We are looking for a dynamic Senior Pre-sales professional to join our team in Qatar! In this role, you will leverage your technical expertise and sales acumen to support our clients in achieving their goals.
Primely Mission:
* Coordinate, lead, Technical Enablement targeting top Specifiers / EPC's in Qatar and Kuwait.
* Coordinate Channel Partner animation plan Supporting active technical Enablement.
* Engage with top targeted End users / SI's supporting DC/ 3ph/ Cooling's offers
* Engage in Project design, Solution enhancement, to Secure Must Win deals,
* Lead Project E2E quoting flow, promote One Schneider Electric offer for Data Center/ Critical Infrastructure in Qatar and Kuwait.
* Work actively with line of Business / BD's to improve offer playbook / Roadmap for Qatar and Kuwait Sub cluster need
* Deploy all solution playbook deployment relevant to Qatar and Kuwait Sub cluster
* Provide relevant support to C&SP segment major Cooling Projects
* Presales operations : Quote to Book, Solution tendering as well as lead the Prescription & Channel enablement efforts.
* Leading Presales in Qatar and Kuwait: Acting as gateway aligning Business Front office / Presales on winning Prescription strategies / partner execution strategy .
* Partner Technical support : Responsible for Quote to books process , extending support to F2F engagements , active support to projects/ Partners during advanced prescription / Prepare to bid stage.
* Support to functions : Prescription , Tender Management , Training and technical upskilling , config management activities,prescription re-bound plan,project execution excellency
Technical Coordination and Leadership:
* Proven experience in coordinating and leading technical enablement initiatives targeted at top specifiers and EPCs in Qatar and Kuwait (Qr/Kw).
* Ability to engage effectively with channel partners to develop and execute animation plans that support active technical enablement.
Client Engagement:
* Strong track record of engaging with top targeted end users and system integrators (SIs) to promote data center, three-phase, and cooling solutions.
* Experience in project design and solution enhancement aimed at securing critical deals.
Project Management:
* Demonstrated capability in leading end-to-end quoting processes for projects, promoting Schneider Electric's integrated offerings for data centers and critical infrastructure in the Qr/Kw region.
Collaboration and Improvement:
* Proven ability to work collaboratively with line of business and business development teams to enhance the offer playbook and roadmap tailored for the Qr/Kw sub-cluster.
* Experience in deploying relevant solution playbooks to ensure alignment with the needs of the Qr/Kw sub-cluster.
Support for Major Projects:
* Ability to provide relevant support to the Cooling & Services Provider (C&SP) ...
Type: Permanent Location: Doha, QA-DA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:16
Desenvolver atividades em Projetos de Sistemas de Automação, para indústrias de Óleo e Gás, Celulose e Papel, Química e Petroquímica, Geração de Energia, e alimentícias, nas seguintes fases:
* Desenvolvimento
* Configuração
* Programação
* Testes
* Comissionamento
* Startup
* Operação Assistida
Tais projetos podem ser implementados utilizando os seguintes equipamentos da Schneider Electric:
* SDCD I/A Foxboro, PLC's de Segurança da linha Triconex, HDCS / PLC's da Linha Modicon.
* Formação Técnica em Elétrica, Eletrônica, Sistemas de Informação, Tecnologia em Automação Industrial ou áreas relacionadas.
* Conhecimento de linguagens de programação
* Conhecimento de Portas Lógicas / Diagramas Lógicos
* Conhecimentos de Protocolos de comunicação de redes Industriais
* Conhecimentos de Topologias de Redes de Controle
* Conhecimentos de AutoCAD
* Conhecimentos em Ferramentas Windows, Excel, Word, MS Access entre outros
* Inglês Intermediário
Localidade: São Paulo/SP
Buscando causar um IMPACTO com a sua carreira?
Ao pensar em entrar em uma nova equipe, a cultura é importante.
Na Schneider Electric, nossos valores e comportamentos são a base para criar uma cultura de excelência que apoia o sucesso nos negócios.
Acreditamos que nossos valores IMPACT - Inclusão, Maestria, Propósito, Ação, Curiosidade, Trabalho em Equipe - começam conosco.
IMPACT também é o seu convite para se juntar à Schneider Electric, onde você pode contribuir para transformar a ambição de sustentabilidade em ações, independentemente do papel que você desempenha.
É um chamado para conectar sua carreira com a ambição de alcançar um mundo mais resiliente, eficiente e sustentável.
Estamos em busca de IMPACT Makers; pessoas excepcionais que transformam ambições de sustentabilidade em ações que cruzam a automação, eletrificação e digitalização.
Acreditamos que todos têm o potencial para ser um IMPACT Maker e os celebramos todos os dias.
Torne-se um IMPACT Maker na Schneider Electric - inscreva-se hoje!
Receita global de 36 bilhões de euros
+13% de crescimento orgânico Mais de
150.000 funcionários em mais de 100 países
#Número 1 no Global 100, as empresas mais sustentáveis do mundo
Tem de submeter uma candidatura online para ser considerada para qualquer posição connosco.
Esta posição será afixada até ser preenchida.
A Schneider Electric aspira a ser a empresa mais inclusiva e atenciosa do mundo, oferecendo oportunidades equitativas a todos, em todos os lugares, e garantindo que todos os funcionários se sintam valorizados de forma única e segura para contribuir com o seu melhor.
Refletimos a diversidade das comunidades em que atuamos, e a "inclusão" é um de nossos valores fundamentais.
Acreditamos que nossas diferenças nos tornam mais fortes como empresa e como indivíduos, e estamos com...
Type: Permanent Location: Santo Amaro, BR-BA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:15
Lust IMPACT Maker zu werden?
Möchtest du deine Karriere im Bereich Human Resources auf das nächste Level bringen? Wir suchen einen talentierten Senior HR Business Partner w/m/d, der unser Industrial Automation Geschäft in der DACH-Region unterstützt und ca.
280 Mitarbeiter an verschiedenen Standorten betreut.
Wenn du langjährige Erfahrung in internationalen Konzernen mitbringst und nach neuen beruflichen Herausforderungen suchst, dann freuen wir uns darauf, Dich kennenzulernen!
Deine To Dos:
* Berate Führungskräfte und Teammitglieder in HR-Prozessen wie Performance- und Compensation-Management, um Talente bestmöglich zu fördern und zu belohnen.
* Arbeite an wegweisenden lokalen und globalen HR-Projekten, indem du mit Teams vor Ort und weltweiten Interessengruppen zusammenarbeitest, um die Zukunft unserer Organisation mitzugestalten.
* Sei die Brücke zwischen der globalen Organisation und den lokalen Teams, indem Du berätst und koordinierst, um eine effektive Zusammenarbeit zu gewährleisten.
* Gestalte eine konstruktive Partnerschaft mit Betriebsräten, um eine positive und vertrauensvolle Arbeitsbeziehung zu fördern.
* Bringe Dich aktiv in die Einführung globaler HR-Prozesse und Konzernprogramme ein, einschließlich der Verhandlung lokaler Betriebsvereinbarungen, um eine nachhaltige Organisationsentwicklung zu unterstützen.
Für mehr Informationen zu der Arbeit als HR Business Partner, geht's hier entlang: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzEhZORS9Ow
Unser Angebot
* Arbeit mit Sinn! Wir sind eine Green Company mit Verantwortungs- und Nachhaltigkeitsbewusstsein
* Innovation: Wir arbeiten nicht nur am Puls der Zeit - wir gestalten ihn mit
* Ein Job mit Zukunft: Bei uns kannst Du deine Karriere langfristig planen und Dich nach eigenen Wünschen weiterentwickeln
* Du kannst Deine Arbeit flexibel einteilen, sodass genug Zeit für Deine Familie oder Hobbys bleibt
Dein Profil
* Abgeschlossenes Studium mit Schwerpunkt Personal, idealerweise mit Zusatzqualifikationen wie einer Coachingausbildung
* Mehrjährige Erfahrung als HR Business Partner in einem internationalen Unternehmen.
Idealerweise vorherige Erfahrung in der Beratung mit gutem gesamtunternehmerischem Blick aus technischem Umfeld
* Umfassendes Wissen über arbeits-, betriebsverfassungsrechtliche und sozialversicherungsrechtliche Fragestellungen
* Erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit dem Betriebsrat durch starke Durchsetzungsfähigkeit
Meaningful, Inclusive, Empowered:
Kein Mensch ist makellos und nicht alle Karrierewege verlaufen gleich.
Wichtig ist, dass wir den Willen haben zu lernen und uns weiterzuentwickeln.
Denn wir wissen, dass Karriere auch bedeutet, seine Stärken erst mal finden zu müssen.
Bewirb Dich jetzt, selbst wenn Du (noch) nicht alle Voraussetzungen erfüllst.
Wir freuen uns darauf, Dich kennen zu lernen!
Dein nächster Schritt - bewerben natürlich!
Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung über ...
Type: Permanent Location: Düsseldorf, DE-NW
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:15
Situé à 5 km du centre de Grenoble, notre service R&D est dédié à la gestion technique de nos offres sur le marché, en collaboration avec divers sites de production en Europe et à l'international.
Chez Home & Distribution, nous travaillons sur des appareillages pour le résidentiel et les bâtiments (coffrets électriques, disjoncteurs, parafoudres, prises, interrupteurs, etc.), des produits destinés à protéger les alimentations électriques, ainsi que des produits pour monitorer et contrôler la consommation électrique.
Notre équipe a pour mission de maintenir un niveau de qualité et d'exigence élevé pour ces produits.
Vous intégrerez l'équipe Sustainability and engineering Data.
Rattaché aux équipes R&D, vous contribuerez aux missions suivantes :
* Développer et mettre en Åuvre une stratégie de communication interne sur l'Ecodesign et la donnée environnementale pour l'équipe Engineering Home & Distribution Europe.
* Soutenir la communication des équipes R&D en organisant des événements favorisant les échanges et la cohésion.
* Créer et diffuser des contenus engageants (présentations, vidéos, newsletters, articles intranet) pour valoriser les réalisations des équipes techniques.
* Proposer des axes d'amélioration, créer des tutoriels pour les outils informatiques utilisés par nos équipes et créer des modèles et guides de communications.
Contrat : Alternance de 12 à 24 mois à partir de septembre 2025
Localisation : Site Electropole basé à Eybens (Grenoble - 38)
Profil recherché
Diplôme visé : Bac+4/5 Master Communication
* Autonome, créatif et force de proposition
* Maitrise de Microsoft 365, Canva, Suite Adobe, des compétences en montage vidéo sont un plus
* Niveau d'anglais avancé (oral et écrit)
* Bonnes capacités rédactionnelles et de synthèse
* Intérêt pour l'innovation et les produits techniques
* Une expérience professionnelle en communication est requise
En intégrant Schneider Electric en tant qu'Alternant, en plus d'une expérience professionnelle et personnelle enrichissante, vous bénéficierez :
* D'un package salarial attractif et compétitif : salaire supérieur au minimum légal, intéressement et participation, prime de réussite à l'examen de 1000â¬
* D'une participation aux frais de transport en commun à hauteur de 75%
* D'une aide à la mobilité : en fonction de votre situation d'éloignement, nous vous proposons une participation aux frais de transport (train/avion/voiture/bus) ou frais kilométriques ou une aide " double résidence " jusqu'à 550⬠par mois
* D'autres avantages :
* un accès au restaurant d'entreprise ou ticket restaurant pour les sites ne disposant pas de restaurant d'entreprise,
* un accompagnement à la mobilité internationale si obligatoire dans le cursus,
* 5 jours de congés " préparation aux examens " rémunÃ...
Type: Permanent Location: EYBENS, FR-ARA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:14
What will you do?
• Responsible for Methods & Maintenance function in an entity.
Areas of expertise: SPS, process design, ergonomics, capacity, simulation tools, investment, cost analysis, performance etc...).
• Hierarchical responsibilities with associated people management & budgetary accountability.
Strongly contributing to leading continuous improvement actions for the site.
• Exercise hierarchical responsibilities and/or functional for heterogeneous teams in terms of technology and/or business (employment type) within the professional field to guarantee the performance of industrial processes (DT,IE, OEE, TTP ...)
• Ensure management of service methods/maintenance in a unit and/or a specialized group (competencies pole in a specific technology)
• Manage their team according to SPS / SIM rules and cycle event of the plant
• Be responsible for people management including goal setting, performance management, competency development, recognition, engagement, well-being.
• Manage all Product & Process SPS techniques (Plant Layout, LADM, Ergonomics, ...)
• Ensure the maintainability of the production tool by implementing the TPM and associated skills
• Manage continuous improvement concerning line architectures, capacities, capability, time referential
• Identify the full potentials for medium- and long-term improvements in all areas (lean diagnosis approach)
• Manage retrofit and renewal of production means (tools & machines) in link with Industrial Deployment Team as well as implementation of new ones
• Define the organization to implement for new project (or increase / decrease volume of production) to optimize DVC & MBC costs
• Guide the choice of designers by providing industrial and logistical requirements
What qualifications will make you successful?
• Bachelor's Degree in ME, IE, EE, or related field; Master's Degree desired.
• Management and leadership in a manufacturing environment
• 8+ years of experience in engineering & maintenance.
• Experience in the application of Lean Manufacturing methodologies, certification a plus
Schneider Electric offers a robust benefits package to support our employees, including things such as flexible work arrangements, paid family leave, 401(k)+ match, company stock option purchase+ match, and much more.
Click here to find out more about working with us: http://se.com/us/careers .
We seek out and reward people for embracing diverse perspectives; delivering the highest quality innovations; aspiring to build a sustainable future for everyone; getting things done with accountability, speed, integrity, and always with the customer in mind; thinking deeply and differently, challenging the status quo and learning every day; and achieving together, collaborating with trust and openness.
We're recognized around the world for welcoming people as they are.
We create an inclusive culture where all forms of diversity are seen as a real value for Schneider Electric.
Who will y...
Type: Permanent Location: Columbia, US-SC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:14
Lust IMPACT Maker zu werden?
Möchtest du deine Karriere im Bereich Human Resources auf das nächste Level bringen? Wir suchen einen talentierten Senior HR Business Partner w/m/d, der unser Industrial Automation Geschäft in der DACH-Region unterstützt und ca.
280 Mitarbeiter an verschiedenen Standorten betreut.
Wenn du langjährige Erfahrung in internationalen Konzernen mitbringst und nach neuen beruflichen Herausforderungen suchst, dann freuen wir uns darauf, Dich kennenzulernen!
Deine To Dos:
* Berate Führungskräfte und Teammitglieder in HR-Prozessen wie Performance- und Compensation-Management, um Talente bestmöglich zu fördern und zu belohnen.
* Arbeite an wegweisenden lokalen und globalen HR-Projekten, indem du mit Teams vor Ort und weltweiten Interessengruppen zusammenarbeitest, um die Zukunft unserer Organisation mitzugestalten.
* Sei die Brücke zwischen der globalen Organisation und den lokalen Teams, indem Du berätst und koordinierst, um eine effektive Zusammenarbeit zu gewährleisten.
* Gestalte eine konstruktive Partnerschaft mit Betriebsräten, um eine positive und vertrauensvolle Arbeitsbeziehung zu fördern.
* Bringe Dich aktiv in die Einführung globaler HR-Prozesse und Konzernprogramme ein, einschließlich der Verhandlung lokaler Betriebsvereinbarungen, um eine nachhaltige Organisationsentwicklung zu unterstützen.
Für mehr Informationen zu der Arbeit als HR Business Partner, geht's hier entlang: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzEhZORS9Ow
Unser Angebot
* Arbeit mit Sinn! Wir sind eine Green Company mit Verantwortungs- und Nachhaltigkeitsbewusstsein
* Innovation: Wir arbeiten nicht nur am Puls der Zeit - wir gestalten ihn mit
* Ein Job mit Zukunft: Bei uns kannst Du deine Karriere langfristig planen und Dich nach eigenen Wünschen weiterentwickeln
* Du kannst Deine Arbeit flexibel einteilen, sodass genug Zeit für Deine Familie oder Hobbys bleibt
Dein Profil
* Abgeschlossenes Studium mit Schwerpunkt Personal, idealerweise mit Zusatzqualifikationen wie einer Coachingausbildung
* Mehrjährige Erfahrung als HR Business Partner in einem internationalen Unternehmen.
Idealerweise vorherige Erfahrung in der Beratung mit gutem gesamtunternehmerischem Blick aus technischem Umfeld
* Umfassendes Wissen über arbeits-, betriebsverfassungsrechtliche und sozialversicherungsrechtliche Fragestellungen
* Erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit dem Betriebsrat durch starke Durchsetzungsfähigkeit
Meaningful, Inclusive, Empowered:
Kein Mensch ist makellos und nicht alle Karrierewege verlaufen gleich.
Wichtig ist, dass wir den Willen haben zu lernen und uns weiterzuentwickeln.
Denn wir wissen, dass Karriere auch bedeutet, seine Stärken erst mal finden zu müssen.
Bewirb Dich jetzt, selbst wenn Du (noch) nicht alle Voraussetzungen erfüllst.
Wir freuen uns darauf, Dich kennen zu lernen!
Dein nächster Schritt - bewerben natürlich!
Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung über ...
Type: Permanent Location: Düsseldorf, DE-NW
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:13
What will you do?
• Responsible to Lead the Analysis, Action Generation and execute critical customer experience strategies enhancing the order to delivery process with clear, measurable outcomes
• Generate insights from customer NSSoD surveys and sentiment using the Medallia tool
• Responsibility for Country-Level action plan documentation
• Willing to stretch beyond core functional domain as needed to support most critical initiatives
• Work closely with fellow CDX Experts to deliver quality and value-added services to the business.
• Must be very pro-active and responsive to business requests.
• demonstrates a strong passion and knowledge of our customer segments, personas, and markets, with high learning agility and drive to solve complex customer facing problems working through key stakeholders and business partners
• Ability to identify opportunities for investment to drive customer experience while achieving business results
What qualifications will make you successful?
• Bachelor's Degree in Business, Computer Science, Supply Chain, Logistics or equivalent
• Excellent presentation and communication skills
• 4+ years of combined experience in Commercial Operations, Planning, Logistics, Quality or Warehouse Operations
• Working knowledge of key business processes: Transportation, Distribution Center Operations, Inbound/Outbound Processes, Customs
• Knowledgeable about our customer personas and basic customer touchpoints
• Knowledgeable in WM Picking, Packing, Shipping (Manhattan & Oracle)
• Help business to improve efficiency and productivity
• Process-driven mindset, Lean/Six Sigma trained or certified & experience with 8D a plus.
• Experience designing, documenting and improving standardized work.
• Analytics knowledge is a plus
• 20% traveling expected within NAM
Schneider Electric offers a robust benefits package to support our employees, including things such as flexible work arrangements, paid family leave, 401(k)+ match, company stock option purchase+ match, and much more.
Click here to find out more about working with us: http://se.com/us/careers .
We seek out and reward people for embracing diverse perspectives; delivering the highest quality innovations; aspiring to build a sustainable future for everyone; getting things done with accountability, speed, integrity, and always with the customer in mind; thinking deeply and differently, challenging the status quo and learning every day; and achieving together, collaborating with trust and openness.
We're recognized around the world for welcoming people as they are.
We create an inclusive culture where all forms of diversity are seen as a real value for Schneider Electric.
Who will you report to?
Customer Experience Director
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you a...
Type: Permanent Location: Dallas, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:13
En tant que Responsable Formation au sein de notre entreprise, vous aurez pour mission de développer les compétences clés nécessaires à la compétitivité de notre entreprise.
Les offres dont vous aurez la responsabilité sont :
* Les offres santé sécurité pour le territoire
* Les offres digitales pour le territoire
Vous serez le spoc de l'organisation GSC pour accompagner sur le territoire le développement des compétences et vous préparerez avec le spoc GSC France la partie formation de la commission GEPP.
Vous ferez de la politique formation un atout majeur de la promesse employeur au service du développement de chacun.
Et vous serez chargé(e) d'accélérer l'acquisition de nouvelles compétences, tout en assurant le transfert d'expertises.
Principales Responsabilités :
* Concevoir, développer et déployer des actions de formation en lien avec la stratégie business du groupe.
Conseiller et accompagner les leaders et experts à définir un programme de développement adapté et impactant pour adresser les besoins de compétences à développer dans leurs équipes/communautés.
Être l'expert et le garant des solutions pédagogiques proposées.
* Gérer un portefeuille de formation, analyser et évaluer la pertinence de l'offre, assurer le suivi et analyser l'impact des formations proposées, recueillir les évaluations et analyser les données pour identifier les tendances et faire évoluer le catalogue d'offres.
* Promouvoir les programmes auprès de la communauté managériale, des RH et des collaborateurs, guider et conseiller les managers et collaborateurs dans la sélection de l'offre de formation la plus appropriée.
* Animer des communautés de formateurs internes ou d'apprenants, animer des sessions de formation sur son portefeuille.
Identifier, former, développer, faciliter le partage d'expériences des formateurs internes sur son périmètre.
Accompagner les apprenants pour renforcer leur engagement et le transfert de leurs apprentissages dans leur quotidien
* Être le point d'entrée des académies globales pour déployer les programmes et être le porte-parole en France vis-à-vis de ces mêmes académies.
Assurant la promotion et la localisation des offres des académies globales pour leur déploiement en France.
Interagir régulièrement avec les académies sur les besoins identifiés en France et participer au co-design d'offres.
* Coordonner les actions des équipes learning services basées en Pologne pour la planification des sessions et le bon déploiement des besoins remontés au plan de formation.
Piloter avec des indicateurs pertinents le déploiement des programmes clés
Compétences Requises :
* Excellentes compétences en communication et en relations interpersonnelles.
* Compétences analytiques et appétence pour les datas pour définir les compétences à développer, les besoins en formation et élaborer des plans de formation adaptés.
Type: Permanent Location: RUEIL MALMAISON, FR-92
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:12
What will you do?
• Responsible to Lead the Analysis, Action Generation and execute critical customer experience strategies enhancing the order to delivery process with clear, measurable outcomes
• Generate insights from customer NSSoD surveys and sentiment using the Medallia tool
• Responsibility for Country-Level action plan documentation
• Willing to stretch beyond core functional domain as needed to support most critical initiatives
• Work closely with fellow CDX Experts to deliver quality and value-added services to the business.
• Must be very pro-active and responsive to business requests.
• demonstrates a strong passion and knowledge of our customer segments, personas, and markets, with high learning agility and drive to solve complex customer facing problems working through key stakeholders and business partners
• Ability to identify opportunities for investment to drive customer experience while achieving business results
What qualifications will make you successful?
• Bachelor's Degree in Business, Computer Science, Supply Chain, Logistics or equivalent
• Excellent presentation and communication skills
• 4+ years of combined experience in Commercial Operations, Planning, Logistics, Quality or Warehouse Operations
• Working knowledge of key business processes: Transportation, Distribution Center Operations, Inbound/Outbound Processes, Customs
• Knowledgeable about our customer personas and basic customer touchpoints
• Knowledgeable in WM Picking, Packing, Shipping (Manhattan & Oracle)
• Help business to improve efficiency and productivity
• Process-driven mindset, Lean/Six Sigma trained or certified & experience with 8D a plus.
• Experience designing, documenting and improving standardized work.
• Analytics knowledge is a plus
• 20% traveling expected within NAM
Schneider Electric offers a robust benefits package to support our employees, including things such as flexible work arrangements, paid family leave, 401(k)+ match, company stock option purchase+ match, and much more.
Click here to find out more about working with us: http://se.com/us/careers .
We seek out and reward people for embracing diverse perspectives; delivering the highest quality innovations; aspiring to build a sustainable future for everyone; getting things done with accountability, speed, integrity, and always with the customer in mind; thinking deeply and differently, challenging the status quo and learning every day; and achieving together, collaborating with trust and openness.
We're recognized around the world for welcoming people as they are.
We create an inclusive culture where all forms of diversity are seen as a real value for Schneider Electric.
Who will you report to?
Customer Experience Director
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you a...
Type: Permanent Location: Mechanicsburg, US-PA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:11
What will you do?
• Responsible to Lead the Analysis, Action Generation and execute critical customer experience strategies enhancing the order to delivery process with clear, measurable outcomes
• Generate insights from customer NSSoD surveys and sentiment using the Medallia tool
• Responsibility for Country-Level action plan documentation
• Willing to stretch beyond core functional domain as needed to support most critical initiatives
• Work closely with fellow CDX Experts to deliver quality and value-added services to the business.
• Must be very pro-active and responsive to business requests.
• demonstrates a strong passion and knowledge of our customer segments, personas, and markets, with high learning agility and drive to solve complex customer facing problems working through key stakeholders and business partners
• Ability to identify opportunities for investment to drive customer experience while achieving business results
What qualifications will make you successful?
• Bachelor's Degree in Business, Computer Science, Supply Chain, Logistics or equivalent
• Excellent presentation and communication skills
• 4+ years of combined experience in Commercial Operations, Planning, Logistics, Quality or Warehouse Operations
• Working knowledge of key business processes: Transportation, Distribution Center Operations, Inbound/Outbound Processes, Customs
• Knowledgeable about our customer personas and basic customer touchpoints
• Knowledgeable in WM Picking, Packing, Shipping (Manhattan & Oracle)
• Help business to improve efficiency and productivity
• Process-driven mindset, Lean/Six Sigma trained or certified & experience with 8D a plus.
• Experience designing, documenting and improving standardized work.
• Analytics knowledge is a plus
• 20% traveling expected within NAM
Schneider Electric offers a robust benefits package to support our employees, including things such as flexible work arrangements, paid family leave, 401(k)+ match, company stock option purchase+ match, and much more.
Click here to find out more about working with us: http://se.com/us/careers .
We seek out and reward people for embracing diverse perspectives; delivering the highest quality innovations; aspiring to build a sustainable future for everyone; getting things done with accountability, speed, integrity, and always with the customer in mind; thinking deeply and differently, challenging the status quo and learning every day; and achieving together, collaborating with trust and openness.
We're recognized around the world for welcoming people as they are.
We create an inclusive culture where all forms of diversity are seen as a real value for Schneider Electric.
Who will you report to?
Customer Experience Director
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you a...
Type: Permanent Location: Boston, US-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:10
What will you do?
• Responsible to Lead the Analysis, Action Generation and execute critical customer experience strategies enhancing the order to delivery process with clear, measurable outcomes
• Generate insights from customer NSSoD surveys and sentiment using the Medallia tool
• Responsibility for Country-Level action plan documentation
• Willing to stretch beyond core functional domain as needed to support most critical initiatives
• Work closely with fellow CDX Experts to deliver quality and value-added services to the business.
• Must be very pro-active and responsive to business requests.
• demonstrates a strong passion and knowledge of our customer segments, personas, and markets, with high learning agility and drive to solve complex customer facing problems working through key stakeholders and business partners
• Ability to identify opportunities for investment to drive customer experience while achieving business results
What qualifications will make you successful?
• Bachelor's Degree in Business, Computer Science, Supply Chain, Logistics or equivalent
• Excellent presentation and communication skills
• 4+ years of combined experience in Commercial Operations, Planning, Logistics, Quality or Warehouse Operations
• Working knowledge of key business processes: Transportation, Distribution Center Operations, Inbound/Outbound Processes, Customs
• Knowledgeable about our customer personas and basic customer touchpoints
• Knowledgeable in WM Picking, Packing, Shipping (Manhattan & Oracle)
• Help business to improve efficiency and productivity
• Process-driven mindset, Lean/Six Sigma trained or certified & experience with 8D a plus.
• Experience designing, documenting and improving standardized work.
• Analytics knowledge is a plus
• 20% traveling expected within NAM
Schneider Electric offers a robust benefits package to support our employees, including things such as flexible work arrangements, paid family leave, 401(k)+ match, company stock option purchase+ match, and much more.
Click here to find out more about working with us: http://se.com/us/careers .
We seek out and reward people for embracing diverse perspectives; delivering the highest quality innovations; aspiring to build a sustainable future for everyone; getting things done with accountability, speed, integrity, and always with the customer in mind; thinking deeply and differently, challenging the status quo and learning every day; and achieving together, collaborating with trust and openness.
We're recognized around the world for welcoming people as they are.
We create an inclusive culture where all forms of diversity are seen as a real value for Schneider Electric.
Who will you report to?
Customer Experience Director
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you a...
Type: Permanent Location: Athens, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:10
What will you do?
• Responsible to Lead the Analysis, Action Generation and execute critical customer experience strategies enhancing the order to delivery process with clear, measurable outcomes
• Generate insights from customer NSSoD surveys and sentiment using the Medallia tool
• Responsibility for Country-Level action plan documentation
• Willing to stretch beyond core functional domain as needed to support most critical initiatives
• Work closely with fellow CDX Experts to deliver quality and value-added services to the business.
• Must be very pro-active and responsive to business requests.
• demonstrates a strong passion and knowledge of our customer segments, personas, and markets, with high learning agility and drive to solve complex customer facing problems working through key stakeholders and business partners
• Ability to identify opportunities for investment to drive customer experience while achieving business results
What qualifications will make you successful?
• Bachelor's Degree in Business, Computer Science, Supply Chain, Logistics or equivalent
• Excellent presentation and communication skills
• 4+ years of combined experience in Commercial Operations, Planning, Logistics, Quality or Warehouse Operations
• Working knowledge of key business processes: Transportation, Distribution Center Operations, Inbound/Outbound Processes, Customs
• Knowledgeable about our customer personas and basic customer touchpoints
• Knowledgeable in WM Picking, Packing, Shipping (Manhattan & Oracle)
• Help business to improve efficiency and productivity
• Process-driven mindset, Lean/Six Sigma trained or certified & experience with 8D a plus.
• Experience designing, documenting and improving standardized work.
• Analytics knowledge is a plus
• 20% traveling expected within NAM
Schneider Electric offers a robust benefits package to support our employees, including things such as flexible work arrangements, paid family leave, 401(k)+ match, company stock option purchase+ match, and much more.
Click here to find out more about working with us: http://se.com/us/careers .
We seek out and reward people for embracing diverse perspectives; delivering the highest quality innovations; aspiring to build a sustainable future for everyone; getting things done with accountability, speed, integrity, and always with the customer in mind; thinking deeply and differently, challenging the status quo and learning every day; and achieving together, collaborating with trust and openness.
We're recognized around the world for welcoming people as they are.
We create an inclusive culture where all forms of diversity are seen as a real value for Schneider Electric.
Who will you report to?
Customer Experience Director
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you a...
Type: Permanent Location: Raleigh, US-NC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:09
What will you do?
• Responsible to Lead the Analysis, Action Generation and execute critical customer experience strategies enhancing the order to delivery process with clear, measurable outcomes
• Generate insights from customer NSSoD surveys and sentiment using the Medallia tool
• Responsibility for Country-Level action plan documentation
• Willing to stretch beyond core functional domain as needed to support most critical initiatives
• Work closely with fellow CDX Experts to deliver quality and value-added services to the business.
• Must be very pro-active and responsive to business requests.
• demonstrates a strong passion and knowledge of our customer segments, personas, and markets, with high learning agility and drive to solve complex customer facing problems working through key stakeholders and business partners
• Ability to identify opportunities for investment to drive customer experience while achieving business results
What qualifications will make you successful?
• Bachelor's Degree in Business, Computer Science, Supply Chain, Logistics or equivalent
• Excellent presentation and communication skills
• 4+ years of combined experience in Commercial Operations, Planning, Logistics, Quality or Warehouse Operations
• Working knowledge of key business processes: Transportation, Distribution Center Operations, Inbound/Outbound Processes, Customs
• Knowledgeable about our customer personas and basic customer touchpoints
• Knowledgeable in WM Picking, Packing, Shipping (Manhattan & Oracle)
• Help business to improve efficiency and productivity
• Process-driven mindset, Lean/Six Sigma trained or certified & experience with 8D a plus.
• Experience designing, documenting and improving standardized work.
• Analytics knowledge is a plus
• 20% traveling expected within NAM
Schneider Electric offers a robust benefits package to support our employees, including things such as flexible work arrangements, paid family leave, 401(k)+ match, company stock option purchase+ match, and much more.
Click here to find out more about working with us: http://se.com/us/careers .
We seek out and reward people for embracing diverse perspectives; delivering the highest quality innovations; aspiring to build a sustainable future for everyone; getting things done with accountability, speed, integrity, and always with the customer in mind; thinking deeply and differently, challenging the status quo and learning every day; and achieving together, collaborating with trust and openness.
We're recognized around the world for welcoming people as they are.
We create an inclusive culture where all forms of diversity are seen as a real value for Schneider Electric.
Who will you report to?
Customer Experience Director
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you a...
Type: Permanent Location: Franklin, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:09
SETBT, Systèmes Equipements Tableaux Basse Tension, est une usine dynamique à taille humaine située à proximité de Rennes.
Véritable centre d'expertise mondiale spécialisé dans l'ingénierie d'offre et la réalisation de tableaux Basse Tension, SETBT est une usine innovante capable de transformer les idées audacieuses de nos clients en réalité.
En tant qu'alternant.e Supply Chain & Achats vous serez rattaché.e à la responsable des Opérations (Production et Supply Chain), vous rejoindrez le service Supply Chain composé d'une dizaine de gestionnaires de flux et de transport.
Vous participerez activement à la collecte et à l'analyse des informations relatives à la gestion des approvisionnements.
Dans ce cadre, vos principales missions seront les suivantes :
* Réaliser des analyses de consommations de certaines familles de composants critiques en production pour pouvoir ajuster les paramétrages d'articles (exemple : filerie)
* Améliorer les prévisions fournisseurs en captant l'information des projets dès la phase d'offre et le SIOP, et mettre en place une routine pour les inclure systématiquement dans les prévisions fournisseurs
* Digitalisation des moyens de consultations sur les familles d'achats critiques (tôlerie, sous-traitance) et mise en place d'outils de configuration pour la réalisation des devis,
* Être force de proposition sur les aspects environnementaux pour réduire nos émissions en lien avec nos fournisseurs, aider au développement des offres circulaires, à la réduction des déchets et à l'utilisation de l'acier zéro carbone.
* Participer au pilotage de la performance fournisseur, participer aux plans d'actions fournisseurs
* Déplacements possible avec accompagnement chez les fournisseurs
Ce poste vous permettra de :
* Développer votre expérience sur des sujets tels que la digitalisation de processus
* Vous former sur SAP
* Travailler en collaboration avec les différents services de l'usine mais aussi les différentes équipes et usines (Europe, Asie, Inde...)
* Acquérir une expertise globale dans la Supply Chain/Achats/gestion de projets.
Contrat : Alternance 1 à partir de Septembre 2025
Localisation : Chartres-de-Bretagne, à proximité de Rennes (35)
Profil recherché
Diplôme visé en alternance : Bac +5
Spécialisation : Supply Chain / Achats / Management
* Première expérience dans le domaine de la Supply Chain et/ou Achat, production, fabrication, distribution, bureau d'études techniques (stage, alternance, emploi...) est un plus
* Langues : Français et anglais confirmé
* Logiciels : pack Office, Power BI (optionnel)
* Connaissance de l'ERP SAP (optionnel)
* Force de proposition, organisation, curiosité, rigueur, autonomie
En intégrant Schneider Electric en Alternance, en plus d'une expérience professionnelle et personnelle enrichissante, vous bénéficierez :
Type: Permanent Location: CHARTRES DE BRETAGNE, FR-35
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:08
#ZR-CTCome Join our Brookdale Carmel Team!Beautiful 56 Apartment Free Standing Memory Care Community!Recognized by Newsweek in 2024 and 2025 as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for DiversityHungry for a sales role where your work will make a meaningful difference? Join our team! At Brookdale, you will find opportunities that recognize your success and help advance your career.Our most successful sales managers can earn membership and bonus opportunities in our high-performance clubs: Presidents Club, Chairmans Club, and Chairmans Club Elite.About the Sales Manager PositionAs a Sales Manager at Brookdale, you will be a:Guide for families and older adults - Youll be the boots on the ground both inside and outside our community, helping older adults navigate the sales journey from interest to move-in.Team player - Youll work with local professionals and volunteers to generate professional referral leads from medical, financial, and legal professionals; religious leaders; and other local businesses and organizations.Partner - Youll partner with leadership to develop and execute sales and marketing plans to meet or exceed community revenue and occupancy goals.Brookdale supports our Sales associates through:3-week on-boarding & orientation program featuring in-depth instruction in Brookdales unique approach to sales, the systems to help you be successful, one-on-one coaching with your District Director, ongoing monthly continuing education for knowledge growth, and customized tools designed to help you best market your community for your unique geographic area.Opportunity to apply for tuition reimbursement to support your professional sales and leadership skills developmentNetwork of almost 675 communities in 41 statesThis is a great opportunity for a strong sales leader looking to take the next step in their professional career or for an experienced Sales Manager looking to join a reputable mission and purpose-driven organization where you can make a contribution.Qualifications & Skills Wed love to talk if you have the following:Bachelors Degree in Marketing, Business, or related field preferred or equivalent combination of experience and education requiredValid drivers licenseMinimum of 2 years relevant and recent sales experience.
Senior Living experience preferredStrong working knowledge of technology, proficiency in Microsoft office suite, and electronic documentationEnriching lives...Together.At Brookdale, relationships and integrity are the heart of our culture.
Do you want to be a part of a welcoming and inclusive community where residents and associates thrive? Our cornerstones of passion, courage, partnership and trust drive everything we do and come to life every day.
If this speaks to you, come join our award winning teamHow to ApplyApply online here or on our Career site, https://careers.brookdale.com/en.htmlMake Lives Better Including Your Own.If you want to work in an environment where you can become your best possible self, join ...
Type: Permanent Location: Carmel, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:07
Schneider Electric has an opportunity for a Security Operations Application Engineer in our Lyndhurst, NJ location.
Join our talented and high performing engineering team to become a part of designing and deploying integrated physical security and IT systems that enable buildings of the future to be safe and secure.
What do you get to do in this position?
* Review project plans and specifications, budgets, and proposals to understand project scope and participate in the creation of a project deliverable plan
* Create hardware design packages utilizing latest engineering standards, AutoCAD and Visio software and design coordination
* Participate in the design coordination effort with various internal and external teams to resolve any items that impact the design - functionality, aesthetics and configuration - and deployment - installation, procurement and commissioning - of security and IT systems being deployed
* Team up with the field engineers to drive project to a successful completion by supporting the field engineers as the lead technical expert, assisting with project coordination and with material procurement
* Team up with the IT engineers to drive software and network coordination on the projects
* Analyze change of scope documents and provide change order cost estimates to the project manager
* Partner with project managers throughout the project lifecycle to deliver excellence in project execution
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
This role does not support sponsorship and requires work authorization within the United States.
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you are thinking about joining a new team, culture matters.
At Schneider Electric, our values and behaviors are the foundation for creating a great culture to support business success.
We believe that our IMPACT values - Inclusion, Mastery, Purpose, Action, Curiosity, Teamwork - starts with us.
IMPACT is also your invitation to join Schneider Electric where you can contribute to turning sustainability ambition into actions, no matter what role you play.
It is a call to connect your career with the ambition of achieving a more resilient, efficient, and sustainable world.
We are looking for IMPACT Makers; exceptional people who turn sustainability ambitions into actions at the intersection of automation, electrification, and digitization.
We celebrate IMPACT Makers and believe everyone has the potential to be one.
Become an IMPACT Maker with Schneider Electric - apply today!
€36 billion global revenue
+13% organic growth
150 000+ employees in 100+ countries
#1 on the Global 100 World's most sustainable corporations
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Schneider Electric aspires to be the most inclusive and...
Type: Permanent Location: Lyndhurst, US-NJ
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:06
Manages the day-to-day clinical services of a more complex community to ensure residents healthcare needs are met.
Ensures residents are treated with respect and dignity and ensures quality care as residents healthcare needs change.
Supervises and provides leadership, as well as coaching, to licensed nurses and other direct care staff within the community.
May be responsible for leading additional clinical leadership team up to five members.
The HWD level for each community is determined based on the total complexity of the role.
Complexity criteria include, but are not limited to, factors such as size, type of product lines, medication management regulations, 90-day assessment requirements, multiple licensure requirements, state regulatory complexity, and skilled services requiring an RN.#ZR-CNRecognized by Newsweek in 2024 and 2025 as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for DiversityAbout the Director of Nursing PositionAs Director of Nursing at Brookdale, you will utilize your leadership qualities to inspire, lead and manage the overall operation of the clinical team to provide the highest quality of care and services for our residents.
You will proactively build relationships with residents, families, physicians and other healthcare providers for the coordination of exceptional personalized care.
You will consistently collaborate with community leadership, mentor and engage your associates and build resident and family satisfaction.Brookdale supports our Nurse Leaders through:Structured six-week orientation, a wealth of online resources, local nurse mentors and ongoing collaborative support.Tuition reimbursement to support your clinical expertise and leadership skills development.Network of almost 700 communities in 40 states to support you should relocation be in your future.This is a great opportunity for a strong nurse leader looking to take the next step in their professional career or for an experienced Director of Nursing looking to join a reputable mission and purpose-driven organization where you can make a contribution.Qualifications & SkillsEducation as required to obtain state nursing license and state nursing license (LPN/LVN or RN)Drivers licenseMinimum of 3 years relevant experience, and Clinical leadership experience preferred.Strong working knowledge of technology, proficiency in Microsoft office suite and electronic documentation.Visit careers.brookdale.com to learn more about Brookdales culture, see our full list of benefits and find other available job opportunities.Enriching lives...Together.
At Brookdale, relationships and integrity are the heart of our culture.
Do you want to be a part of a welcoming and inclusive community where residents and associates thrive? Our cornerstones of passion, courage, partnership and trust drive everything we do and come to life every day.
If this speaks to you, come join our award winning team.Make Lives Better Including Your Own.If you want to work in an environment where you can bec...
Type: Permanent Location: Voorhees, US-NJ
Salary / Rate: 101345
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:06
Leader responsible for the communitys daily operations, associate relations, resident and resident family engagement and connection, financial performance, and regulatory compliance.
Creates and executes the business plan and develops the team to become a preferred senior living community in the market, while growing revenue and profitability in partnership with the district team.
Works with sales to drive sales results.
Creates an inclusive community culture that provides high quality resident experiences and care and engages residents, families, and associates.Is responsible for all operations within the community, interacting with staff and residents, prospects, or their family members or representatives, as necessary; builds and maintains strong working relationships with management team.In connection with the district team, develops and implements business plan to become a preferred senior living community in the local market and creates, analyzes, and executes annual operating and capital budgets; reviews and manages community performance against goals; sets plans to improve or maintain performance to Company service and financial standards.Acts as a hands-on leader who supervises, directs, and motivates community staff; provides assistance as needed.
Encourages teamwork and collaboration and cultivates an inclusive community culture.
Ensures community maintains appropriate staffing levels to meet the needs of residents and in accordance with applicable legal requirements.Attracts, develops, engages, and retains associates in accordance with Company policies.
Responsible for recruiting and hiring high quality and engaged associates and ensuring they are appropriately trained and developed to meet the needs of residents.
Reviews promotions, development plans, disciplinary actions, and termination decisions ensuring consistency in the selection and retention of quality associates.
Analyzes trends in recruiting, turnover, and retention to continually improve community performance.Builds high degree of resident satisfaction and retention.
Is responsible for maintaining positive resident relations and is accessible and approachable to residents and their families.
Is proactive in solving problems and resolving issues with support from district leaders.
Leads efforts to leverage satisfied residents and families to grow community occupancy.
Partners with the Resident Council as necessary.
Administers resident satisfaction and other surveys and works with district team to create plan to address opportunities for improvement in resident satisfaction, experience, and engagement.For assisted living or memory care communities, creates collaborative relationship with community clinical leader to ensure communitys care and services are appropriate to meet the needs of residents.
Oversees resident services including the admission process, healthcare management, and maintenance of resident documentation to ensure high quality services and compliance wit...
Type: Permanent Location: Carmel, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:05
Oversees and directs the sales efforts for multiple communities and products within district, major markets, networks and stand-alone communities.
Responsible and accountable for meeting and exceeding the occupancy and revenue goals.
Supports the professional development of community sales associates and provides coaching related to selling skills, pipeline management and sales execution.
Fosters a strong sales performance culture across the district.Successfully manages sales performance within the assigned district.
Monitors occupancy trends and ensures execution of sales activities by team members.
Leads district alignment around competitive positioning and marketing plans.
Achieves and exceeds all occupancy and revenue goals for assigned district.Leads and develops the team of community sales associates and business development professionals within the district.
Oversees creation of district business development and lead generation plans, ensuring coordination between communities to provide optimum results without duplication of resources.Assists in interviewing and hiring of all sales staff in their portfolio of communities.
Actively partners with Training and Development, Human Resources, and Operations in the recruitment, hiring, evaluating, and disciplining of all sales positions within the district.Ensures effective onboarding of new sales hires, in partnership with Training and Development and Human Resources.
Actively monitors skill and knowledge growth of new hires during onboarding period.
Works to support achievement of professional growth milestones for new sales hires.Oversees completion of the marketing plan and budget for the district.
Partners with the marketing team in the development and modification of near and long-range community marketing plans and budgets by providing competitor information, data and feedback.
Develops sales plans that align to the marketing activities and achieve desired objectives.Assesses local markets and competitive positioning within assigned district and makes pricing and incentive/discounting recommendations.Monitors sales performance expectations and gaps at the community and district level.
Reviews and analyzes sales reporting/dashboards on a daily, weekly and monthly basis to ensure accuracy and to identify performance improvement opportunities.
Coaches sales team members of appropriate actions in response to performance issues.Assesses the knowledge, skills and abilities of sales staff on an ongoing basis.
Coordinates regular skill training and reinforcement to address gaps and opportunities.
Conducts coaching observations of sales team members to evaluate sales behaviors and skills.Visits each community within district on a scheduled basis and as approved by Division Director of Sales or VP Sales.
Partners with on-site sales teams and Executive Directors in the execution of the sales and lead generation programs and strategies to achieve and maintain full occupancy.Interacts with Clinical...
Type: Permanent Location: Lubbock, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:05
Leads the day-to-day operations of a larger community of 60-65 units and two product lines or 65-175 units with up to two product lines.
Is responsible for the communitys associate relations, resident and resident family engagement and connection, financial performance, and regulatory compliance.
Creates and executes the business plan and develops the team to become a preferred senior living community in the market, while growing revenue and profitability in partnership with the district team.
Works with sales to drive sales results.
Creates an inclusive community culture that provides high quality resident experiences and care and engages residents, families, and associates.Responsible for all operations within the community, interacting with staff and residents, prospects, or their family members or representatives, as necessary.Develops and implements business plan to become a preferred senior living community in the local market and creates, analyzes, and executes annual operating and capital budgets; manages community performance against goals; sets plans to improve or maintain performance to Company service and financial standards.Builds and maintains strong working relationships with management team and encourages teamwork and collaboration; cultivates an inclusive community culture.
Empowers department leaders to supervise, direct, and motivate staff and to proactively recognize and solve issues.
Holds department leaders accountable for department performance.
Provides assistance to leaders and staff as needed.
Ensures community maintains appropriate staffing levels to meet the needs of residents and in accordance with applicable legal requirements.Supports department leaders to attract, develop, engage, and retain associates in accordance with Company policies.
Responsible for recruiting and hiring high quality and engaged associates and ensuring they are appropriately trained and developed to meet the needs of residents.
Reviews promotions, development plans, disciplinary actions, and termination decisions ensuring consistency in the selection and retention of quality associates.
Analyzes trends and implements strategies to reduce turnover and increase retention.Builds high degree of resident satisfaction and retention.
Is responsible for maintaining positive resident relations and is accessible and approachable to residents and their families.
Is proactive in solving resident problems and resolving issues.
Leads effort to leverage satisfied residents and families to grow community occupancy; executes renewal program with existing residents.
Partners with Resident Council as necessary.
Administers resident satisfaction and other surveys and works with department leaders and district team to create plan to address opportunities for improvement in resident satisfaction, experience, and engagement.For assisted living or memory care communities, ensures collaborative relationship with community clinical leader to ensure communitys care a...
Type: Permanent Location: Corpus Christi, US-TX
Salary / Rate: 101300
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:04
Leader responsible for the communitys daily operations, associate relations, resident and resident family engagement and connection, financial performance, and regulatory compliance.
Creates and executes the business plan and develops the team to become a preferred senior living community in the market, while growing revenue and profitability in partnership with the district team.
Works with sales to drive sales results.
Creates an inclusive community culture that provides high quality resident experiences and care and engages residents, families, and associates.Is responsible for all operations within the community, interacting with staff and residents, prospects, or their family members or representatives, as necessary; builds and maintains strong working relationships with management team.In connection with the district team, develops and implements business plan to become a preferred senior living community in the local market and creates, analyzes, and executes annual operating and capital budgets; reviews and manages community performance against goals; sets plans to improve or maintain performance to Company service and financial standards.Acts as a hands-on leader who supervises, directs, and motivates community staff; provides assistance as needed.
Encourages teamwork and collaboration and cultivates an inclusive community culture.
Ensures community maintains appropriate staffing levels to meet the needs of residents and in accordance with applicable legal requirements.Attracts, develops, engages, and retains associates in accordance with Company policies.
Responsible for recruiting and hiring high quality and engaged associates and ensuring they are appropriately trained and developed to meet the needs of residents.
Reviews promotions, development plans, disciplinary actions, and termination decisions ensuring consistency in the selection and retention of quality associates.
Analyzes trends in recruiting, turnover, and retention to continually improve community performance.Builds high degree of resident satisfaction and retention.
Is responsible for maintaining positive resident relations and is accessible and approachable to residents and their families.
Is proactive in solving problems and resolving issues with support from district leaders.
Leads efforts to leverage satisfied residents and families to grow community occupancy.
Partners with the Resident Council as necessary.
Administers resident satisfaction and other surveys and works with district team to create plan to address opportunities for improvement in resident satisfaction, experience, and engagement.For assisted living or memory care communities, creates collaborative relationship with community clinical leader to ensure communitys care and services are appropriate to meet the needs of residents.
Oversees resident services including the admission process, healthcare management, and maintenance of resident documentation to ensure high quality services and compliance wit...
Type: Permanent Location: Findlay, US-OH
Salary / Rate: 86900
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:04
Keeping our communities running in top-notch condition requires the skills of an experienced maintenance technician.
Maintaining the interior and exterior of community buildings and grounds is a great career for the individual who likes working with their hands and tools.
Our residents will appreciate your services as you keep public and private living areas up to expectations in accordance with current federal, state and local regulations and company policies.Early Access to Paycheck with Earned Wage Access is available for Hourly Associates\r\nMake Lives Better Including Your Own.\r\nIf you want to work in an environment where you can become your best possible self, join us! Youll earn more than a paycheck; you can find opportunities to grow your career through professional development, as well as ongoing programs catered to your overall health and wellness.\r\nPart Time Benefits Eligibility\r\n\r\n Medical, Dental, Vision insurance\r\n 401(k)\r\n Associate assistance program\r\n Employee discounts\r\n Referral program\r\n Early access to earned wages\r\n Optional voluntary benefits including ID theft protection and pet insurance\r\n\r\nBase pay in range will be determined by applicants skills and experience.
Role is also eligible for team based bonus opportunities.\r\nVeterans, transitioning active duty military personnel, and military spouses are encouraged to apply.\r\nPlease note, Brookdale is committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations regarding mandatory COVID-19 vaccination.\r\nTo support our associates in their journey to become a U.S.
citizen, Brookdale offers to advance fees for naturalization (Form N-400) application costs, up to $725, less applicable taxes and withholding, for qualified associates who have been with us for at least a year.The application window is anticipated to close within 30 days of the date of the posting.
Type: Permanent Location: Hoffman Estates, US-IL
Salary / Rate: 20.625
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:03
Responsible for managing and leading prompt, thorough investigations of alleged workplace misconduct including, but not limited to, allegations of workplace harassment, discrimination, retaliation, and wage and hour violations.
Ability to analyze sophisticated information, develop valid fact-based conclusions using a variety of resources and techniques, and present findings in a clear and concise manner both verbally and in writing to all levels of management and leadership.Conduct prompt and thorough investigations of alleged workplace misconduct.
Ensure investigations are completed in an objective manner and brought to a logical conclusion.
Ability to concisely explain the rationale for conclusions and recommendations.Conduct thorough, professional, and efficient interviews of individuals accused of misconduct, witnesses, and reporting persons to obtain key facts for proper decision-making.Analyze and evaluate complex information from multiple sources, including witness statements and other evidence, to make credibility determinations and fact-based conclusions.Provide clear and well-written communications and documentation, including thorough and accurate case synopses to be delivered to leadership.
Properly document, store, and maintain records of investigations.Review and evaluate investigation records completed by community and above-community leaders to assess objectivity, fact-finding methods, and any information still required for closure.
Prepare thorough written synopsis of each investigation and input synopsis into case management system.Exercise discretion and sound professional judgment to maintain confidentiality of investigations and to timely escalate concerns to the correct levels of leadership.Develop and maintain a professional working relationships with diverse stakeholders across the organization to facilitate a collaborative consensus on outcomes.Manage, and frequently work in the case management system, through which Integrity Line calls and web based reports are received.
Update and maintain information about the calls/reports into the system.Utilize HR systems such as HRIS, timekeeping, labor management, and other systems in the research and investigation of associate allegations.This job description represents an overview of the responsibilities for the above referenced position.
It is not intended to represent a comprehensive list of responsibilities.
An associate should perform all duties as assigned by his/her supervisor.Recognized by Newsweek in 2024 and 2025 as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for DiversityMake Lives Better Including Your Own.
If you want to work in an environment where you can become your best possible self, join us! Youll earn more than a paycheck; you can find opportunities to grow your career through professional development, as well as ongoing programs catered to your overall health and wellness.
Full suite of health insurance, life insurance and retirement plans are available and vary ...
Type: Permanent Location: Brentwood, US-TN
Salary / Rate: 60000
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:03
Job SummaryIn alignment with Brookdales Resident and Family Engagement philosophy, plans, coordinates and facilitates a calendar of person centered dementia friendly programs that meet specific needs of each and all residents within the dementia care community.
Provides person centered programs while engaging residents in meaningful and purposeful dementia care programs within the Brookdale community enhancing their quality of life.
Recognizes individual abilities and needs while encouraging independence and ensuring resident habits, historical routines, interests and preferences are honored in the provision of care and programming.Essential FunctionsDesigns a 7 day a week person centered program that is engaging, creative and meets the needs and interests of the individual residents.
Promotes and engages residents in the 7 domains of well-being programs in a dementia friendly structured environment; including sensory focused small group programming for residents who cannot participate in a larger group setting.Develops a monthly calendar, in partnership with residents, based on residents shared interests.
Ensures person centered special events and daily path programs are scheduled and executed as scheduled.Ensures dementia care programs are in compliance with Brookdale Excellence Standards Tool (BEST), Divisional Dementia Care Site visit tool, state, federal, and other regulations and meet Brookdales mission, policies, procedures and dementia care standards as assigned by the Executive Director.Collaborates with community leadership educating & providing resources to families and associates regarding Alzheimers disease and other dementias.
This includes how to engage residents and lead programs on an ongoing basis.
This includes facilitating and coordinating dementia focused in-services and or events for families or computer based and situation specific training for associates including Understanding Alzheimers & Dementia Care (UADC), as required by Brookdale.May provide direct supervision of Clare Bridge Program Assistant/s, as required by Executive Director, which includes assisting with hiring, coaching, and counseling program assistant associate and conducting the documenting corrective action, as needed.
Completes job performance evaluations.
May act in supervisory capacity in absence of Manager or Executive Director.Collaborates with community leadership in planning, coordinating, appropriately decorating, and participating in special events including holidays, signature programs, National Walk to End Alzheimers, family socials, educational and marketing events.Reports changes in residents overall health to clinical partner, including changes in behavior; takes actions to address concerns in a timely manner and collaborates with the team in exploring approaches and interventions to address behavioral expressions.Oversees social media content to ensure alignment with Brookdales culture, brand, and social media guidance and Brookdale stan...
Type: Permanent Location: Maryville, US-TN
Salary / Rate: 17.23
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:01
Provides marketing support services to the sales staff to ensure the timely administration of sales and marketing efforts.Provides marketing support to the community in accordance with marketing and business plans.
Utilizes sales processes, systems, and forms for sales to perform job duties, track information, compile data and reports, and meet or exceed community revenue goals.
Provides administrative support for the Sales Department.
Attends daily sales meetings.Communicates daily with community sales leader and other key associates regarding the status of all prospective move-ins.
Utilizes the sales systems to record pre-residency steps and to facilitate communication.Serves as liaison between new resident and community by coordinating the move-in process for new residents in an efficient and welcoming manner, as needed.
Ensures paperwork completion, including PPOC (Physician Plan of Care), residence preparation, mover scheduling, community support.
Sets up pendants, keys, mailboxes, cable, and coordinates storage for new residents.Coordinates with maintenance and operations on unit turn over (UTOs) and maintains unit availability listings for the sales team.
Works with community sales leader to identify units to be made ready for sales pipeline.Assists community sales leader in scheduling and executing on events including lead generation and lead advancement events and maintaining and organizing RSVP lists for events.Ensures sales office is stocked with marketing information and move-in packets.
May request and order marketing materials through company systems.Represents the community and increases awareness through participation in outside events, professional groups, and community involvement as directed by the community sales leader.
Uses relevant community knowledge and research to assist in planning, coordinating, and implementing monthly prospect and/or referral source activities and events as specified by the community marketing plan and community sales leader.May answer phone calls, serve as a backup for Sales, and log leads in SMS according to UP system.Maintains office "hot board" and prepares data for weekly and monthly reports.
Provides sales performance information to community sales leader.Maintains working knowledge of the lead management system and uses to develop reports.
Inputs sales and marketing activities, as directed, in a timely manner and according to systems standards.
Ensures accurate information is input into systems (e.g., Artiva, SMS, etc.).This job description represents an overview of the responsibilities for the above referenced position.
It is not intended to represent a comprehensive list of responsibilities.
An associate should perform all duties as assigned by his/her supervisor.Recognized by Newsweek in 2024 and 2025 as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for DiversityMake Lives Better Including Your Own.
If you want to work in an environment where you can become your best possible self, join us! Youll...
Type: Permanent Location: Fort Myers, US-FL
Salary / Rate: 19.14
Posted: 2025-03-08 07:17:01