SAP
At Koch companies, we are ent...
Type: Permanent Location: Muskogee, US-OK
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:38
Your Job
Flint Hills Resources Corpus Christi Refinery is now hiring an experienced Project Manager to join the Project Capability Group.
This role oversees cross-functional projects from concept to completion, driving improvements aligned with business objectives.
Responsibilities include project scoping, planning, execution, and startup, while managing multiple projects safely and efficiently.
The ideal candidate anticipates challenges, solves problems, removes roadblocks, demonstrates strong leadership and communication skills and makes sound recommendations.
FHR's principle-based culture emphasizes integrity, teamwork, humility, and innovation, fostering an environment where employees can thrive and grow.
Realize your full potential and join our team and receive a $10,000 sign on bonus!!!
Our Team
The Project Manager works with various support capabilities including business team, process engineering, cost estimating, cost analysis, scheduling, discipline-specific subject matter experts, construction, and Day 1 Readiness.
Projects are expected to range in size from $2M to $50M.
What You Will Do
* Managing multiple projects using an approach that ensures quality and competitive performance
* Self-motivated to contribute to the daily success of your role and the business
* Leading a project team consisting of engineers, operations, construction, and vendors to ensure all aspects of the project are properly considered, including scope selection, safety, environment, construction, operations, and reliability
* Effectively managing costs and schedules to drive toward best-in-industry performance
* Communicating project status to various stakeholders within the organization
* Utilizing knowledge & experience with earned decision rights to create value in a project management environment that ensures quality and competitive performance
* Utilizing skills to recognize opportunities for value creation and innovation in the project management work processes
* Infrequent turnarounds may require weekend and evening hours for project support
* Physical requirements may include climbing ladders/stairs to elevated platforms
* Travel 10% as needed
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Bachelor's degree and ten (10) years of experience in direct project management of refining or chemical projects
* Experience in leading high-performing teams and managing multiple initiatives, priorities, and projects effectively
What Will Put You Ahead
* Bachelor's degree in Engineering
* Ten (10) years or more of experience working in a refinery or chemical plant
* Project Management Professional (PMP)
* Texas (or reciprocal) PE license
At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs.
This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions.
Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available ...
Type: Permanent Location: Corpus Christi, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:37
Your Job
Georgia-Pacific is looking for qualified professionals to be one of our Manufacturing Excellence Leaders (MEL), to provide transformation change leadership, mentoring and coaching talent to efficiently and effectively move organizational efforts with sustainable results within our Consumer Products and the Packaging and Cellulose manufacturing operations.
• Develop and support the delivery and implementation of improvement initiatives to meet organizational goals and drive value
• Effectively communicate across all levels of the organization to ensure stakeholders are aligned to the financial, operational, and risk mitigation expectations of initiatives
• Align resources to a common priority.
Assure that assigned resources are effective and if required, additional resources are urgently requested and obtained.
• Support and influence initiative stakeholders to adopt new processes, methods, and technologies where appropriate.
Leverage and build upon existing processes, methods, and technologies where applicable.
• Effectively apply the challenge process for more effective, innovative solutions
• Act promptly to solve or escalate issues blocking delivery of initiative results.
• Effectively apply continuous improvement and operating discipline methodologies to drive and sustain improvement initiatives
• Effectively manage the project controls of assigned initiatives: scope, resources, schedule, and measurables.
• Upon completing initiatives, work closely with manufacturing sites and other corporate resources to incorporate into base operations
What You Will Do
* Develop and support the delivery and implementation of improvement initiatives to meet organizational goals and drive value
* Effectively communicate across all levels of the organization to ensure stakeholders are aligned to the financial, operational, and risk mitigation expectations of initiatives
* Align resources to a common priority.
Assure that assigned resources are effective and if required, additional resources are urgently requested and obtained.
* Support and influence initiative stakeholders to adopt new processes, methods, and technologies where appropriate.
Leverage and build upon existing processes, methods, and technologies where applicable.
* Effectively apply the challenge process for more effective, innovative solutions
* Act promptly to solve or escalate issues blocking delivery of initiative results.
* Effectively apply continuous improvement and operating discipline methodologies to drive and sustain improvement initiatives
* Effectively manage the project controls of assigned initiatives: scope, resources, schedule, and measurables.
* Upon completing initiatives, work closely with manufacturing sites and other corporate resources to incorporate into base operations
* Communicate with strong written (Microsoft Outlook and Teams) and oral communication, facilitation and presentat...
Type: Permanent Location: Atlanta, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:37
Your Job
Koch Fertilizer, LLC is looking to hire a self-driven Industrial Maintenance and Operations Technician to join the fertilizer shipping and storage terminal located in Marshalltown, IA.
This position is responsible for operating and maintaining an anhydrous ammonia terminal consisting of shipping, receiving and storage.
This is a flexible day shift position, Monday - Friday and may include some over-night travel to other terminals.
The successful candidate will be willing and able to work a rotating 24 hour on-call schedule and report to on-call requests within 45 minutes of the terminal.
Our Benefits Package Includes:
* $5,000 sign on bonus!
* Bonus eligible
* Automatic 401K company contribution with competitive match program
* Excellent Health benefits
* Tuition Reimbursement
* Growth Opportunities
Our Team
Koch Fertilizer, LLC owns network of storage and terminal assets across the Midwest responsible for storage and shipment of anhydrous ammonia and other fertilizer products to customers for agricultural and industrial use.
What You Will Do
* Monitor terminal operating parameters and identify opportunities for corrections and improvement
* Leverage technology and operating systems to gather and interpret critical data points
* Assist with work permitting, Lock Out / Tag Out (LOTO), daily work scheduling and adhering to operational procedures
* Develop and maintain operations excellence and process optimization of the terminal, process safety, personal safety, environmental compliance, product quality and other applicable areas of compliance
* Conduct maintenance on terminal equipment
* Troubleshoot, maintain, and operate ammonia refrigeration and loading systems
* Work with full life cycle of ammonia including refrigeration, gas fired heating, instrumentation, PLC control systems, pumps, motors and loading processes
* Manage daily maintenance work and inspection activities utilizing a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS)
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Previous industrial experience
* Valid Driver's license
* Must be willing and able to live within 45 minutes of the terminal
Physical Requirements:
* Ability to be medically approved to participate in the respiratory protection and HAZWOPER programs
* Ability to push/pull up to 75lbs
* Ability to lift/carry up to 50lbs
* Ability to grip up to 30lbs
* Ability to climb stairs, ladders, and work at heights up to 100ft
* Ability to work outdoors in various types of weather
* Ability to sit, stand or kneel as needed
* Ability to wear full Level A Personal Protective Equipment while performing the job duties
* Ability to have unassisted physical mobility around a terminal
What Will Put You Ahead
* Previous experience working in an ammonia, chemical, refinery environment, or comparable military experience and has some exposure to el...
Type: Permanent Location: Marshalltown, US-IA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:36
Your Job
Georgia-Pacific is looking for qualified professionals to be one of our Manufacturing Excellence Specialists (MES), supporting transformational improvements in our Consumer Products and Packaging and Cellulose operations.
The Manufacturing Excellence Specialist (MES) will use leadership, influence, continuous improvement methods, operating discipline, project management skills, manufacturing experience, and communication capabilities to implement or support rapid transformational improvements for priority initiatives.
Types of initiatives can be diverse but will typically improve sites' competitive position in production, cost, quality, risk reduction, and organizational effectiveness.
The success of this role will be measured in how effectively and efficiently manufacturing sites can deliver on transformation through prioritized initiatives against measured baselines and targets.
As such, MES's will need the ability and courage to coach, partner with, and effectively and constructively challenge several different levels of leadership, from senior leaders to front-line leaders, as well as front-line operating and maintenance technicians.
What You Will Do
* Support creation and deployment of improvements and standards, working with employees at all levels to help facilitate, train and track progress
* Leads and facilitates improvement teams and individual improvement projects aligned with operations priorities
* Participates hands-on as a team member, problem solving resource, or group facilitator on improvement teams as required
* Learns and practices disciplined operations / daily management systems / operational excellence tools and techniques
* Collaborates with Learning & Development, Manufacturing Excellence Leaders, and key operations stakeholders to support the development, documentation, training, sustainment and improvement of standardized work.
* Required to present, educate, train and facilitate at mfg.
* Communicate with strong written (Microsoft Outlook and Teams) and oral communication, facilitation and presentation skills
* Take risks, challenge the status quo and work under ambiguous circumstances
Who You Are (Basic Qualifications)
* Must be able to prioritize multiple projects, perform complex tasks, organize and follow through consistently and work under pressure to meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment
* Ability to influence upward, across and down without formal authority
* 5 or more years of experience working within a manufacturing or industrial setting
* Experience with driving manufacturing change against targeted initiatives (i.e., working toward the end goals of EHS Excellence; Quality, Productivity, Cost Competitiveness, and Disciplined Operations) to create value
* Willing and able to travel domestically up to 50% (M-F) with occasional weekend travel.
* Basic knowledge and experience using problem-solving and continuous ...
Type: Permanent Location: Atlanta, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-01-30 07:41:35