The Medium Voltage Switchgear Engineer supports our end-to-end Tranformation ambitions, we have an opportunity for you to share your technical expertise within Pre-Shipment Technical Assistance Group (TAG).
This position works onsite at a HUB location in TN.
What you get to do in this role?
Utilize your experience and knowledge of medium voltage equipment to aid our internal customers with their technical questions.
You will collaborate with the Project Engineering team, Quote Specialist, Sales, and Project Managers to help provide the best solutions to the end customer.
You will be responsible for:
• Layout and configuration of medium voltage gear
• Providing price and lead time for non-standard components/configurations
• Answering technical questions from our internal customers
• Collaborating with other TAG Engineers and the Project Engineering team to demand shape solutions
• Assisting with basic order entry in the Product Selector
• Escalating questions that require additional clarifications to TAG Management, Offer Management, Design Engineering, Codes and Standards, etc.
to assist with a resolution
• Helping with specific customer specification/1-line questions
What qualifications will make you successful for this role?
* Technical Skills
• 3+ years of experience in the design of medium voltage equipment, and Metal Enclosed and MetalClad Switchgear.
• Knowledge of medium voltage equipment design, installation, and use
• Creation of process flows, work instructions, technical documents, guides, playbooks, etc.
• Knowledge of local, state, and federal codes governing the use of (product)
• Ability to interpret system created drawing package and customer one-lines
• Ability to converse with customers/consultants on electrical or mechanical designs
• Familiarity with control schemes, PLCs, and relays
• Familiarity with ground fault protection
• Familiarity with communication systems
• Familiarity with interlock schemes (mechanical and electrical)
* Must be able to work onsite at a HUB location in TN.
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you are thinking about joining a new team, culture matters.
At Schneider Electric, our values and behaviors are the foundation for creating a great culture to support business success.
We believe that our IMPACT values - Inclusion, Mastery, Purpose, Action, Curiosity, Teamwork - starts with us.
IMPACT is also your invitation to join Schneider Electric where you can contribute to turning sustainability ambition into actions, no matter what role you play.
It is a call to connect your career with the ambition of achieving a more resilient, efficient, and sustainable world.
We are looking for IMPACT Mak...
Type: Permanent Location: Nashville, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:55:05
Wir sind keine Träumer, wir sind Macher - wir sind Impact-Maker!
Bei Schneider Electric machen wir Gebäude und Industrien SMART, EFFIZIENT & NACHHALTIG.
Mit uns bringst Du den Kölner Dom zum Leuchten, Schokoriegel in ihre Verpackung und Elektroautos zum Fahren.
Gestalte eine nachhaltigere Zukunft mit uns und starte als Azubi im Bereich Elektroniker für Betriebstechnik!
Deine Ausbildung zusammengefasst:
Wo? Düsseldorf (https://duesseldorf.euref.de/), Heinrich Hertz Berufskolleg in Düsseldorf & beim überbetrieblichen Partner MEK in Neuss
Wann? 01.09.2025
Wie lange? 3,5 Jahre
Dein Verdienst: 1.
Lehrjahr: 1.173 €, 2.
Lehrjahr 1.232 €, 3.
Lehrjahr 1.319 €, 4.
Lehrjahr: 1.429 € (35h / Woche Arbeitszeit)
Dein Urlaub: 30 Tage / Jahr
Dein Arbeitsplatz: Einsätze beim Kunden
Das lernst Du:
* Warte und überprüfe verschiedenste Anlagen auf Funktionalität
* Führe Kundenaufträge wie Reparaturen, Störungsbehebungen sowie Umbauten bei unseren Kunden vor Ort aus
* Typische Einsatzfelder: Energieverteilungsanlagen und -netze, Gebäudeinstallationen und -netze, Betriebsanlagen, Produktions- und verfahrenstechnische Anlagen, Schalt- und Steueranlagen sowie elektrotechnische Ausrüstungen und unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgungsanlagen wie z.B.
in Rechenzentren
Das bieten wir Dir:
* Individuelles Lernangebot für die persönliche und fachliche Weiterentwicklung
* Hohe Übernahmechance bei einem Übernahmeziel von 100%
* Mitarbeiterrabatte (z.B.
Corporate Benefits) & finanzielle Vorteile (z.B.
* Gemeinsames Azubi-Camp zum Ausbau des eigenen Netzwerkes
* Arbeit am innovativen EUREF-Campus (https://duesseldorf.euref.de/)
Das liegt uns am Herzen:
* Du hast Interesse an (Elektro-)technik und spannende Zukunftsthemen begeistern Dich
* Du schraubst und tüftelst gerne
* Du bist verantwortungsbewusst, selbständig, sorgfältig und zuverlässig
* Du reist gerne? Super! Wir suchen Kolleg:innen, die regionalen sowie auch deutschlandweiten Einsätzen nach der Ausbildung gegenüber offen sind
Inclusion & Teamwork:
Kein Mensch ist makellos und nicht alle Karrierewege verlaufen gleich.
Wichtig ist, dass wir den Willen haben zu lernen und uns weiterzuentwickeln.
Denn wir wissen, dass Karriere auch bedeutet, seine Stärken erst mal finden zu müssen.
Bewirb Dich jetzt, selbst wenn Du (noch) nicht alle Voraussetzungen erfüllst.
Wir freuen uns darauf, Dich kennen zu lernen!
Dein nächster Schritt?
Bewirb Dich über "Jetzt Bewerben" und lade Deinen Lebenslauf und letzten Schulzeugnisse hoch!
Du hast noch offen Fragen? Dann schreib gerne Deinem Ansprechpartner Marc (ausbildung-dach@se.com)
Bewerbungen, die uns nicht über unser Karriereportal schneider-electric.de/jobs erreichen, können wir nicht berücksichtigen.
Möchtest auch Du mit Deiner Karriere ein/e IMPACT-Maker/in sein?Wenn Du darüber nachdenkst, einem neuen Team beizutreten, ist die Kultur ...
Type: Permanent Location: Düsseldorf, DE-NW
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:55:05
The Medium Voltage Switchgear Engineer supports our end-to-end Tranformation ambitions, we have an opportunity for you to share your technical expertise within Pre-Shipment Technical Assistance Group (TAG).
This position works onsite at a HUB location in TN.
What you get to do in this role?
Utilize your experience and knowledge of medium voltage equipment to aid our internal customers with their technical questions.
You will collaborate with the Project Engineering team, Quote Specialist, Sales, and Project Managers to help provide the best solutions to the end customer.
You will be responsible for:
• Layout and configuration of medium voltage gear
• Providing price and lead time for non-standard components/configurations
• Answering technical questions from our internal customers
• Collaborating with other TAG Engineers and the Project Engineering team to demand shape solutions
• Assisting with basic order entry in the Product Selector
• Escalating questions that require additional clarifications to TAG Management, Offer Management, Design Engineering, Codes and Standards, etc.
to assist with a resolution
• Helping with specific customer specification/1-line questions
What qualifications will make you successful for this role?
* Technical Skills
• 3+ years of experience in the design of medium voltage equipment, and Metal Enclosed and MetalClad Switchgear.
• Knowledge of medium voltage equipment design, installation, and use
• Creation of process flows, work instructions, technical documents, guides, playbooks, etc.
• Knowledge of local, state, and federal codes governing the use of (product)
• Ability to interpret system created drawing package and customer one-lines
• Ability to converse with customers/consultants on electrical or mechanical designs
• Familiarity with control schemes, PLCs, and relays
• Familiarity with ground fault protection
• Familiarity with communication systems
• Familiarity with interlock schemes (mechanical and electrical)
* Must be able to work onsite at a HUB location in TN.
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you are thinking about joining a new team, culture matters.
At Schneider Electric, our values and behaviors are the foundation for creating a great culture to support business success.
We believe that our IMPACT values - Inclusion, Mastery, Purpose, Action, Curiosity, Teamwork - starts with us.
IMPACT is also your invitation to join Schneider Electric where you can contribute to turning sustainability ambition into actions, no matter what role you play.
It is a call to connect your career with the ambition of achieving a more resilient, efficient, and sustainable world.
We are looking for IMPACT Mak...
Type: Permanent Location: Smyrna, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:55:04
SETBT, Systèmes Equipements Tableaux Basse Tension, est une usine dynamique à taille humaine située à proximité de Rennes.
Véritable centre d'expertise mondiale spécialisé dans l'ingénierie d'offre et la réalisation de tableaux Basse Tension, SETBT est une usine innovante capable de transformer les idées audacieuses de nos clients en réalité.
En tant que monteur.se câbleur.se vous serez rattaché.e au Responsable d'équipe, vous intégrerez le secteur câblage dans l'atelier, composé d'une vingtaine de câbleurs.ses.
Vous participerez activement à l'activité de SETBT au travers de la production de tableaux électriques basse tension.
Vos missions principales :
Effectuer des opérations de montage à partir des consignes et/ou plans dans le respect des procédures et instructions des normes :
* Assembler les équipements
* Préparer et installer des composants à l'intérieur de l'ossature
* Effectuer l'autocontrôle, les contrôles croisés et corriger les défauts identifiés
Effectuer des opérations de câblage à partir des plans dans le respect des procédures et instructions des normes :
* Préparer la filerie : section, longueur, repérage, embouts
* Connecter la filerie
* Connecter les câbles et effectuer les serrages
* Effectuer l'autocontrôle, les contrôles croisés et corriger les défauts identifiés
* Renseigner quotidiennement le suivi de production (incluant les aléas et déperditions) et communiquer en cycle d'animation (AIC1) les résultats obtenus
* Faire remonter les dysfonctionnements de sécurité, qualité, problèmes techniques, idées d'améliorations et demande de travaux via le cycle d'animation (AIC1)
* Assurer le rangement et la propreté sur la zone de travail (5S)
Prérequis :
* BAC avec spécialité Electrotechnique ou 3 ans d'expérience dans un emploi similaire
* Connaître les procédés industriels et les normes techniques
* Respecter les règles de sécurité
* Lecture de plan
Vous cherchez à créer de l'IMPACT dans votre carrière ?
Lorsque vous envisagez de rejoindre une nouvelle équipe, la culture d'entreprise est essentielle.
Chez Schneider Electric, nos valeurs et nos comportements sont le fondement de la création d'une culture d'entreprise qui contribue à la réussite de l'entreprise.
Nous pensons que nos valeurs IMPACT - Inclusion, Maîtrise, Raison d'Etre, Action, Curiosité, Travail d'équipe - commencent avec nous.
IMPACT est également une invitation à rejoindre une entreprise où vous pourrez contribuer à transformer l'ambition du développement durable en action, quelle que soit votre fonction dans l'entreprise.
C'est un appel à associer votre carrière à l'ambition d'un monde plus résilient, plus efficace et plus durable.
Nous recherchons des IMPACT Makers, des personnes exceptionnelles qui transforment les ambitions de développement durable en actions à l'intersection de l'automatisatio...
Type: Permanent Location: CHARTRES DE BRETAGNE, FR-35
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:55:03
We are currently seeking a highly motivated and enthusiastic Junior C++ Developer to help with the development of our Schneider Electric's corporate Building Management System (BMS) platform.
We are seeking a talented 'hands on' engineer to join our development department in Lund.
As a member of our R&D organization you will work closely with other development teams locally and globally.
Our state-of-the-art platform provides foundational technology to enable the digitization of a range of solutions that allows customers manage Buildings in a better way.
You will be responsible for creating applications from scratch, configure existing systems and provide user support in our BMS platform.
In this role, you should be able to write functional code with a sharp eye for spotting defects.
You should be a team player and a good communicator.
You will ensure best practices are followed while being responsive in a dynamic and iterative Agile development setting.
* Participate in requirements analysis
* Design, build, and maintain efficient, secure, reusable and reliable code
* Ensure the best possible performance, quality and responsiveness of applications
* Identify bottlenecks and bugs and devise solutions to mitigate and address these issues
* Help maintain code quality, organization and automatization
Required skills and experiences
* A keen interest in Software Development
* Solid knowledge of C++
* Solid understanding of Object-Oriented Design & Analysis
* Familiar with various design and architectural patterns
* Familiar with Test Driven Development and agile software best practices
* Bachelor's degree or higher in software engineering
* Good verbal and written English communication skills.
What do we offer you?
This is a great opportunity to join Schneider Electric and power your career! You will be joining an international, dynamic, and responsible company, with an enviable reputation in the market.
Schneider fosters the development of all its' people around the world.
Every day, we empower employees to achieve more and experience exciting careers.
Find out how our values and unique position make Schneider Electric the employer of choice - apply now.
About our Team:
Building Management System (BMS) team is a cross-functional squad working together to drive and develop sophisticated digital building management solutions within the Buildings - Technical Department at Schneider Electric, based in Lund.
We develop the full system solution, from IOT sensors and controllers to final presentation in the web interface.
Whilst we are extremely proud of what we have built so far, we are always looking for improvements, tech and process alike, and in true agile fashion prioritize learning above all else.
The BMS team fosters a culture of collaboration, trust, and encouragement.
We are embracing the hybrid way of working and like to work from the office 3 days a week, ...
Type: Permanent Location: Lund, SE-M
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:55:03
Schneider Electric has an opportunity for a Electromechanical Engineer Intern or Co-op starting June 2025 in Cedar Rapids, IA.
We are looking for a positive, self-motivated, passionate individual with a strong desire to work in an exciting, fast-paced design environment to help us develop next generation technologies.
The ideal candidate will stay for a 6-month internship or Co-Op.
What will you do?
* Support product engineers and troubleshoot product issues.
(Circuit Breakers)
* Aid in minor design or drawing changes such as building material modifications
* Conduct product / electronic level debugging when there is failure encountered during the verification test
* Understand the methodology of conducting the product verification
* Understand the basic of the industrial devices' characteristics and environment testing process
What qualifications will make you successful?
* Currently pursuing a technical degree in Electrical / Mechanical / Mechatronics Engineering (or similar)
* Previous experience with Creo is a PLUS
* Understand material properties, manufacturing processes and design best practices.
* Identify and assure the right design interfaces between mechanics and electronics.
* Electronic, electric, circuit analysis knowledge (e.g: characteristics of resistor, capacitor, inductor, transistor etc.).
* Good technical report writing skills
* Good communication skills to be able to work with multiple stakeholders
* Ability to operate in a fast-paced environment with high visibility
* Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
* Able to work with multiple stakeholders.
* Able to work on-site in Cedar Rapids for 6 months, starting June 2025.
This position does not provide funding for relocation.
What's in it for me?
* Competitive hourly pay
* Opportunity for career growth
* High visibility team
* A supportive team environment in which members are willing to share their experiences to help you grow
We seek out and reward people for putting the customer first, being disruptive to the status quo, embracing different perspectives, continuously learning, and acting like owners.
We're recognized around the world for welcoming people as they are.
We create an inclusive culture where all forms of diversity are seen as a real value for the company.
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you are thinking about joining a new team, culture matters.
At Schneider Electric, our values and behaviors are the foundation for creating a great culture to support business success.
We believe that our IMPACT values - Inclusion, Mastery, Purpose, Action, Curiosity, Teamwork - starts with us.
IMPACT is also your invitation to join Schneider Electric where you can contribute to ...
Type: Permanent Location: Cedar Rapids, US-IA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:55:02
2nd shift: 2:30-11p M-F; weekend overtime as needed
What will you do?
* GENERAL SUMMARY: Under general supervision pulls necessary materials and delivers to various lines and departments.
+ Locate and pull required material and parts for lines and departments
+ Attention to detail
+ Data entry and recordkeeping
+ Participate in general housekeeping (5S) duties within work area
+ Perform general preventative maintenance (PM) tasks on area equipment as needed
+ Cross-train and rotate through various stations within department as needed to provide additional support
+ Conduct on-the-job (OTJ) for newly hired and/or transferred employees
+ Report material and equipment problems to appropriate personnel
+ Participate in meetings to resolve production issues and interface with other shifts and support groups as needed
+ Other duties as assigned
What qualifications will make you successful?
* Abilities:
+ General knowledge of manufacturing environment (preferred, but not required)
+ Basic computer skills
+ Experience in material handling beneficial, but not required
+ Knowledge of AMAPS system beneficial, but not required
+ Must be self-sufficient (required)
+ High School Diploma or GED required
+ Entry-level.
Physical Requirements:
+ Must be able to safely lift up to 22 lbs.
unaccompanied and able to lift up to 80 lbs.
with partner.
Bending, stooping, twisting, and reaching throughout shift.
Repetitive lifting motions throughout shift.
Schneider Electric's screening process includes substance abuse screening, verification of employment eligibility, and a 7-year background check.
Must be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident.
What's in it for me?
* Weekly Pay
* $3.00 per hour shift premium
* $1000 sign on bonus (paid in two installments)
* Day 1 Benefits
* Advancement Opportunities
Who will you report to?
* 2nd Shift Supervisor
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you are thinking about joining a new team, culture matters.
At Schneider Electric, our values and behaviors are the foundation for creating a great culture to support business success.
We believe that our IMPACT values - Inclusion, Mastery, Purpose, Action, Curiosity, Teamwork - starts with us.
IMPACT is also your invitation to join Schneider Electric where you can contribute to turning sustainability ambition into actions, no matter what role you play.
It is a call to connect your career with the ambition of achieving a more resilient, efficient, and sustainable world.
We are looking for IMPACT Makers; exceptional people who turn sustainability ambitions into actions at the intersection of automation, electrification, and...
Type: Permanent Location: Seneca, US-SC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:55:01
For this U.S.
based position, the expected compensation range is $51,200 - $76,800 per year, which includes base pay and short-term incentive.
The compensation range for this full-time position applies to candidates located within the United States.
Our salary ranges are determined by reviewing roles of similar responsibility and level.
Within the salary range, individual pay is determined by several factors including performance, knowledge, job-related skills, experience, and relevant education or training.
Schneider Electric also offers a comprehensive benefits package to support our employees, inclusive of medical (with member reward points), dental, vision, and basic life insurance, Benefit Bucks (credits to apply towards your benefits) flexible work arrangements, paid family leaves, 401(k) + match, well-being and recognition (including service anniversary) programs, 12 holidays per year, 15 days of paid time off per year (pro-rated in the first year of employment based on start date), opportunity to purchase company stock (eligibility depends on start date), and military leave benefits.
You must submit an online application to be considered for the position.
The Company will accept applications on an ongoing basis until the position is filled.
Great people make Schneider Electric a great company.
Schneider's Field Service Representatives play an impactful role within the organization - collaborating with customers, team members and third-party partners to perform assembly, startup, diagnostic, repair and preventive maintenance on both Company and third-party manufactured equipment in a variety of dynamic environments.
They are problem solvers.
They are customer focused.
They are passionate about the work they do.
They are the future of Schneider Electric! Is this you?
We are proud to offer all Field Service Representatives with direct product training and training on all digital and physical tools associated with their work.
Schneider Electric provides service vehicles, tools, uniforms, mobile devices, and laptops for daily professional use.
This opportunity is a home-based flexible work schedule with 40-hour guarantee (+Overtime).
This Field Service Representative position will be within our U.S.
Services business, specifically our Secure Power & Cooling Services team.
This team focuses on servicing critical data center equipment.
We are the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) service provider for APC (American Power Conversion)/MGE/Schneider Electric equipment.
As a Field Service Representative, a typical day for you might include:
* Pre-site, startup, repair, preventive maintenance, and field modification of equipment
* Problem solving with customers, electricians, sales partners, technical support, District Service
* Completion of field service reports, expense reports, preventive maintenance, and startup data sheets
* Manager and/or Regional Service Director to resolve complex escalated issues
* Con...
Type: Permanent Location: Seattle, US-WA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:55:00
Arbeiten bei Schneider Electric:
IMPACT starts with us: Damit Energie und Ressourcen optimal genutzt werden können, bieten wir unseren Kund:innen auf der ganzen Welt digitale Energie- und Automatisierungslösungen an.
Das ist echte Teamarbeit und nur dank des Engagements all unserer großartigen Mitarbeitenden möglich.
Gemeinsam arbeiten wir täglich an einer nachhaltigeren Zukunft - vielleicht auch schon bald zusammen mit Dir? Bewirb Dich noch heute und werde IMPACT Maker bei Schneider Electric!
Wir glauben, dass großartige Mitarbeiter und Partner Schneider zu einem großartigen Unternehmen machen und dass unser Engagement für Innovation, Vielfalt und Nachhaltigkeit sicherstellt, dass das Leben überall, für jeden und in jedem Moment ON ist.
Wir suchen einenIT Onsite Support (w/m/d)für denStandort Lahr.
In dieser Rolle bist du verantwortlich für den Support von Schneider Electric Arbeitsplatz- und Infrastruktureinrichtungen (einschließlich Netzwerkinfrastruktur).
* Kompetenter und kundenorientierter 2.
Level Support für Anwender
* Verwaltung des gesamten Hardware-Lifecycle
* Unterstützung der Benutzer in allen IT-Fragen
* Zusammenarbeit mit anderen IT-Teams und Dienstleistern
* Analyse und Lösung von technischen Problemen (Software & Hardware)
* "Hand & Eyes"-Support für zentrale Servicebereiche (Server, Netzwerk, Internetanbindung)
* Unterstützung des technischen Betriebs bei besonderen Veranstaltungen
* Bearbeitung und Dokumentation von Störungen und Serviceanfragen über Ticketsystem (ServiceNow)
* Eigenständige Organisation zur Einhaltung interner SLAs
* Aktive Beteiligung an kontinuierlicher Verbesserung der IT-Serviceprozess
Unser Angebot:
* Arbeiten mit Sinn! AlsGreen Companymit Verantwortungs- und Nachhaltigkeitsbewusstsein kannst Du mit uns eine grüne Zukunft schaffen.
* Werde Teil eines großartigen Teams, in demWertschätzungund offene Worte gelebt werden.
* Dich erwartet einabwechslungsreicher Arbeitsplatzmit viel Eigenverantwortung.
* Profitiere vonregelmäßigen Trainingsund attraktiven Entwicklungsperspektiven eines internationalen Konzerns.
* Arbeiteflexibel, so dass auch Zeit für Deine Familie und Hobbies bleibt.
Dein Profil:
* Eineabgeschlossene Berufsausbildung im IT-Bereich oder vergleichbare Qualifikation.
* Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung im Bereich des Endanwender-Supports.
* Einschlägige Kenntnisseim Umgang mit SCCM, AD und ServiceNow.
* Gute Kenntnisse in MS Betriebssystemen, Microsoft 365, SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams, MS Intune, Android, iOS.
* Ausgeprägte Serviceorientierung und ein hohes Maß an Beratungskompetenz.
* Eigeninitiative und lösungsorientierte Arbeitsweise.
* Fließende Deutsch-Kenntnisse, Englisch ist von Vorteil.
Curiosity, Inclusion, Teamwork:
Kein Mensch ist makellos und nicht alle Karrierewege verlaufen gleich.
Wichtig ist, dass wir den Willen hab...
Type: Permanent Location: Lahr, DE-BW
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:55:00
What will you do?
Schneider Electric is looking for a highly innovative and enthusiastic Embedded Firmware Engineer to join our Embedded communication team on-site at our Andover, MA location.
In this role, the individual will develop embedded system firmware for communications protocols and IoT (Internet of Things) enabled solutions in the industry sector.
* Product Development: Firmware development for POSIX-based platforms (Embedded Linux and VxWorks) for embedded-C.
Develop in the context of hardware constraints and system complexity.
* Prototyping & testing Industrial Communication Protocols: Test Driven Development (TDD) & Unit Testing for real-time embedded communication firmware
* Research and Exploration: Evaluating stacks used for prototyping when responding to internal customer offers.
* Technical Documentation: Contributing to writing detailed specifications, design documents, Build Guides, Implementation Guides, and Whitepapers based on industry standards and internal requirements.
* Debugging and Troubleshooting: Debug, Analyze, and resolve complex hardware and software issues to ensure optimal system performance and security and perform unit tests.
* Code Quality Enhancement: Develop high-quality, well-tested code through comprehensive unit testing and debugging.
* Agile Collaboration: Actively participate in the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC), including daily standups and other agile ceremonies.
* Innovation: Participate in innovative projects outside of day-to-day project execution.
* Problem Solving: Demonstrate exceptional analytical and problem-solving skills for rapid troubleshooting and solution development.
* Good Presentation skills: Ability to communicate complex technical concepts.
What's in it for you?
Schneider Electric is leading the digital transformation of energy management and industrial automation.
Our technologies enable the world to use energy in a safe, efficient and sustainable manner.
We strive to promote a global economy that is both ecologically viable and highly productive.
Who will you report to?
This role will report to the R&D Engineering Manager
What qualifications will make you successful for this role?
* Education: Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or a closely related field with an emphasis on embedded systems.
* Experience: At least 3-5 years of experience in embedded firmware or application development
* Application Needs Understanding: Knowledge of technical specifications, code design using UML diagrams, customer application needed, and ability to convert them into functional and technical design and application.
* Engineering Skills: Ability to propose and deploy new technical solutions, optimize design from the performance and cost perspective using modulization approach.
* Technical Expertise: Solid foundation in C/C++ programming, Linux development, ...
Type: Permanent Location: Andover, US-MA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:59
For this U.S.
based position, the expected compensation range is $51,200 - $76,800 per year, which includes base pay and short-term incentive.
The compensation range for this full-time position applies to candidates located within the United States.
Our salary ranges are determined by reviewing roles of similar responsibility and level.
Within the salary range, individual pay is determined by several factors including performance, knowledge, job-related skills, experience, and relevant education or training.
Schneider Electric also offers a comprehensive benefits package to support our employees, inclusive of medical (with member reward points), dental, vision, and basic life insurance, Benefit Bucks (credits to apply towards your benefits) flexible work arrangements, paid family leaves, 401(k) + match, well-being and recognition (including service anniversary) programs, 12 holidays per year, 15 days of paid time off per year (pro-rated in the first year of employment based on start date), opportunity to purchase company stock (eligibility depends on start date), and military leave benefits.
You must submit an online application to be considered for the position.
The Company will accept applications on an ongoing basis until the position is filled.
Great people make Schneider Electric a great company.
Schneider's Field Service Representatives play an impactful role within the organization - collaborating with customers, team members and third-party partners to perform assembly, startup, diagnostic, repair and preventive maintenance on both Company and third-party manufactured equipment in a variety of dynamic environments.
They are problem solvers.
They are customer focused.
They are passionate about the work they do.
They are the future of Schneider Electric! Is this you?
We are proud to offer all Field Service Representatives with direct product training and training on all digital and physical tools associated with their work.
Schneider Electric provides service vehicles, tools, uniforms, mobile devices, and laptops for daily professional use.
This opportunity is a home-based flexible work schedule with 40-hour guarantee (+Overtime).
This Field Service Representative position will be within our U.S.
Services business, specifically our Secure Power team.
Our Secure Power team focuses on servicing critical data center equipment.
We are the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) service provider for APC (American Power Conversion)/MGE/Schneider Electric equipment.
As a Field Service Representative, a typical day for you might include:
* Pre-site, startup, repair, preventive maintenance, and field modification of equipment
* Problem solving with customers, electricians, sales partners, technical support, District Service
* Completion of field service reports, expense reports, preventive maintenance, and startup data sheets
* Manager and/or Regional Service Director to resolve complex escalated issues
* Continuous...
Type: Permanent Location: Milwaukee, US-WI
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:58
For this U.S.
based position, the expected compensation range is $51,200 - $76,800 per year, which includes base pay and short-term incentive.
The compensation range for this full-time position applies to candidates located within the United States.
Our salary ranges are determined by reviewing roles of similar responsibility and level.
Within the salary range, individual pay is determined by several factors including performance, knowledge, job-related skills, experience, and relevant education or training.
Schneider Electric also offers a comprehensive benefits package to support our employees, inclusive of medical (with member reward points), dental, vision, and basic life insurance, Benefit Bucks (credits to apply towards your benefits) flexible work arrangements, paid family leaves, 401(k) + match, well-being and recognition (including service anniversary) programs, 12 holidays per year, 15 days of paid time off per year (pro-rated in the first year of employment based on start date), opportunity to purchase company stock (eligibility depends on start date), and military leave benefits.
You must submit an online application to be considered for the position.
The Company will accept applications on an ongoing basis until the position is filled.
Great people make Schneider Electric a great company.
Schneider's Field Service Representatives play an impactful role within the organization - collaborating with customers, team members and third-party partners to perform assembly, startup, diagnostic, repair and preventive maintenance on both Company and third-party manufactured equipment in a variety of dynamic environments.
They are problem solvers.
They are customer focused.
They are passionate about the work they do.
They are the future of Schneider Electric! Is this you?
We are proud to offer all Field Service Representatives with direct product training and training on all digital and physical tools associated with their work.
Schneider Electric provides service vehicles, tools, uniforms, mobile devices, and laptops for daily professional use.
This opportunity is a home-based flexible work schedule with 40-hour guarantee (+Overtime).
This Field Service Representative position will be within our U.S.
Services business, specifically our Secure Power team.
Our Secure Power team focuses on servicing critical data center equipment.
We are the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) service provider for APC (American Power Conversion)/MGE/Schneider Electric equipment.
As a Field Service Representative, a typical day for you might include:
* Pre-site, startup, repair, preventive maintenance, and field modification of equipment
* Problem solving with customers, electricians, sales partners, technical support, District Service
* Completion of field service reports, expense reports, preventive maintenance, and startup data sheets
* Manager and/or Regional Service Director to resolve complex escalated issues
* Continuous...
Type: Permanent Location: Chicago, US-IL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:58
Great people make Schneider Electric a great company.
Schneider's Field Service Representatives play an impactful role within the organization - collaborating with customers, team members and third-party partners to perform assembly, startup, diagnostic, repair and preventive maintenance on both Company and third-party manufactured equipment in a variety of dynamic environments.
They are problem solvers.
They are customer focused.
They are passionate about the work they do.
They are the future of Schneider Electric! Is this you?
We are proud to offer all Field Service Representatives with direct product training and training on all digital and physical tools associated with their work.
Schneider Electric provides service vehicles, tools, uniforms, mobile devices, and laptops for daily professional use.
This opportunity is a home-based flexible work schedule with 40-hour guarantee (+Overtime).
This Field Service Representative position will be within our U.S.
Services business, specifically our Secure Power team.
Our Secure Power team focuses on servicing critical data center equipment.
We are the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) service provider for APC (American Power Conversion)/MGE/Schneider Electric equipment.
As a Field Service Representative, a typical day for you might include:
* Pre-site, startup, repair, preventive maintenance, and field modification of equipment
* Problem solving with customers, electricians, sales partners, technical support, District Service
* Completion of field service reports, expense reports, preventive maintenance, and startup data sheets
* Manager and/or Regional Service Director to resolve complex escalated issues
* Continuous learning and training on various products both in the field and in the classroom
On some days, you may even:
* Travel throughout the region for local customer support or even countrywide travel
* Assist the Field Project Manager on larger system startups
* Act on behalf of the District Service Manager to resolve operational issues as required
This may be the next step in your career journey if you have:
* An Associate degree, vocational education, or similar experience in electronics, electrical theory or similar desirable discipline or military training
* Thorough understanding of principles of AC and DC power, various AC and DC supply circuit components
* 2+ years of field service repair and customer service with UPS, electrical, electro-mechanical or electronics related equipment
* 2+ years in Field Services or equivalent industry experience.
* Safe driving and vehicle operations skills
* Skilled at utilizing test and diagnostic equipment
* Experience reading and interpreting schematics, drawings, and theory of operation manuals
* The ability to write service reports, correspondence, procedures, effectively present information and respond to customer questions.
* The capacity to move ser...
Type: Permanent Location: Las Vegas, US-NV
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:57
We are seeking a motivated and experienced front lines sale and business development person to join our home builder team as a Home Builder Specialist.
The Home Builder Specialist will be responsible for collaborating with home builders, contractors, and developers at the divisional and community project level to promote and specify our products for residential construction projects, and then to white glove the implementation and commissioning process of our new connected solutions in select communities up to and including residential community microgrid community projects.
These positions will report to the Director of Strategic Customers & Program with a day to day dotted line to the corresponding National Account Manager.
The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of residential construction, and electrical contracting business and channel.
Additional understanding of the solar, HVAC and low voltage contracting and channel is a plus.
This position also requires excellent communication skills, ability to understand and adapt approach in negotiations at the project level and a proven track record of building and maintaining strong business relationships.
Key Responsibilities:
Develop and maintain relationships with home builders, contractors, and developers at the divisional and community project level to drive product specifications and sales.
Provide product education and training to home builders and contractors (electrical, solar, HVAC and low voltage) on the features, benefits, and applications of our products.
Collaborate with the sales and marketing teams to develop strategies for targeting and engaging home builders and developers particularly smaller sized builders operating at a state or even regional level.
Stay updated on industry trends, building codes, and regulations to provide informed recommendations to clients.
Coordinate with internal stakeholders to ensure timely and accurate delivery of products and services to home builders and contractors.
Assist in the resolution of any issues or concerns related to product performance or installation in residential construction projects.
* Bachelor's degree in Business, Marketing, Engineering, or related field preferred.
* 2-4 years of experience in a similar role within the residential construction industry.
* Strong understanding of residential construction processes, building materials, and industry trends.
* Excellent communication, negotiation, and relationship-building skills.
* Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a fast-paced environment.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you are thinking about joining a new team, culture matters.
At Schneider Electric, our values and behaviors are the foundation for creating a great culture to support business success.
We believe that our IMPACT values - Inclusion, Mastery, Purpose, Action, Curiosity, Teamwork - starts with us.
IMPACT is al...
Type: Permanent Location: Phoenix, US-AZ
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:56
For this U.S.
based position, the expected compensation range is $89,000- $134,400.00 per year, which includes base pay and short-term incentive.
The compensation range for this full-time position applies to candidates located within the United States.
Our salary ranges are determined by reviewing roles of similar responsibility and level.
Within the salary range, individual pay is determined by several factors including performance, knowledge, job-related skills, experience, and relevant education or training.
Schneider Electric also offers a comprehensive benefits package to support our employees, inclusive of medical (with member reward points), dental, vision, and basic life insurance, Benefit Bucks (credits to apply towards your benefits) flexible work arrangements, paid family leaves, 401(k) + match, well-being and recognition (including service anniversary) programs, 12 holidays per year, 15 days of paid time off per year (pro-rated in the first year of employment based on start date), opportunity to purchase company stock (eligibility depends on start date), and military leave benefits.
You must submit an online application to be considered for the position.
The Company will accept applications on an ongoing basis until the position is filled.
The world is ever changing.
The sales process, buying behaviors, and environment are quickly evolving to adapt.
Are you? The Schneider Electric North America Strategic Customers team is a dynamic sales force within Schneider Electric, energizing the company's most critical Customers toward innovation, digitization, and sustainability in the new energy landscape.
We are seeking a motivated and experienced front lines sale and business development person to join our home builder team as a Home Builder Specialist.
The Home Builder Specialist will be responsible for collaborating with home builders, contractors, and developers at the divisional and community project level to promote and specify our products for residential construction projects, and then to white glove the implementation and commissioning process of our new connected solutions in select communities up to and including residential community microgrid community projects.
These positions will report to the Director of Strategic Customers & Program with a day to day dotted line to the corresponding National Account Manager.
The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of residential construction, and electrical contracting business and channel.
Additional understanding of the solar, HVAC and low voltage contracting and channel is a plus.
This position also requires excellent communication skills, ability to understand and adapt approach in negotiations at the project level and a proven track record of building and maintaining strong business relationships.
Key Responsibilities:
Develop and maintain relationships with home builders, contractors, and developers at the divisional and community project level to drive product ...
Type: Permanent Location: San Francisco, US-CA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:56
Location: Marktheidenfeld
Working at Schneider Electric:
IMPACT starts with us: We offer our customers around the world digital energy and automation solutions so that energy and resources can be optimally utilized.
This is real teamwork and only possible thanks to the commitment of all our great employees.
At Schneider Electric, we work together every day to build a more sustainable future - maybe soon with you? Apply today and become an IMPACT Maker at Schneider Electric!
* Working together with the project teams regarding test strategy, definition, execution and documentation on product and component qualification for electronic devices
* Demonstrate your knowledge by performing and evaluating hardware related tests on automation equipment like complex servo drive systems including programmable logic controller
* Support our product compliance and certification team with testing according to national and international safety standards (e.g.
IEC 61800-5-1, IEC 61131-2)
* Drive continuous improvement to ensure a high level of product quality and efficiency within our organization
* Within our ISO 17025 accredited testing laboratory you will be able to demonstrate your competences and professional expertise
* In addition, you will coordinate the execution of special tests with external testing laboratories
Our Offer:
* You will be part of agrowing companywith a positive industry reputation, who is arecognized leaderin a market where energy services are in demand
* We provide the freedom to make your own decisions.
Take on responsibility for the success of an international group
* Thanks to flexible working conditions, it will be easy for you to reconcile family, leisure time and your job
* You may develop different interests in the future.
With Schneider Electric, you have all thedevelopment opportunitiesan international group can provide
* Our attractive salary and the social benefits our international group offers speak for themselves
Your Profile:
* A completed technician or bachelor's degree in electrical engineering
* Ideally you have already gained professional experiences within the field of hardware testing and power electronics and/or logic controller
* Any professional experiences with EMC, electrical safety, environmental conditions a plus
* A team player who listens to and values the ideas and opinions of other team members
* Motivated self-starter who can work without daily supervision and guidance
* Strong communication skills in English and at least a basic knowledge in German are required
Curiosity, Inclusion, Teamwork:
Nobody is flawless and not all career paths are the same.
The important thing is that we have the will to learn and develop ourselves further.
Because we know that career also means having to find your strengths first.
Apply now, even if you don't fulfil all the requirements (yet).
We look forward to getting ...
Type: Permanent Location: Marktheidenfeld, DE-BY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:55
Here's your opportunity to be a transformational leader as the Athens operations manager to drive operational performance while developing a versatile team.
In this role, you will manage daily operations for 350k Sq.
Ft of warehouse space and lead an employee base of 200 directly and indirectly.
You will have the opportunity to own strong stakeholder engagement with Schneider Electric's Global Supply Chain teams in Transportation, End to End Control Tower, and Supply Chain Planning.
The Distribution Center is located in Athens, Texas.
What will you do?
* Drive people engagement, focused on a diverse and inclusive team environment
* Ensure all operations adhere to industry safety protocols and comply with OHSA,DOT,and other government regulations.
* Oversee all inventory, logistics, and distribution operations
* Manage DC operations to achieve the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) targets through action plans and regular reviews
* Plan projects and sets objectives for the employees to meet
* Support transformation projects and continuous improvement
* Build strong local logistics competencies in the local team to drive innovation and agility Ensure the right focus and implementation on EHS action plans
* Manage and oversee the management of projects and programs to attain agreed objectives Guarantee the respect of SE policy & implementation of the local rules
* Validate Warehouse capacity planning
* Other Activities as assigned by Manager
Key Interfaces
* DC teams
* Logistics and GSC function leaders
* Customers of the DC's
* Suppliers of the DC's
* Customer Care
Skills & Competencies
* Strong leader of People
* Drive continuous improvement and transformation projects
* Lead Operation Excellence
* Structured and process orientated
* Results Driven
* WMS/TMS Information Systems (SAP, Manhattan, Q2C)
* Work well independently and in a team environment.
* Working knowledge of Continuous Improvement;
* Competency in budgeting, forecasting, and planning
* Respond professionally in situations with difficult employee/vendor/customer issues or inquiries o Distribution Center automation
* Distribution Center Operations
* Transportation
* Supply Chain Management
* Projects Management Process (PMP) understanding
What qualifications will make you successful?
* Bachelor's Degree in SCM preferred, or degree in other related field
* Proven track record of leading and managing a full operation
* 5+ years of progressive experience in Operations, Supply Chain and Logistics
* Warehouse experience utilizing digital technologies and innovation
* Strong people manager and talent developer
* This is an onsite job and requires you to be present every day and if needed on weekends.
It would require you to have the ability to stand in the shopfloor for long durations.
What's in it...
Type: Permanent Location: Athens, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:54
Schneider Electric is in need to a Quality Technician in our West Chester, Ohio facility!
The Quality Technician tests and inspects power distribution components and equipment in an engineered-to-order (ETO) manufacturing facility.
In this role you will perform electrical testing, mechanical checking, and cosmetic inspection of a variety of complex switchboard and switchgear products ranging from 480v-38kv.
Candidates will be required to analyze, diagnose, and troubleshoot complicated control systems, ground fault schemes, circuit breakers, and relays.
Create test reports and maintain accurate records in compliance with UL and ISO requirements.
* Test and inspect electrical wiring systems for switchgear, UPS systems, panelboards, switches, transformers, and control devices.
* Perform live electrical testing including but not limited to Hipot testing, contact resistance and insulation testing.
* Perform mechanical inspections of complex power distribution equipment.
* Ensure compliance with UL, ANSI, and ISO standards.
* Perform cosmetic inspections of complete assemblies including painted and plated metal surfaces.
* Provide quality feedback to production/assembly and engineering teams.
* Support quality actions and initiatives within the operation, including but not limited to: Root cause analysis, non-compliance reviews, quality documentation, process reviews.
* Collect and compile statistical quality data.
* Ensure compliance in safety and quality procedures.
Required Skills/Abilities:
* Ability to read and interpret drawings, specifications, and complex wiring diagrams.
* Ability to troubleshoot devices electrically and mechanically.
* Working knowledge of general purpose test equipment.
* Knowledge of power distribution equipment and testing practices.
* Ability to use common mechanic and wiring tools.
* Strong written and verbal communication skills.
* Computer skills including Microsoft Office tools.
* Ability to learn various manufacturing computer systems.
Education and Experience:
* High school diploma or equivalent required.
* Completion of a formal apprenticeship is preferred.
* Experience in switchgear manufacturing and/or testing.
Physical Requirements:
* Prolonged periods standing, kneeling, bending, and climbing ladders.
* Able to lift up to 50 pounds at a time
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you are thinking about joining a new team, culture matters.
At Schneider Electric, our values and behaviors are the foundation for creating a great culture to support business success.
We believe that our IMPACT values - Inclusion, Mastery, Purpose, Action, Curiosity, Teamwork - starts with us.
IMPACT is al...
Type: Permanent Location: West Chester, US-OH
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:53
Wir sind keine Träumer, wir sind Macher - wir sind Impact-Maker!
Bei Schneider Electric machen wir Gebäude und Industrien SMART, EFFIZIENT & NACHHALTIG.
Mit uns bringst Du den Kölner Dom zum Leuchten, Schokoriegel in ihre Verpackung und Elektroautos zum Fahren.
Du bist zuverlässig und lernst gerne Neues dazu? Dann bist Du unser:e Schülerpraktikant:in und schnuppere in verschiedene Berufsbilder herein!
Was kann ich lernen?
Bei Deinem einwöchigen Praktikum (nach Absprache flexibel) wirst Du sofort in praxisnahe Projekte einbezogen und lernst die Berufe und Abteilungen eines Industrieunternehmens kennen.
So bekommst Du einen Einblick in die Strukturen und Aufgaben hier am Standort Marktheidenfeld und kannst Dich persönlich mit unseren Mitarbeitenden austauschen und Fragen stellen.
Diese Bereiche lernst Du kennen:
+ Personalabteilung
+ Marketing
+ Kaufmännischer Innendienst (CCC)
+ Vertrieb, Applikation/Anwendungsprogrammierung
+ Entwicklung Anwendungssoftware / Firmware / Hardware
+ Facility Management
+ Robotik
+ Labor und Validierung#imPersonalabteilung, Marketing, Kaufmännischer Innendienst (CCC), Vertrieb, Applikation/Anwendungsprogrammierung, Entwicklung Anwendungssoftware, Entwicklung Firmware, Entwicklung Hardware, Facility Management, Robotik, Labor und Validierung.pact_azubi #impact_schülerpraktiku
Dein nächster Schritt - bewerben natürlich!
Gib hierfür einfach die JOB-ID 80863 in das Suchfeld auf unserem Bewerbungsportal https://www.se.com/de/de/about-us/careers/overview.jsp ein und los geht es.
Lade uns Deine Unterlagen Online hoch und wir melden uns bei Dir!
+ Motivationsschreiben
+ Lebenslauf
+ gewünschter Zeitraum
Solltest Du noch Fragen haben steht Dir Gerhard Peoschl unter gerhard.poeschl@se.com zur Verfügung
Wir freuen uns darauf Dich kennenzulernen!
#impact_azubi #impact_schülerpraktikum
Möchtest auch Du mit Deiner Karriere ein/e IMPACT-Maker/in sein?Wenn Du darüber nachdenkst, einem neuen Team beizutreten, ist die Kultur entscheidend.
Bei Schneider Electric bilden unsere Werte und Verhaltensweisen die Grundlage für die Schaffung einer großartigen Kultur, die den Geschäftserfolg unterstützt.
Wir glauben, dass unsere IMPACT-Werte - Inclusion, Mastery, Purpose, Action, Curiosity, Teamwork - bei uns selbst beginnen.
IMPACT lädt Dich ein, Dich Schneider Electric anzuschließen und unsere Nachhaltigkeitsambitionen in die Tat umzusetzen, unabhängig von Deiner Rolle.
Es ist eine Einladung, Deine Karriere mit dem Ziel zu verbinden, eine widerstandsfähigere, effizientere und nachhaltigere Welt zu schaffen.
Wir sind auf der Suche nach IMPACT-Maker/innen - außergewöhnlichen Menschen, die Nachhaltigkeitsambitionen an der Schnittstelle von Automatisierung, Elektrifizierung und Digitalisierung in die Tat umsetzen.
Wir feiern IMPACT-Maker/innen und glauben, dass jede/r das Potenzial ...
Type: Permanent Location: Marktheidenfeld, DE-BY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:53
Contributor Role: (Working in Project Team as Adv.
Plastics Specialist)
• Act as a contributor to project teams, utilizing individual knowledge in component development within your expertise (Steel or Plastic depending on your expertise)
• Work directly with Designers and Engineers to optimize the part design early in the design process
• Use standardized processes to conduct manufacturability study assessing critical characteristics, risks, and develop mitigation plans
• Actively engaged in cross functional Maturity Level drawing review with project team
• Continuously participate in tooling strategy and supply base to meet the needs of business and growth
• Utilize standardized processes for conducting financial assessment on the tooling size, cost and capacity output based on unit volume forecasts and return on capital employed
• Ensure the consistency and application of Schneider Electric global standards for tool design and establishment of production process
• Ensure the accurate forecasting and management of Operating and Capital expense requirements from project start to final asset transfer
• Develop target part cost estimate based on costing models and work with Purchasing to leverage negotiations with external supply base
• Protect Schneider Electric via thorough review of terms and conditions for tooling/parts suppliers
• Responsible to drive processes and suppliers to ensure the availability of parts is aligned with schedule through direct work with the plant and project teams.
• Responsible to actively participate / lead tool design reviews, tool schedule, and tool approval.
As well as the part qualification and process validation process while optimizing the performance
• Responsible to obtain plant acceptance and provide the final sign-off on tool and process
• Ensure compliance of all documentation in alignment with the global Processes
• Individual role will be responsible for designated suppliers and parts industrialization for several business units.
As well as new projects and sometimes product evolution projects, depending on the workload needs.
• 10+ years of experience in plastic tooling development and molding process development
• Experience in working with suppliers, supporting and troubleshooting issues in a fast paced production environment.
• Troubleshooting molding process and tooling issues and working in a molding/tooling environment to implement process improvement
• Innovation and Regional or Global Job Animation initiatives and tasks
• Teamwork and communication skills in working with other functions
• Demonstrate passionate, open, straightforward, challenging and effective leadership and collaboration skills
• Strong communication skills in English (written and verbal) are mandatory
• Ability to work successfully in a multi...
Type: Permanent Location: Nashville, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:52
For this U.S.
based position, the expected compensation range is $51,200-$76,800 per year, which includes base pay and short-term incentive.
The compensation range for this full-time position applies to candidates located within the United States.
Our salary ranges are determined by reviewing roles of similar responsibility and level.
Within the salary range, individual pay is determined by several factors including performance, knowledge, job-related skills, experience, and relevant education or training.
Schneider Electric also offers a comprehensive benefits package to support our employees, inclusive of medical (with member reward points), dental, vision, and basic life insurance, Benefit Bucks (credits to apply towards your benefits) flexible work arrangements, paid family leaves, 401(k) + match, well-being and recognition (including service anniversary) programs, 12 holidays per year, 15 days of paid time off per year (pro-rated in the first year of employment based on start date), opportunity to purchase company stock (eligibility depends on start date), and military leave benefits.
You must submit an online application to be considered for the position.
The Company will accept applications on an ongoing basis until the position is filled.
Great people make Schneider Electric a great company.
Schneider's Field Service Representatives play an impactful role within the organization - collaborating with customers, team members and third-party partners to perform assembly, startup, diagnostic, repair and preventive maintenance on both Company and third-party manufactured equipment in a variety of dynamic environments.
They are problem solvers.
They are customer focused.
They are passionate about the work they do.
They are the future of Schneider Electric! Is this you?
This field service representative position will be within our U.S.
Services business, specifically our Secure Power team.
Our Secure Power team focuses on servicing critical data center equipment.
We are the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) service provider for APC (American Power Conversion)/Schneider Electric equipment.
As a Field Service Representative, a typical day for you might include:
* Pre-site, startup, repair, preventive maintenance, and field modification of equipment
* Problem solving with customers, electricians, sales partners, technical support, District Service
* Completion of field service reports, expense reports, preventive maintenance, and startup data sheets
* Manager and/or Regional Service Director to resolve complex escalated issues
* Continuous learning and training on various products both in the field and in the classroom
On some days, you may even:
* Travel throughout the region for local customer support or even countrywide travel
* Assist the Field Project Manager on larger system startups
* Act on behalf of the District Service Manager to resolve operational issues as required
This may be the ...
Type: Permanent Location: Buffalo, US-NY
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:51
Rejoignez les équipes des opérations France du centre d'application Digital Buildings et reportez directement au directeur de la région Méditerranée.
En tant que Technicien Automaticien GTB, vous serez au cœur de l'implémentation de nos solutions innovantes d'automatisation et de contrôle des bâtiments.
Basé à l'agence de Carros, votre mission principale se déroulera dans la dynamique région Sud-Est ( Monaco principalement).
Venez contribuer à l'avenir des bâtiments intelligents avec nous !
Vos principales missions :
* Analyser et spécifier les solutions techniques en fonction des besoins spécifiques du client, en veillant à leur adéquation avec les termes du contrat
* Valider les choix techniques à chaque étape du projet pour garantir la qualité et la pertinence de la solution finale
* Programmer et mettre en service les solutions définies, tout en respectant les délais et les normes établies
* Réaliser des tests fonctionnels, ainsi que et la configuration des équipements sur la GTC/GTB, pour assurer leur bon fonctionnement
* Effectuer la mise en service des installations, fournir une assistance au démarrage et réaliser les ajustements nécessaires pour garantir un fonctionnement optimal
* Évaluer les risques techniques associés aux projets et proposer des solutions proactives pour les minimiser ou les éliminer
* Gérer les aspects techniques des projets, que ce soit de manière autonome ou en collaboration au sein d'une équipe multidisciplinaire
* Optimiser les solutions pour atteindre une performance maximale et répondre aux exigences du client.
* Titulaire d'un Bac+2 minimum dans le domaine de l'automatisme, du génie climatique ou des bâtiments connectés (Licence professionnelle SARII ou BTS FED option bâtiments intelligents),
* Vous possédez une première expérience dans le secteur de la Gestion Technique de Bâtiment (GTB), du Chauffage, Ventilation et Climatisation (CVC), ainsi que dans le domaine du confort.
* Vous avez également une expérience dans l'intégration de matériel d'automatisation pour les bâtiments.
Qualités et compétences recherchées :
* Un véritable esprit d'équipe, associé à une rigueur, une fiabilité et une autonomie exemplaire, ainsi qu'un engagement fort envers les projets.
* Une maîtrise des outils informatiques.
* Des compétences techniques en réseau IP, électricité, hydraulique, aéraulique, CVC, régulation, et réseaux de communication (LON, BACnet, Modbus, KNX...).
* Des compétences en programmation d'automates et en interfaces homme-machine (IHM).
Nous reconnaissons que les compétences peuvent se manifester de différentes manières et être façonnées par votre expérience de vie.
Si vous ne remplissez pas toutes les exigences mentionnées, nous vous encourageons néanmoins à postuler.
Votre parcours unique pourrait apporter une valeur ajoutée à notre équ...
Type: Permanent Location: CARROS, FR-06
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:51
Votre environnement :
Chez Schneider Electric, notre raison d'être est de permettre à chacun de tirer le meilleur de son énergie et de ses ressources en conciliant progrès et développement durable pour tous.
Nous nommons cette ambition : Life is On.
Grâce à nos innovations digitales et technologiques, nous sommes leader de la gestion de l'énergie et des automatismes.
Vous serez basé/e au siège à Rueil-Malmaison au sein du département Finance, sous la responsabilité de Thomas, le Directeur de la Consolidation.
Vous rejoindrez une équipe de 10 analystes consolidation.
Votre rôle :
* En tant qu'Analyste de Consolidation, vous participerez à la production et à l'analyse des états financiers consolidés du Groupe, publiés trimestriellement, semestriellement et annuellement selon les normes IFRS, et fournirez à la Direction Générale une analyse mensuelle des états financiers du Groupe et des principaux KPI financiers.
* Vous serez impliqué dans des analyses techniques transversales, telles que la réconciliation fiscale, l'évaluation IFRS 2, les retraites, la réconciliation des capitaux propres, l'analyse des flux de trésorerie, les investissements financiers, la dette, etc.
* Vous présenterez vos analyses aux auditeurs externes ainsi qu'au Directeur Financier du Groupe.
* Vous challengerez mensuellement la performance du P&L des activités du Groupe et expliquerez les principales tendances et événements de la période à la Direction Générale.
* Vous prendrez des initiatives pour améliorer nos outils, augmenter la qualité des données et automatiser l'analyse, tout en tenant compte des besoins de la direction générale, ainsi que des contraintes des entités locales.
Contribution importante au M&A :
Vous serez impliqué dans les due diligences préalables aux transactions, et serez responsable de l'évaluation et de la gestion comptable des PPA (Purchase Price Allocation) et de l'intégration financière des entreprises acquises.
Vous soutiendrez également les équipes locales dans l'intégration financière des entreprises cédées/acquises.
Le rôle offre une interactivité quotidienne stimulante avec les pays, les activités (FP&A et directeurs financiers nationaux), les fonctions centrales (Fiscalité, Trésorerie, M&A, Juridique, Relations Investisseurs, etc.) et une perspective unique sur l'ensemble de l'entreprise.
Votre profil :
Diplômé/e d'une école de commerce ou d'une université / école d'ingénieur, avec spécialisation en Finance.
3 à 5 ans d'expérience au sein d'un cabinet d'audit ou d'une entreprise internationale, incluant une connaissance réussie de la consolidation appliquant les normes IFRS.
Vos compétences :
Un niveau C1 en anglais (car nous sommes internationaux !)
Connaissance de HFM ou BFC
Un état d'esprit proactif, agile et pragmatique
La capacité à travailler dans un environnement en évolution
Curiosité et potentiel de développement
Type: Permanent Location: RUEIL MALMAISON, FR-92
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:50
Your environment :
Schneider Electric is a unique & successful company positioned on the key challenges of our generation : energy efficiency and electrification of the electrical mix.
Based in our headquarters in Rueil-Malmaison, within the Finance & Control, Legal Affairs Department, for our Reporting & Consolidation unit, we are looking for a Consolidation Analyst.
Reporting to Thomas, the Consolidation Director, you will join a team of 10 talented consolidation analysts (gender and internationnaly diverse !).
Your role :
* As a Consolidation Analyst, you will participate in the production and analysis of the quarterly, half year and annual IFRS Group Consolidated Financial Statements published to the market and provide to the Top Management a monthly analysis of the Group Financial Statements & key financial KPIs
* You will be involved in transversal technical analysis, such as tax reconciliation, IFRS 2 valuation, pensions, equity reconciliation, cash-flow analysis, financial investments, debt, etc...
* You will present your analysis to external auditors as well as to Group CFO
* You will challenge on a monthly basis the Group business P&L performance and explain main trends and events of the period to Top Management.
* You will take initiatives to improve the consolidation tool, to increase data quality and automate the analysis, while considering top management needs, as well as local entities constraints
* Strong contribution to M&A:
+ You will be involved in pre-deal diligences, you will be responsible for PPA valuation & accounting management and for the financial integration of the acquired businesses
+ You will also support local teams with the accounting of disposed / acquired businesses.
The role provides a challenging day-to-day interactivity with countries, business (FP&As & country CFOs), corporate functions (Tax, Treasury, M&A, Legal, Investor Relations etc.) and a unique perspective over the whole company.
Your profile :
* Graduated from a Business school or university / engineering school, majoring in Finance
* 3 to 5 years of experience within an Audit firm or an international company
* Including a successful knowledge in consolidation applying IFRS standards
Your skills :
* A C1 level in English (because we are international !)
* Knowledge of HFM or BFC
* A proactive, agile, and pragmatic minset
* An ability to work in a changing environment
* Curiosity and development potential
* Ability to prioritize and organize his/her own work to meet strict deadlines
We offer :
Our offer includes an attractive package and goes well beyond :
* A competitive salary, an individual bonus as well as profit-sharing and participation bonuses rewarding everyone's efforts
* A range of social benefits that make life easier: healthcare insurance that meets all needs, generous savings and retirement plans, an attractive shareholding...
Type: Permanent Location: RUEIL MALMAISON, FR-92
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:49
As part of a team of talented architects, platform engineers, and developers, the Sustainability Platform Engineer will play a critical role in development, deployment and maintenance of cloud-based applications and infrastructure within the Microsoft Azure environment.
This role will be focused on fostering observability strategies and implementation of those strategies within our Azure Cloud and Kubernetes environment.
It also requires a deep understanding of Kubernetes, containerization, infrastructure as code, observability technologies, and platform engineering principles.
Job Responsibilities
* Own Observability Strategy - Build on existing observability strategies to enhance and expose application and system performance to operations staff.
Work with development teams to deliver meaningful dashboards and alerts for their areas of responsibility.
Comply with security staff to deliver required logging and audit events.
A strong knowledge of Kubernetes, OpenTelemetry, log management and streaming, Prometheus, Loki, and Tempo are required.
* Provision Infrastructure - Under the direction of the Sustainability Architecture team and following industry best practices, assist development teams in provisioning cloud infrastructure including Kubernetes resources, Azure storage, databases, and other Azure resources.
* Develop Platform Automations - Work with Sustainability Architecture, Information Security, and development teams to define and build automated processes that support product and business needs.
A working knowledge of Python, Kubernetes, and Azure services are required.
* Build CI/CD Pipelines - Independently or in cooperation with development teams build CI/CD pipelines in GitHub Actions.
Refactor common patterns into shared GitHub Actions and document them.
* Understand and Evangelize Security Policies - Familiarize yourself with company information security policies and industry best practices.
Be aware of the overall stat of the system and alert system owners of conditions that are a security concern.
Understand the impact of implementation decisions on the overall security posture.
* Document Configurations and Processes - Write clear, understandable documentation for the consumption of other team members and engineers.
* Comply with Code Quality Standards - Write clean, efficient, and maintainable code.
Apply team accepted linting and formatting standards.
Participate in code reviews and ensuring adherence to coding standards and best practices.
* Collaborate with Developers - Work with engineers and stakeholders to understand what they need from the platform.
Work on a talented team of experienced architects and developers building SaaS based energy and sustainability solutions for our business clients and customers.
* Research Emerging Technologies - Keep informed about emerging technologies and industry trends.
Work with architects and engineers to introduce new technology as the...
Type: Permanent Location: Nashville, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-21 07:54:48