Hermès Distribution France, réseau retail animé par les marchands d'Hermès au service de nos clients, est une division d'Hermès Sellier constituée d'un réseau de 23 magasins répartis sur le territoire français (15 succursales et 7 concessionnaires) et 1 site e-commerce Hermès.fr.
Ces magasins, répartis sur le territoire français, ont pour vocation de distribuer l'ensemble des créations des 16 métiers Hermès, tels que le cuir, la mode, la beauté, la maison, l'horlogerie et la bijouterie tout en restant fidèle à son premier client : le cheval ! Chez Hermès : artisanat, excellence, authenticité riment aussi avec modernité, innovation.
Contexte :
Venez accompagner nos équipes de vente !
Poste à pourvoir en CDI au sein du magasin de Bordeaux.
Vous serez immergé(e) dans un lieu de vie accueillant où la cohésion d'équipe rime avec enthousiasme et solidarité.
Composées de femmes et d'hommes d'horizons différents, les équipes s'attachent à transmettre l'histoire des objets et animent la vie du magasin.
Principales activités :
1.Vendeur polycompétent
- Vous êtes force de proposition pour vendre des pièces de tous départements confondus.
- Vous travaillez en équipe avec l'ensemble du magasin pour développer le CA.
- Vous êtes à l'affut des opportunités clients et êtes constamment en mouvement.
2.Expérience client
- Vous vous assurez du bien-être des clients en magasin.
- Vous leur proposez, de manière pertinente, une expérience mémorable et surprenante en partenariat, le cas échéant, avec le.la responsable des relations extérieures.
- Vous trouvez des solutions et vous recherchez des informations demandées, de sorte que le client ne soit jamais dans l'expectative.
3.Ambassadeur Hermès
- Vous représentez et transmettez les valeurs de la Maison aux clients et aux nouveaux collaborateurs.
- Vous êtes capable de recruter et fidéliser une nouvelle clientèle nationale et internationale.
- Vous constituez en toute autonomie votre fichier client et en assurez le suivi.
- Vous mettez en valeur le travail des artisans.
4.Vie du magasin
- Vous participez aux inventaires, vous aidez aux changements de merchandising, vous participez au rangement du stock et veillez à la bonne tenue de votre département/du magasin.
Profil du candidat :
- Votre passion du Client, votre sens du service, et votre culture du résultat ont été reconnus dans vos expériences précédentes.
- Vous avez un tempérament audacieux et dynamique et vous œuvrez sur une surface de vente élargie.
- Vous êtes doté d'un fort capital sympathie tout en étant généreux dans votre approche de la vente.
- Vous êtes exemplaire et faites preuve d'humilité.
- Vous êtes agile dans l'utilisation des outils numériques et des nouveaux moyens de communication digitaux.
- Vous maitrisez parfaitement l'anglais (à l'écrit comme à l'oral).
Type: Permanent Location: BORDEAUX, FR-33
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:21:11
Hermès Distribution France, réseau retail animé par les marchands d'Hermès au service de nos clients, est une division d'Hermès Sellier constituée d'un réseau de 23 magasins répartis sur le territoire français et 1 site e-commerce Hermès.fr.
Ces magasins, répartis sur le territoire français, ont pour vocation de distribuer l'ensemble des créations des 16 métiers Hermès, tels que le cuir, la mode, la beauté, la maison, l'horlogerie et la bijouterie tout en restant fidèle à son premier client : le cheval ! Chez Hermès : artisanat, excellence, authenticité riment aussi avec modernité, innovation.
Mission :
Vous aimez mettre votre talent au service d'une équipe dédiée à un seul objectif : une expérience client unique ! Vous êtes passionné(e) par nos produits mais également, sensible à l'artisanat et à l'identité de notre maison.
Contexte :
Nous recherchons pour nos magasins Parisiens, des conseillers de vente H/F en stage.
CDD à pourvoir de début mai à fin août inclus.
Activités :
Vendeur polyvalent
* Vous êtes force de proposition pour vendre des pièces de tous départements confondus
* Vous travaillez en équipe avec l'ensemble du magasin pour développer le CA.
* Vous êtes à l'affut des opportunités clients et êtes constamment en mouvement.
Expérience client
* Vous vous assurez du bien-être des clients en magasin et proposez de manière pertinente une expérience mémorable et surprenante en partenariat avec le.la responsable des relations extérieures.
* Vous trouvez des solutions, recherchez des informations demandées, de sorte que le client ne soit jamais dans l'expectative.
Ambassadeur Hermès
* Vous représentez et transmettez les valeurs de la Maison aux clients et aux nouveaux collaborateurs
* Vous êtes capable de recruter et fidéliser une nouvelle clientèle nationale et internationale.
* Vous constituez en tout autonomie votre fichier client et en assurez le suivi.
* Vous mettez en valeur le travail des artisans.
Vie du magasin
* Vous participez aux inventaires, aidez aux changements de merchandising, participez au rangement du stock et veillez à la bonne tenue de votre département/du Magasin.
Profil :
* Votre passion du Client, votre sens du service, et votre culture du résultat ont été reconnus dans vos expériences précédentes.
* Vous avez un tempérament audacieux et dynamique et vous œuvrez sur une surface de vente élargie
* Vous êtes doté(e) d'un fort capital sympathie tout en étant généreux dans votre approche de la vente.
* Vous êtes exemplaire et faites preuve d'humilité.
* Vous avez une agilité dans l'utilisation des outils numériques et des nouveaux moyens de communication
* Vous maitrisez parfaitement l'anglais (à l'écrit comme à l'oral).
Créateur, artisan et marchand d'objets de haute qualité, Hermès est, depuis 1837, une maison française, familiale et indépe...
Type: Permanent Location: PARIS, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:21:10
Alternance de 12 mois à pourvoir dès septembre 2025 à Pantin.
Eléments de contexte
Intégré(e) à la Direction de l'offre Soie féminine de la Division Hermès Soies & Textile, l'alternant(e) travaillera auprès des équipes Collection Soie Féminine.
Dans ce cadre, il/elle aidera au bon développement des collections, et contribuera également aux différents projets du service.
Il/elle est en soutien des équipes produits sur les développements en cours dans la collection.
Dans ce cadre, il/elle participe à la mise au point des lignes de produits accessoires textiles femme :
* Aide à l'organisation des réunions de développement collections : ordre du jour, compte rendu, suivi des réceptions fournisseurs
* Mise à jour des outils de suivi : board, gammes, plan de collection, rétroplanning
* Aide aux lancements de saison : fiches de lancement et corrections
* Codification et informations réglementaires
* Suivi archives et inventaires
* Coordination et organisation des points conditionnements et notices
Plus généralement, il/elle aide et soutient opérationnellement l'équipe à la préparation des différentes réunions et temps fort collection pour participer au bon déroulé de la collection.
* Suivi des rendez-vous fournisseurs : planning, compte rendu, lancement des essais
* Création d'une base de données fournisseurs
* Préparation des réunions DA : photo, échantillons, board
* Gestion des archives
* Mise en place d'un flux de recyclage post collection
* Suivi des stocks fournisseurs
* Etudiant en école de mode
* Forte sensibilité produit et connaissances textiles
* Très grande rigueur, organisation, dynamisme
* Bon relationnel, sens du service, esprit d'équipe
* Polyvalence
* Maîtrise de Microsoft Office, connaissance accrue d'Excel
Employeur responsable, nous nous engageons dans l'éthique, les diversités et l'inclusion.
Rejoignez l'aventure humaine Hermès !Créateur, artisan et marchand d'objets de haute qualité, Hermès est, depuis 1837, une maison française, familiale et indépendante qui emploie près de 20 000 collaborateurs dans le monde.
Animé par un esprit d'entreprendre continu et une exigence constante, Hermès cultive la liberté et l'autonomie de chacun grâce à un management responsable.
L'entreprise perpétue la transmission de savoir-faire d'exception par un ancrage territorial fort dans le respect des hommes et de la nature - source de matières d'exception.
Quinze métiers artisanaux irriguent la créativité de la maison dont les collections rayonnent dans plus de 300 magasins dans le monde.
Type: Permanent Location: Île-de-, FR-IDF
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:21:09
Au sein de la Direction Supply Soie & Textiles, division d'Hermès Sellier, l'alternant sera rattaché au Chargé des Opérations.
Contrat de 12 mois à pourvoir dès septembre 2025
La mission comprend une forte dimension opérationnelle et offre une vision transverse sur le fonctionnement de la division.
Ses principales missions seront :
Assurer la bonne tenue et la bonne organisation du stock en interne et chez les fournisseurs
* Réalisation d'inventaire
* Traitement des entrées et sorties
* Suivi des stocks fournisseurs
* Formalisation et évolution des process de gestion des stocks
Participer à la préparation des podiums en développement
* Passage des commandes de préséries
* Renseignement des données techniques
* Gestion des fichiers de base des fournitures
* Revue et complément du process et des outils de transmission des informations entre la collection et les opérations
Gestion de la production
* Création des données des fournitures dans l'ERP
* Passage des commandes des matières, fournitures, composants et pièces métalliques
* Traitement des étiquettes produits finis
* Suivi des livraisons et échanges fournisseurs
* Envoi physique et informatique des composants aux fournisseurs
* Coordination avec le chargé supply
* Mise en place d'outils de gestion et formalisation du process
Projets long terme :
* Projet de la qualité de la donnée de production
* Projet groupe de traçabilité
Profil du candidat :
* Etudiant école d'ingénieur ou école de commerce.
* Goût pour l'opérationnel.
* Rigoureux, organisé et précis.
* Appétence pour les systèmes d'information : utilisation ERP + outils BI et bureautiques.
* Dynamique, volontaire et tenace.
* Curiosité et disponibilité
Créateur, artisan et marchand d'objets de haute qualité, Hermès est, depuis 1837, une maison française, familiale et indépendante qui emploie près de 20 000 collaborateurs dans le monde.
Animé par un esprit d'entreprendre continu et une exigence constante, Hermès cultive la liberté et l'autonomie de chacun grâce à un management responsable.
L'entreprise perpétue la transmission de savoir-faire d'exception par un ancrage territorial fort dans le respect des hommes et de la nature - source de matières d'exception.
Quinze métiers artisanaux irriguent la créativité de la maison dont les collections rayonnent dans plus de 300 magasins dans le monde.
Type: Permanent Location: PANTIN, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:21:08
La vocation d'Hermès Maison est d'accompagner avec élégance la vie quotidienne de ses clients dans leurs intérieurs, en proposant un art de vivre Hermès, incarné par de beaux objets, de leur temps et à l'épreuve du temps.
L'ambition de ce métier est de proposer des créations singulières et affirmées, une qualité exceptionnelle appuyée sur un savoir-faire artisanal, une élégance du style et d'être ainsi une source de différenciation et un relais de croissance pour Hermès.
Cette ambition s'est concrétisée depuis 2010 par la création de collections de mobilier, aux côtés des collections historiques d'Art de Vivre (objets, textile) et d'Art de la Table, ainsi que par une forte progression du chiffre d'affaires de l'Univers Maison.
Le Pôle Hermès Maison compte environ 450 collaborateurs répartis au sein de quatre sociétés :
* La Division Hermès Maison qui réunit la Direction de Création, les Directions des Collections, la Direction du Développement Opérationnel (support commercial aux marchés et projets de communication), la Direction des Opérations (développement technique, production et Supply Chain), ainsi que les fonctions supports (RH, Finance)
* 2 sites de production : la Compagnie des Arts de la Table et de l'Email (CATE) et Beyrand
* 1 maison de haute orfèvrerie, Puiforcat
Vous travaillerez au sein de la Direction des Collections Maison (art de la table, textile, objets de décoration, mobilier et luminaire) et serez amené(e) à évoluer au sein de l'équipe en charge du Mobilier et Luminaire.
Cette alternance de 12 mois est à pourvoir à partir de septembre 2025 et se déroulera à Pantin.
Le segment du Mobilier / Luminaire
Au sein d'Hermès Maison, le segment Mobilier et Luminaire a pour ambition de créer des pièces différentes et singulières, fruit de la recherche d'une relation harmonieuse entre forme et fonction, matière et savoir-faire.
À la manière de l'architecte qui va rechercher la juste distance avec son époque, les pièces sont conçues pour être dans leur temps et à l'épreuve du temps.
Matériaux et savoir-faire se complètent et se renouvèlent à travers les différentes collections : cuir, bois, métal, pierre, papier maché
Les créations naissent de rencontres avec des designers externes et internes.
Le/la futur(e) alternant(e) sera amené à travailler au sein de la Direction des Collections Maison, dans l'équipe Mobilier & Luminaire, sous la responsabilité d'une chef de Produit, et en appui d'une responsable et d'un Directeur de Collection.
Missions :
* Développement Des Collections Produit
+ Suivi et aide au développement des produits avec les équipes de développement (Bureau d'Etude, Développement Technique, Achats, Qualité, Supply), les fournisseurs et le 360 (Identité du Métier, DDO)
+ Aide à la préparation des podiums et du salon du design de Milan
+ Gestion des prototypes, des échantillons, d...
Type: Permanent Location: Île-de-, FR-IDF
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:21:07
We are seeking for a Customer Service Associate to join our team on a contract basis until September 2026.
Front Office - customer service
E-Commerce center for the 4 stipulated markets, and contact center for Singapore and Malaysia clients
Reply all customer enquiries (product information/availability, order follow up etc.) and feedback within stipulated timelines via various omni-channels (calls, emails, live chat, Whatsapp etc.)
Forward customer enquiries to the relevant stakeholders for prompt follow up (stores, management, legal etc.)
Assist customers with regards to their orders, source/locate products within reasonable means
Assist and provide support to customers for exchanges and returns
Maximize cross sales opportunities in all customer correspondence by suggesting related/alternative products and offering back orders when possible
Ensure all requests are closed within the targeted timeframe with the highest quality of service
Constantly drive improvement in processes and customer service levels to deliver KPIs
Meet stipulated agent KPIs set out in monthly scorecard
Back office - order workflow
Review and validate online orders; Perform follow up with customers regarding any issues with order
Contribute to deliver the monthly sales budget with the best level of service and customer satisfaction for orders
Work closely with Operations/Warehouse team to ensure smooth workflow up till invoicing stage
Liaise with Warehouse team to ensure returned items pass quality control checks, and perform backend exchange/refund to close loop
Build strong rapport with various stakeholders (operations, IT, merchandising, retail stores etc.) to ensure smooth process flow for E-commerce sales
Skills & Profile
Minimum 2 years relevant experience in service, luxury retail or contact center environment
Able to work shift duties and weekends, public holidays if necessary
Proficient in both written and spoken English, and at least one other language
Good communication and active listening skills
Strong team player, people oriented
Proficient in Microsoft Office especially MS Excel
Meticulous and organized.
Ability to multitask in a fast-paced environment
Assertive and have good problem-solving skills
Passionate & result oriented with a strong sense of ownership
Ability to handle stress, complex situations, and difficult conversations on order issues
Strong interest in luxury fashion industry, naturally curious, who likes to be hands-on to learn and developA creator, artisan and seller of high-quality objects since 1837, Hermès is an independent, family-owned French house that employs nearly 20,000 people worldwide.
Driven by its permanent entrepreneurial spirit and consistently high standards, Hermès cultivates the freedom and autonomy of each individual through responsible management.
The company perpetuates the transmission of exceptional know-how through strong territorial anchoring that respects people and resources.
Sixteen artisanal métiers feed ...
Type: Permanent Location: Singapore, SG-01
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:21:06
Quelques mots sur Hemès:
* Hermès est une maison familiale indépendante qui poursuit sa tradition artisanale française depuis bientôt deux siècles et déploie aujourd'hui sa créativité à travers 16 métiers.
* Créateur, fabricant et marchand d'objets de haute qualité, Hermès a acquis la dimension d'un groupe international, tout en restant une entreprise à taille humaine fidèle à ses valeurs fondatrices : exigence et authenticité, élégance et sobriété, fantaisie et audace.
* Nos 22.500 collaborateurs, présents dans 50 pays, constituent une mosaïque d'hommes et de femmes issus d'horizons professionnels variés, tous artisans à leur manière et engagés dans le projet à long terme de la Maison.
* Hermès Parfum et Beauté rassemble environ 500 collaborateurs, en France (sur 2 sites : Penthièvre en région parisienne et Le Vaudreuil dans l'Eure) et à l'international, qui contribuent au succès d'un métier en pleine croissance et animé par les créations de notre Parfumeur exclusif, Christine Nagel.
* Notre métier : création, production et distribution des Parfums des produits dérivés parfumés et de la Beauté.
* Une distribution déployée au travers de 14 000 points de vente dans le monde dont 450 magasins Hermès et Espaces Personnalisés Hermès Parfum et Beauté.
* Une stratégie ambitieuse de croissance avec le développement de nouveaux territoires, la mise en place de nouveaux modèles de distribution et de nouveaux schémas industriels.
Intégré à l'équipe comptabilité, vos missions seront les suivantes:
Comptabilité Fournisseurs :
* Traitement du courrier (papier,mails)
* Contrôle de la conformité des documents
* Vidéocodage des factures / avoirs
* Traitement comptable des Factures de frais généraux
* Traitement comptable des Factures d'achats stockés
* Participation au suivi des inter-compagnies
* Lettrage et analyse des comptes liés aux fournisseurs
* Gestion des litiges, relevés et relances fournisseurs
* Participation aux travaux de clôtures mensuelles et trimestrielles (FNP et CCA)
* Participation aux travaux de suivi de la balance âgée fournisseurs
Votre Profil:
* Vous êtes étudiant(e) en Compta Gestion et vous êtes à la recherche d'un contrat d'alternance pour 2 ans
* Vous êtes dynamique, organisé(e), rigoureux(se), flexible, enthousiaste et vous avez le sens du service.
* Vous maîtrisez le Pack Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
* Un rythme d'alternance 2 j / 3 j est souhaité.
Créateur, artisan et marchand d'objets de haute qualité, Hermès est, depuis 1837, une maison française, familiale et indépendante qui emploie près de 20 000 collaborateurs dans le monde.
Animé par un esprit d'entreprendre continu et une exigence constante, Hermès cultive la liberté et l'autonomie de chacun grâce à un management responsable.
L'entreprise perpétue la transmission de sav...
Type: Permanent Location: LE VAUDREUIL, FR-27
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:21:05
Stage de 6 mois conventionné à temps plein à pourvoir dès septembre 2025.
Le stage est basé au siège à Fontenay-sous-Bois (accessible en RER A et E).
Société :
Depuis 2020, le groupe Hermès Manufacture de Métaux est l'entité de la maison Hermès spécialisée dans la fabrication de fermoirs, de bijoux, de pièces métalliques et d'ornement de très haute qualité.
Reconnu pour le savoir-faire de ses 900 collaborateurs dans l'usinage, le polissage, le revêtement des pièces en métaux précieux et l'assemblage de précision des composants, le groupe HMM regroupe en Europe 8 sites de production.
Leur expertise technique et manuelle est mise au service du développement des collections de la maison Hermès et notamment celle de la maroquinerie, des accessoires de mode, de la bijouterie fantaisie ou du prêt à porter .
Dans le cadre de vos missions, vous assisterez le chef de projet Recherche & Innovation dans le processus de l'innovation de matières et de savoir-faire.
Vous vous inscrirez dans la démarche d'innovation perpétuelle du groupe HMM, qui cherche à se tenir à jour relativement aux tendances innovantes des matériaux et des technologies.
Principales activités :
* Participation aux recherches des futurs matériaux.
* Alimentation des bases de qualification des matériaux identifiés au fil des projets et des nouveaux développements.
* Participation active à la démarche Innovation, Exploration et Développement de la Maison Hermès.
Tâches associées :
* Prise de brief Style & Métier client en collaboration avec les équipes de développement des collections
* Réalisation d'études complètes avec livrables :
- Fichiers 3D (dont rendus réalistes) / 2D
-Recherche des technologies de fabrication innovantes ou nouvelles pour le groupe
-Recherche et consultation de fournisseurs et sous-traitants
-Suivi / passation / accompagnement de prototypages et de préséries
* Recherche sur le long terme :
-Cahier de recherche
-Rédaction de procédure, support de formation et capitalisation
* Administratif :
-Création, édition et envoi des commandes (achats)
-Edition de bons de livraison, enregistrement des commandes (ventes)
-Demande de devis pour envoi des commandes.
* Gestion de la donnée relative à la qualification des matériaux des différentes technologies étudiées :
-S'assurer d'un archivage logique et hiérarchisé dans le serveur,
-Rédiger et mettre à jour des procédures développées et employées,
-Animer et réaliser un livre de recherche, regroupant les différentes études.
Profil :
* Vous êtes un(e) étudiant(e) en deuxième année de master en ingénierie.
* Vous êtes à la recherche d'un stage de fin d'étude d'école d'ingénieur.
* Vous portez votre intérêt vers les processus industriels et une culture technique.
Compétences requises :
Savoir-faire :
* Vous maîtris...
Type: Permanent Location: FONTENAY SOUS BOIS, FR-94
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:21:05
Hermès Horizons est une entité d'Hermès Maroquinerie Sellerie, dédiée au développement, à la production et à la commercialisation de projets sur-mesure.
Ces projets couvrent aussi bien des métiers traditionnels d'Hermès (Maroquinerie, Art de Vivre, ) que le développement de grands projets sur mesure (avion, voiture, objets).
Hermès Horizons développe également des produits de Collection distribués dans le réseau de magasins Hermès.
Au sein de l'atelier Hermès Horizons, l'Artisan travaille sur des projets d'intérieurs d'avion, bateau, voiture ainsi que des pièces de mobilier, rêves magasin et de nouveaux territoires (ex : son, loisirs).
Il/elle intègre une équipe où plusieurs projets sont menés en parallèle et où l'adaptabilité est essentielle.
L'adaptation des savoir faires maroquiniers, de sellerie et de gainerie à des nouveaux domaines est un axe majeur de l'atelier.
Principales activités :
* Développement, Mise au point et Fabrication pièces sur mesure ou petite série
+ Mener des projets de réalisation en autonomie ou en équipe sur des pièces unitaires ou des petites séries
+ Participer à la production de grands projets d'intérieurs sur mesure
+ Réalisation de prototypes et développements sur les projets sur mesure
+ Domaines : gainage, maroquinerie, garnissage
* Fabrication pièces unitaires ou petite série
+ Mener des projets de réalisation en autonomie ou en équipe sur des pièces unitaires ou des petites séries
+ Participer à la production de grands projets d'intérieurs sur mesure
+ Recherche et Développement de nouvelles techniques de travail
+ Participation à la réalisation d'un dossier technique sur les produits (ex : photos, notes, temps de production)
+ Echanges avec designers et ingénieurs lors du développement et la réalisation des pièces
+ Travail en collaboration avec d'autres métiers d'artisanat ou industriels (ex : ébénistes, sculpteurs, restaurateurs automobiles, experts aéronautiques)
+ Partage des connaissances et savoir faires avec les autres membres de l'équipe autour des projets
Autres activités
* Réalisation d'estimation de temps main d'œuvre
* Déplacements occasionnels sur chantier pour prise de côtes, gainages, transfert de compétences
* Coupe et préparation ponctuelle
* Participation à des taches de maintenance et entretien de l'atelier en équipe
Profil souhaité
* Vous avez une expérience de 10 ans ou plus dans le métier de Sellier-Garnisseur
* Vous êtes autonome, organisé et aimez le travail en équipe.
* Vous maitrisez l'ensemble des compétences d'un Sellier Garnisseur : mesures, gabarit, couture main, couture machine, techniques de collage, montage, maîtrise des finitions.
* Professionnel confirmé, vous souhaitez vous développer dans un atelier de fabrication aux savoir-faire ...
Type: Permanent Location: PANTIN, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:21:04
Intégré à la Direction de l'offre Soie Masculine de la Division Hermès Soies & Textile, le stagiaire travaillera avec les équipes Collection Soie.
Dans ce cadre, il aidera au bon développement des collections, et contribuera également aux différents projets du service.
Il est en soutien des équipes produits sur les développements en cours dans la collection.
Dans ce cadre, il participe à la mise au point des lignes de produits accessoires textiles femme, par exemple :
* - Aide à l'organisation des réunions de développement collections et de coloration
* - Mise à jour des outils de suivi de coloration et de collection (plan de collection, boards, compte-rendu)
* - Mise à jour des documents d'archives produit
* - Suivi, réception et relance si nécessaire auprès des différents fournisseurs et respect de la deadline podium (présentation des collections)
* - Soutien qualité sur la réception et la visite des pré-séries
* - Veille concurrentielle
Plus généralement, il aide soutient opérationnellement l'équipe à la préparation des différentes réunions et temps fort collection pour participer au bon déroulé de la collection.
En préparation du podium, il/elle assiste l'équipe sur des sujets de collection :
* - Aide pour les shootings packshots (envoi des articles, codifications des photos)
* - Suivi de fabrication et réception des prototypes
* - Suivi de fabrication et réception des liasses podium
* - Elaboration et mise en page des outils d'aide à la vente : plan de collection, transversalité couleurs, sélection presse, plannings de livraison
Plus généralement, il/elle aide soutient opérationnellement l'équipe à la préparation de l'événement et à la mise à disposition de l'ensemble des informations nécessaires au bon déroulé du podium.
* - Etudiant en école de commerce ou école de mode, parcours équivalent
* - Sensibilité produit
* - Très grande rigueur, organisation, dynamisme
* - Bon relationnel, sens du service, esprit d'équipe
* - Polyvalence
* - Maîtrise de Microsoft Office
Employeur responsable, nous nous engageons dans l'éthique, les diversités et l'inclusion.
Rejoignez l'aventure humaine Hermès !
Type: Permanent Location: PANTIN, FR-75
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:21:03
Division or Field Office:
Service & Experience Technology Division
Department of Position: Billing & Payment Department
Work from:
Corporate Office in Erie, Pa Salary Range:
salary range is for thislevel and may vary based on actual level of role hired for
*This range represents a national range and the actual salary will depend on several factors including the scope and complexity of the role and the skills, education, training, credentials, location, and experience of an applicant, as well as level of role for which the successful candidate is hired.Position may be eligible for an annual bonus payment.
At Erie Insurance, you're not just part of a Fortune 500 company; you're also a valued member of a diverse and inclusive team that includes more than 6,000 employees and over 13,000 independent agencies.
Our Employees work in the Home Office complex located in Erie, PA, and in our Field Offices that span 12 states and the District of Columbia.
Benefits That Go Beyond The Basics
We strive to be Above all in Service® to our customers-and to our employees.
That's why Erie Insurance offers you an exceptional benefits package, including:
* Premier health, prescription, dental, and vision benefits for you and your dependents.Coverage begins your first day of work.
* Low contributions to medical and prescription premiums.We currently pay up to 97% of employees' monthly premium costs.
* Pension.We are one of only 13 Fortune 500 companies to offer a traditional pension plan.
Full-time employees are vested after five years of service.
* 401(k) with up to 4% contribution match.The 401(k) is offered in addition to the pension.
* Paid time off.Paid vacation, personal days, sick days, bereavement days and parental leave.
* Career development.Including a tuition reimbursement program for higher education and industry designations.
Additional benefits that include company-paid basic life insurance; short-and long-term disability insurance; orthodontic coverage for children and adults; adoption assistance; fertility and infertility coverage; well-being programs; paid volunteer hours for service to your community; and dollar-for-dollar matching of your charitable gifts each year.
Position Summary
Translates and develops requirements into workable software solutions.
Maintains and develops programs for use in business and IT automation.
Incorporates various accepted methodologies to design software and applications at a critical level to project or release.
May perform duties in one or more of the following disciplines: Open Systems Mainframe Application Configuration
What You'll Do:
This opportunity is for a Sr Software Engineer or Software Engineerand the focus of this opportunity is as Tech Lead on the Billing and Payments Product Delivery Team.
As a tech lead, the role will enable the Product Portfolios highest priority outcomes by delivery Payment Management solutions.
Those solutions enable ...
Type: Permanent Location: Erie, US-PA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:21:01
Division or Field Office:
Human Resources Division
Department of Position: Learning & Development Dept
Work from:
Salary Range:
salary range is for thislevel and may vary based on actual level of role hired for
*This range represents a national range and the actual salary will depend on several factors including the scope and complexity of the role and the skills, education, training, credentials, location, and experience of an applicant, as well as level of role for which the successful candidate is hired.Position may be eligible for an annual bonus payment.
At Erie Insurance, you're not just part of a Fortune 500 company; you're also a valued member of a diverse and inclusive team that includes more than 6,000 employees and over 13,000 independent agencies.
Our Employees work in the Home Office complex located in Erie, PA, and in our Field Offices that span 12 states and the District of Columbia.
Benefits That Go Beyond The Basics
We strive to be Above all in Service® to our customers-and to our employees.
That's why Erie Insurance offers you an exceptional benefits package, including:
* Premier health, prescription, dental, and vision benefits for you and your dependents.Coverage begins your first day of work.
* Low contributions to medical and prescription premiums.We currently pay up to 97% of employees' monthly premium costs.
* Pension.We are one of only 13 Fortune 500 companies to offer a traditional pension plan.
Full-time employees are vested after five years of service.
* 401(k) with up to 4% contribution match.The 401(k) is offered in addition to the pension.
* Paid time off.Paid vacation, personal days, sick days, bereavement days and parental leave.
* Career development.Including a tuition reimbursement program for higher education and industry designations.
Additional benefits that include company-paid basic life insurance; short-and long-term disability insurance; orthodontic coverage for children and adults; adoption assistance; fertility and infertility coverage; well-being programs; paid volunteer hours for service to your community; and dollar-for-dollar matching of your charitable gifts each year.
Position Summary
Develops and delivers specialized, technical training.
Coordinates the delivery and design of programs within scope of responsibility.
* The successful candidate will work from the home office, Erie PA.
Duties and Responsibilities
* Develops and delivers specialized, technical training curriculum to Employees and Agents, using available technologies and advanced delivery methods.
Partners with contracted vendors to deliver co-facilitated training as required.
* Consults with leadership to assess current training solutions and recommends training program modifications.
* Reviews education materials and updates as necessary.
Collaborates with other content owners to ensure that content is accurate and current
* Attends and as...
Type: Permanent Location: Erie, US-PA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:21:00
Division or Field Office:
Controller Division
Department of Position: Corporate Actg & Rptg Dept
Work from:
Corporate Office, Erie PA Salary Range:
salary range is for thislevel and may vary based on actual level of role hired for
*This range represents a national range and the actual salary will depend on several factors including the scope and complexity of the role and the skills, education, training, credentials, location, and experience of an applicant, as well as level of role for which the successful candidate is hired.Position may be eligible for an annual bonus payment.
At Erie Insurance, you're not just part of a Fortune 500 company; you're also a valued member of a diverse and inclusive team that includes more than 6,000 employees and over 13,000 independent agencies.
Our Employees work in the Home Office complex located in Erie, PA, and in our Field Offices that span 12 states and the District of Columbia.
Benefits That Go Beyond The Basics
We strive to be Above all in Service® to our customers-and to our employees.
That's why Erie Insurance offers you an exceptional benefits package, including:
* Premier health, prescription, dental, and vision benefits for you and your dependents.Coverage begins your first day of work.
* Low contributions to medical and prescription premiums.We currently pay up to 97% of employees' monthly premium costs.
* Pension.We are one of only 13 Fortune 500 companies to offer a traditional pension plan.
Full-time employees are vested after five years of service.
* 401(k) with up to 4% contribution match.The 401(k) is offered in addition to the pension.
* Paid time off.Paid vacation, personal days, sick days, bereavement days and parental leave.
* Career development.Including a tuition reimbursement program for higher education and industry designations.
Additional benefits that include company-paid basic life insurance; short-and long-term disability insurance; orthodontic coverage for children and adults; adoption assistance; fertility and infertility coverage; well-being programs; paid volunteer hours for service to your community; and dollar-for-dollar matching of your charitable gifts each year.
Position Summary
* The Hiring Manager will also consider candidates for Finance Accountant II (F10), Senior Finance Accountant (F12), and Finance Consultant (F13).
Level of position offered will be based upon the depth and breadth of selected candidate's experience and qualifications.
Under minimal supervision, performs complex accounting functions to organize, analyze, track and report financial activities on both a statutory accounting principles (SAP) and generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) basis.
Duties and Responsibilities
* Analyzes, verifies and balances all source data used in the preparation of journal entries, financial statements, reports, schedules and other documents in terms of accuracy, completeness and compl...
Type: Permanent Location: Erie, US-PA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:20:59
Division or Field Office:
Controller Division
Department of Position: Corporate Actg & Rptg Dept
Work from:
Corporate Office, Erie PA Salary Range:
salary range is for thislevel and may vary based on actual level of role hired for
*This range represents a national range and the actual salary will depend on several factors including the scope and complexity of the role and the skills, education, training, credentials, location, and experience of an applicant, as well as level of role for which the successful candidate is hired.Position may be eligible for an annual bonus payment.
At Erie Insurance, you're not just part of a Fortune 500 company; you're also a valued member of a diverse and inclusive team that includes more than 6,000 employees and over 13,000 independent agencies.
Our Employees work in the Home Office complex located in Erie, PA, and in our Field Offices that span 12 states and the District of Columbia.
Benefits That Go Beyond The Basics
We strive to be Above all in Service® to our customers-and to our employees.
That's why Erie Insurance offers you an exceptional benefits package, including:
* Premier health, prescription, dental, and vision benefits for you and your dependents.Coverage begins your first day of work.
* Low contributions to medical and prescription premiums.We currently pay up to 97% of employees' monthly premium costs.
* Pension.We are one of only 13 Fortune 500 companies to offer a traditional pension plan.
Full-time employees are vested after five years of service.
* 401(k) with up to 4% contribution match.The 401(k) is offered in addition to the pension.
* Paid time off.Paid vacation, personal days, sick days, bereavement days and parental leave.
* Career development.Including a tuition reimbursement program for higher education and industry designations.
Additional benefits that include company-paid basic life insurance; short-and long-term disability insurance; orthodontic coverage for children and adults; adoption assistance; fertility and infertility coverage; well-being programs; paid volunteer hours for service to your community; and dollar-for-dollar matching of your charitable gifts each year.
Position Summary
Under minimal supervision, acts as subject matter expert in performing accounting functions to organize, analyze, track and report complex financial activities on both a statutory accounting principles (SAP) and generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) basis.
Coordinates finance related projects and provides assistance to accounting staff as needed.
Duties and Responsibilities
* Analyzes, verifies and balances all source data used in the preparation of journal entries, financial statements, reports, schedules and other documents in terms of accuracy, completeness and compliance with requirements.
* Reviews monthly account and system reconciliations and supporting documentation, monitoring resolution of unreconcil...
Type: Permanent Location: Erie, US-PA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:20:58
Overall Responsibilities:
The BOM Configurator Analyst is responsible for creating and maintaining bills of materials and product configurations for new product development and existing production released product.
Requirements: This is an incredibly important and detail-oriented role that requires the ability to think critically, and problem solve.
* Create, and maintain the processes for new part creation.
* Create, modify, maintain and manage (new and existing) product bills of materials and product configurations including manufacturing routings, and configuration segments and rules.
* Maintains BOMs and configurations to capture engineering change documentation.
* Analyze change requests within the BOM and configuration in accordance with the requested change.
* Provide BOM and configuration support for design, engineering, product development, sales and customer service.
* Support BOM Master data by ensuring all data is available, accessible, and accurate in the ERP system.
Characteristics and skills:
* Ability to communicate with leadership, peers, and subordinates with professionalism.
* Ability to effectively communicate and facilitate through encouragement, motivation, and inspiration at all levels of the organization
* Proficient understanding of Bills of materials, master BOMs, and multi-level BOMs.
* Bills of Material maintenance experience preferred.
* Experience in configuration management preferred.
* Proficient use of Microsoft Office with emphasis on Microsoft Excel.
* Basic Math, writing and reading skills.
• Proficient email, phone, and messaging capabilities.
* Ability to work independently but also engage with multiple areas of the departments and other departments.
* Ability to problem solve and provide ideas for process improvements.
* Other duties as assigned or needed.
Educational and other requirements:
* Associate degree
* Three to five years Bills of Materials and/or relevant experience.
* Experience with manufacturing and manufacturing processes.
* Strong interpersonal, verbal, and written communication skills.
* Strong analytical and critical thinking skills.
* Additional requirements include familiarity with personal computing software (i.e., MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint), MRP systems (Infor: JDE Oracle)
* Possesses a strong knowledge of configurator software and fundamental configurator logic.
* Excellent communication and strong people skills with the ability to effectively interact with all levels of the organization.
* Expertise with ERP systems (JDE is a plus)
Required Education: Associate Degree
Travel Percentage: 10.0
Travel Required: Yes
Virtual Job: false
Type: Permanent Location: Elkhart, US-IN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:20:57
General Laborer/Assembler - 1st Shift
Location: Orrville, OH
Hours: 5:00 AM - 3:30 PM Mon - Fri and every other Saturday
Pay: $16.50 - $21.54 per hour depending on experience
Make any day a pay day with on-demand pay!
Do you love hands-on manufacturing work?
How You Will Make an Impact:
The General Laborer/Assembler is responsible for building and assembly of a multitude of pieces as well as completed truck bodies.
The more you learn, the more you earn!
We promote almost 100% of our production leaders from within.
Most start their leadership career in this general laborer/assembler role.
The Nuts and Bolts:
* Read and interpret: orders and specifications, blueprints, instructions and labels which may contain hazardous warnings and cautions
* Cut wood or metals to specific sizes using a variety of saws, sheers and cutters
* Fasten parts together with bolts, screws, speed clips, rivets or fasteners
* Operate pneumatic tools and hand tools
* Perform set up of machine and preventative maintenance as required
* Examine finished project for quality and defects
* Perform safety and quality checks
* Work and adhere to all safety policies
You will receive on the job training for:
* Basic math, tape measurement, and computer skills
* Working with hand and power tools
* Reading and interpreting blueprints
Required Credentials:
* Must be 18 years old
Preferred Credentials (but not required):
* Previous experience in manufacturing
* Previous experience working on truck bodies
* Construction experience is a plus
* High School Diploma or equivalent GED
You Must Be Able to:
* This job operates in a manufacturing plant environment.
While performing the duties of this job, the team member is regularly required to talk or hear).
The team member frequently is required to stand (sometimes for extended periods); walk; use hands to finger, handle or feel; and reach with hands and arms, and lift up to 35 pounds.
The team member may, at times, sit, bend, stoop, squat, reach overhead, or crawl (may be in confined spaces).
The team member is expected to perform repetitive tasks using their hands, and have the ability to climb ladders and/or work in high places.
How We Make an Impact:
Celebrating our 70th year as the largest truck body builder in North America, Morgan Truck Body LLC is proud to produce, deliver, and service quality products.
With a foundation built on innovative design and quality construction, Morgan has experienced tremendous growth.
In addition to dry freight truck bodies, Morgan specializes in satisfying unique and custom truck body needs, including electric vehicles, mobile service units, and refrigerated products, serving farmers, ranchers, contractors, landscapers, equipment and material haulers, and more!
Our shared values are the foundation upon which Morgan does business:
* people
* integrity
* results
* passion
Some of Our...
Type: Permanent Location: Orrville, US-OH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:20:56
Experienced Production Associate/Assembler - 1st Shift
Location: Orrville, OH
Pay: $16.50 - $21.54 per hour depending on experience
Hours: 5:00 AM - 3:30 PM Mon - Fri and every other Saturday
*Must have at least 6 years of manufacturing experience AND have at least 4 years at one of your prior manufacturing jobs
Make any day a pay day with on-demand pay!
Do you love hands-on manufacturing work?
How You Will Make an Impact:
The Production Associate/Assembler is responsible for building and assembly of a multitude of pieces as well as completed truck bodies.
The more you learn, the more you earn!
We promote almost 100% of our production leaders from within.
Most start their leadership career in this production associate/assembler role.
The Nuts and Bolts:
* Read and interpret: orders and specifications, blueprints, instructions and labels which may contain hazardous warnings and cautions
* Cut wood or metals to specific sizes using a variety of saws, sheers and cutters
* Fasten parts together with bolts, screws, speed clips, rivets or fasteners
* Operate pneumatic tools and hand tools
* Perform set up of machine and preventative maintenance as required
* Examine finished project for quality and defects
* Perform safety and quality checks
* Work and adhere to all safety policies
Required Credentials:
* Must have at least 6 years of previous experience in manufacturing
* Must be 18 years old
* Basic math, tape measurement, and computer skills
* Working with hand and power tools
* Reading and interpreting blueprints
* Previous experience working on truck bodies (preferred but not required)
* Construction experience is a plus
* High School Diploma or equivalent GED (preferred not required)
You Must Be Able to:
* This job operates in a manufacturing plant environment.
While performing the duties of this job, the team member is regularly required to talk or hear).
The team member frequently is required to stand (sometimes for extended periods); walk; use hands to finger, handle or feel; and reach with hands and arms, and lift up to 35 pounds.
The team member may, at times, sit, bend, stoop, squat, reach overhead, or crawl (may be in confined spaces).
The team member is expected to perform repetitive tasks using their hands, and have the ability to climb ladders and/or work in high places.
How We Make an Impact:
Celebrating our 70th year as the largest truck body builder in North America, Morgan Truck Body LLC is proud to produce, deliver, and service quality products.
With a foundation built on innovative design and quality construction, Morgan has experienced tremendous growth.
In addition to dry freight truck bodies, Morgan specializes in satisfying unique and custom truck body needs, including electric vehicles, mobile service units, and refrigerated products, serving farmers, ranchers, contractors, landscapers, equipment and material haulers, and m...
Type: Permanent Location: Orrville, US-OH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:20:56
Welder - 2nd Shift - $4,000 sign-on bonus!
Location: Orrville, OH
Pay: $21.75 - $27.28 per hour depending on experience
2nd shift hours: 4:00 PM - 2:30 AM - must train on 1 st shift for 3 weeks
Earn an additional $4.00/hr on 2nd shift!
*Seeking experience in MIG/Flux core with mild/carbon steel, galvanized steel, and stainless
Make any day a pay day with on-demand pay!
Do you love hands-on manufacturing work?
How You Will Make an Impact:
The Welder is responsible for operating a multitude of welding equipment working primarily on aluminum, steel and galvanneal requiring a high grade of skill.
The more you learn, the more you earn!
We promote almost 100% of our production leaders from within.
Most start their leadership career in this welder role or general laborer/assembler role.
The Nuts and Bolts:
* Wiring for trucks from front to rear lights, camera sensors, and any other custom requests.
* Welding metals according to customer or employer requirements.
* Installing a variety of lift gates, walk ramps, and platforms.
* Ensuring high safety measures while working such as donning protective gear for the face and body.
* Operating heavy equipment such as industrial saws.
* Examining the equipment after welding and advising maintenance of defects.
* Planning/setting of welding operations before beginning.
* Reading blueprints and weld according to the plan.
* Training junior and entry level welders.
* Senior welders will supervise welding operations of junior welders.
Required Credentials:
* Must be able to pass a weld test
* Must be proficient in three or more of the welding materials: mild steel, galvineel, carbon steel, aluminum, stainless steel
* Must have 3 years of welding experience or more
* Basic math, tape measurement and computer skills
* Basic experience with hand tools
* Able to understand and comprehend measurement
* Able to read and interpret blueprints for special applications
* Must be 18 years old
Preferred Credentials (but not required):
* Previous experience in manufacturing
* Previous experience working on truck bodies
* High School Diploma or equivalent GED
You Must Be Able to:
* This job operates in a manufacturing plant environment.
While performing the duties of this job, the team member is regularly required to talk or hear.
The team member frequently is required to stand (sometimes for extended periods); walk; use hands to finger, handle or feel; and reach with hands and arms, and lift up to 35 pounds.
The team member may, at times, sit, bend, stoop, squat, reach overhead, or crawl (may be in confined spaces).
The team member is expected to perform repetitive tasks using their hands, and have the ability to climb ladders and/or work in high places.
How We Make an Impact:
Celebrating our 70th year as the largest truck body builder in North America, Morgan Truck Body LLC is proud to produce, del...
Type: Permanent Location: Orrville, US-OH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:20:55
General Laborer/Assembler - 2nd Shift
Location: Orrville, OH
Pay: $16.50 - $21.54 per hour depending on experience.
2nd Shift Hours: 4:00 PM - 2:30 AM - must train on 1 st shift for 3 weeks
Earn an additional $2.00/hr on 2nd Shift!
Make any day a pay day with on-demand pay!
Do you love hands-on manufacturing work?
How You Will Make an Impact:
The General Laborer/Assembler is responsible for building and assembly of a multitude of pieces as well as completed truck bodies.
The more you learn, the more you earn!
We promote almost 100% of our production leaders from within.
Most start their leadership career in this general laborer/assembler role.
The Nuts and Bolts:
* Read and interpret: orders and specifications, blueprints, instructions and labels which may contain hazardous warnings and cautions
* Cut wood or metals to specific sizes using a variety of saws, sheers and cutters
* Fasten parts together with bolts, screws, speed clips, rivets or fasteners
* Operate pneumatic tools and hand tools
* Perform set up of machine and preventative maintenance as required
* Examine finished project for quality and defects
* Perform safety and quality checks
* Work and adhere to all safety policies
You will receive on the job training for:
* Basic math, tape measurement, and computer skills
* Working with hand and power tools
* Reading and interpreting blueprints
Required Credentials:
* Must be 18 years old
Preferred Credentials (but not required):
* Previous experience in manufacturing
* Previous experience working on truck bodies
* Construction experience is a plus
* High School Diploma or equivalent GED
You Must Be Able to:
* This job operates in a manufacturing plant environment.
While performing the duties of this job, the team member is regularly required to talk or hear).
The team member frequently is required to stand (sometimes for extended periods); walk; use hands to finger, handle or feel; and reach with hands and arms, and lift up to 35 pounds.
The team member may, at times, sit, bend, stoop, squat, reach overhead, or crawl (may be in confined spaces).
The team member is expected to perform repetitive tasks using their hands, and have the ability to climb ladders and/or work in high places.
How We Make an Impact:
Celebrating our 70th year as the largest truck body builder in North America, Morgan Truck Body LLC is proud to produce, deliver, and service quality products.
With a foundation built on innovative design and quality construction, Morgan has experienced tremendous growth.
In addition to dry freight truck bodies, Morgan specializes in satisfying unique and custom truck body needs, including electric vehicles, mobile service units, and refrigerated products, serving farmers, ranchers, contractors, landscapers, equipment and material haulers, and more!
Our shared values are the foundation upon which Morgan does business:
* people
Type: Permanent Location: Orrville, US-OH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:20:54
Welder - 1st Shift - $4,000 sign-on bonus!
Location: Orrville, OH
Pay: $21.75 - $27.28 per hour depending on experience
Hours: 5:00 AM - 3:30 PM Mon - Fri and every other Saturday
*Seeking experience in MIG/Flux core with mild/carbon steel and galvanized steel
Make any day a pay day with on-demand pay!
Do you love hands-on manufacturing work?
How You Will Make an Impact:
The Welder is responsible for operating a multitude of welding equipment working primarily on aluminum, steel and galvanneal requiring a high grade of skill.
The more you learn, the more you earn!
We promote almost 100% of our production leaders from within.
Most start their leadership career in this welder role or general laborer/assembler role.
The Nuts and Bolts:
* Wiring for trucks from front to rear lights, camera sensors, and any other custom requests.
* Welding metals according to customer or employer requirements.
* Installing a variety of lift gates, walk ramps, and platforms.
* Ensuring high safety measures while working such as donning protective gear for the face and body.
* Operating heavy equipment such as industrial saws.
* Examining the equipment after welding and advising maintenance of defects.
* Planning/setting of welding operations before beginning.
* Reading blueprints and weld according to the plan.
* Training junior and entry level welders.
* Senior welders will supervise welding operations of junior welders.
Required Credentials:
* Must be able to pass a weld test
* Must be proficient in three or more of the welding materials: mild steel, galvineel, carbon steel, aluminum, stainless steel
* Must have 3 years of welding experience or more
* Basic math, tape measurement and computer skills
* Basic experience with hand tools
* Able to understand and comprehend measurement
* Able to read and interpret blueprints for special applications
* Must be 18 years old
Preferred Credentials (but not required):
* Previous experience in manufacturing
* Previous experience working on truck bodies
* High School Diploma or equivalent GED
You Must Be Able to:
* This job operates in a manufacturing plant environment.
While performing the duties of this job, the team member is regularly required to talk or hear.
The team member frequently is required to stand (sometimes for extended periods); walk; use hands to finger, handle or feel; and reach with hands and arms, and lift up to 35 pounds.
The team member may, at times, sit, bend, stoop, squat, reach overhead, or crawl (may be in confined spaces).
The team member is expected to perform repetitive tasks using their hands, and have the ability to climb ladders and/or work in high places.
How We Make an Impact:
Celebrating our 70th year as the largest truck body builder in North America, Morgan Truck Body LLC is proud to produce, deliver, and service quality products.
With a foundation built on innova...
Type: Permanent Location: Orrville, US-OH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:20:53
Experienced Production Associate/Assembler - 2nd Shift
Location: Orrville, OH
Pay: $16.50 - $21.54 per hour depending on experience
Earn an additional $2.00 per hour on 2nd shift!
Hours: 4:00 PM - 2:30 AM Mon - Fri and every other Saturday
*Must have at least 6 years of manufacturing experience AND have at least 4 years at one of your prior manufacturing jobs
Make any day a pay day with on-demand pay!
Do you love hands-on manufacturing work?
How You Will Make an Impact:
The Production Associate/Assembler is responsible for building and assembly of a multitude of pieces as well as completed truck bodies.
The more you learn, the more you earn!
We promote almost 100% of our production leaders from within.
Most start their leadership career in this production associate/assembler role.
The Nuts and Bolts:
* Read and interpret: orders and specifications, blueprints, instructions and labels which may contain hazardous warnings and cautions
* Cut wood or metals to specific sizes using a variety of saws, sheers and cutters
* Fasten parts together with bolts, screws, speed clips, rivets or fasteners
* Operate pneumatic tools and hand tools
* Perform set up of machine and preventative maintenance as required
* Examine finished project for quality and defects
* Perform safety and quality checks
* Work and adhere to all safety policies
Required Credentials:
* Must have at least 6 years of previous experience in manufacturing
* Must be 18 years old
* Basic math, tape measurement, and computer skills
* Working with hand and power tools
* Reading and interpreting blueprints
* Previous experience working on truck bodies (preferred but not required)
* Construction experience is a plus
* High School Diploma or equivalent GED (preferred not required)
You Must Be Able to:
* This job operates in a manufacturing plant environment.
While performing the duties of this job, the team member is regularly required to talk or hear).
The team member frequently is required to stand (sometimes for extended periods); walk; use hands to finger, handle or feel; and reach with hands and arms, and lift up to 35 pounds.
The team member may, at times, sit, bend, stoop, squat, reach overhead, or crawl (may be in confined spaces).
The team member is expected to perform repetitive tasks using their hands, and have the ability to climb ladders and/or work in high places.
How We Make an Impact:
Celebrating our 70th year as the largest truck body builder in North America, Morgan Truck Body LLC is proud to produce, deliver, and service quality products.
With a foundation built on innovative design and quality construction, Morgan has experienced tremendous growth.
In addition to dry freight truck bodies, Morgan specializes in satisfying unique and custom truck body needs, including electric vehicles, mobile service units, and refrigerated products, serving farmers, ranchers, contractors, l...
Type: Permanent Location: Orrville, US-OH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:20:52
Leer East
Receiver/Materials Handler
Job Title: Receiver
Reports To: Materials Manager
Leer East in Milton, PA is seeking highly motivated dependable employees to join our receiving team on 2nd Shift.
2nd Shift starts at 4 PM
$750 Sign on Bonus payable after 90 days of successful employment!
Overtime may be built into the schedule and some Saturday availability is required.
1 - 3 years manufacturing experience preferred.
Leer provides full time hours, overtime, & 10 paid holidays from date of hire.
Eligibility for a competitive benefit package is after only 30 days of full time employment and includes paid holidays, group health insurance, prescription drug coverage, dental, vision, short-term disability and a 401(k) plan.
Paid vacation after 1 year.
Performance reviews and salary increase opportunities available.
Applications can be obtained at our office, or can be emailed to you upon request.
Call 272-483-5721 to request an application.
Must have a current driver's license to perform this job.
Must have transportation, NOT accessible by public transportation
Pass a criminal background check and drug screen
Job Description:
Will be working for a growing, well-established fiberglass truck cap manufacturing company.
Must have experience in Receiving/Material Handling.
• Examine products to verify conformance to quality standards.
• Lift raw materials, finished products, and packed items, manually or using hoists.
• Pack and store materials and products.
• Place products in equipment or on work surfaces for further processing, inspecting, or wrapping.
• Transfer raw materials, tools, or equipment between storage and work areas of plants and warehouses, by hand or using hand trucks or powered lift trucks.
• Measure amounts of products, lengths of extruded articles, or weights of filled containers to ensure conformance to specifications.
• Prepare raw materials for processing.
• Hoist full reels from braiding, winding, or other fabricating machines, using power hoists.
• Attach slings, ropes, or cables to objects such as pipes, hoses, or bundles.
• Familiarity with computer to perform cycle counts/inventory
• Forklift experience needed.
To perform this job successfully, and individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily.
The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill and/or ability required.
Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
Knowledge and experience in the use of hand tools will be a plus..
Knowledge and skill is acquired through working experience or on-the-job training.
Regular and predictable attendance is required.
• Take pride in quality work.
• Must be able to work well with others.
• Must be able to excel in a very fast-paced, high production environment.
• 100% Att...
Type: Permanent Location: Milton, US-PA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:20:51
Materials Coordinator - 1st Shift
Location: Morgantown, PA
Hours: 5:00 AM - 2:30 PM
How You Will Make an Impact:
The Materials Coordinator will perform and execute daily tasks supporting the buying/planning and scheduling team of both direct and indirect material - including but not limited to: bucket prep/print, filing, follow up on confirmations and past due reports.
The Nuts and Bolts:
Communicates and confirms purchase orders to vendors.
Maintains all purchase order due dates and comments in our database.
Maintains all MRO purchases and budget requirements.
Communicates to Maintenance item information that will or might affect our maintenance and repair plans.
Communicates to Receiving any hot orders or incoming shortages while ensuring order reaches needed destination.
Audit items ordered and accuracy of items received.
Communicates and corrects all accounting issues.
Completes any other duties assigned.
Preferred Credentials (but not required):
* Working knowledge of materials required for MRO.
* Must possess above average computer skills including strong knowledge of Microsoft Excel.
* JDE experience is a plus.
* Understanding of functional aspects of Warehouse and Materials Management.
* Excellent interpersonal, communication, analytical skills.
* Strong ability to multi-task with excellent attention to detail.
You Must Be Able to:
Working in an office environment in a seated position a minimum of eight hours per day is required.
Individuals may need to sit or stand as needed.
May require walking primarily on a level surface for periodic periods throughout the day.
Reaching above shoulder heights, below the waist or Lifting as required to file documents or store materials throughout the workday.
Proper lifting techniques required.
May include lifting up to 25 pounds for files, computer printouts on occasion.
The performance of this position may occasionally require exposure to the manufacturing areas where under certain areas require the use of personal protective equipment such as safety glasses with side shields and mandatory hearing protection.
Primary environment: ambient room temperatures, lighting and traditional office equipment as found in a typical office environment.
How We Make an Impact:
Celebrating our 70th year as the largest truck body builder in North America, Morgan Truck Body LLC is proud to produce, deliver, and service quality products.
With a foundation built on innovative design and quality construction, Morgan has experienced tremendous growth.
In addition to dry freight truck bodies, Morgan specializes in satisfying unique and custom truck body needs, including electric vehicles, mobile service units, and refrigerated products, serving farmers, ranchers, contractors, landscapers, equipment and material haulers, and more!
Our shared values are the foundation upon which Morgan does business:
* people
* integrity
* results
* passion...
Type: Permanent Location: Morgantown, US-PA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:20:50
Your Organization
Our auction subsidiary, JJ Kane, currently has an opening for a Customer Service Representative in our offices located in Birmingham, AL.
The ideal candidate will have auction experience and a strong focus on Customer Satisfaction, working to ensure our outside customers, vendors, consignors, buyers, suppliers, as well as internal customers are happy with our results.
JJ Kane auctions all types of used equipment including: bucket trucks, digger derricks, construction equipment, back hoes, skid steers, mini excavators, tractor crawlers, dozers, fleet cars and more! We encourage you to check out our company websites to explore our company's strong history.
Please go to www.altec.com , and www.jjkane.com to learn more.
Major Responsibilities May Include:
* Interacts directly with customers in a professional manner
* Inbounds and executes titles
* Request, track and apply sales tax exemptions
* Works with customers in person, via email and phone calls to handle inquiries.
* Handles auction payouts, interacting with consignors and buyers
* Authorizes purchase orders for Service Centers and other Suppliers
* Handles AP review for timed auction invoices
* Review photos from Service Centers and third-party holding yards
* Audit items and funnel to correct workflow status
* Demonstrates consistent progress towards proficiency in areas of training (defined by training objectives document)
* Attends classroom and online training sessions to enhance skills and build knowledge
* Work with Managers to:
+ Create and maintain streamline processes to record lot issues from buyers for review
+ Create and maintain database to track lot issues after the sale to improve quality
+ Create and maintain database to track refund issues
+ Participates in continuous improvement events when requested
* All other duties as assigned
Should the selected candidate meet the qualifications of a more experienced level in the career path, the job level may be adjusted.
Education, Experience and Skills Required:
* High School Diploma or GED required
* Bachelor's Degree preferred
* Bilingual - English/Spanish a bonus
* A minimum of three years of experience in customer service, sales or marketing
* Bachelor's Degree will be considered in lieu of 2 years of experience
* Bilingual and able to read, write and speak Spanish proficiently preferred
* Title experience preferred
* PC Skills using spreadsheets, word processing, and other office management applications required
* Excellent written and verbal communication skills
* Must be able to work independently to manage their time and tasks
* Mechanical aptitude, product or industry knowledge preferred
* Must demonstrate the ability to multi-task, prioritize and meet deadlines while producing quality work
* Demonstrated Customer and People Skills
Type: Permanent Location: Huntsville, US-AL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:20:49
Why Join Altec?
* On-demand access to technical support, direct parts, and engineering
* Multi-level technician career progression program
* Ongoing training on Altec equipment
* A career with an OEM in an Essential Industry supporting utilities and telecom
* You will have a state-of-the-art company service vehicle, customer interaction, and a flexible schedule
* Competitive compensation that rewards performance
* Comprehensive benefits including affordable medical options, dental and vision care, matching 401(k), company-paid Basic Life, wellness programs, company events, paid vacation
* Potential to work overtime
Strong in spirit and industry knowledge, Altec mechanics are the best in the industry.
If you are a career-minded equipment mechanic seeking a cleaner, smarter work environment or a field mechanic willing and able to repair equipment vital to our nation's infrastructure, and if you are ready to join a team of 45+ service centers and a broad network of mobile technicians, then we want to meet you!
Hourly rate and potential for overtime varies relative to experience and location.
Job openings exist across the U.S.
and Canada.
Pay: $29-34/hr depending on experience and skill
Should the selected candidate meet the qualifications of a more experienced level in the career path, the job level may be adjusted.
Altec, family-owned since 1929, has the reach and resources of a large organization with the heart of a local firm.
"More than just building equipment, we also build relationships." Altec products and services can be found across the U.S.
and in over 100 countries around the world.
Safety is a primary responsibility in everything we do as is support of the Altec Company Values: Customer First - Enjoyment of Work - Family - Financial Stability - Integrity - People are our Greatest Strength - Quality - Spiritual Development - Teamwork
The Ideal Background:
* Experience with aerial devices, digger derricks, chippers, cranes; or construction, mining, farm equipment such as excavators, skid steers, dozers or tractors; or military heavy equipment such as the MRAP vehicle, HMEE, or tanks; aircraft and aerospace or ground support equipment (AGE/GSE) or similar
* Previous experience as a mechanic or technician, with a focus on heavy equipment
* Education in mechanics, electrical and/or hydraulic systems
The Job:
* Perform replacement of electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical components
* Utilize all technical support resources (such as operator, parts, and maintenance manuals, HowFactory, etc.) in troubleshooting, determining procedures, and identifying parts needed for repair
* Perform Unit Condition Inspections and Reports
* Maintain work area in a safe, clean, and orderly manner
* Perform all tasks in a manner fully consistent with Altec Safety practices and procedures
* Advise supervisors of situations that may impact a customer relationship
* P...
Type: Permanent Location: Moscow, US-ID
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 08:20:48