Wir sind keine Träumer, wir sind Macher - wir sind Impact-Maker!
Bei Schneider Electric machen wir Gebäude und Industrien SMART, EFFIZIENT & NACHHALTIG.
Mit uns bringst Du den Kölner Dom zum Leuchten, Schokoriegel in ihre Verpackung, Flugzeuge zum Abheben und Elektroautos zum Fahren.
Gestalte eine nachhaltigere Zukunft mit uns und starte als duale:r Student:in im Bereich Elektrotechnik (Schwerpunkt: Elektrische Energietechnik)!
Dein duales Studium, Deine Wahl:
Option 1: Mit Schneider, Deutschland kennenlernen!
Option 2: Dein (neuer) Lebensmittelpunkt? Düsseldorf!
Elektrotechnik - Schwerpunkt Elektrische Energietechnik
Elektro- und Informationstechnik - Schwerpunkt Elektrische Energietechnik
DHBW Mannheim
HS Düsseldorf
Rotation über die Standorte Düsseldorf, Seligenstadt & Dresden
Einsatz am Standort Düsseldorf
Wechsel zwischen Theorie und Praxis
Dreimonatiger Wechsel zwischen Theorie und Praxis
Studium im Tagesmodell (2-3 Tage / Woche an der Uni, 2-3 Tage / Woche am Praxisort)
Egal für was Du Dich entscheidest, bei beiden Option gilt:
Startdatum: 01.09.2025
Dein Verdienst: 1.
Jahr: 1173€, 2.
Jahr: 1232€, 3.
Jahr: 1319€
Dein Urlaub: 3 Tage / Monat (in dem Du Vollzeit bei uns arbeitest)
Unabhängig von Deiner Studiengangwahl unterstützt Du unser Team bei folgenden Themen:
* Unterstütze das Team im Bereich des technischen Vertriebs
* Erhalte einen Einblick in die digitalen Lösungen in der Schutztechnik sowie Stations- und Netzautomatisierung
* Lerne unsere Produkte und Lösungen für die Stromnetze der Zukunft kennen und erhalte einen Einblick in die Stromnetze von gestern und heute.
Das bieten wir Dir:
* Individuelles Lernangebot für die persönliche und fachliche Weiterentwicklung
* Hohe Übernahmechance bei einem Übernahmeziel von 100%
* Mitarbeiterrabatte (z.B.
Corporate Benefits) und finanzielle Vorteile (z.B.
* Übernahme Deiner Studiengebühren und Kosten, die im Rahmen eines Studiums anfallen.
* Arbeit und Studium von verschiedenen Schneider Standorten oder von zu Hause mit dem eigenen Arbeitslaptop
* Gemeinsame Willkommenstage zum Ausbau des eigenen Netzwerkes
Das liegt uns am Herzen:
* Mit Deinem Abschluss erfüllst Du die Zugangsvoraussetzungen der Hochschule.
* Du bringst ein umfangreiches Grundwissen in Mathematik mit und hast Interesse an innvoativen Technologien
* Du bist selbstständig, offen für Neues und hast Spaß daran, proaktiv mitzugestalten.
* Du sprichst fließend Deutsch und sehr gut Englisch
Inclusion & Teamwork:
Kein Mensch ist makellos und nicht alle Karrierewege verlaufen gleich.
Wichtig ist, dass wir den Willen haben zu lernen und uns weiterzuentwickeln.
Denn wir wissen, dass Karriere auch bedeutet, seine Stärken erst mal finden zu müssen.
Bewirb Dich jetzt, selbst wenn Du (noch) nicht alle Voraussetzungen erfüllst.
Wir freuen uns darauf, Dich kennen zu...
Type: Permanent Location: Düsseldorf, DE-NW
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:47
Wir sind keine Träumer, wir sind Macher - wir sind Impact-Maker!
Bei Schneider Electric machen wir Gebäude und Industrien SMART, EFFIZIENT & NACHHALTIG.
Mit uns bringst Du den Kölner Dom zum Leuchten, Schokoriegel in ihre Verpackung, Flugzeuge zum Abheben und Elektroautos zum Fahren.
Gestalte eine nachhaltigere Zukunft mit uns und starte als duale:r Student:in im Bereich Elektrotechnik (Schwerpunkt: Elektrische Energietechnik)!
Dein duales Studium, Deine Wahl:
Option 1: Mit Schneider, Deutschland kennenlernen!
Option 2: Dein (neuer) Lebensmittelpunkt? Düsseldorf!
Elektrotechnik - Schwerpunkt Elektrische Energietechnik
Elektro- und Informationstechnik - Schwerpunkt Elektrische Energietechnik
DHBW Mannheim
HS Düsseldorf
Rotation über die Standorte Düsseldorf, Seligenstadt & Dresden
Einsatz am Standort Düsseldorf
Wechsel zwischen Theorie und Praxis
Dreimonatiger Wechsel zwischen Theorie und Praxis
Studium im Tagesmodell (2-3 Tage / Woche an der Uni, 2-3 Tage / Woche am Praxisort)
Egal für was Du Dich entscheidest, bei beiden Option gilt:
Startdatum: 01.09.2025
Dein Verdienst: 1.
Jahr: 1173€, 2.
Jahr: 1232€, 3.
Jahr: 1319€
Dein Urlaub: 3 Tage / Monat (in dem Du Vollzeit bei uns arbeitest)
Unabhängig von Deiner Studiengangwahl unterstützt Du unser Team bei folgenden Themen:
* Unterstütze das Team im Bereich des technischen Vertriebs
* Erhalte einen Einblick in die digitalen Lösungen in der Schutztechnik sowie Stations- und Netzautomatisierung
* Lerne unsere Produkte und Lösungen für die Stromnetze der Zukunft kennen und erhalte einen Einblick in die Stromnetze von gestern und heute.
Das bieten wir Dir:
* Individuelles Lernangebot für die persönliche und fachliche Weiterentwicklung
* Hohe Übernahmechance bei einem Übernahmeziel von 100%
* Mitarbeiterrabatte (z.B.
Corporate Benefits) und finanzielle Vorteile (z.B.
* Übernahme Deiner Studiengebühren und Kosten, die im Rahmen eines Studiums anfallen.
* Arbeit und Studium von verschiedenen Schneider Standorten oder von zu Hause mit dem eigenen Arbeitslaptop
* Gemeinsame Willkommenstage zum Ausbau des eigenen Netzwerkes
Das liegt uns am Herzen:
* Mit Deinem Abschluss erfüllst Du die Zugangsvoraussetzungen der Hochschule.
* Du bringst ein umfangreiches Grundwissen in Mathematik mit und hast Interesse an innvoativen Technologien
* Du bist selbstständig, offen für Neues und hast Spaß daran, proaktiv mitzugestalten.
* Du sprichst fließend Deutsch und sehr gut Englisch
Inclusion & Teamwork:
Kein Mensch ist makellos und nicht alle Karrierewege verlaufen gleich.
Wichtig ist, dass wir den Willen haben zu lernen und uns weiterzuentwickeln.
Denn wir wissen, dass Karriere auch bedeutet, seine Stärken erst mal finden zu müssen.
Bewirb Dich jetzt, selbst wenn Du (noch) nicht alle Voraussetzungen erfüllst.
Wir freuen uns darauf, Dich kennen zu...
Type: Permanent Location: Seligenstadt, DE-HE
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:47
L'alternance chez Schneider Electric est un vrai tremplin pour votre carrière !
Nous vous proposons des missions stimulantes, un tutorat de qualité, un encadrement personnalisé tout au long de votre alternance aux côtés d'experts et de collaborateurs passionnés et de multiples avantages.
Postulez maintenant et préparez-vous à vivre une expérience enrichissante et stimulante !
Environnement :
Le centre R&D du site Technopole positionné à proximité de la reconnue Presqu'Ile technologique de Grenoble abrite les équipes de développement d'une nouvelle génération d'appareillages de distribution électrique destinés aux réseaux électriques moyenne tension.
Au sein de cet environnement, vous serez intégré au sein d'une squad pluridisciplinaire d'une vingtaine de personnes ayant pour vocation de développer ces nouvelles cellules électriques.
Dans le cadre du programme de développement des nouvelles cellules moyenne tension intégrant une innovation majeure du système de coupure et d'isolation électrique, vous contribuerez au développement des fonctions additionnelles de ces équipements.
Pour cela, vous serez en charge de la conception mécanique de sous-ensembles de cette nouvelle offre.
Vous serez amené à utiliser vos connaissances et compétences afin de proposer un dimensionnement mécanique capable de répondre au cahier des charges du projet comprenant des objectifs ambitieux en termes de performance, qualité, coøt et délai de développement.
Missions :
Nous recherchons un candidat souhaitant préparer en alternance, un diplôme d'ingénieur de type conception électromécanique, conception de produits..., dont la mission consistera à :
* Analyser le cahier des charges et traduire les performances ciblées en besoin fonctionnel ;
* Réaliser la conception des pièces et sous-ensembles électromécaniques ;
* Appliquer les règles de conception spécifiques aux procédés industriels de production des pièces et sous-ensembles étudiés ;
* Réaliser des simulations mécaniques et/ou multiphysiques (thermiques, diélectriques...) ;
* Construire des nomenclatures techniques en mettant à disposition des modèles 3D, 2D et spécifications techniques ;
* Rédiger des plans de validation et vérification puis suivre les essais dans nos laboratoires ;
* Rédiger régulièrement des synthèses techniques et partager vos conclusions à l'équipe projet.
Dans ce cadre, vous serez accompagné par l'ensemble des fonctions du projet (technique, industriel, qualité, supply chain, achat..).
Intégré dans une squad évoluant dans un fonctionnement Agile, vous serez amené à utiliser de nouvelles méthodes et outils de gestion de projet.
Localisation du poste : Grenoble, site de Technopole
Durée de l'alternance : 3 ans
Date de démarrage souhaitée : Septembre 2025
Profil recherché :
Diplôme visé : Bac+5 - Ingénieur
Spécialité : Mécanique, conception de produit et inn...
Type: Permanent Location: GRENOBLE, FR-38
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:47
What will you do?
The Inventory Control Supervisor leads the cycle counters with the responsibility of ensuring the inventory accuracy and inventory balances.
Must be able to perform in-depth analysis of inventory discrepancies to provide both tactical and strategic direction on how to correctly manage inventory to achieve the goals of the organization.
What skills and capabilities will make you successful?
* Plan, supervise, direct, and engage in daily operations, anticipate problems related to inventory discrepancies.
* Direct cycle counters, analyst, and document control.
* Exchange timely information with other Supervisors related to inventory discrepancy or cycle count request.
* Instruct, train, orient, motivate, mentor, and otherwise assist employees so that cycle count and inventory objectives are achieved.
* Responsible for communication with management on all Inventory and CC results monthly
* Conduct employee performance appraisals, recommend promotions, transfers, and work assignments.
* Supervise departmental safety and housekeeping practices and maintain a constant alert for hazardous conditions:
* Investigating accident causes and recommending means to prevent accident reoccurrence.
* Review and Disposition Quarterly Excess and Obsolete Inventory and report back to accounting
* Coordinate and Execute Yearly Physical Inventory and Reconciliation
* Manage the Cycle Count Program in Welcome.
* Execute inventory transactions related to special requests.
* Transact NCMR scrap weekly.
* Manage the Phase In/Phase Out of material and Implement ECNs
* Performs other duties as assigned by manager.
* Utilize software and tools to manage inventory effectively.
Ensure we are documenting results and discussing the analysis biweekly with the team.
* Perform regular inventory audits to ensure accuracy and compliance with company policies.
Ensure the team is following correct counting process as describe in standard work
* Collaborate with procurement, and production teams to align inventory counts with operational needs.
* Assess inventory data to identify trends and make informed decisions about correction on inventory discrepancy.
Drive resolution on main causes for the month.
* 1 plus year experience as a supervisor.
* Undergraduate degree or equivalent; or two to four years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience.
* JDE System Knowledge
* Training in management, planning, manufacturing, safety, quality, etc.
a plus.
* Full understanding on inventory management, BOM and transaction management
* Knowledge of Microsoft applications especially PowerPoint and Excel.
What's in it for you?
* Paid Holidays and PTO Program
* Employee Recognition Rewards
* Company Matching Personal Charitable Donations
* Safety Shoe and Safety Prescription Glasses Voucher ...
Type: Permanent Location: Lexington, US-NC
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:46
Schneider Electric has an opportunity to join us for our Summer 2025Finance Internship Program in ourDallas, TX, Nashville, TNor Mt Juliet, TN location (this internship is fully in-person).
We are looking for 2026 graduates or students with previous internship experience.
We have multiple positions available in the program.
Schneider Electric™ creates connected technologies that reshape industries, transform cities, and enrich lives.
Our 153,000+ employees thrive in more than 100 countries.
From the simplest of switches to complex operational systems, our technology, software and services improve the way our customers manage and automate their operations.
Help us deliver solutions that ensure Life Is On everywhere, for everyone and at every moment.
Great people make Schneider Electric a great company.
This internship experience will prepare you for future growth, with understanding in:
* Financial and business acumen to partner with business and drive decision making
* Organizational structure and collaboration with various operational business partners
* Building technical excel, system, and data management skills
* Assessingprocess gaps and opportunities for improvement
* Develop and execute action plans to mitigate waste
This job might be for you if:
* Current student pursuing a bachelor's degree in Finance, Accounting, Economics, or related Business areas
* Interested in a corporate finance career
* Ability to work full-time and in person during Summer 2025(maximum 40 hours per week)
* Motivation to grow your career
* Excellent communication skills
* Ability to quickly learn new concepts and apply to real business case
We seek out and reward people for being straightforward, open, passionate, effective, and challenging the status quo.
We want our employees to reflect the diversity of the communities in which we operate.We welcome people as they are, creating an inclusive culture where all forms of diversity are seen as a real value for the company.We're looking for people with a passion for success - on the job and beyond.See what our people have to say about working for Schneider Electric:https://youtu.be/6D2Av1uUrzY.
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you are thinking about joining a new team, culture matters.
At Schneider Electric, our values and behaviors are the foundation for creating a great culture to support business success.
We believe that our IMPACT values - Inclusion, Mastery, Purpose, Action, Curiosity, Teamwork - starts with us.
IMPACT is also your invitation to join Schneider Electric where you can contribute to turning sustainability ambition into actions, no matter what role you play.
It is a call to connect your career with the ambition of achieving a more resilient, efficien...
Type: Permanent Location: Dallas, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:46
Vous envisagez d'intégrer un BTS SAM à la prochaine rentrée et souhaitez développer vos compétences dans un environnement technologique et innovant? Vous avez un bon niveau d'anglais qui vous permet d'évoluer dans un environnement international et multiculturel ?
Cette offre est pour vous !
Sous la responsabilité d'une Assistante confirmée, vous travaillez en interface avec les différentes équipes de la division.
Dans le cadre de votre alternance, vous vous verrez progressivement confier les missions suivantes :
* l'organisation de réunions et séminaires (réservation de salles, matériels, repas...), gestion des agendas et planification des rendez-vous
* l'organisation des déplacements en France et à l'international (réservation des titres de transports, hôtels, taxis, visas, etc.) et procédures associées (ordres de missions, procédures sécurité)
* la gestion des fournitures (commandes)
* participation à la mise en place d'outils et tableaux de bord
* organisation de l'accueil des nouveaux
* participation à la validation de la saisie mensuelle des temps affectés aux projets
* la saisie d'informations dans nos bases de données (en particulier, gestion des habilitations électriques et de la table des ressources)
* Eventuellement Gestion et accueil des prestataires
Le poste est basé à Eybens au sein de notre centre de R&D (agglomération de Grenoble)
Diplômé visé : Bac+2 spécialité Assistant Manager
Prérequis :
- Outils : maîtrise de Microsoft office (Excel, Teams, Outlook...), Forms serait un plus.
- Esprit d'équipe
- Esprit s d'initiative
- L'envie d'apprendre, et de vous dépasser
- Un bon relationnel
- Capacité à collaborer
- Bon niveau d'anglais
Durée de l'alternance : 2 ans à partir de Septembre 2025
Schneider Electric s'engage et est convaincu que la diversité et l'inclusion sont des éléments essentiels de sa performance
Schneider Electric participe, dans certains cas, aux frais de déplacement ou d'hébergement engendrés par l'éloignement entre l'école et le lieu d'accueil en entreprise
Si la perspective de rejoindre une entreprise humaine, internationale et innovante vous enchante, rejoignez nos #SEGreatPeople
Retrouve les témoignages inédits de nos alternants sur Instagram !
Pourquoi nous?
Schneider Electric est la référence en matière de transformation numérique de la gestion de l'énergie et de l'automatisation.
Nos technologies permettent au monde d'utiliser l'énergie de manière søre, efficace et durable.
Nous nous efforçons de promouvoir une économie mondiale à la fois viable sur le plan écologique et hautement productive.
25,7 milliards d'euros de chiffre d'affaires global
137 000+ employés dans plus de 100 pays
45 % du chiffre d'affaires de l'IdO
5 % du chiffre d'affaires consacré à la R&D
Vous devez soumettre une demande en ligne pour que votre profil soit pris en considération pour un poste chez nous.
Ce poste sera visible juqu'à ce qu'il soit pourvu.
Type: Permanent Location: EYBENS, FR-ARA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:45
Schneider Electric has an opportunity to join us for our Summer 2025Finance Internship Program in ourDallas, TX, Nashville, TNor Mt Juliet, TN location (this internship is fully in-person).
We are looking for 2026 graduates or students with previous internship experience.
We have multiple positions available in the program.
Schneider Electric™ creates connected technologies that reshape industries, transform cities, and enrich lives.
Our 153,000+ employees thrive in more than 100 countries.
From the simplest of switches to complex operational systems, our technology, software and services improve the way our customers manage and automate their operations.
Help us deliver solutions that ensure Life Is On everywhere, for everyone and at every moment.
Great people make Schneider Electric a great company.
This internship experience will prepare you for future growth, with understanding in:
* Financial and business acumen to partner with business and drive decision making
* Organizational structure and collaboration with various operational business partners
* Building technical excel, system, and data management skills
* Assessingprocess gaps and opportunities for improvement
* Develop and execute action plans to mitigate waste
This job might be for you if:
* Current student pursuing a bachelor's degree in Finance, Accounting, Economics, or related Business areas
* Interested in a corporate finance career
* Ability to work full-time and in person during Summer 2025(maximum 40 hours per week)
* Motivation to grow your career
* Excellent communication skills
* Ability to quickly learn new concepts and apply to real business case
We seek out and reward people for being straightforward, open, passionate, effective, and challenging the status quo.
We want our employees to reflect the diversity of the communities in which we operate.We welcome people as they are, creating an inclusive culture where all forms of diversity are seen as a real value for the company.We're looking for people with a passion for success - on the job and beyond.See what our people have to say about working for Schneider Electric:https://youtu.be/6D2Av1uUrzY.
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you are thinking about joining a new team, culture matters.
At Schneider Electric, our values and behaviors are the foundation for creating a great culture to support business success.
We believe that our IMPACT values - Inclusion, Mastery, Purpose, Action, Curiosity, Teamwork - starts with us.
IMPACT is also your invitation to join Schneider Electric where you can contribute to turning sustainability ambition into actions, no matter what role you play.
It is a call to connect your career with the ambition of achieving a more resilient, efficien...
Type: Permanent Location: Mount Juliet, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:45
Schneider Electric has an opportunity to join us for our Summer 2025Finance Internship Program in ourDallas, TX, Nashville, TNor Mt Juliet, TN location (this internship is fully in-person).
We are looking for 2026 graduates or students with previous internship experience.
We have multiple positions available in the program.
Schneider Electric™ creates connected technologies that reshape industries, transform cities, and enrich lives.
Our 153,000+ employees thrive in more than 100 countries.
From the simplest of switches to complex operational systems, our technology, software and services improve the way our customers manage and automate their operations.
Help us deliver solutions that ensure Life Is On everywhere, for everyone and at every moment.
Great people make Schneider Electric a great company.
This internship experience will prepare you for future growth, with understanding in:
* Financial and business acumen to partner with business and drive decision making
* Organizational structure and collaboration with various operational business partners
* Building technical excel, system, and data management skills
* Assessingprocess gaps and opportunities for improvement
* Develop and execute action plans to mitigate waste
This job might be for you if:
* Current student pursuing a bachelor's degree in Finance, Accounting, Economics, or related Business areas
* Interested in a corporate finance career
* Ability to work full-time and in person during Summer 2025(maximum 40 hours per week)
* Motivation to grow your career
* Excellent communication skills
* Ability to quickly learn new concepts and apply to real business case
We seek out and reward people for being straightforward, open, passionate, effective, and challenging the status quo.
We want our employees to reflect the diversity of the communities in which we operate.We welcome people as they are, creating an inclusive culture where all forms of diversity are seen as a real value for the company.We're looking for people with a passion for success - on the job and beyond.See what our people have to say about working for Schneider Electric:https://youtu.be/6D2Av1uUrzY.
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you are thinking about joining a new team, culture matters.
At Schneider Electric, our values and behaviors are the foundation for creating a great culture to support business success.
We believe that our IMPACT values - Inclusion, Mastery, Purpose, Action, Curiosity, Teamwork - starts with us.
IMPACT is also your invitation to join Schneider Electric where you can contribute to turning sustainability ambition into actions, no matter what role you play.
It is a call to connect your career with the ambition of achieving a more resilient, efficien...
Type: Permanent Location: Nashville, US-TN
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:44
Job Description: Engineering Director - Circuit Protection Devices
Position Overview: We are seeking a dynamic and experienced Engineering Director to lead our team in the development and management of circuit protection devices for residential and light commercial applications.
The ideal candidate will have a strong background in mechanical, electrical, or electronics engineering, with extensive experience in end-to-end new product launches, systems engineering/systems integration, cost and quality management and technical project management project management,
Key Responsibilities:
* Lead and manage a team of system integrators, continuous D2D engineering, and electromechanical design engineers.
* Collaborate with marketing, business development, and cross-functional teams to understand stakeholder needs and translate them into engineering requirements.
* Ensure project execution is on time, within budget, and meets schedule requirements.
* Guarantee that engineering requirements are met and trade-offs are well understood and communicated.
* Collaborate with global engineering in establishing working relationship model in balancing high cost, low-cost mix towards innovation and project execution
* Establish and maintain a management system to ensure excellence in execution.
* Work with business partners to develop platform and technology roadmaps.
* Collaborate with business, architecture and CTO to drive innovation and technology advancement.
* Manage the team performance and budget effectively.
* Implement continuous improvement initiatives to enable efficiency and speed
* Lead technical multidiscipline competency planning and deployment
* Support Cedar Rapids site leadership committee towards developments and engagements
Required Qualifications:
* Bachelor's or Master's degree in Mechanical, Electrical, or Electronics Engineering.
* Proven experience in leading end-to-end new product launches, system integration and electromechanical design.
* Strong background technical project management, systems engineering, product cost and quality management.
* Demonstrated ability to lead and manage engineering teams.
* Excellent communication and collaboration skills.
* Strong leadership values and the ability to drive change.
* Experience with continuous improvement practices such as Lean/Six Sigma methodologies.
Preferred Qualifications:
* Experience in the circuit protection devices industry, familiarity with applicable UL standards.
* Proven track record of working with cross-functional teams and business partners.
Personal Attributes:
* Dynamic leader with strong leadership values.
* Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
* Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously.
* Strong organizational and time management skills.
* Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Work Environment:
* This posit...
Type: Permanent Location: Cedar Rapids, US-IA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:43
France Transfo, filiale de Schneider Electric basée à Ennery (proche de Metz), est spécialisée dans le design et la production de transformateur électrique sec ou à huile.
Le site d'environ 270 personnes réalise un chiffre d'affaires de plus de 60 M€, avec plus de 65% réalisé à l'export (Russie, Moyen Orient, Europe, Amérique Latine, Asie).
Notre service Sécurité Environnement Energie a pour vocation d'animer les démarches Sécurité/Environnement et Energie du site, d'être en support des services opérationnels concernant les problématiques définies, d'être le garant des contrôles et vérification réglementaires/environnement/énergie
En tant qu'alternant.e Sécurité et Ergonomie, vous serez rattaché.e au chargé de sécurité du site.
Vous serez chargé.e des missions suivantes :
* Etudier et analyser l'ergonomie des postes de travail
* Mettre à jour des fiches de sécurité au poste
* Implémenter et participer au suivi du plan d'action sécurité
* Mettre à jour le document unique suite à la réimplantation des usines et à la modification des process
Contrat : Alternance 2 à partir de la rentrée 2025
Localisation : France Transfo, Rue Georges Claude, 57365 Ennery (à proximité de Metz)
Profil recherché
Diplôme préparé : Bac+2/3 / BTS / BUT / Licence
Spécialisation : Sécurité / HSE
* Appétence pour le milieu industriel
* Pack Office (Word, Powerpoint, Excel)
* Capacité rédactionnelle
* Curiosité, aisance relationnelle, communication
* Anglais professionnel
* Permis + véhicule personnel
En intégrant Schneider Electric en tant qu'Alternant.e, en plus d'une expérience professionnelle et personnelle enrichissante, vous bénéficierez :
* D'un package salarial attractif et compétitif : salaire supérieur au minimum légal, intéressement et participation, prime de réussite à l'examen de 1000€
* D'une participation aux frais de transport en commun à hauteur de 75%
* D'une aide à la mobilité : en fonction de votre situation d'éloignement, nous vous proposons une participation aux frais de transport (train/avion/voiture/bus) ou frais kilométriques ou une aide " double résidence " jusqu'à 550€/mois
* D'autres avantages :
+ un accès au restaurant d'entreprise ou ticket restaurant pour les sites ne disposant pas de restaurant d'entreprise,
+ un accompagnement à la mobilité internationale si obligatoire dans le cursus,
+ 5 jours de congés " préparation aux examens " rémunérés pour tous,
+ des activités culturelles et sportives,
+ des dispositifs d'aides sociales si besoin pendant votre contrat
+ et pour en savoir plus sur notre politique Diversité et Inclusion France : https://www.se.com/fr/fr/about-us/diversity-and-inclusion/
Prochaines étapes de notre processus de sélection :
Votre candidature sera étudiée p...
Type: Permanent Location: ENNERY, FR-57
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:42
L'alternance chez Schneider Electric est un vrai tremplin pour ta carrière !
Nous te proposons des missions stimulantes, un tutorat de qualité, un encadrement personnalisé tout au long de ton alternance aux côtés d'experts et de collaborateurs passionnés et de multiples avantages.
Postule maintenant et prépare toi à vivre une expérience enrichissante et stimulante !
Environnement :
Situé à 40 km de Nîmes, Merlin Gerin Alès est une filiale du groupe Schneider Electric.
Notre usine a pour vocation de contribuer significativement à la performance industrielle de Schneider Electric grâce à la production de disjoncteurs.
Nous produisons une part significative des disjoncteurs modulaires de la gamme Multi 9 avec un haut niveau de performance.
Nous développons nos domaines d'expertises stratégiques et fabriquons des sous-ensembles.
Notamment de sous-ensembles thermiques sur machines découpe/soudure/multi technologies et Réglage thermique, marquage, personnalisation et finition des produits sur lignes automatiques à grande cadence.
Nous assurons le support industriel international aux sites mondiaux concernés par l'industrialisation et la fabrication de disjoncteurs modulaires.
Nos 300 salariés répartis dans l'ensemble des services, de la production à la maintenance en passant par la qualité, les méthodes, la logistique font vivre notre usine et participent tous à la satisfaction de nos clients.
Tu rejoindras l'équipe mixte de production des disjoncteurs des gammes C60 qui est composée de 40
personnes, agent de fabrication , conducteurs de machines et techniciens.
Quelles seront vos missions ? :
En tant qu'alternant conducteur de ligne de production tu participeras à la production des disjoncteurs sur ligne automatique.
Si tu as envie :
- D'assurer le fonctionnement du groupe de machines conformément aux caractéristiques techniques, aux exigences
Qualité des produits, aux consignes sécurité et environnement.
- De réaliser les opérations de maintenance préventives et curatives.
- D'assurer le niveau de performance attendu en minimisant les temps d'arrêt.
- De contribuer à la performance globale de l'îlot et de l'atelier.
Alors rejoins l'équipe de production basée à Alès
Horaires : Équipe postée
Horaires matin (4h45 13h30) ou après-midi (13h30- 22h15)
Sur 4 jours/ semaine
Localisation : Accueil souhaité sur Alès
NB : Les contraintes à postes (port d'EPI, port de charges lourdes, positionnement à poste, environnement de travail) : une fiche d'identification des contraintes à postes pourra vous être demandée en complément au besoin
Télétravail : •oui •non
Déplacement ? •non
Profil recherché :
Diplôme visé : Bac professionnel
Spécialité : Maintenance des systèmes de production connectés
Pré-requis :
Expériences requises : Vous avez des notions en mécanique et automatisme
Savoir être :
- Rigoureux et consciencieux, tu as comme priorité le client
- Ouve...
Type: Permanent Location: ALES, FR-30
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:41
Environnement :
Situé à 40 km de Nîmes, Merlin Gérin Alès est une filiale du groupe Schneider Electric.
Notre usine a pour vocation de contribuer significativement à la performance industrielle de Schneider Electric grâce à la production de disjoncteurs.
Nous produisons une part significative des disjoncteurs modulaires de la gamme Multi 9 avec un haut niveau de performance ; nous développons nos domaines d'expertises stratégiques : Fabrication des sous-ensembles notamment thermiques sur machines découpe/soudure/multi technologies, et Réglage thermique, marquage, personnalisation et finition des produits sur lignes automatiques à grande cadence ; nous assurons le support industriel international aux sites mondiaux concernés par l'industrialisation et la fabrication de disjoncteurs modulaires.
Nos 300 salariés répartis dans l'ensemble des services, de la production à la maintenance en passant par la qualité, les méthodes, la logistique font vivre notre usine et participent tous à la satisfaction de nos clients.
En tant qu'alternant Méthodes industrielles et industrialisation, vous rejoindrez l'équipe méthodes qui a pour rôle d'améliorer les processus existants de fabrication au travers : de la connaissance et maitrise des process de fabrication et de leurs performances, par l'évolution des process afin de toujours être au plus proche des besoins du client, et dans l'industrialisation de machines ou d'équipements.
L'objectif principal de l'équipe Méthodes Industrielles est de mener des projets industriels pour garantir que les produits de l'entreprise sont fabriqués dans des conditions de sécurité et d'ergonomie, au niveau de qualité requis et aussi efficacement que possible en accord avec la philosophie Schneider Performance System (SPS).
Vous serez rattaché au service Méthodes et Maintenance de l'usine et travaillerez en étroite collaboration avec tous les autres services lors de vos projets (Hygiène et Sécurité, Qualité, Production, Maintenance, Supply Chain, Conception, ...).
Quelles seront vos missions ? :
Dans ce cadre, vos missions consisteront à :
* Gérer avec succès la mise en œuvre de tout projet industriel, du début (analyse des coøts et dossier de présentation) à la fin (formation des utilisateurs, amélioration si nécessaire et confirmation des résultats attendus).
* Être proactif dans tous les projets pour se conformer aux recommandations Santé et Sécurité / Ergonomie / Environnement / Énergie.
* Analyser et améliorer en continu les techniques d'assemblage et de fabrication par le biais de benchmarking, analyse rouge/vert, conception et réalisation des pièces mécaniques
* Conceptions d'outillages/gabarits
* Améliorer l'efficacité afin de réduire les coøts des processus de fabrication/assemblage.
* Mener des études de mesure/méthode de travail par rapport aux tâches nouvelles et existantes pour établir des estimations de temps, ...
Type: Permanent Location: ALES, FR-30
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:40
The Red Oak, Texas plant has an outstanding opportunity for an enthusiastic individual to assume the role of a Supply Chain Planner.
This role will be dedicated to support integration solutions out of a newly built facility in Red Oak, Texas.
Part of the onboarding and training process will require several trips to West Chester, Ohio during the early part of 2025.
More information on the new facility can be found here: https://www.se.com/us/en/about-us/newsroom/news/press-releases/schneider-electric-and-compass-datacenters-form-revolutionary-supply-chain-integration-partnership-64a863e4a25bab451901f2b6
What will you do?
* Ensure needs/resources balance (MRP) for raw material, components, sub-assemblies and finished products by managing the customer's needs (customer order + CCMP's) and the replenishment backlog.
* Coordinate queue management and/or production scheduling.
* Ensure products availability by taking actions to solve backorders and shortages.
* Manage the customer needs coming from the CCC's through the Customer Claim Management Process
* Manage the replenishment backlog (creation and rescheduling of the manufacturing and purchase orders)
* Manage the backorder portfolio (BOL), the shortage and take actions to ensure the availability of product
* Daily action regarding MRP messages (SAP example: MD07) and escalate when repeatable issues
* Support stock discrepancies analysis and support adjustments
* Support of downstream flows to improve the manufacturing SC performance
What skills and capabilities will make you successful?
* Proficient with using computers and advanced knowledge with applications (access, excel)
* Proficient in SAP or other ERP systems is preferred
* Effective communication, facilitation, and strong negotiation skills in English.
* Critical thinking skills are required
* Ability to plan and organize effectively and has strong decision-making skills
* Strong relationship and collaborative management skills
* Must be detail-oriented with the ability to multi-task
Who will you report to?
* Supply Chain Planning Manager
What qualifications will make you successful for this role?
* Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Supply Chain Management or Business Administration is required
* 1-3 years' experience in Supply Chain Management in a manufacturing setting is an asset
Let us learn about you! Apply today.
You must submit an online application to be considered for any position with us.
This position will be posted until filled.
Looking to make an IMPACT with your career?
When you are thinking about joining a new team, culture matters.
At Schneider Electric, our values and behaviors are the foundation for creating a great culture to support business success.
We believe that our IMPACT values - Inclusion, Mastery, Purpose, Action, Curiosity, Teamwork - starts with us.
IMPACT is also your invitation to join Schneider Elect...
Type: Permanent Location: Dallas, US-TX
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:40
Company Overview
AMSTED Industries is a diversified global manufacturer of industrial components serving primarily the railroad, vehicular and construction and building markets.
Combining leading-edge manufacturing processes with a history of continuous innovation, we’re proud to be leaders in each of the market segments we serve.
Operating under the Amsted Industries umbrella since 1962, today we’re meeting the growing needs of a global market with 75 facilities in 13 countries across 6 continents.
Amsted is employee-owned, which allows our employees to share in the success in the company and provides employees with significant retirement savings.
Role Overview
Our organization is seeking a highly skilled Senior Treasury Analyst to play a pivotal role in the analysis, control, and oversight of our Company's cash management function.
This role offers extensive exposure to all areas of the Treasury function.
The ideal candidate will be highly adaptable, able to collaborate effectively with multiple teams, and thrive in a fast-paced environment.
This position reports to the Assistant Treasurer.
* Cash Management (30%)
* Oversee the daily cash management operations, including daily cash positioning and foreign exchange execution, while ensuring documentation and internal controls are strictly followed
* Manage Amsted’s short-term investments and borrowings
* Manage Treasury Management System and be the subject matter expert (GTreasury)
* Maintain internal policy and procedure documents
* Banking/Project Management (20%)
* Maintain and enhance current banking relationships and cultivate new relationships
* Lead various projects for new banking service implementations across Amsted globally
* Provide support to our business units globally on their banking and treasury-related needs
* Negotiate and monitor FX pricing and bank account fees
* Administrative oversight and control reviews of all domestic bank accounts
* Ownership of all banking documentation, including KYC (“Know Your Customer”) documentary requirements
* Reporting (20%)
* Complete monthly reporting requirements including hedging and repatriation reporting for senior management review
* Assist with of monthly reporting and analysis of Amsted’s A/R Securitization
* Ownership of the forecasting process for debt, interest, and short-term investing
* Complete quarterly debt covenant reporting to ensure compliance with credit agreement.
* Trade Finance and Working Capital Management (15%)
* Point of contact for Amsted’s purchasing card and supply chain financing programs – liaison between Amsted business units and banking partners to manage the programs and implement improvements
* Ownership of letter of credit facilities and facilitate the issuance of new letters of credit
* Special Projects Support (15%)
* Ad hoc projec...
Type: Permanent Location: Chicago, US-IL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:38
Manages the day-to-day healthcare operations of the community to ensure residents healthcare needs are met.
Ensures residents are treated with respect and dignity and ensures quality care as residents healthcare needs change.
Ensures consistent quality resident care and service delivery throughout all shifts; this may require assuming the role and responsibilities of a Caregiver or Med Tech/Aide in order to meet the residents needs and staffing requirements.Assists in the supervision of community-based licensed nursing staff, medication technicians/CMA's, and Caregivers and provides training and education to Caregivers on an ongoing basis to include classroom in-services and situation-specific training.
In addition, they will also manage the associates schedules.Oversees and manages the continuity and consistency of medication training, pharmacy management and medication supervision and/or administration in the community.
Conducts periodic Care Associate medication skills inventory checks, and periodic medication audits per Brookdale Guidelines.Shares on call duties as required.Education as required to obtain state nursing license (LPN/LVN or RN) and a minimum of 1-2 years relevant experience.LPN or LVN license.
Brookdale is an equal opportunity employer and a drug-free workplace.#ZR-CNRecognized by Newsweek in 2024 and 2025 as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for DiversityEarly Access to Paycheck with Earned Wage Access is available for Hourly Associates (outside of CA)Make Lives Better Including Your Own.If you want to work in an environment where you can become your best possible self, join us! Youll earn more than a paycheck; you can find opportunities to grow your career through professional development, as well as ongoing programs catered to your overall health and wellness.Full suite of health insurance, life insurance and retirement plans are available and vary by employment status.
Additional benefits offered include, but are not limited to:Tuition ReimbursementPet InsuranceAdoption Reimbursement BenefitsVariety of Associate DiscountsVeterans, transitioning active duty military personnel, and military spouses are encouraged to apply.To support our associates in their journey to become a U.S.
citizen, Brookdale offers to advance fees for naturalization (Form N-400) application costs, up to $725, less applicable taxes and withholding, for qualified associates who have been with us for at least a year.
Type: Permanent Location: New Braunfels, US-TX
Salary / Rate: 28.65
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:31
Manages the day-to-day healthcare operations of the community to ensure residents healthcare needs are met.
Ensures residents are treated with respect and dignity and ensures quality care as residents healthcare needs change.
Ensures consistent quality resident care and service delivery throughout all shifts; this may require assuming the role and responsibilities of a Caregiver or Med Tech/Aide in order to meet the residents needs and staffing requirements.Assists in the supervision of community-based licensed nursing staff, medication technicians/CMA's, and Caregivers and provides training and education to Caregivers on an ongoing basis to include classroom in-services and situation-specific training.
In addition, they will also manage the associates schedules.Oversees and manages the continuity and consistency of medication training, pharmacy management and medication supervision and/or administration in the community.
Conducts periodic Care Associate medication skills inventory checks, and periodic medication audits per Brookdale Guidelines.Shares on call duties as required.Education as required to obtain state nursing license (LPN/LVN or RN) and a minimum of 1-2 years relevant experience.LPN or LVN license.
Brookdale is an equal opportunity employer and a drug-free workplace.#ZR-CNThe Health & Wellness Coordinator / ADON is a NURSE that will support our clinical team in providing the best care and support possible for our residents and their families.
Charge, supervisor, or prior management experiencein a LTC or Assisted Living community would be preferrred.Recognized by Newsweek in 2024 and 2025 as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for DiversityMake Lives Better Including Your Own.If you want to work in an environment where you can become your best possible self, join us! Youll earn more than a paycheck; you can find opportunities to grow your career through professional development, as well as ongoing programs catered to your overall health and wellness.Full suite of health insurance, life insurance and retirement plans are available and vary by employment status.
Additional benefits offered include, but are not limited to:Tuition ReimbursementPet InsuranceAdoption Reimbursement BenefitsVariety of Associate DiscountsVeterans, transitioning active duty military personnel, and military spouses are encouraged to apply.To support our associates in their journey to become a U.S.
citizen, Brookdale offers to advance fees for naturalization (Form N-400) application costs, up to $725, less applicable taxes and withholding, for qualified associates who have been with us for at least a year.
Type: Permanent Location: Nashville, US-TN
Salary / Rate: 31.83
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:31
Leads the day-to-day operations of a larger community of 60-65 units and two product lines or 65-175 units with up to two product lines.
Is responsible for the communitys associate relations, resident and resident family engagement and connection, financial performance, and regulatory compliance.
Creates and executes the business plan and develops the team to become a preferred senior living community in the market, while growing revenue and profitability in partnership with the district team.
Works with sales to drive sales results.
Creates an inclusive community culture that provides high quality resident experiences and care and engages residents, families, and associates.Responsible for all operations within the community, interacting with staff and residents, prospects, or their family members or representatives, as necessary.Develops and implements business plan to become a preferred senior living community in the local market and creates, analyzes, and executes annual operating and capital budgets; manages community performance against goals; sets plans to improve or maintain performance to Company service and financial standards.Builds and maintains strong working relationships with management team and encourages teamwork and collaboration; cultivates an inclusive community culture.
Empowers department leaders to supervise, direct, and motivate staff and to proactively recognize and solve issues.
Holds department leaders accountable for department performance.
Provides assistance to leaders and staff as needed.
Ensures community maintains appropriate staffing levels to meet the needs of residents and in accordance with applicable legal requirements.Supports department leaders to attract, develop, engage, and retain associates in accordance with Company policies.
Responsible for recruiting and hiring high quality and engaged associates and ensuring they are appropriately trained and developed to meet the needs of residents.
Reviews promotions, development plans, disciplinary actions, and termination decisions ensuring consistency in the selection and retention of quality associates.
Analyzes trends and implements strategies to reduce turnover and increase retention.Builds high degree of resident satisfaction and retention.
Is responsible for maintaining positive resident relations and is accessible and approachable to residents and their families.
Is proactive in solving resident problems and resolving issues.
Leads effort to leverage satisfied residents and families to grow community occupancy; executes renewal program with existing residents.
Partners with Resident Council as necessary.
Administers resident satisfaction and other surveys and works with department leaders and district team to create plan to address opportunities for improvement in resident satisfaction, experience, and engagement.For assisted living or memory care communities, ensures collaborative relationship with community clinical leader to ensure communitys care a...
Type: Permanent Location: North Richland Hills, US-TX
Salary / Rate: 100000
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:27
Profisee is looking for a DBA and specialist in Microsoft SQL Server to provide advisory and support services to our engineering and SaaS ops teams before, during and, after product releases.
Profisee provides Microsoft-centric master data management (MDM) solutions and, in a time of exponential growth of corporate data, being able to monitor, analyze, and maintain database performance and stability is essential.
If you have a deep background in Microsoft SQL Server and understand how to make it perform and keep it performing, we have a great opportunity for you to grow and become a key member of our performance and stability engineering team.
Profisee takes great pride in delivering high quality software to our customers and with increasing growth in our customer base and shift to cloud-based deployments, maintaining stability and performance is of paramount importance.
* During the first 30 days, begin to learn the broader Profisee Platform which employes a microservices architecture that uses SQL Server as the central storage and data management for our MDM platform.
* Within the first 60 days, get up-to-speed on our existing load, test automation systems and existing performance benchmarks and environments.
Become knowledgeable with the current state of continuous testing at Profisee.
During this time, you will work closely with our support and SaaS ops team on how we deploy, manage, and support databases across our various tenants within our SaaS solution.
Work collaboratively with members of our support and engineering teams to get versed in the types of issues the product faces in the real world.
* By month 3, you will have gained an understanding of our core data management subsystem - the Common Data Platform (CDP) - and how we use it to manage dynamic database queries issued by our application services and external applications to read and write data to our platform.
* In months 3 - 6, working with R&D Technical Leadership Team (TLT), you will begin to formulate a plan of attack for remediating identified issues within the CDP and database subsystem and shifting the process left to proactively help engineering avoid performance problems before product release rather than reactively addressing issues in the field.
* Ongoing, you will be responsible for proactively reviewing product requirements and engineering designs to spot areas of database performance risks and make recommendations to our engineering teams avoid performance and stability risks and continue to look for ways to improve stability, scalability, and performance.
Key Responsibilities:
* Bring expertise and guidance to our software engineers in writing high performance and secure dynamic SQL and help build tests that evaluate and vet approaches for solving complex data access challenges.
* Provide feedback on database schema design and indexing strategies to enhance query performance.
Type: Permanent Location: Alpharetta, US-GA
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:09
The CT Technologist Supervisor will perform computed tomography (CT) imaging studies under the direction of a physician with established methods and procedures.
The supervisor is responsible for patient care, quality control and improvement activities, proper operation of all CT equipment and direct supervision of technologists.
The CT Supervisor will report to the Radiology Manager responsible for CT.
The CT Supervisor will participate in departmental and hospital programs for Quality Assessment and Improvement, identifying opportunities to improve services, making recommendations, and implementing actions as appropriate and consistent with the goals of the Nemours Foundation.
This role is estimated to spend 90% of duties as a CT Technologist and the other duties will be performing supervisor duties.
* Participates in departmental and hospital programs for Quality Assessment and Improvement, identifying opportunities to improve services, making recommendations, and implementing actions as appropriate and consistent with the goals of the Nemours Foundation.
* Responsible for AIDET interactions and provides accurate preparation instructions to patient/family with the ability to answer pertinent procedural questions.
Responsible for coordinating and resolving medical imaging patient issues including scheduling issues.
* Knowledge of CT protocols, and a working knowledge of all CT equipment.
Demonstrates knowledge of routine and specialized CT imaging protocols.
Is proficient in performing studies in all areas of CT.
* In conjunction with the radiology leadership team, supports development and achievement of organizational goals and objectives.
* Works to identify and solve operational problems, reduce costs, improve efficiency, and continually improve overall operation of CT.
* Assists with on-call, technologist schedules, including weekdays, weekends, and holiday rotation.
Submits monthly on-call schedule to paging department.
* Coordinates staff workflow for day shift between five hospital departments.
* Super User for PACS and monitors in progress worklist to assure all images transfer correctly and are read in a timely manner.
* Collaborates with Biomed to troubleshoot equipment and submit tickets for repair.
Ensures proper function of equipment by proper usage and maintenance.
Reports unsafe conditions and incidents.
* Promotes and models appropriate open and effective communication among staff, patients, and providers.
* Maintains constructive, positive working relationships with other units and support staff.
Shares responsibility for ensuring a safe environment for patients, families, visitors, and staff.
* Involved on QA team to critique technologists' images monthly and provide corrective criticism for improvement.
Continuous education on Computerized Tomography (CT) studies with the Technologists.
* Collaborates with the CT Medical Director in planning, guiding, and ev...
Type: Permanent Location: Wilmington, US-DE
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:04
PRN FTE needed, many rotating shifts available.
The Ultrasound Technologist is responsible for working knowledge, operation and maintenance of all ultrasound related equipment, performance of ultrasound studies to demonstrate various organs of the body and recording these images in the standard formats for diagnosis by a physician.
The Ultrasound technologist must be ARDMS registered or registry eligible with completion of registry within one year of date of employment.
The Ultrasound technologist is responsible for participation in departmental and hospital programs for Quality Assurance and improvement, identifying opportunities to improve services, making recommendations, and implementing actions as appropriate and consistent with the goals of Nemours.
The Ultrasound Technologist is essential personnel for the hospital; therefore, technologist will make every attempt possible to report for work in the event of inclement weather or for a code delta event requiring extra resources.
Responsible for AIDET interactions and following Nemours Standards of Behavior.
Knowledge of Ultrasound Imaging protocols and provides accurate preparation instructions to patient/family with the ability to answer pertinent procedural questions.
Will perform portable ultrasound exams by traveling to inpatient units, outpatient clinics, the emergency department and the operating room on an as-needed basis.
Responsible for patient identification, proper identification of all images, PACS interaction and documentation.
Operates hospital computer system for patient data entry and retrieval.
Responsible for the preparation, administration, and documentation of contrast media per departmental protocols under the direct supervision of a radiologist/physician.
Observes patient for allergic reaction after administration of contrast.
Responsible for screening of patients to be imaged for contraindications that may be hazardous to their health or to the safety of others.
Ensures proper function of equipment by proper usage and maintenance.
Reports unsafe conditions and incidents.
Must have the ability to work well with others, acts as a team member.
Ability to work independently and engage in critical thinking to improve the quality of care.
Good communication skills are required.
In addition to accepting and receiving feedback, asking questions and active communication with counterparts and all departments.
Aids in the training of new personnel, students, and physicians.
Regular attendance is required, and this position is considered essential for purposes of staffing during severe weather emergencies and other natural disasters.
Must be able to work a flexible schedule, must have reliable transportation and must be able to work on an on-call basis.
ARDMS registration or ARDMS eligibility required but ARDMS to be completed within one year of employment.
CPR/BLS required within 90 days of start date
Type: Permanent Location: Wilmington, US-DE
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:04
*EEG Experience Required
Nemours is seeking an EEG Technician.
Position Requirements
* Specialized Training one year beyond High School required, graduate from END school preferred; (Minimum 5 years experience required if not an END graduate)
* Minimum of 1 year experience required in routine EEGs, Ambulatory VEEGs, and Long Term Monitoring.
* Certification from ABRET required within 18 months of hire (R.EEG.T)
* American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) required
* 7am - 7 pm.
Days vary from Wednesday through Sunday
This position is for a Neurotechnologist.
The primary role of the Neurotechnologist is to perform EEGs, Ambulatory VEEGs, Long Term VEEG monitoring studies, nerve conductions, evoked potentials (VEP, BAEP, SSEP) to help in the diagnosis of neurological disorders and diseases.
The Neurotechnologists record electrical activity arising from the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves using a variety of techniques and instruments.
This involves preparing patients for procedures, obtaining medical histories, recording electrical potentials, calculating results, and maintaining equipment.
Technologists are trained to understand neurophysiology and recognize normal and abnormal electrical activity.
They assist neurologists who later review and interpret the data.
Showing consideration, initiative, reasoning skill, and sound judgment, are all expected of the EEG technologist.
The EEG Technologist will be responsible for performing Inpatient EEGs, Ambulatory EEGs and Long Term Video EEGs.
Age appropriate care is to be utilized.
The EEG Technologist will perform Portable Bedside EEGs on all inpatients.
The EEG Technologist will be responsible for entering the correct information into the Natus Database.
The EEG technologist is responsible for reviewing, and clipping of Long Term Video EEG and Ambulatory VEEG studies, documenting appropriately in the recording and in EPIC.
As part of performance improvement the EEG Technologist will educate medical staff on basic functions of EEG equipment and any new changes.
The EEG Technologist will be able to upload studies to CD/DVD or thumb drive and follow HIM policy to release these studies.
The EEG Technologist will be responsible for entering charges, entering visit notes, generating reports for procedure performed and assigning the study to the appropriate physician to read on the EEG server.
Position Responsibilities
* Ability to perform EEGs in Ambulatory and Inpatient setting.
* Determines and accommodates patient's age based care needs and provides appropriate age based patient/family education related to procedure.
* Knows reasons for and contraindications to activation procedures (sleep, HV, photic, etc.)
* Provides patient safety and is able to follow protocol during a seizure and responds appropriately to maintain patient safety.
* Enters orders and notes when needed.
* Reports critical test results to interpreting p...
Type: Permanent Location: Port Saint Lucie, US-FL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:03
*EEG Experience Required
EEG Tech needed for weekday nights
Position Requirements
* Specialized Training one year beyond High School required, graduate from END school preferred; (Minimum 5 years experience required if not an END graduate)
* Minimum of 1 year experience required in routine EEGs, Ambulatory VEEGs, and Long Term Monitoring.
* Certification from ABRET required within 18 months of hire (R.EEG.T)
* American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) required
The EEG Technologist will be responsible for performing Inpatient EEGs, Ambulatory EEGs and Long Term Video EEGs.
Age appropriate care is to be utilized.
The EEG Technologist will perform Portable Bedside EEGs on all inpatients.
The EEG Technologist will be responsible for entering the correct information into the Natus Database.
The EEG technologist is responsible for reviewing, and clipping of Long Term Video EEG and Ambulatory VEEG studies, documenting appropriately in the recording and in EPIC.
As part of performance improvement the EEG Technologist will educate medical staff on basic functions of EEG equipment and any new changes.
The EEG Technologist will be able to upload studies to CD/DVD or thumb drive and follow HIM policy to release these studies.
The EEG Technologist will be responsible for entering charges, entering visit notes, generating reports for procedure performed and assigning the study to the appropriate physician to read on the EEG server.
Position Responsibilities
* Ability to perform EEGs in Ambulatory and Inpatient setting.
* Determines and accommodates patient's age based care needs and provides appropriate age based patient/family education related to procedure.
* Knows reasons for and contraindications to activation procedures (sleep, HV, photic, etc.)
* Provides patient safety and is able to follow protocol during a seizure and responds appropriately to maintain patient safety.
* Enters orders and notes when needed.
* Reports critical test results to interpreting physician and documents this communication according to policy and procedures.
* Demonstrates knowledge of EEG patterns associated with different disease processes and medical conditions.
* Documents normal and abnormal variants on EEG.
* Utilize the HIPPA guidelines as it relates to PHI
* Completes the transferring and charging of the EEG Patients.
* Generates report template for reading physicians and enters all necessary information.
* Accepts instruction from immediate supervisor.
Nemours Children's Health offers a comprehensive and competitive benefit package which includes:
* Medical/Dental/Vision Insurance
* Tuition Reimbursement/Continuing Education Support
* 403(b) Retirement Plan
* Paid Time Off (PTO), VTO (Volunteer Time Off) and 6 paid holidays
* Professional/Clinical growth opportunities
* Work Life Benefits
Type: Permanent Location: Orlando, US-FL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:03
*EEG Experience Required
EEG Tech needed for weekend nights
Position Requirements
* Specialized Training one year beyond High School required, graduate from END school preferred; (Minimum 5 years experience required if not an END graduate)
* Minimum of 1 year experience required in routine EEGs, Ambulatory VEEGs, and Long Term Monitoring.
* Certification from ABRET required within 18 months of hire (R.EEG.T)
* American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) required
The EEG Technologist will be responsible for performing Inpatient EEGs, Ambulatory EEGs and Long Term Video EEGs.
Age appropriate care is to be utilized.
The EEG Technologist will perform Portable Bedside EEGs on all inpatients.
The EEG Technologist will be responsible for entering the correct information into the Natus Database.
The EEG technologist is responsible for reviewing, and clipping of Long Term Video EEG and Ambulatory VEEG studies, documenting appropriately in the recording and in EPIC.
As part of performance improvement the EEG Technologist will educate medical staff on basic functions of EEG equipment and any new changes.
The EEG Technologist will be able to upload studies to CD/DVD or thumb drive and follow HIM policy to release these studies.
The EEG Technologist will be responsible for entering charges, entering visit notes, generating reports for procedure performed and assigning the study to the appropriate physician to read on the EEG server.
Position Responsibilities
* Ability to perform EEGs in Ambulatory and Inpatient setting.
* Determines and accommodates patient's age based care needs and provides appropriate age based patient/family education related to procedure.
* Knows reasons for and contraindications to activation procedures (sleep, HV, photic, etc.)
* Provides patient safety and is able to follow protocol during a seizure and responds appropriately to maintain patient safety.
* Enters orders and notes when needed.
* Reports critical test results to interpreting physician and documents this communication according to policy and procedures.
* Demonstrates knowledge of EEG patterns associated with different disease processes and medical conditions.
* Documents normal and abnormal variants on EEG.
* Utilize the HIPPA guidelines as it relates to PHI
* Completes the transferring and charging of the EEG Patients.
* Generates report template for reading physicians and enters all necessary information.
* Accepts instruction from immediate supervisor.
Nemours Children's Health offers a comprehensive and competitive benefit package which includes:
* Medical/Dental/Vision Insurance
* Tuition Reimbursement/Continuing Education Support
* 403(b) Retirement Plan
* Paid Time Off (PTO), VTO (Volunteer Time Off) and 6 paid holidays
* Professional/Clinical growth opportunities
* Work Life Benefits
Type: Permanent Location: Orlando, US-FL
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:02
Nemours is seeking a Community Health Worker.
This Position is part of the CHW Asthma Initiative.
The Community Health Worker (CHW) is a grant funded 3 year position.
They will promote the health and well-being of patients and families by providing the re-education of and coaching to families on disease/health management with a focus on asthma and asthma management.
The CHW will conduct home visits and healthy home assessments while working with families to promote health and asthma trigger-free households.
The CHW will provide case management of non-medical needs to a caseload of high-needs families through regular and ongoing communication ensuring engagement of and a collaborative approach to working with them through an integrated approach to care management and community outreach.
As a priority, CHW activity acts to promote, maintain, and improve the health of patients and their families, provide social support and informal counseling and advocate for individuals and community health needs.
The CHW is responsible for: advocating, facilitating, and organizing access to health and social services with/for an identified community to improve the health and well-being of community members.
Community outreach, such as calls to the home, home visits and health screenings will be required.
The CHW works in the community as well as visiting families in their homes, through virtual visits or in provider offices.
Essential Functions-
Establish trusting relationships with patients and their families while providing general support, encouragement and promoting general health and well-being.
Advocating, facilitating, and organizing access to health and social services with/for families to improve health and well-being of the community at large, particularly those families who have children diagnosed with asthma.
Provide case management of non-medical needs to a caseload of high-needs families through regular and ongoing communication ensuring engagement of and a collaborative approach to working with them through an integrated approach to care management and community outreach.
Utilizing EMR to document patient care and communicate with primary care team as well collect data at set intervals though assessment tools collaborating with the leadership to reflect issues that affect health and gauge patient progress.
Conduct intake interviews with patients/families, including enrolling and/or referring patients into appropriate community programs.
Provide referrals for services to community agencies as appropriate.
Identify, create, and nurture relationships with local agencies, schools, churches and other programs that can provide services to children and their families.
Provide health re-education on topics related to medications, therapies, health promotion, and informal counseling.
Accomplished through partnership with patients' medical team, social work, and care coordinators for follow up with patients/parents via phone calls, hom...
Type: Permanent Location: Wilmington, US-DE
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:11:00
Nemours Estate shares a campus and a history with the Nemours Children's Hospital, Delaware.
We work with patients, patient families, hospital staff, and with the public.
Wellbeing programs offer experiences with nature, the arts, mindfulness practices, and more.
The Wellbeing Programs Intern will work on-site at Nemours Estate to assist with wellbeing programming and two wellbeing research projects.
This position is well-suited for those interested in community health, social science research, and public programming.
It is ideal for a student who is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree.
Under the direction of the Learning & Wellbeing Programs Supervisor, the intern will participate in a variety of outdoor programming projects at the 220-acre historic Nemours Estate.
The intern should have a valid driver's license and be comfortable operating a golf cart.
Tasks include but are not limited to: helping to facilitate wellbeing programming once a week, helping to gather data for two research studies, and assisting with other tasks as needed.
Data collection methods will vary and include a hospital-based research project as well as an international longitudinal study.
The Wellbeing Programs internship is well-suited for individuals who wish to gain valuable experience with data collection.
It is also ideal for those who enjoy engaging with the public, both for research and programming purposes.
Ideal candidates will have some experience in data collection or management.
Spanish language skills are a plus.
* This position is for the summer of 2025.
* Must be available during Wednesdays from 9 AM to 3 PM.
Additional hours are flexible with a maximum of 12 hours per week.
* Must be able to work in an outdoor environment in seasonal weather conditions
* Must have a valid driver's license and be comfortable operating a golf cart
Internship Learning Objectives:
Complete the Responsible Conduct of Research course series to learn or refresh best practices in collaborative research, conflict of interest, data management, results sharing, and more.
Learn or strengthen skills in data collection methodologies of surveys and focus groups.
Increase collaboration with Estate Rx and Heritage & Wellbeing research team.
Increase skills in public communication and community feedback through programming.
Assist with data collection for two research studies, both focused on the intersections of health and arts/culture/nature.
Assist with the delivery of wellbeing programs in a variety of indoor and outdoor settings.
Assist with programmatic setup, organization, monitoring supply inventory, cleanup, and material storage.
Responsible for maintaining essential health and safety standards in all programs, as required by Nemours Children's Health.
Serve visitors from diverse populations with developmentally meaningful programming in a courteous and professional manner.
Strong ability to work independen...
Type: Permanent Location: Wilmington, US-DE
Salary / Rate: Not Specified
Posted: 2025-02-25 07:10:59