Au sein de la Direction Industrielle d'Hermès Manufacture de Métaux, vous intégrerez en tant qu'Assistant Qualité une équipe composée de quatre personnes.
Soit, un Coordinateur Développement en support des sites, une personne en Charge de la Coordination Qualité Fournisseur et Production, une personne dédiée à la Qualité Client et Qualité Développement et enfin un Expert en Chimie des Matériaux.
Aussi, l'équipe travaille de concert avec le laboratoire, lui-même composé de trois techniciens et d'une alternante.
Stage de 6 mois conventionné à temps plein, à pourvoir à partir de Septembre 2025 .
Basé à Fontenay-sous-Bois.
(Accessible RER A)
Missions principales :
* Formaliser le manuel d'assurance qualité fournisseur
* Assurer la Quotation pour la surveillance Fournisseur (afin d'identifier les audits et leurs priorisations)
* Participer à la mise en place des outils nécessaires à la mise en place de la gestion des MASTERS
* Mise en place de la base de données
* Mise en place de KPIS
Profil du candidat :
* Issu d'une Ecole d'Ingénieurs Bac +4 / Bac +5
* Maîtrise de l'anglais
* Maîtrise d'Excel, de Power Point, de Power BI
* Connaissances des procédés de fabrication et / ou de mécanique
* Connaissances en lecture de plan, évaluation et cartographie statistique
* Disposer du Permis B est un atout
* Posséder une prise de recul en faisant preuve de pédagogie et de recul
* Avoir un esprit de synthèse
* Être force de proposition
* Avoir l'esprit d'équipe
* Faire preuve d'ouverture d'esprit et de curiosité
Employeur responsable, nous nous engageons dans l'éthique, les diversités et l'inclusion, rejoignez l'aventure humaine d'Hermès !
Merci d'envoyer votre candidature (CV et lettre de motivation) en précisant vos disponibilités pour ce stage.Créateur, artisan et marchand d'objets de haute qualité, Hermès est, depuis 1837, une maison française, familiale et indépendante qui emploie près de 20 000 collaborateurs dans le monde.
Animé par un esprit d'entreprendre continu et une exigence constante, Hermès cultive la liberté et l'autonomie de chacun grâce à un management responsable.
L'entreprise perpétue la transmission de savoir-faire d'exception par un ancrage territorial fort dans le respect des hommes et de la nature - source de matières d'exception.
Quinze métiers artisanaux irriguent la créativité de la maison dont les collections rayonnent dans plus de 300 magasins dans le monde.
Type: Permanent Location: FONTENAY SOUS BOIS, FR-94
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:16
Hermès Distribution France, réseau retail France composé de 21 magasins répartis sur le territoire français (15 succursales et 6 concessionnaires) et d'un site e-commerce, regroupe un peu plus de 1000 collaborateurs.
Le/la Responsable Ressources Humaines fait partie de la Direction des Ressources Humaines d'Hermès Distribution France.
L'équipe RH est composée d'un pôle recrutement, d'un pôle développement RH et HSE, de l'Ecole des Artisans de la Vente et d'un pôle RH opérationnel.
Le/la Responsable Ressources Humaines fait partie de la Direction des Ressources Humaines d'Hermès Distribution France.
Le Responsable des Ressources Humaines (Magasins de la Riviera, de l'Ouest et de la zone Rhin-Rhône) rapporte au DRH d'Hermès France et fonctionnellement aux Directions des magasins dont il/elle est le/la RRH.
Il/elle est en charge en particulier de la gestion des ressources humaines des collaborateurs des magasins dont il a la responsabilité et gère un certain nombre de sujets transversaux pour l'ensemble de la division.
Le poste est localisé 24, Faubourg Saint-Honoré - Paris 8ème
Contexte :
Le/la RRH accompagnera les magasins et les équipes de nombreuses zones géographiques différentes :
* La Riviera avec les magasins de Monaco, Saint-Tropez, Cannes et Saint-Barthélémy
* La zone Rhin-Rhône avec les magasins de Strasbourg, Lyon, Aix-en-Provence et Marseille
* La zone Ouest avec les magasins de Bordeaux, Biarritz et de Nantes
En complément de ses activités RH sur ces trois entités, le/la RRH travaillera en étroite collaboration avec les trois autres RRH de la Division (les deux RRH des magasins parisiens ainsi que la RRH des équipes Structure/Hauts de France/Nord) ainsi qu'avec les équipes du développement RH et de l'Ecole des artisans de la Vente.
Missions principales :
Le/la RRH travaille en étroite collaboration avec le directeur du magasin et l'ensemble de l'équipe managériale.
Il/elle participe aux différentes réunions de l'encadrement et son action soutient l'activité et les projets du magasin.
Il/elle encadre une Chargée de Ressources Humaines qui l'accompagne au quotidien sur ses périmètres sur les sujets administratifs, paie et SIRH.
En véritable partenaire de l'activité, il/elle soutient et conseille les managers dans leur rôle.
Il/elle participe aux projets d'organisation de son périmètre et est force de proposition.
Développement RH
* Il/elle pilote le processus d'évaluation et la revue des rémunérations du magasin,
* Il/elle s'assure de la gestion des carrières des équipes et développe la polyvalence et l'employabilité
* Il/elle collabore avec le Responsable du développement RH pour les projets de développement des équipes (revue des talents, besoin de coaching, école de vente)
Pilotage de l'activité RH
* Il/elle assure les recrutements du magasin, définit les priorités de formation et accompagne/soutient le Dir...
Type: Permanent Location: PARIS, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:16
Le Pôle Qualité Matières d'Hermès Maroquinerie-Sellerie est un service transverse, qui intervient à la fois auprès des sites de production et des fournisseurs, pour garantir le plus haut niveau de qualité des matières utilisées dans la confection de pièces de maroquinerie et de selles.
Au sein de la Direction Qualité Matière, dans la Direction Technique et Qualité d'Hermès Maroquinerie sellerie.
Le stagiaire est rattaché au Chef de Projet Amélioration Continue.
Il apporte son soutien à l'ensemble de l'équipe Qualité.
Il intervient de manière transversale auprès de nombreux acteurs : Métier, Qualité, Experts, Maroquineries, Pôle Industrialisation, Contrôle interne, Supply, Tanneurs.
Stage de 6 mois conventionné à temps plein, à pourvoir à partir de Septembre 2025 .
Basé àPantin.
(Accessible Métro Ligne 5 et RER).
Principales missions
Accompagner les processus de gestion de validation matière en pilotant ces activités :
Gérer les essais de validation matières sur produits finis :
* S'assurer de la clarté de la demande, et de la précision des objectifs
* Rassembler et aligner les différents acteurs sur les objectifs
* Lancer les fabrications des produits, coordonner la réalisation, et conduire à la décision
Animer de façon robuste et réactive les tests au porter réalisés par les équipes Qualité Matière
Participer aux processus de gestion des alertes qualité :
Accompagner le Chef de projet Amélioration Continue dans la coordination des alertes qualité dans un but de réactivité et d'efficacité de la collaboration :
* S'assurer de la précision de la caractérisation : le défaut, le périmètre, l'impact potentiel
* Participer aux déplacements en maroquineries pour assurer le lien et la coordination auprès des sites de fabrication
* Assurer une communication précise, synthétique, donnant du sens aux actions
* Gère le traitement informatique de l'alerte et l'analyse des données
* Participe à la construction du dossier et l'argumentaire pour les équipes juridiques, en cas de litige avec le fournisseur
Accompagner le Chef de Projet Amélioration Continue dans une démarche Lean Qualité pour traiter les alertes qualité et développer l'agilité du service :
* Améliorer ces flux pour une appropriation simple et efficace par les utilisateurs
* Mettre en place les outils pour rendre accessible les informations aux personnes qui en ont besoin et pour développer l'autonomie des acteurs
Profil du candidat
* Etudiant de Formation Bac +5 (Cuir, Chimie, Matériaux, Ingénierie), vous possédez une première expérience en entreprise (Qualité) et en gestion de projet
* Capacité à fédérer une équipe, à donner du sens, du rythme à la collaboration
* Excellente communication écrite et orale
* Exigence, capacité à challenger
* Organisé, capacité à prioriser, et à suivre plusieurs projets et analyses en...
Type: Permanent Location: PANTIN, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:15
Hermès Horizons est l'entité du Groupe Hermès dédiée au développement, à la production et à la commercialisation de projets sur-mesure.
Ces projets couvrent aussi bien des métiers traditionnels d'Hermès (Maroquinerie, Soie, Art de Vivre, ) que les nouveaux territoires des moyens de transport (grands projets-air, terre, mer).
Dans le cadre du développement de nos projets, commande spéciales et collections, le stagiaire est amené à travailler en lien étroit avec les équipes design, Gestion de projets, Atelier, Logistique et les fournisseurs.
Stage de 6 mois à pourvoir à pourvoir à partir de Septembre 2025 .
Basé à Pantin.
(Accessible Métro Ligne 5 et RER)
Principales missions
* Participer au développement technique des nouveaux projets et collections :
* Définir les cahiers des charges fonctionnels et techniques des produits
* Suivre la faisabilité des projets et rechercher des solutions alternatives
* Conceptualiser et réaliser des pièces 3D et de plans 2D
* Préparer et participer aux réunions de développement produits et collections
* Être en support dans la définition des éléments de contrôle qualité des articles
* Assurer la formalisation d'une spécification produit après validation de la présérie
* Coordonner avec l'atelier et les partenaires du flux, des prototypes et des préséries
* Concourir à l'élaboration du référentiel Qualité :
* Contribuer à la formalisation de cahiers des charges et spécifications qualité
* S'assurer de la bonne transmission des documents de contrôle
Profil du candidat
* Etudiant en Ecole d'Ingénieur, vous bénéficiez idéalement d'une première expérience en développement technique, dans un environnement à forte contrainte technique ;
* Être capable de mener simultanément plusieurs projets (avec des typologies de projets très variée), en lien étroit avec des nombreuses équipes pluridisciplinaires
* Posséder une forte sensibilité technique, produit et finition avec un intérêt particulier pour les produits à très forte valeur ajoutée
* Maîtriser des logiciels CAO (Solidworks, Autocad) et du pack Office (Word, Powerpoint)
* Avoir un niveau d'anglais courant
* Être dynamique et enthousiaste, avec une aisance relationnelle
Employeur responsable, nous nous engageons dans l'éthique, les diversités et l'inclusion, rejoignez l'aventure humaine d'Hermès !
Merci d'envoyer votre candidature (CV et lettre de motivation) en précisant vos disponibilités pour ce stage.Créateur, artisan et marchand d'objets de haute qualité, Hermès est, depuis 1837, une maison française, familiale et indépendante qui emploie près de 20 000 collaborateurs dans le monde.
Animé par un esprit d'entreprendre continu et une exigence constante, Hermès cultive la liberté et l'autonomie de chacun grâce à un management responsable.
L'entreprise perpétue la transmis...
Type: Permanent Location: PANTIN, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:15
Le Pôle Qualité Matières d'Hermès Maroquinerie-Sellerie est un service transverse, qui intervient à la fois auprès des sites de production et des fournisseurs, pour garantir le plus haut niveau de qualité des matières utilisées dans la confection de pièces de maroquinerie et de selles.
Le Pôle Qualité Matières a pour rôle d'assurer la qualité des cuirs, textiles et composants techniques en vie série.
Stage de 6 mois conventionné à temps plein, à pourvoir à partir de Septembre 2025 .
Basé à Pantin.(Accessible Métro Ligne 5 et RER)
Principales missions
* Support à l'analyse et traitement des non-conformités en utilisant des outils 8D, 5P, Ishikawa
* Support de RQ pour les analyses et sécurisation des articles lors des alertes
* Accompagner les fournisseurs dans les analyses de risques dans le cadre d'un changement
* Suivi des plans de progrès pour améliorer la performance qualité
* Mise en place et suivi des outils qualité chez nos partenaires
* Participation au déploiement de l'assurance qualité fournisseur
* Suivi des inventaires de l'équipe qualité
Profil du candidat
* Etudiant en Ecole d'Ingénieur type Bac +5 avec une spécialisation en cuir, mécanique ou matériaux
* Être curieux avec de grandes capacités d'analyse et de rigueur
* Être pédagogue et à l'écoute
* Être un bon communicant, avec un sens du détail et une sensibilité matière t
* Être pragmatique
* Être attiré par le terrain
* Avoir des connaissances en programmation / VBA serait un plus
Employeur responsable, nous nous engageons dans l'éthique, les diversités et l'inclusion, rejoignez l'aventure humaine d'Hermès !
Merci d'envoyer votre candidature (CV et lettre de motivation) en précisant vos disponibilités pour ce stage.Créateur, artisan et marchand d'objets de haute qualité, Hermès est, depuis 1837, une maison française, familiale et indépendante qui emploie près de 20 000 collaborateurs dans le monde.
Animé par un esprit d'entreprendre continu et une exigence constante, Hermès cultive la liberté et l'autonomie de chacun grâce à un management responsable.
L'entreprise perpétue la transmission de savoir-faire d'exception par un ancrage territorial fort dans le respect des hommes et de la nature - source de matières d'exception.
Quinze métiers artisanaux irriguent la créativité de la maison dont les collections rayonnent dans plus de 300 magasins dans le monde.
Type: Permanent Location: PANTIN, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:14
Hermès est le nom d'une Maison, mais c'est avant tout celui d'une famille qui, depuis bientôt deux siècles, écrit l'histoire d'une entreprise parisienne fondée sur le savoir-faire et la qualité, la tradition et l'innovation.
Harnacheur puis sellier, Hermès déploie aujourd'hui sa créativité à travers 16 métiers.
Les maîtres mots sont restés les mêmes : exigence et authenticité, élégance et sobriété, fantaisie et audace.
Maison familiale indépendante qui poursuit sa tradition artisanale française, Hermès crée, vend et fabrique des objets beaux, utiles et durables.
L'entreprise rassemble plus de 20 000 collaborateurs dans 50 pays et 60 filiales, tous artisans à leur manière et engagés dans le projet à long terme de la Maison.
Le Pôle ADM IDO (Accessoires De Mode, Internet Des Objets), entité d'Hermès Maroquinerie Sellerie, développe 2 collections par an (printemps-été / automne-hiver), soit environ 150 nouveaux produits en cuir par an, dont la fabrication est répartie sur une dizaine de fournisseurs.
Nous cherchons un stagiaire pour rejoindre l'équipe qualité du pôle ADM-IDO, constituée des responsables qualité sur nos matières et produits finis.
Il sera rattaché au Responsable Qualité Produit Finis du pôle ADM-IDO.
Des déplacements ponctuels pourront être prévus à Lyon (Saint-Priest), chez les fournisseurs ou sites de maroquinerie.
Stage de 6 mois conventionné à temps plein, à pourvoir à partir de Septembre 2025 .
Basé à Pantin.
(Accessible Métro Ligne 5 et RER)
Principales missions
Assister les Responsables Qualité du Pôle, en particulier sur la gestion de projets transverses
Qualification des nouveautés
* Participer aux analyses de risques
* Etablir les plans de tests associés en collaboration avec les équipes projets
* Gérer les tests
+ Collecter les produits à tester
+ Lancer les demandes de devis, les tests et suivre le planning
+ Gérer les retours et archivages des échantillons
+ Archiver les résultats
+ Animer la base de données de tests
+ Communiquer les résultats pour les prises de décision
Chantier sur les outils qualité
* Assister les Responsables Qualité Produits finis sur le projet de " Pondération "
+ Définir le niveau de criticité des défauts
+ Formaliser avec les sites les défauthèques
+ Adapter et déployer la nouvelle application pour simplifier la formalisation et l'exploitation dles audits produits finis
+ Créer ou mettre à jour les gammes de contrôle génériques
+ Participer à l'animation du Réseau Qualité Ceinture
Suivi & animation qualité des SAV & Retour Qualité
* Analyser les données communiquées par le SAV
* Identifier les actions nécessaires (améliorations continues, Plan actions sites) en vue de réduire les retours SAV
Pilotage de l'activité du service
* Construire le reporting...
Type: Permanent Location: PANTIN, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:14
La Qualité est au cœur de la stratégie de la Maison dans un contexte fortement créatif et de renouvellement permanent.
La haute joaillerie est dans une dynamique de croissance, sur des produits à forte valeur ajoutée, mobilisant des savoir-faire multiples et exigeants en termes de qualité.
Au sein de l'équipe technique, le stagiaire assistant Chef de projet Qualité Haute Joaillerie pilote les retours avant et après-vente et participe à la démarche d'assurance qualité conformément à la stratégie qualité globale définie.
Le stagiaire assistant Chef de projet Qualité Haute Joaillerie reporte au Responsable Technique ainsi qu'au chef de projet qualité.
Au quotidien, il travaille en collaboration avec :
* L'équipe technique
* Les ateliers de fabrication
* L'équipe Développement
* La logistique
* L'équipe du Service Apres Vente
* La direction des opérations
* La direction qualité
* La Direction industrielle
Stage de 6 mois conventionné à temps plein, à pourvoir à partir de Septembre 2025 .
Basé à Pantin.
(Accessible Métro Ligne 5 et RER)
Principales missions :
* Pilotage des réparations (envois, réception, délais, devis,)
* Rédaction des fiches de constat
* Proposition d'amélioration continue de l'outil de suivi
* Rédaction des modes opératoire et formalisation des flux
* Aide au suivi des plan de qualification (mise à jour des plans d'action, compte rendu des résultats qualité, test au porté pour validation ergonomique et dimensionnelle, etc)
* Assurer le suivi des pièces en laboratoire dans l'outil associé
* Proposition d'amélioration de l'existant
* Rédiger des modes opératoires d'utilisation de fichiers (utilisation du fichier envois/réceptions)
* Comprendre et cartographier les flux (DDO, COL, SAV)
Profil du candidat :
* Issu d'une Ecole d'Ingénieurs Bac +4 / Bac +5
* Connaissances mécaniques préférables (soudure, alliage, répartition des forces, )
* Méthodologie d'analyse et de résolution de problèmes
* Maîtrise d'Excel (graphiques, formules)
* Appétence pour le suivi de projet
* Très haut niveau de confidentialité
* Appétence pour les défis techniques et la résolution de problèmes
* Avoir une sensibilité produit, avoir le sens de la préciosité
* Comprendre les enjeux économiques
* Être animé par le besoin de satisfaire le client
Employeur responsable, nous nous engageons dans l'éthique, les diversités et l'inclusion, rejoignez l'aventure humaine d'Hermès !
Merci d'envoyer votre candidature (CV et lettre de motivation) en précisant vos disponibilités pour ce stage.Créateur, artisan et marchand d'objets de haute qualité, Hermès est, depuis 1837, une maison française, familiale et indépendante qui emploie près de 20 000 collaborateurs dans le mon...
Type: Permanent Location: PANTIN, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:13
Hermès est le nom d'une Maison, mais c'est avant tout celui d'une famille qui, depuis bientôt deux siècles, écrit l'histoire d'une entreprise parisienne fondée sur le savoir-faire et la qualité, la tradition et l'innovation.
Harnacheur puis sellier, Hermès déploie aujourd'hui sa créativité à travers 16 métiers.
Les maîtres mots sont restés les mêmes : exigence et authenticité, élégance et sobriété, fantaisie et audace.
Maison familiale indépendante qui poursuit sa tradition artisanale française, Hermès crée, vend et fabrique des objets beaux, utiles et durables.
L'entreprise rassemble plus de 19 000 collaborateurs, tous artisans à leur manière et engagés dans le projet à long terme de la Maison.
Au sein du Pôle Expertise, Savoir-Faire et Qualité de notre division Hermès Maroquinerie Sellerie, l'assistant responsable qualité intégrera le Pôle Qualité Petite Maroquinerie, Sacs & Bagages, avec pour mission principale de s'assurer que les produits petites maroquinerie, sacs et bagages développés et fabriqués par les maroquineries soient conformes aux exigences de la Maison Hermès.
Stage de 6 mois conventionné à temps plein, à pourvoir à partir de Septembre 2025 .
Basé à Pantin.
(Accessible Métro Ligne 5 et RER)
Principales missions
* Participer aux réunions de développement, détecter d'une façon structurée les risques qualité de chaque article et les lever à l'aide des tests laboratoire
* Animer de façon rigoureuse et réactive les tests au porter lancés par les responsables qualité PF (suivi des lancements et analyse de l'évolution du produit, de la matière, détection de dégradation anormale)
* Participer à la qualification des préséries
* Participer à la réalisation des audits de Produit Finis à l'entrepôt
* Alimenter les indicateurs qualité clé (RQ, SAV, 2ème Choix, BPC...) définissant les axes de progrès Produits, Process et Savoir-Faire
* Développer ou suivre le déploiement des outils qualité (gammes de contrôle, référentiels, méthodologies, plans d'amélioration) en collaboration avec les responsables qualité produits finis et les diffuser aux maroquineries
* Gérer les crises qualité (construire ou animer de façon robuste les plans d'actions) auprès des sites ou en interne
* Piloter et animer des groupes de travail contribuant à l'amélioration du produit
* Sécuriser la gestion du stock de produits finis en collaboration avec les responsables qualité produits finis
* Gérer des projets en lien avec l'activité du pôle en véritable chef de projets
Profil du candidat
* Etudiant(e) de Formation Bac +5 (Cuir, Chimie, Matériaux), vous possédez une première expérience en entreprise (Qualité) qui vous a permis de démontrer votre rigueur, votre logique et votre méthode
* Un e...
Type: Permanent Location: PANTIN, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:12
Au sein de la Direction du Développement Durable.
La stagiaire assistera l'équipe Développement Durable de Hermès Services Groupe.
Vous participerez pleinement à des projets en tant que membre de l'équipe.
Les thématiques de travail porteront notamment sur le climat, la performance et le management énergétique.
Les interlocuteurs internes seront principalement les équipes d'Hermès Services Groupe, la Direction du Développement Durable Groupe et les Services Généraux.
Le stagiaire sera également en contact régulier avec nos partenaires externes (cabinets de conseil, fournisseurs).
Stage de 6 mois conventionné à temps plein, à pourvoir à partir de Septembre 2025 .
Basé à Le Pré Saint Gervais
Principales missions :
* Collecter, analyser et traiter des données (indicateurs énergie, carbone et biodiversité par exemple)
* Assister l'équipe sur des projets d'analyse de données énergie et climat
* Energie/Carbone : Travailler sur le suivi de l'emprunte carbone et la coordination de plan de décarbonation
* Développement d'outils (reporting)
* Veille technique et réglementaire
* Contribuer à la rédaction de livrables
Profil du candidat :
* Etudiant en BAC+5, de formation grandes écoles, écoles d'ingénieur, master ou équivalent, avec une dominante énergie.
* Rigoureux et impliqué, vous avez l'esprit d'analyse et de synthèse et êtes bon communicant à l'écrit comme à l'oral et vous souhaitez vous investir dans un stage riche, opérationnel et formateur.
* Vous êtes reconnu pour votre curiosité et votre sens de l'écoute.
Nous apprécierons également votre autonomie et votre force de proposition.
* Vous avez une bonne maîtrise des outils Office.
Une utilisation d'outils de gestion de données techniques (en lien ou non avec l'énergie) ou d'appétence au codage informatique sera un plus.
Merci d'envoyer votre candidature (CV et lettre de motivation) en précisant vos disponibilités pour ce stage.
Employeur responsable, nous nous engageons dans l'éthique, les diversités et l'inclusion.
Rejoignez l'aventure humaine Hermès !Créateur, artisan et marchand d'objets de haute qualité, Hermès est, depuis 1837, une maison française, familiale et indépendante qui emploie près de 20 000 collaborateurs dans le monde.
Animé par un esprit d'entreprendre continu et une exigence constante, Hermès cultive la liberté et l'autonomie de chacun grâce à un management responsable.
L'entreprise perpétue la transmission de savoir-faire d'exception par un ancrage territorial fort dans le respect des hommes et de la nature - source de matières d'exception.
Quinze métiers artisanaux irriguent la créativité de la maison dont les collections rayonnent dans plus de 300 magasins dans le monde.
Type: Permanent Location: PANTIN, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:12
Hermès Parfum et Beauté est à la recherche de son.sa futur(e) stagiaire pour une durée de 6 mois, à pouvoir à partir de juillet 2025.
Le stage est basé à Paris 8ème.
Intégré(e) à l'équipe Développement des Collections Parfum, vous accompagnez un à deux chefs de produit dans leur quotidien sur l'un des territoires suivants : Féminin, Masculin, Art de Vivre (Parfums-Jardins, Les Colognes, Le Bain) et les Exclusifs.
+ Créatif : aide à la réflexion, réalisation des maquettes en lien avec les agences, propositions créatives d'outils d'aide à la vente
+ Industriel : suivi des projets avec différents services internes : Achats, Développement packaging, Formules, ; rédaction des briefs à l'usine, réalisation des documents d'exécution en coordination avec une agence ; créations de références
+ 360 (présentations internes du plan marketing) : suivi de prises de vue; aide à la construction des présentations PowerPoint
+ Analyse qualitative et quantitative des campagnes
+ Etude qualitative et quantitative de marché
+ Veille concurrentielle
+ Suivi administratif : budget
Cette description est non limitative.
Le stage est évolutif en fonction des projets et du profil du candidat.
Vous êtes étudiant(e) en Ecole de Commerce, IAE, à l'Université ou équivalent
* Une première expérience réussie de 6 mois, idéalement sur une fonction similaire (Chef de projet, Coordinateur), serait fortement appréciée.
* Le secteur de la parfumerie vous passionne
* Vous êtes curieux(se), rigoureux(se), autonome, créatif(ve)
* Votre sens du détail est prononcé et vous êtes particulièrement attaché(e) à l'esprit d'équipe
Merci d'envoyer votre candidature (CV et lettre de motivation) en précisant vos disponibilités pour ce stage.
Employeur responsable, nous nous engageons dans l'éthique, les diversités et l'inclusion, rejoignez l'aventure humaine d'Hermès !Créateur, artisan et marchand d'objets de haute qualité, Hermès est, depuis 1837, une maison française, familiale et indépendante qui emploie près de 20 000 collaborateurs dans le monde.
Animé par un esprit d'entreprendre continu et une exigence constante, Hermès cultive la liberté et l'autonomie de chacun grâce à un management responsable.
L'entreprise perpétue la transmission de savoir-faire d'exception par un ancrage territorial fort dans le respect des hommes et de la nature - source de matières d'exception.
Quinze métiers artisanaux irriguent la créativité de la maison dont les collections rayonnent dans plus de 300 magasins dans le monde.
Type: Permanent Location: PARIS, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:11
Altec offers a competitive salary that rewards performance and dedication, along with a comprehensive benefits package that includes:
* Medical, Dental, Vision and Prescription Drug Program
* Retirement 401(k) Traditional or Roth Program Options with Company Match
* Vacation and Holidays
* Parental Leave
* Short Term and Long Term Disability Leave
* Flexible Spending Accounts
* Tuition Assistance Program
* Employee Assistance and Mental Health/Substance Abuse Program
* Life Insurance, Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance
* Supplemental Insurance including Hospital Indemnity, Critical Illness and Accident Insurance
* Additional Wellness Programs and Rewards Available
Your Organization
Are you a highly motivated individual with a passion for people and results? In addition to ordering new equipment, pricing calculation, and invoicing, the successful candidate will work as a liaison between our direct sales force, customers, and vendors to oversee an excellent experience from conception to delivery.
Global Rental, an Altec subsidiary, offers rental equipment, units for sale, and access to our "Storm Fleet," providing equipment when our customers need it most.
We offer a comprehensive line of equipment for the municipal, tree care, contractor, lights and signs, telecommunications and electric utility industries.
This active fleet is consistently updated with the latest aerial devices, digger derricks, cranes and other specialty equipment for customers to rent.
This position is located in Birmingham, AL.
* Bachelor's Degree
* PC skills using Microsoft Office including Excel, Word
* Excellent written and verbal communication skills
* Analyze problems & develop solution
* Independently manage their time and tasks
* Available for overnight travel more than 5% of the time
* Engineering or technical degree
*Should the selected candidate meet the qualifications of a more experienced level in the career path, the job level may be adjusted.
Be part of a fun, collaborative team that understands the value of its team members, strives to make a lasting impact, and believes in and upholds the company values.
* Settle in with an Original Equipment Manufacturer in an Essential Industry (supporting Utilities, Tree Care, & Telecom)
* Join an industry leader.
Altec's primary products - Made in America - can be found in over 100 countries around the world.
In addition to our 8 major manufacturing facilities, Altec has three final assembly plants, 40+ service centers and an extensive network of field service technicians.
* Share your passion within a like-minded, collaborative team environment
* Maintain career focus, with growth & development encouraged within Altec
* Competitive Compensation that rewards performance
* Comprehensive Benefits including affordab...
Type: Permanent Location: Birmingham, US-AL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:11
Why Join Altec?
* On-demand access to technical support, direct parts, and engineering
* Multi-level technician career progression program
* Ongoing training on Altec equipment
* Competitive compensation that rewards performance
* Comprehensive benefits including affordable medical options, dental and vision care, matching 401(k), company-paid Basic Life, wellness programs, company events, paid vacation
* Potential to work overtime
Strong in spirit and industry knowledge, Altec mechanics are the best in the industry.
If you are a career-minded equipment mechanic seeking a cleaner, smarter work environment or a field mechanic willing and able to repair equipment vital to our nation's infrastructure, and if you are ready to join a team of 45+ service centers and a broad network of mobile technicians, then we want to meet you!
Hourly rate and potential for overtime varies relative to experience and location.
Job openings exist across the U.S.
and Canada.
Pay: $28-32/hr depending on experience and skill
Should the selected candidate meet the qualifications of a more experienced level in the career path, the job level may be adjusted.
Altec, family-owned since 1929, has the reach and resources of a large organization with the heart of a local firm.
"More than just building equipment, we also build relationships." Altec products and services can be found across the U.S.
and in over 100 countries around the world.
Safety is a primary responsibility in everything we do as is support of the Altec Company Values: Customer First - Enjoyment of Work - Family - Financial Stability - Integrity - People are our Greatest Strength - Quality - Spiritual Development - Teamwork
The Ideal Background:
* Experience with aerial devices, digger derricks, chippers, cranes; or construction, mining, farm equipment such as excavators, skid steers, dozers or tractors; or military heavy equipment such as the MRAP vehicle, HMEE, or tanks; aircraft and aerospace or ground support equipment (AGE/GSE) or similar
* Previous experience as a mechanic or technician, with a focus on heavy equipment
* Education in mechanics, electrical or hydraulic systems
The Job:
* Perform replacement of electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical components
* Utilize all technical support resources (such as operator, parts, and maintenance manuals, HowFactory, etc.) in troubleshooting, determining procedures, and identifying parts needed for repair
* Perform Unit Condition Inspections and Reports
* Maintain work area in a safe, clean, and orderly manner
* Perform all tasks in a manner fully consistent with Altec Safety practices and procedures
* Advise supervisors of situations that may impact a customer relationship
* Provide accurate and sufficient information on all required documents
* Demonstrate Altec Company Values
* All other duties as assigned
The Requirements:
* High School Diploma, state-app...
Type: Permanent Location: Smock, US-PA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:10
Why Join Altec?
* On-demand access to technical support, direct parts, and engineering
* Multi-level technician career progression program
* Ongoing training on Altec equipment
* Competitive compensation that rewards performance
* Comprehensive benefits including affordable medical options, dental and vision care, matching 401(k), company-paid Basic Life, wellness programs, company events, paid vacation
* Potential to work overtime
Strong in spirit and industry knowledge, Altec mechanics are the best in the industry.
If you are a career-minded equipment mechanic seeking a cleaner, smarter work environment or a field mechanic willing and able to repair equipment vital to our nation's infrastructure, and if you are ready to join a team of 45+ service centers and a broad network of mobile technicians, then we want to meet you!
Hourly rate and potential for overtime varies relative to experience and location.
Job openings exist across the U.S.
and Canada.
Pay: $28-32/hr depending on experience and skill
Should the selected candidate meet the qualifications of a more experienced level in the career path, the job level may be adjusted.
Altec, family-owned since 1929, has the reach and resources of a large organization with the heart of a local firm.
"More than just building equipment, we also build relationships." Altec products and services can be found across the U.S.
and in over 100 countries around the world.
Safety is a primary responsibility in everything we do as is support of the Altec Company Values: Customer First - Enjoyment of Work - Family - Financial Stability - Integrity - People are our Greatest Strength - Quality - Spiritual Development - Teamwork
The Ideal Background:
* Experience with aerial devices, digger derricks, chippers, cranes; or construction, mining, farm equipment such as excavators, skid steers, dozers or tractors; or military heavy equipment such as the MRAP vehicle, HMEE, or tanks; aircraft and aerospace or ground support equipment (AGE/GSE) or similar
* Previous experience as a mechanic or technician, with a focus on heavy equipment
* Education in mechanics, electrical or hydraulic systems
The Job:
* Perform replacement of electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical components
* Utilize all technical support resources (such as operator, parts, and maintenance manuals, HowFactory, etc.) in troubleshooting, determining procedures, and identifying parts needed for repair
* Perform Unit Condition Inspections and Reports
* Maintain work area in a safe, clean, and orderly manner
* Perform all tasks in a manner fully consistent with Altec Safety practices and procedures
* Advise supervisors of situations that may impact a customer relationship
* Provide accurate and sufficient information on all required documents
* Demonstrate Altec Company Values
* All other duties as assigned
The Requirements:
* High School Diploma, state-app...
Type: Permanent Location: Wentzville, US-MO
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:10
Create an outstanding customer experience through exceptional service.
Establish and maintain a safe and clean environment that encourages our customers to return.
Assist the department manager in reaching sales and profit goals established for the department and monitor all established quality assurance standards.
Embrace the Customer 1st strategy and encourage associates to deliver excellent customer service.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in Indiana, Jay C merged with The Kroger Company in 1999.
Today, we're proudly serving Jay C customers in 22 stores throughout the state.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Jay C family!
What you'll receive from us:
The Kroger Family of Companies offers comprehensive benefits to support your Associate Well-Being, including Physical, Emotional, Financial and more.
We'll help you thrive, with access to:
* A wide range of healthcare coverage, including affordable, comprehensive medical, dental, vision and prescription coverage, through company plans or collective bargaining agreement plans.
* Flexible scheduling in full- and part-time roles with paid time off, including holiday and sick pay based on eligibility and length of service.
* Emotional and financial support with free counseling through our Employee Assistance Program and free, confidential financial tools and coaching with Goldman Sachs Ayco.
* Valuable associate discounts on purchases, including food, travel, technology and so much more.
* Up to $21,000 in tuition reimbursement over your career, through our industry-leading Continuing Education program.
* Vast potential for growth, through an abundance of industry-leading training programs and diverse career pathways.
For more information about benefits and eligibility, please visit our Benefits Page ! Minimum
- Ability to handle stressful situations
- Knowledge of basic math (counting, addition, and subtraction)
- Effective communication skills
- Any retail experience
- Second language (speaking, reading and/or writing)- Promote trust and respect among associates
- Create an environment that enables customers to feel welcome, important and appreciated by ...
Type: Permanent Location: Charlestown, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:09
Our Company:
Altec Inc., founded in 1929, is a privately held company headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama.
Altec specializes in the manufacture, sale and service of aerial devices, digger derricks, cranes and specialty equipment for the electric utility, telecommunications, tree care, construction, and light and sign maintenance industries in more than 120 countries.
At Altec, advanced technology efforts are aimed, without exception, at helping customers work "Safer and Smarter." Altec invests more resources than any other manufacturer in the advancement of safety, reliability, uptime and low cost of ownership.
Altec specializes in the design, manufacture, sale, and service of aerial devices, digger derricks, cranes, telecom, and specialty equipment, supporting customers in over 100 countries throughout the world.
• Customer First • Enjoyment of Work • Family • Financial Stability • Integrity • People Are Our Greatest Strength • Quality • Spiritual Development • Teamwork •
To prepare, assemble and install vehicle components to required specifications for Mechanical, Hydraulic, Electrical, Unit and Finish departments.
• Use and conduct proper care of PPE.
• Read and interpret schematics (blueprints).
• Read and interpret work orders.
• Use basic hand tools such as tape measure and specialty equipment.
• Learn and operate all equipment within the work area (cell).
• Perform rework as required.
• Support APS (Altec Production System) initiatives.
May participate in RCI events.
• Willing to move to other work areas in order to support production needs.
• Install unit vehicle and/or chipper components and accessories.
• Testing of installed components.
• Basic mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and trouble shooting skills.
• Follow established safety, environmental and quality policies, procedures and practices.
• Maintain work area and shop tools/equipment.
• Maintain daily time records.
• Other job duties as assigned.
• High School Diploma/GED required.
• Ability to read, write, and comprehend required.
• Basic computer usage knowledge required.
• Ability to read tape measures, blue prints, and schematics required.
• General knowledge of at least one of the following required.
o Mechanical
o Electrical
o Manufacturing / Production processes
• None
• Ability to obtain Forklift certificate if required.
• Keep a clean work area (5S).
• Assist co-workers and group leads as needed.
• Participate in RCI events.
• Knowledge of Altec programs and/or systems.
• Shift work may be required.
Responsibility for Safety:
• Safety In everything we do
Responsibility to Prevent Errors:
• Ensures appropriate reviews have been performed as needed for high quality
Type: Permanent Location: Creedmoor, US-NC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:09
Assist the Store e-Commerce manager in managing the day-to-day operation of the store's e-Commerce department.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.MINIMUM
* Proven supervisory experience
* Ability to read shelf tags
* Basic knowledge of computers
* Excellent oral/written communication skills
* Basic math skills (i.e., counting, addition, and subtraction)
* Self-directed, ability to execute projects with minimal supervision
* Any experience in a production-oriented environment or warehouse environment, stocking shelves, or cashier experience
* Meet/exceed customer expectations for ease of shopping, variety, freshness and cleanliness
* Ensure team members are adhering to local, state and federal laws, food safety procedures and company guidelines are followed
* Perform responsibilities required of selectors and customer attendants as needed per company guidelines
* Train all functions and duties of the selector and customer attendant roles
* Act as the person in charge of the e-Commerce department when the Store e-Commerce manager is unavailable
* Assist with scheduling to meet operational and associates' needs
* Maintain the intake of customer orders and distribute and assign work to selectors and customer attendants
* Print and distribute order labels, including orders for perishable departments
* Troubleshoot e-Commerce equipment and devices
* Maintain level of supplies needed to perform necessary duties
* Maintain organization and cleanliness of staging areas and equipment
* Report pricing, scanning, item location discrepancies and invalid temperature types to the store e-Commerce manager
* Perform required opening and closing procedures
* Learn and implement process improvements as directed by division or enterprise e-Commerce team
* Provide feedback on team members daily performance and annual performance reviews
* Ability to work cooperatively in high paced and sometimes stressful environment
* Ability to manage conflict in a reasonable, nonconfrontational and cooperative manner
* Ability to act with honesty and integrity regarding customer and business information
* Ability to follow directions and seek assistance when necessary to resolve customer and business issues
* Provide support and assistance through direct interaction with minors, individuals with special needs, and/or older adults
* Must be able to perform the essential job functions of this position with or without reasonable accommodation
Type: Permanent Location: Green Bay, US-WI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:08
Create an outstanding customer experience through exceptional service.
Establish and maintain a safe and clean environment that encourages our customers to return.
Assist the department manager in reaching sales and profit goals established for the department and monitor all established quality assurance standards.
Embrace the Customer 1st strategy and encourage associates to deliver excellent customer service.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion, and safety of others.Based in Indiana, Jay C merged with The Kroger Company in 1999.
Today, we're proudly serving Jay C customers in 22 stores throughout the state.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Jay C family!
What you'll receive from us:
The Kroger Family of Companies offers comprehensive benefits to support your Associate Well-Being, including Physical, Emotional, Financial and more.
We'll help you thrive, with access to:
* A wide range of healthcare coverage, including affordable, comprehensive medical, dental, vision and prescription coverage, through company plans or collective bargaining agreement plans.
* Flexible scheduling in full- and part-time roles with paid time off, including holiday and sick pay based on eligibility and length of service.
* Emotional and financial support with free counseling through our Employee Assistance Program and free, confidential financial tools and coaching with Goldman Sachs Ayco.
* Valuable associate discounts on purchases, including food, travel, technology and so much more.
* Up to $21,000 in tuition reimbursement over your career, through our industry-leading Continuing Education program.
* Vast potential for growth, through an abundance of industry-leading training programs and diverse career pathways.
For more information about benefits and eligibility, please visit our Benefits Page ! Minimum Position Qualifications:
* Customer Service skills
* Ability to handle stressful situations
* Effective communication skills
* Knowledge of basic math (counting, addition, and subtraction)
Desired Previous Job Experience:
* Customer Service skills
* Retail experience
* Grocery Clerk helps customers discover ne...
Type: Permanent Location: Milan, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:07
Assist customers and process sales.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.From one tiny Cincinnati grocery store more than a century ago, we've grown into what today is the nation's largest grocer with nearly 2,800 stores in 35 states operating under 28 different names.
As America's grocer, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Kroger family!
What you'll receive from us:
The Kroger Family of Companies offers comprehensive benefits to support your Associate Well-Being, including Physical, Emotional, Financial and more.
We'll help you thrive, with access to:
* A wide range of healthcare coverage, including affordable, comprehensive medical, dental, vision and prescription coverage, through company plans or collective bargaining agreement plans.
* Flexible scheduling in full- and part-time roles with paid time off, including holiday and sick pay based on eligibility and length of service.
* Emotional and financial support with free counseling through our Employee Assistance Program and free, confidential financial tools and coaching with Goldman Sachs Ayco.
* Valuable associate discounts on purchases, including food, travel, technology and so much more.
* Up to $21,000 in tuition reimbursement over your career, through our industry-leading Continuing Education program.
* Vast potential for growth, through an abundance of industry-leading training programs and diverse career pathways.
For more information about benefits and eligibility, please visit our Benefits Page ! Minimum
* High school diploma or general education degree (GED); or combination of relevant education and experience
* Six months cashier experience to work at Customer Service Desk
* Minimum 18 years of age/19 years of age in Idaho/ 19 years in Alaska if selling tobacco
* Ability to pass drug test
* Ability to work in a fast-paced environment
* Ability to work weekends on a regular basis, work any shift and work overtime as needed
* Ability to organize/prioritize tasks/projects
* Accuracy/attention to detail
* Knowledge of company policies, procedures, and organizational structure
* Related retail experience
* Deliver and encourage other assoc...
Type: Permanent Location: Ronceverte, US-WV
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:07
Assist customers and process sales.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.Based in California, Ralph's merged with The Kroger Company in 1998.
Today, we're proudly serving Ralphs customers in over 180 stores throughout the state.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Ralphs family!
Qualified applications with arrest or conviction records will be considered for employment in accordance with the Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers and the California Fair Chance Act.
If you are in need of reasonable accommodation to complete a job application or to otherwise participate in the application or pre-hiring process, please call 844-849-7136 or contact the location's management.
What you'll receive from us:
The Kroger Family of Companies offers comprehensive benefits to support your Associate Well-Being, including Physical, Emotional, Financial and more.
We'll help you thrive, with access to:
* A wide range of healthcare coverage, including affordable, comprehensive medical, dental, vision and prescription coverage, through company plans or collective bargaining agreement plans.
* Flexible scheduling in full- and part-time roles with paid time off, including holiday and sick pay based on eligibility and length of service.
* Emotional and financial support with free counseling through our Employee Assistance Program and free, confidential financial tools and coaching with Goldman Sachs Ayco.
* Valuable associate discounts on purchases, including food, travel, technology and so much more.
* Up to $21,000 in tuition reimbursement over your career, through our industry-leading Continuing Education program.
* Vast potential for growth, through an abundance of industry-leading training programs and diverse career pathways.
For more information about benefits and eligibility, please visit our Benefits Page ! Minimum
* High school diploma or general education degree (GED); or combination of relevant education and experience
* Six months cashier experience to work at Customer Service Desk
* Minimum 18 years of age/19 years of age in Idaho/ 19 years in Alaska if selling tobacco
* Ability to pass drug tes...
Type: Permanent Location: Torrance, US-CA
Salary / Rate: 21.825
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:06
Create an outstanding customer experience through exceptional service.
Establish and maintain a safe and clean environment that encourages our customers to return.
Assist the department manager in reaching sales and profit goals established for the department and monitor all established quality assurance standards.
Embrace the Customer 1st strategy and encourage associates to deliver excellent customer service.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion, and safety of others.From one tiny Cincinnati grocery store more than a century ago, we've grown into what today is the nation's largest grocer with nearly 2,800 stores in 35 states operating under 28 different names.
As America's grocer, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Kroger family!
What you'll receive from us:
The Kroger Family of Companies offers comprehensive benefits to support your Associate Well-Being, including Physical, Emotional, Financial and more.
We'll help you thrive, with access to:
* A wide range of healthcare coverage, including affordable, comprehensive medical, dental, vision and prescription coverage, through company plans or collective bargaining agreement plans.
* Flexible scheduling in full- and part-time roles with paid time off, including holiday and sick pay based on eligibility and length of service.
* Emotional and financial support with free counseling through our Employee Assistance Program and free, confidential financial tools and coaching with Goldman Sachs Ayco.
* Valuable associate discounts on purchases, including food, travel, technology and so much more.
* Up to $21,000 in tuition reimbursement over your career, through our industry-leading Continuing Education program.
* Vast potential for growth, through an abundance of industry-leading training programs and diverse career pathways.
For more information about benefits and eligibility, please visit our Benefits Page ! Minimum Position Qualifications:
* Customer Service skills
* Ability to handle stressful situations
* Effective communication skills
* Knowledge of basic math (counting, addition, and subtraction)
Desired Previous Job Experience:
* Customer Service skills
* Retail experience
* Grocery Cl...
Type: Permanent Location: Auburn, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:05
Provide exceptional customer service in a safe and clean environment to ensure the customer's return visit.
Treat customers/employees in a fair and ethical manner, promoting an inclusive work environment, being a responsible member of the community, providing the right products at the right time with fair and accurate pricing.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety.From one tiny Cincinnati grocery store more than a century ago, we've grown into what today is the nation's largest grocer with nearly 2,800 stores in 35 states operating under 28 different names.
As America's grocer, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Kroger family!
What you'll receive from us:
The Kroger Family of Companies offers comprehensive benefits to support your Associate Well-Being, including Physical, Emotional, Financial and more.
We'll help you thrive, with access to:
* A wide range of healthcare coverage, including affordable, comprehensive medical, dental, vision and prescription coverage, through company plans or collective bargaining agreement plans.
* Flexible scheduling in full- and part-time roles with paid time off, including holiday and sick pay based on eligibility and length of service.
* Emotional and financial support with free counseling through our Employee Assistance Program and free, confidential financial tools and coaching with Goldman Sachs Ayco.
* Valuable associate discounts on purchases, including food, travel, technology and so much more.
* Up to $21,000 in tuition reimbursement over your career, through our industry-leading Continuing Education program.
* Vast potential for growth, through an abundance of industry-leading training programs and diverse career pathways.
For more information about benefits and eligibility, please visit our Benefits Page ! MINIMUM
* Excellent customer service skills
* Any previous comparable experience
* Create an environment that enables customers to feel welcome, important and appreciated by answering questions regarding products sold within the department and throughout the store
* Gain and maintain knowledge of products sold within the department and be able to respond to questions and make suggestions abo...
Type: Permanent Location: Oak Ridge, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:04
Create an outstanding customer experience through exceptional service.
Establish and maintain a safe and clean environment that encourages our customers to return.
Assist department manager in achieving sales and profit goals established for the department, and monitor and control all established quality assurance standards.
Work closely with the Deli/Baker Merchandising team, as well as the Deli/Bakery department to create an environment that is engaging to customers.
Demonstrate the company's core values of respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusion and safety of others.Based in Illinois, Mariano's merged with The Kroger Company in 2015.
Today, we're proudly serving Mariano's customers in over 40 stores throughout the Chicago Metro area.
As part of the Kroger family of companies, we take pride in bringing diverse teams with a passion for food and people together with one common purpose: To Feed the Human Spirit.
With a history of innovation, we work tirelessly to create amazing experiences for our customers, communities AND each other, with food at the heart of it all.
Here, people matter.
That's why we strive to provide the ingredients you need to create your own recipe for success at work and in life.
We help feed your future by providing the value and care you need to grow.
If you're caring, purpose-driven and hungry to learn, your potential is unlimited.
Whether you're seeking a part-time position or a new career path, we've got a fresh opportunity for you.
Apply today to become part of our Mariano's family!
If you are in need of reasonable accommodation to complete a job application or to otherwise participate in the application or pre-hiring process, please call 844-849-7136 or contact the location's management.
What you'll receive from us:
The Kroger Family of Companies offers comprehensive benefits to support your Associate Well-Being, including Physical, Emotional, Financial and more.
We'll help you thrive, with access to:
* A wide range of healthcare coverage, including affordable, comprehensive medical, dental, vision and prescription coverage, through company plans or collective bargaining agreement plans.
* Flexible scheduling in full- and part-time roles with paid time off, including holiday and sick pay based on eligibility and length of service.
* Emotional and financial support with free counseling through our Employee Assistance Program and free, confidential financial tools and coaching with Goldman Sachs Ayco.
* Valuable associate discounts on purchases, including food, travel, technology and so much more.
* Up to $21,000 in tuition reimbursement over your career, through our industry-leading Continuing Education program.
* Vast potential for growth, through an abundance of industry-leading training programs and diverse career pathways.
For more information about benefits and eligibility, please visit our Benefits Page ! Minimum Position Qualifications:
* Effective communic...
Type: Permanent Location: Chicago, US-IL
Salary / Rate: 17.05
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:04
Multi-Certified NDE Technician II - Tukwila, Washington
Intertek, a leading provider of quality and safety solutions to many of the world's top-recognized brands and companies, is actively seeking a Multi-Certified NDE Technician II to join our Professional Services Industries, Inc.
(Intertek-PSI) team in Seattle & Bellevue, Washington.
This is a fantastic opportunity to grow a versatile career in the architectural, engineering, and construction (A/E/C) industry.
Professional Service Industries, Inc.
(Intertek-PSI) is a leading US based provider of construction assurance, testing and inspection in civil and commercial construction.
Our broad service offering includes construction materials testing, geotechnical services, environmental engineering, industrial hygiene, and specialty testing.
What are we looking for?
The Multi-Certified NDE Technician II is responsible for setting up and calibrating equipment; interpreting and evaluating results with respect to applicable codes, standards, and specifications.
Salary & Benefits Information
In addition to competitive compensation packages, when working with Intertek you can expect benefits including medical, dental, vision, life, disability, 401(k) with company match, generous vacation / sick time (PTO), tuition reimbursement and more.
What you'll do:
* Magnetic Particle Testing (MT): Application of standard magnetic particle examinations on ferromagnetic materials utilizing yokes, prods, or coils and dry particles or wet fluorescent techniques
* Ultrasonic Testing (UT): Application of compression waves in routine thickness measurement.
(Digital readout and/or A-scan presentation)
* Be thoroughly familiar with the scope and limitations of the methods for which qualified and shall exercise assigned responsibility for on-the-job training and guidance of assigned trainees and NDE Level I personnel
* Organize and report the results of any assigned NDT
* Follow technology advancements in the Inspection/NDE field and actively pursue continuing technical education courses or seminars
This position outline is a general guideline and does not represent all encompassing details.
The position assumes that the incumbent has both the mental and physical requirements to carry out the above defined duties.
Minimum Requirements & Qualifications:
* 3+ years' experience in NDT inspection
* Prior Level II certification in MT & UT
* Knowledgeable in AWS and API Code Requirements
* Valid Driver's License and reliable driving record
* Must be able to apply examination criteria in accordance with applicable standards/specifications/procedures on the provided job scopes and evaluate test results
* Maintain open lines of communication with coworkers, clients, and subcontractors
* Ability to organize and report test results and send information to the office for data processing
* Ability to solve technical issues in the field
* Must be able to wo...
Type: Permanent Location: Tukwila, US-WA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:03
2025 Construction Services Summer Intern - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Intertek, a leading provider of quality and safety solutions to many of the world's top-recognized brands and companies, is actively seeking a highly motivated Construction Services Intern for Summer 2025 to join our Professional Services Industries, Inc.
(Intertek-PSI) team in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
This is a fantastic opportunity to learn a versatile skills in the engineering, and construction industry.
Professional Service Industries, Inc.
(Intertek-PSI) is a leading US based provider of construction assurance, testing and inspection in civil and commercial construction.
Our broad service offering includes construction materials testing, geotechnical services, environmental engineering, industrial hygiene, and specialty testing.
What are we looking for?
The 2025 Summer Intern - Construction Services is responsible for performing a variety of laboratory testing, site assessment, engineering duties and administrative tasks under general supervision.
Salary & Benefits Information:
In addition to competitive compensation packages, when working with Intertek you can expect benefits including medical, dental, vision, life, disability, 401(k) with company match, generous vacation / sick time (PTO), tuition reimbursement and more.
What you'll do:
* Perform a variety of testing, project specific observations and site assessment duties under direct supervision and/or from detailed controlled procedures.
* Operate testing equipment and conducts testing (example: Soil, concrete or other) and provides assessment of data through reporting
* Work utilizing drawings, specifications, and diagrams
* Use specific methods to observe site activities and perform tasks
* Make detailed observations and gives limited interpretation of results
* Maintain detailed documentation and data from test results
* Communicate effectively with client and project teams
* Assist in classifying soil samples and various geotechnical laboratory testing
* Assist in preparing work order for construction material testing
* Provide back-up support for other department administrative staff
* Perform data entry maintenance in company systems
This position outline is a general guideline and does not represent all encompassing details.
The position assumes that the incumbent has both the mental and physical requirements to carry out the above defined duties.
Minimum Requirements & Qualifications:
* Must be currently enrolled in a Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering or Construction Management degree program at an accredited University
* Valid driver's license and reliable driving record is required
* Must be able to work off shifts and overtime
* Ability to communicate and interact effectively in verbal & written communication
* Must be able to read and understand work plans
* Ability to lift, move, push and pull 30 to 50...
Type: Permanent Location: Oklahoma City, US-OK
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:03
2024 Summer Internship - Geotechnical Engineering - Kennesaw, Georiga
Intertek, a Nationally Recognized Testing Lab (NRTL) and leading provider of quality and safety solutions to many of the world's leading brands and companies, is actively seeking a Geotechnical Engineering Intern to join our Geotechnical Building & Constructionteam in our Professional Services Industries Inc.
(Intertek-PSI) team located in Kennesaw, GA.
This is a fantastic opportunity to grow a versatile career in the architectural, engineering, and construction (A/E/C) industry!
About the Building & Construction Team
Intertek's Building & Construction division is a suite of Intertek brands that are industry leaders across multiple architecture, engineering, and construction disciplines, developing the most innovative product and project solutions.
Intertek's project-related assurance, testing, inspection, and consulting services are the risk management and quality assurance partner you need to ensure the reliability, safety, and performance of your new developments, existing assets, and facilities.
Professional Service Industries, Inc.
(Intertek-PSI) is a leading US based provider of assurance, testing, inspection, and consulting solutions in civil and commercial construction.
Our broad service offering includes construction materials testing, geotechnical engineering, environmental consulting, industrial hygiene, and specialty testing.
What are we looking for?
The Summer Intern role performs a variety of testing, project specific observations and site assessment duties under direct supervision and/or from detailed controlled procedures.
Successful Intern Candidates will be pursuing a Summer Internship/semester co-op who are in the process of completing a Bachelor's Degree in the field of Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Construction Management, Geology or closely related field.
Salary & Benefits Information
Individual compensation packages are based on a variety of factors unique to each candidate including skillset, experience, qualifications, and other job-related duties.
In addition to competitive compensation packages, when working with Intertek you can expect benefits including medical, dental, vision, life, disability, 401(k) with company match, generous vacation / sick time (PTO), tuition reimbursement and more.
What you'll do:
* Perform a variety of testing, project specific observations and site assessment duties under direct supervision and/or from detailed controlled procedures.
* Operate testing equipment and conduct various testing procedures to provide data through reporting
* Work utilizing drawings, specifications, and diagrams
* Use specific methods to observe site activities, follow testing procedures, and perform tasks
* Make detailed observations and give limited interpretation of results
* Maintain detailed documentation and data from test results
* Operate a calculator to formulate mathematical ...
Type: Permanent Location: Kennesaw, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-03-02 07:09:02